>>229940 People are bumping cheese pizza threads off of the front page.
oh i see
not literally but hopefully they're gone
I reported them all when I bumped them off last but I think the only people around that still do clean-up are Rika and Samu and they're both asleep at the moment I think.
>>229956 This is going to be the biggest barrier between you and enjoying your life
normies ree etc
>>229958 I don't generally use the word "normies" But most of the people I know who count as "normies" still read fiction
that doesn't make it better you probably just haven't met a lot of people there are a lot of poor examples of humans out there, yeah and they're easy to see, and easy to dismiss before meeting them but if you spend enough time talking to complete strangers, your worldview will change
T do you still read fantasy stuff? do you find you read toward your age group now or do you still enjoy stuff that's for younger folks
>>229960 I'm aware of that It doesn't change the fact that not reading books is bad
moon i feel like you'd agree with me on this
reading as a format is kind of in a rough place our society, especially american society but most modernized western society in general isn't very conducive to reading as a form of entertainment in order to be successful you typically need to be kind of ADHD in the modern workplace not ADHD exactly that isn't the right way to describe it but like, having the kind of focused "autistic" (as it is currently popular to describe) mindset that it takes to read a book nowadays isn't really common
>>229963 yeah >>229964 reading fits into the modern spectrum pretty well i think as long as it's aimed writing and going somewhere and doesn't dally about with it the 120-150 word article format is what's big right now feature articles are still a couple thousand words but they're split up into segments these days, throughout the magazine so you get some space to process things in between >>229966 i think it's still pretty big, especially for commuters something about today's society is that, due to being busy all the time, when we do something like sit and read, we're not drifting out of reality for a while, but we're occupying the foreground to de-stress and provide a different platform for background information processing we still actually get a lot done in our brain while we're doing nothing and reading a fantasy novel it's just hard to think about ourselves like that but that's kind of how it is
>>229965 oh yeah for sure reading does not like, heavy reading like reading as a form of pasttime, especially in the form of fiction
>>229964 The fact that you think reading fiction requires an "autistic mindset" shows how little you know about literature. There are plenty of short story collections with stories you can finish in under ten minutes. So that as a counter example pulls the fllor out of your argument.
>>229965 i read feature articles more than others i love reading, don't get me wrong but i love reading to gain knowledge and i recently had to read a decent amount of books about management and work stuff
>>229967 the fact that you think i'm using the word "autistic" without reservations when i included a note about my decision to use the word and put it in quotation marks shows a desire to make assumptions about where i'm coming from
>>229968 i mean, every day i'm writing about 200 pages of transcripts of market research interviews and people read that shit they'll sit there and read the whole damn three-hour interview and they've got like 20 of them thousands of pages of the same interview with different participants
>>229969 I put it in quotes to denote that I was using it with the same meaning.
>>229970 yeah but the things you're describing aren't fiction and aren't solely for entertainment
what i'm saying is that reading (specifically fiction, specifically for the purpose of entertainment, specifically in a form lasting longer than a few hundred words) is basically fucking dead i mean yeah it's still mucking around like some other dead hobbies but it will never be what it was and it will never be more than niche
>>229972 i know, but reading is something our brains still cling on to very quickly i think better so than earlier generations we're not so offended by textwalls and thinking "fuck i dont want to read all that" anymore
i do still really like fiction but find it hard to get away from everything enough to actually enjoy it and get into it without feeling a pang of anxiety regarding the time or worrying about tomorrow or other stupid stuff so when i am able to enjoy it, it is kind of an indicator that i'm okay and don't have to worry about stuff and that's a relief
>>229975 well see the sentence you're writing right now is not just something you experience it's something that anyone who actually has to make a living worries about today's society, esp. american and generally modernized western, as i said earlier is not conducive to fictional reading as a pastime there's just too much other shit we have to do, and too much other shit we can do that's better
>>229976 Not trying to start an argument, but I'm genuinely curious if you can name more than ten things that are "better" to do than reading fiction.
hiking trails lifting weights riding a bike riding a motorcycle listening to music going to live music shows playing video games reading non-fiction (historical) having a phone call with my mother posting on moe
hiking bikes lifting trails listening to a motorcycle riding music going to video games hiking to live music shows
>>229978 I'd count the first three as only two because they fall under the categories of "exercise" and or "enjoying nature"
listening to moon do that stupid silent laugh for 15 minutes straight over stupid shit that's not even funny
i feel like an idiot because i could definitely list a few hundred more things
>>229976 i get what you mean but i think it's worming its way in more interactively than we realize 17776 for instance is fiction and it's reading but it's an interactive kind of reading it's hard to keep on top of everything though yeah fiction kind of feels like a reward for being able to do that though like whenever i'm ahead enough on my work that i can take a half hour break and do whatever the fuck i want it's so rare but so desirable too
>>229983 Also I definitely think several of those aren't better to do than reading fiction, but I don't want to get into an argument about that right now. I was just curious about what you thought was better.
the problem i have with reading fiction is that it poses little to no possibility for meaningful social interaction to occur it doesn't advance my life in any direction it doesn't stimulate my brain as much as other things i could be doing it just doesn't do anything
the problem i have with this conversation is we were enjoying just talking about writing and things we enjoy reading and now we're drawing it back to a /moe/ meme about a conversation rika and kirara had why why can't we just have our own conversation
>>229987 reading (anything) gives my brain a platform to process all this backlog of thoughts in a less anxious environment it applies with fiction, but more often i'd read something like a technical journal because it makes me kind of excited at the same time but the problem with technical journals and things is my brain wants to start processing the platform instead of just using it as a platform with fiction, or with marijuana weeds, i can sometimes subvert that and just have a safe thought space that's not going to dissolve everything around it
i'm not sure if that makes sense to you i would imagine so because youve had anxiety problems in the past and you probably understand what that feels like a bit
>>229988 because i feel the need to justify why i have a belief and it's more fun to do that than read a book
>>229989 if i spent 20 hours reading a work of fiction, i could've spent that 20 hours sucking a penis
or rather, 20 hours reading a book about management strategies or 20 hours writing a book on gameplay theory in pubg
>>229987 The fact that you are so closed minded as to believe that reading fiction doesn't advance your life in any direction says enough to let me know you're not changing your mind anytime soon.
>>229990 i didn't think you doing that was the thing i was referring to there that's fine
>>229993 i dunno man you're throwing some elitist mumbo jumbo at me "well if you don't understand then you're just not good enough to" i understand that you find something enjoyable in it i just can't i mean i've read alot of fiction before there's books i can think of that i thoroughly enjoyed but that was when i was a kid and didn't need to do shit with my life and if i could take all that time back and do something more useful with it you bet your fucking balls i would
>>229993 if you were open-minded enough to consider what kind of struggles people that have jobs endure then you might not be tossing around mad shade on a friendly board
>>229995 There is a difference between something being "enjoyable" and something being "good for you".
>>229996 Not having time to read or think about reading is completely distinct from thinking that reading fiction can't enhance your life.
whoa whoa whoa who's talking about time we're talking about thought space, energy, and distractions
i mean drinking a glass of lemonade can enhance your life stepping on an ant can enhance your life and technically blue is purple but things are relative and the relative amount of life-enhancement i'm going to achieve from re-reading The Thief Lord or reading something I haven't read before (like Dune, or even something that might have a practical purpose in reading like Game of Thrones) is not going to cut it in my life. and i think that's the case for a lot of people and even if they don't realize that the reason they don't want to read a book is that verbose, they still know "i don't got time for that shit"
i feel like this is yet another one of those times where i disagreed with someone on /moe/ because i'm too "normie"
>>230007 I don't think that's the case this time. It's more of a "different people have different priorities and therefore consider different things to be important" sort of thing
i don't think this was a case of normie
then maybe i just think that because 4/5 of the people i know in IRL real life who actually still read fiction don't have jobs
>>230010 You probably happen to know plenty of people with jobs who read fiction, yiu just don't know that they do.
i was having a pretty nice, therapeutic conversation with tilde i don't really like this semantic bullshit that has nothing to do with the conversation steering everything off course i would encourage you to work on not doing that
Oh yeah I was talking with my parents the other day about the Missouri botanical gardens Apparently I went to that japanese festival there when I was a kid
Its a lot of fun
I don't remember going for the festival, but i do remember stuff from other times I went. Such as my sister's friend's glasses falling into the koi pond. Or me being in the hedge maze and having to pee and not finding my way out fast enough And then getting caught on camera pissing in the bushes because they had cameras in the hedge maze hooked up to display a in that building near it
I was like 5
My parents saw it, I don't recall if I got in trouble for it or not though.
Did you ever go to that kids musem thing called the magic house?
Anyways it was full of interactive exhibits and one time while I was there I pulled a fire alarm because I thought it was part of an exhibit. I was also in an unaired commercial for that museum.
>>230038 >time in video and video time don't sync rustled
how's the place
still in shamples
also apparently koskenkorve will be available in the state soon now you can drink like a real finn
Can't sleep Mind won't stop buzzing
>>230045 have you tried valerian root taking a pill // capsule is meh, but putting it in some hot water and adding honey and stirring it up, it can be pretty good the flavor offends some people but i like it. it's earthy. i know what you mean about the mind buzzing, and i think CNS depressants really help with that >>230043 what the heck is that
>>230047 Not yet My sleeping problems have recently become intermittent rather than nightly I forgot what I was saying AH I BET SOMEONE MESSED WITH THE AC AGAIN
it was probably edison that jealous fuck
>>230047 a clear hard liquor that isn't vodka according to finnish clasdification, but outside of vodka belt it is called vodka
Fixed the thermostat settings I'm going to attach a note to it sometime tomortow *tomorrow Err, tomorrow being later today after I wake up
>>230052 kinda is the nordic and eastern european countries that produce and drink most of world's vodka
ya see there was a clash between the eu members of it, namely finland, sweden, poland and the baltic states about what is vodka and what isn't with EU eu calls any clear liquor vodka, while "belters" call only grain or potato distilled products with no added sugar or such vodka. Sadly we lost the argument but dpmestically it still applies so in finland ypu have "koskenkorva booze" but imported it becomes vodka
new orleans is under water again but it's just a page 4 story this time bigger fish to fry than black people losing their homes and lives like things the president said i guess
>>230068 ergonomic design no i haven't made any connections yet
>>230070 well if it happens yearly, is it truly news? t. journalist logic
>>230071 Have you made a custom url for your profile to remove the numbers at the end of your name in the url? >>230074 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197
oh well then tjat really illustrates modern journalism even more well also the fuck media of the states?
so is page 1 story really "see what trump tweeted, literally hitler?" >>230080 hoe do these companies stay float who buys their products...
yeah it always is
there's an electricity crisis in gaza but you gotta dig to find out
how do they stay afloat? because they're the news people watch them because they've been watching them for 20-30 years they don't need anything else fox or cnn or whatever will tell them what's important
can anyone who has my rolandmoone gmail address as a contact check and make sure i haven't spammed you with 7,000 linkedin requests
>>230080 and eith their big positions they keep quality aimed competetion burief... man
i don't have LinkedIn
i mean by email that it didn't spam my google contacts with a bunch of shit
>The statue was designed as a lighthouse to symbolize the Lane Thomas Foundation, which was started by the Graves family to commemorate their son’s life. The lighthouse symbol is also meant to Signify a “beacon of hope” for families in crisis.
>“The lighthouse sculpture has been installed to help spread awareness of the Lane Thomas Foundation, which was established to provide assistance and support to families whose children need organ transplants,” a statement from Disney read.
wait he got killed by an alligator why is even
His family name is graves
because after that gator he needed a lot of organs replaced if he was going to live
ie all of them
I gotta stop wasting money on dumb shit
>In recognition of National Lighthouse Day, please see the lighthouse created to honor our loving boy Lane. w-wait
hahaha thats awesome
i dont get it tthis 2 year old got killed by a gator so now there's a scholarship in his name and a foundation that's completely dedicated to a problem that the kid never faced
Well kirara, gettinf support for the society against insanely neglectful parents was a hit harder, so they compromised
>The foundation was named Lane Thomas because if Lane was ever asked his name, he would say, "I'm Lane Thomas, I'm two". this feels like a very bad joke
>The Lane Thomas Foundation is the best way to pass on the legacy he left on this world. he was 2
here's the spot where a gator got a kid come bring your kids to check this spot out
>The June 14, 2016, tragedy capped off a dark week in Orlando after “The Voice” singer Christina Grimmie was killed at a concert and 49 people died in a massacre at Pulse nightclub. you've got to be kidding me they're saying this kid getting eaten by a gator is as tragic as the hateful mass murder of 50 lgbt people
>>230190 not to mention it was parental negligence that did it too
i figured it out the family is rich they're rich white people from Nebraska
>>230192 yeah the signs said don't go in the water
and then the dad said he got attacked bby another gator at the same time while trying to save his kid 2 gator attacks at the same time despite lack of attacks prior hmm
i wonder if the child was adopted >be rich, adopt child, have child eaten at disney to help fund your foundation the pieces are coming together
Wow that would be another level of being a rich american
>Matt Graves is Infogroup’s Chief Data Officer. He oversees all data assets of the company including data operations, data platform, and the expanding capabilities around the Infogroup Data Axle ™, which connects information hubs across proprietary and third party data sources. Mr. Graves has been with Infogroup for over 5 years in senior roles within Infogroup Data, Corporate Strategy, Sales and Sales Operations. He was instrumental in streamlining and establishing the quality and accuracy of Infogroup’s data verification process. Before joining Infogroup, he worked at PayPal in various leadership positions where he was responsible for ensuring prioritization and delivery of ROI for all global operations projects. He led the global expansion organization focused on setting up operations centers in emerging markets. He also managed international product support teams with operations in Shanghai, Philippines, Dublin, and Vancouver. Prior to PayPal, he worked as a management consultant and program manager for Ebay Inc., Comcast and Fujitsu to implement global projects and operation centers worldwide. Mr. Graves holds a bachelors degree in Advertising from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and an MBA from Regis University.
here's daddy
he's also a former stage wrestler???
apparently a wrestling champion?
>do you really think anyone would do that, go on their linkedin and lie about being a wrestling champion
>Board Member of the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce this guy is fucking bourgeoisie
LOFTed up hi what's going o- oh
we're talking about a crazy white rich guy
it's about the 2 yo that got killed by a gator at Disney last year disney put up a weird statue to memorialize it so i looked iinto it and it's really weird
>really capitalist ain't none of this sound weird
so the kid died because parents weren't paying complete attention to the kid and a gator got him
so they started a foundation to commemerate this 2 year old's legacy by helping people afford organs, a problem that the kid never had
yo hit louise mensch up to break this case wide open >nebraska chamber of commerce board member secretly harvesting organs through disneyland i wouldn't be surprised the way this is already going it's so bizarre
i wonder if i can find a trump connection
>sitting in a hospital trying to figure out how this rich white dude with a dead son is the devil
>>230213 they're going into south america, slaughtering people and harvesting their organs, then taking thei bodies out to the forest and burying them under concrete while chopping down the forest
what does risi stand for
>>230214 they said he should be able tto leave in a few days
>risi means giant in a lot of languages they're harvesting organs for a large homonculus
>>230216 something internal sales incorporated >What do you do? >I'm in internal sales >why are you chuckling when you say internal sales >no reason
>The company’s go-getter global chairman received a standing ovation from President Donald Trump at an event in New York City in May after pledging to invest in the US. “I’d like to pledge another US$2 billion over the next 10 years, doubling our rate of investment, to create an additional 5,000 high-paying manufacturing jobs mainly in the Midwest,” Pratt said.
>>230219 what's the R though RISKY Risky Internal Sales Incorporated
This is normal sports stuff from the same guy who did 17776 and damn I'm crying https://www.sbnation.com/2017/8/8/16113436/chart-party-the-saddest-plate-appearance-of-all-time
It's great. I was going to ignore it but I had to know what his normal stuff is like and man lol >You're a pitcher. You’re pitching against someone who has never batted before, and isn't even trying to swing. All you have to do is throw three strikes over the plate. You are going to screw this up.
ok i used data to watch it that was worth it that was amazing
Anyways it's probably going to be a wacky combo involving glyph of warding (because I really like that spell). http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/glyphOfWarding.htm
Nice canelcaps
camelcaps even
Is that like camelCase?
>>230243 keeping people alive with healing spells for torture and slave labour
>>230252 damaging and healing people sot heir cells reach the maximum division sooner and thus they age into old people whhile being still in their 20s
>>230255 It would be more efficient to just do "bestow curse" and curse them to be older.
I still think using healing and ressurrection to force people to slave labour forever has the maximum curse capacity add in some "fooled into cult" or something as a factor and that whoever does it, has a good public front for the maximum cliche
>>230260 Ressurection is really expensive It's not cost effective Reanimating a corpse into an undead is though
>>230258 Pan's character can throw holy spears of light in my game. Jan's character can manifest it as, oh what was it, ssgssj kaioken something something and buff the party for some reason.
Stuff like this http://therafimrpg.wikidot.com/vortex-of-teeth
>>230265 Yo Moon sorry I dropped out last night. I was readying up to sleep about when the conversation started up and by the new thread I was getting a little tired.
This morning? Oh, that's fine. It wasn't a big deal. I guess I don't consider that it's night to other people. That's about when I wake up. Early morning, calm discussion is so peaceful and relaxing
Hrrm, I highly recommend it. Its a good critique of some aspects of society. Unfortunately I am beginning to be reminded of it more often these days. The premise is that everyone has been made to be equal as mandated by law.
Anyways, it's about five and a half pages long. Here's a link if anyone is interested https://archive.org/download/HarrisonBergeron/Harrison%20Bergeron.pdf It's probably my favorite work of Vonnegut's.
massage soon this place looks really upscale i look so out of place there's a dude here in the waiting room in a suit and here i am in a t-shirt jeans and my hat
>>230300 fish's dad had an appointment for it that he said he can't cancel and told me i HAD to go in his place im pretty sure he was fucking with me but here i am
>>230356 yeah man seriously rich people are so bad with money
apparently fishdad told fish that i spend money like a poor person because i "don't know the value of a dollar" a while ago
isn't that hilarious in an incredibly ironic way a rich person saying i don't know the value of a dollar because i don't waste a lot of money apparently a dollar is worth less than i think it is
Test it's 4⃣2⃣0⃣ today😳😱but I'm not smoking weed🌿🍁😴😏🚬I'm smoking💨😜the bible😇😋🙏🏽📕because heaven⬆️😍👐🏽😂is the highest you can get🙌🏽😤 it's 4⃣2⃣0⃣ today😳😱but I'm not smoking weed🌿🍁😴😏🚬I'm smoking💨😜the bible😇😋🙏🏽📕because heaven⬆️😍👐🏽😂is the highest you can get🙌🏽😤 it's 4⃣2⃣0⃣ today😳😱but I'm not smoking weed🌿🍁😴😏🚬I'm smoking💨😜the bible😇😋🙏🏽📕because heaven⬆️😍👐🏽😂is the highest you can get🙌🏽😤 it's 4⃣2⃣0⃣ today😳😱but I'm not smoking weed🌿🍁😴😏🚬I'm smoking💨😜the bible😇😋🙏🏽📕because heaven⬆️😍👐🏽😂is the highest you can get🙌🏽😤 it's 4⃣2⃣0⃣ today😳😱but I'm not smoking weed🌿🍁😴😏🚬I'm smoking💨😜the bible😇😋🙏🏽📕because heaven⬆️😍👐🏽😂is the highest you can get🙌🏽😤 it's 4⃣2⃣0⃣ today😳😱but I'm not smoking weed🌿🍁😴😏🚬I'm smoking💨😜the bible😇😋🙏🏽📕because heaven⬆️😍👐🏽😂is the highest you can get🙌🏽😤 it's 4⃣2⃣0⃣ today😳😱but I'm not smoking weed🌿🍁😴😏🚬I'm smoking💨😜the bible😇😋🙏🏽📕because heaven⬆️😍👐🏽😂is the highest you can get🙌🏽😤 it's 4⃣2⃣0⃣ today😳😱but I'm not smoking weed🌿🍁😴😏🚬I'm smoking💨😜the bible😇😋🙏🏽📕because heaven⬆️😍👐🏽😂is the highest you can get🙌🏽😤 it's 4⃣2⃣0⃣ today😳😱but I'm not smoking weed🌿🍁😴😏🚬I'm smoking💨😜the bible😇😋🙏🏽📕because heaven⬆️😍👐🏽😂is the highest you can get🙌🏽😤 it's 4⃣2⃣0⃣ today😳😱but I'm not smoking weed🌿🍁😴😏🚬I'm smoking💨😜the bible😇😋🙏🏽📕because heaven⬆️😍👐🏽😂is the highest you can get🙌🏽😤 it's 4⃣2⃣0⃣ today😳😱but I'm not smoking weed🌿🍁😴😏🚬I'm smoking💨😜the bible😇😋🙏🏽📕because heaven⬆️😍👐🏽😂is the highest you can get🙌🏽😤 it's 4⃣2⃣0⃣ today😳😱but I'm not smoking weed🌿🍁😴😏🚬I'm smoking💨😜the bible😇😋🙏🏽📕because heaven⬆️😍👐🏽😂is the highest you can get🙌🏽😤 it's 4⃣2⃣0⃣ today😳😱but I'm not smoking weed🌿🍁😴😏🚬I'm smoking💨😜the bible😇😋🙏🏽📕because heaven⬆️😍👐🏽😂is the highest you can get🙌🏽😤 it's 4⃣2⃣0⃣ today😳😱but I'm not smoking weed🌿🍁😴😏🚬I'm smoking💨😜the bible😇😋🙏🏽📕because
If the lord didn't want us to smoke weed why did he make it?
please dont do that again
The upper bracket western dream lives on.
http://www.conservapedia.com/Essay:_Worst_Liberal_Songs just stumbled on this gem
>Unsubstantiated accusations of "racism" by law enforcement agencies, going as far as to accuse them of supporting the Ku Klux Klan. "Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses".
>Imagine >A celebratory song of atheism, godlessness, and a world that "will live as one" once God is defeated.
>A song promoting the fallacy that homosexuality is a legitimate lifestyle into which people are born.
Hmm so a downside I can hear whenever someone accessesthe storage space, bicyccle storage or sauna and that raises a question who is skulking there 18 past 1?
I think I wokeu p my neighbour though oh well, not really a problem, since the law allows showering and cooking around the clock, as long as you don't cause excessive noise Or alternatively, there just was weird clanging noise that coincided with me draining the bath and taking a shower
I'd really love to do a noise profiling of this place have access to my next door neighbour and upstair neighbours and just make loud noises here and get them to tell me at what point it carries over.
You can sound stabilize with that wavy foam stuff Looks like egg cartons kinda
stabilize THIS
*grabs test footage from 360 cam*
>>230380 yeah I thought of a building a portable wall of foam or carton or something soundproofing next to my computer desk at some point I only have one next door neighbour so >>230384 thought of thist oo, but I want my desk facing a window otherwise I go crazy
convert your apartment into a noise isolation chamber
>>230383 convert your apartment into a sensory deprivation chamber
>>230383 then you can just turn off the lights and anyone will be too spooked to complain about the noise
>>230407 Do you just feel obligated to check it even though you know there won't be anything interesting?
>finland män is like tis >When olmost retire, Finland Män häv hart ätäk. Not tel enipadi, pekoos is shame. Tsek eemails. Then die. Tis wos Finland Män.
>>230411 It was uncomfortable although I felt good afterwards. I have gotten massages before plenty of times, but this was at a really upscale place. There was a guy waiting for his appointment in a suit and I was just sitting there in a t-shirt and jeans. Also Fishdad gave me $50 that I was // I had to tip with. It was extremely excessive and I don't plan on doing it again.
Also I don't like being rubbed by women I don't know.
like i cant screenshot my folder but heres a photo of a lot of whats in here
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'll play with my footage tomorrow and see how it goes
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>230471 because he's unlikable he looks like a reptile trying to wear human skin and goes on TV to tell everyone that they should be AFRAID of the president and that the president 's powers will"not be questioned" and "cannot be denied" he goes up there and threatens people
>>230478 Well is not like the media is hiding their anti-trump campaign or are they?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>230479 well no but that's because trump is lying about everything 90% of the time he and his admin just spouts things that are easily verifiable as false so the news says "trump is still lying about stuff"
Well whatsoever, while that immigration reform won't get through it seems quite decent
>>230480 I think that is the msot amusing part by justh olding Trump accountable, the media by telling jsut the truth with no narrative spins or half-facts or making mountains out of molehill tweets they could cause much more damage to trumpa nd keep a credible fame but their campaigning againsth im since the election campaigning... has just destroyed them >>230483 Yeah, but the amusign thing is that if they just STUCK to the truth and if you stuck to truth, you start to regain trust eventuality they'd cause much //they'd hold trump much more accountable to his deeds and words
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
americans don't trust the media so even though they're telling people trump is lying a lot of people don't care the media has been lying for years
america is fucked up
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if they stuck to the truth, they would have to be reporting on real things like "the clinton campaign is paying us to lie to you about bernie sanders and also to push trump as evil and hitler and the most likely republican to win"
>>230504 I may have used a word a little strong, but by the end I was so shocked by him not having seen Trigun and Akira that I forgot what was at the top of the list.
>>230519 what rating would you give the original movies
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>230520 8/10 but their score is bolstered by their superb animation which the series lacks
>>230521 so if i were to watch this show with my friend's ex, would she be impressed enough by my taste to fuck me?
Guilty Crown is not a classic >>230489 Oh forgot to quote first Anyways I'd say most of those are in the "you should probably see this" category but less than half are classic and "must watch"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>230518 you can't have a gun you're an neo zealander
haha i always forget that disney comics, namely donald duck and scrooge stuff are much more poplar this side of the puddle
Also from what I saw in that list of stuff you had It's a bit skewed towards recent anime, which is not in of itself bad but there are a lot of older shows that are really worth watching.
>>230601 you can't recommend anything to ton he won't be able to obtain anything that isn't on the list for a long time
well im grabbing like single episodes at pans but his internet blows like picking up new game ntr and that tenshi show is prbably all i can manage easily
Man I love walking in the city while listening to the OP always have to keep control of my feet so I don't start to do some weird dance walking
>>230636 Aside from the fact that Cowboy Bebop is decently enjoyable, you seem to have some misconception that there is a direct relationship with how good something is and how enjoyable it is.
anyone that thinks bebop is better than samurai flamenco is subhuman
I don't want to into anime. Bebop is great. Bebop is Jazz. Bebop is life. It's an afterstory for a bunch of stories that you'll never hear in full. Just like everyone else's story that you encounter in life.
>>230644 Samurai Flamenco is better than every anime though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>230646 exactly but some subhumans have yet to realize this truth and so they need to be corrected
you know ive been misreading flamenco as champloo for like the past 20 posts
it's fine to enjoy bebop but it's like in the top 5 most overrated anime it was influential in terms of direction and art but not very influential in terms of content so it's a lot less important than something like eva in terms of culture
>>230653 Influence of content is such a terrible way to even gauge things. Eva gave birth to tropes and memes. Wonderful. It solidified character types that would be replicated for years to come. Over the course of time, that's not particularly interesting though. It just becomes more of the same thing that you already get to see now. You could probably even say that Bebop stands alone where it is BECAUSE it hadn't done that. The tagline is incredibly pretentious but its unphasing of anime culture makes it ITS OWN GENRE
the idea of you being hospital has actually not occurred to me should i be worried that you wont show tomorrow?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>230661 i can't give any, i was just being nice and trying to say something nice about it so i could claim it wasn't important without looking overly biased against it
>>230697 I actually have a hardcopy of the magazine issue with the last chapter in it. Oh yeah There's actually a Franken Fran drama cd It might be worth it to give it a listen.
it was fun quite good pick of VAs but I wouldn't want them to use those for the anime if it happened
The obvious method of befriending everyone is to wipe out the vast majority of the human race (secretly) and then befriend the small number of survivors.
>>230752 I showed up and people were here raining on my parade. Then I brought my umbrella and slammed those fucking puddles because Cowboy Bebop is a great anime.
I was talking to someone earlier and they were telling me about how they know someone that drinks a lot, so I related my experience with excessive drinking, and I've been craving alcohol really badly since then.
>>230766 I dunno, I just never expected you to say there are circumstances in which you'd call someone such a stupid pet name.
I am going to stay away from it. Earlier, I thought, "well, it's been a long time so i'm probably fine. i bet i could have one drink without any problems" or something So I know that I'm not able to drink because I'm trying to justify it
>>230772 It implied that if you were willing to call someone that, you'd be willing to call Kotori it, though. That means in some universe, you probably just called Kotori a cutle dootle and the idea of you saying something so stupid is enough for me.
>>230776 have you been able to do infernal C&L? i literally don't think i have the resources available to do it i'm lookin at some strats on how people are able to do it and it's all so expensive >>230779 i don't have ANY non-tome cavalry besides roderick i wish i had titania or whatever her name was tatiana
you can do C&L with just camus and reinhardt maybe you'll be able to do it if you get clive from the tempest trial
>>230785 To distract myself from my anxiety and depression Well, I say "shitty isekai", but generally its much better than most isekai, it just happens to be shitty compared to things outside of the subgenre
it's a curse that's been placed on him from another location so when he dies the curse activates it's being cast /// or rather controlled by someone else you probably would have to kill the caster to stop barasu from respawning i think
>>230813 Well, if you beat him to death with imagine breaker and then hold onto the corpse with it he probably wouldn't revive, but thats not really a good solution
>>230811 Also what isekai have you been reading where the mc doesnt get the power to overcome literally got tier magic? Nix that literally
i can't think of anything i've read where the MC gets the power to just dispel god-level magics
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
in terms of isekai
The only one that kind of comes to mind is Smartphone and that's only because it's such a fucking pile of wish fulfilment Marty Stu bullshit.
Also when you say "god" do you mean like "god of Abraham" tier god or like amaterasu tier or something else? Cause not all settings' gods are created equal I need a sense of scale