>>231777 Japanese society will chew you up and spit you out Woooooo
>>231779 In that story he could (maybe) have survived, but he insisted for the sake of his family (and their house) that they leave him there so it was more if a self sacrifice *of
In an encounter in a one of In a D&D campaign I played in, we fought a colossal "dildopede" For reference colossal is the largest size category in D&D 3.5 (technically there's colossal+ but its more of a designation than a size category) In that same dungeon we had to escape from a horde of succubi
>>231815 Was it all about loving tumeric? and especially spicy?
>>231817 i didn't make it especially spicy because i bought fresh serranos to eat alongside it and not everyone in my house likes spicy there is definitely turmeric in there mostly it's that i added carrots and potatoes and used coconut milk usually i add spinach and tomatoes and whole cloves of garlic, and a lot more cayenne
>>231846 >>231847 This sounds kinda like one of those episodes of a show or something where the characters go into the depths of another character's mind.
i finished up 12 hours of work but i screwed up on the formatting because i didn't know it had special instructions now i gotta redo it all thankfully redoing it will only take like 5 hours but that means i've still got a 17 hour work day today oh well for some reason i'm not too bothered
No he's not. I saved him. I put a pumpkin on his head after pouring zealot slime all over him and I put basilisk eyes in the pumpkin. And then I sung a song called "please don't die" and he's alive now.
>>231868 No, I'm the #1 super idol. I'm a human that is convinced he's an elf although he's sort of an elf now. And also I'm androgynous and don't have an official gender. People see me as whatever gender they want to see me.
PAN is a priest that PUNCHES everyone and has really heavy armor.
my character got decapitated and imats put a rotting pumpkin head on my neck stub and glued it there with mysteirous slime then put his spear up my corpse and waved me around and made an impression of my character to pretend i was still alive
The mysterious slime called zealot slime came from some slimey enemies that turned people into tentacle monsters. I stole their slime after we killed them.
And yes I did do all of what Jan said, but I'm saving him. He's going to live due to my actions. I even sung a song to bring him back to life and rolled super well!
If it didn't work, I'll just have to carry his body around forever and pretend like he's alive, though.
In D&D wizards have theoretically no limit to the spells they can know, but have to prepare to cast them daily, they have to pick which ones they might cast And then sorcerer s have a cap on the spells they can know but they can cast spells without preparation
Oh and for the most part (I cant think of any counter examples) sorcers and wizards pill from the same spell list *pull
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
Don't care for wizards in D&D cause of the book bullshit. I would prefer playing the sorc.
>>231907 I'm guessing you got fucked over by having your spellbook lost or destroyed while playing a wizard
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
>>231908 No but the fact that's a thing is why I don't wanna play a wizard.
>>231909 You can work around it But I get what you mean
>>231905 Not really, in D&D cantrip just refers to any zeroth level arcane spell
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
So far i've played a Barbarian,Fighter,Cleric and Warlock.
>>231912 I've played (excluding prestige classes) Ranger, Wizard, Cleric, Favored Soul (6.4/10 would not play again), Druid, Samurai, Ninja, Monk, Rogue, Barbarian, Sorcerer, and maybe a bard
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
>>231915 Oh shit right I played a monk before too. Almost forgot.
Also most of those multiple times and most of these were characters I made If I were to include just "any class of any character I've played" the list would be much longer
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
Ye I've played fighter atleast 4 times. Cleric has been twice.
Probably half of the D&D characters I made were either monks or barbarians. I actually have about 70% of my character sheets so I could check but I dont really feel like it.
they can't charge you to fix it if it mysteriously disappears
Oh wait I forgot you meant Dollarydoos when you gave the estimate Yeah that sounds about right Although it also sounds like your insurance zucks (in the wrong way) *sucks
Not even.
>>231940 Well by "sounds right" I mean "consistent with US repair estimates" for minor damage
I wouldn't be willing to pay $800 USD either.
i would pay like $150 max at a ghetto body shop nearby probably get the same service
>>231965 we're both from the same place, there's no conversion
The dollarydoo is alright
>>231967 Wasn't sure >>231966 I like saying (and typing) the word Dollarydoo Also "almost" isn't a very precise term, but I would talk less shit about your currency if it were worth $0.90 per Dollarydoo instead of $0.79 per On a regular grading scale your currency gets a C+
I need this in my life https://eshop.ramint.gov.au/Bananas-in-Pyjamas-25th-Anniversary/311292.aspx
That's how your prove your counrtry's money is legitimate. By putting Bananas in Pajamas on it.
Also holy shit that new five note is hideous
fuckin mint
I wish I coukd say the US mint doesnt make stupid limit issue stuff but they do For the most part US coins from 1950 through 2008 or so were uniformly ugly bit theyve been making worse and worse designs for actual issued stuff
We haven't had any really good looking coins since the Walking Liberty half dollar. And while the Susan B Anthony dollars were ugly (partially because she wasn't very good looking) the Sacagawea dollars looked even worse.
>>232072 It's in a spot where most shoes are going to irritate it.
You're behind a desk most of the day aren't you? I don't think your office would let it fly but I guess it wouldn't hurt bringing them in your bag and checking with whoever's the authority if you can switch to them because of the irritation. I feel you'd just be told to grin and bear it though.
Well hopefully it gets better soon Did you put anti itch ointment and a bandaid on it yet?
How on earth do the people who translate this stuff think that it's even remotely acceptable to submit something like this *not even remotely acceptable
>>232102 ay i listened to them a little bit when i was a teenie bopper i even used an atom from their music video about the elememts as my avatar on a video game forum
>>232106 i still use that tune to remember what almost every living is made of (pretty much mostly 4 elements) plants, bugs, birds, fish, bacteria, and man! are mostly, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and - oxygeeennn
Arggh A reuploaded chapter of a manga whose scanlation has been at a standstill for six years tricked me into thinking it updated
Holy fuck is this an old group http://users.skynet.be/mangaguide/
There's a smell on the air like someone is woodsmoking something outside. At least I hope it's coming from outside. There isn't anything in my house that should be making a smell like that.
It's about driving a car and not getting hit by moose. Technically, not running over moose but the way they walk into the street, they might as well be trying to attack you >>232124 2d
She's a Compsci student, they made it for a project
>>232122 Oh that's a little cute. It's a pretty good idea to avoid hitting meese when you're driving on the road. You could be driving a Humvee and the moose would probably still win out.
she was all 'hey, are you awake, please say yes" and I was thinking something weird happened because she's in a later timezone and has class then she hands me this strange game and wants to hear my frustration at it. I was good at it though
>>>/watch?v=-tKVN2mAKRI#t=0s This is a daoko song with a PV with character designs by the person who did the designs for the Bakemonogatari anime characters and Grisaia. You people should watch it. It's also a nice song.
>>232143 >Grisaia My friend still hasn't gotten all his stuff from the kickstarter Speaking of which, i think the muvluv kickstarter stuff sjips this fall Not that i care that much because despite spending $300 on it two years ago I just have just sort of lost interest in it
only kickstarters I did were for a party and for Little Witch Academia.
I'm pretty sure I've only done the MuvLuv one and the eve no jikan one Which I realy regret not participating in the feedback component for the subtitles
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
You too
i'm about to work 60 hours
in 5 days
please kill me
>>232153 Jesus Christ How Horrifying How the hell did you end up getting scheduled like that?
Arghhh I only had ine hour of sleep in the past 24 hours but I'm not sleepy, just physically exhausted
no it's normal it just sucks i usually work 60 hours a week but usually it's like 3 days 1 off 2 days 1 off
this time i'll get 3 days off in a row at the end of the week though
>>232165 I think I kinda get what you're feeling. I get it --well, I get something I feel is similar some times. It feels a bit like a building flutter in the chest and it makes me really feel like I want to create or do something or just exercise my desire or passion. Watching or listening to stuff on the right empathetic wavelength can also spark or amplify it for me too. For lack of a better term I just call it a Yearning, because when I boil it down, that's what it is--a yearning to do something.
it was definitely better written than kimi no wa i don't know that i enjoyed watching it more, but i am very glad that i watched this it was extremely good
>be my client >receive 130 pages of transcripts "excuse me can i get these in full verbatim please" ok you asked for it >show up at desk in the morning >transcripts are now 290 pages long
you asked for it lady enjoy
>>232237 does that mean you give her the transcripts without the pointless unessecary shit edited out
pretty much it's not that binary, it's a spectrum of detail level what goes in depends heavily on what the purpose of the transcript is
for instance, post production stuff where they use it // use the transcripts for video editing purposes, those are probably the highest level detail. You would denote stutters and even interruptions and stuff because they need to know the usability of a clip, so if an ambulance whooshes by it's pretty good to note that it happened and interrupted the shot so they know
but uh, quick rundown full verbatim: "I thought, I tho--thought -- weren't you already... I thought you were already working on, on, working on that project" clean v: "I thought -- Weren't you already... I thought you were already working on that project" hard clean: "I thought you were already working on that project"
market research in a focus group might use something like the last one because they're looking for insights and readability is important the other thing, what are they called -- consumer testimonials, those things they'll probably go for something like the middle so that they can dig for sound bites to plop into radio broadcasting or whatever it is they're using as a medium for their messaging the top one would be for like legal or people like me who crunch linguistic entropy and parse obscene amounts of data
legal is supposed to be full verbatim but they're so fucked up that they don't format right and it's really vague and i had to drop my legal contract because i can't handle that they seemed like lazy bones to me the formatting standards lacked clarity and i didn't want the anxiety of my transcripts of someone else's poor language to wind up screwing up someone's court case, you know
filler shit like "uh, you know, uh, uh, like, well it's... i mean, uh, like really it's just, you know, uh, one of those, uh, things, like, uh, what do they call them? uh, spidget -- no, uh, like, faggot spinners" would be saved for full verbatim type stuff i dont know for what purpose people order these transcripts when the content is a simple interview format but whatevs
>>232240 I guess in the legal world they gotta be super precise if they wanna abuse loopholes
no they're not precise enough it's so fucked that's why i hit it then quit it
The biggest issue for me is that it's like 7 fucking maps
If there's a cute girl early on maybe I'll try Apparently they're being weirdos and having boats like Warspite be gettable again for folks who don't have them What a cop out
Yamakaze might be an E-1 drop so I can finally live out all my incest fantasies.
what a shame it would be if you didn't have something in this game you don't want to play and never do
become a woman so you don't have to do all of that
>>232307 THAT'S IT THAT'S HOW I'LL JUMP THE SHARK >>232306 stroke?
hello yes this is ton because pan is unconscious new boats all look ok Kirara can check to confirm
not all of them are out yet because blah dee bloo extra operation bullcrap
looks like the wiki format got changed it's a pain I'll have to look at them later
I could save them to pan's computer and post them
found them all look ok? you're outta your mind hatakaze looks great and the others are trash
I think hatakaze is pretty good. I like glasses one alright. There are apparently three more.
the glasses one is trash dude come on her art and design is BAD
I just like it personally. I'm not saying it's fantastic I just like it.
>>232315 yo i invited jam to the japanese culture festival so i'm gonna assume that's the plan unless we change it up i'ma start eying out hoe tells
hopefully the metrolink goes straight to the gardens >>232320 oh are we not doin the thing then or is that later in september or should i put my eyes on denver instead oh okay afrer sounds good do you have any extra i wanna try one
was thinkin i might go to denver in September to fuck with the ex cia director since i got invited to meet him
it'd be afrer it's September 7th id arrive around 5 and it's at 7pm and then id go home next day
try one what
an afrer i thought that was maybe like a new cool kid drug or something
yeah dude gonna go do drugs with the ex-cia director
might see if any fbi i know are free and wanna get lunch or something too
you guys hear about the hot water challenge yet
no are ya gonna do it
kids boil water and throw it on their friends
someone already died from it and people are getting like horrible burns and stuff
idk in middle school we used to play chicken on the ledge of the rooftop it was only wide enough for one person to stand and you both walk at each other if you chicken out you'd get the shit beat out of you but if you don't there's a good chance you'd fall 25 feet and break a lot of shit one kid broke his neck
this is assault like people are pouring boiling water on their friends while theyre sleeping like on their faces and stuff
someone apparently got forced to drink boiling water through a straw and died
i dunno about friends but they used to do that in german private schools to haze people they'd pour boiling water and then freezing water on someone
that's not normal the challenge normalizing it is a bit of a problem
i know it's not normal at all it's fucked up i'm just trying to get my bearings around how this would make its way into a challenge and i'm not seein it i'm callin your fake news again nerd
oh yeah idk where it started from google iit man there are videos of it
i'd probably get upset if i did
yeah I'll pass on that
it's fucked up this is probably capitalism
fuck i can't do this man i go try and look at hotels and it's too fuckin much i'm so indecisive and i start looking at these cool ornate bed and breakfasts and think oh maybe that would be amazing oh what if it's shitty what about something closer what about a rooftop infinity pool where we can see the city scape what about something simple and shitty because we dont want to hang out at the hotel
when i dont have my meds i can't even make simple decisions haha i have to save the last of my armadaffs because i'll never have anymore again i'm gonna call today to my old doctor and try to get an appointment and see if i can't get my prescriptions renewed even my work is fuckin up so bad, the workload i had yesterday i ended up having to redo entirely because i did the wrong format because i didn't even read the customer's special requests until after i was done my brain just doesn't work right. ive come a long way in improving it but i think i still have some fundamental barriers if i explain this to my doctor do you think she'd understand supposedly it's a little unconventional to even be prescribing for ADHD to adults but maybe that's just an oldschool train of thought iunno she's been in practice almost 50 years
>>232340 naw i'm just bedazzled by CHOICES and i wanna make a good fun choice
do you want me to find something? haha airbnb probably has good stuff
it's only unconventional to diagnose adhd in adults people that grow up with the diagnosis don't have trouble getting meds generally
i got the diagnosis at like 21 after i got back from the army oh well maybe she can prescribe something else or refer me for brain zapping
i tried to call the office but i had to hang up because i got too anxious fuck i'm so fucked up
Ohio /moe/
lol 400 klicks and furthest i have gone is 40klicks away from city centre
>>232366 you were in that hazy period where the meds are just kicking in and you went to pour it and it spilled on the floor and fish went to go throw it away and you're like no it's okay i'll just burn it and she's like no you wont so you did
the other option is that she set it on the stove by accident again
I was eating cereal and i saw my lighter and i was like damn i should set a bagel on fire and fish said no so i set cereal on fire instead
oh fuck you have bagels i didn't factor that into the equation that makes so much more sense i was thinking there wasn't much impulse to light cereal on fire but i could totally see it with a bagel
technically bagelletes but yeah the bagel really does explain it
not even being sarcastic that filled in the gap perfectly
yeah i dig
are you 25 to rent a car yet i don't think they will even let me without a credit card they're saying no debit cards i guess in case you can't cover the deposit with your funds
I still can't get over just how stupidly awful this coin is.
I've rented using debit cards twice who are you checking with
>>232385 i dont remember, enterprise maybe it was a couple days ago i also don't have insurance because i don't have a car so i'm not sure if it'd be cheaper for me to rent or not factoring that in prolly you rent and i cut you the dollards to pay for it
>>232388 Coins with colors on them are almost always (>90%) of the time really awful looking.
Second only to the wiggles
I wish they'd make Midnight Oil coins I'd buy the fuck out of those
just got a call from UNKNOWN in cleveland they hung up ???
it was me sorry
oh okay thanks
yeah was playing around with fishdad teleportation machine
i dont know what that means there was someone trying to doxx me a couple months ago i was wondering if they were still at it and checking for my phone number not that i'm worried about it lol there's nothing to doxx it's all out there pretty open
i teleported to Cleveland and called you from a payphone
>>232398 Oh cool Their drummer was a session musician for Crowded House.
Also I'm not sure why, but for about four seconds I thought Big Country was an Australian band. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Country
>>232397 i should just clarify just so you understand by the way the festival isn't big like a con or anything it's not even as big as anime st louis or anything but it's not even anime it's just a culture festival in the park so, don't expect it to be really super amazing and hype it's more low key but the stuff is really cool in a less hype way
i wonder if the yoyo doctor is still there it's an old japanese man that has all these old spinning tops like a street performer he's really amazing
i watched a video where north koreans tried american style bbq and they liked the texas style brisket with sauce from rudy's it was heartwarming
>>232403 oh did you watch that with me on here or did you find that on your own i remember that, i really liked that video it deserved to have a lot more views it only had like a couple hundred thousand but it was way better than the buzzfeed style "X ethnicity tries Y food" or the korean buzzfeed but it barely had any views
that // it was really neat to hear them talk about how the mustard was a weird flavor to them and other things about the sauces because they're not used to things that have some much flavor and it was overwhelming but then other people, for the same sauces, looked like they were so happy they were gonna cry because it was so delicious
that was a really cool video
>>232404 i just watched it like 10 minutes ago and i think it's the same one yeah i found it after watching some buzzfeed crap about irish people overreacting to US shots then found this SK channel with some asian boss guy and the videos here are much better
oh you were on facts. channel i bet they have some okay things but they're mostly fuckin stupid because they try to do irish people reacting to american foods but then they have irish people just reading a recipe and trying to prepare it themselves and they fuck it all up
korean style mustard tastes kind of strange to me honestly
>>>/watch?v=IbJR4TI7F-U like check this shit haha where did they get these fuckin recipes and who even did the research
>>232417 i haD SOME HASH BROWNS WITH CHEiNTERVIEWER:gangester computer god communismSE nd a pickled egg for breakfast i didn't cook the potatoes so well though they weren't crispy
>>232413 >koyanagi: Leaves people on (seen). Gives no fucks
hash browns sounds nice honestly anything sounds nice, I should just boil some eggs, I'm lazy right now.
boil frogs
oh fuck have you had boiled frog legs before kirara i can take you somewhere here and get some they're fried actually i think they boil them first though
uhh we have the largest frog leg festival in the us dude in felsmere
>>232425 do you really do they have an eating contest i used to be an amateur comp eater you know FUCK i want to come when is it do i have to be sponsored or is it open to amateurs
anyway I'll take you guys to the frog leg festival if you want someday i dont usually go
if notso and rin flake out my only backup tbh is to move with a friend to naples i know that's like the wrong side but that would be neat >>232445 i think he flaked out within an hour of the discussion it didn't seem like he wanted to
>>232448 i did booths twice before with my crafts it can get a couple hundred bucks maybe but it's like two full days of work you gotta be up there like at 6am it was a small festival though i think anime stl got like 400 something profit but i didnt even get to enjoy the con just had a booth i had to tend and a fuckin lady was driving the wrong way on a one way street and almost killed me on my lunch break when i went to go buy a sandwich
he's gonna think i started that rumor now and he's going to think i was planning on it and then it gets really awkward
it's like when i asked notso and he freaked out because all i was doin was askin what his sitch was not expecting anything fuck youre going to ruin it all you big fucking dummer
this is still ton btw PAN just woke up Anyway uh I'd need to actually get an apartment if I were going to do that thing if I recall right That might take a bit I need a job first
http://cbscorporation.jobs/new-york-ny/apprentice-program-the-late-show-with-stephen-colbert/50F560913DBF41548CE4A3561ECBAF53/job/ >The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Apprentice Program is an entry-level program designed to develop high potential individuals, with a passion for late night comedy, and foster a pipeline of diverse talent for future roles within The Late Show. Program participants will rotate through different job assignments within The Late Show in a structured process that will provide them with valuable opportunities to learn about comedy writing, research, production from inside a fun and dynamic late night talk show. I don't know what to feel about the idea of being called "The Apprentice of Stephen Colbert"
The Dean of Yale Medical school >Dean Milton Winternitz's instructions were remarkably precise: "Never admit more than five Jews, take only two Italian Catholics, and take no blacks at all.
he's actually speaking to the chinese upper class but not super elite when he's making these statements not to n korea or to the US to put political pressure on china to get their lil' brother in check
well yeah but he knows china isn't going to because china knows he won't attack north korea which actually could attack guam in the end nobody cares what happens to guam
yeah but there's a sturdy upper-middle and upper-class china that still is behind some info walls and don't know that and they're still concerned about this kind of messaging and trying to quell the concerns of that that sectors takes a lot of effort for a country as big as china china's going to have to do something to appease those people just because it's easier than trying to make them understand that the threats are all political you gotta bunch of people sayin "yo do somethin to calm trump down" and they'll just be like okay we'll do something stop spazzing out and trying to buy property in other nations we don't like that here in china
tbh trump is probably only doing it because fox news told him to and he might not actually understand the geopolitical significance of this like fox does
>>232507 i know a guy whos from guam and his family still lives there
>>232510 i mean people that matter don't care about guam in the same way they don't care about us
>>232509 i don't really apply the motivations to the individuals they're just the substrate for collective motivations to propogogagagate fuck that word
hillarygoons are trying to turn donuts into a pro-hillary symbol the dnc sent Our Revolution donuts to mock them and someone from OR got pissed and ranted about it and then elizabeth warren bought a bunch of donuts to her hillary squad and they laughed about it now hillarygoons are encouraging people to put donuts in their twitter names as a show of solidarity with hillary
holy shit i have 711 in my bank its destiny
you can't just make donuts a political symbol thats cheating
>>232518 i'm gonna make heart-shaped donut holes to signify what hillary doesn't have fuckin blown the freak up
how about heart-shaped bullet holes
now im going to have to make square donuts to maintain neutrality
>>232539 this uses paypal or card or such though it is for cspital region only in other cities ypu can just use internet to load ypur travel card capital is lagging behind
>>232542 NFC as in you hold the phone up to the thing you normally tap with the train card or debit card
>>232545 You pay a fare Well depends on which train system The metra still has tickets (and has a mobile ticket option) cta uses fares which you pay into an account and then gget deducted when you tap your train pass
here all local area is "time" vasically1-2 hours only city to city travelling is one time tivket though igothrough 3 cities and end up in 4th in my home trip
i think by 2030 you have one unified travel cardhere for nation wide public travelling and you can even use it to fet to tallinn, estonia
cspital region here has you buy either a paper ticket, or a temporary travel card for lpnger than the 80-100 minute single tickets or if you are a denizen you can get the actual travel card. it xan be loaded with money or time, 2 weeks minimum. tickets are 2,25 one region, 4,18 three regions and 6,30 for whole region or half of that if you are under 18, conscript, student, senior. time was something like 28, 54 and 9? for two weeks
value vs time on card boils down to "do you do more thab 7 trips in 2 week period, if so get time" 14 card tickets=14 day time
oh yeah, your ticket doesn't need to be valid for the whole travel time, just when you enter a transport
like my ticket is 20 mins valid but it takes 40 to get homu
>>232532 NFC doesn't have much implementation in Canada yet. And by not much I mean almost none at all, unless you're a credit card. Google is trying to get it in but it's as low adaptation. All in all public transit is kind of old-fashioned here. It was only last year that Toronto started aggressively adopting charge cards for public transit instead of tickets, tokens, or just paying the fare.
They're nice, but they've got nothing on charge cards. Especially with how they're implemented in Japan.
I'm really envious of how some of the Japanese public transit is set up.
My main issue with passes is that there's a ververy large potential for abuse in terms of surveillance. Well, really my only issue. They work really well.
>When marketing’s old-school one-size-fits-all approach was more overt — when it relied on showing more or less everyone the same ads That's entirely inaccurate, unless by old school he meant six decades or so ago. There was plenty of targeted advertising, it just wasn't as "dynamic".
I didn't read the whole article but it was decent (what I read) Also >Willie Osterweil is a writer, editor and agitator based in Brooklyn. Willie is an editor at the New Inquiry, and is the author of In Defense of Looting, coming out from Verso Press in Spring 2017. >In Defense of Looting ???? What in the actual fuck