Watch my Children Watch me you've all come to die for this battle is lost Lost Losing their minds Losing their souls Hush, now Hush We don't talk We don't care anymore
The chosen one finally enters the realm and launches the Ninth Wave however it is all just the same in the end new clothing paraded grandly but people rejected the Fallen son people rejected the Old way of the Nine but they accepted the new way? or is it even new way or just the same way of the Nine
anyhow the grand parade sets in the final fucking confusing moment of the album as the world resets
and in "Doom" the extra 12th song the fallen son gives his piece to "you" the main character again he was left alone in discordia sealed alone and all he can do is rave about it
this part
Many We're one We're humanized The time has come
This flesh is truth This blood is real The highest cause It's all that we are longing for
does confuse me a bit does it mean the NINE are no longer gods
but did they want that all along or was that just the Crow or was the the Chosen One's plan all along? or something he invented along the way
But the main point is the final give away of the Grand Parade "Drown one more time While we all will say goodbye Bright, it shines bright Let us carry one the lie No more lies, all a lie One more lie"
No more lies All a lie One more Lie
No gods no lies but One big lie it is all a lie and nothing ever changed
that is the final story
and in the final extra song doom
How did I get here? What will I find here? I've come to meet The evil one
I understand There is no sense The curse lives on My children mourn
Truth is a beast With a sad face A demon The cruelest of all
The chosen one has come to mee the sealed away Fallen Son who has cursed him and his kin
And who makes him reconsider about his decision in Grand parade was it really the right choise? were the Nine were the People and was His Choice the right one?
But the fallen one enforces his similiarities with the chosen one "We will remember Skies may fade And stars may wane We won't forget And your light shines bright Yes, so much brighter Shine on We will remember Until the skies will fall We won't forget We will remember We all shall follow doom"
Anyhow doom paints a really really bad picture of the world that followed the Grand Parade however Doom is narrated by Morderd, the Fallen Son the MAIN VILLAIN of the story so kinda hard to say is it bad for all or just bad for him?
SAY GOODBYE MY FRIEND here s your promised end be a part of the GRAND PARADE along we're driven on and on, it's a grand parade we're one, w're so sorry to say it's all the same you will see on this GRAND PARADE DAMNATION now jo~in the gra~and para~a~de
Dunno if jan ever sees this but here is one fun part "Now look around We will bring them down The more I'll show The less you will know The Nine will frown Now see how it grows Secretly my vision comes true"
"T he more I'll show you the less you will know" fucking hell
Amelia might be the strongest unit in the game at +spd 37 spd on a unit with 35 def and like 45 atk and 47 hp
>If unit has an adjacent armored ally at the start of turn, unit and any such allies can move 1 extra space. I have been greatlly misled about how this skill works.
Guidance 3 Slot: C Infantry and armored allies within 2 spaces can move to a space adjacent to unit.
WoM will though. You can go WoM to another unit and +1 in a fight at ranged. Move the under 50% unit out of the way and then WARP a NEW unit in. if you need to finish. >>239563 What the fuck, that's Saber.
have you ever taken a screenshot on your phone one-handed? like without setting it down hitting the home button with my fuckin pinky what is life
my phone is 6.3" I can't
how you screenshot seems to vary from android to android
Power+Home is Samsung standard
>>239586 i bet i could my phone is 5.1" and it's easy to reach just not easy to time it right and if i fuck up I'm going to drop my phone on fish's face probably
sometimes i play card games
oh wow, I can. I just have to warp my finger around the bottom please don't hit fish in the face.
yeah that's what I'm doing
finger warp
>>239591 it's her own fault for staying up until like 3am the light from her phone woke me up
so that's why she slept so suddenly
yeah i took her phone and put it on my side of the bed
it was for the best
well she's sleeping on my arm so she won in the end
that sounds nice but i wouldnt be able to sleep that way
I wonder if you have a dead arm now
i can move my fingers daijobu >>239599 i get slept on all the time i have adapted to it
we usually sleep like a spooning sort of dealio although i avoid letting her fall asleep on my arm sometimes i wake up with her head like on my chest and that's annoying because i can't use my phone or anything and it's just all this hair in my face >>239603 waking me up was rude
>>239602 Maybe it's a good thing. Now you can get someone that you can actually wake up and see their sleeping face in the morning. >>239604 Your 1.5 hour of REM is the real rudemaster here, bucko.
Sleeping face to face is uncomfortable anyway i think spooning is ideal fish becomes what used to be a pillow between my legs and i have something warm to wrap myself around it is truly ideal
It usually covers the nipple That said, I have just found my first Koishi of it and I take it back. This isn't cute. Why this person of all people Who allowed this fucking HYDRANT
oh now I remember
my Fitbit is telling me to walk around a little but I'm stuck
>>239643 Girls wear heels. I'm sure doing heart hands over your breast isn't that uncomfortable
>>239647 that's a little different most girls don't complain about heels being particularly uncomfortable but they do complain about forceful manipulation of the breasts i think that shape would be uncomfortable for a lot of girls
This is one of those things where I would love to consult real people about this but I can't. Maybe making the shape out of your boob is weird but only one of these images seems to really do that.
>asking Rika I'd get deflections >asking Dash Might work but she'll laugh at me >asking Kannagi I don't want to get called a pervert this early in the morning.
>>239656 yeah youve been undressing their posts with your eyes
>>239656 i dont think so i think we all generally sexually harass each other to some degree nobody really does it more than others it's at a good level that doesn't make anyone particularly uncomfortable i think
cant be helped i suppose at least im still enjoying myself
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i think it'll be a mistake lost order looks like shit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
shit with great art
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
holy shit iceland is eliminiating downs syndrome through abortion wow
what the hell
down with fiwns
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>239684 that's pretty fucked up right? with modern science people with downs syndrome can live a good 40-50 years happily they can work and everything
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
apparently nearly 100% of women who found out their kid would have downs terminated since the early 2000s wtf
people are saying they're preventing suffering but, like, everybody suffers to a degree they're also preventing someone possibly enjoying a life they could've had
yeah i think its selfish those parents just don't want to have to deal with the challenges of raising someone with downs syndrome so they're just rerolling
that's fucked up you shouldn't reroll babies it ain't a fuckin gacha
I was talking to my ex days ago and she was like "Man, all that crazy shit in the US wouldn't happen in Cali. And I'm like uh There are people everywhere like this
>>239697 are you commentsting on me watching gochiusa or are you calling me someone who is having a christmas episode i dont understand
>>239702 it didn't mean anything i was just saying stuff >>239701 yeah it's scary
>>239721 I wasnt sure was the thing The other three are great and went through a revolving door of good-ness I figured Rize may have been one but I think she's pretty good.
"This is Okina Matara's theme.
A very "This is the climax!" sort of song with a lot of strength to it. It's got a strong melody, even compared to the other songs in the game, so it might've been nice if I just went all-in and started singing lyrics to it. It's very likely that you'd start laughing too hard to even play the game, but that might actually be the best outcome."
>>239783 I think I figured out part of it, I've been having intermittent stomach issues recently and the stomach discomfort is similar to the stomach discomfort from nervousness so I'm being "tricked" into feeling nervous
>>239782 uhhh okay in that case let me rephrase "makes sense, we have the national birb on US coins too "
>>239785 I really wish they'd go back to the pre state quarters quarter designs And the pre super ugly lincoln penny design and the pre super ugly nickel design
>>239789 i see them so often i just give them away to customers i make sure to tell them it's really silver though i have a couple quarters and a few dimes
i have a 1899 penny though i like that way more than the silver
>>239791 I actually forget the cut off year pretty often so I tend to just keep all pre 1970 quarters, nickels and dimes
I have a 1909 penny It was the first piece of US currency to ever have a president on it It's from my grandfather's childhood penny collection, I need to finish filling out that book.
I also need to get another one of those state quarter collector books since my old one got trashed, I took all the quarters out and put them somewhere.
state quarters are cool and nobody is gonna tell me otherwise
>>239796 I'm still not sure how I feel about the post state quarters series
the variety is nice silver state quarters pls
Arggh I forgot about some of the other shit in this box Well, really only two things are cringe inducingly embarassing
>>239814 ? No, going through a box that has a good part of my coin collection
>>239817 yes i was wondering if that's why you were on govdeals before they have a section that's just currency collections
>>239818 Yeah, I know. I mainly go on gov deals to find stuff like oscilloscopes for a good price (that I never end up buying).
everything is like pickup only some say they'll ship but only if you call the UPS and make the arrangements for UPS to come pick it up that kind turns me off from wantin to shop around there
>>239820 That's one of the main reasons for me too.
Those starting from tthe top right going clockwise A 1935 walking liberty half dollar A 1902 O barber half dollar 1868 quarter eagle (an eagle is $10) And a 1925 quarter eagle The diamond in the center is probably real, I remember testing it and determinibg that it was real when I was in highschool, I'd give it at least 68% chance of being real.
i'll buy that quarter eagle for $2.50
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Booker! Catch!
how about you catch these hands
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
how about i hold your hands in mine
Found a west german nickel
Wait, this is weird The date is marked 1991 But German reunification was in 1990 Spooky
Sorting these might be a bit harder than I thought Especially since a lot *literally none of tgese have dates printed on them Well, they might have years in hebrew on them That would require a decent amount of focus for me to determine though.
That appears to be the case, or the different hebrew letter sequences are something else.
I probably should have known better since it says אגודה And not שקל
Does anyone want me to post pictures of the Israeli coins?
They seem determined to post that shit here even though Sam range blocked their ip.
We might have to have a captcha or something
>>239849 I have a few ideas for possible methods of preventing them from posting, but I don't want to explicitly mention them as they coukd be worked around. Some of it depends on how much the posting is automated.
I'm trying to put this in words so I don't have to post or link images and also in a way that doesn't sound terrible. Are you familiar with that heartboob thing that's going around on twitter
Ooh a franc >>239860 I think I know what question you're about to ask
hayai as expected of someone who would propose kanji captchas >>239866 As expected of Kannagi to call me a pervert Foretold in the dead sea scrolls, hundreds of posts ago Anyway, the question was do you think that doing that to your boob would be uncomfortable or painful?
All it takes is like a twenty-minute downpour 'round here and suddenly it feels like the humidity outside has skyrocketed.
Keikaku doori. >>239873 Depends on how much you have I guess. If you have a lot I suppose it wouldn't be painful but different people have different sensitivities.
>>239875 I have learned much about the female breast today. Thank. This would normally be the time that I would post a related image in response but all of them are too lewd.
There was that butt fangs debate years ago that I am suddenly reminded of. butt fangs, cheek_peek, butt from front etc tags
Oh shit blue what if you joined my happy band of tabletop nerds sometime
The Soul Isn't Kept Inside My Boobs, You Dork. Is quite the title. >>239890 The tag has evolved to ass_visible_from_front >>239891 I will not but thanks for asking.
>>239888 I was more kind of asking about "why did they call it the new pence" rather than Well It's fine
>>239892 Sasuga blue. I know I can count on you to keep me informed! >>239893 I don't know, I don't work for the mint. I was even born when they came out.
Okay, I'm going to make a list of countries I have coins from and then people can ask me to post pictures oof the coins, this way is easier than just photographing all of them
Apparently new pence is 2Ps are worth a lot.
>>239899 The 1983 ones are because it was a misstriking and they were supposed to just say pence or p or whatever
Misc Euros Argentinian coins Mexican coins German coins (no east german coins) Francs Belgian francs Israeli coins (a bunch) Swiss francs Canadian coins British coins Hong Kong coins Czech Turkish (I think) Polish Norwegian
Dollarydoos Soviet Currently unknown eastern european coin
>>239925 I'm alright, I am a little stressed. my left leg has a few pains and it scares me to think it could be DVT. But it doesn't have any of the pain symptons. *symptoms just pains and occasional feeling of heat across my leg. >>239928 Heya. I don't know, I'm pretty paranoid about it. I hate the idea that I could have it.
i really dont think you have DVT
are you normally at risk for thrombotic events these things don't usually just pop up in a random person out of nowhere when was the last time you went to a doctor
I'm sitting down most of the time. I did go to a doctor a number of months back and they had a quick look and said I didn't have DVT but I don't feel reassured. I feel like I'm being silly but it honestly stresses me to think I might have and this left leg having random pains and heat waves is annoying.
i get random pains all the time. i assume most people do. the body just hurts it's kind of an uncomfortable thing to be living in pain doesn't always mean something's wrong though
I'm am just always panicking about everything that could be wrong.
maybe the idea that something is wrong is what's wrong anxiety does that to me i always feel like i'm gonna die that's why i have to be on anxiety pills a lot of the time
My body is telling me to get a chicken pattie, a soda, and some ice cream
>>239944 It happens every so often. I don't know if I have some bias because once I notice it, I can't keep my mind off it. The heat waves is new I think. >>239948 Yeah I have been walking a lot. I just don't know if it is walking or something wrong.
>>239946 heat waves is usually inflammation you prolly been walkin a lot and your body is telling the muscles to secrete lactic acids to cool down buy buy // buy some epsom salt at the store and put it in the bathtub and take an epsom bath i used to do this when i worked at UPS because my arms would be so hot and swollen i couldn't move them some mornings
>>239946 hey, i know you're kind of tight on money too but i was wondering if you could save up for a month or two and buy me a lambda blade for my birthday i could really use one
>>239952 you at least looked it up right it's a risky joke to make because someone might take me serious and not even look it up and just get annoyed by the request
I saw what it is, I looked it up when you asked Kirara for one.
awww shit it's become too saturated i guess i shoulda been more careful it's pretty heckin cool i wish i had one so bad imagine what you could do with that >>239956 that is one part of it the 128GB ECC ram the dual intel xeon
>>239958 i hadnt either it seems like an interesting concept it's like a division of personality, whether they're saturday night party people or up early on sunday mornin, breakfast with the family and ironing their clothes for church and enjoying the communion kind of thing i thought it was a really cool concept
>>239963 i hope you go away soon. no i'm kidding dont go away soon please stay
>>239964 are you hype about tana i tried to get her but i only got one blue after three cycles i was so upset i got an innes though which is still good luck but i really wanted tana
>>239966 ill still try to get tana but im really happy with this
i'm upset because they still have the hero fest rolling i have a 5.6% chance on a focus because i havent rolled ANY and i used all those free orbs this month rolling it i want julia just so i can kill the dumb skank and put her naga on my robin
oh is it i can't port it? oh well, then i still need a julia anyway
yeah you can't give it to anyone
i keep getting really excited and sending out these work emails and getting motivated about stuff but as soon as i send out emails i feel this pang of anxiety and then i just feel stressed out until i get a reply i always think i'm fucking up, if i'm being really rude by sending people long work emails during the middle of the day or of i'm being unprofessional by taking a couple days to respond i dont know what i'm always supposed to do professionalism is hard and i'm hard and i cant do anything about either one of those
E-mails are anxiety all the time. I missed some e-mails from a important director in which they were explaining about unmatched invoices but I think they were wrong about what they were saying. So I had to send a late reply to correct them and they had already matched the invoices on the system.
I am scared she'll come down to my area to seek clarification from me.
>>239974 have you read this kannagi the kill la kill / bonnie and clyde crossover thing
Nope I haven't. link?
uh i dont know of just go to your favorite website that has doujin fan stuff and look up -- i'll see if i can find one that's safe to // safe for work link
月 here you go enjoy your dynasty scans
cici's pizza serves what is probably the saddest excuse for deep dish pizza i have ever tasted
>>239985 i finished one of my emails with "Thanks for your time!" in reference to the time they took to read my email and they thought it was a consolidation "Thanks for your time!" as in I'm not interested FUCK i hate this shit man i am breakin down these stupid barriers and fighting the system just talk like normal people
>>239990 they weren't even clear that they felt it that way so they weighted the tone of their whole email in that tense but like in superposition because they didn't know, leaving it open so now i have to parse that out of the datawave to see what they actually mean so that i can address my next email in their actual concerns and simultaneously relieve them of their apprehension about what the tone of the conversation was
it's like nobody knows what they're doin man it's like when youre driving on the highway and you see people who don't know how to adjust to the other drivers around them so you have to hyper-adjust to accomodate them not adjusting it's so weird i dont know what's going on i feel so moon
anyway it looks like i'm going to be co-involved in either a branch-off startup or just the software development for a platform that stays under the same company name >>239993 the thing is it's a small fuckin company and we have to formulate a funding plan to figure out how it's going to be paid for and what this sounds like to me is a lot of UNPAID WORK to maybe develop something huge that would be awesome but i'm thinking about funding options and this guy's on a totally different page but he's also been the president of a company for 12 years so what the effie do i know >>239993 i joked before about asking fishpop if he invested in startups but i might seriously ask that now that there's someone with more credibility than me who's committed i dont think he's interested in a private investor though, i think he wants corporate funding with contract for a finished product and i'm thinking that if i do that then it seems like a waste because the data training tools i want to develop are probably more valuable to them as IP than the packaged product itself whereas my idea is to use those tools in an open source format and just selling the services
fuck dude business and professionalism scares the piss out of me
that's really awesome! wow! congratulations I'm really proud of you
ohh damn that's rough yeah it sounds like it could be
Hello yes this is SK saying you should try to ake it a coop
i think i'll install ds3 on this laptop what build should i make though
>>239992 do you want me to probe him to see if he'd be interested in investing or something?
>link kannagi to lesbian bonnie and clyde /klk crossover >kannagi stops posting i guess kannagi likes it iunno
>>239996 no definitely not yet i was probing you to see whether that'd be an appropriate thing to probe later if i feel confident that it's a good decision you know how neurotic i am i want a clean business proposal and everything on the table i try not to be a fuckin redneck missouri drunk trailer trash piece of shit
I don't mind probing him if you decide that you want me to. It'd be appropriate. That's just how networking goes.
one part of it is self-serving but i don't feel confident doing anything of the sort until it's as equal of a part a good financial advisement i want to be able to say "this is a good investment to you" as much as i am excited about the funding to do the project for myself and mean it if that makes sense >>240001 why aren't you
i should name my company clothing for teeth >Would you like to invest in clothing for teeth? >what the fuck >We're a data analytics and software consulting company >oh okay
>>240033 It was okay. I'm not that excited about Tana, she doesn't look good. Amelia looks very good though. I managed to roll her, but she is -spd / +res so it's like a worst case scenario on the IVs. Nohrian summer owes me a 5 star pretty soon, so I'm going to get whatever that gives me and then probably go back to rolling green on Amelia's banner hoping for one with decent IVs. Even with bad IVs she's a really good unit though.
>>240034 the guidance skill looks so good i want it so bad the hero fest owes me somethin ive rolled nothin and i'm at like 5.75% or something i want a julia or ninian
Guidance was pretty annoying in the maps she was on. I think Amelia is better though. She has a good stat spread and her C skill would be amazing on an armor team.
armor march is exciting yeah i'm thinking about saccing my bad IV swimsuit robin to port HP/def onto green tome robin it's gonna be so good i can't wait
bang and the life
hi bang how is bang
bang and the life
bang is great playing ogrewatch at my friendies house with the boys we're gonna drink
My experience has generally been that fear and growth come hand in hand.
bang and the life
pretty much same
bang and the life
the third hand is money though
>>240046 not exclusively though you have to be careful that you're getting a fair distribution there sometimes you fear something is going to be awful because it actually is awful
>>240056 yeah for someone who's got fifteen years of buffer my mind can be okay but if i don't have food and shelter it probably won't matter i can't afford to make him a steak here
>>240057 You have to learn to be okay even when times are scary! I know you have a lot of bad history but everyone has bad things they have had to deal with. When I am feeling stressed I sing this little song and it makes me feel a little better. >>>/watch?v=w28NKJJHPZM
I also sing when I'm stressed. I sing Everybody Loves a Lover by Doris Day, though.
>>240059 Feeling a little anxious! Even though I was told my meds were ready, I got a message today saying they were not and they were trying to find some.
bang and the life
my favorite is "Everything Will Be Alright" by The Killers
I can't tell you how things will work out, but I can tell you without a doubt that the fear you're feeling right now is the fear that comes with growing pains. It's normal to feel that way but you have to put it aside.
i also wouldn't have to work tomorrow if i was rich you gonna tell me how it's good not to be rich too
i legitimately do hope everything falls apart and i can go back to making doll clothes i didn't realize it til the tension got high but that's all i really want to do
>>240069 well since you asked I don't know if i would call myself rich but I could probably coast for a decade or three without working. But the fears of my financial stability beyond that, growing old without having a useful skill, and living life without doing anything kind of make me feel compelled to work anyway. So you'd probably work even if you were rich.
>>240070 It's not really exciting but existing is okay I guess. I'm looking forward to the weekend!
>>240079 I need some time to catch my breath! I was thinking today and I haven't even had a three day weekend since the fourth of july. That was my last time off!
I really don't feel like going back to classes. I'm really digging just sitting around with Fish all day every day. I'm sure I'll get used to school again quickly, though. And I have a class this semester that I don't even have to attend regularly so I might skip it because I don't even need that class.
>>240094 It's a statistical methods class. I'm already well versed in everything the class will cover. I've taken three classes on statistics prior to this and I've done graduate-level stuff for a while because of my research teams.
In my last statistics class, I got a C because I didn't turn in any assignments, but I got like 95-98 on all the exams in the class. So I can't say I want to go and waste my time re-learning stuff. The students that have taken that course always seem to know less statistics than me, too, because the professor is not very good. He's from China and his teaching style isn't really compatible with our learning styles.
>>240096 Yeah. I think that's just hot /// how it is. That's kind of why I don't like long breaks.
This was really my first time having a long break like this while living with my girlfriend, though. I thought I'd go stir crazy but it was really nice.