>>228811 I do! Everyone is so mean to me. If anyone misses me it will be because they miss having someone to be mean to.
>>228814 The only things i know about you for sure are that you're kind of auts, you have a well paying job with a much better schedule than mine, and you live (maybe) somewhere in or near ohio
>>228814 it's highly unlikely i'll still be around to miss you when you do kick it
i say for sure tbh i don't really know any of that except that you're kind of auts
i should buy some gin i'm waiting for them to finish constructing the liquor store two shops over from my store so i can just get booze on the way home without going four miles out of the way
four miles seems like nothing but i fucking walk
i ran out of limes for my gin i don't normally drink soda (especially artificially flavored grape soda) but this is an interestingly good combo actually
just drink the gin from the bottle what the fuck are you doing dude
>>228858 this is pretty good but why are all these guys songs only two fucking minutes long
either way their chopper is fucking great
>>228859 i don't know about them, but electronic artists often have songs shorter than 3 minutes because they usually only mix parts of them into a live set so it being getter's track, it's not surprising if it's a little shorter but like often times live sets are kind of ADHD and change songs every other drop
maybe a few of the big hits will be extended a bit
>>228861 it makes sense for electronic artists but it's kind of weird for hip hop i guess it looks like they have a really high octane live style too though >>>/watch?v=NxwJ1q7cIck this one has almost 10 million views too weird i've never heard them
honestly probably the second or third best live show i've ever been to yeah that shit was dope beyond all
mean porter was definitely the best hands down it'd be competition between Chon, Moving Mountains, and porter with madeon for the 2-4 spots 5th place gets a lot tougher cashmere cat was sick, so was machinedrum, so was fkj, so was chrome sparks
well i don't have work for 11 hours but i am getting pretty bored might just sleep soon because fuck it
>>228955 easy i hit ctrl+x and then clicked on the pictures folder ctrl+v fucking explorer.exe has stopped motherfucking working bitch eat my cock - bill gates
Oh, so you mean you have your phone's storage mounted. I don't know what I was imagining.
>>228957 yeah i have it as flash memory right now and i don't know what happened it seems to be working on the second time around but the first time i had to reboot explorer
What version of Windows?
whatever garbage the latest windows 10 is i guess i think i have it up to date this is a fairly new machine i bought like a week or two ago i guess
Having Win10 was your first mistake. Although it's harder to find retailers who sell machines with Win7 on them these days.
i mean i bought a laptop that runs the games i play at 50-70fps considering the screen is only 70hz that's enough for me i just don't like win10 i don't know what it is about it but it's fucking annoying me there's no way to turn off windows defender auto scanning apparently at least according to the windows settings so that's already awful
Win10 is really bad That's the best way to summarize it.
>>228962 you literally cannot find any retailer selling anything lower than 8.1 now at least where i am every single machine online and in store is either 8.1 or 10
is it just me or did laptops used to come with mmore usb ports
what the fuck is this shit on the front page god damn it samurai make me a mod already
>>228969 im not sure ive had three laptops and the first one was like one of those shits that had a little an alog stick thingy for the mouse instead of a trackpad that thing had four the last one i had from 2011-2017 had three this one has three
>>228968 Lenovo still let's you order thinkpads with win7. In my experience its much better to order laptops online.
the spam is pretty bad recently
yeha >>228971 mine has two this shit sucks >>228976 or nipplemouse
>>228974 on my last one all three ports were usb 2.0 but this one has ONE (1) that's right exactly UNO USB 3.0 ports so i can actually charge my phone in shorter than like eight hours
>>228977 I'll miss you Did you start any of those manga yet? I wanna hear what you think.
Yep, national Quiz. I'm just going to be away till this spam is dealt with all together. really don't like it.
>>228977 ok but why tho why are you leaving me pls dont go /moe/ are my only friends if anyone else stops posting at 3 AM in the morning i might just get bored and start shooting coke agian come on don't do this to me kannagerino
>>228984 we have a handful of mods that do their job fairly admirably and i have suggested to the admin that maybe we should have another one for this timeslot BUT nobody is really around to fill the position most of the time and i'm a little unreliable in such a position
i'm talkin motherfuckin you ever had a cinnamon roll imagine a cinnamon roll but except the cream cheese icing is ORANGE flavored cream cheese icing its quite literally a motherfucking cinnamon roll with narange
>>229007 i see how you made the connection but you are so far off in terms of flavor orenji rolls are like nirvana and orange ding dongs are like maybe a really good high AT MOST
>>229010 fuck you dude i put those on the fucking shelf eery god damn day and they are ding dongs to me there are two ding dongs the ding dong and the ding dong w/ squiggle (cup cake form)
>>229011 Ding Dongs have frosting on their sides but the cupcakes don't.
>>229012 they are BASICALLY the same thing dude omg cupcakes have no frosting all around but they have a squiggle ding dongs have frosting all around and no squiggle they are the SAME CAKE 95% OF A DING DONG IS CAKE 95% of cupcake is cake only 5% is cup
>>229014 no they fucking aren't dude i bet you literally $50 we go to hostess motherfucking ding dong capital and they are the same i bet they make the cupcakes and ding dongs on the same fucking line
>>229015 The ding dong frosting is more reflective while the cupcake frosting is matte.
>>229016\ fucking WHAT the frosting on both looks literally the same when it is delivered the frosting becomes more reflective as the sugars slowly (VERY) slowly ferment when it's fresh that shit looks exacltly the same i swear to you i will throw you into a vat of ding dongs and cupcakes and you won't even know what is what
did you know jumanji is getting or has gotten a remake or some shit my cowoker was telling me about it and i was like what the fuck >>229031 I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU OMG
>>229032 me neither i just know its going down people keep telling me about this kind of shit and i'm like oh ok cool and i never actually look into it i just pretend to be interested
>>229036 the only movies ive watched in the last while are john wick 2 and guardians of the galaxy 2 and also that war movie i forgot the fucking name of my nepali coworker went fuckign wild over it but it hought it was just okay
>>229040 guardians 2 was so fucking good i can't wait for deadpool 2 honestly >>229041 its ok i enjoyed myself for 2 hoursish it was a good waste of about $17 imo
>>229098 what you mean you think are you telling me that losing your girlfriend and job and apartment in one whole month has left you somewhat depressed
yeah well you know what i think that sucks and honestly she should have told you sooner so you could work on it together but perhaps she didnt want to either way it's so done now that all you can do is keep on keeping on and you should keep on don't let someone else's insensitivity ruin you
>>229102 dwelling on it is bad but so is ignoring it if you ignore strife and push itout of your mind it will only compound until it exceeds your personal strength and destroys you there's a point where you have to reconcile what's happened and accept it as part of what makes you yourself and move on with such experiences defining you i'm trying to work on that last part myself right now and for the last long while and its hard but i'm sure you can do it
>>229102 also sorry if you got the impression i think you're doing bad with the game i have fun pretty much every week i think it's kind of irresponsible to wait untilt he day to plan what youré gonna do but honestly i would do the exact same thing and in the end as long as everyone is having a good time it means you did a goood job
My process is basically think about things all week and then slap them together at the last second, but this is one of the weeks where I've prepared in advance and I actually have more than that to prepare still. It should be p good, I'm hoping.
i dont like having to load images like that on my phone or in general i guess i should have turned thumbnails off first oh well hopefully i wont be arrested
You didn't knowingly and willingly get exposed to it so I'm sure it's fine
From what Ive heard its actually kept coming back repeatedly rika but I think you and samu have been around to take care of it. Kirara and friends have knocked stuff off the front page a couple times.
Welp, if anyone remembers the time when TN was all "man double and triple brewed coffee is great, but bad for your coffee maker" yeah man that first "clean boiled water" looked oily
>>229307 ?>oneechan let's play Why would she be referring to me as her sister
Hmm I wonder would some curious soul peeking through the gaps in the blinds into my house be creeped out >completely dark house with only laptop as illumination, guy drinking tea sitting on the floor listening to classical music >no furniture just boxes lying about
I have a lot to clean up the previous tenant didn't clean up anything today I only cleaned up the entrance and waxed the floor there and scrubbed the tub was just too damn tired from the weekend
and the landlord didn't clean anything up? or are you squatting?
maybe you dunno the term squatting iunno taking over a place that is abandoned
>>229343 the landlord is a investment company so apparently no I did send them a mail complaining about shit buyt doubt I get anything out of it >>229346 yeah just 477 a month 33,5 squares
but you're a proper tenant, huh?
>>229345 help me out so i can do conversions 477... what does finland have i dont even know oh okay 33.5 square meters? that's kinda small for the price granted i don't live in a very well-off place in the US i live in a shithole are you sharing it with anyone? taking over a new place can be kind of fun
and is my own place no one else for the first time ever for me is nice no need to mind anyone else and all that jazz
>>229349 360 square feet the place i had with quarx was a little over 1000 square feet and $865 a month, but they charged $35 a month just for "processing fees" your economy is better than ours though so that means little
My previous two places were 45 for 750 and 55 for 800
tbh i probably spent 95% of my time in under 200 sq feet of the place sometimes i would sleep in the bathtub in my bathroom just because it was more comfy than my bed i didn't like all that room tbh it made me feel uneasy like all the time
Rentals are bit overpriced here, due to our wellfare system State covers up to 500€ a month on just rent alone and add to that student benefits /grants or unemployed money so people can raise rents higher, and even unemployed/low incomers can afford But it has risen other problems, like people who work low wages, but high enough to not get the housing support, being left practically dirt poor due to high rents
>>229354 why don't you have boobs ton >>229355 oh yeah i have no benefits that makes a big difference do you have a yard or anything
>>229358 how about a balcony where you can plant some oregano or something i dont think i could live somewhere i couldn't plant at least a window plant i need plants
>>229356 oh yeah you might find this interesting https://vimeo.com/128428182 >>229359 nah the yards are only on the 2/3 room appartments and same goes for balconies in the upper floors
>>229359 I do have 2 plants that i need to still go pick up and several pots to plant more and besides this place is like a forest if you ask a non-finn
>>229384 I think i use dude for anyone if youre going to go there i also use it for poly-whatever folk the ones who think they are multiple people
have i covered all my bases
I went on a bike trip for beans to make chili. But I've forgotten to take the meat out of the freezer for it, so either I wait out until super-late tonight for dinner, or forgo chili altogether today. How annoying.
>>229395 A person who thinks they are multiple people either has DID or thinks they have DID. >>229397 Care to explain it to me so I don't make this mistake again? Okay
>>229399 sorry for yellin at you so much but all the stuff with children being exploited kind of set me off in a bad way i was probably more abrasive than i needed to be
>>229402 it really wasn't your fault but seeing that shit makes me fucked up for the whole day i call off work and sit home and cry about shit and just feel angry it's not how i normally am but i start bitching and stuff
>>229414 I'm just the maid. I can't do anything with the IPs anyway. I hope it is TOR, it would be a nice easy solution to block it for a little while.
>>229415 You could confirm it is. Even if you are just meido onee
Nah. It's hard to take it easy at home with Fish's mom here. I have to keep myself more closed off than I do when I'm just around Fish so it's kind of exhausting and a little depressing, I guess.
>>229456 I wonder what it'd look like if Fishes mum posted on /moe/ Hang in there. Keeping up apperances is draining.
>>229458 Yeah, it seems that way. A few days kind of feels like forever, though, haha. I mean, it's not like I'm upset that she's here or that I want her to leave or anything. It's just rough on me having her around. Also last night she was really loud in the living room.
>>229470 Well, hopefully I can get back to it soon. It's hard to feel like myself when I have no energy.
Yeah, I'm not surprised. I kind of glanced through it and the critique was actually kind of sexist and racist in some places, I thought. It felt more like anti-diversity due to xenophobia than a real critique on the diversity policy which actually needs real critique.
He wrote a lot about how women are inferior to men in the Google work environment because they have lowered capacity to deal with stress due to pathological neuroticism that comes with being a woman. It was kind of ridiculous. He said that women don't do as much work as men because they're busy talking, too.
The engineer was probably some lonely beta /r9k/er that was bitter about being a virgin.
>>229438 Why do you always post the little sister types?
>>229473 Oh, that's funny. I think the tech industry is kind of messed up when it comes to gender. And other things like that. They seem to have problems that other industries don't have.
>>229475 The tech industry is pretty bad at diversity. There seems to be this culture where they care more about the demographics than actual diversity, so it makes it all look really hollow. I think there's definitely value in diversity, but when you start setting quotas, you're asking for trouble.
Although losers like this Google guy will always be around, haha.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The name of the Google guy got leaked which I think is kind of messed up though. That document and the guy's business should have been kept internal. The guy's a shitter but he doesn't deserve to have his life ruined because of it.
My dinners have lately been progressively happening later and later at night. Tonight's isn't even done cooking.
I just finished making my dinner It's teriyaki chicken with lima beans on white rice >>229479 It would have been better to say "to many liberals" or "to some liberals" rather than just "liberals"
>>229479 I'm sure that Google is a stressful place since it's cream of the crop, but it's funny to see software people talking about stress managment. In fields where things are a little higher stakes, people don't really care about your demographic information. It's more about how good you are and how much you care.
>>229482 I think it's true of enough liberals that I can just say liberals.
>>229484 Yeah, I dunno. I think stress management and stuff is really important, but a lot of the time, I think these people just come off as milquetoast.
>>229485 Well I think its true enough of Republicans being stupid that I can just say "Republicans are stupid because they elected Trump and Bush" rather than "some Republicans are atupid because ..."
Well I think its true enough of my butt to say youre gay
>>229486I If you identify as a Republican, I'd be willing to say you're stupid. Well, not you , specifically. The same goes for people that identify as Democrat.
It's like wearing a badge that says you're brainwashed.
But that's besides the point.
Modern day liberals are terrible. I guess I should call it neoliberalism, though.
>>229485 It's just funny that they're talking about it like it's a high stress jobs! I think of high stress jobs as jobs that if you screw up someone might die or someone's life might be ruined.
>>229493 Google workplaces have like, free gourmet meals, and rooms where you can go take a nap during work hours and shit like that. It's crazy.
>>229495 Most employees dont use the nap rooms very often because they're too busy. My sister works at Apple and she never has time to use any of that stuff.
>>229495 Wow, they're living the easy life. I had a TV dinner for lunch, and I had to take a three hour break in the middle of it because something came up and I was too busy to finish!
Maybe their problem is that they don't have enough stress. Idle hands are the devil's tools. If they had people bleeding out they had to save they wouldn't spend time bickering about diversity.
Or maybe as a total foreigner to the environment they work in, you have no clue what sort of stress and frustrations they might be dealing with.
Also the big emphasis on diversity is mostly an external pressure. Because the media talks about it all the time. So if they arent diverse enoygh its bad press, then corporate works on diversity initiatives to make good press And then the cycle continues
I think that's a little naive. It's not JUST about press. And there's only press because the companies want diversity in the first place. It didn't start with the media, it started with the companies.
>>229500 I now know they have gormet food and nap rooms! I want that stuff.
I would be a lot less stressed at work if I had nap rooms!
>>229501 I don't really care about diversity either way. I think a workplace should seek passionate and qualified people and not worry too much about what they look like.
>>229503 It isn't just about press, but that is a large external pressure.
>>229504 Even if your workload was too much to actually be able to reason napping at work?
>>229504 Diversity to me isn't about what people look like. To me, diversity is important because people from different backgrounds carry with them different brands of experience, so putting them together, means you get more innovation and better efficiency - provided people work together.
The current culture of diversity which frames people solely as demographics doesn't encourage people to work together because it turns into "oh, that guy got that job because he's black"
>>229506 I would nap! If anyone got on my case I would point out that it would be a waste to have nap rooms and no one using them.
>>229507 Which is of critical importance to an innovator company like Google. It probably isn't as important in other fields of industry that involve firmly resolved routine or methods of practice, but for a company like Google, having a massive field to pull new ideas from is crucial.
>>229507 I think diversity is good for different viewpoints and stuff, but I think it increases inefficiency. People from different cultures do stupid and incomprehensible things, and care about different stuff. There's some effort there required for people from different cultures to understand each other, and not to hate each other's guts.
>>229511 I don't think people naturally hate each other for being different. I think the system frames things so that people have trouble dealing with each other. If people were viewed as individuals and not demographics, that wouldn't be happening as much. Also, we do stupid and incomprehensible things. Other cultures might have some good input on those things that can make them less stupid and incomprehensible, just like we might have input on their things that might do the same.
>>229512 Like I said, I think it's good from a brainstorming standpoint. On that end, it can help us realize when we're being stupid and incomprehensible. There's resistance to new ideas though, that creates a bit of friction.
>>229514 Rika I don't think you have enough experience with diversity to really have >>229517 Lol
>>229515 I have tons of experience with lookin down on people that are different than me☆
It's true that the field I work in doesn't really care about diversity, though. All that matters is if you're good at your job.
I wish my fields of expertise didn't have as much of an emphasis on diversity as they do. Not that diversity is bad But generally the way it ends up is people and organization just shifting the blame back and forth.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I just wish I had a real career.
>>229519 I said "fields of expertise" because I also dont have a career.
I think diversity is good when the cards fall that way. I don't think forcing it is good.
I will admit being somewhat biased though, it somewhat annoyed me that black people were getting into my grad school with standardized test scores several standards of deviation lower than mine needed to be.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>229520 I'm a blue collar worker in a place where promotion is several deaths or retirements away.
Instead of bringing in people that aren't up to pay /// par for quotas, we should focus on bring those people up to par. Instead of affirmative action to bring in more black people, we should focus on improving the conditions that black people live and grow up in.
>>229524 It was bad for them, too. They were all stuck at the bottom of the class. I assume the minority students with scores closer to mine were at more prestigious schools.
>>229525 As long as your percentage is high enough, yes. I think you need to be 1/32 or 1/16 to really be able to benefit from it.
>>229523 Yes, I agree that the problem starts much earlier than just forcing them into top tier schools.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>229523 >Instead of affirmative action to bring in more black people, we should focus on improving the conditions that black people live and grow up in. But people see affirmative action as a means to do so by stimulating those conditions. But yeah, we need to aim more for the source than we are.
Sure, but they shouldn't, because it doesn't, and we can easily see that it doesn't.
Those people often don't meet the standards they need to and have trouble - the ones that get pushed through for quotas, that is. There are plenty that score as high or higher than others.
>>229527 At 1/8 I think you have a pretty good chance of seeing some benefit. I have a cousin who is 1/4 and he just plain gets money from the government for being him.
>>229528 One of the issues is that the money is in the medicine, not the cure. If you were to fix the problems, the people whose jobs it is to fix the problems would be out of work.
>>229531 How far back does it go? To be Cherokee Nation, you gotta have records to show you're related to a Cherokee person from like 1900 or something. I can't remember when it was. I don't think Cherokee uses blood quantum anymore though.
>>229532 Additionally, if you educate the poor minority people, then they might think for themselves and they might not vote for you. We can't have that!
>>229533 Don't think it'd be hard. I know my great grandmother but that's all because dead people
I just checked. Cherokee requires an ancestor on the Dawes Rolls which is about 100,000 names from 1900. If you aren't related to one of those 100,000 people, you can't be Cherokee Nation.
>>229533 Yeah, a lot of people are concerned with keeping their loyal voters loyal too.
>>229533 Wow, is that all you have to do? I may have a native American in my family tree around there. I wonder what tribe they were in . I should dig through my dad's files.
>>229536 Yeah. Voter loyalty through lack of education is terrible.
It depends on the tribe. A lot of tribes still use blood quantum. Some use >>229535. A lot of tribes require really high blood quantums, like 1/2, even. I think 1/4th is the most common blood quantum.
A lot of tribes are reluctant to accept anyone that lives off the reservation, too.
I'm pretty sure I'm part of some maori trust fund even though I'm white as fuck >>229529 Do you think people should be getting benefits at 1/8th?
I don't think you should be getting benefits unless you live with the tribe. A lot of tribes live off of that money because there's nothing else for them. For someone to be taking that when they don't need it is wrong, I think.
Besides, instead of getting free money, we should be working on allowing those tribes to flourish on their own. Too bad that can't! Whenever there's something useful on a reservation, we steal it from them. Oil on your reservation? Haha, not anymore. It's not for you!
>>229538 That really depends on which Rika you ask!
There's a part of me that is very anti-benefits in general and I don't think anyone should be getting handouts.
but if you're going to give handouts, I don't see a problem with giving them to people who are 1/8. Pure blooded natives are pretty rare in this day and age.
>>229539 What about benefits that don't pull from that pool of money given to the particular tribe. It's been a while since I ever was looking at Native benefits, but I seem to recall there were other benefits that make life easier that aren't necessarily just chunks of money.
>>229542 Yeah, but at the cost of your moral integrity right?
>>229540 But surely there are people who need it more right? If you're not actually suffering or being discriminated against because of your status, then why should you take it?
>>229546 I mean I guess you could use it if you put the money back into the native community Like investing in native businesses or schools
>>229543 Not really I'd love to legitimately connect with my roots
>>229541 Well, it depends. Generally, they don't get a lot of benefits outside of money. At least, not from the government. Also, not all the money is distributed to a tribe and then disseminated to tribe members. Quite a bit of it goes directly to people.
The money for being Native American isn't actually for being Native American. The money these people receive reflects basically mineral lease income on property that the government is "holding" in trust or tribe land that the government "borrowed" for whatever they wanted it for. Some tribes also get money if their tribe worked out a deal to give /// to sell resources on a reservation to the government and the tribe gets that money (although the government often just steals the resources).
Some reservations have businesses and some don't. It depends on the location of the reservation and how poor/wealthy it is. There's really no way to generalize native businesses.
I was mainly setting you up to tell Maria about indian casinos since he probably doesnt know about that since he's not from the YS. *US
>>229552 I know that they exist from the Simpsons I'm assuming that there are business that are productive and benefit the community
>>229554 Early Simpsons is legitemately the height of your culture, and I mean that in the best way possible. No, it's the height of human culture.
Well, only half of the tribes in the United States have a casino. Some have multiple. Indians having casinos is kind of an overblown stereotype.
A lot of reservations are also dry.
>>229556 It's a distinct business advantage they have due do the reservations' lack of gambling restrictions.
>>229556 Do the dry reservations generally suffer from other addiction issues or do enough reservations manage to avoid falling into epidemics like that?
>>229557 Well, gambling is generally restricted due to state law, so there are a lot of states in which that's not actually a business advantage, since the /// since many of the federal restrictions still apply on reservations.
>>229558 It depends on how close they are to another city. The town that sells the most liquor in the United States is within walking distance from an Indian Reservation (although i'd recommend a car haha) Many reservations have the same addiction problems as most communities in the US these days - meth and heroin.
>>229559 It's not as much of an advantge as it used to be, but gambling was illegal in most of the US in the early 20th century.
>>229560 Yeah, but the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act was signed in the 80s, so /// and many states reduced their restrictions immediately to compete with the Native casinos, so the casinos never really got that large of an advantage. Many of the casinos prior to the IGRA were considered illegal by states.
Fiction just isn't very good these days. Unless you want to read edgy stuff or harry potter, there just isn't a lot of good fiction out there. The only fiction books worth reading are the classics.
>>229585 We both know that you haven't read all the classics. Also that's what people say every generation about everything.
>>229585 That's a complete and utter piece of nonsense. How do you even know it's all not worth reading if you don't even read it.
>>229585 There's probably a lot of classics you haven't read then Considering how many years of fiction there is out there And how many cultures have been making it
Fiction doesn't generally appeal to me aside from the classics. I get more out of reading nonfiction anyway so I generally don't listen to book recommendations.
I don't mind if people like fiction, but I generally don't.
>>229590 Synopsis also often do not do a book justice. Do you actually have good evidence behind this or are you just talking out of your ass here.
>>229582 According to those polls how many people don't read non fiction?
>>229582 I don't read fiction but only because I have so many other things competing for time I think that's the same for a lot of people And also because imageboards and the like have melted brains and I need immediate gratification
>>229591 My guess is that those respective 41% and 42% have a large number of people in common.
So it's really not unusual for me to not read fiction.
>>229596 So it's not that there's not a lot of good fiction out there these days, it's that there just isn't stuff that appeals to your particular tastes.
Thats usually how people define what they call bad and good, yes
But that's patently false since there's still plenty of well-written and well thought out pieces of fiction coming out often and regularly. There's a difference between saying "there's no good fiction out there" and "I don't like any fiction currently out there".
>>229609 His employees called the police on him so probably not. Apparently he worked on eight people before they did, but his BAC was .418. That's like, dying-tier, generally, haha. Being able to make it through 8 people like that is pretty impressive.
But he only drank one bottle of vodka for that.
Uhhh Lemme think for a sec, i am most familiar with pre 1980 literature
>>229602 Neil Gaiman generally produces some fantastic pieces of writing. American Gods, Neverwhere, and his co-work with Terry Pratchett, Good Omens, are all fantastic. The Martian was a genuinely entertaining book, that came out within the past couple years. Carlos Ruiz Zafon is a Spanish author who's books are all relatively recent and combines some gorgeous prose with really nice post-WWI/II era Spain set pieces. And that's all just from what I could pick out from a quick look-over my bookshelf. I also didn't touch fantasy since I felt you'd dismiss any fantasy or genre fiction as not applicable by nature of its genre.
>>229612 Yeah, I would say American Gods but it came out in 2001 which is before Rika's cut off.
>>229614 There was a dude in one of the cases I worked on in Indian Country that got recorded with a BAC of like .6something and he was walking and talking like normal.
Getting to .418 on one bottle is kind of insane, though. Before I stopped drinking, I was going through 1.5 liters of vodka in a night and I'd consume it all in like 1-2 hours.
>>229617 Streaming content without paying isn't even a civil violation in the US. For reference neither is downloading a movie. Currently only uploading is a crime, but its under civil law, not criminal.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>229617 i do what i want when i want where i want generally fuck them
>>229619 I haven't either, but .3 is the point at which you're in danger of succumbing to alcohol poisoning. I've never been that far. I've only even ever gotten sick from my drinking once.
>>229620 You're right, it's not a civil issue. It's a criminal issue. And we will catch those digital thiefs. They cannot run from THE LAW
>>229625 damn I guess we'll just have to lobby it then
>>229623 No, it's not a criminal issue under current US law.
>>229838 It's contextures so its not really a spoiler. *contextures Fuck Contextless Anyways I'll stop posting stuff ffrom it if you're worried about spoilers
>>229842 It was written by DRRR's author and posted on his website. And the type moon people liked it so much it became an official work. Well, that's a bit over simplified, but it's pretty much how it happened.
I lake him a lot as an author *like He does a very good job of "showing rather than telling" Unless I'm misremembering, since I haven't read his lns in a while.
Might go out for ice cream with my friend. He's currently drunk and playing a eeally complicated boardgame with his brother.
>>229851 I'm too social-anxious to work out in a gym.
>>229856 I used to be the same. But getting fitter helps a lot with that
Fucking piece of shit won't text me back
>>229857 Yeah I figure I would be that way too. But until I get more fit I'm too social-anxious to work out in a gym. And it's not like gyms are some prestigious accomplishment so it doesn't exactly add motivation to get fit.
>>229859 My friend with whom I want to go out for ice cream with.
Also right now I can feel that my stomach is full But I'm still getting that pain you get when you're really hungry. Truly I am a medical marvel.
>>229860 Don't you want to join my Mountaineering team? I only accept those in peak physical condition
even in the middle of the fuckin night i thought it was safe jesus christ i can't even come to moe i'm gonna fuckin kill myself
Should be off the front pagef or the time being.
i appreciate that i can't stand fuckin seeing that shit even just the post with the images off it makes my blood boil and i want to just cry all the time it's so sad
I don't really notice them since I rarely go on the front page. But I'll gladly help do what I can to deal with them once I know they're there.
Yeah it's pretty fucked up
>>229880 thanks i want a moe that's safe to come to maybe it doesn't bother other people so much or something but it cripples me and then i'm really pissed off all day and yell at people about shit that isn't their fault and everything's just a mess
Yeah I understand. It might sound callous but I'm pretty apathetic to it. It's something I can objectively see as terrible but I don't get any real emotional response to it. Aside from recently "oh this needs to be cleaned up". But it means it's probably easier for me to report the stuff and move it off the front than some others, so what ever.
It also makes phone posting in public a very risky undertaking
Yeah, that too. Lately I've just stopped caring if strangers see me as some filthy weeaboo but that sort of thing could be ridiculously dangerous. Not that I go outside enough for it to really be a risk but well.
i don't even have my lorazepam this is why i had it tin the first place is it kicks in in like five minutes to prevent panic attacks this shitty klonopin takes hours i dont think i can last hours i'm gonna fuckin lose it
Have you had a chance at all to look at the happenings in The International so far?
i haven't i can't do much on this internet during the day hours what's happening with it
Mineski and Hellraisers got knocked out in the group stages. Winner's Bracket today was Liquid-IG and EG-Newbee. The Liquid-IG game -series was a bit of a surprise, with IG showing some stronger performance than their group stage games to take two very convincing games against Liquid. Granetd, the game Liquid won was also very convincing in their favour, but not enough to keep them in the upper bracket. The EG-Newbee game -series was a total 2-0 shut out with Newbee playing extremely well and EG making a lot of really punishing mistakes. Loser's Bracket saw Secret-XctN, Cloud9-Empire, OG-Infamous, and IG.V-DC. There wasn't really anything particularly amazing about these games, at least for me. Secret played very well and professionally to beat out XctN who felt like they were a bit shook up by the main stage. Cloud9 put in a valiant fight against Empire but Empire capitalized on classic Envy lack of map awareness and other Cloud 9 mistakes to win a game that felt theirs from a long time off. OG played VERY well and crushed Infamous, showing that Peru doto can't beat out their gameplay, and the IG.V-DC game was just kind of, well, DotA. Nothing bad, but just decent play from both teams until DC took the game. All in all today wasn't that amazing in terms of games. There wasn't some crazy-fun scrappy set one game one like we've seen in a few recent Internationals where each team has like thirty kills. It was just all solid playing from the winning teams and nothing jaw-dropping.
I'm a little more excited for tomorrow's games, since LFY and TNC are interesting teams. LFY performed AMAZINGLY in the group stages, going something like 13-1 or well, something really high, and TNC is all crazy Filipino nutcases plus 1437 (who, being Canadian, means I must cheer for). Also, whoever wins -loses that set will have to fight OG in the lower bracket. LFY and OG would be interesting, but TNC and OG would be a re-match of last year's knockout of OG by TNC--and that sort of-------
>>229895 the business meeting is just him sitting there being an edgy douche and not saying anything for some reason in the first part they went all the way out to eat and she's like "well whatever let's go in and eat" and he then says he doesn't have money why didn't he do that before they left like wtf the dramatic music everything it's just so bad
>>229894 i can probably watch one video or something as long as it doesn't involve loading an entire 8-hour twitch stream or updating and launching dota have you considered game journalism at all dude you could probably write about tournaments and that's pretty legit
>>229898 welcome to bollywood shit son you're missing out on a whole world of surrealism if you've never watched bollywood
Wow I ran out of space.
>>229891 The constant English words getting injected into the conversation always throws me for a loop.
>>229899 I've seen one Bollywood film A bunch of Indians run away from persecution and certain death Then once they're in the safe zone they break out into song and dance
>>229897 At times. The problem is I really only care about DotA in terms of competitive games and either way, I wouldn't know where to start.
>>229894 and that sort of rivalry gets me PUMPED. Tomorrow also has the last upper bracket match that still has a western team still kicking in VP, going up against LGD. If they drop down to the lower bracket, that means the upper bracket will be entirely dominated by China, and TNC. There will also be the lower bracket match of Liquid and Secret tomorrow, two teams I really like, so I'll be disappointed by whichever goes home. Really though I just want a closeneck scrappy, fight a minute game of DotA to happen.
>>229902 some bollywood is pretty great to be honest but there's almost no cost barrier so you get really terrible stuff too and the special effects people are like all interns or just really cheap and bad so scene transitions and emphasis are done really badly they overuse flashing and zooms to emphasize something is intense instead of just writing tension
>>229905 Yeah it was a great movie Just very absurd
>>229903 just start with individual games if you could write 150 words for each game that you watch, and like 250-300 words on an overall scale of the event, that's worth something tbh the marketability of an article is its readability, so the hard part is actually trimming down the fat and keeping it short and concise, but still meaningful
>>229908 Doesn't sound too hard. But I guess application and consideration are two different beasts.
I was actually considering doing some note-taking on each match of the main event but apparently I can't into calendars and I thought the main event was starting next week, not this one. So I got a bit blindsided today.
>>229910 is that something you'd enjoy doing you're pretty verbose, i'd imagine you'd enjoy writing but as a career it's kind of a formless thing some people prefer structure and stability when it comes to their incomes
Being able to make money off my writing would probably be as close to a dream job as it gets for me. Though I've always wished more to get into novel writing since I come from a background of reading lots and lots and lots of fantasy--and other genres a bit.
My biggest problem is a lack of aspiration I guess. Getting into the ethic of putting out some writing a day generally seems important for anyone who writes for a profession. It's hard for me to form that habit since I resist habit-forming pretty well.
that's a pretty smooth transition it's not like it takes you away from that path i think i was 16 when i got my first job writing articles more of a gig than a job i guess >>229914 is it lack of aspiration or lack of clarity and direction formless shit like this, it's really hard to understand what you need to do to make it work but it's not that hard people really overthink it
Yeah. I know. But this isn't narrative prose, or character dialogue, or the other core components of novel and general fiction writing. Not that doing this won't help at all. But training a skill by practicing orbital components of the field isn't as efficient as narrowing in on the particulars you need to work on.
novels tend to be side-projects for writers it's really pretty rare and special that someone can do novels alone they don't particularly make a lot of money even if you're a best seller one writer i knew was a NY times best seller once and that one book brought in like $16,000 over several years hardly a big breakthrough that's why you get shit like john grisham or whoever else pumping out a book like every month and they're all boring af
Yeah, I'm also aware of that. Unless you hit the lottery on the next Rowling or whosewhat, it's hard in today's living to live off your writing. >>229920 Fair enough. This was a simplification of the situation, but for all the stars to align, for her publishers to have the right marketing team, that in itself is up to chance a lot.
jk rowling's success was marketing, not the book itself also you can write the best damn book ever written but it's still going to have barriers of personal opinions of the publishers, what marketing you can afford, et cetera >>229921 probably low enough that it's probably worth it just to have the publisher pay a fixed amount and you promise a book
How much does the average novel even sell these days? In like the thousands if you're lucky?
>>229919 yeah sorry, i meant to say that i was emphasizing the lottery part of your statement she really did just win the lottery there's an inspiring story behind her being shit broke and scribbling ideas on napkins at a coffee shop about a wizard boy but it sends out this image that she struck a gold mine of an idea she didn't, theres loads of books on that same type of thing and tbh her writing really isn't like literary genius. it's just fun and immersive, which i think is great too but there's so much shit in harry potter that i'm like wtf okay what was the point of that like quidditch, fuck quidditch why are they even bothering to score points if the points don't even matter
Uh, I -did- actually hear a good reason for this once. But it's been forgotten.
in the literary sense, it's to set up some hardcore gary stu-ing here's a bunch of dedicated people workin their butts off but we get to see the protag blow them all away by doing something arbitrary that counts as an instant win because magic is fanciful and wonderful and ever so crazy
Though she did make up the rules for Quidditch when the books were still in the "written for ages 9-12" range. I feel in later years she may have developed them a bit more to make less nonsense.
it's totally okay to do that, not everything needs a reason mary sue-ing can be okay sometimes too especially when a book is intended with that in mind and it's not like harry potter doesn't have to face challenges and overcome, but it's just a different path of challenges than his peers have to face as opposed to the type of mary sue-ing where everything's just fine all the time
People take quidditch really seriously Northwestern has an actual permanent quidditch field. Apparently it's even hard to get on a collegiate quidditch team in the first place because its so competitive.
>>229926 He also has a LOT of character flaws. Like he can super-perform in some fields, like flying brooms and catching small golden nuts, but he's also pig-headed, kind of egotistical at times, and doesn't give two whits for authority when it suits him to not. Like he's this obnoxious, somewhat talented kid, and you can tell some of the spite the other people in the books have for him isn't unmerited. It takes most of the series for him to get over some of his worse traits and it usually only happens when something really, really shitty happens to or because of him.
i used to read a lot of C.J. Cherryh growing up i can't remember if it was good writing or not to be honest but i enjoyed it enough that i kept reading her stuff i think she's probably what inspired me to want to write i actually wouldn't mind ditching transcription and going back to writing now that i understand things a little better and am a little older it could be fun >>229930 cherryh is a fantasy writer yeah the morgaine trilogy was some amazing shit
It was pretty much all fantasy for me. I read a lot of franchise kids books when I was really young. Star Wars novels, Bionicle novels--they were all kind of cheesy as you could probably expect. But once I got old enough to understand more mature themes I got my dad's fantasy series collections dumped on me. David Eddings, Raymond E. Feist, Piers Anthony, Robert Jordan, Ursula LeGuin. And that really cemented me into the fantasy genre.
>>229930 You ever read "A Spell for Chameleon"? By Piers Anthony
>>229930 I was gonna get irritated if you didnt mention LeGuin. Also Fun fact: She went to highschool with Phillip K Dick
>>229932 I read the better most of all the Xanth books that came out before I was born, along with a few that were published afterwards. I also read his more serious trilogy that the name of currently escapes me. The Apprentice Adept series--which was a trilogy at the time I knew it. Apparently it's got seven books to it.
>>229938 Erotica was always a component of Anthony 's books. Some had it worse than others, but it was pretty consistently there.
I was always much more into scifi than fantasy. Did you read the Xanth books that were basically erotica?
>>229936 My friend has a really good anecdote about them. Something about how his school library didnt have any of the Xanth books after a certain point and how he got them at a public library and it had like bad hentai tier sex magic duels
check em
fuck \
>>229922 If you don't get the snitch points matter But really with how often Harry gets it each team should just be prioritising the snitch. It's a bullshit game though. It's like if in football there was a secondary game of tag going on and it doesn't matter how many goals the team scores if that one guy gets the snitch