Thread #242133
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gamers konbini kareshi sakura wars
Yes anime It took three tries for that to get through.
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We only have three shows. And Ika said he may be late. So let's wait a few minutes for him.
A few Ikaminutes huh.
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Ika says 15 minutes.
strange i heard 10 minutes
9 minutes lets go
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okay there's ika Let's do gamers to start okay let's start!
Okey dokes.
he's dying
Are are
>i hope he gets on a helicopter made by capcom wow how sneaky
>Helicopter made by Capcpm This is a level of Japanese reference I don't get.
Demo demo
She was looking REALLY QUALITY there for a moment.
only one w=eto
eto eto sono
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Everything is so twisted around.
pon pon
Is she going to actually date the MC as a sort of revenge on her boyfriend or something.
i really hope they don't drag this until the end of the season
>Some games are a good representation of real life Maybe, but definitely not dating games.
sono sono
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>>242240 This sort of feels like misunderstandings: the show. So you may be out of luck there.
I'm more or less fine with all the misunderstanding gags but I would like the arc they're running on to conclude a bit and get to some of the other characters again.
She really let into that random mook that asked her out. I thought she was supposed to be a kind, generous, model student.
the girls arm twitched a bit
>run away yourself
Wow how pathetic.
what did you expect
>Can't get anything but bad ends >Seems to be earnestly picking the bad choices Y'know, maybe he's just, kind of earnestly stupid.
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well I was thinking "what an idiot" until he said it was his tenth playthrough. Some games do have weird routes like that where you have to pick weird choices to get what you want. FSN is like that.
under night rebirth
He gets along with her so well under the pretext of being GranBlue buddies.
That sort of feels like a boring, easy to attain ending though.
He's got a really good face when he's overly proud of himself.
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Well sometimes being nice to too many characters will put you on the wrong route.
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Wow wash your hands before grabbing at people.
hah dodged that hand
>>242281 That's what I was thinking too. It's really gross to do something like that.
She's got it totally backwards for Tendou and the MC.
It takes so much out of her to write it down.
Date date
we will rock you
Hah hah hah. She's completely fooled by Girlfriend-chan.
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Oh no he's losing it.
i guess everything might get resolved next episode everyone lost it
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That's some gabriel level keikaku he has going on.
All three of them are going crazy.
*they wikk will
Demo demo
demo demo
*they will
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His confession at the end of the day is going to really go off the rails.
>he wants to end our friendship
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>>242308 Well, she was the victim of a soul-shattering rejection at the end of the first episode.
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Wow this is going to be CRAZY
This feels like a repeat of what happened in the first arc. The two of them had a confrontation and everyone was around watching like this. Or was this the moment the first scene in the first episode was calling out?
eto eto
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The scene in the first one was about the gaming club though. I think this is just a repeat.
Yeah. But this is almost a perfect replication. It's gotta be intentional.
>mono instead of desu desu
Oh and these two have had their self-fulfilling prophecies come true as expected.
I guess it's all three of them. This is why overthinking things is dangerous!
tsumari tsumari
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Wow, I hope we don't get a cliffhanger here. we will yeah we will how AWFUL!
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haha WHAT
>surprise happy end
>Tendou Karen and Surprise Happy End
This show manages to be a rollercoaster of tension episode after episode. It's so good.
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That was crazy. I need a short break I'll be right nack.
konbini or sakura next?
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 625x696, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
konbini next! okay lets start
Yup yup
demo demo
I'm gonna have to go back and re-watch bits of that episode. It was really excitin- Oh well okay.
secretly gay
damn it
>September The month in-show has finally passed the month in real time.
he had the hat on top of the goggles i don't agree with that
>Going out with a girl >Still call her by her role in class and not her actual name
is incho skirt longer
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>>242356 Maybe that's his fetish.>>242360 Yeah, it is. She probably doesn't roll her skirt up.
So it's not that her skirt is longer it's that Masshiki's is shorter.>>242361 Maybe.
What good friends.
well he did dream of him
The expressions in this show get kind of dopey at times.
but can it beat tooru's little match girl
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I wonder if these two will hook up before the end of the series.
They're the other main ship of the show, so it would be a pretty huge disappointment to not.>>242384 Oh yeah I was just gonna say it's probably gonna be the climax of the finale.
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I mean will they resolve before the final arc or if they will hook up at the end.
this is the kind of moment where you should ignore your phone
oh no is she dying
Would you consider a school that's thirty-two years old to be an old school, a young school, or a school of no particular age?
i wouldn't call it old
left her all alone in the dark
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>>242390 The young side of middle aged, I think. I would call a school old starting at 50.
He's meddling again.>>242396 Yeah that's more or less how I figure it. Thirty-two's in that weird midzone where old or young doesn't really fit.
what a schemer
Wow who plays recorders in high school.
something about that animation feels strange
death flag
>And I've never seen so many [books] before Have you never been to a library?
that's not a lot of books
is he trying to impresss her with his knowledge of a childrens picture book
>actually i have a sister
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He knows girls love deep stuff.
wow you can't end it like that
shes dying
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>>242416 Gamers got a satisfying ending that we weren't expecting, so this is the price. okay sakura wars>>242431 I was expecting it to be a cliffhanger and to leave off right at the last second. okay let's start!
I wonder what is up with her
What weren't you expecting from the Gamers ending? I wasn't overly surprised by what happened in it.>>242428 Oh I see. The way they were dragging on that last second tick of the clock with each of their perspectives was making me think it might happen too. But then they cut the ED and suddenly time.>>242434 in Konbini Karehsi? It's an anime-original work so who knows what the fuck is going on.
s a k u r a Does anyone knwo wah ts happening with that girl? is she dying>>242428 >>242431 is she dying
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>>242434 I don't think she's dying? I thoguht she was just being kinda stupid and a little emo.
I dont like this opening as much as the first
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I don't think it really suits the seris that well.
I don't mind it. It's easy listening.
Oh no she went all the way to Tokyo to get rejected. I guess that's just what you got to do some times though.
What a cute way of being upset.
Chotto chotto
She totally schemed actor-chan and her father there.
Sandaru is best boy.
Oh that's a really nice mosaic piece.
this is weird
I wonder if this might be her "maybe I can't be an actor but instead be a director" moment.
That was a clever bit of Japanese wordplay.
Mama-san chorus
She's gonna become the director of the new theatre troupe.
What a good otou-san
This series doesn't quite hit the same magnitudes that Shirobako hit, but it still manages a lot of really feel-goody, nice moments.
its not as good but still fun
And still miles ahead of Glasslip.
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thanks for anime!>>242479 It's okay. It's comfy, but dull compared to Shirobako.