>>240127 I am not doing anything. Are you enjoying that article?
>>240130 it's interesting. Except I read half of it last night before falling asleep and now that I've woken up and started reading it again I forgot what was happening in it. It's for my public policy class in school.
20 minutes is enough time to get out of a blast radius unless you're in the center. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if there was incredible traffic so it'll end up being the opposite. A well timed train however would. >Trains running through a blast radius I guess I'll just call my ex on Discord and talk until I die.
>>240149 do you live in an area without a lot of traffic? Oh okay you probably wouldn't have enough time then. Maybe you could run very fast and hope it's just a small nuke.
Though if funland was nuked, I'd oh wait I live next to an army base... but whoäd drop 2 nukes here they'd just nuke the capital and I coudl enjoy the show
>>240157 Yeah if ou lvie in the blast radius you are dead, but outside of that most likely the radiation or the afterffects are what kill you so bracing for the impact is the wise choise.
Well if you have a basement and there's no chance of your house being outside the blast radius, I'd probably get in the basement. Not that basements are smart to get in, really, but if I'm certainly dead above ground I'd rather take my odds with the basement.
If this place was nuked, I'd go to the bomb shelter it is falloutproof and every place has one I wonder where it even is
bang and the life
we're about to get very drunk over here
id go to the fallout shelter keeps me safe from shit video games
I might stand a chance if the nuke's small enough and I can run to the hills. But if it's super big then there'll be nowhere for me to go because I'll be blocked off by the ocean.
>>240162 Does every Finnish place actually have a bomb shelter?
>>240169 That's what everyone else will do and I only have twenty minutes
bang and the life
>>240161 you wouldn't be offended if you had big bobbers
>>240158 wow rude thanks >>240161 The question was whether or not it would cause discomfort to make heart hands and put them against your boob to the point where the boob (or at least that part of the breast) is shaped like a heart. There's this heartboob thing that I've been seeing on twitter and kirara thinks it looks uncomfortable and I just didn't see how that would hurt. It's not like you're trying to leave a whole imprint
bang and the life
>>240162 i'm drinking polish vodka that i bought INSTEAD OF FINNISH VODKA FOR THE SAME PRICE HAHAHAHAH
>>240168 your loss >>240165 every housing complex has to maintain one shelter well atleast used to I am not 100% sure about modern buildings but there is a shelter somewhere in this building, while not bomb proof, it is fallout proof
>>240165 yeah but im sure most of those "everyone else" eople would have a successful commute out of the radius
>>240176 Wow, look at this pretentious loser, who only takes his walls with all natural ingredients. Some of us don't have the budget to afford thoes kinds of luxuries!
>>240167 I mean, pressing your hand against your boob a little won't hurt but if you put pressure on it of course it will hurt. Isn't that like common sense?
You can't call it common sense when you don't have the boobs to attempt the science. Sure I can ASSUME that breasts may or may not feel discomfort. But what would I know about holding breasts
bang and the life
does he not?
of course i should have known concert pianists always sit sideways with the big opening of the piano facing the audience so that the sound travels towards the audience it was right there all along
i feel like older women should just get massectomies so they dont have to deal with the hassle of their (now pointless) breasts
pls reply
>>240187 I dunno I feel like that's just missing part of you then Like they've been with you thick and thin you can't just abandon them
>>240189 well you wouldnt be ablr to know for sure until after you get them removed so you might as well go ahead and chop them off now and if you end up missing them just put them back on
>>240190 yeah but if you don't know for sure then you shouldn't do it because you might miss them You can't just stick em back on like a pair of trousers
I am 2 for 2. Now I just need Dash. >>240195 I said that Kannagi would call me a pervert, you'd deflect, and Dash would laugh at me. I won't show it to you. It's okay. but "it depends" is the common answer.
Which side did you put me on? My answer was pretty much "it depends". I haven't seen the meme though. Don't take this as an invitation to show me, though.
>>240196 My prediction was just that. An answer that would be neither "yes" nor "no". My stance is simply that I don't see it being uncomfortable. But I can't know.
That wasn't the aim! I just commented on the latest twitter art meme and Kirara said it looked uncomfortable and I couldn't see how. Then he told me that I should probably ask the girls of moe At which point I doubted I'd get any straight answers because >Rika would deflect >Kannagi would call me blewd >Dash would laugh
Anyhow, I was satisfied after Kannagi told me that it probably depends on size or sensitivity of said breast on said person. I didn't think I needed much more than that. >>240198 I've tried it. It doesn't hurt me. But my chest is generally flat.
>>240204 Could you have Googled it? >>240204 Yes. I would be surprised if you were able to do it.
>>240205 I wouldn't know what to Google. Just "how much pain does molding a breast into a heart cause" which isn't really giving me a good visual of what I'm really trying to ask. It's the sort of thing where if I showed an image, it would make sense. But I'd rather not.
>>240206 I looked at pictures of what you are talking about. I think it would cause me discomfort.
http://www.news.com.au/technology/online/social/bizarre-heartshaped-boob-challenge-sees-women-moulding-their-breasts-into-hearts/news-story/0087a31765f51653b9125e7edab543fd I found this. I think it looks uncomfortable
I mean, in the strictest sense of feeling something, yes. But it's hardly something I can call discomfort. If anything, the discomfort is in my shoulders because having to raise my arms and make a heart requires me to shrug and hold that position
oh no it was breaking out i have ruined the lyrics
>>240230 They've all been places I haven't been before! Except for my imouto but she doesn't want to go anywhere. She has yet to awaken her adventuresome spirit.
>>240231 I think many men like to have their nipples played with.
I mean, it's got to the the nipple righT? Male nipples still have some of the internal structure that a normal nipple has.
>>240254 It's more I can't do it "right". There isn't the matter there to make the shape with enough force. I hit bone before any pressure really gets applied.
And just pressing down is the same there as anywhere else on the breast.
>>240255 He said the discomfort comes from the nipple.
>>240254 If there is a way to do it that doesn't cause pain, then that would be the correct way. As opposed to the way that causes discomfort. So either I'm special or you're all problematic.
>>240260 My boyfriend is suggesting that you test that with clamps.
Why this
Pinching and twisting the nipple causes mild discomfort Putting my hands against it while in a special pose does not even register as an inconvenience. I think I'm done with nipple science tonight.
>>240264 Rika told you to compress your nipple. That means pinching it.
>>240265 Yeah. >>240266 But I'm not pinching it in this pose which was the point of the experiment. Pushing it inward and pinching it are two different experiences
Well, doing that heart thing is definitely pinching it. It pinches the nipah directly from what I saw in that news article!
That is definitely not pinching the nipple >>240271 If you're going to call pressing the nipple down "pinching", then I'm going to have to revise my previous statement. Pinching the nipple does not cause me discomfort.
Yes. Those images showed the nipple and areola being compressed.
When I said "pinch", I meant squeeze between my fingers. In that pose, it's not being done. You're just pressing it down closer towards your body. And that's not causing me any problems.
>>240275 The harder I press down the more discomfort I'm getting in my arms. Not my chest. It's an awkward position >>240277 This is like... the greatest reach for the word pinch that I have ever experienced. I guess I just don't have enough boob fat for this. There's no discomfort there.
>>240278 I can't believe you're still talking about this.
bang and the life
>>240277 don't worry you're the last person i'd blame when it comes to breasts
>>240278 Maybe you need to play with your nipples more often.
>>240278 Also I forgot to mention this, but breast tissue and fat are different types of tissue so you won't really be able to test it unless you have gynomastica or whatever its called. Err, test it on yourself
This is why I decided to ask other people. Because I already disqualified myself from the idea of feeling discomfort. It is too foreign to me. >>240287 I know But I don't want to get into another battle of L A N G U A G E right now. Today I have confirmed that my nipples are battle tested. Hardened soldiers of war who know little pain.
No, it's too late. I'm done shaping things. I'm going to have fun not shaping things. Once again, I am reminded that my body is strange. >>240295 You're not -
dont forget to stay hydrated and get 8 hours of sleep tonight
So it seems that despite your super long discussion on this No one brought up the fact that whether or not it would hurt depends on the size and sensitivity of the breasts
>>240300 He wanted to make us play with ours but will not do the same.
bang and the life
>>240285 what!? i was just saying you're not a lewdie
>>240307 The joke is that it was the answer I received hours ago and what brought me to not wanting to ask the question a second time. The current discussion was had because of Kirara's suggestiong, Yuu's curiosity, and ToN's meddling.
>>240326 There's enough bad anatomy there that that's probably what the artist intended it to depict.
One of the girls has a blindfold on. Maybe she is lost and accidentally fell down.
she was just looking for her glasses
>>240335 That is brilliant. You would make an excellent writer of super interesting manga.
>>240334 I don't think so at all. That sort of stylized anatomy is particular of a certain fascination but it doesn't strike me that any sort of lewd activities are underway.
>>240344 I do not think anything I write would be interesting.
Does anyone want to play /cards/? I'm really bored right now
>>240343 It was just a playful jest! Don't worry about taking it to heart. But a certain series is well-known for using entertaining matters of happenstance and clumsiness for comedic value. Your scenario was sort of a reminder of it.
>>240358 It's been airing this season and last. Fresh in the memory. There's an off-chance it might even be intentional too. The author seems versed in some more obscure western culture stuff. You might find it interesting but it might also feel kind of boring.
>>240491 There's a certain breed of dog that has ears that resemble the flaps of hair she has. Within the culture of Japanes anime, manga, and games, flaps of hair like that have a certain memetic nature of being attributed with dog-like characters. So it's not too unsurprising that it might seem a bit different for you.
>>240639 It's just the way it is. Though height doesn't bother me much. It's awkward when the girl can't wear heels because the guy is short though, isn't it?
>>240642 Oh well women would never lie to you so I guess I'm wrong.
is it embarrassing to date a guy who's way shorter than you
bang and the life
>>240657 you can have five things out at a time, creature or not spells dont stick around so they dont count but creatures and "permanents" by mtg terms i think do
i knew a guy who was 6'5" and never wore shoes
what a terrible fucking shitter he was
>>240659 Hrrrm That's actually kind of interesting
>never wore shoes like he had to wear shoes sometimes didn't he?
>>240648 It's just not the way things should be! Would you date a girl more manly than you?
>>240664 i mean im sure his work made him wear shoes but he lit showed up to class and went shopping barefoot
>>240664 I got kicked out of aotdog place for not wearing shoes My fucking dumbass friend got soda all over my shoes so I had to take them off
please wear shors shoes
>>240664 >>240658 it goes against the natural order of things >would you date a girl more manly than you define manly I'd date a girl taller than me if I really liked her But I'm already 6'1 so she'd have to be very tall
my friend has a new boyfriend that i havent met yet but ive seen pictures of him and i have spent literal years studying height so im pretty sure hes tall but shes having the audacity to refute my claim and say that we're about the same height im gonna meet him soon and im planning on standing next to him
anyways the main thing is that we have a bet on if hes the same height as me or not, and im very excited to put my height identification skills to good use to shit on my female friend and help her realize that ive been right about everything ive ever said about male aesthetics
i would date a short guy probably i don't see an issue
you see where im coming from though, right? im not a cripplingly short loser, but my competition are the most attractive guys in the world 55 year old hippies, for example
>>240753 I'm not intimidating though! And I am as perfectly normal as it gets!
>>240757 You are borderline delusional Height isn't always the deciding factor when it comes to why girls choose to date someone
>>240754 I do not think the surgery is that expensive. I am sure you can do it. >>240758 Are you a normie?
>>240754 yeah but then you win out over the low quality tall guys
>>240760 No way, I'm not anything like that. I'm just perfectly normal. As far as anything goes, I'm as normal as it gets. Normal height, normal weight, normal habits, normal living style; normal everything.
>>240770 I'm sure that's not true. You're much more likely to be able to improve your personality than you are to become tall.
>>240779 In this context the fag in normalfag means person It's used as a suffix to form words that describe classes of people There are a lot of terms in that form that are used in "nearby" parts of the internet.
oh you have a reasonable existence and try to be a good person and you're interested in stuff i'm not interested in REEEEE
>>240821 that just makes me want to be a normie that sounds great
I thought a normie was someone that does not watch a lot of anime.
>>240828 There isn't any real "what one is" for it. The word is perpetuated in Internet culture as an insult or derrogatory term. I really don't like the word because of that really. It serves no purpose in dialogue but as something to negatively categorize people who do things you don't like or want to do.
>>240828 Most "normie" don't watch a lot of anime. But that doesn't mean that's the defining characteristic of a "normie".
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
normie seems like a generic label for The Other a dehumanizing label
normie is whatever your heart believes it to be its within all of us
>>240830 *"normie" *"normies" Arggh Stop auto correcting normies to normie
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i would hope one would only use the term ironically but you can never be sure
>>240838 I dunno, I'm pretty sure it does. The entire concept of using "normal" as the base is to "Other" a majority rather than a minority. What you end up with in some cases are people seeing "the most" as lesser, and your subsection as superior.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>240842 but equating "normal" with "human" is a stretch human is more like... personhood. rights. empathy
>>240842 That's because nerds were ostracized for a very long time by many "normal" people Well, it's descended from that in the sort of cultural memory of some parts of the internet
do normal people even exist past surface level details
>>240843 Yes. But "Human" is also used to describe flaws and failures. "She's only human" "To err is human" etc When held to the negative connotation, you can exemplify "humanity" as a negative trait. And from there, you can take "normal", as something negative. Something that has to be overcome by "not being normal".
>>240852 This is the kind of thing that gets Yuu mad about words. It's not as completely flipped as the usage of literal, but the usage of "human" referring to similar qualities can either be positive or negative. It's just not used that way as much because, of course, humans would much rather see "humanness" in a positive light.
Which is normal.
my blood is literally boiling right now
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
word gaems
beware of word games
Anyways, this should help people understand my point https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fox_and_the_Grapes
>>240876 Make sure you check in with your doctor. Sometimes it comes back.
>>240874 i like the fact that they also hate 3rd world country blood
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I liked the free 6" subway sandwiches
why did cat have to catch her claws on my fingertips it's mildly painful to type
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>Men who have sex with men (MSM), also known as males who have sex with males, are male persons who engage in sexual activity with members of the same sex, regardless of how they identify themselves; many such men do not sexually identify as gay, homosexual or bisexual. M S M
>>240883 >I had sex with a man >but I'm not gay or bisexual in the least I swear
The mainstream media is not allowed to donate blood
man like have they just not developed the right lab tests yet or something i hope there'll be a day soon when everyone is like "yep we don't have to be weird about this, just throw it in the centrifuge"
>>240891 Shouldn't it be "Throbbing"? ""Throbbin" Fucking autocorrect
>>240893 I might not quite have it right but there's a statistic tendency towards people of that classification to carry blood-borne diseases. So them donating blood can be a little more dangerous than just taking blood from those that don't have that classification. There might currently be methods of purging the diseases from the blood, but it costs money to install those devices. So for blood donation services, it's less effort and cheaper to just refuse blood from people of that classification.
>>240890 What if you just did it once like 6 years ago would you still be banned
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>240893 fear of HIV i think despite vast improvements in testing over the decades >>240896 yep
i think it's fine not being able to donate blood isn't a form of oppression i just didn't know it was so strict i thought it was like six months or whatever i would hate to contaminate anyone
Same reason we can't all smoke weed right now. Either too afraid to change, too stubborn to change, or too slow to change.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
status quo baybieeeee
>>240903 That would bog down the procedure a lot, wouldn't it? This is for people who want to donate blood. Can you imagine every person who wants or needs to, to get their blood tested before the donation goes through?
>>240907 Well isn't that a bit close to what already happens? Whenever you go in for blood donation, you usually get asked questions, right?
>>240908 Intuition. Do I have something wrong? Do you want me to stop?
>>240906 couldn't you just bring like a doctors notice with you though Like if you just happened to get tested for HIV just to be safe and the doctor says you came out negative
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>240906 are you arguing from intuition here or facts
>>240906 You can do an HIV test in half an hour. I have done it. The restriction does not make sense to me.
>>240914 well how do you know you cant get sunburned bones? probably could if all the skin wasn't protecting it
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>240914 i don't think this is actually true but i don't know
>>240916 are you trying to pitch sunscreen for teeth
https://mydental.guardianlife.com/blog/2016/06/can-you-sunburn-your-teeth/ oh thank god i'm not the only person to ask this question
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>240906 like i'm pretty sure they already test the shit out of donated blood
>>240915 It made sense to the people who decided it 25~ years ago And no one has gotten around to changing it There are plenty of laws and rules arou nd that don't make sense. This one happens to be one of them.
>>240923 oh, so teeth sunburn is a completely separate kind of thing
>First things first—since your teeth don’t have skin on them, they’re not going to actually get sunburned. However, with too much sun exposure your teeth can suffer severe damage. This is what is meant by sunburned teeth.
sometimes the most retarded questions are the most interesting answers have*
>If you’ve ever looked at the instructions and warnings on tooth whitening products, you may have seen a line stating that you should stay out of direct sunlight. This is because too much direct sunlight after bleaching your teeth is one of the main ways you can get a sunburn in your mouth. The most damaging type of tooth whitening out there right now is UV-based treatments. hahahaha what
my keyboard keeps failing how can i know if it's a problem with the USB port or the keyboard itself it seems finnicky in ALL the USB ports but some are worse than others, and i can't tell if that's because the angling of the cord or something on the keyboard end or the whole mothboard is fugged up
several years ago, when i was young, dumb, and naive, i broke up with a certain girl and silly little me thought that i would never find a girl who would love me as much as she did again and i still havent the end
>>240949 I'm not currently in a place in my life where that would be a good use of my time and money.
i like seeing my friends succeed and be happy because theyre my friends but i can also enjoy watching them fail and suffer because fuck em, ya know? its really good for me because i receive joy either way
>>240956 I'm a NEET who never finished college who lives with his parents and has no actual income in addition to having moderate to severe clinical depression. I'm not saying it would be impossible to get a girlfriend, but I'm not currently great dating material.
>>240962 I have a twin sister, why do yiu ask? *you
>>240960 i dropped out of college and i have lived with my family and been without income before a lot of people understand what depression is these days i dont think that's strange at all. dating is smoother if you stay within your sphere i think like yeah, if you're depressed and without income you don't want to go to a speed dating thing and try to woo professional career-women but i dont know why youd want to date them either that's a different energy and stress level of lifestyle
>>240963 ah. how do they react to your lifestyle? id imagine they could be the worst part of your day or the best wtf are
>>240965 My sister finished college and got a job at a big tech company out in silicon valley.
>>240964 similarly when youre a manlet, you dont want to go outside of your sphere and date girls
>>240960 sorry i lost wifi hi plenty of girls out there in similar situations you might as well go on dates with them, dates don't have to cost anything worth it if you ask me experience to gain and motivation to improve your situation
>>240969 Right now I'm putting most of my efforts towards finding a job. After I work for a while I'll be going back to college.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
okay cool that sounds reasonable i'm also looking for a job but some evenings i go on the odd date
who /australia/
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
no cunts round eah m8
>>240972 i dunno how you have the time bud i mean yeah, time for a date is easy but what if something goes right and you want to spend a lot of time with the person how do you suddenly make room for that in your life it's a weird concept to me
>>240976 I already know how to program, also she's not in a programming or design position. She does pr stuff
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>240975 just apend what you can? idk i think if it's important i'll find the timr you're super busy rrhough idk ugh no auto complete suuucks
>>240973 my brother from across the pacific what's happening
>>240977 right, just Silicon Valley instantly comes across as implying a techie codie job ........ is the money good there a lot of people more out because its a rich kid club
>>240978 i get it don't worry -- yeah, it does i guess i never did dating since becoming an adult professional i think i would be too distant to do that or something and i'd just call them like every other weekend and ask if they're free and they'd be like wtf you haven't called me for two weeks i thought you were angry no babe i was just moon
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>240981 well if you're aware of that possibility...
>>240980 She makes a lot of money, she has to work like 50-60 hours a week though.
>>240982 or what if i start dating a girl and she's got an unnoticed kidney problem then goes into kidney failure and asks // and i need to give her one of my gay kidneys she'll find out i'm gay
>>240964 dating a career woman sounds so wrong, like you arent going to have children or make love often unless you buckle down and provide for her
i just found this site if my
>>240984 why are you dating a girl if you're gay >>240986 you there?
i wish they made diluted caffeine energy drinks like i'd rather have four red bulls and get the caffeine of one than pump it into one now ive got energy drinks but i can't go get another one to sip on because that'd put me at too much caffeine but i want one because i love drinking fluids what's nbn
how's that NBN coming along
oh i see i found out myself i bet you'll never guess how i answer my own questions so fast
poster answers own questions with weird trick you'll never guess how
I t's probably just one of those perception things -how // >>241043 I saw a dog get clipped by a car while I was walking it was very uncomfortable to see
No I don't have a job I only have uni I used to have a job at a call center selling raffletickets to Australians for charities, but they let me go I probably wasn't selling enough It was a pretty comfy job honestly
>>241057 Economics How'd you get into transcribing anyway?
water you studying
>>241056 had to drop out of school to take care of sick and dying people had to try to make money somehow for myself from home i did closed captioning for a while but it sucked transcribing sucked too for a long time until i got used to it
if you mean logistically, i started out by applying at rev.com for some entry level stuff. i didn't know it was a terrible company at the time, but it sucked so bad i'd only do a little tiny bit of work to maybe get $30 or something so i could go buy a bottle of liquor or fill a tank of gas i later found a better company just kind of by luck >>241060 nothin to be sorry for i dont have an opinion on it either way i was studying medical physics
>>241058 What were you studying before? I'm sorry you had to drop it to take care of people. Sounds noble though.
>>241059 >medical physics How's that work? Is it like, uh, the physical forces behind medicine
>>241060 people ask me that a lot and i don't know how to answer it because i dont understand what point of view they're coming from that they ask it how would we have medicine without physics if you have glaucoma and you go get laser surgery on your eyes to reduce the intraocular pressure, how do you think we know what to do what if one patient has 35mm/Hg pressure and one has 20 what's the laser procedure going to look like?
same with a lot of neuro stuff, like epilepsy thresholds i guess you could call it biophysics instead but it's really not that was just one arbitrary example but it's everywhere in medicine
>>241061 I think a lot of people like me hear medicine and just think "oh yeah like pills and drugs" Does that mean there's medical engineering too? Like building the lasers for eyes.
>>241063 Oh okay, so it ain't specialised. Did you ever learn any really interesting stuff? I find prosthetics to be interesting. I can't wait until we hit the point where they're better than the real thing.
>>241062 usually just electronics engineers i knew an electronics engineer who worked on MRI machines for general electric that's up to the company that's making the medical equipment which would depend on what the equipment is that might be mechanical, electronics, who knows
>>241062 i learned a lot of interesting stuff about epilepsy in sheep brains there's no interesting factoids i can say that are interesting or anything like that but the greater understanding of the uninteresting thigns // things i learned formed trend recognition and analysis that i found interesting
>>241064 Is that how you got into data stuff? Like recognising patterns. Did you ever keep any photos from when you made dolls clothes?
i wouldn't say that's how i got into it i think i have an affinity to that stuff just generally. something in my development pattern probably just formed a habit of trying to process the world in that way that's probably why i was always interested in math and biophysics and stuff and what i do now is just a different manifestation of that it's probably the only reason i can handle transcription too is because i studied claude shannon's mathematical models of language a lot so i'm able to soak things in from that perspective while i work otherwise it'd be dull
yeah i have photos of doll stuff that i did but it's on an old drive full of old things that i'm not particularly eager to go digging through i'll feel up to it sometime but just not now
>>241066 Shame, dolls are nice. Except maybe the faces. The idea of dressing one up is fun but doll eyes look dead to me. So when you're doing transcription work, is it like recognising and predicting certain patterns a conversation will tend to follow? If you've heard hundereds of conversations and use a little cause and effect, could you autopilot a little? Like predicting its structure.
no, i'm more interested in thinking about how the language objects function like, the entropy of the conversation if you were to model it as a two-participant dynamic system with a two-way channel proper language, very formal, is easy enough to interpret but what's happening when people are doing false starts or using lots of filler -- it's to maintain the channel capacity but why what pressures are acting that makes it want to close lots of really roundabout shit that makes me sound crazy if i don't preface it with a link to some info theory and shannon's linguistic entropy
>>241069 there's a video on youtube of someone using armor march and guidance with a dancer and pivot on hector to move 12 tiles in one phase
>>241068 what's a false start. Is it like the ums and uhs? >>241074 Oh I getcha. It's like, actually never mind :^) >>241073 nothing I'm in bed
>>241071 yeah man i knew it'd happen im not surprised >>241070 nothin what's up with you
>>241072 A false start is like, say if you were going to.... If you wanted to say something, but then you... Well, you get the idea
>>241072 yeah, but in spoken conversation they're used functionally we use language clunkily it makes me think about how the dynamics of the system are changing when those things occur, or language in general as there's obfuscation between the sender and receiver there's probably a strong link between my interest in this and signals communications from physics but iunno it's whatever man