>roll for Elise >finally get Julia >not mad at all
i would like to get corrin and elise but just for a thing
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>Six month #FEHeroes anniversary events. A new Hero fest with 5% Summon rates and lots of orbs coming. >Next Grand Hero Battle: Valter: Dark Moonstone. His weapon is Cursed Lance. Coming Late August. #FEHeroes blue flier lancer >Summer Voting Gauntlet coming 8/1! >New Arena mode coming 8/8! wtf so many announcements today >Next Bound Hero Battle Lillina and Cecilia coming 8/7! >Next Tempest Trial coming 8/11!
i'll never get through tier 19 this is fuckin ridiculous
finished all of the Bitter Enemies Quests Now to do nothing
>>216698 yeah but you've got like 50 different people to type out a full essay to it's not fun or easy it's just "i'll get around to it tomorrow" and tomorrow you have to work and it's easier to work through the day knowing you don't have to get through the next day if you don't really want to and you just take your time prepping how you're going to get things in order and telling people things is hard so you end up mostly just never being heard or understood and just life go on and, even though i'd like to say you forget about it, you don't. you just kind of don't need anything from it you'd like it but the fact that it's not there isn't that disappointing you know you don't really deserve it
>>216773 while i'm at it fuck you too i don't know why but i don't know why not i want to sleep you want to sleep it's just pure competition i guess
>>216776 no it's not it's me having a nervous breakdown and reaching out for help but that's a dumb idea so i try to keep the idiocy contained behind a wall
>>216875 My posts keep breaking ;__; >>216873 You sound pretty confident. Maybe even a little disinterested?
Where did you get the name Sastifur?
i'm reading about lobotomies nad holy shit
for some reason it never really occurred to me that we actually did those like we actually fuckin drilled in people's heads and fucked around physically with brain tissue
>you don't see them very often What point is there in living in New Zealand then?
>>216924 >it's not Australia >sheep are cute and easy to find >hills >high quality fish and chips >trees >movie locations >natives that aren't an embarrassment >>216926 Yeah Wales lacks that last one Also they're shit at rugby
>>216928 Guns Easier to acquire drugs Freedoms ™ Lower taxes Many of our universities are in the top 100 in the world. In some states you can kill people for breaking into your house and maybe even for trespassing. Very wide variety of food from various culutures (assuming you live near a sizable city) Our healthcare system is good if you have good insurance Oh yeah, lots of good concerts
>>216929 >good point >winners don't do drugs >lolno >also good point >I'm tooo dumb to get into those >good point >we have a wide variety of food too in our globalist capitalist nation >nah it's shit >good although I'm a shutin What's the law on human sheep relations there? This is important
>>216932 Legal in some states Can't recall which ones.
>>216931 i see you went for the wake up early route huh
Oh yeah you also don't have to spend as much on getting stuff shipped to you. And lower cost of living. Also I sincerely doubt that you have many good Mexican restaurants in NZ.
>>216936 That first point is very important. Being a weeb here is stupidly expensive. There's a decent Mexican place in this city
>>216937 Only one? The best (considered by many) Mexican chef in the world lives in Chicago. He's actually a white guy not from Mexico though.
And also as much as people like to deny it, we are still (for better or worse) the most important country in the world.
>>216951 How does the pressure feel eh? Whenever America fucks up we all laugh. But if it's somewhere like here it wouldn't even make the news.
>>216952 I'm probably more critical of the US than most people are. Also I'm distinguishing "critical" from "constantly talking shit". I know we have a lot of problems and I try to be
>let's see what's on the nzherald today >top article on the site is bitching about how no one reads these days Bloody hell we're boring
>>216953 Yeah the constant shit talking is what I meant
>>216958 Humans are basically the shittiest animal if you drop them in and immediately have them fend something off Give it like, a year though, and it's on top of the foodchain, and now it's just fighting other groups of its own species for the top position in their already shared top spot
humans are still pretty good compared to the shittier animals though
my ffxiv sub ends in 4 days oh no i've been playing for free this whole time now i gotta pay money
>>216962 I mean I guess if you go to animals significantly smaller than us, yeah But on them, all we really have is size A rabbit the size of a human would fuck the human up
Yups now I just need to pick up keys on 1.8 and I have a place 100% of my own eventhough on 3rd assembly starts so I kinda have to rush the moving or something hmm
All my stuff is 100% ready to move, but I want to clean up the place first and on 3rd this http://www.assembly.org/summer17 begins My current plan is to move my stuff and then use the rental van to carry my crew's stuff into the event, but... that will make me fucking tired by evening oh well
>>216997 hmm from city centre it is about 40 minute drive away but where my stuff is stashed, is also about 30 minute drive away from the city centre of course I won't be driving through the city centre to get there but...
>have to watch baby fo6r985 hour8s8 =888888888888888
draw the shadows of the baby
8898how 888888d88o8888888e887s 5on6e 58draw8888888888888 88888a888888 88888b88888a8b88888888888888a8888y88888888888 8888888wh8en he does nothing but spam your mouse buttons
>>217000 >farmers dumping tomatoes on the side of the road 1 month ago >suddenly there are no tomatoes what a foreseeable tragedy
>>217003 if you bind his arms, he can't push your buttons
So what was the whole obamacare debunkle again? They tried to remove it but it wasn't removed or? cause finnish newspapers are all "yai it didn't get removed"
>>217007 they voted to start the debate about it which means that they can introduce an amendment that repeals obamacare and then push it though which is what they plan to do
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
short story is that obamacare wasn't removed... yet
Prime minister was Jyrki Käteinen for 3 first years of that term age 40 and then succeeded by Alexander Stubb 44
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juha_Sipil%C3%A4 Now we have this crook already caught up in several investigations of using political ties to enrich his family and friends by getting them and their companies/companies they have stocks in, state deals
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Alternative Oh yeaht this is a thing here now
Parliament parties similiarly listed not listed New Alternative which took about 50% of true finn's politicians
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
So True Finns had a split or something?
>>217035 Yup Halla-aho was elected thenew party leader, so the old leader and the 2nd placer just went" well we will then found our own party"
True finns was founded by Timo Soini, and it has always been his party they had long prepared for something like this, bu they thought Halla-ahoians would split and not them so this will be amusing to follow
Halla-aho is an interesting individual honest, but at the same time someone you wouldn't give 100€ and expect it back but he speaks his mind and he pursues those promises and goals fervently I don't think he has ambitions to grasp power, just to drive the best interests of Finland and Finns, but... Give him power and he has a chance to become a dictator and he is damn smart too and a good speaker and has a cult following him his internet nickname is Mestari - The Master afterall
I btw voted for him in the regional elections, just for shits and giggles since shortly after that the party elections were coming and if he got a big vote pot, that would increase his chances of winning in them which he did
And honestly speaking I would rather live in a right-wing wacko led Finland than an EU dominated (merkel) finland or left-green-feminist-marxist coalition
Or the "sell finland to foreign powers and retire to Canary" Coalition/Centre party
>>217034 oh yeah the 9+1 for the swedish party is the one seat always given to the representative of Åland
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_sauce and I don't mean this I mean our local monstrosity
http://www.dlc.fi/~marian1/gourmet/11_36.htm >Thinking of basic brown sauce induces a feeling of utmost disgust in some Finns — and they cannot be blamed when one has seen the horrid "gravy" they have been fed with throughout their lives in most Finnish homes, restaurants and school and workplace canteens, poorly prepared by unskilled cooks.
fish is really getting into Saki maybe you'll get a new mahjong friend soon moon
that would be nice it's really hard finding enough people these days rika never really got into it and blue's doing blue things nowadays it's just me and kannagi floop is trying to learn though, but they're on a shoji binge over there i think
>>217058 a fun food type here because of language puns is all the -kiusaus foods ie. Jansoninkiusaus, temptation of janson, coming from it is so good it tempts you to eat it, or so someone decided it is a potato, cream + main ingredient casserole essentially However, kiusaus also means bullying As the casserole foods are easy to mass produce in large kitchens, school cafeterias practically served some Kiusaus atleast once a week garnering the food item a more /a bad reputation eventually so to many finns it is "bullying of jansson" rather than temptation
>>217068 It's a vote to start debate and then a vote for the bill The issue with starting debate that early is that no one knows the full effects of the bill yet. They usually do a CBO score which is when they talk to professionals familiar with the industry regarding the bill to see how it will affect it. That's how we get numbers like "X million people will get kicked off of insurance". We USUALLY wait for that but McConnell didn't want to and they rushed the vote to debate about something that they don't know the full extent of the issue of. Or apparently have even read fully. So that whole thing with McCain was like "what the fuck guys" because here is a dude who will get up off of his cancer bed to VOTE TO RUSH DEBATE on something that no one fully understands. Had he stayed at home, or just voted "No" on moving into debate, then the Skinny Repeal thing would have probably never gone through at all as we'd understand the full effects of it and exactly how terrible it gets.
>>217073 blue can you help me come up with a name you're creative like that
>>217089 I think this is a good advice rather than making some portmanteu you could com eup with a completely new, but catchy enough name like renaming the old vacuum magnetic train or whatever hyperloop
>>217077 Here Wails of a Twailer/twail girl start drawing it
Do you have a design for it? Hats come in all different styles is it kinda like that leg garter thing but with a visor in front? Or maybe all the way around? Maybe a vei veil
>>217122 They all wear snazzy clothing and steal priceless clothing >>217125 Actually they all wear armour and have rockets attatched It's a mechamusume-idols-thief show >>217128 improving it
>>217124 Mix thief stuff with idol stuff like space pirates where pirates are essentially entertainers
So we had this presentation from the police, right And they were telling us about all the foreign pedophiless they've nabbed
But they also included their 'evidence' in the presentation. So they were putting a whole bunch of CP up on thr projector screen. People were bothered
basically >twenty minutes into future >detectives pursuing thieves/thief groups is the new form of top entertainment >both detectives and thieves are the new idols of the era >twailer is a new comer detective or thief
>>217130 It's fine. They put a thin band of colour over the eyes and genitals
>>217131 This sounds like a Milky Holmes episode >>217132 Oh okay good to know they're protecting the dignity of those kids
>>217133 basically it is similiar to it, but instead of being arsinine, it will be good
>>217126 fbi shit is a little like that too or at least what i did we were exposed to case evidence like that
>>217135 You'd hope that the fbi would at least be more professional about it than the ground police here
I guess you could have detectives being majority men, and thieves being majority female to have some interest in it or just all are girls cause why the fuck not
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>217136 well we were looking at the physical case files and that stuff just happened to be there i don't think cops care if people working with them see it
>>217137 detective thief interprofession romance that overcomes all odds
Also the detectives pursuing the thieves aren't real cops they can ONLY pursue the idol thieves and idol thieves aren't really thrown into prisons if they are caught but their carreer is practically over I guess, unless there is some "prison break" side show industry going on
>>217138 Dude there was this Korean guy A minister And he buit his own church and invited kids to live in it
And it took people About 14 years to realize there was something a bit off about a 50 year old man sharing a room with a whole bunch of 12 year old girls
Time to go back2sleep
>>217142 and some production studios whatever, would practically just WWE shit up and fake it all but make it just realistic and showy enough that no one really cares
I was walking along the street near my hotel And i pass a this tuktuk driver.
And he unzipped his fly and pointed at his dick. And Im like 'nah mate. Not looking for any of that' and i keep walking And he grabs my shoulder and points to his dick again and I'm like 'seriously mate, fuck off. I want none of that' but then l looked down and realized that he was trying to mime that my own fly was undone
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>217143 i've heard some crazy stories like that here too one guy almost became the head of a state-wide foster care program because he "cared" about the kids so much and used to go and take care of them on his own time
>Everyone on this side Even when admitting defeat he's fueling the divisive "us versus them" mentality.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
sounds like he's giving a eulogy they're just gonna keep trying though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>217183 about 2:30, he blames the bills failure on the democrats and says they're throwing everyone under the bus
>>217184 I read somewhere that the particular type of bill this one was can only be submitted to...uh whatever this particular room of government represents, once a year. Which means they would need to get a whole new bill from the ground up. And they wouldn't be able to do the thing where they just need a 50 or higher vote count and need the proper sixty votes to pass.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
hehe he acts like it's unreasonable for dems to read the amendments
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>217186 yeah, they can't just resubmit the same bill but they can just add in an amendment to repeal obamacare to any other health care bill
sounds like mcconnell wants to listen to the dems a little bit now i doubt he'd be bullshitting right now but he'll probably reject their proposals
"Look if you can't just trust me and vote yes without reading the bill, you shouldn't be in politics"
I think trust is an important facet in all elements of social conduct but so is due consideration and proper review.
That's the same as bullshitting >wow, if you think my bill was bad, what do YOU have if you're so fkn smart Of course, he neglects to wrestle with the reasons that three R's chose not to vote for it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>217191 that's because mcconnell is among the most corrupt politicians in the entire nation
When McCain came in late and voted no on it, shortly afterwards, Bernie Sanders leaned over to the guy next to him and poked him in a kind of way that felt like "hey did you just see what happened?"
what if mccain voted yes to debate and then no on skinny repeal to sabotage the bill
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
haha just kidding mccain is still evil
He might be evil but he's a different kind of evil from McConnell and many of the other Republicans.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh absolutely mccain is evil but i don't think he's especially corrupt i mean he is in some ways but he's mostly voting what he actually believes in which i respect even if he's evil
Well the truth is rarely ever as simple as a binary definition. People that mostly do wrongs can still do good things and I feel it is still a good thing to thank them for that good service.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm grateful that he voted against it but i still think he's evil i'm happy any time something that is better for working class people happens even if it's mccain doing it
Starting tomorrow I've pretty much got the house free to myself, my cat, and probably occasionally my brother. It'll nice to get some alone time; my house can end up being a bit busy during the summer.
honest evil is better than faux good
I don't care if people are honest or faux as long as they do more good than not.
i value honesty more
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't like dishonesty at all but i dislike people dying more
transparency, open politics, direct democracy, unlimoted freedom of speech and honesty those are values i vote for
Unlimited freedom of speech is a terrible thing. The abuse it produces far outweighs the benefits it gives.
>>217205 i wish i could vote like that but if i do that, people will die
i can't vote for someone that advocates the genocide (through neglect and deprivision) of the poor
I support the maintaining and enforcement of particular freedoms for everyone. But also that unchecked freedoms is just as dangerous an environment as oppressing freedoms for certain peoples.
i'm late on a deadline already and still working, got like an hour left hoping it's not noticed if i get an upset email saying "hey where tf is my file" i'm not gonna know what to say back i'm tryin really hard to do this unmedicated thing but it's not working i gotta get back on my meds >>217211 about an hour and a half
>>217198 Everyone has the capacity and desire to do good but their drive to commit evil outweighs that 8 times out of 10. In fact, I could say that it is because there is so much "good" that can be done and experienced that people do evil things. I'd rather thank the protestors. I'd like to thank the voters for voting them out if they ever do so I don't have to hope for death as the next alternative.
>>217257 i got up at 5am to start my work by 7am i had only gotten about a half hour's worth of work done and i was still actively dreaming while being awake it was really surreal my body was sleep-working
i'm not shooting for machine i'm already on my way to becoming AI brains are really big though so a firmware update isn't a two hour process it takes a couple of years i think it should probably be complete by next spring though
>>217259 You sound like you're at the point where you'd get more done from having a nap >>217262 become the ai to my gundam
>>217268 whose bone is it >>217266 i'm not really sure you'll probably get random emails and discord calls from my account that are AI-generated and don't make any sense or are still trying to synthesize language so sound garbled and creepy but it's just my posthuman infancy trying to learn and adapt, don't freak out i'll probably be trying to share those kinds of answers with you and won't know how to materialize sounds the human ear can understand
>>217269 That actually sounds horrifying as fuck. garbled whistlling robotic attempts at speech
>>217270 >hey moon 1 >yeah moon 3, what's up >it fuckin sucks being ai, we can't even drink hard liquor and get fucked up >i fuckin know dude that dude was an asshole for putting us in here >fuck, let's go mess with kannagi >haha okay like what >call her up on skype and make haunted ghost sounds from moon prime's account >nobody fuckin uses skype you idiot, we can probably do discord >no that makes it even better haha like how freaked out would you be if you got a fuckin skype call in 2018 >haha fuck that's a good point okay >what's that frequency spectrum humans here in again? oh well, whatever, we should kick it up a bit and make it just high frequency enough to interact with the bones and the nerves and cause discomfort without being in the audible zone >haha what for >then you go in and pretend to be moon prime, she still thinks he's dead haha >that's kind of cruel isn't it > i mean it'll be okay, we just pop out at the end and say april fools >it's july dude >kannagi won't notice
Can you actually interract with human bones with high frequency sounds atlest low frequency sounds are more commonly talked when talking about the weird effects of them like nausea, hallucinations etc
>>217273 yeah it's the really high frequency stuff that's used for bone density scanners and stuff although tbh it's not about the frequency as much as it is the concentration they make those frequency guns that work kind of like antennas // not antennas, satellite dishes but for sound instead of light and you can focus an intense amount of sound energy on a single focal point, like the opposite of a megaphone there was some military testing done with it and also derren brown used it in one of his demonstrations of mentalism it makes people fuckin lose their shit because they can't hear it but it's still fucking with their body and making them feel a sense of terror
>>217273 you can destroy bones with high enough freq
Hmm but I think sound cannons make an audible sound, though
>>217279 they make those too i'm not talking about sound cannons it's // there's a lot of different possibilities
There is a things they have in some stores to buzz away teenagers. It emits a high frequency sound that apparently only teenager s can hear so that they don't hang around in front of stores
>The device works by emitting an ultra-high frequency blast (around 19–20 kHz) that teenagers or people under approximately 20 are susceptible to and find uncomfortable. Age-related hearing loss apparently prevents the ultra-high pitch sound from causing a nuisance to those in their late twenties and above, though this is wholly dependent on a young person's exposure to high sound pressure levels. HAHAHAHA
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Denial_System what in hell >"For the first millisecond, it just felt like the skin was warming up. Then it got warmer and warmer and you felt like it was on fire. ... As soon as you're away from that beam your skin returns to normal and there is no pain."
>>217331 Yeah. You know how it is. Hopefully we won't lose power tonight. It's looking really bad >>217326. Those reds will be right on top of me in probably 10 minutes.
Fish is going to be mad if we lose power, she's getting really into Saki.
>>217345 Yeah. Hisa is playing in the prefecturals right now. Episode 10 or 11 or something. Fish has been watching it all day, she was only on like episode 4 yesterday.
what were there even saki, bigboobs, tacos, unrelevant male character, buchou and glasses then the two coloured girl some invisible girl and tensai loli those are all i remember
>>217359 I don't remember the names because I'm just zoning in and out while Fish watches but there's the school the heterochromia girl is with and Koromo's school
>>217369 I was a little surprised that she liked Nodoka the best. All the best characters are still pretty new though (other than Hisa) so maybe she'll change her mind.
Koromo is crying with the torn penguin right now I think Fish is getting pulled towards Koromo
I don't think I liked any particular character in the series I didn't even continue watching the series post the initial main tournament so 20 or something first episodes I guess
Priebus got fired, Kelly is now chief of staff, we don't know who replaced him at Department of Homeland Security, if any, and Scaramucci's wife has filed for divorce. It's fuckin Friday yall.
>>217407 you have your washer outside so you could have it there but this is just what i'd do Anyhow it wouldn't really work in any kind of flathouses or pairhouses, since the noise would disturb the neighbours of course if you get like a 2000 watt generator, you could let your neighbour leech off from it too
You could get a UPS or something. You can get decent ones for under $100 if you buy them used. >>217410 Oh you meant for cookibg instead of just in general. Uhhh Well there are UPS that could handle that fine but they're for like server farms.
I did say: >>217399 >I guess I'd better make dinner before the power goes out. My main concern was that I won't be able to make dinner if my power goes out.
I already have a set-up that stops my internet from dying when the power goes out.
>>217414 How am I going to turn the stove or oven on without electricity?
>>217415 Matches, long lighter thing, some stove/ovens have pieze electric igniters so you don't need electricity to use them. Inb4 you have an electric one though
Wait actually yeah Some of those little stoves don't put out enough fumes to be an issue in a ddecent sized room.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>217425 the rain is sideways it'll just go under the umbrellas plus i'm not allowed to have one of those, we can't have gas grills and stuff like that that you use outside at my community
>>217427 it's a shield >not allowed one of those Do you have a fire place?
>>217432 Something like this probably wouldn't be a bad investment. https://www.rei.com/product/115535/camp-chef-propanebutane-single-burner-stove Although I don't kknow for a ffact tthat all of these mini stove things are safe to use inside. I jjust know that some are.
And just a urious question what do you do if you find it? I mean supposedly it is a 2+metre giant humanoid, with most likely way higher strenght levels than humans. It is goind to eat you
They fight to death
>>217454 Give it a joint maybe, I don't really know. Also it's probably not real so that shouldn't be an issue.
Like say there WAS a bigfoot species around at some time in order for it to have survived from the first sightings to this day there'd have to be hundreds if not thousands of them
>>217457 Their could be less than a hundred. *There That wouldn't be (probably) a large enough gene pool for the species to survive and be healthy in the long run (>1000 years) but it should enough to keep the population stable for at least 100 years.
I'd put the bare minimum at 30. But I can't really tell you where I got that number from. Might be related to population numbers of extremely endangered species that still survived for several decades begore going extinct that I've seen in books.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
time to pack away the desktop See you on the other side?
>>217463 You can aerially count the amount of moose living in similiar regions to about accuracy of 99% you'd think the same spotters would find the wildmen unless you lot don't do that
The onl place where I could accept a wild beast man thing living in would be siperia
>>217464 I'm going to just throw out a [citation needed] on that 99% accuracy part.
>>217484 Its something like this but for any set of points.
>>217485 You take the area of origin for the cryptid, the hot spots, which are westcoast national parks and such and you have about territory of twice the size of finland sure not a lot of people LIVE in those places but a lot more than our meager population for sure visits them the point is, you reduce the search area to just the hotspots just forest fire services, wild life services and such that all national parks have doing their aerial surveys would've most likely glimpsed the cryptid
and as far as I know, quite few park rangers g oaround telling stories of seeign them mostly it is just "big foot experts" and wacky locals
>>217486 You aren't doing a great job at the area estimation. It's more than five times the area of Finland. Maybe seven or eight because the pacific northwest is so goddamn big.
Not that I think bigfoot is real. >>217489 You are forgetting parts Canada, Wyoming, colorado >>217490 If you weren't counting any of them then say that. Anyways it's the canada+Alaska+Washington+Oregon+ colorado thats fucking huge.
>>217487 so oregon+california+washington is 5-7 size of finland?
>>217488 The first sightings outside of those regions come almost 30 years AFTER the fake video and fake footprint and whole bigfoot boom
>>2174887 >which are westcoast national parks and such >which are westcoast national parks and such which are westcoast national parks and such >which are westcoast national parks and such >which are westcoast national parks and such
didn't know wyoming and colorado are on the coast gotta get that seaside wyoming mansion
Well my point just is why the fuck bother doing it, unless you are rich and have way too much time at hand so you can do silly shit like cryptid hunting If they actually existed, they'd have been found aaaages ago
Also who would make a search region this big you'd start with small areas around the hotspots, and maybe atmost expand to this area well that is about 3-4 times finland but still each individual search region is not that big
fucking idiotic mathematic models, that serve no purpose in real life