I find the texture is all wrong, the grains just iind kind of fall apart instead of, for lack of a better word, mushing together as you eat them sso you jist just get a bunch of crumb-like bits in your mouth they also don't have as much starch so they don't really stick together on a plate even if you sauce them up with something the only benefit is technically parboiled rice is more nutritious but I don't think it's worth the experience
long white grains are the best
I like long and short grains for different dishes long grain makes a great paella or morro but short grain is better for topping with stew or beans in my opinion
it's one of my staple foods my parents made a lot of it while I was growing up because it's pretty cheap around here I'm pretty sure I haven't gone a full week in my life without eating rice
apparently you need to watch the arsenic levels when you consume rice often
just a bit of poison, it's probably fine
>>215099 I like long grains because I think they tend to soak up juices like curry best
short walk before work. I shall out healthy Kirara
Man last time I made a rental contract with this company, I just waltzed in into their office, signed a paper and then shew them the recipe for the deposit and first month's rent now I need to fucking do all that but print, sign, scan, email I would have loved to just waltz in back again no need to fucking go and find a working scanner
Now just to hope they accept my student ID card as "proof of being student" instead of the printed paper from the university that you just use to get a new student id card if you lose it... Or that the card has last year's 16-17 tag on it instead of 17-18, since those aren't handed out untill next month Or somehting other arbitrary Why even ask fro the student id is beyond me, it doesn't actually give them any other info, but "okay this guy is student atm"
Who'd even lie about being a student an unemployed person gets higher benefits than a student...
and a student can't even work and keep their benefits
>>215120 It'd be dumb if that happened >>215121 why not lie about not being a student then? >opiskelijatodistus In any other language I'd say this was a made up word
Well they asked for "opiskelijatodistus" "student certificate" which specifically means the printed out paper from the uni but that is practically ment to be a temporary thing, that you use to get the student card
a bigger issue with that atm is that the fucking SERVICES ARE CLOSED untill next week summer break even if i had tried to bother getting hte paper, muridaaaa mudadaaa
Actually how do you pronounce "opiskelijatodistus" >>215124 that's dumb my uni keeps them open so people can get their admin work done
>>215126 What the fuck Is that a real finnish sentence Your brains are amazing
>>215128 >theoretically Is that something you see every day or so? >>215131 okay can you break that down for me? which part is the nazi and which is the grammar
>>215129 for example grammar nazi is written correctly as national socialist kielioppikansallissosialisti
Three examples of long words that have been in everyday use in the Finnish language are kolmivaihekilowattituntimittari which means "three phase kilowatt hour meter" (32 letters), peruspalveluliikelaitoskuntayhtymä ("a public utility of a municipal federation for provision of basic services", 34 letters)[12] and lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas "airplane jet turbine engine auxiliary mechanic non-commissioned officer student" (61 letters), an actual military term, although one which has been deprecated. If conjugated forms are allowed, even longer real words can be made. Allowing derivatives and clitics allows the already lengthy word to grow even longer, although the usability of the word starts to degrade. Because Finnish uses free forming of composite words, new words can even be formed during a conversation. One can add nouns after each other without breaking grammar rules.
If one allows artificial constructs as well as using clitics and conjugated forms, one can create even longer words: such as kumarreksituteskenteleentuvaisehkollaismaisekkuudellisenneskenteluttelemattomammuuksissansakaankopahan (102 letters), which was created by Artturi Kannisto.[13]
The longest non-compound (a single stem with prefixes and suffixes) Finnish word recognised by the Guinness Book of Records is epäjärjestelmällistyttämättömyydellänsäkäänköhän (see also Agglutination#Extremes), based on the stem järki (reason, sanity), and it means: I wonder if – even with his/her quality of not having been made unsystematized
Äteritsiputeritsipuolilautatsijänkä and a defunct bar named after it, Äteritsiputeritsipuolilautatsi-baari, are the longest place names in use.
>>215129 kieli - language oppi - teaching kielioppi - grammar kansallis - national sosialisti - socialist kansallissosialist - national socialist
>>215132 Holy shit how do you use those words without running out of breath
Wel strictly nouns you can't string adjectives into it or verbs
but you can get around it by nounsifying an adjective like blue cross can be written as sininen risti or siniristi sini is both a name and nounfication of the adjective sininen great city - suuri kapunki - suurkaupunki
Also blue would be Sini in finnish which is a woman's name
>>215141 there are some practical limits, but nounfication, adjectification and verbification of words has very few limits to it in the end >Because Finnish uses free forming of composite words, new words can even be formed during a conversation. One can add nouns after each other without breaking grammar rules.
amusingly, but the high point letters are hard to incorporate into any words not to mention finnish uses quite much a same set of letters in good part of the language
Let's play Chinese scrabble With sack full of every single character
>>215145 I assumed you could just compound your way onto the triple score squares
but is not like we are alone in high letter count madness https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_words >>215146 doesn't really work like that and you run out of tiles anyhow
Btw what is with the "who wants to live forever" when used as a warcry type of thing? is it a "you want to live forever, no? so get out there" or "you go die there and you live forever as a hero?" I don't really get it, but eitherway you put it you just shout "Go die"
Even the "God willing, tonight we will all be rich men!" was better warcry if you ask me
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
3 days until wonfes
I am ow doing something i ave anted to do for ages
>>215168 I think the point is you're not gonna live forever, so you might as well die doing something important
spparently stopping in the middle of tracks, is supposed to be a station i guess the announcement wss timef >accident on another station, stopping for unknown amount of time kay
BTC-e was the place where I first bought Litecoin at. Yes, I lost money. "money" No, I don't particularly feel bitter about it. That was like 2015 days >>215183 Someone's website or service used BTC-e as a basis to handle USD to BTC conversions or etc Because the site has been taken down and the owner(s) arrested, their service now has a bug
>>215210 more like an interactive video with menu options basically the old-style format of graphic adventure games like myst, but you get the freedom to still look around in 3D space
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i've thought about that a bit too actually but i have no idea how we could do anything like that it seems like a lot of programming
>>215211 I'd really dig something like this. It's gonna be a while before I get into VR but this is the kind of thing I would totally enjoy playing in it.
>>215215 Are you saying it'd be a while because of finances? It's surprisingly inexpensive >>215217 i see. you'd rather have the refined experience later on than the jolting, raw experience while it's still in its infancy?
Finances, advances as a technology, grace period to let the developers smooth out some of the more wonky aspects of adapting gaming for it.
>>215217 the limitations at the moment would have the gameplay elements simply be looking around the FOV and making one of a handful of menu choices there's not a lot that needs to be smoothed out, but it's also not particularly immersive for the same reason i dont see a middle ground as of yet though >>215220 did you read something nice
>>215219 I think the VR suites you can get, that give you controllers in your hands to map hand movements, could also work wonders for games like Myst. Having to pull all those levels and press those buttons and picking up the interactables would be a lot of fun. All those levers even.
>be asleep in my bed in my new house in Mississippi >middle of the night, knock on the door >go to answer >get shot and killed answering the door >it's the cops, they raided your house, they wanted your neighbor
>>215231 The moment he opened the door, possibly before opening the door The cops got scared because there was a gun ...in a locker somewhere else in the house
>>215232 But then how are you still typing if you've been shot and killed. And why are you talking in third person.
>>215219 a simple point click, choose your option wpuld be somewhat simple in terms of programming. the big issue is the sheer amount of video material if you use real footage or sheer amount of stuff ypu need to code as textures and environmenta, if it is cgi
Hm, well the weather is once again wonderful. I took a nice walk and it was beautiful. I can sit at home and work with a long sleeved shirt to guard vs mosquitoes and not feel like I am turning into a puddle of sweat. So now I am drawing. I've returned to that weird cliff thing that I put together and it looks okay
>>215238 a one way to do a "game" easily, would be to youtube 360 vids, with annotations in it that lead into ohter vids that portray the action you chose and then either back to thr previous 360 envirpnment but changef or to a nee area there already are a lot of this kind of choosr your own adventure stuff on yt
I'm trying to understand trees and light They have very thin gaps of shadow Kinda noisy almost? But not too noisy more like color is mildly noisy but the shadow have shape Time to say hello to my old friend chalk brush
Apparently twice my mother came into my room this morning while I was in bed to talk about a job fair. Something that after I actually woke up proper and got out of bed I have zero recollection on. How is this my problem though.
Well yeah that does impede, especially if you have long commuting hours I did a quite a lot of shit today too, though and wanted to relax by going photographing photographing trip is always easily 8k steps at minimum
Ohio /moe/ I slept for like nine hours or so. Was pretty comfy.
>>215305 >>215304 the main building of University of Helsinki, though less in use as >>215306>>215307 porthania hosts most of the facilities and lectures nowadays
I don't like putin or our president that much but pics with them two having a conversation always look like two friends speaking quite rare for politicians
>>215355 In europe and well us finns are easy to read when you are a finn and russians are bit similiar you can tell fake bodylanguage and smiles from a mile away
I don't think we have any rules to throw too old/sick politicians out but no one really elects people much older than 70 anyhow unless they are big names
Today's American Politics Joke is that Republicans in the Senate don't actually like the bill but they're going to vote yes on it anyway. BUT they are only going to vote yes, if they can be certain that the House of Representatives (who have to vote on it too) will actually vote NO on the bill. So they're going to vote yes but they don't want it to become law.
There was some HB2 bathroom bill in either North or South Carolina and it brought them into a really bright spotlight. Now, it's just "what can we kick transgender people out from this time?" So we've got both the military as well as them being protected by the Civil Rights Act. Currently on the chopping block
>>215361 >>215363 Someone asked this of that man today >what possessed you to appear on a pr event with a wine glass?
>>215366 You mean why ban transgenders? I assume it has something to do with the logistics of taking medicine while on duty Or Trump might just not like them
Common people just find out that things they don't understand exist and then do whatever they can to have them die without having to actively kill them. >>215368 I think he told them it was just Coke.
I don't get it, like there are far bigger expenditure losses, the estimated cost of transgender miltary personnel is like 0.02% of the overall health cost to the miltary. >>215374 I don't think so. They can be engineers and other support for front line but I don't think they can be front line units.
>an attendant in press meeting of both Presidents Niinistö and Putin filled a glass of water for both from a just opened bottle >russian sps swarmed in, took the glass, replaced it with new one with water from a bottle of their choice talk about paranoid
There's an estimated 7,000 transgender soliders serving, compared to a total ~1,400,000 active duty population One of the reasons I read was that the super high trans suicide rate in the military was bad for PR I bet it's just a bunch of bitter old men making gut decisions based on norms 40 years outdated
>>215377 We don't know There's only been a twitter announcement
I forget, are women allowed to serve on front line duty? >>215371
>>215371 I'm assuming the ban works on that reasoning. Does the ban just prevent front line duty or can they still do support roles? What about the navy and airforce?
There's no logistics involved in the Transgender Ban. It's just loud PR for something he wants to do. So don't think too much about how it's going to be done.
>>215373 lol what Who the fuck announces these policies on twitter. That's insane. >>215382 What a guy
Trump is amazing in a sense that he does things you would not expect a person in a position of responsibility like being President of country.
Like I can imagine presidents of like corrupt and fucked up countries to not really give a shit but Trump doesn't even seem like he has to perform to a standard.
I stil lfind it bit amusing how many awards and medals US officers always have. I mean sure you do a lot of "semi-war" but still you aren't in an open war maybe give out medals when people actually earn them in the service of their country of the people and not imperialistic interests
At the end of every year, I get a yearly performance review for my program. I had my first one today, /// Basically, all the professors that have had contact with me submit some comments and stuff and then someone puts them together and gives me feedback.
I scored really poorly because I apparently don't meet my potential. They said I'm smart but my classroom performance is disproportional to my exam performance, and I'm not wordy enough in papers, so I need to be more comprehensive. I asked how to be more comprehensive, and my professor said, "Just use more words, basically." like what's the point of that, i don't get it Apparently my stuff is always accurate and well written, but I just don't write enough. I don't need to expand my points, I just need to use more words?
And then I also lost points on my review because I apparently perform poorly interpersonally. Because I'm not super close with 22 girls that I've known for less than a year. So I said, I can't go out on Friday nights because I'm Jewish, so I don't really get to hang out with my peers or anything, and my professor just told me to find a way to get closer to them.
And then there was a comment that said sometimes I come off as disrespectful to faculty, so I said I was very surprised by that, and asked how I've been disrespectful, and my professor said she didn't know and that she was surprised by it, but it's probably because I come off as distant, so when I make comments in class, sometimes it sounds like I'm challenging the professor?
I have good relationships with my peers as colleagues, so I don't really get why I have to go further than that.
I'm really frustrated.
>>215423 Isn't it ridiculous? What's wrong with being precise? Why do I have to beat around the bush and spew bullshit when I can just tell you the information I'm supposed to tell you?
>>215420 nice well at least its over for a bit Im getting an oil change lets talk about fun
>>215424 I knew a guy in middleschool who got always 7 in math, because he never wrote the calculation processes and shit he just went "answer" and he went like "answer" in an instant he just didn't bother ever writing how he came with the answer >>215427 it is different thant writing shit yeah, but still kinda.. felt wrong to punish him with bad grades, but guess if you are lazy you are
But this really reminds me of all the times >minimum page count >am at half to 2/3rd of it and have nothing left to say >time to produce bloat words
>>215420 > And then there was a comment that said sometimes I come off as disrespectful to faculty, so I said I was very surprised by that, and asked how I've been disrespectful, and my professor said she didn't know and that she was surprised by it, but it's probably because I come off as distant, so when I make comments in class, sometimes it sounds like I'm challenging the professor? oh no the poor widdle feelings of the poor professors
yeah seriously, pulling the not enough words card in fucking graduate achool is insane and why the hell are they grading your social skills when thats not why youre in graduate school
kirara said so himself that graduate school is bitter brutal competition so why is social interaction some kind kf thing worth noting
>>215429 It's more likely that they said it because they think it'll cause me trouble in the future than their feelings were actually hurt, I think.
>>215430 see >>215433 Also despite that, we're academic colleagues, so we need to have good relationships and stuff like that. Because we have to work together and all that, and we are supposed to support each other to some degree. Most people in my program are friends with others, I mean, there's a lot of little cliques, but I'm on the outskirts of all of them. There are a couple people that I talk to pretty regularly at school, but we're not really part of the same circle.
I mean, I do have some interpersonal deficits, so I'm not surprised that I got that part of the review, that I should get closer to my classmates.
But I dunno, it's kind of uncomfortable being like one of two guys in a group of 22 girls or something.
lets just chalk it up to your stand being bull like always
social interaction is also bitter brutal competition
>>215436 Good job! You've got way more steps than I do today. I had class for /// well, school stuff for 5 hours, so I didn't record my stuff during that time but I'm pretty sure you have me beat this time.
I'm thinking about going for a walk The review has me really frustrated, it's making my stomach hurt a little But I also don't feel like doing anything
I asked my cohort if they could think of any ways I've been disrespectful to faculty and four have responded so far and said they don't know why a professor would think I'm disrespectful unless my sarcasm got misinterpreted This is really buggin me
like I said faculty is just muh feelings over sensitive wimps
>>215455 Yeah maybe I'd be really surprised though Someone else said they got that comment too so maybe the professors just throw canned responses at it
>>215420 yeah dude i always got in trouble in middle and high school for being DISRESPECTFUL but i wasn't trying to be i was really engaged in the topic so i'd ask a lot of questions and the teachers got pissed off because they didn't know the answers instead of trying to foster a curious mindset like "no idea, let's find out"
that's what middle schools are doing these days, haha it's so much tech-assisted learning the teachers are supposed to take a facilitator role instead of an instructor role, and guide the kids in finding their own answers instead of telling them shit every question is an opportunity to show kids how to look up information, find sources, cross-examine, and so forth
That sucks Kirara, It always sucks to get comments like that, I don't like working with people but I still try and it can be annoying when people don't want to work properly. and people feel like they are slighted against for being told to get on with their work. I always feel annoyed that people don't take their work seriously
You think it might be based on like... first impression when you just started the program? Clearly I wasn't there but you had a lot of that "fuck this dumb shit lol" attitude.
Wow, that feels like a "he's showing signs of development" sort of review which makes me feel like telling whoever wrote that report to fuck off. What is the point it, If you do you work well and work well enough in a team, on what basis do you need to be more of a team player. It feels so abitrary
Fuck off, being social has it place if you are functional then that is what you do. Wow I would be super annoyed at receiving that report
>>215462 when you're up for review by the board just tell them that your professors are old fuddy-duddies and don't understand this generation and that you're well-adjusted and they're just self-conscious
>>215462 Come on Matt, you gotta be more of a team player! That's dumb though. You'd think a psych professor would not be so dumb. If you don't need others to get your work done then you don't need them
>>215464 they're working from the pretense of their experience they think that X quality is CRUCIAL because it's what they used as a crutch in their lifestyle to keep things balanced out and they think oh noooo it can't be balanced any other way because this is the only way they're literally just projecting their own defecits onto other people and then criticizing other people for not having to accomodate these deficits with arbitrary crutches
>>215468 right? i'm like great at communication because i don't beat around the bush though i just say shit i have tact when i say shit but i don't bullshit people generally
>>215464 yeah it basically is "he's showing signs of development"
also apparently i can't cope with my academic demands?
apparently i wasn't confident in myself early in the year because i didn't say anything in class well my classes were all fucking boring what was there to say?
>>215463 That's possible but I didn't have that attitude outwardly Like I said that in private but I'd never communicate it to strangers
>>215464 >we gotta put something there as "needs room for improvement" or we don't look like we've done our job >just criticize him for not saying much
Scaramucci bringing the city of New York directly into the communications of the White House Everything is a dumpster fire but if I had to choose, this was the cherry.
>>215469 >apparently i wasn't confident in myself early in the year because i didn't say anything in class well my classes were all fucking boring what was there to say? >>215467
yeah like fuckin people criticize my neurotic behavior sometimes and i'm like fine dude that doesn't work for your life but it ain't your fuckin life it's mine and i'm doin a fuckin good job
it's just so arbitrary that some people can't imagine how X factor could fit into their life so they see it as obscene or distractive towards what's important i look at it kind of like those genetic algorithms and then one of the child structures trying to teach one from a different dichotomy NO YOU DID IT WRONG THATS NOT HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO BE DONE and it's like fuck off idiot i'm carrying 22,000 generations of momentum behind me trying to nail down something completely different than what you're doing your weighting systems are just as arbitrary as mine how about you do you and i do me and that way we won't do each other on accident, probably
fortunately my big things aren't the big things i actually care about it's just my money job i've probably got big serious things to take care of since it's already Q3 and i need to find a market before someone else beats me to it but i gotta take care of today's me so tomorrow's me can still exist
>>215489 >While professor smith shows robustness and vast experience as a psychologist, their neuroplasticity and ability to gauge the changing environment is lacking, though they are making small steps towards progress as they begin to understand the pace at which today's generation processes information and the sacrifices done in doing so -- rather than polarized assessment and discomfort around unfamiliar settings
I got a really shitty review but I was confused about one part of it, so I asked my cohort if they could think of how I was rude to faculty, and they all started saying how much they love me.
I have a minor issue for my friends at moe to review. My mom thinks it's my birthday. My birthday was last week. She sent me a happy birthday text and everything.
Do I correct her or just let today pass without mentioning it?
>>215494 Oh, that's strange. Your field is much differrent than mine. We just got grades, we didn't really get performance review. There wasn't anything like challenging or disrespecting faculty either, being able to keep up with faculty well enough to debate or ask them challenging questions was seen as a good thing.
>>215494 >They tend to show overconfidence in their own knowledge, describing simple reciprocation and questioning as "challenging" and "disrespectful", and imagining students discouraged by the workflow and class format, rather than bored by its simplicity
>>215497 Yeah, I don't know, it's weird. I asked my peers about it, and everyone is saying that I always seem good, or that I'm awesome and "real af" or that I'm the bomb Nobody seems to think I'm disrespectful so I don't really get it
>>215496 I would probably just say thanks unless I thought it might be evidence of a neurological problem or something.
>>215501 No, I've never been late. I even attend classes when I'm sick, wearing a facemask.
>>215505 "getting academic tasks completed" it's so vague that they could probably claim the fact that i procrastinate a bit is evidence of POOR COPING SKILLS
i'm actually kind of surprised that i'm getting responded to by my cohort like this i figured everyone was cool with me but idk i didn't think people felt strongly about me
>>215525 well duh blue is like a K cup in real life
>>215524 flat chests are a valuable and rare commodity
>>215528 Yeah. They're all complimenting me and telling me that I'm awesome and they love me and stuff. It's kind of really jarring actually haha I'm not used to getting compliments
>>215533 Yeah. That was the feedback my professors gave me. They formed a team to review me and then someone compiled the reviews and gave me it.
I asked my cohort about it and they're all praising me a lot now.
I read that thingy and it looked like you were getting slammed for not fitting in with everyone else, but it seems like everyone else is female. Expecting a guy to be another one of the girls is kind of unreasonable.
I got Delthea yesterday, and she sure is strong. I didn't know what it was like to have a super powerful mage until now. She kills anything that isn't a green unit with high res.
>>215539 i'm so tired of it i'm in tier 19 and it's every single person they've got delthea with life and death and quick riposte i don't have the sp or the SI fodder to counteract that crap >>215541 i'm actually still rolling on the cav banner instead because i'd rather have an olwen tbh
i've pulled like 21-26 characters since the banner started haven't gotten a single new character
i want mathilda so bad i even considered spending money on it but luckily i have enough self control not to
i spent money on frobins and i got a lot of frobins for my money somehow i wanted a tiki but didn't get a tiki i've got four frobins but i need to 40 them all
i save it for the seasonals now instead i've been so discouraged by tier 19 that i never want to play arena again i just want the cute seasonal outfits hopefully they make frobin in a pumpkin outfit for autumn
What I do in arena is that I just fluctuate between tier 16 and 17 to collect feathers and orbs since I don't have the autism units to compete in tier 18 or anything. It's too much work. I might be able to do it but it's such a pain that I don't want to.
18 is rough but 19 is just stupid you see shit like 4 hectors all who have wings of mercy so much investment just to ensuring the defense score
>>215547 sorry not four hectors* four armored units like hector, zeph, effie, and another effie
4 3* in a row with no Blue Orbs for three of those rolls
>>215552 that's incredibly traumatizing the people who didn't die probably wish they did holy shit >i asked my older brother to take me to the fair and he died man it's so fucked up that's just a hypothetical greentext but seriously
i mean i've seen a guy die before holy shit no not really
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah but do you wanna see another one die
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the way he falls out fuck it's freaking me out
it's not as destructive as i thought it was going to be did he break his neck or something? it's still terrifying but that's not as awful as my imagination expects it to be
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah i thought it'd be like a cart or something full of people being launched into the air
yeah i think he broke his neck
it reminds me though that fabio broke his nose by getting hit by a duck while riding a roller coaster that still makes me lol a little bit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that's hilarious
>>215558 wow thankfully doesn't look like a ride I would go into
>>215565 did you say it was the wind river reservation? i'm talking to my sis and that's where she was
it kinda looks like the ride hit the support pillars or is it just me?
true dat Never liked visiting small scale festival rides, because they don't seem that safe
>>215570 keep in mind they all got their reports back too, right? there's probably just a flurry of excitement >>215570 if we route one of our trips to north dakota we could go see her there's a bunch of reservations in north dakota apparently
They also all like you, right? Not that it's personally your case but the exaggerated extrapolation of being really crushed by something like this might be discouraging for someone to continue in a program. And if they like you they'll probably want you sticking around.
>>215570 Getting complimented too much is super uncomfortable.
>>215572 yeah north dakota has 4 or 5 that's where standing rock is is she at standing rock?
>>215573 I mean, I didn't think anyone disliked me but I didn't think they had such strong feelings about me It's really surprising and kind of jarring
i'm just really surprised because i don't interact with these people outside of class or anything really i also got messages of people wanting me to hang out with the cohort more it's really weird
>>215575 she's not near one of them anymore she's just a housewife the multiple sclerosis made her give up any career stuff
>>215577 >#mattitude You have made a horrible, horrible mistake bringing this to light.
>>215579 ah, not really haha i don't know i guess it's just my family but it's never really been an issue i think we all sort of embrace it same way i don't really get too stressed out about my waning mental faculties
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>215582 fucking kill me man i don't even know where shit like that comes from
today before the exam everyone telling // was telling me that my composure stresses them out and shit like chill out guys i just sit around and laugh and call them neurotic
>>215586 i haven't heard from him all day this morning he said he was going to a fair in ohio, i think he'll be back soon
FUCK moon this is a really not okay post you gotta stop that
Nah man you gotta make it more believable. Blue ain't got the money for a trip all the way out to Ohayou for a county fair.
>>215577 Wow I haven't see normies comments in so long. This is painful to read!
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
time to stoke the fires of paranoia
your cohort is a bunch of gaslighters #mattlit
They're throwing fuel on the metaphorical fire of your ego to make it burn brighter and more fierce. So that the eventual building burning down is inescapable.
>>215603 >you're the bomb, matt >matt, you're so hot >your personality is exploding with optimism >don't listen to the profs matty, you're on fire >naw m att, don't worry about it, they're just flaming you >you've got a smoking personality >you're very smart and alert >it'll all be over soon anyway so there's no reason to be alarmed >alram is on
>>215620 it's time to wake the h*ck up they're trying to turn you into a normie don't FUCKIN fall for it the gangster computer god has really upped his game lately there's new AI out and he thinks he can outsmart you wake the heck up
Normieism is a disease that spreads anyone can become a normie
The trick is to already be perfectly normal.
I feel like normie is a bad word for what they are. They are anything but "normal"
You're really stuck on that, aren't you. I don't know how it is over in the UK but this is all pretty normal for kids around Kirara's age from North America.
>>215630 i don't think you're well prepared for this dude you're gonna fall i'm gonna save you though even if you fall i'll bring you back but it's gonna be a lot harder without you
>>215636 no because usually my mouth is the bigger issue at that point
>>215640 I just power through since I'm not compulsive enough to ignore the fact that even if I go and wipe it off and clean my hands, I'm just gonna get juiced again on the first bite coming back.
>>215636 No I don't put buring things into my mouth burrs are really painful Burning things too
>>215692 it's a terminology of words, of language even, that such a being as i can not be oppressed from knowing by the general leverage powering of the computer god, the gangster computer god of communism that would encourages its prisoners -- who it keeps in its centrallized moon brain bank opposite side of the moon deadliest worst conditions -- from merely uttering, "zmao, this/these cats/kitten very CUTE >D / XD / ;D" i dare even call them puppets -- nay, slaves -- to this unyielding power that saps them of their being and plants its own words in their Brain Bank™ brain responder remotely operated by capitalist-enabled psycophats and sycophants to choose -- BY PURCHASE -- to their own preference, a true perversion, an endulgement of their new fetishism
the term comes from latin and it means "hairy, squaggly" and you can now use this knowledge and spread it to aid the fight against the worldwide deadliest conspiratorial gangster computer god communism parroting puppet scum-on-top FBI boot-licking, even CIA, criminal scum coward phoney miscreants on top
>>215695 You hurt my feelings and made me cry and I looked like a loser in front of my girlfriend she laughed at me and said KIRARA YOU'RE SUCH A FAGGOT and then she left me to die in a pool of my own tears thanks a lot RIKA
>>215700 No, you're just interpreting it wrong. I didn't say I'd drown. I just said I'm dying in a pool of my tears. I could be dying from any number of reasons.
>>215711 >dont think she's do that I FOUND IT I FOUND THE GANGSTER COMPUTER GOD I TRIPPED HIM UP AND HE TYPOED i've been practicing all week
it started with the philly cheesesteak i performed it three times and each time it wasn't even thought about i convinced six people -- even blue -- to say philly steak and cheese instead of philly cheesesteak and they didnt even realize they did it
this is what i do this is the fight i lead against the computer god this is why you need me if you want to survive the fight against the computer god controlled normies i'm the only one who can lead this fight
>>215711 she already did it i'm sitting alone in my house DYING because she said she's gonna go date jotaro instead he's a big manly marine biologist with autism
But you are a n aidoru with autism, she can't beat that!
ACTUALLY. I said steak. And I was having a really hard time because I don't like cheese but I also don't like clams.
I have no idea what you are even talking about >>215718 Wow You can't be a defeatist! You can beat him and YOU know psychology! You can dazzle him to defeat with your S nature and dazzling aidoru techniques
or you can just your zap beep boop hands since you are a beep boop
>>215718 hop on board kid there's only one way to teach follow in my wake i can't afford to slow down there's only one pace my pace t. vin diesel as riddick in the riddick trailer (but not the actual movie)
it's very important that you follow along and keep track of what's going on because i will not have the time to explain it to you
>>215723 I guess she wants to keep it a secret from you!
>>215724 E-mail me your neato ideas! I wanted to see them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i got a crazy idea listen to this so you take tree, right? and you grow it up nice and tall and then you climb it and you jump off
>>215721 >As for the radishes, that is a brilliant idea. Pickles radishes are very much a thing. But what is really exciting is pickling radish pods. When the plant goes to seed, it produces pods, pick them before the seeds mature and enjoy.
this is why my sister is the smartest person i know holy shit fuckin that sounds incredible
ton it makes me really sad to see you being treated like this you don't deserve this crap can you tell her it's not your problem you don't owe her shit she's being a bitch to you
It's not her fault there are people not driving to pick up furniture. I can be mad at her for a lot of things but not this.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
well sell it to someone that can pick it up instead
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
donate it to goodwill or some shit
i bet your money went into that furniture
leave it in your apartment tbh i left a really heavy wooden table in mine i was worried they were gonna charge me labor for doing that but they just take it and hold auctions or give it to charity, like all apartments do that you don't have to do shit with it
ton im not tryin to say it to be mean or make fun i got screwed over in my situation with that, also a really long-term thing i just feel for you and don't want you to get screwed over like i did or else you'll end up like me probably do you really want that you gotta look after you i didn't do that
>>215752 If i act out now ill be throwing out the peaceful saturday im working for so ill grit my teeth and bear it call me cuck if you have to i guess its true
>>215777 i don't think you're a cuck i just think you're hurting yourself and saying it's okay and not realizing it please take care of your self man i don't want to see you hurting
...at what point do kneesocks become thighhighs? Or are they just the same thing?
>>215792 no they aren't the same things knee socks don't generally go above the knee, but to the bottom of it it would be awkward if they went above the knee because they'd crumple up on the knee when you sat down however, some knee socks can go above the knee
thigh highs should cover the legs all the way up to the thighs that's not an easy reference, but think clannad style school uniforms the socks should cover up such that, if a skirt is worn, legs shouldn't be visible
>>215801 it's thigh highs why is this even a question what compelled you to ask this i'm not being mean my brain is labelling this as a high priority curiosity because it won't sleep without knowing
>>215805 Yeah but what if they go, PAST the thighs >>215808 I found out I have a group assignment so I'm gonna drink to forget I have a group assignment Why wouldn't you wear socks? Aren't your feet cold?
>>215804 Nothing is happening today. Is anything happening for you today? >>215806 I am not wearing any socks though.
>>215818 walking for gays it's so noble of you to be charitable like that sammy
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>215820 so far today i have employed the services of at least two (2) gay men
>>215821 hmmmm i had something grindin in my head but it disappeared shoot, shucks gosh dangit i sure am such a darned queer
>>215817 Men don't have mammaries and are therefore not mammals
>>215823 MEN HAVE MAMMARY TISSUE rin we're not having this discussion again
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
all male mammals are forming a movement to be classified as their own species
>>215807 Group assignments are not fun. I am not wearing socks because it is hot. >>215812 Are you homeless? >>215813 My favorite sea mammal is the manatee. What is yours?
>>215826 I'm glad you agree and see the light How hot is it?
>>215836 Men have mammary tissue and can even lactate under certain circumstances. If you pump them full of estrogen during puberty for some reason, they'll even grow boobs!
yes please rub it in my face like fucking lotion let me moisturize myself with all the Harunas that I DON'T HAVE I'll put them all in my fourth fleet OH WAIT IT'S LOCKED fuck Haruna
>>215870 It does not snow here in the winter but the temperature is markedly lower.
>>215872 Not surprising, given that, Mesopotamia is very far from Finland. Goats only are eaten here, in saunas. Also cooked in saunas.
Let's actually find out. We can find this out. Kongou: 16 Hiei: 11 Haruna: 12 ...I can't remember the last one. So it probably isn't that last one.
>>215870 Nah, it's comfiest for me when it's so hot outside that you can have the window open to the fullest and there's a bit of a breeze on the wind that does nothing to really cool off the heat but keeps the air moving and fresh.
>>215885 *picture of touhou with no shoes or socks on but wearing a hat nonetheless* much like american meat but with, less flavor of capitalism and, also less debt
There is no way you are telling me to open kancolle an- wait >>215891 holy shit that's fucking amazing >>215892 but yeah, there's no way you are telling me to open kancolle and actually farm for things I don't want anymore.
Wait for her to watch that show she doesn't like with ika. She'll be bored enough to farm.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>215895 like your rotator cuff? i think that's the leg bone that tears easiest
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>215897 whew that's one heck of a misquote I thought you were talking about Blind and Iw as like whoa now
>>215900 i meant from laughing at that post so hard shit i bet we can make it real remember when the pontiac aztek was critically scolded for its poor design and ugliness and now it's considered sleek and brilliant, the models that have been built around that design
>>215883 I want to go somewhere with snow for Christmas like Alaska.
>>215904 Alaska has a lot of snow. I wanted to go to Russia for Christmas but I was laughed at for that.
>>215916 Don't let others hold your dreams back. Russians have fun. I really wanna visit Chernobyl in Ukraine and explore it because abandoned places are cool.
>An ursid hybrid is an animal with parents from two different species or subspecies of the Ursidae (bear) family. holy shit that sounds so cool what a cool fuckin name
>>215921 It really is kind of terrible. People that want to experience snow don't fully comprehend all the nightmarish things about it.
>>215918 Where in Canada? >>215917 Going to Chernobyl sounds scary. >>215921 I want to see snow but I do not want to live in it. If I lived in the snow I would have someone shovel it for me though.
>>215925 Do you have some sort of slave you can get to do the shovelling?
>>215925 You would have to pick a little carefully, not everywhere in the country gets a lot or any snow for Christmas. But my family has a cottage up in Central Ontario that is pretty much buried under snow (not literally) every Christmas. You also usually get a lot of snow in the Canadian Rockies in British Columbia and parts of Alberta. Snowboarding and skiing is a common past time out there. Our capital city, Ottawa, is apparently very lovely around Christmas time, but I have never had the chance to visit it around that time.
>>215931 don't call people gay they'll get mad at you for that and be really rude
>>215945 Radishes are not scary. >>215946 I have seen a lot of the United States already.
>>215946 >>215944 Which other countries would you guys visit? What's the wishlist?
>>215952 Japan, again. And again and again. It might just be the weeaboo in me but I could go there a lot and still enjoy it.
I also want to visit China because there is so much to the country and some of the geography there is insanely beautiful. But I think I would be waiting for the standard of life to improve a fair bit. I've never been to Europe so doing the whole gauntlet of the countries there would be nice to do. Pretty much I want to go anywhere in the world I might be able to see something really unique. Geography or architecture, or culture that I wouldn't able to see anywhere else.
>>215953 Japan's a pretty dense place. You could get a lot of mileage out of it. China's huge. I'd like to go there and walk Maos long march. It's probably a good idea to wait until it's a little bit comfier, but I also think living with and seeing poor people in little villages would be interesting.
>>215955 Which was the best? I don't know much about the Netherlands.
Greece and Italy were okay I have no specific locations to visit I just want to go places.
>>215954 Oh, my holding off on China isn't as touching a reason as that. I'm just selfish and not too enthusiastic about giong -going to a country where I might be eating something pretty revolting and unsanitary.
But yeah I'd totally go to Antarctica if the method of going and seeing was environmentally responsible.
i have an eyelash growing the wrong way INTO MY EYE i'm going to have to kill myself if i can't get rid of it before it grows too much
>>215967 The first time I had an eyelash bend the wrong way and get under my eyelid, I was pretty young. I was either trying to fall asleep or had woken up in the middle of the night and I started freaking out because of the irritation. I thought I was going blind or something.
>>215970 Yeah, I know. But I've never had that happen to me so I'm figuring the irritation of my experience is the closest I can get in empathy to yours.
>>215963 I'm making pickled radish pods Well I'm still growing the radish seeds right now but i'll pickle them once they're pods but before they're full radishes my sister tells me they're very good that way, so i'm going to try it
>>215966 that's not a fair accusation I found an opportunity to live in a better place for a comparable price with some financially responsible people and I took it, there's nothing more to it >>215963 you don't need a wishlist if you can just go wherever you want whenever you want!
>>215975 What, did you think they don't grow? Did you think you've had the same length of eyelashes since you were an infant? Can you imagine an infant with eyelashes the length of a grown adult's? They would be HUGE. All infants would be shoujo characters.
>>215977 this boy aint watched life on me he dont even know about eyelash mites lol
>>215972 we'll see what happens, there's always the possibility that everything will go horribly wrong with these people I think they're sticking around the city for a while though
>>215990 >I have never had pickled radishes. That's too bad. They're very tasty, if you like that vinegary taste. I do. Have you tried two turnips in heat?
someone once tried to tell me that once your eyelashes grow in, that's all you get they thought you don't grow any more throuhgout // throughout your life like teeth >>215994 did you hear they found out that the brain has its own brain >>215990 yeah I make sense don't let anyone else tell you otherwise
>>215993 did you hear that they found out that the heart has its own brain
Someone once tried to tell me the world was gonna roll me
>>215999 and how much time was spent fuck man like, value your time if you're spending four hours to make a few bucks that's not worth it please treat yourself like you deserve, this isn't right
I haven't gotten to feel like garbage since my mom was borrrowing money from me or making me feel guilty that I didn't act concerned enough about her hospitalization. >>216016 This may be true. In fact it probably is true.
If I get any more shit I might snap so at least there's that.
>>216017 >If I get any more this is a dangerous attitude, I think your type would be likely to keep on saying "ok no next time is definitely the final straw" don't let that be the case or I'll be really disappointed in you stand up for yourself man
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>216024 you keep postin these mega cuties man keep them comin
>>216034 this is what i was saying earlier it makes me really sad and hurt in one respect and in another respect it makes me really angry and i want it to stop
Take a fucking cruise down AMERICA It's not like you're keeping the car anyway. But the bank can pry it from your grip. As we take down the thirteen checkpoints that keep the internet running.
>>216039 Then tell her that you're not gonna pick her up because she's a cunt
>>216050 Uh I'm sure this doesn't actually need saying but don't physically assault her man. Be as petty and behind-her-back as you need to be but don't actually do violence.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm not the insurance person on the car, no.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
alright so i'll fly in tomorrow then you take her to work and on the way back you mysteriously get car jacked
and then we take the car and go have fun and then i let you off somewhere safely you cover it up, i sell the car to a chopshop and we both make out big
yeah just knock her out put her in the driver's seat and put the car in a LAKE
okay fuck, no out of inappropriate joke zone and into real territory wreck the car get a trade-in through insurance specifically ask for a chevy trax and then let her take it over from there
Top I can still walk for days
>>216070 And also have it nice and right out in the open to scratch at, eh.
Look I understand that my behavior is fairly bitch boy But it's really all I'm comfortable doing at this point. Saturday should go off without a hitch and then I can sleep and put this bad dream behind me.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>216078 they're tryna do this in florida some company is gonna test it out in an island with GMO mosquitoes that disproportionately breed male mosquitoes so they they eventually go extinct
an old trick i learned when i was in [redacted] was to put habanero juice on the underside of a car door handle and then tail people about two cars behind sooner or later they'll rub their eyes or grab their glasses and that oil burns their eyes and they have to pull over
You're a nice person, ToN. And as a nice person, you have to have a point at which you say enough is enough. If you don't, people will take advantage of you! You need to learn how to do this!
>>216094 thanks trump >>216091 i don't like the concept of "too nice" i think it's ridiculous there's a point at which being nice stops being nice and is actually a problem with passivity in interpersonal relationships
>>216094 Man those are like Canada prices or something. The fuck is going on.
>>216096 he's not being nice to us by making us watch him suffer through this bullshit he's not being nice to himself there's no nice way to spin this
>>216096 I think a person can be nice yet firm. Nice people are prone to not being firm enough. I don't have too many thoughts on if such a thing as too nice exists.
Ah THAT was the word Pathological You aren't being kind. You're just going through motions because there's nothing else in your mind as a viable option. It can be seen or interpreted as kindness but it ain't.
>>216099 Sure, but there's a point at which it stops being kindness and starts being a pathological issue with passivity in relationships.
I don't think ToN is being nice in this situation. He's just being passive. He's felt immense animosity towards her and doesn't want to be nice but he still is. That's not just being nice, that's passivity.
you could argue that my current behavior is a result of keeping a status quo or maintaining how I treated her towards the end of things, but that's probably not healthy either.
>>216102 hey, whatever gets you out with the least damage, i understand that you don't want to ruin who you are in the process, and i don't want you to either i miss the ton with enthusiasm and vigor, who was fully immersed and enjoyed what he was doing with deliberateness to his actions and i haven't seen him in a long time
if this is what you have to do to leave without scarring up some part of yourself, i get that and i understand that that's what my intention was it didn't work so hot for me personally and i'm a freakin lunatic now but there were other things causing problems too
but i dont wanna see you getting seriously hurt either way but i suppose, given the choice, i'd rather see you still be you than see you jaded and cynical from the experience does that make sense
>>216110 I'll be phoneposting. If I recall you had the biggest problem with that last time.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>216103 >i miss the ton with enthusiasm and vigor, who was fully immersed and enjoyed what he was doing with deliberateness to his actions fucking this
>>216113 like do you even play the tales games anymore how much enjoyment and motivation do you get out of them now compared to back then and how much of it is just stress relief it's good to be responsible but it's good to be you, too
I would say that a fair amount of some of my gaming right now is stress relief. But that should get better when I'm home for a bit, even if I'm job hunting.
I was getting some ice cream out of the fridge just now, and a box of frozen waffles that had been resting partially on top of the ice cream starting slipping out. By the time I was able to grab at it, it was -it had already fallen past my arm's reach thouch. Though, even. So I stuck out my leg and bounced the box up into the air, catching it in my hands.
>>216127 i had a gf who was poor af and i paid our apartment costs while she went to school and then she moved to california after she graduated and is making six figures and dumped me when i started wanting to use my money to go to school for myself maybe the genders were reversed i don't quite remember doesn't matter
>>216127 Uh I'm pretty sure fish don't grow on trees KIRARA.
>>216150 >>216148 australia, aparently it should be more readily available here too, it's a good topping but I think people overlook it most of the time >>216146 might try just using less, maybe make some cole slaw with a bit shredded beet mixed in put that on a nice bbq burger
Pretty much all those popular American cartoons. Or well not popular but the ones fondly remembered by our generation, they all never aired on basic cable up here.
i probably saw a few episodes at some point on accident at least
>>216197 you were an anti-waifuer when you came here you actually put me on a LIST one time because you thought noel vermillion was my waifu and you put me on a list of waifufaggers
A few times I thought it was funny in a twisted sense how Blind is more concerned about these cats than she is me. She asked me a million times to take them but my mom says no and I could fight for that but they are expensive to maintain. They're cute though.
Blind's mom doesn't want them, Blind's trying to find them a family, but when she heads to japan if they don't have a home they're doomed to adoption again.
>>216263 are you gonna tell him to let the cats go with someone that will probably not take care of them she's probably gonna mistreat them she doesn't care about the feelings of people, she probably doesn't care about the cats either
>>216259 I can't tell him shit 'cause he's fucking dead.
>>216265 yeah because the polio didn't make him that much stronger now did it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Blind will definitely not mistreat the cats. she actually loves them.
>>216264 caring for an animal and a person are a lot different mostly in terms of trusting them to take care of themselves >>216269 everyone would see mistreating an animal as wrong but not everyone sees a complicated interaction between mutually independent adults as anyone mistreating anyone i don't think she feels like she's wrong in what she's doing so she's probably still able to take care of cats and she'll have to on her own she had the chance to take care of them together and she fucked it up
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>216268 to someone with half a brain and autism, conceptually, they're the same thing
I wonder how things would have gone if she had actually tried to talk to me about her feelings in January. I had the thought of confronting her about it and claiming her wanting to not upset me was more for herself than for my own sake.
>>216270 I literally destroyed my only good relationship this way.
Partners that have been together longer and through more have had worse patches in their relationship and have managed to overcome it and find the love again. But many of them also end up going their own ways after it all anyway. You're right to think that trying to work through it may have made it better. But it also means the final division may have come sooner once it was all out in the open.
But in the end it's a thought sink to get trapped in this sort of "what if" situation at this point. Try and not let it eat up too much of your conscious.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>216268 what i mean is that the concept of a human and an animal are basically the same concept to her due to her brain damage
>>216271 this is after the relationship was bad though so it's a little different
>>216273 i don't really agree with that i typically do agree with you but i'm not going to say i do when i dont i think there's a big difference and i don't think brain damage is an easy thing to blame at least not to me i have brain damage but it's had relatively little impact compared to environmental conditions >>216277 okay, well i don't know as much about her i guess
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>216276 your brain damage is completely different she was born with this brain damage AND has autism
>>216274 They're still pretty young, right? Not even a few years old? There's a definitely want for young cats that aren't total kittens. Cats that already know how to live in a human home but aren't too old to fall into that depressing category of "oh I don't want it because it'll just die in five years" are actually pretty popular.
I need to slow things down and speed other things up
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>216278 They're both over a year old now but yeah basically.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kiki is adorably fat and lovable but does get allergies on occasion it seems and is still growing some butt-hair back from that.
>>216278 not his problem either way make her go in and be the one to suffer the misery of "i want to give up my pets because i dont want to take care of them anymore"
>>216280 The last pair of cats we got were actually about that age, so yeah, I can confirm that's still in a strike range of interest for people.
>>216282 As far as I can tell this is about him hoping the cats end up happy and do -and has nothing to do with her.
Because shelters will take animals pretty much regardless.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i want to get a cat but it'd cost $400 and then my rent would increase by $50 a month
Anyway, sorry about that. Let's remind ourselves how cute bep is.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
about what we're your friends it's not good to bottle this shit up you gotta vent or you're going to actually hurt yourself
>>216283 i want all my animals to end up happy but i can't afford to be homeless for a year to make it happen i mean not all of us are in great positions for that
>>216305 ugh i can't stand the design of this swimsuit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I like it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Probably because of the wearer
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's so ugly the swimsuit is
The bottom is plain.
I don't really like the tie it's got going on. Like I get what they're doing but I see stuff like that as parts of designs and I can't help but think how easy it would get tugged around.
>>216314 the bottoms arent the problem black bottoms are fine conditionally it's the conditions that r fugged
>>216330 It's okay not to UMI DA if you don't want to. You have to do it from your chest. But when you're at the UMI, and someone UMI DAs, it's totally acceptable. If we go to the beach, I'm going to UMI DA.
>>216338 I'll probably say it in English. Because you know. That's my language. I'm just gonna shout WE AT DA BEACH And it'll be okay And Fish can turn to look at you like I'm crazy. And you can shrug And Rika can call her family psychiatrist just in case I need one. But I'm gonna do it.
>>216343 Yeah but if you don't, Blue and I will make fun of you. After all, we can't have you having that sort of #mattitude around us!
You should have bought a daki for the last days. Just because. I think that would have been the best shit. oh fuck I'm dying. Don't let me have a fall out with some woman in the future. Who would I even get? ...Koishi, of course.
>>216367 Do not push a car into a lake. It will harm the life in the lake.
Once upon a time my ex suggested dressing up in noel vermillion cosplay to spice up our sex life and i turned it down and that individual broke up with me not much later i feel like i really missed out on a really prime opportunity
>>216382 You're just making it too simple. What you're suggesting is exactly what a normie bitch would do. I'm really disappointed in you!
>>216379 that would be pretty boss Noel is like a supreme sub even in the later story bits its kind of sad
>>216385 I mean I didn't say anything was wrong with him in that post. Objectively a lot of what he does is cringe-y because of how tactless it is.
Granted I do think it's wrong of him to do all the stuff he does in public, while having the camera on him. He involves random strangers in his antics and doesn't really give anything in return back to them.
>>216393 i distinctly remmeve you saying yo had little interest in the story
>>216388 There's a point where pretending to be retarded is just retarded >>216397 I doubt he actually watched all 75 episodes of Dougram so he has no right to say that
>>216396 Maybe this will help rehabilitate your image of me.
I scared one of the other girls at work because we were talking about what would you do if someone cheated on you and my answer was that the first time I would dump them and the second time I would kill them.
>>216403 She's a little older than me and has a relationship where she cheats on her ex-husband constantly. So by my rules they would have killed each other several times over.
>>216413 Because they keep getting "back together" and then go sleeping with other people.
>>216413 >>216414 Eventually there's a point where you really do need to just look at yourself and ask what am I doing
so kirara said tenshi no 3p was a lolicon show?
>>216416 It's not lewd but the main cast involves four elementary school girls. He's right that it gets a little dangerous but at the same time there isn't much to worry about. The male lead has girl his age lined up for him anyway so he's likely not to actually be a pedophile.
>>216416 Yes, and it is a little dangerous. It walks the line between too dangerous. It's a little too much for me but it's cute so I plan to give it a little more.
>>216414 I feel like it's not even yandere to want to kill the one you love for cheating on you. I guess it's just been so normalized to me that it just seems like the natural solution. I mean, if I love someone, obviously I can't let someone else have them. The person that tried and my lover would have to die.
Good thing I don't have to worry about that ever happening.
Well, so do non-normies so that's kinda universal If someone cheated on me, I'd break a lot of things. I hope I wouldn't kill anybody because I don't want to have to kill anybody. But I'm in my right frame of mind right now so I can't say. I remember the anger fits
>>216423 I don't like drama. I have lots of things that are better to do that to be involved in drama. Video games, anime, and sleeping all outrank drama on my priority list.
Oh yeah I just remembered. That new mario game is like xcom? I learned about this late last night as I was getting ready to sleep so I didn't have time to process it properly.
Yeah, it's a turn-based strategy in the same vein as the mechanics of XCOM. You'll have the traditional Mario characters as part of your squad, and then I think you'll be able to do stuff with Rabbids like soldiers in XCOM.
Why would you name your location crisis management Well, I don't want to manage any other crises that aren't labeled "my life" so I hope Mario XCOM won't be ... oh wait, I don't have a Switch. Well, they can do whatever the fuck they want. I'll just laugh about it from the sides, I guess.
>>216470 boy you actin up? don't MAKE me pull out the switch
Well being a squid now she's a kid now is a lot of fun. Tell her if it's not too bothersome for her I'd be happy to play with her if she wants friends.
is there a new animal crossing on the switch? awwww man
>>216485 There is a Story of Seasons confirmed for production, yes.
>>216488 Nothing confirmed yet, but the franchise always sells AMAZINGLY in any iteration it comes out in. So it's definitely something we'll see eventually. Just no news on it yet.
Yeah definitely. When it comes out for Switch I might actually get the game on digital. Normally Iike having the physical copy of stuff, but Animal Crossing is the kind of game that's really nice to pop in for half an hour a couple times a day. And having to swap cartridges really makes that difficult for me.
I recently followed someone who is really into Animal Crossing so if there's ever a new one, I will definitely hear it and not hear the end of it for a long time.
>>216501 >>216504 you should play FA if you've got a 7th gen console it's really really good It's really ZIPPY and once you get good at the movement mechanics you can boost all over the map like a madman anticipating the opponents movement and reacting within like a tenth of a second.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>216505 Real shit I haven't played Animal Crossing
>>216519 >>216516 smh blue running from his life's purpose dot fmv
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>Blue's life's purpose is to work on a farm wow
>>216526 i think he would find design and aesthetic inspiration from animal crossing i think i know one or two of the things that make blue tick and i think it'd be good for him as a catalyst towards achieving some of his ambitions
>>216526 Animal Crossing doesn't really have much of anything to do with farming. There's a couple small mechanics but the game is more about being a townsperson and being a wageslave to a tanuki.