Thread #232608
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2017/08/10 (木) 20:51 No. 232608
Let's go!
Search [iqdb] (850 KB, 1000x850, 1ba64327703dee0fb4a7440f49ee02(…).png )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 20:54 No. 232615
San Francisco to bother sammu.
2017/08/10 (木) 20:55 No. 232618
Search [iqdb] (178 KB, 918x850, 1381271744035.jpg )
>>232614 on en äventyr
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 20:57 No. 232621
Search [iqdb] (49 KB, 550x700, Cv5MHr2UIAA6vO1.jpg )
let's go to the beach
2017/08/10 (木) 20:57 No. 232622
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 2000x1500, 1384788729433.png )
Which the sea or one of the three lakes+ or is there a beach? I know there is a port a military base and a barrack
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 20:57 No. 232623
the good one in hawaii
2017/08/10 (木) 20:57 No. 232624
>hawaii >good
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 20:57 No. 232625
probably better than finland
2017/08/10 (木) 20:58 No. 232626
yeah our only good beach is a minefield
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 20:58 No. 232627
2017/08/10 (木) 20:58 No. 232628
70 years of military drills does that to it it is filled with unexploded anti aircraft shells
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 20:58 No. 232629
just have a bunch of tourists walk around on it for a while
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 20:58 No. 232630
pay them "if you find one you get to keep one" americans will die for it
2017/08/10 (木) 20:58 No. 232631
it is like 15-20km of pure sandy beach though lot courser than the paradise beaches but still about 1km of it has been cleared and given to civilian use and there is a huuuge resort buildup there
2017/08/10 (木) 20:59 No. 232632
Search [iqdb] (369 KB, 1009x937, 1385260607133.jpg )
>>232630 WEll the main issue we still host 2 giant drills on it yearly
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:00 No. 232633
Search [iqdb] (438 KB, 700x988, 15998594 - 松倉N´.jpg )
well they should just go to a new beach
2017/08/10 (木) 21:00 No. 232634
and getting a new "no inhabitants in 50km zone" is fucking impossible since someone would have their summer cottage there or own a single tree and complain that their property is devalued the currentm ilitary drill sites are there tos tay
2017/08/10 (木) 21:01 No. 232635
WEll we did get 2 islands fromt he army to civilian use though one still hosts unexploded explosives from an artillery storage explosion in 1920
2017/08/10 (木) 21:02 No. 232636
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Memorial for the soldiers who died when it blew up
2017/08/10 (木) 21:02 No. 232637
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Well for people who died in service on those years in the sea fortress to be precise
2017/08/10 (木) 21:03 No. 232638
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There is a "death valley" in the island and if you stray from the marked paths, welp if you blow up no insurance will cover your costs not even the wellfare one
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:09 No. 232640
>>>/watch?v=ML5iqSn2sh4 Sekko Boys is an underappreciated masterpiece I hope you can all appreciate it
Oops i didnt see a new thread
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:10 No. 232642
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yeah it was made in the middle of a conversation so it got hidden by the end of the conversation smug.jpg
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:11 No. 232643
2017/08/10 (木) 21:15 No. 232644
Fucking HELCK if you now make another "Oh look hope for the main characters, NOT"
>>232642 thanks dad you suck
2017/08/10 (木) 21:17 No. 232646
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>>232642 here a smug
sachiko is CUTE CUUUUUTE
2017/08/10 (木) 21:19 No. 232648
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:19 No. 232649
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 618x700, 56823049_p4.jpg )
google has a new "toxicity" AI that determines the toxicity of certain statements it finds women to be much more toxic than me, thinks that slavery is not particularly toxic, hates communism, is fine with nazis, and thinks druggies should be executed and google rolled this out
2017/08/10 (木) 21:20 No. 232650
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>>232649 Seems quite right analysis of the internet to me.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:20 No. 232651
it's not supposed to be reflective of the internet it's supposed to reflect morality
2017/08/10 (木) 21:21 No. 232652
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>>232651 Well duno how they programmed it, but in general the actual nazies in the webs are surprisinglty polite aside from the genocide and shit so that might factor in atleast to that part.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:23 No. 232653
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>in general the actual nazies in the webs are surprisinglty polite no they're not, that's ridic have you actually seen them on twitter and stuff? they're virulent, unrepentant, short-tempered, and disgusting they strike out at anyone and everyone and then complain when they are suspended sargon got suspended from twitter for talking shit about jews and his usual shit today and the nazis are fucking livid swarming like ants and attacking everyone they can
2017/08/10 (木) 21:24 No. 232654
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>>232653 Hmm I heard he just interviewed some alt-righters, though those are quite neonazi at this point.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:25 No. 232655
yeah alt-right is literally neo-nazi
2017/08/10 (木) 21:25 No. 232656
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It is funny how fast that happened in like 2 years or less
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:25 No. 232657
like a year it's amazing they were just trolls and then they all radicalized themselves because they thought it was funny and became legitimate white supremacists
2017/08/10 (木) 21:26 No. 232658
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Well not really radicalised that much, but some just took it more seriously than others and then the "just trolls" and others left and then they start to attract the wackos more andm ore
2017/08/10 (木) 21:27 No. 232659
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btw I have if memorys erves met few legitimate nazis as in NSDAP or similiar members well past members and not just "because had to" but active members at he time.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:27 No. 232660
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i had a swastica sent to my home once
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>>232649 As expected of the Valley.
2017/08/10 (木) 21:28 No. 232662
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>>232660 Horrible was it even correctly done as in naziswastika?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:28 No. 232663
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>>232662 Yeah. This was in like 2014 though.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 21:28 No. 232664
>>232656 It started more than two years ago It started with /pol/
2017/08/10 (木) 21:29 No. 232665
Search [iqdb] (394 KB, 1200x1300, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
>>232664 alt-right got publicity when trump campaigned and by the time he was elected it wasn't just a meme that they were nazies they had become nazies
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:29 No. 232666
alt-right became the alt-right during >>232665 they existed before that as people and groups but they weren't a solid group they had yet to become a single entity hillary made them into a single entity and then they became nazis
2017/08/10 (木) 21:30 No. 232667
Search [iqdb] (461 KB, 819x1274, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
Like early into campaign they were just memesters, trolls and generally conservatives or far-righters but byt he end of the year, bam anyone not nazi-leaning distanced and diswoved of them
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 21:30 No. 232668
Oh I misunderstood what you meant
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 21:32 No. 232669
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:32 No. 232670
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the world gets crazier by the day
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>>232666 They weren't a "political" faction as far as policy whatever is concerned. I think I'd say they existed but simply weren't named because no one really had or saw the need to name them. Because lol who cares about silly shit like gamergate and people getting doxxed/hazed on social media? Fast forward two years later, and the president's talking shit about North Korea and delivering bans in tweets.>somehow no one saw this coming
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 21:33 No. 232672
>>232671 Have you read this?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:33 No. 232673
>>232660 I'm sure it was some buddhist missionaries and really just a big misunderstanding
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 21:33 No. 232675
Fuck page crashed Anyways, Blue have you read this?
>>232673 >>>/watch?v=-tKVN2mAKRI#t=0s Have you seen this one?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:35 No. 232677
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 480x720, 53091837_p19.jpg )
>>232676 Yeah Daoko is really cool>>232674 oh yeah sure
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 21:36 No. 232678
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>>232675 Yep It was alright
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 21:37 No. 232680
>>232679 Good
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:37 No. 232681
>>232671 their minds are too slow for eyes
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 21:37 No. 232682
Search [iqdb] (752 KB, 870x1236, 007(10).png )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:38 No. 232683
>>232678 >>232682 this looks interesting
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 21:38 No. 232684
>>232683 It's by the same guy who did that manga about the guy who moves into a haunted apartment and falls in love with the female ghost resident but she really fuslikes him *dislikes
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:38 No. 232685
Search [iqdb] (315 KB, 536x750, 53314589_p2.jpg )
oh man this commie discord is having a serious and heated debate about whether fishing as a sport is revolutionary or counterrevolutionary
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 21:39 No. 232686
>>232685 Beautiful
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:40 No. 232687
Search [iqdb] (11 KB, 423x203, 9ac9e7cf9f[1].png )
2017/08/10 (木) 21:40 No. 232688 if you aren't reading this already start now
2017/08/10 (木) 21:40 No. 232689
>>232685 it's a hobby
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 21:40 No. 232690
>>232688 That was actually the next thing I planned on reading after I catch up with the one I just posted.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:41 No. 232691
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 21:52 No. 232692
Search [iqdb] (377 KB, 1000x1421, 005(8).png )
2017/08/10 (木) 21:55 No. 232693
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 1000x1360, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:58 No. 232694
Search [iqdb] (857 KB, 870x1236, 021[1].png )
>>232691 is that matt graves' son was it matt graves mike?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 21:59 No. 232696
matt graves' son was thomas lane graves how could you possibly forget that man
i mean the one who got his organs that's how they convert people to the cult give them organs from a cult member
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 22:00 No. 232698
i don't think robgraves is a cultist
that'd be a pretty good conversion rate i mean how many organs does one person have probably even four dude and imagine, tell the cult members whose organs you're harvesting that you're doing it to reincarnate them into as many new lives as they have organs i would join that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 22:01 No. 232700
at least 3
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 22:02 No. 232701
>>232699 I can think of two different manga that are sort of like that.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 22:03 No. 232702
>>232699 would you really join that
>>232702 i mean yeah i bet my heart's brain can take over the new host's brain and upload my consciousness there i bet my liver knows me well enough to do the same too
hollow girth
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 22:05 No. 232705
that sounds evil
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 22:05 No. 232706
Yeah that's basically Tomie by Junji Ito
2017/08/10 (木) 22:06 No. 232707
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Yeah that had the kidney transfer story though even blood injection could turn you into a tomie eventually atleast if you were a baby
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 22:17 No. 232708
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Wow Lewd
2017/08/10 (木) 22:25 No. 232709
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/10 (木) 22:40 No. 232710
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2017/08/10 (木) 22:43 No. 232711
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My america is prettier than realmerica
>>232711 We need to annex Canada
>>232712 that's how fallout began
2017/08/10 (木) 22:54 No. 232714
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also American South America
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 23:00 No. 232716
>>232715 Okaeri
2017/08/10 (木) 23:02 No. 232717
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Embrace freedom?
2017/08/10 (木) 23:02 No. 232718
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Or push for prosperity
2017/08/10 (木) 23:02 No. 232719
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or Glory?
>>232713 exactly
>>232719 GLORY Fuck prohibition it's shit
2017/08/10 (木) 23:02 No. 232722
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current one
2017/08/10 (木) 23:04 No. 232723
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>>232721 meh fuck dat it has no immigration bonus I need more slavelabour
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I worked my butt off today. I didn't even get lunch. Was there any spam today?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 23:05 No. 232725
>>232724 I don't think so. Not 100% sure though
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Good, i'm happy to hear that.
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>>232724 Yo.
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Hey how are you today?
2017/08/10 (木) 23:13 No. 232729
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In Hindsight, I should've kept FPTP keeps the dangerous parties like commies out of elections
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>>232728 Okay! How are you? Hungry, I'm sure.
it's hero fest lol of course after like eight banners of pandering i bet brand new heroes come out in a couple weeks
gotta keep that steady income rolling in
vr frog leg eating contest put a tiny camera in each frog leg and then stich the recording together in the order they're eaten so you can BE the frog leg eating contest
fishmom got crumbs in the butter
crumbs of what like pie crust or like toast
>>232734 pre-buttered crumbed toast It's a feature >>232738 You know what pisses me the fuck off When people use the same knife for jam and butter and then the jam gets in the butter Or even worse when they do that with nutella or fucking vegemite >>232739 yeah that's okay Jam is good I want some raspberry jam
>>232737 i do but i just fuckin clean it before doing that i think i might buy some jam tomorrow that sounds good
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>>232730 Yeah, I am pretty hungry. I swam too.
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gonna tell fishmom tthat ddue to this dishonor, i will never marry her daughter without a large dowry>>232740 I am also hungry! I'm waiting for Fish to be ready to come home.
it sounds like fishmom already made you a meal why not just eat that
i dont want to eat dinner without fish
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>>232741 What dishonor?
>>232743 that's how you know it's serious
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I get toast crumbs in the butter all the time and don't give a fuck.
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>>232744 toast crumbs in the butter!>>232745 what's serious
>>232748 I guess the butter
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 23:31 No. 232750
The only reason crumbs in the butter doesnt bother me much anymore is because my OCD is a lot less severe than it used to be.
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>>232748 Be careful with that large dowry joke, they may agree.
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>>232751 I want a dowry of blood!
>>232752 You can have one pound of flesh
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kirara: i want a dowry fish's dad: here's a million bucks kirara: please no
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here's a million bucks go buck to school kid
>>232755 why did they use the fucking one dollar bill as a template instead of a $20
and they just like photoshopped the numper 20 on top in plain white text and for SOME REASON the globe covers part of it i am so fuckin confused
Search [iqdb] (207 KB, 1065x1496, IMG_20170610_073754.jpg )
>>232754 i would cry
>>232755 >>232757 ahahahaha the 20 doesn't even fit >>232758 Kirara here's a billion
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>>232757 Aesthetics. Andrew Jackson is off-center on the twenty.
>>232757 so you know that the photoshop artist knows more than just how to apply drop shadow and border to text he can ALSO MAKE A LAYER
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 23:36 No. 232762
>>232761 Photoshop flips out if you try to edit an image of a US bill It used to anyways
Search [iqdb] (330 KB, 1125x2000, 1481749427132.png )
earlier i asked fishdad if there was anything i could do for him and he's like "marry my daughter"
Search [iqdb] (360 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Chain Chronicle(…).jpg )
>>232763 ask not what your future son in law can do for you, ask what you can do for your future son in law
>>232762 it could recognise that?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 23:38 No. 232766
>>232765 Yes Also I did some reading It might be that $20 bills triggered the lock, but not $1 bills Although there are ways around it
>>232762 you can work around it easily enough
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 23:39 No. 232768
>>232767 Not the frontier graphics can though
hello yes this is ton
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 23:39 No. 232770
>>232768 *Frontier graphic designers
i guarantee you they're not graphic designers
>>232766 that's fucking weird
they got their degree from /gd/
>>232768 also it's literally as easy as just opening the image in another program that can save pdf, adding some white space on the right or bottom of the canvas, and then opening that in photoshop
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 23:41 No. 232775
>>232771 The person whose job it is to "design graphics"
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 806x697, mayochiki.jpg )
>>232763 That's not too subtle.
>>232775 yeah, interns frontier isn't going to shell out the money on graphic designers they're fuckin shit
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 23:41 No. 232778
>>232777 They are still acting as a graphic designer
i can pretend i'm a doctor but that still makes my back alley liver reposession illegal
>>232778 the graphic in graphic designer is not a noun
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/10 (木) 23:42 No. 232781
>>232779 Yeah but you don't need to be board certified to legally practice graphic design
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>>232776 He's never been subtle about it
guys I was using photoshop without my graphic design liscence are the police gonna come arrest me?
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>>232758 It's time to get to business.
>>232781 we're not talkin about board certifications we're talking about job titles
why is store bought beef jerky so expensive
>>232786 I know right It'd be such a convenient snack if it didn't cost so much
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>>232782 He's being super not subtle!
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>>232788 Yeah, there's a pattern of being not subtle.
>>232789 holy shit that's amazing
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>>232789 I like her family. They're funny.
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>>232790 It's certainly something.>>232791 They're interesting people. I don't dislike them even though they're really exhausting.
It's nice to have exposure to a family that isn't shit
>>232787 i looked it up and surmised based on this excel spreadsheet on the usda site that jack links tryna make more money per pound of beef than the farmers they buy from sooo cost of labor i guess
>>232789 Her parents are really putting in a lot of effort for this huh. Little do they know they just need to wait for it.
>>232795 lets not jump to conclusions now they think we've been together almost a year now though so
2017/08/11 (金) 00:03 No. 232797
Search [iqdb] (408 KB, 900x800, 1391986240548.jpg )
a year is still quite short time to just get hitched
>>232797 Yeah I don't think I'd marry unless I knew her for like 4 years at least
i think two years in a relationship is enough
2017/08/11 (金) 00:06 No. 232800
I think average is sometjhin like 3 years and that gets upped by the high school etc sweethearts who push it up to 6+ years easily
2017/08/11 (金) 00:08 No. 232801
like both of my cousins dated their SOs for about 10 years before marrying
2017/08/11 (金) 00:08 No. 232802
Search [iqdb] (642 KB, 800x900, c1515a356e447689bf8fb56235bbae62.jpg )
And in the other's wedding they babtised her secodn child at the same time
my parents got married after 6 months together
2017/08/11 (金) 00:09 No. 232804
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1200x936, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
I am not sure about my parents, maybe 2-3 years
2017/08/11 (金) 00:10 No. 232805
Search [iqdb] (371 KB, 1889x1830, Tenko - thoughtfull.jpg )
Hmm tellsh ow little new contacts I've made in past few years, since Id on't recall dropping the amusing "how and where my parents met" story
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>>232793 Her parents seem to be super involved and caring.
>>232806 yeah I've never seen that kind of thing they get along so well and enjoy being together it makes me a little jealous
2017/08/11 (金) 00:15 No. 232808
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Not everyone gets the equal amount of jellybears
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>>232807 I think they're a cute family, even though they're all a bit crazy.
>>>/watch?v=-Fr3EWCsUic Is anyone else gonna watch the new Kinos Journey Do you like the artstyle?
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>>232809 It's probably nice to have a loving family though Maybe I'd like being around them if they /// around my mom if she was like fish's mom i wouldn't mind having a family like fish's maybe they'll be my family someday I MARRIED YOU FOR YOUR FAMILY, FISH
>>232807 i felt that way when i visited quarx's parents for thanksgiving they even bought me some shirts for christmas they were so sweet that i came home and kind of wanted to cry
>>232810 i haven't watched the original
>>232813 It's pretty good. I don't think you'd need to have seen it considering that it has a pretty episodic structure
2017/08/11 (金) 00:22 No. 232815
>>232810 new? those are all clips from stories told in the previous series
2017/08/11 (金) 00:22 No. 232816
are they jsut gonna tell the same stories newly animated?
>>232815 >>232816 I fucking hope that's not what they're planning
2017/08/11 (金) 00:22 No. 232818
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 704x480, Kino_no_Tabi_08.DVD(h264.aac)[(…).jpg )
>>232818 That particular story about the flying vehicle is so good
2017/08/11 (金) 00:23 No. 232820
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I think my favourite is the prolly the gladiator
>>232817 it's just the remake of the old kino no tabi but written and directed by seth mcfarlane
>>232821 >Seth uses the peter griffin voice for Hermes >>232820 I remember liking that one, but I forgot what the twist was
>>232821 10/10 will watch before the original
2017/08/11 (金) 00:25 No. 232824
>>232822 there wasn't really a twist
>>232824 I could swear Kino killed the king or something like that I also really like that one country where they invent a new tradition for every week That place was cute >>232826 Yeah that one was fun >lol I'm the only one left to form government
2017/08/11 (金) 00:26 No. 232826
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Yeah she did but that wasn't really a twist>>232825 I think the "democracy" country was fun too>let's kill everyone by voting
wow fucking spoilers im triggered for life
my favorite episode of kino no tabi was the one where mushishi visits a village and there's that mother giving birth to clones
2017/08/11 (金) 00:27 No. 232829
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That would be an amusing cross over manga or cafe alpha meets mushishi
>>232828 >>232829 >Kino and Mushishi guy stop by cafe Alpha Fund it
>>232829 kino and mushishi are basically the same show in style, artwork, and aesthetics
2017/08/11 (金) 00:28 No. 232832
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>>232831 Those kinds of shows are my favourite where the world and set pieces are more the main character than them ain characters
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 00:28 No. 232833
>>232830 I have a picture somewhere of Gin and Kino meeting at a crossroads.
>>232831 I watched a few episodes of Mushishi and it seemed to be a bit more of a personal scale than Kino. Where Kino is more focused on wider countries and situations >>232836 yeah there's two ovas that only cover like two volumes
2017/08/11 (金) 00:28 No. 232835
>>232830 I'd be content with YKK anime
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 00:29 No. 232836
>>232835 There is one though
2017/08/11 (金) 00:29 No. 232837
>>232836 AN OVA A FUCKING TWO EPISODE OVA WITH LIKE 1% OF THE CONTENT that is like saying a fucking 5 minute trailer is a movie no 1 minute teaser trailer
>>232834 eh i'm not sure about that honestly mushishi has some pacing to it it's still episodic so not a lot
>>232828 my favorite episode of mushishi is when kino stows away on a merchant ship to hunt umibozu
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 00:29 No. 232840
>>232837 >it's not a long enough anime so it doesn't count and I'm not content with it even though I said I would be
>>232840 >can I get an anime for this manga >sure here's two episodes covering 5% of the manga >WHAT THAT AIN'T ENOUGH?
2017/08/11 (金) 00:30 No. 232842
an adaption as in the whole fucking series gets adapted into moving pictures and told in that format as in thew hole story gets told with just barely some content cut or some extra dded to make the story more coherent fucking braindead rei creature
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 00:31 No. 232843
>>232842 Fun fact: most anime adapted from manga series don't cover the entire series
most anime cover more than two episodes worth don't be pedantic, you know what he meant
2017/08/11 (金) 00:31 No. 232845
>>>/watch?v=tG0UUdGI01o it is like sayign this is an animated movie of the Red Son comic book it's not
2017/08/11 (金) 00:32 No. 232847
>>232843 that is because most adaptions happen WHEN the manga is still running
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2017/08/11 (金) 00:32 No. 232849
and then simply don't garner enough profit to award further seasons or there simply isn't enough material to adapt, and by the time there is, it isn't relevant enough to adapt
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 00:33 No. 232850
>>232844 It was two seperate two episode OVAs, so calling it "two episodes" is misleading.
>>232850 yeah and they both cover the same content
2017/08/11 (金) 00:33 No. 232852
>>232850 the first one covers 3 chapters the other one covers maybe 2 or 3 and was it 13 volumes long?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 00:34 No. 232853
>>232852 Yes
2017/08/11 (金) 00:34 No. 232854
a general animae adaption of a series covers 3-4 volumes of manga or 1-2 volumes of light novels
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finally time to reclaim my fish
2017/08/11 (金) 00:35 No. 232856
>>232855 going after that fish that pulled you into the water?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 00:36 No. 232857
Also Ayakashiko was pretty good.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 00:36 No. 232858
Oh wait, YKK was 14 volumes.
>>232856 picking up my girlfriend from her parents'house
2017/08/11 (金) 00:37 No. 232860
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But what abouty the white fish?
2017/08/11 (金) 00:37 No. 232861
won't you strike at it from hell's heart or something
>>232858 they made a manga about a zipper company wtf
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 00:38 No. 232863
>>232862 Nah It's about the millenium bug
>>232860 fuck it
>>232862 fashion is a dramatic industry you could totally do that
>>232864 >buy fish some nekomimi >hey baby wanna bite of this catfish >no thanks it's not kosher
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 00:40 No. 232867
>>232865 Manufacturing zippers isnt really the fashion industry.
oh good my work tomorrow is market research i was spazzing about getting enough sleep but i can afford like an extra three hours of sleep now whew that's a huge load off my frazzled mind
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At some point your stomach just stops being hungry.
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you didn't eat? i made some red skin potato salad it wasn't much but i try to keep a little food in my belly throughout the day i can't do big meals anymore though or i feel disoriented
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Not yet today. I will in a few minutes.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 00:47 No. 232872
I had pasta with a large amount of parmesan and some butter for dinner. Followed by 1/3 of a cup if raspberries *of
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>>232872 you should really eat those fruits first they aid the digestion which is pretty important for those pasta carbs it's probably -->>232874 wow don't be a fuckin j*rk
geez you're such a DWEEB
>>232875 fuck we need to get dweeb back into mainstream 90s roadtrip here we come where the FUCK has rook been i haven't seen him since last friday
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 00:50 No. 232877
>>232876 No way dweeb
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 00:52 No. 232878
Actually feeling tired Might make an attempt towards sleep I've gotten <5 hours of sleep in the past 36 hours
>>232876 he's new house probably too busy ffor uus now
>>232878 hmu when you master sleeping one brain hemisphere at a time like i do nerd
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I guess between moving and working at amazon he's pulling double duty package handling.
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>>232881 triple duty at package handling when you consider his new roommate*
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 00:54 No. 232883
>>232881 That sounds a bit lewd
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>>232883 Wow, really? I didn't intend that!
2017/08/11 (金) 00:55 No. 232885
>>232882 who is his roomie then?
his new roommate is jeff bezos
my ass hurts
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 00:56 No. 232888
>>232887 I'll bet Fag
too much sex with pan, huh?
>>232888 >>232888 >>232888
2017/08/11 (金) 00:59 No. 232891
>>232886 why not comie?
rika thoughts on new boats
wait let's make this interesting post all the new boats and let rika see if she can figure out the one you like
dude I don't even have them all saved I said I COULD do that
well sge can look at them and then figure it out fuck this traffic looks like cops are stopping two lanes of highway
2017/08/11 (金) 01:02 No. 232896
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>>232895 Well atleast you don't need to drive through 8 traffic sites lol construction sites
>>232896 well yeah the entire highway is a single construction site
2017/08/11 (金) 01:03 No. 232898
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2017/08/11 (金) 01:03 No. 232899
>>232897 haha well little insight into that comment ya see our roads kinda take quite high natural damage every winter and spring and during both winter and srping and the late fall storms road work is basically useless even if you could do it, the ground is too wet or frozen for the road to be stable or for the compound materials to harden/whatever proper so there is about a 6 month time window when ALL and ANY road repairs or constructions can be done so, summer the only time of the year when it is nice and fun to drive with windows open and you can take the time off to go on joy rides Welp fuck your shit, every road is under repair or renovated or rebuilt
sounds rough
2017/08/11 (金) 01:05 No. 232901
last weekend during assembly I had to drive from the event place to a store on the otherside of the central region maybe 4 or nah more 7 klicsk I counted 11 construction sites on the route I picked also ended up driving on 3 tram rails and twice on pedestrian walkways, because I was directed there and three times on coming traffic lane real GTA driving but legally and with a fucking giant rental van
2017/08/11 (金) 01:07 No. 232902
was a fun day, by the time I was moving my shit from the old computer case to the new one, I was awake on the pure power of vitutus alone
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2017/08/11 (金) 01:20 No. 232905
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Bitter about insurance claims: Day 2 edition
push marsh to the edge all his cars are dead
>Junji Ito masterpiece collection anime series >It's being animated by Studio DEEN Why this.
>>232903 from this study i can conclude ass
>>232909 same>>232908 NO WHY
>>232908 that's got to be a badly timed april fools joke
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>>232907 don't push me
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>>232910 They also have the person who drew the Diabolik Lovers characters for the character designer for the show.
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>>232893 They're been doing this thing where they release the events in two parts. So there are six new boats, but only 3 of them are released and they're all three destroyers. And only one is cute.
>>232915 which one do you think is ToN's favorite
there are seven new boats.
>>232913 >shooting out frozen cum bullets with every ejaculation this is a superpower
you don't really have to bully me Kirara, I said Hatakaze was cute too
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Oh right there are four boats out right now. One of them is a FBB drawn by Akira, so I filtered her out as an abyssal.>>232916 That's difficult because two of the three new destroyers are kinda ugly. I'll say Amagiri.
>>232919 I'm doing this to seek solidarity with rika bullying you is just a side benefit
yes, I think Amagiri is cute
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Is she your favorite? Was my guess right?
calling her favorite kind of implies more affection than I'm looking for here Hatakaze is like objectively cute but I think Amagiri is cute too.
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>>232904 Pretty funny but I'm concerned that they don't understand the meme. Chad needs to be ridiculous and superhuman, but the protagonist 4 protag really is like that. Maybe it's just a subtle thing.>>232924 Are you trying to squrim around here? Is Amagiri your favorite or not?
>>232926 yeah narukami actually being like that is the joke
>>232926 Kirara's the one throwing favorite around but I guess yeah, out of those Amagiri is the one I like personally the most.
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I feel liek you are attempting to change the meaning of the word favorite here. If I hand you apples and oranges and ask you which is your favorite, you can tell me which is your favorite even if you don't particularly like either of them.
Are you going to say "wow you picked the worst one" if I say Amagiri is my favorite
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Give your extreme reluctance to use the word favorite, I don't think I need to say anything. You already know what my response would be.
It's kind of depressing. This always happens.
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welcome back pan
this isn't pan this is ton using pan's computer as a thrall
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>>232932 It's funny, isn't it? Seriously though she's kind of ugly.
She looks like a cute glasses girl to me, she gives me an Akigumo type of vibe and I like Akigumo
>>232937 She's super ugly.
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She's just not cute. It seems like the artist was trying to mix megane with boyish/sporty.
She's the worst of the four they're currently showing. I think I'd go Hatakaze > Sagiri > Richelieu > Amagiri
like she's pretty plain looking. but it's charming to me
>>232940 that trigger mechanism is terrible
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The other girl (who is cute) has her gun hidden.
>>232940 she looks like a guy
>>232941 agreed
actually frenchy = amagiri
frenchy is p bad yeah
I don't really mind her but she's a bit chunky. Sagiri is cute but she's also kind of a plain cute. Like the kind of one you just nod and go "yeah she's cute" and that's the extent of it. Hatakaze looks really soft and has a nice jacket and good hair.
owl likes her so that shouldn't surprise anyone ie kirara
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Akira is very good at drawing abyssals. She's still learning how to draw normal ship girls.
If Sugoi was here maybe he'd care a little that there's a new Malzahar skin
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egg turkey bacon bagels for dinner at 10pm
Breakfast for dinner is secretly a really comfy thing. Nothing wrong with it.
>>232953 you absolute madman
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i have a tiny pan that makes eggs perfectly round and the perfect size for a bagel
I have a big pan winking emoticon thinking face emoji heart eye emoji eggplant
>>232956 Yeah we've got one for that too. I never use it since I'm not a huge fan of eggs like that but it gets a lot of use from the rest of my house.
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feels so good to lie on the floor of my house shirtless again i feel free
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You get to lounge now that you don't have company?
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feels nice to be just the two of us again it feels like it's been a thousand years
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Having people in your space can be frustrating.
>>232963 it feels like a thousand years since Sugoi played Leeg with me
especially people like fishmom
>>232965 you lost him to wow
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Shit man After all we went though the highs the lows the wins the losses Cheesing in the tri brush with ashe passive at level 1 camping the fuck out of Jax top us jungle udyr Did all that mean nothing? To just be thrown away discarded like a used tissue?
i am having chest pains now did i attain freedom just to DIE LIKE A DOG no i must survive
Wouldn't it be nice to just lie in bed shitposting all day. But unfortunately the REAL WORLD calls.
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>>232969 riparoo
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>>232970 Good luck with the real world.
>>232971 wow so cold my ribcage could be dissolving right now
I don't think that's a thing tha thappen s
It's a wide, wild world out there, Tony.
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>>232974 If your rib cage is dissolving right now there is nothing left for me to do but give you a post in mourning.
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>>232977 So cold! You could tell me about THAT before i die at least
Didn't she kind of just do that.
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>>232978 About WHAT?
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wow so that's how it is huh
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How what is?
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You're hurting me so badly. I just want to know the truth before I die.
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Okay, ask away!
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Why did you pour this bone hurting juice on my ribs?
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I think you've mistaken me for someone else!
>>232985 I think Jan is the one who has all of that
what if the positrons are hiding in the protons
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>>232986 hmmmm
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>>232989 It's true!
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yeah probably my ribs aren't dissolving
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Yeah so let's talk about people with REAL problems for a second that bug that bit my foot came back and bit it more and now it really itches
Maybe you should get an exterminator.
>>232992 Maybe it's a different bug.
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I bet it's the same bug. It would be a weird coincidence if two bugs bit my foot in the same way.>>232993 Exterminators do things like roaches and termintes. I can already tell you this was a spider.
bugs of the same species tend to bite things in the same way spiders aren't bugs
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Maybe it's a copycat. Spiders seem like bugs to me.
i always thought bug only meant like a small insect like a ladybug or a roach or a pillbug
>>232998 same
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I think of bugs as anythingthat might be an insect.
>>233000 spiders aren't insects
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Spiders might be insects.
dropping a lol ahead of time
>>233002 huh
>>233002 how do you figure that spiders are insects
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The y might be insects. They're made of insect stuff and they skitter around.
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you're right guys i think frogs might be fish
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Nah, frogs are way different from fish. They have legs and stuff.
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There's chemicals in the water turn the frogs gay
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Is it frogs that can change teams if they need to? That's what happened in Jurassic Park, isn't it?
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>>233008 frogs are exactly as related to fish as arachnids are related to insects they share a phylum and no more there are similarities between arachnids and insects, as are there similarities between amphibians and fish. but their biology and actions are pretty distinct. frogs swim and spiders skitter but they aren't the same as fish and bugs.
>>233006 I understand what you mean but they aren't insects
>>233008 here's another comparison frogs generally have one more pair of legs than a fish insects have 2-3 pairs of legs arachnids have 3-4 pairs of legs
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Frogs have two legs and fish have 0. Insects have six legs and spiders have eight. It's a way bigger difference to not have legs at all!>>233012 see you understand what I mean!
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I understand what you mean, but you're wrong.
>>233014 fish have fins which are basically arms though in the same way a bat's wings are arms
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>>233015 I acknowledge that I'm wrong, but I'm only slightly wrong!>>233016 That's totally different though.>>233018 I only see one show. Is Tilde around?
>>233017 hmm is it?
Search [iqdb] (384 KB, 960x720, [DeadFish] Yu Yu Hakusho - 24 (…).jpg )
>>233017 That's right, you're technically wrong, but spiders ARE kind of like bugs. So are lobsters, scientifically. Sea bugs.
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>>233019 Yeah. If you put a bat in the water it will drown.>>233020 Lobsters are kind of like bugs. It's not lobsters biting my feet at night. I accidentally capitalized the second one, that would have changed the meaning considerably.
>>233017 >>233018 Yeah I don't know where Konbini Kareshi is this week. Do we really want to put stuff together for one show tonight?
lobster is biting your toes
theres some jikan to catch up on?
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>>233023 Her heavy breathing would wake me up.>>233024 I guess we can but I dislike that show.>>233022 I don't mind putting it together for gamers. I like that show.
Yeah it's a lot of fun. Apparently the original LNs are written by the author of Seitokai no Ichizon. That author seems to do some pretty great character interaction.
what is gamers
Search [iqdb] (146 KB, 826x1066, 1498821944626.jpg )
gamers is an anime about gamers >>233025 Wow, does she breathe heavily?
>>233028 that sounds weird why would i watch an anime about someone playing video games instead of playing video games
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>>233028 She seems like she would in that situation, wouldn't she? She's that character type, don't you think?
no anime
>>233031 well you would know if she breathes heavily near your feet or not so I'll take it from you.
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>>233031 I feel like she could subvert the trope.
anime >>233033 →
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>>233035 Well, that's probably true. She's more the type to sneak into your bedroom to bite your toes but then chicken out and do nothing.
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>>233040 I think so too. That definitely sounds like her.
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and under the covers, just me and quake and the outside world shan~t botherus at all
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my strawberries are way too sweet they taste fake
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Anyway what's important here is that my foot ITCHES
>>233052 put aloe vera on it
Just don't scratch it. Easy peasy.
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It's a shame you can't give your itches to someone else. Well now htat I've typed it it sounds like you could do that with a STD but that's not what I'm talking about.
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Would you give it to Tilde?
I have really good ability to ignore itching.
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Oh I didn't mean to select this image>>233058 now that it's possibly in the context of STDs I can't give it to anyone
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Now that fishmom is gone, I can wear my pajamas again.>>233061 Not even someone you love?
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I don't think you would want to give a STD to someone you love!
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It could be a yandere thing.>now that you have my HIV, the only one that will accept you is me! you'll stay with me now, right? you'll never leave me?
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That's not really my flavor of yandere though.
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That's good. It's a pretty bad flavor.
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If the surface of the sun was itches instead of fire, that would e my foot.
such a way with words
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I may have to bandage it to stop from scrating it.
>holding my phone >fish do you know where i set my phone down? my life
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Maybe my foot wouldn't itch if I scratched it on the surface of the sun.>>233103 Just call her to find it!
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>>233108 No, I was holding it and couldn't find it. I asked for help looking for it while it was literally in my hand.
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Oh, that's pretty bad.
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that's where my brain is
Your brain's in your hands?
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I want to scratch my foot on the surface of the sun.
I want to eat the sun.
>>233118 took my brain out, threw it so directly at the goal
>>233121 I believe in you
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I scratched it until it hurts. Now it doesn't itch, it hurts instead. Problem solved, case closed.
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>>233140 Why'd you do that
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>>233142 Because it itched.
It'll just itch again in an hour or so.
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I'll scratch it until it hurts when that happens.
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Do you always scratch the itch when you get it? that's not good ffor you
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rika's going to scratch a hole in her foot
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I can usually ignore itches. This one is kind of on the side of my foot though, so my shoes scratch it, Once it's been scratched it itches more, and those are the kinds of itches I can't help but scratch.
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feel so free in my pajamas
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You don't wear pajamas?
I thought most people didn't wear pyajamas
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Really? that doesn't sound right
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I'm wearing pajama pants adn a t-shirt. which is one of my problems, the hem of the pants is long enough that it scratches that bite a little bit and makes it itch more.
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In the Winter I sleep in pajamas Lately I've been falling asleep in my work clothes
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I'm wearing my favorite moo cow pajama pants. I couldn't wear them around fishmom. They're so comfy.
>>233175 doesn't that get your work clothes all sweaty and dirty?>>233173 wow I guess I'm just a weirdo
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>>233183 Mate, my work clothers are already sweaty and dirty from working outside all day. Clothers, not clothers.
>>233186 yeah actually that makes sense but it means you'd get the bed dirty
>>233168 i do not wear pajamas i have never worn pajamas since i was like 5 or 6 at least>>233175 y-you don't wash your work clothes every day
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i wore pajamas on our trips sometimes but i changed into them under my sheets and out of them under my sheets so nobody would see because my pajamas have a secret
I think I've seen your pants before at least though.
>>233190 do your pyajamas transform or something?
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>>233188 I just give the sheets a good shake every once in a while Right as rain>>233189 I would if I didn't have to go to the laundrymatt I hate the laundrymatt>>233196 Idk I'm in a temp living situation right now. When I have my own sheets I'll probably wash em like once a week.
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oh yeah maybe you saw my pajamas now that ii think about it>>233193 no they have a dickslit which makes them dangerous
>>233194 do you NEVER wash your sheets?>>233195 why do they have a dickslit?
>>233196 idk man it's fucking weird but they're so comfy
>>233197 can't you just button it up
I think all my pyjama pants have something like that. But they also all have a button on the slit.
>>233198 no buttons idk why
>>233194 oh okay cool
i just sleep with as little on as possible i slept in my pants a few times when i was with /moe/ and it was fucking awful 0/10 would not recommend
What I wear in bed depends on what's going on before I go to bed
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What's going on in the bed?
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oh yeah I need to complain I rolled today in FEH and it was one where no blue orb came up and I got 5 star Camilla
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>>233218 What do you mean by that?
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I don't know that's why I asked.
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Nothing is going on in the bed. We're not in bed.
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Oh I see. Thank you for answering my question!
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>>233226 Why did you want to know?
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I just wanted to ask a dumb meme question.
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what was the meme?
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I dunno, it kinda sounds like a meme question though doesn't it?
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Aren't you thinking of pomf or something?
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it's kinda like pomf isn't it? it's kind of like a meme in the sense that a spider is kinda like an insect
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Is that how it is?
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Yeah, that's what it's like.
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What would you have done if I gave you a dangerous answer to your question?
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I don't think you'd give a dangerous answer.
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I could have! I can be unpredictable sometimes! I could have claimed all kinds of depravities were going on in the bed to mess with you, too! I'm a bit of a trickster!
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You wouldn't do something like that. It wouldn't be proper.
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Rika could just ask Fish for the truth anyway
You know what else wouldn't be proper? Lying.
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>>233247 I'm not always proper!
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Even when you're dangerous, you're dangerous in a proper way. You wouldn't disclose anything improper!
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I could! You saying I wouldn't makes me want to!
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Another person is involved so you won't do it. You won't be dangerous if it impacts an innocent third party.
Obviously you have never seen Kirara drive.
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>>233256 I could say I'm doing something dangerous alone in bed.>>233258 haha
>>>/watch?v=QQ17Tm_qUIE thank you bad taste in music
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>>233258 That was powered by love, so there was zero chance of failure.
>>233262 >>233262 >>233262
>>233258 there were no innocents in that car
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>>233258 I said innocent third parties oh no jan beat me to the joke I took too long looking for an image.>>233260 That's not really a very dangerous statement though.
Reckless driving doesn't risk danger only towards the people in the car.
>>233270 There was no risk to people outside of the car >>233262
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>>233269 I could make it dangerous. You know I could.
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>>233272 You could, but I know that you won't.
zero chance of failure means them too
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>>233273 I'm gonna do it. Don't test me.
fire and fury
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>>233275 It really bothers you that it's so obvious that you won't.
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>>233277 I'll just have to give you an example of something dangerous I could potentially say.
Are drive through beer shops a thing in the states?
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>an example of something i could potentially say you sound like ToN trying to worm around the fact that you like the ugly boat
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>>233279 No, driving while under the influence of alcohol is not legal here.
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>>233279 Yeah. There are drive through liquor stores.>>233280 I don't want to say I'm actually doing something indecent.
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It's okay to have limits and things you wouldn't do. I'm sure you can name lots of things that you know I wouldn't do!
>>233281 good meme>>233282 maybe I should have included common into that question someone I follow is making out it's not so common over there
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>>233283 Well, if I were going for shock factor, I could be very improper.>>233284 I've only seen one in my entire life.
I could probably name five or six right now odd
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>>233285 Yeah, but you won't!
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>>233287 Why are you challenging me?
She needs new material to seduce her Asian boyfriend.
oh i forgot about him
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>>233288 No, I'm just making an observation. Challening someone to do something I know they won't do is just silly.
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>>233291 I won't play your mind games.
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>>233293 I'm not playing a mind game! I wouldn't be able to overcome your natural willpower on this issue anyway. There's no way you'd do it even if I tried to manipulate you into doing it!
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>>233294 You're trying to reverse psychology me into saying something obscene.
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>>233295 That's a completely futile goal because I know you wouldn't do it. At most, I would try to have fun with you trying to pretend that you would do it. Which yes, I am currently doing.
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>>233296 You're so cruel.
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It's okay to have a little fun once in awhile. If you weren't so tsundere about it, I wouldn't be able to poke fun like this!
>attacks against frozen enemies have a 20% chance to deal 10,000% weapon damage what the heck
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>>233298 I could have said something really crazy! I was pretty close!
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In the end I knew you wouldn't be able to do it though.
>off hand casts random spells i have equipped every second while channeling my main spell >only equip blizzard >every second enemies are frozen for 2.5 second and take 10,000% damage this has to be a mistake
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>>233301 I even knew what I was going to say. But I also knew I'd lose no matter what because you're evil.
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I'm not evil. And to be honest, I would have lost if you'd done it because I don't want to know! I was counting on the fact that you'd think yourself into a corner and decide that I might win if you were to do it.
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>>233304 Well, if I did it, it would have been something really crazy aand absurd and unrealistic. I wouldn't have lost you by saying it but I'd lose to everyone else.
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It's just as I said, you wouldn't have done it!
the shocking new novel by imats "If I Did It"
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I'm gonna get mad if you keep messing with me like this!>>233307 if I did it it woulda been SO degenerate
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Don't get mad. It's the truth though!
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There's no need to pout!
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Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 05:19 No. 233313
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 05:19 No. 233314
i'm watching Ari Shaffir he's pretty good
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 681x667, [HorribleSubs] Idol Jihen - 06(…).jpg )
hi samurai! and bye every one I need to get some sleep now I can't wait for the weekend.
Everybody's working for the weekend
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 582x406, 1439861562488.jpg )
>>233315 bye jerk>>233316 >>>/watch?v=vjcrIsuoPOI
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 05:28 No. 233318
cya yuu
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>hit level 70 >15 minutes later get a better weapon than my other character who i've played for 20 fucking hours >out of a regular treasure chest with only 1 item in it this game is fuck
the world is a fuck my friend
theres like a 1% to get a legendary out of a shitty chest and 10% on that 1% to get an ancient legendary with better stats then those stats were all rolled within the top 5% of the possible stat spread and all of them were the best possible stat for that slot i basically just won the fucking powerball
Search [iqdb] (791 KB, 1233x1627, 47510853_p0.jpg )
>>233324 get a real Powerball and win that you misdirected luck shitter
>>233326 i think i'm just going to kms instead i wasted my 1 in 24.7billion chance on a shitty game
>>233327 if you kys you'll never get to kill the emperor though
>>233328 I want to join him though positive relationship
>>233329 good thing i poured all that zealot slime on you maybe we can make you the emperor
also I'm being forced to go to bed
>>233330 Maybe I could learn his secrets and then become consumed by madness true final boss
>>233331 First they force you to stay up late all the time now they're forcing you to go to bed. They ought to make up their minds!
>>233334 chicks, man
>>233332 Nah man the true final boss would consume the madness instead of being consumed by it.
girls amirite fellas
can't live with them can't live
Ladies, eh mates
>>233333 inb4 rei
>>233340 what do you mean
number autism
Excessive repeating numerals
also goodnight kirara
Search [iqdb] (181 KB, 600x700, ハマグリ - リコ 12.png )
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 06:10 No. 233346
i'm not sure if this is a universal phenomenon but i've always noticed that guys will often do this rapid subtle head shake while talking is that a thing is there a name for that
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 06:12 No. 233347
is that just a sign that they're BSing because i feel it's more like a 'joking' gesture
Like a side-to-side head shake or like a vibration kind of thing?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 06:13 No. 233349
kind of a vibration
I can't say I've noticed it. I don't spend a lot of time looking at people's faces when I'm talking with them though.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 06:14 No. 233351
my suspicion is it's some kind of "i've got a lot of energy right now" extroverted person thing
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 06:14 No. 233352
or maybe it's an adaptation of the indian head wobble
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 06:22 No. 233354
ahaha sombra's foot looks like genji's face
Like the bottom of her boot?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 06:23 No. 233356
>>233355 the front of her ankle on her summer skin
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 06:43 No. 233358
>>233357 oh shit
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 06:53 No. 233359
yo iddqd is too good
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 06:54 No. 233360
lol wtf they're adapting The Tick
Oh yeah I heard that a while back. Though I don't really know wha The Tick is anyway. Most of these comic culture stuff is kind of lost on me. I never got into them as a kid.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 06:59 No. 233362
the tick was a based cartoon
>>233354 have you played lucioball
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 07:04 No. 233364
>>233363 yeee buddy i played i think 6/10 capo matches
>>233364 whoa a professional baller almost
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 07:21 No. 233366
>>233365 how bout you dude
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 07:31 No. 233367
Search [iqdb] (252 KB, 800x800, 1502075774905[1].jpg )
steppin out
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KPE users are coming back
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gotta re set mine up
>>233366 i just played a handful of random matches when it came out, first time playing it myself
slepe well koiboy
does bruno mars is gay?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 08:18 No. 233375
>>233374 i'm gonna fuckin' preeeee
who bang here
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 08:22 No. 233377
>>233376 >>>/watch?v=Tqjl4nRSorM#t=58s r u 4 real
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 08:35 No. 233379
i'm doin it
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shelter - 00 [7(…).jpg )
r u doin this???>>>/watch?v=qtFkgsDX5Ts this guy dj'd last saturday shit was dope
>tfw you will never go club-hopping and rolling with sammy
>tfw there's probably barely a scene in canada poor souls
this guy is gonna explode>>>/watch?v=D4atg9fX864
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 1280x720, [Davinci] Girlish Number - 05 (…).jpg )
enough bangposting goodnight moe i remember the days when 4am was alive and kicking every night now /moe/ goes to bed earlier i guess we're all getting older, aren't we
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shelter - 00 [7(…).jpg )
>>233384 sleep tight bang as tight as tight can be
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 09:06 No. 233387
>>233380 untz>>233381 :o>>233382 maybe i'll be back???>>233384 naito
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/08/11 (金) 09:11 No. 233389
>>233388 lol
restraints aren't really all that good for people with dementia either
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 09:35 No. 233391
I slept a little bit Got like 3-5 hours in
that's not bad not quite optimum though
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 09:40 No. 233393
This just got a new chapter I highly recommend it to anyone not already reading it.
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 901x636, DG8GVtKVYAEbNV2[1].jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 09:48 No. 233395
Maybe I should just play 2048 until I am tired enough to fall back asleep
I don't think that would work but you can try it
>>233395 no, do civ that will surely work
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 09:51 No. 233398
>>233397 Don't have that on my phone
Search [iqdb] (264 KB, 600x800, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_(…).png )
ng games on phone
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i listened to a podcast with pewdiepie in it and gained much respect for the man
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 10:21 No. 233403
I found some free fiber optic cabling on Craigslist Might actually get it
what would you do with fiber optic cabling
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 10:23 No. 233405
>>233404 Stupid shit with lasers
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 10:30 No. 233407
>>233406 Me on the right
you're a bucket huh
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 10:32 No. 233409
Found someone getting rid of old anime and videogame magazines I might go get those
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 10:39 No. 233410
Search [iqdb] (687 KB, 1439x1485, Screenshot_20170802-160216.jpg )
This ugly fucking chair is still available
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 11:08 No. 233412
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 11:08 No. 233414
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 11:10 No. 233416
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 533x356, 1498324669754.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 1280x720, [GJM] Space Patrol Luluco - 03(…).jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 11:13 No. 233418
Search [iqdb] (199 KB, 1600x1200, 1494364606696.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [GJM] Space Patrol Luluco - 03(…).jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 11:16 No. 233420
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 1280x720, 1492856209901.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 11:23 No. 233421
Did you run out?
Search [iqdb] (167 KB, 429x518, 上官绯樱 - 东方project-藤原妹红,蓬莱山辉夜,上白泽慧音.jpg )
sorta sorta got bored too
/moe/ I just saw a Taiwanese movie called Bad Genius It's really fucking good
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 11:27 No. 233424
>>233423 Do you watch a lot of foreign films?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 11:29 No. 233425
Oh man I'm actually having trouble keeping my eyes open I think im gonna attempt sleep again soon
>>233424 No only when the film festival is going>>233425 sleep tight
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 11:30 No. 233427
>>233426 Ah real quick Have you ever seen Bad Taste? By Peter Jackson
>>233427 Never heard of it. Is it good?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 11:31 No. 233429
Search [iqdb] (644 KB, 1328x1820, Screenshot_20170811-063252.jpg )
>>233428 Kind of It's more culturally significant than good
>Gun-toting assassins try to wipe out a group of aliens that wants to use humans in New Zealand for food. >budget: 11,000 USD How could this not be good
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 11:34 No. 233431
>>233430 Wikipedia says the budget was $30,000 , but I'm not sure which is correct.
>>233431 that's still tiny. Not accounting for inflation.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 11:35 No. 233433
>>233432 I've actually seen good movies with a budget of 30,000~ 10,000~ though Not really, except maybe Clerks But I dont recall what the budget on that was
>>233433 A good film can be made on a small budget if it's well written, directed, and acted But not every low budget film gets that
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 11:37 No. 233435
Okay clerks had a shooting budget of $27,575
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 11:39 No. 233436
Incidentally, I highly recommended Clerks if you have not yet seen it.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 11:47 No. 233437
Actually going oyasumi now Oyasumi
oyasum i
Search [iqdb] (999 KB, 500x350, tumblr_myspahFMVk1sc32y3o1_500.gif )
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 1280x720, [Doki]_The_iDOLM@STER_Cinderel(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 1280x720, [Doki]_The_iDOLM@STER_Cinderel(…).jpg )
Its //
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 1280x720, [Doki]_The_iDOLM@STER_Cinderel(…).jpg )
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/08/11 (金) 13:19 No. 233444
Search [iqdb] (238 KB, 440x473, matara.png )
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 667x708, 夏の紅茶@一日目ル16a - イベント登録用 (64249421) .jpg )
Wow, I did not show up here to get spoiled. But thanks
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/08/11 (金) 13:20 No. 233446
you opened a spoiler nerd I was being careful
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/08/11 (金) 13:21 No. 233447
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 566x800, 1e21ccb6ba8bf8413841b019734a5ed7.jpg )
not like you actually play these games, unlike the great me, who has already played it
Search [iqdb] (214 KB, 1091x1500, DGoTgqeUAAEl__j.jpg )
... My client won't start? huh ah there we goo
this tempest trial is actually fun and feels productive now that you get like 3k points in your first two runs
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/08/11 (金) 13:28 No. 233450
Search [iqdb] (350 KB, 800x1131, narumi.jpg )
yo Kirara give me your thoughts on this design
6/10 would be a solid 8 if the clothes weren't so ugly
mostly due to the color and boringness of the dress
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/08/11 (金) 13:31 No. 233453
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1250x2000, 2a693a2b103cc7378baac196e72f67b6.jpg )
At least you can say she isn't overdesigned huh
her problem is that she's underdesigned did zun draw that
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/08/11 (金) 13:32 No. 233455
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 253x384, narumioff.png )
I mean technically?
oh figures
and no not technically
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/08/11 (金) 13:33 No. 233458
I suppose the only technicality would be that he designed that
2017/08/11 (金) 13:34 No. 233459
Search [iqdb] (341 KB, 643x900, __hinanawi_tenshi_ibuki_suika_(…).jpg )
Dress is ugly as hell
>>233449 i was afraid to do the 7 in a row because it'd be such a waste if i fucked it up and got 3x on something shitty but the 5 in a row was way too easy i noticed after that the lunatic 5x was only 35/grey star and not 40/gold there's no FREE BONUS UNITS REEE
bonus characters get +4 all stats and +10 hp this shit is so easy
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/08/11 (金) 13:35 No. 233462
Search [iqdb] (420 KB, 540x1080, satono&mai.png )
there's also these
>>233462 badly drawn faces fuckin downs
>>233462 that's like a two maybe a three if it weren't for the down syndrome eyes on the right HAHA kirara's with me the only thing i actually like about this is the green/yellow color combo on the right but i have flux on i can't see the true colors aw, yeah not // now that i turned it off i dont like that yellow it's too sharp
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/08/11 (金) 13:36 No. 233465
Search [iqdb] (154 KB, 292x427, satono.png )
>>233463 I was posting the non zu' This is the worst spoiler I was posting the only nonzun available because it would save me time since both characters are in one image
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/08/11 (金) 13:37 No. 233466
Search [iqdb] (164 KB, 334x512, mai.png )
2017/08/11 (金) 13:37 No. 233467
Search [iqdb] (4.2 MB, 1500x2122, __hinanawi_tenshi_nagae_iku_an(…).png )
if you post 2hu characters from the new game why the fuck do you post fanart when intropducing them post the zun or don't post at all
because he doesn't want me to insult them
>>233466 this is a lot better than the one above but still pretty fucked up
2017/08/11 (金) 13:38 No. 233470
>>233468 Uf ge us tgat afraud ti get judgemented on liking 2hus why does he like 2hus?
>>233470 I dont speak Italian dude
2017/08/11 (金) 13:39 No. 233472
Search [iqdb] (340 KB, 1074x1808, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
If he is tutti la afraid of getting itsamemario pasta judged on liking 2hus
well to be fair people generally like things they'd be ashamed of other people knowing they like
2017/08/11 (金) 13:40 No. 233474
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 480x574, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
And anyhow, touhou designs go from "nice" to "the fuck" and everyone knows that but fanart still makes em look good and besides, who even plays 2hus
like RC cola
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/08/11 (金) 13:40 No. 233476
Search [iqdb] (609 KB, 738x1000, 2f4a7d6347975a918684c566d5ec4c21.jpg )
I also avoided the zunart just because the point was the design and not the quality of the art.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/08/11 (金) 13:40 No. 233477
>>233474 see >>233447
2017/08/11 (金) 13:40 No. 233478
>>233476 >I avoided original design because the point was the design not the quality of the art
I would rather zunart because the fanart on release is usually hastily put together and bad anyway
2017/08/11 (金) 13:41 No. 233480
>i sent you a painting of the house instead of the blueprints, because the blueprints were the main point
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/08/11 (金) 13:42 No. 233481
Search [iqdb] (540 KB, 800x800, 2ea7fc37b3fe6a23b59378bfe8721ef9.png )
TN you don't have to make your point twice if I don't respond to it.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/08/11 (金) 13:42 No. 233482
and it hardly matters at this point because I posted all the zunart now
2017/08/11 (金) 13:44 No. 233483
Search [iqdb] (480 KB, 1000x1000, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
>>233481 first time is point second time is mocking
>>233480 isn't it more like getting a 3d visualization because blueprints aren't what you live in? awq
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1042x1674, DG86g5UUwAEEeKE[1].png )
>>233485 die
no stop
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 960x1002, 535549.png )
gon na eat a frosted miniature wheat
Search [iqdb] (128 KB, 525x810, DG9AQEvXoAAYowZ.jpg )
2017/08/11 (金) 13:55 No. 233491
>>233490 IA M YOUR GOD NOW! said the ape
Search [iqdb] (483 KB, 540x960, DG89qhPVwAEwYnn.png )
2017/08/11 (金) 14:09 No. 233493
Search [iqdb] (710 KB, 700x990, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
WElp I finally reached my former roomie to just ask hows he doing and also get him pay for the table+chairs I sold him and half of the last electricity bill
2017/08/11 (金) 14:09 No. 233494
feels good to wipe a ghost haunting your notebooks
2017/08/11 (金) 14:11 No. 233495
Search [iqdb] (9.4 MB, 3446x2458, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).png )
Still feels weird to live alone my brain is still processing this no roomies no homelessness no impending homelessness
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 1280x720, [Doki]_The_iDOLM@STER_Cinderel(…).jpg )
>>233495 yeah i know what you mean it can feel a little empty at times without that pressure driving your motions throughout the day
2017/08/11 (金) 14:17 No. 233498
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 1832x3264, IMG_1846.JPG )
posting for reference
2017/08/11 (金) 14:17 No. 233499
Search [iqdb] (2.8 MB, 1832x3264, IMG_1849.JPG )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/11 (金) 14:24 No. 233500
Search [iqdb] (49 KB, 550x700, Cv5MHr2UIAA6vO1.jpg )
got so much anime to catch up on
2017/08/11 (金) 15:10 No. 233502
okei okei a screwdrive just vanished disappeared entered the dimension next to us was blown to smithereens was taken by the spirits sen to screwdriver no kamikakushi and I can't finish building myu fucking shelves because I can't drive in the screws thanks a lot world gee I think I will go buy some booze
2017/08/11 (金) 15:13 No. 233503
and now it appeared in a place I just before wrriting that checked I think this place is haunted
>>233500 wow me too this is ton again borrowing my thrall
2017/08/11 (金) 15:32 No. 233505
Search [iqdb] (2.1 MB, 3264x1832, IMG_2761.JPG )
barebones but it looks kinda nice I might change the desk in near future though
2017/08/11 (金) 15:37 No. 233506
I was going to unpack my books but that 20 minute search for the screwdriver made me lose motivation
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/11 (金) 15:38 No. 233507
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 661x472, DFwMZWQVwAARFLF.jpg )
2017/08/11 (金) 15:44 No. 233508
BLOODY I HAVE 10 amper fuses, 16 amper fuses and 20 amper fuse couldn't even use one size fits all
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/11 (金) 16:34 No. 233510
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 800x1087, bg-chara-2.png )
Search [iqdb] (660 KB, 1920x1080, gw051.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (591 KB, 1920x1080, gw050.jpg )
>Hi. I'm here to kill a god. >haha, same >... >wait what
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/11 (金) 16:50 No. 233513
>>233512 are you interacting with an AI so seemlessly
Nah, this ain't some bioware game
Search [iqdb] (765 KB, 1920x1080, gw054.jpg )
Rytlock once again confirmed to have the best lines in the game.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 17:16 No. 233517
I have become ohio I think i got 6~ of sleep last night *6~ hours
you can race raptors
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/11 (金) 17:25 No. 233519
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 832x700, C0cND2DVQAA_yU7.jpg )
let's race raptures
someone in this place has a Tidus laugh
>>233520 what, like as their ring tone?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/11 (金) 17:33 No. 233522
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 618x700, 51245013_p2.jpg )
He means an NPC laughs like Tidus.
No. In the game.
oh i thought he was at the loft and someone there had a tidus laugh ringtone
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 17:33 No. 233525
>>233521 I know someone who used to have that as their ringtone.
I keep running into errors. I am a pro beta tester
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 17:34 No. 233527
>>233526 I am error.
>>233526 probate attester
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/11 (金) 17:36 No. 233529
Search [iqdb] (821 KB, 800x895, DGSxU3kUMAIRsuk.png )
>>233526 how strong>>233524 that'd be a good ring tone idk what my ring tone is
Search [iqdb] (836 KB, 1920x1080, gw056.jpg )
The line for soup is SO LONG
mine is a bass-boosted yamero
14kg in backbag and 5 in the backtray thingy of my bice i need to get bicycle attachable bags someday soon the trip back is hell like this
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/11 (金) 17:44 No. 233533
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1500x1439, 58341902 - kirarin.png )
Maybe I should find a cute ringtone.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/11 (金) 17:51 No. 233535
Search [iqdb] (27 KB, 600x683, 51573619 - 綱島志朗.jpg )
I suddenly feel like I could throw up
how many of these do i have to fucking make it just stays at the bottom what the shit
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 18:09 No. 233552
Ah fuck Spam back again?
no i'm doing this because it's fun
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/11 (金) 18:11 No. 233554
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/11 (金) 18:11 No. 233555
Search [iqdb] (527 KB, 1323x1496, 63321596 - 愛月まなた.jpg )
oh man i just love making so many threads for no reason too
same sometimes i think that if i make enough threads then i can stitch them all together and make a really thick fabric and wrap it around my head really tight and suffocate myself
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/11 (金) 18:13 No. 233557
i'm kind of the same but i find that i'd rather just wrap it around my neck and go on from there suffocation has its charm but i feel like if i got scared i'd just stop you know?
i'd probably just stab myself in the heart
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/11 (金) 18:15 No. 233559
that's pretty metal
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/11 (金) 18:16 No. 233560
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine (…).jpg )
2017/08/11 (金) 18:24 No. 233561
Search [iqdb] (225 KB, 788x792, __samara_morgan_dc_comics_and_(…).jpg )
2017/08/11 (金) 18:25 No. 233562
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 170x170, 1426367090082.gif )
Also fucking hell, I wonder where I have packed my power chords for my external hdd and my usb hub
2017/08/11 (金) 18:33 No. 233563
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 807x800, __yamamura_sadako_the_ring_dra(…).jpg )
WEll that is interesting my computer's usb can't power my mouise and my mic at the same time
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/11 (金) 18:35 No. 233565
>>233564 → >>233564 → >>233564 →