Thread #225980
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18if abyss jikan jigoku shoujo it seems
yes rhose re he new shkws Jikan we're behind 3 total now
what's there to catch up except jikan, ballroom and recreators?
18if ballroom jigoku jikan (x3) made in abyss recreators sagrada reset
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okay so what did you guys want to watch tonight?
anything just do it fast
hi i'd liek to not do 18if today probably cause we just did it yesterday anything else is fine
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okay let's do made in abyss wait doesn't rook watch that, is he around?
is tilde missing now
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I was told that Tilde would be watching with us, although I haven't seen him post.
maybe he just isn't aware of the thread
Uh yeah. Posting the thread helps.
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>>226026 That's a good point, I didn't notice that it wasn't linked.
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okay so let's do sagrada recreators jigoku shoujo ballroom
Can we swap something for Made in Abyss.
letes swap reset out
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>>226035 Doesn't Rook watch that?
go fast
I don't believe he watches it in particular. It's a Friday show and he isn't consistently here on Fridays.
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okay then. We'll start with Made in Abyss then. okay let's start
i've been reccomended the manga of this a lot of times but apperantly it has sad things
oh no
slightly dangerous
He got the handblaster back.
Surprise Ticket
after all this time huh
Poor Reg. She'll never see him as a real boy because he's a robot.
so happy
The shot of her so excited with all the fire and molten refuse in the background is a little off-putting.
the show in genera; is slightly off putting isn't it
She's dropping a lot of stuff. By the time she gets to the particularly dangerous parts of the Abyss you got to wonder if there'll be any supplies left.
so easy going
Having a robot with an extending arm probably allows them to bypass a lot of the parts of the Abyss that would normally hold up normal parties.
so silly
those are some aggresive sloths
The arms on those things are pretty crazy.
white whistle
All these White Whistles seem to be practically demi-gods or something.
oh nice a rabbit
Oh yeah Ozen is Oohara Sayaka.
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 602x706, nourin1 (2).jpg )
okay recreators episode 16 okay let's start!
The schedule on this show has been so weird. There was the parody re-cap episode one week, and then a few weeks later they didn't air an episode because there was a special involving the show's seiyuu that ran that week instead. For a show that relies on its action and fighting to keep viewers invested that kind of kills the energy.
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>>226103 Delays!
Well the re-cap episode had enough new or tweaked content that I could believe it was planned. But yeah the other one is just weird.
Also she comes from a fantasy world of magic and swords. When did she learn to drive a car.
she did have her own magic mech or something
summoning airplanes is cool
Oh yeah the new good other world character is an eroge protagonist. Er heroine. That feels a little weird compared to the other characters.
onsen episode! nice
>>226111 does she have super powers at least
and magano is from a mystery novel or something don't remember exactly
I feel she's more likely from a supernatural thriller mystery or something. Considering her powers.
Pft. What a humble brag.
wow these shots
gotta get the views
These are some really nice baths. I want to relax in baths like this.
stealth submarine meteora
Meteora is the best girl of the fantasy characters. Her dead-panning is pretty great.
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 672x660, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
tfw best girl died before the onsen episode
She was a little girl though. You telling me you want all these servicing shots with her involved?
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 643x616, [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 02(…).jpg )
She was a teenager wasn't she? Magical girls often are. Either way, the point is that she's dead!
I'm a little surprised there hasn't been any more deaths since.
oh no she's gonna go on a drunken rant
Wow she gets pretty far gone off a cocktail. Japanese cocktails are pretty weak too.
that's a weird face there on teh sword man
who's author is that
Hah hah hah. Persona guy was hefting the director lady into the group to get her hand on the pile.
are they making a big collab
>Renting out a giant sports stadium for the screening of your huge anime movie. Fuck I would want to be in that crowd.
since it's a government funded anime will there be a message about how having kids is nice
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 823x651, [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 02(…).jpg )
Meeting your voice actor is probably as weird as meeting your author.
is she making a phisosophers stone out of the town
Oh she's finally got her magitech mech.
>>226149 It's probably also super weird for the voice actor to meet a character they voiced. Like it's YOUR voice, that you loaned to the character. But at the same time it's the only voice they've only known how to use.
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Seems like a lot will happen next episode or two.
jogoku shoujo
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yeah jigoku shoujo time to get some comfy despair okay let's start!
silly old people oh no what a mean guy wow
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This must be a retirement home!
I guess even in Japan these kinds of places can attract total scumbags.
i have fallen and i can't get up
come on you're old wait a bit and don't go to hell
wow that's a lot of bags of trash
>Many people who were close to me have died >So I decided to dedicate my life to working around the people who are close to death!
>>226173 yeah i dont think tis worth it
but she can type no bingo though
Tech-saavy obaa-sama
shot down
Love blossoming between two old fogies.
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 613x677, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
He's a ghost though! Or a youkai or something like that.
Well she'll be a denizen of hell before long too. So maybe it'll all work out.
is her having the doll for long an issue
So it isn't even a video communication, it's just a daily repeated message from the owner. That really reeks of distancing and indifference.
why would you even have that on tv in your own retirement home
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Cursing someone near the end of your life seems like the worst way to do it.
oh no mental ilness strikes hard
I wonder if she got whacked on the head overnight or something.
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Rather than abuse, they probably just drugged the resitdents.
those are some lousy reporters are they gonna ignore it
Bodies under the tree huh. I feel of all things that might be a bit difficult for a retirement home to get away with.
is he gonna go to doube hell
oh he brought it back i guess
Oh wow this is a particularly elaborate visit to hell this time.
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It's an abstract kind of hell.
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yeah, ballroom okay lets start!
Oh yeah this new cutie barreled right into him at the end of last episode.
MC is gonna steal her too its in the opening
mr steal your girl
isn't the eyebrows man with another girl in the op did he literally ditch her the moment glasses became free
wow i don't think that's very nice
oh it's his sister i guess that's fine?
Dancing with your little sister is something else.
poor imouto
Hah hah he tries to get along with the master by calling him Aniki.
wow he's not ammused haha
They're a bit of birds of a feather.
>not a chaep woman >immediatly agrees
What time again
06:30 06:35 06:40
steal the imouto
She's got some cute hair.
okay wh at time agian
Fucking hell Ika. 07:40 07:45 07:50
oh wow
She wants the D(ance).
shes cute
he fell for the cute i expected a slap in the face after that sound
That's a cute outfit too.
Ara ara
oh no
this is bullying
This is the best kind of bullying.
SAVED Putting that dance training to good use.
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Koi to Uso - 05(…).jpg )
Hah hah hah. Tatara still has PTSD from that dance.
She's the kind of person that gets mad at people not properly looking after themselves.
there's also the part where everyone kept her in the dark
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Everybody is getting cucked.
a look so vicious even the teacher is afraid
Oh that's another cute outfit. This girl is pretty good.
revenge ntr master
i guess he is nicer than a brother who immediatly dropped her and calls her a snail
revenge couple
perfecto synchro
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 742x671, [HorribleSubs]_Nana_Maru_San_B(…).jpg )
This guy was made to steal partners.
he can read girls perfectly in a dance but still dense
he's going super saiyan
when did he get up there ;_; imouto
Hah hah. Sengoku is a pretty good oji-san.
hahahaha how did they even manage that
kaguya is out on /a/ if anyone reads that
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big butt
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Thanks for anime!
Yup yup
Thank you