I'm writing a blog post I'm gonna start a commie blog I'm starting with the idea I did an OK job at formulating here: >>>/@koumeposter/897764816160518150 It's a threat thread*
It's also a threat to the boushies really I guess, but not like, you know An expressed threat The idea is a threat to the boushies That's the point
try to focus on what the key points are you want to connect when you're trying to word it to other people you may want to stream-of-consciousness write for yourself and then pick out the details later
Hm I guess I'm trying to detail a strategy A method of achieving communism, without a need for a violent uprising. In fact the method I'm triyng to get at is at its core about chipping away at the use of violence.
But the thing is I'll have to flesh out a lot of other things in the process to explain why it's the correct approach.
Oh I guess I can just rant at a text document, yeah I'll give that a shot for now
it's hard to pack boundless abstract concepts into a packaged, deliverable structure if something is crucial to expand upon in order to convey a concept, i suggest making a separate blogpost to expand that concept and its significance, and then hotlink to it from the prime blogpost you're working on
i suggest keeping it under 500 words, but with commie you might have a different level of engagement and could do a thousand i dont see the point though life's simpler when you use about 350 words. making things too long makes it look sloppier, like you dunno how to segment it out right. a feature article could be a few thousand words no problem though, like a splash page for a themed blog
Simplicity is the enemy of communism, and the friend of the fash I can't be simplistic or take shortcuts Achieving and understanding communism both require a relentless attack on every single mental shortcut we take when discussing politics Conversely, fascism only requires that these shortcuts are taken Because fascism is just a stage of capitalism, and capitalism itself is built on and maintains these shortcuts We say right wing economics are "freedom", but have you ever sat down and thought about what that actually MEANS? >>241145 I don't think I can be simplistic, you're misunderstanding me
nigga i dont care about shortcuts i'm talking about the interplay of information and how to organize writing in your mind writing is hard
i don't see how taking more time to parse the details is simplistic but you dont have to go with my advice it was just my experience in writing do what works for you
I think maybe I'm not understanding what you mean I took simplistic to mean I should... hm I guess, write in an approachable, easy to understand manner. Use words most people are familiar with.
>>241147 i mean that you stay about on the same scope of detail as you traverse a concept in a blogpost, and do nesting to expand complexity where needed, like when you might need to click to a different article on wiki
i say it because i know how easy it is to start writing something and then think "oh i'd better introduce the significance of this point along with all its tangents" and get way off point some things are gonna have to be left unexplained within the article internally, and just allow the readers to expand on it if they wish, or to move on without it or maybe they already know it so it's coherent
you were saying it's hard to word stuff, so i was trying to help you put together concrete bullet points if possible
>>241167 I know right Also if we include the pixelated blur more of that guy's skin (as a percentage) is covered than a lot of stuff that gets posted on here, blue's just complaining because its a man
managed to get my heart meds and got enough for three months
feel kinda guilty to be able to use my network like this while so many other people don't have access to the medication though haha i guess we do what we gotta do
Goddammit The new guy joining our D&D group apparently got a ton of (bad) advice from the least experienced player in our group And now I have to talk him out of making a really shitty character
Oh it feels good to be a naughty boy gm and pick out which magic items you want for your character
http://www.sixthtone.com/news/1000683/anhui-author-detained-for-1995-quadruple-murder >An award-winning Chinese writer has been detained on the suspicion that he murdered four people almost 22 years ago, Sixth Tone’s sister publication The Paper reported Tuesday. >The suspect, 53-year-old Liu Yongbiao, was apprehended at his home in Nanling County in eastern China’s Anhui province on Friday. According to police, he confessed to the crime, saying: “I’ve been waiting for you here all this time.”
I find it annoying that d3 has a "wizard" character but only one item type and it is 2nd lowest tier hat/helmet, that looks like a wizard hat moar wizard/witch hats pls
>>241243 frustrating the emailing is quite a bit of anxiety and i dont like it askin me questions about all kinds of stuff and i have to explain that i don't even have a rig for doing data training because it's a hefty investment then the design documents and mockups i'd have to prepare are like weeks of full-time work probably months and that's not time i can afford to invest while living paycheck to paycheck cause i gotta work for my dollars to eat
like i think they're expecting me to have a whole github repository of stuff that they can look through RIGHT NOW and it's like, if i had that all primed and ready to go i wouldn't be workin transcription for 15-20 bucks an hour now would i i don't know how to actually communicate with purpose in a professional environment it's so roundabout
we got a yorkiepoo puppy he's cute >>241252 this is pretty good
>>241255 I'm happying that you like it. It seems like something that is pretty obscure so it's hard to tell how people will react to it.
>>241254 The emailing is something that you kind of get used to after awhile. I don't know a lot about presenting like business propositions though. I think what you have is a good idea though!
>>241258 nah i love music like that i also really like the kind of japanese music that gets sampled there like the early 90's japanese funk and stuff
>>241258 now, if someone said "Hey, we'll offer you something like a salary if you can put it together and sell it to us" (as in sell the pitch, not the product) then i'd be motivated to spend 100 hours putting together a design document and UX mockups and stuff ive been emailing clients for years and it's easy to do emails but not when there's this much apprehension on the table and it's like i can't sleep at night i just worry about what email i'm gonna get in the morning i'm not built for that i like immediacy
>>241260 I wake up in the middle of the night worried about stuff sometimes. You get used to it! It's important to define times as you times and other times as work times.
>>241263 that's pretty hard with a home office though especially with this shitty internet what else do i have to do
I guess it may be hard with such crappy inteernet. You need better internet!
my mothboard is crapping out too the USB ports keep failing to recognize devices and then the whole thing crashes about half my work day today was the keyboard failing to be recognized and i have to fidget with it for 15 minutes to get it to restart oh well the work day's over for now what's good
i think i wanna give up and just work alone but i'm not sure if i can secure funding on my own i made a booboo and mentioned i'm a little lacking in the functionality department because i have no health insurance to get my meds it would have been a lot better just to say i was feeling hesitation and that's why i never went investor scouting on my own but the truth is i didn't have any meds and i wasn't gonna go out there all catatonic and nervous and try to inspire people to invest in me
>>241270 getting sucked into a bad thing is bad too i wanna be optimistic and think about what'll happen if it turns out great and i'm a major part of a sprouting new company but if it fails and i sacrifice like everything in the meantime
if i'm gonna work without pay on trying to find an investor i think it's good to do on my own and i can't really broach that subject right off the bat that's too hasty, you know ehh i'm weary though i dont wanna continue this stuff right now
that legal company was janky as fuck too i am wary of new opportunities i should probably have more confidence in my own
Well my advice is just that when you feel afraid, try to think rationally about why you are afraid so that you know if it's good fear or if it's irrational fear. Irrational fear needs to be ignored.
do irrational numbers need to be ignored too maybe irrational fears are just factors too complex for the current substrate worrying about who you marry used to be an irrational fear because as long as you married someone who was able to provide then you could live for a while
>>241271 i'm listening to it and it's pretty awesome actually lake spirit is really cool i like whatever this flute is
>>241359 Nah, she was just in the waiting room. I think I stared a little bit though.
>>241360 I'm sure they're trying but they're weak.
Why is it super gross that someone is a certain way when it seems for all intents and purposes they seem to be a pretty normal person in the important facets of social interaction.
>>241357 It's okay. I gotta spend like 19 days collecting Druid Stone fragments as part of Aurora.
>>241362 Looking at what other people are wearing and criticizing it is one of the basic tenants of female existence. It was really bad, it was one of those really high detail drawings of wolves. It was a black t-shirt too and you need to be careful about wearing too much black especially during summer.
i see people wearing those howling wolf moon t shirts a lot and i even saw someone that had a tattoo of a wolf on a rock howling at a moon it made me giggle internally
Howling Moon is a classic
A tattoo like that feels kind of gemeric to me. I wouldn't think anything of it besides of how uninspired it was.
>>241388 yeah just because you think wolves look cool doesn't mean you wanna be a wolf They might just be like old fashioned scene or emo or something too
Gonna check this out on monday http://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/18817
>>241402 Possibly, the model was created back when pluto was still considered to be a planet. Apparently there are model asteroids at various buildings there and model comets (to scale) as far away as the South Pole
Also in the area It's only nine feet tall so it should be shorter than the rooster.
oh god panic attack fuck fuck i ahhhhh im gonna go kill my selves FUCK my selves i mean im not gonna kill myselves i'm just typing to take away the brain things dont even worry about bud
>>241423 soontm >>241422 no one, I just had the chance to be completely 100% alone (plus cats) for the first time in years so I took advantage of it by not socialising at all outside of work and the grocery store it was really relaxing
Fish hasn't been going to sleep until very late recently so /// and she can't adjust her sleep schedule as easily as I can, so we're staying up later and slowly fixing her sleep schedule to match mine better so we can sleep together normally. I'm busy working on stuff too.
I usually say goodnight and then I stay up a while longer in bed with Fish and we just chat until one of us (usually me) falls asleep. But I'm on /moe/ because I'm working and I have my computer in front of me so I might as well post intermittently. >>241474 I've heard all about it! >>241475 I don't think she needs help or anything. She can do it on her own. But if we keep up with this, I have to lie in bed and wait for her to wake up in the mornings.
>>241483 I can adjust my sleep schedule easily. I can reset it pretty much any time I need to. I've been sleeping well lately.
I don't want to say right now because I might get bored with it and throw it away and it'll be awkward if that happens after I talked about it. I might talk about it in a few days.
Falling asleep has pretty much always been a matter of "if" for me, not when. As long as I'm sleepy I can sleep when or wherever. I guess that means I could just eschew sleeping until I'm tired enough for it, but I've heard keeping a consistent pattern is good for mental health, so I try to keep a pattern. It's really, really, really hard to though. Some nights my brain just feels like it's racing a mile a minute and some mornings my body just has no memory of me insisting that I need to wake up on time the night before. I don't know how people sleep properly.
>>241497 I probably will. If you're this curious, maybe you'll remember about it and you'll bug me for information in a few days, too. I doubt you're interested enough to remember it though!
I'm very interested now but how interested I am now doesn't have a relationship on if I will remember. It is the middle of the week so a ton of information will enter and leave my brain in the past no in the next two days It will probably be washed away in the tides.
iunno I think I just got up too fast and started moving too fast I completely blacked out though 2 seconds, and I thought I'd been on the floor for 10 minutes, didn't remember how I got there Memory kinda came back, but at the time I had no idea
>>241616 New rule: if you own property, and are convicted of any crime against a member of the working class, your property is collectivized It's not the state's, it's not yours It's everyone's
>>241623 Because Canberra is a planned city there isn't really one big ghetto area. Instead there are lots of shitty public housing villages dotted around the city where all the people too fucked up on drugs to hold down a decent job go to get a free house from the government. I live in one of them now.
Oh you're renting public housing //
>>241625 Well my friend is. I don't actually qualify I just moved into his spare room
Is it close to uni at least?
Yeah. And work. No more 40 minute daily commute.
And because my car is probably going to get stolen soon, soon I won't have to drive anywhere at all.
>>241680 You shouldn't. If you've got a bad headache, your work is going to suffer and from what you've told me, that's worse than not getting anything done I think realizing that and making the choice that's best for your health and your work was a very responsible decision so don't feel too guilty! just feel better
I've finally gotten to a point in how broke I am that I really really need to find a job soon.
>>241684 I am happy I have good aidoru friend. I think I am just feeling frustrated and stressed.
I keep finding jobs to apply for and then not applying becajse I get too nervous.
>>241703 sorry for not knowing the entire list of degrees available at yale
>>241707 Nuclear engineering degree programs aren't very common, they usually require a nuclear reactor on campus or connections with a relatively close institution with one or more reactors.
lol a professor just sent an email to all the students in my program that if we're depressed her door is open like i can just go to a professor and vent
>>241752 when they list all that experience they want, they generally don't want that experience or rather it's not important many times they'd rather have a blank slate they can train the way they want without old learning interfering they say they want that much experience because it weeds out a lot of applicants and selects in specific types of people
it's perfectly acceptable to go and apply for them they want you to say "I'm lacking in experience but I'm a quick learner and excited to learn as much as I can" that gets employers good generally especially for entry level jobs that request 2-4 years of experience if they ask for five years of experience for an entry level job, you probably have to good /// have a good chance with that because people with 5 years of experience in a skilled trade aren't generally willing to take some random entry level position
Hey blue, thanks for posting that link, I think I might apply there for their illinois office
>>241747 If having a device to type on and occasionally stream music or videos on fills a niche that your current whatever you have doesn't already fill, it does the job for cheap.
trouble on the front page
>>241751 Yeah but the cloud gpu no need for a 2.5k gpu rig
>>241795 Having everything jam-packed in there though, is a really triumphant feeling at the end. There's a certain satisfaction to seeing you've hit the maximum cap for .esp files and going "well I guess I can finally play seriously now".
It's okya. Someone will report the threads and we'll get them. I check pages back anyway, so the reports don't mean much to me but I bet Samurai and my assistant do look at them. Make sure to report any posts actually within threads very thoroughly though, as I may miss those.
>>241867 I guess it's not a high standard if you're only asking for a little bit of energy. But I feel like you wouldn't be satisfied with a little bit of energy. I think you need a lot of energy to be satisfied!
the fuckin usage options that launch up with first bootup on windows 10 lol holy shit like 12 pages of asking you about various usage data collections and they try to make it sound like theyre doin it to help you out fuck
>>241892 I am helping my boyfriend work on a project. What is up?
>>241894 Emailing people for a uni project What sort of project are you working on with your bf?
>>241895 I am not supposed to say. Sorry. what is your project?
>>241899 How suspenseful. It's pretty simple. We just have to write a 2000 word report on the differences between managing business in Indonesia, the U.S and New Zealand. But it's a group project which means we get to split it between 3 people. So it shouldn't take long
>>241902 Damn I would never have guessed that you made it too hard didn't even give a hint are they good rice and beans?
>>241897 i was thinking about what it would be like if we set one camera up to record the eclipse along its total eclipse path, both on the start and end destinations of its total eclipse travel and used the parallax to make it 3d by having the two eyes recording fro 2000 miles apart it'd have to be perfectly clear without clouds at both points and the same sky view without obstructions
>>241901 That sounds like something that would be way above our level
>>241903 we only had a limited range of countries to choose from. The U.S is easy because we're fairly close culturally, and Indonesia gives a lot to talk about since it's very different to New Zealand. Do you like living where you are?
>>241907 def >>241908 Do you just randomly decide what to eat every night? I always plan my dinners in advance.
time to test ssd reboot time brb
>>241906 I like living here a lot. Do you like living where you live?
>>241911 yeah it's pretty nice. There'sa good mix between city and country life here. People are nice and friendly nad it's very stable. The only bad thing is that video games are super expensive here and there's no places to buy gunpla like in Australia But that's a pretty minor first world problem
I like being close to the ocean. There are a lot of marine animals here too. Florida has the most diverse estuary in the United States. My boyfriend also lives here.
>>241913 https://www.jbhifi.co.nz/gaming/ fairly expensive. It's usually at least $90 for a new release. It doesn't help that our dollars value is basically worthless
Living near the ocean is nice. I've lived either on islands or coasts my life, so I can't imagine not being within half an hour of the ocean The ocean has a very good smell Do you ever go fishing? I don't really know much about marine life
i could salvage it but it was a display model when i bought it so the admin settings were so fucked up the USB ports are all failing and i almost couldnt complete my work a few times last week so i went and bought a big booty laptop with a big booty pricetag but i can't seem to get it to recognize my HDDs hmmmmm
>>241915 I want to visit New Zealand and see the ocean there.
I love fishing! I do not go fishing very often but I like it very much. Do you fish?
>>241923 What a coincidence, I wanna visit Kirara I think if you want to see ocean stuff, the South Island is probably your best bet. That's where all the cool nature stuff like mountains is. You should also visit the great barrier reef in Australia while it's still there
I've gone fishing a few times before. We went out on a big boat into the ocean. I can't remember what I caught, but it was edible. My brother managed to catch an octopus, but we had to throw it back. I wonder if we could have made calamari. It was at a palce called Days Bay. Really nice holiday spot in summer.
Do you go fishing at like a board walk or on a boat?
i think this laptop will be healthier for me anyway i was killing my back i bought this neet laptop stand that i can use as a standing desk or fold the legs down and lay it on the bed and prop myself up the stand weighs like 3 pounds total i bet i could even use it in the bathtub
>>241925 I am not very interested in mountains unless they are underwater.
Why did you have to throw the octopus back?
I like to fish on a boat.
>>241927 What about lakes and stuff? Do you like them? They're like minioceans I don't know why we had to throw the octopus back. Maybe it was endangered or something. I really like the feeling of being on a boat. It's very releaxing being rocked on the oceans waves. This might sound weird, but when you go to bed after a day on a boat, do you feel like the bed is rocking? I find it quite comfy.
hdd up and runnin boom baby i wish i had gotten a whole raid setup for these drives but someone at microcenter said i can't idk wtf not but i just said okay and just got the individual external encasing thing
got my immmmaaages what the fuck you gonna do just try and stop me now oh yeah it's gonna be slow as fuck because sata to usb3 lol
>>241934 I think fish that can swim upstream are interesting you gotta be pretty strong to do that I wonder what happens if a fresh water river fish gets swept out into the ocean
>>241967 let's just say all of moe went to that music fest and shared a room and we all woke up tilde wants breakfast tea you want your coffee like you want your women (stronger than u) (filled with almond milk) i want coffee and tea mixed together et cetera >>241973 that's a stop there's WORK to be done
>>241970 Me neither. I haven't had coffee in like a year or something.
I drink tea daily though.
>>241971 if we aren't going to a local cafe then i'm taking an uber there myself if i'm on a trip to a music festival, i'm going to live like a tourist
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>241971 if we woke up, why are we drinking coffee or tea when we should be overthrowing the government
>>241972 I have like 3 cups of tea a day It's stopping me from sleeping, I'm a teaholic
>>241979 I've never had any stuff like that. By the time I was old enough to really be in the position to have fancy coffee, I had already realized that Rika and caffeine was a bad mix.
>>241995 This was when I worked at the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
>>241999 They wouldn't let me drink on the fucking raffle ticket hotline how did you pull that off What if you got too drunk and you started saying things like "yeah whatever you fucking wanker"
>>242001 So you could sneak in whatever you wanted?
>>242002 Yeah it might help you get into the right state of mind
>>242000 For the midnight shifts, I was literally the only person in the entire building from midnight until 8am.
I used to also sneak some rum in during some day shifts in thermos I pretended was milk and I'd make gunfires in the break room.
I've never been drunk enough to talk like that. I had an extremely high alcohol tolerance. I used to drink like 1.5 liters over the course of two hours on my binge nights. I always binged with vodka, though. Rum was for everything else.
>>242000 it's pretty helpful when you're talkin to people who are probably drunk to begin with
>>242001 binging vodka is fuckin gross dude i dont know how i can do 101 proof bourbon but i can't do vodka except for long island iced teas or maybe to splash in juice
>>242001 Did you ever say anthing like that by accident or something? I don't think I could binge vodka. I can drink one shot and that's it for me. Never had rum
>>242011 I guess. People could die if I fucked up or didn't do a good job. But most people just needed to vent about how miserable their lives are and weren't in danger of suicide. I brought alcohol to work because I had an alcohol problem. Well, have, I guess. If I didn't have any during an 8 hour shift, I'd get distracted thinking about how much I needed a drink.
>>242009 i wish i could take my meds i'd rather do that than drink you and your dang health insurange you dont have it too bad
>>242014 i hope you can get meds again when you see your doc in september
>>242016 the fuckin overseeing group she works at are garbage they've got half a star on google reviews but she's a great doctor she's just old and cant do her own practice anymore they got pissed when they saw i hadn't seen her in over a year and they're like "WHO IS YOUR INSURANCE PROVIDER?! WE MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO--" "I pay out of pocket, no insurance" "oh okay we'll fit you in right away"
>>242013 What was the least worst pettiest problem you heard? Which guy made you think "wow he has the shittiest life" Sorry if you don't like these questions but it's a really interesting job
>>242018 this annoying slut used to call and cry about how much she /// how miserable she was why? because her daughter that she lives with doesn't post pics of her daughter /// of her on facebook
there was a dude that went from independently wealthy to homeless he was really religious and a genuinely good guy he was walking from florida to another state i think it was like montana, so he could see his son who lived with his ex-wife all he wanted was to see him and to get him a birthday present
>>242032 that job is what taught me how people really live their lives
>>242035 you'd still think it was a fuckin 50s PSA otherwise
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>242036 everyone has a nuclear family and is always smiling and happy honey i got partner! where are the kids? let's take them to disneyworld i sure hope those crazy russians don't blow us up though!
>>242035 Were there rules telling you to sugarcoat things? Or were there some people where you had to say "look this is basically your fault here's how you might be able to fix it"
>>242037 honey where are the kids let's take them to disneyland and sacrifice them to the cult of the lighthouse so the organ gods will bless us with many new organs to harvest this spring break in tijuana
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
oh rika, your wife's kai2 is in the arcade game now, rejoice
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>242041 my job was to provide active listening, not give advice i wasn't allowed to give advice
if i worked there as i am now, i would have given advice when people really needed it though and helped people figure out why shit was bad when they were talking about doing unhealthy things and shit like that, we were supposed to provide validation yeah i understand why you'd feel that way it's totally reasonable anyone would
fuck that i probably hurt so many people doing that
Cheetos Sweetos
>>242044 >provide validation LIke I get that the sort of person who calls a suicide hotline probably needs a bit of validation and the first priority should be their immediate safety, but that just leads into a loop where they keep repeating poor behaviour.
>>242046 well we did safety planning for them suicidal people got risk assessment and safety planning generally but when people vented it was all about validation
>>242048 what was the confidentiality policy like? If someone said that they had drug issues, would that sort of thing get reported for technically breaking the law?
Could someone be detained for their own safety in the safety planning?
this is a GAMING laptop too it's got like eleven megagigs of hertz GPU driver softwares
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>242049 the only time any information they provided me was shared was if they were a danger to themselves or others and i had to contact the police
cortana is being a cunt to me
>>242051 oh yeah I remember that one time you told me the story of that one drug dealer who told you he was gonna kill someone Great times
>>242052 I can't wait until Ai assistances start back talking
i could fuckin make it happen if only i had money i dont even need the data these assholes have i can do it myself
>>242054 How much money do you need brah Kickstarter it and call it a tsundere assistant
>>242055 probably about two and a half years of living expenses and 22 grand in equipment so like 35-40 thousand?
i see you you are my rolling star
and now a message from my nephew or maybe he doesn't want to be annoying and press all my buttons this time wow
>>>/watch?v=OnqZVcGHFaU i know i only post like eight songs but that's because they're really good so im gonna do it again
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>242053 nah that dude wanted to kill the drug dealer and then himself
>>242056 yeah you could kickstart that ezpz >>242060 Oh yeah that was it I got them mixed up >>242062 >have to lol you already got their money
>>242061 if i have to appease kickstarters with quarterly updates then i'll never get anything done though
>>242059 this is a nice song >>242064 Look I gotta listen to all my music at 30x speed or I just can't get through it all alright? Just be glad I only watch my anime at 2x speed :)
>>242063 wow your what fast ears you have grandma to hear an 11 minute song in under 30 seconds that's like olympic speed hearing
i fuckin love :) i think it's my favorite thing
>>242065 It's such a perfect face :^) :^I :^( :^O Personally I think =) is underrated
>>242066 *=) Fuck doesn't work how am I supposed to meme like this
you should just be getting to the good part of the song about now
My favorite nazi conspiracy theory is that they built flying saucers.
oh i didnt see slits in the front for the guns >>242082 lol they did make VTOLs we have since recreated and improved them but they're just not safe or that useful
>>242082 are the nazis secretly hiding on the moon? >>242083 if only they lasted long enough for VTOLs to be useful we might have seen cool things
>>242086 Nazis should just drop a giant rock on America that'll win the war for sure
>>242084 That's also my favorite nazi conspiracy theory.
there was no conspiring that occured though
>>242084 yeah, there was actually a lot of speculation among strategists at the time that if they had held on another two years that the // germany would have a distinct upper hand >>242090 whoa now we were just talking about flying saucers there were tons of different ones developed around that time but not on the moon most likely trust me i would probably be the one to know
>>242087 You gotta conspire with someone to build a base on the moon. It's not a one person job.
>>242089 >okay lemme just photoshop out the rest of the tower this guy is standing on
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>242091 it's real they were made in 1950s six of them were made and they flew really well but they were basically useless because the controls were designed to be based on leaning and it didn't work so they didn't continue with it
i remember people seeing that shit in metal gear solid snake eater and flipping their shit because it went scifi i had to be like dude they were around decades before this
>>242092 >let's create a plan except have the pilot exposed and give him a rifle
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>242094 well it was just a prototype an actual battle version would be armored and have better controls for moving around
>>242124 It's such a shame that we were looking at stuff like exoskeletons and mecha in the 50s and were like "wow this stuff isn't actually very useful let's go invest in less cool more practical shit"
>>242126 It'd probably be pretty heavy for him to actually lift
>>242132 you don't convert all the oxygen you breathe in so a lot of it is respired you'd notice low oxygen before you actually ran out and carbon dioxide isn't like n2 where it would just absorb in place of the oxygen and send things to your brain stem to make you immediately unconscious you'd just get too agitated to stay in it
>>242141 You're still breathing, it just isn't oxygen and you're super duper concentrating
>>242145 it's still oxygen, it's just low oxygen if 100% oxygen goes in, you're not respiring 0% oxygen and 100% co2 it's like you'd breathe out 65% oxygen then that just slowly drops as you're pumping 100% back in and it runs out and you're at like 50% oxygen and it won't make you focused at all that's slightly lower than ambient atmospheres, but mountain climbers experience worse than that by the time you'd sap your oxygen too low you'd be panicking too much to focus
>>242157 It's a man standing on top of a giant bale of hay in a cart being towed by two cows. It is raining outside and his forehead is currently in contact with an electrical wire strong between poles. He's also barefoot for whatever reason which is probably supposed to make things worse.
The baby has a very intense focus going on. But I guess most babies tend to get extremely focused in on what they're doing.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
look at that baby's face he fuckin knows what he's doin he's done
im mocking windows for this shit they're so obviously trying to compete with google and chrome OS their data usage monitoring is so fuckin intrusive it's obnoxious but for some reason i'm harder on them than google and tbh google is way worse
i don't understand why all of the lamps can kill you
>>242169 oh well there you go I walk past some low hanging electricity lines and I'm always tempted to grab onto one just to see what happens but I don't wanna die.
>>242221 that fuckin reminds me i was makin this fuckin home-made male to male power outlet just because i thought the concept was fuckin hilarious and i mentioned it to someone at the home depot and they were like "you'd be surprised how often people ask for that at christmas time everyone screws up their christmas lights and asks me where the male to male power outlets are because they connected them wrong"
>>242264 Disappointing Rika-sama is a very negative consequence.
with my satellite internet, sometimes i pull up one youtube video and let it load for like six hours and then i look forward to watching it when i get done with work it's only a 10 or 15 minute video but i'll watch it like 10, 12 times that evening because it's the only youtube video i can watch
>>242335 According to the article, she drank until she passed out like that.
i can't click the return button because microsoft edge wants to be borderless and then cover up the bottom channel when you move the cursor down there lol i can't even download chrome on this at the moment god forbid windows 10 include chrome they have firefox prepackaged
>>>/watch?v=IxPbgnO81sQ listening to this on the way to microcenter today (a really long drive) was what gave me the confidence to call up my doctor and schedule an appointment remembering how happy i am medicated i love this video so much too