>>217504 Okay? Just in case you weren't following, neither of us believe in bigfoot, we were just arguing about whether or not it would be easy to rule out using certain methods. And also size estimates by connecting dots.
It's the only official manga, really. All of the artists that are involved in Fate draw fanart of their own characters based on the content of the comics. One time there was a strip where Gudako asked DaVinci for a daki of a character which emphasizes the armpits and the character's artist actually drew it afterwards.
The official manga is also where the majority of the game's merch comes from.
Such is life.
Also TN the approximate convex hull poorly drawn by me is >>217529 Which is more than two Finlands.
I still haven't opened my Gudako nendo.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>217529 big deal keep it in the other thread please
>>217540 It's done, I don't have anything else to post about it.
>>217538 yeah and i was always talking about the original hotspots which was areas in origon, washington and bit later california and then it spread eastwards as the cryptid got more famous
>>217543 No offense, but making a post saying "I'm done with the conversation you mentioned" is not the same thing as making another post in the conversation. The only thing I'm doing with this post is letting you know that I'm bot making more posts about *not making more posts in that conversation, since apparently
The pizza joint near my house recently started charging extra on "premium toppings", even when part of a deal where you get toppings free. Except the premium topping umbrella covers pretty much any kind of non-pepperoni meat and extra cheese. It's really super dumb. I used to take advantage of those kind of free topping deals to experiment around with different combos, but now I'm just going back to plain pizzas with extra cheese.
>>217545 You made two posts continuing it in this thread after you were asked not to. The fact that you said you were done is irrelevant because it did not look like you were done and I had no reason to believe you were done.
I am being very nice right now but you are kind of getting on my nerves. I don't want to have to stop being nice. If you are legitimately done with that conversation, then thank you, and we can drop it here and not discuss it further.
Oh wow I just realized that both of my favorite restaurant sn *restaurants in Gainesville are closed. I don't really have a good reason to go there anymore except maybe for watching Gator games.
Places with high occurance of weirdness get fame for it, and then the weird occasions get much more easily reported by more sources, as people are hungry for more X-man stories.
Florida publishes all of their local news online in such a way that it is easy to farm. So other news agencies look there when it's a slow news day and they need a quick weird story. Florida man is just a meme.
>>217557 Well, that is a large part of it. But Florida is actually pretty weird. I've lived there for a few years aand go down there pretty often too.
Say a Michigan man or tennessee man does something weird you just have "a man in michigan did weird" but in florida you have "Florida Man" is also much juicier to sell
>>217559 Every country has its weirdspots, and there even are weirdspots for some specific people that might not be known on the national level Like say you lived in some place you considered to be weird you might then be bit on the look for weird stories coming out of thre thus reassuring your "yup it is indeed weird place" I am not saying florida isn't weird, but just that by having higher than average weirdness than most places and it being published more about it gets just simply more exposure
>>217561 I'm familiar with confirmation bias. But there are some actual reasons contributing to Florida being fucking weird. Like a really bad public school system, so people there end *often end up not learning a lot of things that people should know. Or the lack of gun regulation that allows people who should get guns to get them. Or the lack of decent social services which makes it more likely for some people to be driven to crime in order to survive.
It is like saying "russians are crazy drivers", while it is true, the actual point is just that everyone has a dashcamera there otherwise you can't get any insurance or court cases in your favour.
so by them having cameras in every car, you get every weird road story on camera
>>217579 That's why I think her outfit's price is pretty crazy.
>>217580 Those might just be the msrp She probably got a good deal on them somewhere. There are lots of places you can get expensive clothing marked down by over 50%
>>217568 Sometimes people put it into trinkets like watches and belts and chains More versatile than the actual outfit. I think as an outfit, $400 has been my highest.
>>217568 Aside from like tailored suits and stuff like that, I think its weird in of itself to have several pieces of clothing that you only ever wear together instead of sometimes wearing them in combinations with other things you own too.
>Mark Zuckerberg's basic ass T-Shirts cost him 400 fucking dollars
>>217588 They're supposed to be really comfy though. Also the market exists because people are willing to pay for it.
Fuck the market
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>217588 tfw i got the same shirts from Hanes for like $20
It's not even a market, it's a personal designer.
>>217591 They're not the same >>217592 No it is, there are mul Oh Anyways I was referring to the "designer" brand tshirt market. I read an article about it somewhere a while back.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they're functionally the same and look the same if it acts like a shirt and it looks like a shirt it's a shirt
There are markets for personal designers yes
I know how it works. I can call bullshit on anything and everything because tshirts cost 400 but talking shit is free.
>>217594 They actually are nicer than regular tshirts, just not like $380 nicer.
They don't scale with the cost. It's like playing an MMO. You've got the exotic weapons which sell for 2 gold and then the ascended weapons which are like 8% more effective at damage but are 30 gold >>217598 Hi. I'm going to get food
i bet the shirts feel exactly the same as a hanes shirt
>>217601 Probably not I can almost guarantee that because I own a lot of different tshirts and tshirts can feel a lot different from each other depending on what they're made of, how they're cut, how thick the fabric is and what not. I have three or four tshirts that I barely wear because they're so uncomfortable.
>>217603 Hmm I would say there is some difference in material, especially if you are moving around especially on how thick it is but yeah overall, aside some cut factors like, is it v-neck or not, all t-shirts are practically the same.
my old electric company owes me like 250 dollars i'm really nervous about making phone calls though so i don't want to do anything about it but i really want that back and i feel like they're just gonna screw me out of it somehow anyway they were huge jerks
I need to look at the tags on some of mine, cause there are some specific shirts I hate to wear, I need to make sure to not get anymore made with that material blend.
If you aren't getting a technical sports t-shirt, why would you get anything but a 100% cotton t-shirt?
>>217609 I generally buy tshirts based on the design. Although of the three or four tshirts I own that are uncomfortable, I only purchased one myself. The rest were gifts. My IDF t-shirt that my sister bought for me in Israel is super uncomfortable.
I'm not sure I even believe she saw an organ donor surgery. I'm not an expert on these kinds of things, but my mom is in training to be a respiratory therapist. Why would she be seeing that?
Also have you been reading any Jewish religion/culture/history stuff recently?
>>217617 No. >>217618 Hmm I don't think there are any new cults in the area, I'm sure I would have heard if there were. The local cult doesn't harvest organs.
Oh, they're super well known. They've been accused of kidnapping, raping, and brainwashing children for years and years now. I think they've been there since the 1980s.
>>217621 I almost got a job at a cult in Chicago. My dad knew the founders through some old business partners.
Man the field I was going to major in would be much more interesting in terms of studying the new religious movements and such over there in the states.
I drive past the Kashi Ranch whenever I go to my mom's house it's scary shit
we've got a cult here they opened a 24 hour restaurant downtown best damn lamb sandwich I ever had and the service was really good but they're kinda weird people
We were going to found a cult/secret society with my former roomie at one time we had it even all planned out just lacked the initial members to get it rolling
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>After she died, scores of people streamed down the streets of tiny Sebastian. Folksinger Arlo Guthrie, who followed Ma Jaya's teachings for decades, mourned her without reservation. "I've met a lot of people that were very important," he told reporters. "But I can honestly say no one I ever met in my entire life was as funny and as sincere and as courageous and as unapologetic as she was." fuckin arlo guthrie he used to ride his bike around town in his fucking underwear
his house burned down though i don't know where he moved after that
>>217631 Reminds me of the local town crazy Rollerbladesman
guy rollerskates everywhere, except he always returns home on the train and he wears the same skinthight sports wear every day, which I doubt he ever washes and I also doubt he ever showers so when he enters the train, you can smell him from the outside already and his stench will remain in the train too
>>217635 haha Sebastian has a bunch of crazies We had a town drunk and Arlo Guthrie There's also a guy that dresses as a pirate and walks around by the river with a bird, although I don't know what his deal is, I've only seen him twice
There's also some lady with a few wooden, like, rods, i guess they are, attached to her bike, and she rides around with four white cockatoos on the rods
We've also got like seven psychics My mom has been enraptured by one of them oh maybe that's where the organ thing came from
>>217580 In her defense, she's not really wearing it around town. She's wearing it in art. I imagine if I were going to be drawn like an anime character I'd want to be wearing nice clothes too.
>>217644 That's a good point. Can we really say that they're even wearing the clothes in that picture, then?
>>217636 I've only been twice so it's possible they're not all like this but the two servers I had were VERY formal, which really clashes with the hippie aesthetic the place has they were also so softspoken it was hard to understand them sometimes overall it was a good experience though and I'd definitely go again, the food was excellent and well priced
>>217645 Well, it is true that sometimes the clothes wear you. I guess the image is probably more about the clothes, or at least as much about the clothes as it is the boats. So I think you could argue that.
>>217647 That's just semantics. You're smart enough to know what I mean. You just don't want to play along because you know I'm going to point out how ridiculous you are and you're just going to have to be more ridiculous to pretend that you were intentionally ridiculous initially. That's how it always goes.
>>217650 Sometimes, yes. But the way you navigate a lot of conversations is very dysfunctional. You have a lot of trouble staying on topic in a conversation and if you think things aren't going your way, you just immediately adjust the topic and then deny logic to show yourself as right. It can be a little annoying sometimes.
Oh the arg campaign for the next cloverfield movie has begun Damn I kinda wanna look into it, but... living in the wrong continent to really get into it
>>217656 Yeah, there's a lot wrong with it, actually. It makes you really hard to have discussions with sometimes. In fact, that's probably the reason I'm one of the few people willing to really get into it with you. It's kind of dysfunctional to look at it all as a win-or-lose thing. Why does it have to be favorable?
Why do you so desperately want to prove that I'm wrong about thinking a $600 or $900 outfit is excessive to wear around town?
>>217657 If you replaced the line >a $600 or $900 outfit is excessive to wear around town? With something else you could make that post about me.
>>217657 I don't really see it as a win or lose thing. I generally don't see conversations as win or lose unless I'm actually mad, and I haven't been mad or irritated around here in some time. I do like twisting things around and playing devil's advocate though.
I accept the idea that that's an expensive outfit to wear around town though! I was asking because I don't really know, I have a couple of outfits that cost that much.
>I don't really see it as a win or lose thing. honestly it really REALLY doesn't come off that way
>>217660 I think it really comes off as you trying to win conversations, though, even if you don't mean to. It's a little hypocritical for me to complain about that, because I get like that all the time, too. That's part of why I like arguing with you so much.
Sometimes you just make really big leaps that are kind of frustrating, though. Like, we were talking about the picture as // in the context of what's going on in the scene. Then, out of nowhere, you're like YEAH BUT IT'S ACTUALLY A PICTURE WOULDN'T YOU WANT TO LOOK GOOD IN ART? You jumped into an entirely different context totally randomly and started looking at the image from a totally different dimension!
I didn't mean to call you out though I didn't think everyone would weigh in like that Sorry about putting you on the spot, that was kind of rude of me
Even if the picture is about girls in clothes, the context of the background was chosen for a reason. I was just saying that I thought their clothes were too expensive for the context they were in, and you're like, oh, but it's just art. It's a really jarring shift in topic and it's hard to continue because the entire discussion has changed and put onto terms only one of us are familiar with.
And no, I don't want a docile Rika.
>>217668 I wasn't criticising you, I just think you should know how it looks to other people if you're not trying to see every argument as win/lose then you're doing a bad job of conveying that with the way you act and it causes some dissonance with how other people see you it's good to be aware of things like this
Well, I don't really get it since I was just shifting a conversation that had already been shifted, my original question was if it was common for people to have outfits that expensive with no mention of around town! But now I'm feeling sensitive to how argumentative I'm being so I don't really want to continue.
>>217676 I don' don't really enjoy when you leap at my throat.
hello friends we are watching your name tonight in maybe around 3 hours
yes which means I need to go tend to my things
>>217677 I don't really enjoy a lot of the things you do! But when I bring it up you can be awfully dismissive about it. So I'm kind of wondering why it's wrong for me to do the same.
>>217677 I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to put you on the spot I didn't mean for this to become a Rika diss session I got a little carried away in my complaint
>>217681 I think it was important for you to let her how you feel. Also I sort of understand Rika's perspective because I almost compulsively argue things all the time, and it took me a long time to understand that as a behaviour it can annoy other people. And also took me a while to really be aware of it.
>>217685 Kirara, I feel that in terms of arguments, you are a bit more "reactive", like you won't always start an argument but you will join. That's just my observation though.
Once I'm in an argument, I get a little aggressive, and if I start to feel like I'm losing or if I make a mistake, I try to reframe it so that I can be right, which is similar to what I'm complaining about.
>>217668 i didn't say anything about that, and i don't think anyone had intention to criticize i think we mostly thought it would be helpful for you to see some community perspective on the topic, not that it's an issue but even your reaction to that was kind of win-or-losey it didn't meet up with your image of self so you found it contrarian and aggressive i'm still not trying to criticize but i'm using the present case as an example i'm not talking down at you either but just try to take that into consideration in no means was it a diss session it was just a community being a community
And communities are the worst at being a community.
>>217690 How was my reaction win or losey? I just think it's sad that people see me as always trying to get one up on somebody when I just thought I was enjoying conversation.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
water ice pizza
>>217700 it can get wet pretty quick. you have to eat it fast
>>217702 I don't think you're trying to get one up on anyone. I was more pointing out that you have an aggressive style of conversation that can be frustrating sometimes.
This goes back to what I was talking about a while ago when I said you have an unconventional thinking process.
To you, I have no doubt that the shift in topic that you made seemed completely reasonable and natural. To me, it was extremely jarring and I thought it seemed like you shifted it to get away from a point you didn't want to give in on.
I also have an unconventional thinking process, so I do the same kind of thing and think it's reasonable when others don't, though. But that's one of the things I like about you the most, too, the way you argue, even if it's frustrating sometimes. You're really fun to talk to.
>>217705 Well I don't really see myself as that argumentative and I don't want to be seen as a person concerned with always being the winner so this line of posts has troubled me.
>>217716 The main reason is that I like their branding and ad campaigns a lot.
>>217719 The first step is admitting that you have a problem.
>>217719 I'm sorry. I don't want you to change or anything. In fact, it'd be annoying if you changed. Also I don't think it's always. I think you have normal conversations most of the time. It's just that when they become argumentative or anything approximating an argument, you become like that. That's just my perspective. I don't think you're really that kind of person or anything. I feel bad about making all of this happen.
>>217717 >>>/watch?v=rsXQInxxzBU he makes videos about video editing and stuff i normally mentaly filter anything that says DEBUNK but this is pretty cool stuff
>>217723 I just like arguing because it's fine. I don't really care if I win or lose, I think my status as a goofball exempts me from having to care if I win or lose. It's a problem that people see it that way!
>>217729 I don't think it's a problem. I think it's fine if you just be yourself like always. Even if you're frustrating sometimes, everyone still likes you!
The same goes for me. s
>>217728 Considering some of the paint jobs I've seen in the gallery I'm looking at, uh. I'd rather not wonder.
I don't like just outright admitting that I'm wrong, but I think that applies to everyone else too. I don't really see you guys just admitting you're wrong about things all the time either.
>>217734 I don't do it often but I will admit I'm wrong if another person in the argument convinces me or I'm fact checking and discover that I was wrong.
>>217738 you're not the only one getting slammed for anything you just aren't paying attention to when it happens to everyone else
which is also fine you don't have to be watching other people all the time they can take care of themselves but don't feel bad for thinking that you possibly have personal defects like the rest of us it's kind of insulting to us too
>>217745 And for the record, I think it's just banal things you don't admit you're wrong about.
Whenever you make a mistake and offend someone or something like that, you always end up apologizing and stuff. The stuff that actually matters, you admit you were wrong about (usually).
You're one of the nicest /moe/s even if you have an aggressive argumentative style.
>>217748 Although I'd like to add that I mean "admitting being wrong" and not neccesarily "actually being wrong and admitting it".
Well I am unhappy with this turn of events because people think I care about winning and losing when I mostly don't! I'm going to have to figure something out.
>>217755 You don't neccesarily consciously care about it. Which isn't inherently bad.
>>217755 I don't think you actually do! I just think it's a style of communication. It's probably related to your job or something. I'm not just saying this when I say I really like you the way you are. I hope you don't plan on trying to inhibit yourself.
I really didn't mean for this to turn into something that made you unhappy. I thought that it would just slide off of you like it always does when I say stuff like that. I'm really sorry!
>>217760 Yeah but your brain is still inhabited in your body. You'd have to become the AI and shift your consciousness to it.
>>217761 No, you aren't following. For example, I currently inhabit a house. But if the house were automated and controlled by an advanced artificial intelligence, that AI would count as a "who". Since the AI is on computerhardware located in the house and controls the house as well as getting sensory inputs from sensors in the house, the house would be considered to be its body. Since I inhabit the house that is also its body, I would effectively inhabit the entity that is AI in mind and house in body.
>>217759 just go to /x/ and learn to astral project amd shit
>>217763 If I'm a ghost, and I possess something, is my conscousiness inhabiting the object I possesed or my ghost form?
>>217762 Yeah but we're talking on a personal scale. "don't stop inhabiting yourself" implies that your brain inhabits your body.
>>217767 I'd probably say the mind since I don't believe in souls. But that'd depend on who you ask.
>>217762 HOLY SHIT But that's just a habitat for your body which is inhabiting your brain
>>217765 It's still the result of what I said so it's my responsibility. I'm glad that you're not mad at me though.
>>217764 but you asked >>217759 thst doesn't mean you stop inhabiting yourself you can thus inhabit the house emtity and yourself both at the same time
>>217771 That's a good question. Let's ask Kirara If you think about it, maybe the inputs in the brain aren't actually us, but rather a seperate entity like how we input commands into a computer.
>>217769 Yeah actually I guess that's right There you go then
>>217779 But then is the you that is inputting commands into the os that is the mind a side effect of the os?
>>217780 Wait, when you say "inputs" do you mean external inputs such as wind that you feel or sounds that you hear or something else?
>>217781 That's a good question. TN said the mind was an OS. But an OS needs commands or else it just sits there. Maybe you're right and inputs are just external things that the osmind reacts to.
>>217801 Well it's just, that particular fig reminds me of an illustration a friend of mine did. And it's like, way too similar for me to just dismiss it as coincidence.
>>217801 What about the dlc outfit based on kat's from gravity rush?
>>217802 what about neck or ribs or dragon tongue? thpse too should be used for culinary purposes, just like in every other animal we hunt
>>217801 It's okay. Like I said, I'd rather know if everyone is thinking something that I'm not. Being the only person in the room who doesn't know what's going on bothers me even more than misunderstandings do.
>>217813 Sure. But wouldn't it be messed up if you didn't feel bad about doing something you think is bad just because you had to do that bad thing?
If it's like that, then you probably never actually felt bad about it. You were just pretending to yourself that you cared.
>>217814 Just because you made someone feel bad doesn't neccesarily mean you did something bad. Sometimes things that make someone feel bad in the short term are good for them in the long term.
>>217818 Why is that a problem? The world is shit because people don't think it's a problem to hurt other people.
>>217817 then you shouldn't have done it right? Because it's bad?
>>217819 If it's something you had to do then it's not a bad thing. It just seems to me like you instinctively feel bad. Are you implying that not instinctively feeling bad about doing tough but good things would lead to people doing bad and not good things?
1. I think engaging in certain actions is bad. 2. Sometimes you must engage in those actions. 3. Doing something you must do does not mean 1 is no longer valid.
Just because you have to kill someone doesn't mean it's not a bad thing to kill someone.
You can do bad things for good reason. It's very simple.
>>217822 Are you implying that in some situations all decisions can be bad and you can only pick the one that's the least worst? >>217824 If you have to do something bad, then not doing that bad thing would also be bad.
>>217831 Well what I mean by absolute is that it seems like you're saying a bad action is bad even if you have to do it. Yeah, that it's a last resort and should be avoided but it's still bad.
>>217846 If you weren't fun, I wouldn't put myself in a situation that would allow me to get frustrated. It's fun being frustrated by you even though it's frustrating.
I think it's fine even if other people don't enjoy getting frustrated with you as long as I do.
>>217865 I saw a Cag figure I liked last wonfes but I haven't seen the painted version come out yet. It was teased around the time the last Shigure was, and her figure is out.
wonfes is always like 80% crap from no-name companies that don't have access to the painters or sculpters that make the big names so big it's way hard to break into the figure business
>>217903 i thought about getting one but it's a big investment, plus the printing material i've dabbled in maya a lot and while i'm not trained, 3d modeling is really fun another thing i'll probably never get around to investing my time and money into though
>>217903 When will custom anime figs be affordable?
>>217905 About 15-17. You can sell a high quality figure to a westerner for about $115 or to a Japanese guy for about $225, generally. Although many of the Japanese ones would obviously sell better for $115.
>>217903 I assume that these are laser sintering or uv resin models or are they heated extruders?
>>217908 Well then here's another spin on it. If you were just planning on collecting and not selling them yourself, how many figures would you have to make with it before doing it that way instead of just buying the figurines yourself.
>>217909 I dunno the details about the type of printer used for it, sorry.
>>217910 That'd probably be quite a few, probably like 50 or something, although I don't know the cost of materials to make a figure, now that I think about it.
Another thing to remember is that the figures you print are basically garage kits. They're unpainted, so you have to paint them yourself or get someone else to paint them. I mean, you can sell them as garage kits, obviously, and garage kits can sell for upwards of $300 sometimes because the quality of them is so high.
>>217911 There are some techniques for getting them to be "painted" without actually paint ing them. I read an article about a very simple novel one recently. Cant remember anything lse though.
>>217911 you might think it's kind of interesting, but all the products that alex jones is trying to sell are mostly supplements that i already take -- not his brands, but you know valerian root, non-fluoride toothpaste, iodine supplements, coral calcium like these are just things i naturally get and he's here spoutin off about them it's kind of funny
White knight betas that want to impress girls are always unskilled You can't let them paint your precious garage kit
>>217926 I dunno, man. I think I probably have a lot more experience with people, especially with losers, and they're not like you see on TV anymore.
If they've got any skill, they know how to make sure they get laid.
>>217927 >are always unskilled That's why I said Warhammer player Also I don't really watch TV, anyways I too know a lot of losers >if they've got any skill they know how to make sure they get laid ???? I'm not even going to throw iut a [citation needed] I know people who are living counter examples to that statement.
I mean Japan has clubs where men will LITERALLY pay just to talk to cute girls . No action, no kissing, just talking. Who's exploiting who here?
>>217930 In our globalist society I'm sure you could find a Japanese nerd in America.
>>217931 You don't have to shake your butt though. Just find someone who's desperate for any sort of human interaction.
>>217932 Even expectations alone are troublesome. And getting people to do free stuff because they're expecting something you aren't willing to give is mean.
but like I said I don't really care what the outcome of this conversation is so I'll just leave it be.
>>217935 For the record I was not serious wgen I said you could do it. I only meant it to be known as an option.
You could just learn how to paint and do it yourself >>217938 I think a lot /// some nerds would be willing to do it just because they enjoy the act of creating and spreading something they like
i enjoy the pleasure of a shared interest and doing something fun a lot more than suggestive things or sexual contact i'm pretty happy to have none of the latter
But I feel closer watching a show together and cuddling than I do having sex sex isn't even interesting if i can't see their face either so in the end it's really that face-to-face interpersonal contact that's valuable I think
>>217940 like maybe when i was 18 i would have made connections about sharing a hobby with someone and seeing it as a chance to hook up because i was young and stupid being an adult now, i'm just happy to even have social contact like finding someone to go thrift shopping with or someone into lolita fashion that i can show all my designs to just having that shared contact really makes me pretty happy >>217947 oh i saved this image too
now, having a real, genuine bond and connection to someone, AND having sex with them
>>217943 just feeling understood is really valuable to me like sitting there and talking with someone that really deeply understands me that's so satisfying
>>217948 i think we spend a lot of our lives trying to be understood, because until that bridge is formed, it's all just internal speculations having someone understand you on whatever level of context you're having feels sort of like closure it's peaceful and makes me happy
i think that's why it can hurt so much when you're trying hard and then get misunderstood
im only dating white girls from now on
you do you
He'd probably only be dating white boys in that case.
>>217949 Yeah. I think we all spend so much time around people that don't really care about understanding us, too.
I think a lot of /moe/ understands me pretty well, and a few people in particular like really super get me But Fish kind of gets me at a different level or in a different way or something Or I guess it's that level plus something else Anyway, being understood and accepted is really important to me
>>217959 if you'd like to talk about the issue a little more directly, clearing up the misunderstanding and helping people understand might be a more robust solution than altering your comfort levels and behaving differently i really do know how you feel and i don't like the idea of being misunderstood or having to sacrifice being myself either it's kind of a tough situation to navigate because it's hard to really keep your bearings under criticism in relation to what your needs are
>>217962 Yeah it's fine to have a bit of #mattitude when you're dealing with constructive criticism.
Fuck, /moe/ How long until something good happens again?
I don't think that's going to work. Your behavior is fine.
>>217970 There's a certain level of awareness associated with changing the behaviour. You might be able to recognize that you have a certain tendency to do something, but that doesn't mean you notice it every time you do it. >>217969 That's what I meant earlier by "the first step is admitting that you have a problem", I personally happen to have a lot of behaviours that bother other people so I try to notice when I'm doing something I shouldn't. In Rika's case I think right now its just fine if she's able to notice what we referred to.
>>217969 i think there should always be a channel open for clearing the air and i dont think it should be inhibited by those kinds of factors i think it needs to be a judgment free channel so that it can get things handled like when i came to you a little upset the other day for that other thing having a clean channel that can be used as a platform to discuss and deliberate and not have outside judgments dragged into it can really help and it doesn't tarnish the outside interaction so terribly either
>>217972 look at this shit i can barely even use words or think straight i don't really have any place talking at people just trying to be helpful but it probably ends up sounding preachy or just confusing but whatever i try and if it fails it fails i'm not really gonna worry about it though i just do me
>>217972 Anything I say will just be written off as Rika being Rika unless I change my behavior. Denying being argumentitive is the expected behavior in this case.
>>217978 you didn't cause anything dummy quit bein sorry whatever the environment was, it was you didn't make it that way you were just talking and bumped into an invisible wall that nobody knew was there
>>217976 Rika being Rika is fine, but you just need to realize that you are Rika.
>>217981 who do you think is going to write off what you say? i don't think anyone is going to do that i don't think anyone thinks about it as much as you might worry that they do
I don't really want any conflict to worm its way into my fun little garden, so it makes me feel very agitated that people thought I was arguing because I was unnecessarily hung up on winning and losing. I thought everybody was having fun.
>It's the glorious union of eggs and oil--MAYONNAISE >Versus the red stuff that runs through my veins--KETCHUP!
Marina no you're an aquatic creature ketchup doesn't run through your veins.
>Pshh. Ketchup is BOOOO-RING! It's like the <nerdy guy> of condiments. >Boring? At least ketchup has flavor. >Mayonnaise is just tasteless lard!
>>217994 that's how i felt when i was making stupid jokes about being gay and thought everything was friendly but i suddenly found out i had been annoying certain people really badly for a long time and it was just kind of a reeling feeling like i wanted to crawl away in shame i still kind of feel that way but it's a little relieving to hear that you're capable of feeling the same thing not that i want you to but it makes me feel a little less estranged by the feeling
it sucks, i know what you mean but i think it will be okay and you probably don't have to worry about it i don't i dont think you were inhibiting anyone's fun
>>218005 I'd download Bonzai Buddy if he was a maid >>217997 >reeling feeling like i wanted to crawl away in shame I think everyone's felt tha t at some point
Oh, is Ika running around trying to gather people? The last message he sent me was about wanting to nap so I had lost hope.
Not at the moment, but he was checking in on when people could make time for the movie. Roc said the best time to possibly get him was after midnight for tonight.
if im not around when youre all ready its fine, really i like watching anime with you folks occasionally but i dunno about this one maybe if // maaaaybe
also soeaning of anime that ntr show sure is going as expected
>>218352 Yee Connection dropped Anyways I have a few world record times in some arcade racing games. Not first place though, but I have two top five scores.
we did it we really did it the final step in the story
>>218363 What games? Is Daytona USA one of them? Because I dig that game.
>>218392 I'm not going to say because that would be enough info to find my name. But no, I don't have a world record in Daytona usa.
>>218396 I wonder what the world record speedrun for that game is. I'll watch that. I'm gonna download mame and so many games.
>>218399 The biggest arcade in the US is less than 30 minutes from me by car. Well, biggest by number of distinct arcade games. There are ones with more, but they have a ton of duplicate machines.
>>218401 I think I remember you talking about that before There are no arcades near me. Unless you count laserforce
>>218409 Well then that's another reason to move to the US. Well Not really It's just another reason to move to the Chicago area.
>>218411 *there's another reason to move to Japan >implying they'll let me in If I'm gonna move for arcades I'm gonna go all out
>>218438 Huh. I had a friend who applied that I thought was a shoein because he studied nip but he didn't get in Actually he made it to the interview at least. I can't remember if he got hired but turned them down or what
>>218438 >probably prefer Americans dass rayciss I thought we were Pacific brothers Japan We never dropped any bombs on you
>>218431 No, they take like anybody I know a lot of not so great people that got in Well They probably prefer Americans
>>218431 Not after you earthquake killed all those Japanese students. *your earthquake
>>218447 They should have prayed harder to the ancient maori gods or whatever
In terms of language, Japanese seems better equipped to handle stuff like trans people Their self-referential pronouns are gendered
>>218564 do you think it'd be better to be trans in Japan or burgerland
>>218565 i'd say japan in terms of being allowed to just live your life but burger&yuurop&co give more rights or rather special privileges to you
Burgerland By far
>>218566 I feel like it'd probably be easier to get a job in burgerland than it would be in Japan Then again, if you managed to pull it off in Japan you're much less likely to lose that job
japs frown on things, but they've had okamas and ehat nots for centuries as part of their society
>>218568 go to entertainment, would be the solution in japan
It doesn't matter if you're tolerated as a thing that occurs in society If you can't be part of a community of some type, you're missing things as a human And I don't think you'll find a lot of communities too accepting of trannies in Japan
I dunno though, but it seems from the outside like trans people in Japan are like, a phenomena used in anime and shit, but as people in 3D they're not a very well liked group
All political events should be legally required to have a stated goal You want a gay parade? Find a stated goal, a thing you're supporting or protesting, specifically I don't give a fuck what it is, but if you want 'awareness for the cause' you better be ready to tell me what the fucking cause is or I'm bringing the cops on you
all the protestors here are so polite they stay off the road
I haven't even SEEN a political protest in my entire life The closest is like 17th of May every year, which isn't you know, a protest, but it's political in the sense that it's in support of this country if nothing else
>>218576 Wow I didn't know you could live in America without seeing protests every day Your news lied to me
There might be some, but I think we've already locked down the whole "worker's rights" thing to an extent where only Red and SV give a shit about them I think in Norway, you gotta be commie-leaning to really care about doing much for the workers, cause things are already real good
>there are unironic canadians
>>218584 >I just signed up to be a Canadian citizen ironically
>>218592 there are some derelict train carts near me that have stuff like that on them but it's been there for so long that it's starting to fade away, too.
there's a lot of street art at construction sites if i habe the time, i might go searching for them at somenpoint
there's a freeway underpass near me where the city hired a bunch of artists to get together and paint every inch of the wall that one looks really cool there isn't a lot of stuff like it near me, they could make this urban sprawl look a lot nicer with more work like that.
>>218600 soviet functionalism saw much use here during rapid urbanisation in the 60s and 70s and even in 80s well the desigms aren't that better but it is an improvement
>>218601 that's a little better than the other picture at least are they the same place?
this >>218599 just looks too cookie cutter to me a lot of apartments here are like that too though, just with a different kind of design all rows of the same two buildings stacked next to each other i'm no architect so i couldn't tell you the actual style, though.
If it wasn't for all the greenery that'd look super depressing
>>218602 its functionalism in the sense it is functional to produce and build and the internal layout is easy to use too and can be arranged in many ways, though rearramging is impossible
and functional as in cheap and quick it is like lego, all parts are åremade and just need to be assembled pn the foundation the actual clearing and buildong the foundation takes more time than raising up the actual structure
my boss [sic] polled my opinion on something and i started talking about INFORMATION and i never heard back oh well one less thing to deal with i suppose
I got this cute Inazuma that I didn't look closely at before I grabbed it I thought she was standing next to a sign or something
She also has no arms.
i should make a platform that bridges the usage data between MAL, pixiv, doujin sites, etc and have it make personalized suggestion format to have easier contact with the things that you're probably going to like like how netflix and youtube do with video content
Lol well not really, but my father's place after a lightning bolt broke the tv cable connections, hasn't still been fixed and it has been a week already some quality fucking service.
>>218664 If there is a band from ohio that I like, it would be a mainstream band that happens to be from ohio. I don't really listen to a lot of bands. I listen to mostly electronic music, and most of that is done by DJs and artists.
I guess I listen to a lot of dance music too, which is categorized a little differently than electronic music but once again much of that is produced by individuals too.
Well, like I said, I don't really listen to a lot of band music so it doesn't really suit my tastes.
>>218672 Okay Aside from the music itself I find the lyrics to be pretty amusing so I thought you might like it, but that's fine. Do you like House music at all?
>>218678 youtube mixes are pretty cool because you can hop around different mixes just by tangenting genres and stuff and find a lot of neat things and also a lot of bad things
>>218680 Yeah, It can be great for finding new stuff to stimulate my brain. Although the quality can fluctuate a bit with youtube
>>218681 >quality can fluctuate yeah i miss r/a/dio with oru way back in the day those were the bests i would just open up at tea time every day with the mpc stream and save it that's how i found tujiko noriko if i remember right
I'm not a good person to talk to music abount unless you have the same tastes as me, my musical knowledge is really specialized.
>>218685 Madchester refers to the mid 80's music scene in Manchester primarily dance music and bands that played at the Hacienda. I'm currently listening to this >>>/watch?v=C5jkOpsqxjc Sorry for asking so many questions, I'm just trying to get a better sense for your taste by trying to find stuff we might have in common.
I used to be fairly into a lot of the older british bands. Like Ocean Colour Scene ( >>>/watch?v=1rr4tXN2eJM ) The Kinks. I still really like The Kinks >>>/watch?v=N_MqfF0WBsU waterloo sunsets
why do they call themselves dire straights if they're so gay
>baker attacks using ancient mace 75% hit chance fieldhouse attempts to block with ancient mace 51% chance -->chance to hit 74% baker is blessed by earth god, baker does critical (4x) damage with a total of 120 damage Fieldhouse is pushed back and hits gladiator Bargate causing both 212 additional damage Mithirl armour defends 8 points, Fieldhouse suffers 324 damage and is in coma bargate suffers 205 damage from the collission and is in coma(again)
I don't know a lot, but I know the nazis wanted heavy water, and while initially the people involved in that cooperated, they had to have pressure applied to them eventually, and as the resistance\british learned what the damn water was for, they started planning an operation to have some native Norwegians to airdrop into Norway, infiltrate the plant, and blow shit up, which they did.
>>218701 I don't really go to concerts. But I // I have only gone to one concert in my life and that was an Ocean Color Scene one that got interrupted several times by someone climbing on to the stage to try and hug the lead singer
>>218702 Okay, was just wondering. My friends were talking about it the other day.
It's generallly seen as a very important operation, and a small part of Norwegian pride If they hadn't, the nazis might have had nukes first and turned the war a whole other direction
>>218703 I would not call a band that formed in 1989 "an older band". >>218705 Well they probably would not have gotten nukes just because the way they planned on making them would probably not work, but we only know that know because of declassified nazi documents. Allies didnt know then that the nazis were trying to make nukes in a really retarded way.
But it could have You have to operate within the information you had available when making the decision
From what I understand, the nazis also heavily underestimated the destructive power of a nuke, or they would definitely have devoted more manpower to it
>>218707 Oh yeah, definitely. >>218708 Chasing all their Jewish scientists out (and concentrating the redt of them) is probably one of the other reason their program failed. Like literally had the Nazis not been anti-Semitic they would have been able to have a successful nuclear program.
>>218706 well I wouldn't either but it was one of the few fairly mainstream bands I did listen to. My tastes now are pretty unaligned with any well known bands. I mostly have a whole bunch of indie stuff.
>>218709 >Oy, Hitler, you have this whole war for lebensraum planned, but we're gonna need better tech for that to succeed. What do we do? >ARREST AND KILL ALL THE TOP SCIENTISTS
The nazis, but not racial bigots: an alternate world war 2
To be fair, they wouldn't have even gotten into power without the anti-semitism
>>218712 Ehhh, I mean probably. But Hitler probably wouod have been able to do it, either by scapegoating someone else initially or like completely convincing many germans that some other country had intentionally ruined germany throygh WWI and prevented them from recovering.
I wonder when my Saori will get here. It left Japan like today.
The Sex Pistols as well, some of the songs are fun to listen to.
>>218719 what do you think of my meme girl kiyoshimo's cute nendo
>>218718 Oh man It's been a while since I've talked to anyone who knows who the stranglers are that wasn't either over fifty or introduced to them by me. I've loved them since I was a kid.
>>218720 Do you like The Damned at all? Well, they stopped doing punk stuff in the mid 80's but they still had done a lot of punk stuff.
I quite like the stranglers since I was younger too but I think a lot more people over here know who they are. >>218726 I've heard some of their stuff not too familar with them.
I used to be pretty into gothic stuff too, Sioux and the Banshees, Cure, Sisters of Mercy. Joy Division.
>>218724 It's not really a big deal. It's just the natural thing to do.
>>218727 You should see the movie 24 Hour Party People It's about factory records so ut has a lot of *it also has a lot of stuff about joy division and The Hacienda (super important club in Manchester)
>>218728 Even if thats how you feel about it, I appreciate even the thought of it greatly.
The official twitter account for Hong Kong McDonald's is tweeting about his wife and son being taken away or something. It's a little weird. Kind of worrying.
>>218744 That's not too surpririsng, people tend to break in really loud ways when their kids get taken. I saw people standing outside the hospital the other day with signs saying that the police kidnapped their babies. I'm sure it was because they were taken away from them for being bad parents.
If I was working for McDonalds I'd shitpost on the official twitter
>It's probably not real >But it's not like China can actually check Twitter wwwwwwwww
Did I mention literally 15 of those tweets are from the last 7 hours?
Getting your official business account verified with twitter isn't a local law thing Making only 10 tweets indicates no money was used on it Why did they have a twiitter account, make 10 tweets, and then only just now deciding to have anyone work there, and then he breaks within HOURS of first getting the job
Seems odd for a business to hire someone to make 10 tweets over the course of a month or two, fire him, and then hire this guy who BREAKS DOWN ON LITERALLY HIS FIRST DAY, WITHIN 3 HOURS
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
but that's not what happened especially if you follow the timeline of the tweets
It has 4000 followers, dude Doesn't it seem weird that the guy hasn't been replaced or the tweets got deleted if McD's has anything to do with it? That's the real mystery Someone dedicating a few tweets over the course of 9 months and then 'breaking down' on it for a laff is far more likely here
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it was registered less than a year ago and it's in hong kong