
Thread #187201

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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Here is the thread.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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This Polish whore is fun to use when done correctly.
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I've been listening to Japanese radio at work.
some of them go off air so I've been switching between r/a/dio, japanese radio and NHK NEWS RADIO.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Aren't you worried that your bosses will see that stuff and get suspicious of how much of a weeb you are?
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I think they don't care or already know.
I mean I bring my Japanese books and Light Novels to work to read while break.

I am not particular subtle.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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You're surprisingly bold for someone who resists socializing.
Sasuga Kannagi.
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I sit on a table all alone every day.
It has become my table now.
No one sits there since they know I go to that table alone

When someone new sits at my table.
It is annoying!
Nighty! Take care!
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time for bed now
Gotta get up tomorrow and go to work
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Night, SK.

Wow, you've even got your own table.

Nobody used to sit near me in classes, but I've been trying to get a little closer to the people in my cohort.
I don't hang out with any of them outside of class, though. They're all close friends with each other. They don't make me feel like an outcast, though.
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I just focus on my work or just stay to myself.
I'm glad your able to get people to be with during class!

I'm the complete opposite, I feel really uncomfortable if I have to work with people or people are near me while I'm focusing.
I had to work with group in college a long time ago, I had to do so much work and then people decided they wanted to do something different.

At that moment I wanted to leave humanity!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Normies are really hard to be around sometimes.
Like when you're doing something in class and obviously focusing, they try to start a conversation with you and think it's not a bother just because you had a conversation with them earlier.
I'm busy, now! You're interrupting my work!
They really don't get it.
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I totally understand that.

I can't stand normies who start rumours, talking behind people's backs, complaining about work they aren't doing and going drinking.
I really don't get those that go drinking every friday and look at me like I'm weird for not getting pissed and fucked up on alcohol on friday night.

No I like my money, I don't want to waste it drinking.
Also shittalking about people is just annoying, how can people be so comfortable being two faced, they can be friendly with someone but behind their backs they shittalk.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I don't think anyone starts rumors about me, but I found out from a friend that people used to ask her if I was a creepy person, haha. That was during my first semester, though, and I'm kind of distant in class and keep to myself, and I don't talk a lot until I'm comfortable with a group, when I'm in group settings. But she told them that I'm not and that I just am kind of distant. I think people generally like me, but I also think they all think I'm super weird! But I don't mind since I'm different from them, so I am weird.

I hate that everyone wants to do stuff on Friday. Always Friday!
It does give me a good excuse to not get involved, since it's Shabbos, though.

There are a bunch of two-faced people in my program, too. Apparently upper year students bet on which incoming student will drop out first.
There's also this one dude that everyone mocks behind his back, but that guy is like, schizophrenic or something and doesn't belong in the program, so idk if it's super wrong to talk about him.

I think people are generally pleasant, though.
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Thats kind unpleasant! *of
don't tell Kirara I said this, but I heard he sucked off his stage manager for the idol gig

People keep up facades in person because they have to work with someone

Was it worth it?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
as his stage manager I can confirm
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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You fucking wish.
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People are tiring.
I don't want to worry about how to deal with people.

My dream living would be just to live in the countryside under a big snowy mountain with no one around for miles.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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It's good that people don't talk shit about me behind my back because I'm kind of sensitive to it.
If they did, I'd probably do something to make sure they can't do it anymore, like get them removed from the program, and I really don't want to be like that.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
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I am fine about people being shitty to me but if they are shitty to others it pisses me off.
I've told off a lot of people for being assholes to others.

These girls hid another girls bags and things around a room in college and when she came in looking for her stuff, I just went around the room and picked it all up from the hiding place without saying anything.
I was super passive aggressive at that point.

wow those girls are huge cunts
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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That's so petty.
I have heard some stories about the undergrad dorms at my uni, but just from acquaintances.
They would do stuff like hide dildos in people's stuff apparently. Or at least, one person did that. She's hypersexual and pretty masculine, though.
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Yeah, what pisses me off most is it is so sterotypical for bullying.
Like how can you not know you are a shitty person when you do that sort of thing.

I definately saw how ashamed they were and the other people in the room who did nothing were when I picked up that girl's things.
There's lots of ways to justify it to yourself. Particularly the fact that it was a group of girls reinforces it. "oh everyone else is doing it, it's gotta be okay, it's accepted"
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I'm not sure how I'd react to someone shoving dildos in people's things.

Depending on the day I think I'd either be amused or pissed off by the nonsense.
The US has confirmed the missle launched on Tuesday's test by North Korea was an intercontinental ballistic missle.
I'll shove a dildo up yo ass how about that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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It'd probably amuse me any day, unless it were used.
If it were used, I'd be disgusted and maybe call the police or threaten to sue on sexual harassment unless they left the program.
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In a really shitty school I used to go, they would leave used condoms on the floor for the cleaning staff to clean up.
That was so disgusting.

I felt bad for the old cleaning ladies.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
They did that in high school sometimes.
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I've defended someone from a group of bullies who were pressing a lighter against their cheek trying to scare them.
I got into a fight with female gorillas and the person who I defended, later befriended them and tried to bully me.

The world is fucked up.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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It's good that you defended them even if it didn't turn out well.

If I saw someone doing that to someone, I'd fight them, too. That's going too far.
that's borderline assault, not bullying
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I got too wound up and went in without thinking.
since everyone was walking by without doing anything.

I was actually so scared, I was shaking and my heart was pounding.
I really hate confrontations. I really don't like people.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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That's pretty heroic.
You're cool as hell.
nah you did the right thing there. Going in when you're scared takes more guts than going in while not scared
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I don't really think it was heroic or anything like that.
I think it was actually me seeing the world how I usually expect it to be and I was disappointed.
I think it just angers me when I see people like that.
They feel so fake.

I have never been able to not help someone, I feel super bad if I don't help someone up or help them pick up stuff or whatever.
I see people walking past all the time and I can't do that, It is one thing to feel like everyone else is terrible or untrustworthy but I don't like the idea I am aswell.
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I feel sort of self-concious now.
But I don't like the idea that it was heroic or good because I think I do these things for myself.
I can't stand the idea that I let someone suffer, it'd stick in my mind.

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I got a little too talkative there!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I think heroes still do things for themselves. There's no such thing as a truly selfless act.

But I think that not being able to stand the negative emotions that go along with seeing someone suffering and not stopping it are part of what makes something heroic.

Heroes are heroes because they don't like injustices.
They don't like it because it makes them feel bad.
So they stop injustices.
Mutually beneficial heorism is still heroic
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It is hard to describe it is like other people react to cringe with slight reactions but I run out of the room screaming.
It is intense sense of desperation to get out.

And in a same way the feeling of having to do something is intense and more a need for me to not "walk by", I think
I don't really know. I'm not heroic. I'm fairly big scardy cat.

Just because it's not technically altruistic doesn't mean the positive consequences of your actions aren't real
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I don't really believe in altruism.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Well, heroes aren't really supposed to feel heroic.

Your personal feelings of being a hero or not don't really matter because the status of hero is assigned to people socially, by other people.

A person who feels they're evil might be considered to be a hero by others, for example. Even if they say they're not a hero and they're a villain, people will still see them as a hero.

Society is complicated like that.
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Thinking about it seriously I think the real reason I don't like being though of as a hero is the expectation to live up to the title.
I'm far for *from a good person, I actually don't trust people very much at all.

I don't want to be associated with being a hero since I'm not going to perform... eh, I don't really know how to put it.
I feels like a burden.*it

Heroes aren't flawless.
Being a hero isn't a title to live up to. You just get assigned it for heroic actions.

Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I think it's alright.

I'm not a hero or a good person, but people still say I'm good because of my work at the suicide hotline or because I'm considerate towards others.

You can just be a hero occasionally, too.
Doing something heroic doesn't necessarily make you a hero either.
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I dunno, you read about those people who do good things and then get accused of bad things and suddenly that title of hero is suddenly sinister
it shouldn't be that way. Bad people are still capable of good deeds and vice versa.
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Isn't it scary how people change.
I don't want people to have a connection to me in sense of being a hero or good etc.
They'll just flip it a their convience.

It'll go from someone I might have felt good about to something that eat away at me.
Can a villain be a hero?
Do you dislike having people having expectations?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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The way I see it is that Kannagi is Kannagi.
Sometimes Kannagi does good things, sometimes she does bad things.
In the end, Kannagi is Kannagi.

That's generally how I see everyone.
I only expect that people act in character.

Anyone can be a hero!
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Thats not how normal people work though.
They will say "oh that kid was always suspiciously silent and had an sinister air around him"
Like quiet people are suddenly suspicious for being possible hidden gunmen in waiting.

Can osama bin laden be a hero?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Osama Bin Laden was considered a hero by the people he led.

Well, luckily, I'm not a normal person.

I'm just me.
I accept everyone for who they are, whether I like or dislike them, and I love everyone I accept, especially those I hate.
fuck what other people think. Everyone views everyone through their own world lens

No, YOU'RE cute
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
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You're all so cute.
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On one hand I don't care what other people think and on the other I do.
I care that they make out that I care and that I conciously did things to be good or evil etc.

Forming relationships with people is a pain.

I think you are really rare, at the very least I feel like people on moe are some of my best friends.
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Brown socks are bad because?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Why aren't they black?
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Is there a problem if they are brown?
I reguarly wear mismatching socks!

I had green and pink today, one foot one colour the other the other colour!
My lack of organisation extends far!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I think I'm kind of rare. My mindset and view of other people is, at least. I haven't ever met anyone that feels how I do about other people or views them like I do.

But everyone is different and everyone has a different mindset, and mine could be wrong.
I try to keep that in mind.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
what about jumping on a grenade
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I don't think most guys can get away with that, for some reason.
It feels like some kind of unspoken rule in society.
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>can't get away with odd socks
What? who is going to bother you, the fashion polic?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Not so much bother as silently judge.
And they only judge dudes who do it.
Maybe, just maybe, I'm crazy.
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Just be content that it took you like 2 seconds to put socks on and they had organised lives that let them find paired socks.
Just wear pants with sleeves long enough to cover them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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That's a good point, I guess that's pretty selfless.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Most of my socks are so similar that it takes two seconds anyway.
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Would it be if you are looking to save your friends
I feel like everything we do is for ourselves.

If I jumped on grenade I'd do it for the fact I couldn't stand the idea of standing their and not saving them.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I think that if you can overcome your fear of death to save other people, it's probably selfless.

Being dead is clearly a worse outcome than being upset to most people, probably.
Dying for someone else is probably the most selfless thing a person can do.
offcolor socks at a service is always super stand out
they looked black and now they shine in every light brown
does it matter?
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It is a meaningless distinction since the actions get judged but not the feelings behind them.
But I feel like the idea that you are not thinking about yourself sort of false, you want to do something because you feel the need to to it *to do it and you act on your desire to fufil that need.
I don't think honestly anyone will care about your socks.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I'd totally care about the socks
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Will you judge me if I turn up with odd socks!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I won't judge you, but it's weird, and that would interest me.

I saw this girl yesterday wearing open-toe high heels, and the heels looked nice, but I noticed that her feet were like, super dirty.
And that's interesting because why would you wear those shoes if your feet are dirty?
Maybe her feet got dirty independently of the heels after she put them on?
Maybe she just doesn't care.

It's out of the ordinary so it's kind of interesting.
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I don't wear shoes that reveal skin.
It makes me feel naked! I always wear long sleeves too or a coat!

Socks are just socks, I cover my feet and I'm fine with any pairing.
some of them have holes in them and my toe pokes out but that is hidden by my shoe!
>revealing your legs for free.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I bet you don't wear shorts either.
Not like I can say anything, I used to wear hoodies in the middle of summer.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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>Wearing shorts
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>implying there's a cost

>not wearing shorts when it's optimal
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I cover as much skin as I can in public.
Without being too hot, that is.

People view you as more powerful if you have more skin covered up, too.
Subconsciously, we're trained to see things like that.

I wear them to exercise.
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Theres a high price if you want to see these legs!
We are the same except I'm don't think I get viewed as powertful!
I don't really know the price it is so high It needs a quantum computer to calculate!
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
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I think I missed the mark.
Is it in the multiple soul price range?
What other things do you do to leverage your power over the normies?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
So it's in the multiple life time range, nice.
Things like how you sit, how you talk, are things that determine power differentials in relationships.
People who stretch out when sitting without taking up too much space are viewed as more confident and being seen as confident causes most people to give you more of the power differential.
Confidence is probably the most important factor.
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Oh have you heard of things thing were you copy someone subconciously like drinkin g at the same time as them.
and yawning at the same time or messing with your hair at the same time.

I think it was meant to do something I vaguely remember it from Darren Brown.
Yeah. Yawning is a slightly different mechansm, though.
Imitation is viewed as something like, this person is part of my pack

ahh i can see the fireworks from the balcony
how nice
Call that out while the fireworks explode in the sky

Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
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Gonna enjoy the fireworks and then go to bed.
Bye bye.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
You're gonna be enjoying the fireworks all night and all next week, and you know it.
No sleep for you. Ever.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I am
for this sermon
I will explain later
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are you america-ing
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Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
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My glorious 4 day weekend is almost over. It's so sad.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Just think though, it's only a three day work week!
Only two for me, and a five day weekend to boot!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I had a comfy donuts breakfast today so that was a nice change of pace.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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>Rika's cag summon is +1
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Is that weird?

Yeah, three days to do all the crap I'd normally have 5 to do.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Pluses are useful for stats but they're also used as a pregnancy meme.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I still say it could be worse.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
establishing rapport!

but if you do it intentionally too much people can tell
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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like some people go really far for the sake of a meme.
Is he talking Nietzsche from the pulpit?
Then you should get up on that pulpit and make them all feel too white for this sermon.
2black for nietzches black abyss
Oh there's a new Supergiant game coming out soon.
It doesn't look like Bastion or Transistor though.
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sasuga ton
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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It's only natural that I'd know about a recurring joke in the fanbase of a game I play.
featuring 2Black
I cant wait for friday
well... yeah can.
but really.
Almost halfway through backing up my comp.
I still have another four hours or so.
I have never before regretted getting a not 10,000rpm harddrive as I do *as much as I do right now.
Well, I got plenty done while waiting, like digging out my gaming mouse and gaming keyboard.
And cleaning some of the basement.
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What's that face for?
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Any /moe/s listening to music right now?
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That's the expression I'm always making.
Ah, so your face got stuck that way.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Gotta go to sleep
Rika, what are you doing right now?
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Nothing really.
I'm just relaxing until anime time, which is in about 30 minutes.
bye bye
You like The Ramones at all?
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I have no particular feelings toward them.
Have you heard much by them or no?
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Not much.
Have you ever heard of the band "Public Image Limited?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
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Those first two albums...
What about them?
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Have you heard of Talking Heads?
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I've heard of them, yes.
I would be very disappointed in you if you hadn't.
Have you heard of Joy Division?
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Nope, never heard of them.

Is Tilde around?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I thought the image spoke for me.
Those first two PiL albums are amazing.

How in the hell have you not heard of Joy Division?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Wait, was Frantz from Ohio or Indiana?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Oh wait, he's another Kentuckian.
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>>187359 →

I just haven't!
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
It's just slightly shocking since it's one of THOSE bands, that every "alternative" high schooler seems to fall in love with.
Or maybe that's just my experience.
? ? ????????????????????
I don't even know what to say.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
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Shocked or awed?
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Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
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Ouch, that's even worse.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
But what if I say I'm not at all a fan of Joy Division but I love New Order.
That makes you kind of weird.
New Order was planned to be a thing prior to Curtis's death. The members of Joy Division decided that if one if them died, that the band should change their name to New Order.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY

I also don't care for the Ramones and one of my friends gives me so much shit about it.
It's weird because they are basically the same band.
Also what don't you like about the ramones? Not trying to attack you or anything just curious.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I dunno, it's just... not too appealing.
I was always a West Coast and UK punk guy.
Search [iqdb] (3.9 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-07-04-23-27-20.png)
My dream team is almost complete
You like The Pixies at all?
That's actually pretty surprising to me.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Haven't listened to enough to say.
Which means they haven't caught my attention.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
How so?
Given what I know about your taste in music it just seems odd that you wouldn't be very familiar with them, not that its impossible.
But generally people into punk are familiar with them.
Also this was my first result when searching about the dickies on google.
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 1000x1398, 0ca94ccdff8ec365784d4ed3a3db534f.jpg)
Did you confess yet?
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 650x704, KATO - 忘年会の一発芸を練習する早霜ちゃん.png)
No. Although, I guess I have less excuses now.
I think I was just in awe.
Songstress and the other guy we hang out with are... not really dating but I guess close enough.
More like in a negotiation phase.
He was preaching to people who didn't know sacriifice nor injustice.
I just sat there like "Uh, but I do know how these things like injustice or taking loss with grace feels like. I'm dark."
But I wasn't saying anything. Just trying not to shake my head vehemently.
There were people who needed to hear that. I am just not those people.
How was the rest of the Nietzsche sermon?
How diplomatic.
Do you intend to be so stiff when you get around to it.
>Can you deal with injustice being returned for more injustice?
I mean...
I don't know.

He was talking about having the mindset of "sacrificial love". Giving to those who won't care to give back to you.
It is the Fourth of July.
And I'm not about to go through history lessons
but like I said, it was a sermon for some people. Just not me.
Oh cool, my comp is almost done backing up.
Next I guess I'll have to figure out what command to use in order to verify that it was done perfectly.
Hopefully that won't take anywhere near as much time.
Then I get to reinstall windows and all my stuff.
Well, she's texting me to come up to the roof so
I'll be out for a while
Search [iqdb] (18 KB, 680x383, a44.jpg)

Oh my how romantic.
A confession on the rooftop!

It really is like a high school amine.
p L e A s E
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Oh shit! We'll be awaiting your report.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
What happened?
My windows install has been busted for months, but I put off fixing it.
I'm only fixing it right now because steam sale.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
You mean the sale that ends or did you already buy stuff?
Ends at 10am tomorrow.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Yeah, so did you already buy stuff and want to play it or are you just backing up now to get it right first?
I'm doing a full back up of tge drive, because windows isnt working well enough to not freeze every three minutes. I'm doing the actual backing up from a liveboot gnu/Linux usb stick
I need to reinstall windows to actually be able to yse this comp.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I realize now, if I had been smart, I would've made a backup after installing Windows and getting all the updates...
Not that I'm expecting more issues.

I mean, if you wanted to buy or browse now, you could always install Steam in that LiveCD instance.
Yeah, updates are going to be a pain.
Not really, it runs from RAM.
Also steam wouldn't fit on that usb stick anyways
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
7 or 10?
Because I had a hell of a time getting 7 to actually update.
I would not run 10 outside of a vm, ideally I would not run it at all, ever.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Any particular reasons outside of BOTNET?

Are you using an OEM install or...?
Because I had to hunt for updates to fix the updater to actually update...
It was retarded.
Yeah, the UI sucks
Yeah OEM i have the restore disk
Anyways Microsoft cut out an entire stage of debugging in their development process. So I trust their security and quality even less than usual.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I didn't mind the UI of Win 10, but I did mind locked settings and TWO control panels, I mean holy shit.
Don't forget to uninstall all the bloat!
Some of the bloat is on seperate disks that I don't intend on putting into my comp.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I'm so used to OEM restores giving you all this trash software.
Like the one for my old desktop.
Which, I might try to use to migrate to Win 10 since the "license" is tied to that hardware... if this Win 7 install ever keels over.
I've never actually used a system restore disc thing before.
This will actually be the first time I've ever done a legit windows installation in my entire life.
Mainly because my house was Macintosh only until I was about 17.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
How does it feel to have that kind of money?

I once tried migrating to Linux.
Then I tried again.
If I didn't have AOL way the fuck back, I might've been a heavier user.
Oh wait, the sale ends at noon central.
We didn't have "that kind of money", we would only get new computers every 6 years or so.
Also most of the computers I got were really old and acquired for free from my dad's office or something.
The first "family ccomputer" I rekember us having was a blueberry imac in 1999.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I think our first computer was an old eMachines, which my mother got because of school.
Which, she... either got a laptop or a new desktop? I want to say new desktop, which was another eMachines, about six years later.
So I got the old one.
And played with Linux.

I also got old P1-era machines and things that people basically just threw out.
Aside from that it was budget computers and such.
And the laptop my ex gave me because it didn't work.
That was actually nice.
We only got rid of it like 6 years ago, maybe a bit less.
I have a shit ton of old processors.

Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Should've kept it to play old Mac games on!

I've got an old one... let me go find it.
I was trying to build a P2 era PC (though with AMD hardware) and my father decided it was trash.
I was literally one driver away from using it...
That's what my G4 is for.
>my father decided it was trash
I can see why, although I also horde computer parts so ...
It's all packed up right niw.
Have no idea where the bix full of discreet procesdors is.
But I do know where the box full of pentium blade thingies are.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
It was all ready to go, though.
I literally needed the graphics driver that would work in Win98, because the only one I found was, I assume for 98SE and would bluescreen.

But I have an old IBM 6x86L PR166+
It's likely junk, so I'm just keeping it to look at.

Reminds me though, I also had an old 486 box, that fucking got tossed...
I used to have 2 G4s but my mom tossed one.
Luckily it didnt have any RAM or graovics cards in it at the time.
I have a bunch of old high end AGP cards for this comp.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>AGP cards
I don't remember now...
I think the first I ever put in was PCI...
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 600x400, 600px-Pentium_II_front.jpg)
I have a bunch of these.
PCI is older than AGP
AGP is just a special version of PCI with some sort of different connection to the cpu that was supposed to make it bettr than whichever version of PCI was standard st the time. But then the next version of PCI was better than AGP despite not being specialized for graphics, so AGP was phased out.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Got any boards?
I would still love to make a retro machine for games that don't fucking run PERIOD on modern ones.
Ah, well
I have an LGA775 board that might not be permanently damaged.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I was hoping you'd have enough parts to put together a retro machine.
Yeah, no.
I have everything but old dvd/CD drives and motherboards.
I do have graphics cards, network cards, sound cards, scsi cards, some floppy drives, i had DDS drives but I got rid of them.
Nah, forgot that
Anyways I also have plebty of RAM and CPUs
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Got a case?

I bet you could probably flip a decent amount of it for a little bit of money.
Retro machines are popular amongst the people who build them. :)
The time and effort required to do so would not be worth the money I'd get.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Hm... I dunno.
Also most if it is stuff I svavenged from my college's yearly tech recycle.
I really really regret not grabbing a Sun workstation when they were getting rid if a bunch
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I wish I were smart enough to do that.
I did pick up an old DOS manual they were tossing, though.

I regret not trying to carry out an old Apple IIe when I was leaving elementary school...
They were clearing out that computer lab, and I bet they all just got trashed anyway...
I'm going to go put the dog in my parents' bed and then go check on my comp.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
shake shack gave me an extra beer and free fries
I could go for some free fries.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
the fries were apparently because the burger took a long time? (it didnt)
the beer was some kind of communication failure on their part
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
fucking Israeli girls are so cute god damn
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 713x785, DDmlBAkXoAE1iFw.jpg)
Jesus Christ I can't stop watching this shipwreck happen
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Search [iqdb] (258 KB, 1024x768, DDj-2erXUAArUmk.jpg)
Well today it seems to be CNN, but it's really the whole country
It's taking a while, but man
Only 28GB left.
I know right?
Where'd you meet up with them?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
the sensationalism is endless
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i wish
brb converting
Good luck
You have to do an orthodox conversion if you want Israel to recognize you as a Jew.
Plus sometimes even that isn't enough.
Search [iqdb] (31 KB, 551x470, C8fHDoQUIAA5qUg.jpg)
It's never ending, man
4 full fuckin' years of nothing but insanity
how about i convert your face with my fist
Good luck, my face is composed of only the most difficult data to convert.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
welp apparently my July 4th plans are so far
getting wasted alone on shake shack beer
Obscure encoding schemes
Also not really.
I have a little bit, but not much compared to when I was in highschool.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I did see some distant fireworks
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I'll giga bite your nose
Search [iqdb] (165 KB, 850x850, cag shopping.jpg)
That's not funny, my brother died that way.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
wtf do they put in this shake shack ale
why is this hitting me so hard
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
if I don't make it, avenge my death
Git gud
Try to get to the Ballmer Peak.
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 556x1121, DDp_D2TUAAELu_a.jpg)
tfw NBN SOONtm
Oh shit only two GB left.
I need to actually figure out what flags I need to set on Rsync for my verification.
national broadband network
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
tfw pay for Dropbox, only 2X my free limit
Search [iqdb] (♫, 58s, 3.7 MB, 640x360, 1483187231390.webm)
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
why is tracer such a cute
Almost time for the ceremonial custom of using IE a single time on a fresh windows install in order to download a better browser.
Search [iqdb] (318 KB, 2138x1511, ardinassau - Cagliostro ft. Agera R.jpg)
It was funny
But then I started to wonder why there is a naked model of scout, complete with nipples.
Have you not heard of Rule 34?
You have really been disappointing me tonight.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
She says she's pure, maybe she isn't lying...
Oh wait, the extra space might be occupied by checksums used to verify that the files were copied properly.
Or not??
Rsync is done but there's still an extra 7GB of files.
Ah, it might be sparse files and or hardlinks.
Anyways it's like 7~ GB bigger which is what surprised me.
Search [iqdb] (29 KB, 480x480, aaf.jpg)
thanks bud
I always forget that this is a thing.
how now brown cow
was it you who posted that kemono programming lang?
>kemono programming lang
I don't think so, unless something else I posted was misconstrued as being a kemono programming language.
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 500x347, at-the-moment-he-stands-no-cha(…).png)
aaah dumb memers
Formatted the harddrive and am now installing Windows.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 275x276, 1493880193185.jpg)
My four day holiday is over.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Was it good?
Search [iqdb] (388 KB, 899x907, question16.jpg)
It was okay.
This should be easy.
The only thing I'm worried about is Rsync having mangled my files when backing them up.
But I set that disk to be mounted as read only and did a dry run after the six hour backup process and the dry run made me think that it went okay.
Anyways, after I ginish the install im going to install firefox and steam
Buy some games, give some gifts
Then go to bed
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Have fun.

Just ok?
That's not good enough.
Whoops, forgot about drivers.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>forgetting drivers
I don't have to restart after installijg everysiingle driver do I?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>computer whirring and beeping angrily
Well, not real beeps from the speaker, but from the dvd drive.
Shit, I really do need to restart after each driver.
Only like 18 or so left
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Fuck, that's a lot of stuff.
Oh wait, only 17 left.
>Installing Microsoft .NET framework
Okay, not all of them require restart s.
>The driver doesn't suit this touchpad
What the fuck
Well, I dont use the touchpad so its fine i guess.
The thing on the list after the touchpad driver doesnt seem to be installing c
Nvm done
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
man I guess everyone is at the beach or something
it's so dead
Done installing that driver.
I stopped posting because some people bitch if I make too many posts in a row.
@ work
Oh god, im going to be installing windows drivers in my nightmares for days after this.
Oh, at the last one.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Well, people might be horrified by the fact they have to go back to work...
Independence day was a success
what about bangdependence day?
that sounds like a nympho awareness kind of day
also a success
Search [iqdb] (2.2 MB, 2295x3204, 28616e91cd565ac1aae40625f635d539.jpg)
i hope you all had a good 4th of july
i'll catch you all tomorrow night
adios friend
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 700x997, DDambrQUMAA0zFy.jpg)
I am coffer
goiñg to grenada eith grenades
but why
answer me boy
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 428x487, compa1.jpg)
He's doing this sleep posting thing on purpose.
There's no way you could actually post a spanish n in your sleep.
typical kirara
p easy on a phone
¿ ¿ ¿
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 650x704, KATO - 忘年会の一発芸を練習する早霜ちゃん.png)
... please don't be disappointed in me
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
You didn't do it?
oh no
Search [iqdb] (258 KB, 1095x1630, C9nxfYzV0AAfGet.jpg)
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Why didn't you?
Did it not feel right?
this better not be about piano
I said so much stuff... but I didn't say it.
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 172x169, 1474165816381.png)
I'm going back to work before this gets worse
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
It's hard, it's ok.
i'm sorry rook
i thought i was going to bed but i have time for one anime episode first
is aho-girl any good?
its not
its not okay
Search [iqdb] (171 KB, 1280x1010, 1490044950528.jpg)
It's okay.
It's only like 15 minutes though.

is there something better you'd suggest? i'm looking at anime
Search [iqdb] (455 KB, 600x780, 1499204342554.jpg)
Watch Isekai Shokudou. You'll like it.

Oh, blue. You're like the modern day J Alfred Prufrock.
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 688x1100, C3wSuozWEAAE6PG.jpg)

I said everything that I felt without directing it at her.
I feel lame.
We had a great time though.
In that long moment with just us.
we talked about love in-length.
We're both not really good at it.
For very very different reasons
I should go to sleep actually.
Talking about this now would just be improper.
what the
i don't really know what's going on but i hope it ends up going okay for you
i don't believe in saying things like "don't give up" because sometimes that kind of mentality isn't actually productive
i think the better thing to say is probably like "don't worry"
things work themselves out, or they don't, but either way there's always the next adventure
Uhhh, I didn't even get the Euro Truck dlc.
Fuck, I think im getting a check tomorrow though.
So I coukd buy some more stuff.
Although a friend of mine actually owes me some stuff right now.
In this circle of friends our rule is yhat if someone gets yiu a birthday gift you have to give them one, same with christmas.
But he's forgotten to two years in a row.
So I might call in this debt tomorrow.
this show is comfy
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>only $25

Hell yeah.
Search [iqdb] (46 KB, 654x600, IMG_20170702_192610.jpg)
Comfy day at work but also annoying
i guess part of the premise is that some universes don't have good food
You're watching DBS?
isekai shokudou
first episode was pretty good
too bad it's a new show
now i'm sad
i'll have to wait a week
hipster noticed I unfollowed him and took it as some kind of hint that he was overdoing it so he randomly apologised to me and dm' ed me
I kind of feel bad for him
I need to give my parents $200 by thursday for them to buy me a concert ticket.
I'm now below that in checking.
Oh wow
When was this?
uhhh 18 hours ago
around about three in the morning for my standards
well that's when he started messaging me at least
luckily/unluckily I was awake then
Oh hey, its π o'clock for me right now.
I finally fixed my comp though, so that's good.
I guess I'll doing some gaming tomorrow.
i bought shadow of mordor
and 4 copies of insurgency
i think that was all my -
oh and i bought MGSV
pretty decent steam sale
Search [iqdb] (9 KB, 262x206, 1494578920784.jpg)
alright NOW i'm going to bed for real
comfy anime is the best

goodnight friendos
maybe i'll be on tomorrow night
I got a four pack of E.Y.E.
Blaze Blue Calamity Trigger
Portal 2
Some hackery game thing where you do stuff in a terminal, i think sk has it
And a few otgr random tjings.
I have the psp version of calamity trigger.
oh blazblue is fun
i've heard good things about EYE
okay but for real sleeptime
Oh shit you got hacknet?
That's a great game dude
Shit, my jaw hurts
I'm really hoping itz not my wisdom teeth.
Yeah, didn't get the dlc though. Since im super tight on cash right now.
I haven't played the dlc either but the base game is excellent
I would've gotten Shenzen, but I'm not gonna spend $12 on it right now.
oshit I got Calamity trigger on steam
had a reaction i.age for this but cant find
*For this feeling
Calamity trigger is like $1.99
*continuim shift
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 381x328, 1487842222740.jpg)
I'm calling it a night.
Good night every/moe/.
nite notso
Ah, I get it now.
I don't think I had seen anyone use "notso" around the same time notsoanonymous was on. So i never connected the dots until just now.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Uh oh, what have you heard?
Can't recall, think it was in the context of a meet up, but i coukd be wrong. Also probably just people mentioning you not being on or whatever.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I went on the Philly trip.
You in the midwest?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Whatever you call that.
I'm so sorry.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I'm in Louisville, it's not so bad.
Wait, were you the guy who went to go see Sigur Ros?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Also yes.
Ah, okay
I don't think you were using your trip during those conversations.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I didn't put my name on for a while.
I did go by Another Anon for a bit though.
I actually also have a trip but I never saved it on this phone, and i hadnt been posting with my comp because it was borked.
I think the trip is !GURPSRWiTS
Or something close, i did a trip code program with my gpu to make trips with GURPS in them.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
As you can guess, I didn't generate mine.
I just kept using it.
I even used it to post stuff on /mu/.

But now, seriously, bed time.
If I come back, I'll be anon.
Oh, I'll try to git gud at guessing which anon you are then.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I just mean if I phone post I'll be anon...
I'm here to stay until I feel stupid for being here again, and I'll just crawl back to tano.
Search [iqdb] (812 KB, 1407x2000, Futochan_Raper_08.png)
The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more enjoyable it is to corrupt it
Have you read the doujin that is from?
Is it good?
It's funny, its by the same guy who did the "a car is fine too" doujin and the "too forced" one.
*a car is fine too
>a car
Which car would you fug /moe/?
Fucking autocorrect
Oh and he also did the Ahogirl manga, which I just noticed has an anime this season.
I had thought it already got adapted.
I wonder if there's a doujinshi for it called ahoegaogirl
Probably, if there isnt already there will be by summer comiket.
Search [iqdb] (354 KB, 900x1200, 63498005_p0.png)
I really wish I could just listen to my podcasts at work

It sucks
Oh hey, I think I qualify for unemployment now.
Since I had the internship, but was let go.
I'll look into it (not actually though) later or something
Search [iqdb] (535 KB, 1386x2048, IMG_20170703_094315.jpg)
Do it, fuck the capitalists
If I'm going to get anything like that I'll do autismbux first.
Getting pretty tired, gonna go to bed.
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 501x1105, IMG_20170630_121929.jpg)
Unemployment until you get autism bux
I know for sure I qualify for autismbux
Then you oughta get it
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what a time to be alive
Search [iqdb] (174 KB, 320x166, niggastolethepreciousthing.gif)
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They haven't even processed my fucking request yet
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How can it take this long to process an appointment request
Also the inability to download SoundCloud stuff on the Android app is fucking TRASH
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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>In a ninety-minute speech intended to echo the style of the US state of the union address, Macron reiterated his key campaign proposals to change French labour laws and overhaul the workings of parliament, demanding lawmakers get on board and silence “the cynic that lies in all of us”.
we're gonna kill all the worker rights
liter of bourbon, sleep
wake up, chug a liter of milk, sleep again
what is my life
not bad, that's what
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
explosion at airport in manchester
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
a suspicious bag was detonated by bomb squad i guess
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
daburu cora
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
CNN is blackmailing a guy and threating // threatening to publicly doxx him
because he made a gif of trump beating up cnn

this timeline is insane
Search [iqdb] (3.9 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-07-04-23-27-20.png)
Check out my dream team kirara
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Im ready to 5* That other robinf too
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
why would you ever
Because robinf da moest
i think i love her
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there's no room for love in fire emblem heroes dude you're gonna be INEFFECIENT
But I'll get so laid
live laifu for waifu moon
if i take opiates i can dream that I'm with her and it feels real
how cruel
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1000x1500, 54628273_p9.png)
I gotta do some dumb roleplay thing to demonstrate what I learned in my cognitive behavior therapy training thing tonight
err, today
in like 4 hours

I have to do it once as a therapist and once as a client
the client part is easy because i can just be actually depressed for it but it's hard to take it serious as a therapist because i know the other person isn't real
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (284 KB, 470x747, 05bceb36f0867d49fa72d47f2d74a806.png)
Wow, you think game night is dumb?
How awful. You seemed to be having so much fun.
Cbt cockbutt therapy
are other people ever real?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the only ones that are real are my buddies
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (339 KB, 700x569, 03b37362d6001b9d2ef2453b143feefe.png)
We tomodachi we roll together we die together
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 579x819, CySBP9cVQAAFnLc.jpg)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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post the better one
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
don't fucking tell me what to do
I'm still cautious about this being bad but that music trying to pull me in
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
makes me want neko headphones
don't do it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i would be too embarrassed to wear them ever
keep them in a safe and only take them out when you're the only one home
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yes good idea
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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oh yeah
for that roleplay thing i am playing the part of a prison
so i'm going to wear my inmate outfit that i got in wyoming
i know it'll distract the professor and she'll be so amused that i won't have to work as hard
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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fish is gonna start watching cawfee cuties today
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I'd watch that but I've got to watch this other show that's vital to earning the respect of my peers
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
become a NEET and watch anime all day like my house autist
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how does fish pick her anime even?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I haven't even made the content for tonight/tomorrow and jan hasn't replied
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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mostly rika tells her to watch something and she does or i say "let's watch this" and we do
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this is the real test
I wonder who she'll think is best
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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cawfee cuties is the REAL personality test
money's on chino
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betting aoyama blue mountain wild card
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's probably gonna be rize because rize is rich
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
this would be like
some eldritch shit
in a good way
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>it turns out to be tippy
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>it turns out to be chino's dad
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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>her taste is so much more developed than mine that i can't even understand
I mean, she wouldn't be wrong
chino's dad is fuckin cool I want to hang out with him
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you could just become him
alright first I need a rabbit infested town
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
would you rather be sojiro or chino's dad
that question isn't fair and you know it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah but what's your answer
I want to say sojiro but I know I couldn't fill his shoes
chino's dad is more my style
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if you could only hang out with one of them EVER which one
sojiro for sure
perfect coffee AND curry
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU

i'd be the pretentious customer that sits there and talks about bullshit for hours
>not silently appreciating the sayuri until closing time
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm pretentious enough to know that it's not the real sayrui
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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i want to go sit at a cawfee shop all day until a cute dramatic thief boy comes in and says "honey i'm home" and i realize that the coffee shop is the only place anyone will welcome me but i'm still gonna kill everyone anyway
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The people on my table are so stupid they messed up the tools we use for this assignment so now production is down and I can just chill out hardcore

I could have stopped them because I knew this would happen, but I knew this would happen and therefore didn't
fight da bourgeoisie
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This isn't even about the bourgeois
This is just me wanting to have to do less work

Fuck it man I get paid the same either way, I just get to do less now
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yeah not having to work is the best
especially when you get paid for it
yeah that's what the armys like
except on the 4th of july you gotta work more
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The most satisfying part is i got none of the blame because I wasn't one of the people fucking up the tools

I've somehow, through indifference, become one of the most reliable motherfuckers here
whoa did you get to shoot fireworks out of a TANK
nope i had to work half the day then eat an mre
i was on actual westpoint for the morning though
no theres no uch thing
was it a HOTDOG mre
the army is not very american
yeah there werent even any fireworks
what the hell you should sue them
Om one hand my twitter bio probably stops a follow or two now and then
On the other, I really like my twitter bio
i like it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Time to go to work
my twitter bio gets me followers
Wow how
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u seen my twit dude?
just check it out @whoakun
I just see the name and hit mf follow
dang rite dude lamo
i cant believe i was only thanked for my service once yesterday...
i even updated my profile pic to me in full kit...
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fuckin naisu
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Nns retweeting the potus
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Some guy on a podcast I listen to posted a pic of himself in a fake uniform with all his medals upside down and @ed a journo
Got RTd

Master, I tells ya
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do you need help getting changed too? apply your own lotion thot
heres a pic of me and all my metals right now
takin too long to upload finna cancel
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you should have pretended like it got deleted
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
would have fooled me
im not that smart
im in the army remember

also sk are u cumposter on twit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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but you're just pretending to be retarded
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bad guys won't shoot cripples it's a proven fact
Can't the fake become real if its mimicry is sophisticated enough?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it can become more real than the real thing true
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I wanna go home already
I'm tired of being here now
endure. Tatakai
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There's little to endure for
It all begins again tomorrow

did u get a job sk?m
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
sk is a professional proletarian
working in a factory for less than minimum wage
I'm a professional exploited proletarian, which is like double exploited
i m proud od u buddy
u should work for the government next
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I am
I make less than American minimum wagev
me too
My doc appointment request is still unprocessed
i am the doc so i just do whatever i want and im cured
Prescribe shit at random who's gonna report you
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that sounds OP
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>doc i can't sleep
>yeah gonna prescribe you uhhhhhhhh adderall
we dont do adderall
i got some ketamine some otfc some lidocaine some motrin
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
can you recommend that a patient snort some ketamine
Just prescribe krokodil
no thats not the right route...
u gotta iv it
Roblox is wild, they've got terrorist roleplayers faking war crimes
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what in the world
theres roblox p*rn servers
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
how many of them do you run
never played with a roblox before tbh
>tfw lost virginity to roblox erpers
the fact that it's NZDF too haha
it's so bizarre
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good to have summer ooyodo back
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gokigenyo, moes.
haram shoe
> NPR tweeted the entire Declaration of Independence
> people thought they were calling for a revolution
> thought it was a excessively long trump subtweet
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When it's even possible to interpret that way, your nation has REALLY fucked up
Let's go to Britain and finish the job
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"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, etc."
ToN what's your opinion on Gangut?
There's just so much introspection that needs to happen
maybe we need to "depose of the tyrant" again?
revolution is not inherently bad, but in this globalized world the way to a freer government is through diplomacy and agreements.
the military in general is a terrible factor for democracy and in general make it worse.
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Yeah there is a bit of a case there since the US literally violently tore itself apart from Britain, and you've got states toying with that idea today
It's still pretty insane to have a founding document that can be interpreted to justify revolution in the country it was part of founding to begin with
Power cedes to little but greater power.
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The military is like the second largest employer in the US
wasnt really talking about the US. i dont think trump has as much power as he think he does.
the congress and judicial power are effectively doing their work at checking and balancing power.
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Yeah but also it kind of supports your point so just take it dude
We know. but thats like... the problem
the us operates on a very different dynamic than other nations.
in that, there are very few physical threats that you could make against us. because power.

Which is why manipulation of the people is the best.
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Well you are the last remaining real empire in the world, so of course things will be fairly different
from other countries? yeah. that's the entire point of military.
manipulating people with misdirections and wordings is super easy.
even for those who aren't necesarily uneducated, or "ignorant"
because there's many types of ignorance.
and no they are not lol
congress has yet to not be trump's bitch
but who knows when theyll snap
anyway. I gotta pay for my food.
good luck
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Congress has, as far as I know, played ball with literally every singly thing Trump's officially supported
Oh wait there was one vote that didn't go his way
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There is the healthcare thing, but has that actually gone to a vote yet or is it kind of in limbo until they figure out how to most effectively kill the most people?
i guess my point was more that he hasnt done the things he wanted.
but koi is right.
congress hasnt actively been opposing him
and the whole investigation feels like it will end up in nothing.
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The investigation will end in nothing because the republicans still mostly support him, and anyone who thinks internal government investigations are even touched by reality rather than politics is a fucking moron
you dont need to tell me that.
i just saw how willing people are to defend shit policies as to not damage more their govenment (even if resulted in kids dying)
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It's mostly that they don't care because the US has two parties, and if you're the elected guy in any given state, you're likely to stay that way as long as you are SOMEWHAT within the boundaries of that party
Because your political affiliation is way too big of an identity, and there's no shades of gray
You're either a full blast Democrat who wants the gays to take over America or you're a Republican who just wants to shoot people

There's what, 7 independents out of 100?
is not much different elsewhere. that with systems with more parties will defend their coalitions instead.
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Party affiliation is big here, too, but people swap around all the time
Labour obviously held power for a really long time, but they also had to work with other parties a lot to get anything done
And mostly, "party affiliation" is just a general left or right thing, people will jump all the time unless they're directly in the party as like a carreer
yeah that is what i was thinking. even if parties can change the feeling you have to defend the "right" or "left" even when they're wrong makes people end up hating politics all more.
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The thing is, though, that it means a public change on even a single issue can end with that single issue being addressed
Because there's shades of Gray
Why on god's green earth did I capitalize Gray, but not god?

In the US, the left, as it were, has been trying to get gay marriage through, with HUGE support in the population, but it took the supreme fucking court LEGISLATING to actually make it happen because there's two parties, and unless there's a huge package of issues that need addressing, nothing will make them budge
They have the people in a fucking vice grip anyway, what the hell do they care?
That said, political discussion isn't that open here
It's mostly just shown in polls and on internet forums or newspaper comment fields
Very rarely will anyone above my age range even talk about politics in public
And when they do, one party is usually just being neutral to avoid conflict, cause Norwegians are an insanely conflict-averse people
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>one of my normie followers liked a Kemono Friends post
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What's the ratio of normies to non-normies among your followers?
How do you know if they're normie or not?
I have maybe 10 normie followers I think
I'm at 204 total
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I figure this kind of conclusively puts them in the normie category

The rest basically all are at the least using a picture that isn't themselves
I like her design and i like that shes paired with Bep
I dont know much about her in game so i should check that out a bit
there's a kid sitting next to me giving glare of death to some older guy muttering to himself in sandspeak while watching youtube. guess there is hope for future generations
silenxe in the library ffs
i guess now bepbep can appear more than with the akatsukis
but tbh i dont really follow the game, i just like the cuteboats
curiously muslim before american
is that really curious
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I think I've found my true brand
Entirely chaotic, but technically true shitposting
It is if youre looking to get angry about anything or a conspiracy fetishist
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I'm not religious so I'm biased but I think lesser of anyone who puts religious affiliation above country and people
It's hardly a big hit though
And for that matter, obviously the country is a factor
If you live in a dictatorial shithole or something, obviously I won't think less of you for putting your religion over whatever the fucking despot is saying
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>If you live in a dictatorial shithole or something, obviously I won't think less of you for putting your religion over whatever the fucking despot is saying
So you're fine with Muslim American then?
Just messing with you by the way.
Yeah, as long as it doesn't mean you prioritize Muslims overall over Americans it's whatever
finally have a use for the stock photos i steal from news stories
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That image is from a news article
The media uses such weird images for anything related to the internet, it's great
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>decide to go to the shop
>as I'm about to leave, think "dude you can just eat cornflakes instead, going to the shop isn't necessary, you could be shitposting"
>20 minutes later, decide to make some cornflakes
>the box is practically empty
I have to go to the shop after all
i'd say the same for any -ism that åromotes questionable actiobs
be it religious or political
and would frown at it even if it was "proud christian"
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At that point you're frowning on like 40% of Americans
Which is understandable, being European
proud christian already partly cöashes with the "praying loudly in public" speech of christ
i frown at like 95% of christians
You frown at 99% of people.
There really isn't any weight to whether you frown at someone or not.
nah, i barely use my face muscles in public and when dealing with strangers so nope
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I did it.
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Speaking of doing it
Its almost done check it
got the feathers for that 4* to be a 5* i just need the levels
but i'm boosting her all the way to 40 first for the extra sp
i'm going to set it as my defensive team and watch the list of fallen rivals who were no match for the waifu brigade
Oh man
I came up with the best breakfast idea.
Crumbled up pop tarts, mixed with whipped cream
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Huh, this can of whipped cream isnt as un healthy aas i thought.
It's only got 495 kcal and 33 grams of sugar in total.
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Tastes just as good as it looks.
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so bad
I'm probably going to have a stomach ache aftereard.
Not just because I still have a bit of one leftover from eating half a pot of stew and 2/3 of a cup of grapes last night.
what did you do
Gave her the d.
Okay I finished it.
Probably not the best choice on my part.
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Next time I do this I should post it on /ck/.
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How many times can you microwave a bowl of ramen before it begins questioning its own existence?
About tree fiddy.
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There is a weird dissonance in reading yuri and listening to manowar
I said t
im free
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Are chicken fingers a thing?
Well, there's a dish called chicken fingers.
But it's not made from actual chicken fingers.
how did it go though
yeah dude
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Of course it's not made of chicken fingers
Chickens don't have fingers
Hence my confusion
Buffalo don't have wings, but there are still Buffalo Wings.
it's finger food
i dont know if you use that word up there, but here we call things that are eaten with the hands finger food
it's strips of chicken prepped as finger-food
it's named after the buffalo sauce, which i guess comes from Buffalo according to rei but i dont really know
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I know and that's stupid too and also it may be named after Buffalo, the place?
It's named after Buffalo, New York.
Which is not the only city named Buffalo in the US.
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There's more than one city just sharing name with an animal?
Yes, I have a goigle maps route image somewhere of a roadtrip through all the Buffalos.
it's also a verb and an adjective
I know
Though it's not really because literally nobody uses it outside that one phrase
You mean Buffalo buffalo buffalo?
life goes on as normal
i knew you could do it
It's 7, but yes
Yeah, I didnt feel like typing it out that many times.
how do you feel?
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It's a stupid piece of trivia anyway
Anyone can go "hey I just defined this one word to mean several things, and literally nobody uses it as a verb outside this one phrase, but here goes 'Dank Dank Dank dank Dank dank dank"
It's a phrase because I arbitrarily defined Dank to mean like 15 different things just now
There's a similar thing in Chinese.
It wasn't one guy who defined it though.
yeah i agree i get really irked by it too
i hate trivial shit
but the buffalo sauce for wings makes sense to me at least
that's great then
It's not even trivial, it's just fucking dumb because NEVER IN ANYONE'S LIFE (currently drawing breath upon this earth anyway) has "buffalo" been used as a verb outside of or without reference to that one single fucking phrase
i think that describes something being trivial pretty well
It's asinine
Trivial is of low importance
Which I mean, it is, but that's not what I was saying
I'll buffalo you just for that.
trivial to me means it has no purpose outside of novelty
especially in reference to trivial solutions in math
it just doesn't matter
it's an empty datapoint that doesn't connect to anything
and that's why i hate trivia and factoids too. i don't really care about some sensationalized fact that doesn't actually relate to anything
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"factoid" is another one of these fucking "AKSHUALLY THAT MEANS.." things and I can't stand it
If you don't want ttrivial solutions in math, define your problems better.
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Some trivia can be interesting at least
i meant more like solutions that are homomorphisms of already established solutions. applying the transformation to make it into a known solution makes the solution itself trivial
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Stuff like how they put a mechanism in the flag they planted on the moon to make it sway
That's trivia, it's completely worthless information you'll never use for anything in your entire life other than going "look, flat earther this is why"
But it's interesting
It won best abuse of rules that year.
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But really my main problem with the buffalo thing is that it's just fucking made up
I refuse to believe anyone has actually used buffalo as an adjective
Verb I can buy
But not in the last 100 years
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I feel like abusing the rules is the height of programming contest entries
Here's the source code.

Especially this contest. It is considered to be the highest honor to have rules made or changed because of you.
Forgot the llink
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For example, if you were tasked with making a program that can navigate a maze, and instead of making something that learns you just figured out what kind of maze is most likely to show up based on previous mazes, and programmed something to solve just that, or slight variations, I think that makes you like, not just the winner if you win, but also you should get a spot in the hall of fame
Did you look at tthe source code?
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I read the thing you linked first so I already knew it was blank
>at this point he became enlightened
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I have some very base programming knowledge, man
This one outputs the
This outputs the text choo choo.
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I made it better
omedetou blue
I have a stressful email to write.
Well, writing an email aasking this question isnt stressfuo.
But revising it will be.
Because it will make me think about sometjing i dont want to think about.
Oh hey, this language is cool
we really just dont have time for things like that
especially her but definitely me
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finally home
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Vote third party
Third party usually isn't very good. Not even talking about platforms, but just lack of experience.
Those parties are almost guaranteed to have nominees with increasingly less experience.
ah yes, millennials in their natural environment - where they feel most comfortable
when they're too busy to engage in even romantic relationships
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or 4th or 5th or 11th
getting degrees in music and not seeing your family even while living at home
Does sho go to a conservatory?
inb4 it's tthe one by my university
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You will need to claim your territory
grab your knife
were your feelings mutual despite not being able to enter a relationship?
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ACLU randomly sent me this poster
I popped the lens out of my glasses and reseated it wrong
now one half of my glasses are at a different angle
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there was no message of thanks
just a poster telling me to fight trump
Maybe the message of thanks was implied?
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Sorry to break it to you, ACLU, but that travel ban went through 8 to 0, I think it's safe to say it's basically constitutaional
also got a letter from AARP somehow
the envelope is blank
my address isnt even on it
and nobody other than the mail person could have put it in my mailbox
you were the end of the route and he was like fuck I have a blank letter
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Hm, why is this happening, my transparrency isn't working as it should
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the letter also wasnt sealed

she didnt notice
so I guess I was always just that friend
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Wuh, now it's not working as it should at all
Blue, you figure out what you're doing on Sunday yet?
but how did she feel?
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Alright now it works as it should
Took a bit of work, but that's OK
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is that a
"whole floor carpet"?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Yeah, I guess.
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They make walls out of plaster and you expect them not to have wall to wall carpets, TN?
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I just thought it was practically a meme that all murrican houses have wall to wall carpets
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Our walls aren't generally entirelly plaster.

Carpet floors are extremely common in the US.
The only places without it in my house are the kitchen and bathrooms.
Wall to wall carpeting is something I dislike.
They're a pain to clean, get dirty really easily. And often have a faint smell that bothers me.
I'm glad my current place doesn't have any.
Although we shoukd probably put stuff on the bottom of some of our furnitute so we don't scratch the wood floors.
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Now begins the true struggle
The struggle of not downloading a camrip of Homecoming
Well, in 2-3 days
Also, what's wrong with plaster?
I guess there's nothing wrong with it in like, an apartment
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I will probably see Spider-man next week
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I gotta wait for a free version on the open marketplace of ideas
I can't afford a damn movie atm
No, really whats wrong with it? Do you think it shouldn't be used at all or what?
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I wasn't going to go see it, but I might just to taunt SK
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 1280x720, [Kuusou] New Game! - 12 [3B93C(…).jpg)
I told one of my former coworkers that I'd treat him to Spider-man for his birthday next week, so I'll go and see it.
I think you should use something sturdy enough that it doesn't dent if hit a little hard
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
tfw no titanium walls
Have you ever hit solid plaster?
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I've seen motherfuckers straight up punch through those things, man
If they punch tgrough it then its not solid plaster.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I think SK is under the impression that our homes are just woodframes with a sheet of thin plaster as the walls.
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That's the impression I've gotten from seeing people destroy their walls in videos, yeah
That's probably drywall and not plaster.
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Well we live in arctic
our houses are built for the weather so...
it does baffle us even when trvelling as near as "south coast of baltic sea" that houses are suddenly practically made of carton
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Yeah, he's thinking of drywall.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Our houses are made for the weather.
Probably moreso than yours.
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Inner walls are built of different materials than outer walls.
Yeah, dude you'll break your hand punching a thick plaster wall.
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American houses are CS 1.6
Nordic houses are CSGO
No wallbanging because they're too goddamn thick
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Yeah, but say my last place had inner walls made of solid bricks
had fun trying to drill shit into that...
this place has practically paper walls, though since it is early 00s mass-cheap building
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Drywall is used for the inside walls of most American houses
Plaster is used for the inside walls of houses of well-off americans

Plaster is way better than drywall most of the time but it's very expensive
Oh, that's cool. Was it an old place?
Like not even plaster or drywall coated? Just solid wood?
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Our inside walls are just solid wood
Same material as the outside
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
ours are usually concrete
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Most houses use wood/concrete with drywall/plaster covering
depending on what kind of structure and who built it
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I mean I assume there's some insulation in the outer walls

>coating it with drywall
What why?
Just... just put on uh what's it called
It's like a livery, but for your wall
inside walls
1950s built on spot
and protected by museum institute
Oh wait, you mean wallpaper?
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yeah that's it
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I wish my next place has proper walls
sound proofing is a nice feature to have
What I really want is concrete walls.
I designed a concrete (and other things) based modular construction platform like a ddecade ago. And I'll probably never get it made (might get it patented), but I still think about it a lot.
This keeps getting likes and it won't stop
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But I still doubt I could punch a hole in these walls
You'd break your knuckles if you even tried here
The doors you could take out though, I did that with a few of them as a kid
having a construction site next to your window makes me want to cover it completely with concrete to avoid that.
light is overrated
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Well the place had its faults, like
drilling holes
the brickwalls were covered with some weird coating material and then anyhow drilling holes in bricks is also a bad idea so...
no attaching shit to walls
they have drills for that, yaknow
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No the brick was the type that would just brittle away
and besides, you'd still have like
5cm hole in that coating material before you even hit the brick
oh shit, that sucks
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Which is why I always had books lying around, since I couldn't attach my wall attachable bookshelves there
and then add to that the good idea of buying about 50 new books
Make yourself look well read by having all your books just laying around somewhere, even if it's just cause you literally can't put up walls
shelves, even
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Even when I tidied up my room it always was messy because of the books
and when its default state is messy
it kinda...
never becomes nice
I basically have that.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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And here I was starting to actually warm up to the idea of unironically supporting that cunt
You can have a legitimate argument from a certain point of view for anything
Hitler had a legitimate argument from his pov, it's a fucking meaningless statement if you don't mean it in the

"from MY point of view" sense
>Hitler had a legitimate argument ffrom his point of view
Actually that's oonly if you assume he believed in everything he ssaid
You don't need to believe in what you ssay in order to win the support of the people
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That was my point
the idea just here is, that you can be devil's advocate and whatnot and argue from any point of view to make argument "legitimate"
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He definitely did
At the least, very little of what he said is likely to have been for populism's sake
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Yeah I know, and I'm saying Hitler definitely believed in most of what he said
Billy Mays has your back.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's kind of fucked up that hitler was so hitler
he was like
the original hitler
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even from the graVE?
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Lots of dictators don't actually believe half of what they say, that's true
But I don't think that's the case for Hitler because that motherfucker was consistent from start to the bitter end on a LOT of what he's know for
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But nowadays everyone is so literally hitler
or worse than hitler
man times are rough
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
/ksg/ - Katawa Shoujo General
Katawa Shoujo General #3330

holy shit
Gotta raid tthem for those sweer quads.
Also one of the /cards/ rregulars was a ttripfag in those tthreads.
She also got into a public rreply chain with notch on Twitter that day he talked about maybe buying 4chan.
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In fact, most dictators don't believe any or at least very little of what they say publicly
Because most dictatorships just want more and more power for themselves and that's their motivation from the start
Hitler didn't even lead the Nazi party until a fairly long time into his involvement, he didn't even go to the first meeting by his own choice, he was ASSIGNED to go there
not at least by the time they have grasped power
by 1923 he was the leader of the party
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Wasn't there a long time of involvement where some other fuckers were running it and just royally fucking up the whole "gaining support" part?
Maybe my history's shoddy here
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Well he didn't really get to use his influence untill AFTER his release from prison post his unsuccesful coup attempt in 1923
but he technically was the leader or infulential enough to be the leader of the party in 1923
why else would have he tried to seize power?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I don't doubt he wanted power
I just don't think it was the prime mover of his involvement
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Also helped a lot that nsdap was banned after his coup
and he refounded it after managing to deban it
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Banning a political party sounds weird as shit anyway, how do you even do that in legalese?
You can't just ban them by name
Do you pick certain tenets of their ideology that they're not allowed to keep?
No I mean the very practice of it

Nazi parties are banned here too, but what does that fucking MEAN?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
In the video, Higgins had used the atrocities in the concentration camp as an example of why the U.S. military "must be invincible."

“The world’s a smaller place now than it was in World War II,” Higgins said in the almost 5-minute video. “The United States is more accessible to terror like this, horror like this."

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They can't place any candidates
I mean, our constitution bans nazies and fascists from taking par tin elections, for example
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they have a checklist, if the party fills enough marks
they are asked to redo their party manifesto and agenda
and if not
Seems like the kind of thing you can just dodge and 'dogwhistle' your way through
...though I guess that's basically what's Spencer is doing as of right now
Though he doesn't need to, legally
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Pretty much, I mean that is what some True Finn politicians are
Oh yeah what was that thing about that guy getting to keep his spot or something?
Did he win out in terms of support in the party?
Your true finn guy
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Halla-aho became through party elections the new leader of the True finn party
but truefinn party was founded and practically was the previous leader's Soini's party
so him and his supporters just went "okay thx bye"
and they split into a new party
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Our GPS once told us to turn sharp right in a T intersection that only went forwards and to the left
To the right was a river
can you guys make a politics thread
They can do that and keep the seats?
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And their cabinet spots
it was really sketchy, but nothint outright banned it
similiar how people can get elected through X party and then jump into Y
though that is practically a political suicide
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
In Chattanooga, my GPS made me go in a circle like four times until we got really mad and Jan took over as navigation
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Hahah wow

I think the best is when our GPS goes "make a U turn"
U turns are illegal
Anyhow the ironic part here
is that Soini had predicted that the Halla-aho and his supporters would eventually split away
but they never had predicted that they'd grow big enough to clai mthe party
and they had to split off
so now there will mos tlikely be a good long court case about who OWNS the party assets
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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It does that here for illegal u-turns although u-turns are often legal too
one time my GPS told me to make a u-turn by driving across a median through a metal guard
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lol wut
u-turns are surprisingly allowed manuever
You know us Norwegians
We love our legislation
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Here if it isn't banned with a sign and shit
it is allowed
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I mean you're not gonna get towed in or anything if there's like no other cars around
But it's not technically legal

It's just that our cops are human beings who don't go "there's someone committing a minor offense with 0 chance of bad outcomes, get him"
U-turns are basically illegal aanywhere where they would be really useful.
I put my glasss down in my room and now I can't find them.
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There used to be a road where on friday evenings an dnights, you couldn't turn left, turn right, head straight or make a u-turn
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
megane megane megane megane megane
Glass or glasses?
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Regrettably it no longer exists
It is in a city about 120klicks north of here called Lahti
it has real weird road planning
practical rule is "if you want to turn right/left, you aren't allowed"
also they hav elike
20x the amount of traffic lights a city of that size needs.
and they are always timed like
>when the lights you are waiting on are red, the next one is green
>and when your lights turn greend the next is red
anad then there are moments when on a X crossing
and I mean everyone
even pedestrians
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I lost my megami
megami megami megami doko dess ka
Most of the
A bunch of the streets in bloomington are oneway.
I feel like its over half.
This one oughta ruffle some feathers
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update: actually 0 feathers ruffled
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pic of the crossing
red for everyone can happen for about 15-30 seconds
who knows
there is never like
>guys coming from left can go straight and turn right while at the same time guys coming from right can go straight and turnright
only one of those happens at one time
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
shkreli is no longer about to talk about his fraud case in or around the courthouse where he's standing trial
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
allowed to talk about*
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He has the perfect defense
He legitimately can not be prosecuted because he's hated by fucking EVERYONE
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
he can be prosecuted with relative ease because people generally do not know him or his face
his infamy is an internet thing
But that's why he's been unable to be prosecuted so far, isn't it?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't know i've never heard anything like that

he has been basically on trial since 2016 and he was arrested for this crime in 2015
yeah but what I've at least read is the trial keeps being postponed because they can not find a jury that doesn't already hate him too much for a fair trial to take place
It's like trying to prosecute OJ in a KKK town
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm like 99% sure that's just the propaganda that he's spitting out
it's not true
No I've heard that from like, news... things
I can't remember an article now that I think about it
Well I googled and found this
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
didn't it come out that the defense was basically informing those people about what shkreli was doing in order to make them mad though?
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That's honestly such a brilliant move I can't even be mad
What a bunch of fucking masters
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They are allowed to influence the jury?
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So what is shrekeli most lkely facing if he is found guilty?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
anyway, it wasn't postponed for it
jury selection is an arduous process that often takes quite a bit of time

there were delays because he had to testify before congress several times too
Considering his wealth, maybe a year in a 5 star hotel?
I think Kirara is right, reading about now, most of the stuff in the selection of the jury.
and that takes time
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That is what I was thinking about

shrugs of cause he rich
as if
Even if he went to normal prison, he'd be in a protected thing because of who he is
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>bullshits his way to norwegian 5 star prison
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the prosecution is aiming for like 20 years in this case
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If he comes here he better pay taxes every moment he spends here
Our wealth tax is bonkers man, we'd be happy to take him on those terms
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
probably not at a normal prison, no
not unless it was a for-profit prison
You have other kinds?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
people that are likely to be murdered by other prisoners are regularly put in with the regular prisoner population

uhh yeah
not all prisons are privately owned
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I actually thought it was all private
What's the distribution like?
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American has lots of different kinds of prisons.
They have that super max prison where every cell is solitary confinement
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>manowar song dark avenger has narration parts by Orson Welles
>rerecorded version 25years later by Christopher Lee
you always get surprising people in metal albums
You still ttrying to ddecide on what you wwant to ttranslate?
Cause I have > 40GB of random raw manga.
I could probably find something interesting.
Like Yankee Quest
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
apparently 7% of state prisoners and 18% of federal prisons as well as 75% of immigration detainees are housed in private prisons
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Send me something like 4koma ... actually whatever.
I'll see what I can.

If it is on madokami's raw list I'll look at it.
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 1000x750, C_3QwOtUQAECNzG.jpg)
I thought it was way more
That's not nearly as bad as I thought it was

Are there stats on recidvism rates in private v public prisons?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the united states has 25% of the world's prison population so it's still pretty bad
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't believe there is data on that that is reliable
The private prisons are pretty bad, wwell so are the public oones.
But the private ones can be pretty fucked up.
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That sucks, that information would be pretty interesting
Speciifcally for actual crimes though, like violence or theft

Recidivism of drug use is hard to think would be affected much by the prison itself unless each prison chooses rehab procedures
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
for the state of florida, recidivism in general from state prisons is 25%
Yankee Quest probably isn't, ssame with most of the stuff. Ill ssend it to you later about to get in the shower.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
recidivism studies are hard to do
Also anxiety inducing email written and ssent.
Yay me
throw that
nina something manga at nagi
You gotta be a bbit more specific than that.
shirogane no nina
Search [iqdb] (216 KB, 1006x925, Screenshot_20170705-164309.jpg)
Its being translated bby ccrunchy roll

It should be on madokami
no it is not
that is the same as not translated
Search [iqdb] (419 KB, 869x1080, Sakura (663).jpg)
And you think i use some nerd thing like that
it would require much less effort for yoyou tto get tthe existing translations tthan it wouod for peoppe to scanlate iit (for no rreal rreason)
Plus they should be on other sites too
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Madokami is just basically an FTP, no reason not to use it.
It doesn't have everything and perfect dark is a huge pain in the ass a lot of the time.
I thought it would be a match for you, considering how cringy you are.
He's probably ssalty because hhe ggot kicked ffrom the irch channel for saying stuff tthat triggers tthe worldfilter autokick bot
Search [iqdb] (408 KB, 847x1000, Sakura (867).jpg)
something with that cringy weeb name already disqualifies its usage
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (343 KB, 1280x720, 8e776e159e[1].jpg)
the english version of FGO translated the world tree to yggdrasil for a CELTIC character
instead of crann bethadh
I am cringy on the opposite spectrum
Wait, people put english manga on peperfect dark??
How many people know the alternate names for world tree aside that and yggrdrassil?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
most people probably don't know crann bethadh in the US to be fair
but even so yggdrasil is like
wrong to use here
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 550x805, 1302456791068.jpg)
I meant the raws but you do get some english stuff on the shares.
I thought the raraw directory on mado ggot frozen?
Also I usually use those blogs that automatically pull stuff from llike perfect dark, upload them to four ddfl sites and then the stuff usually gets removed pretty quickly by the dfl sites but like 60% of the time it will still be there.
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It is going to be reopened again.
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True dat
since what actually the world tree does, how it was created
and what its ultimate fate is differs from region and culture to the next
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they also translated the word necklace as
neckless, necklance, and necklace

all in the same paragraph
Those sites can be a pain.
they use horrible download hosts.
>you have to wait 1 hour for the next download on FREE for your rar.
Search [iqdb] (343 KB, 867x1080, Sakura (808).jpg)
Good work
Use a vpn, or llike tor or something.
That sometimes works. Also sometimes the bots put iit oon nnyaa (not sure which nyaa now) and seed it for llike aeek or so. w
Search [iqdb] (162 KB, 1279x1725, 1307174564505.jpg)
If I want raws now I just have perfect dark set up to quickly grab it or I buy it.
if it is on madokami it is nice or any of the random /jp/, /g/ /a/ ftps
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (827).jpg)
go translate a 2hu doujin
there are millions of those waiting for someone to do em
Well, it's a shame yoyou totold me that.
Because I'll probably start asking you to find stuff on there fofor mme.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Do any of you know that imageboard that dealt exclusively with touhou translation?
I remember working on stuff there but I forgot about it.
Can't remember tthe name though
Like pooshelmer or something maybe
That might bbe aan old dead one
I'll look for iit llater
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Didn't ask. Didn't say.
I know how she feels about dating in general. So I'm pretty sure that she probably never had that feeling for me.
But beyond assuming anything, I told her that I wanted to be able to say it without any care about the next step.
So I didn't really expect anything or ask anything. I just said it and then we went and got sandwiches and talked about school.
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ive never played any touhou game
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Good move
the fighting ones are fun, though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Well, in any case, I'm proud of you for telling her
I knew you could do it
Okay like actually bbl for real now.
I remember it now

Take care!
I'll try
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that place

I still remember back in 2011 when I began collecting 2hucomics, how they were quite hard to track down
nowadays all are on sadpanda and such
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I hope you're alright blue and still have a good time.
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I sure didn't.
But I couldn't let rook down
This was his ship.
of course, we're about to grab dinner. I just had to swap phone batteries.
I'm about to go back downstairs.
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Weird to think I had 100% of all sfw 2hu doujins on me at some time
now that % has dropped cause I havn't been bothering to dl every new release and rather read it on dynasty
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that post accidentally closed
How spooky
it's not as scary as it first seems
it's a little invigorating, isn't it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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ie, senpai
this is our ship
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It was still pretty scary. But Piano makes me comfortable so I figured I could.
I had enough time to get over the embarrassment while we were standing in line.
there's two i's in iie
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there's no i in team
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what was the ie senpai meme even?
Strike the Blood.
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is it worth drunk watching?
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It is pretty amusing.
The LN and manga is better than the anime
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the mc is already giving me a headache
/moe/, the LN
/moe/, the manga
/moe/, the anime
or /moe/, the VN
which would you read
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moe the anime, transcribe by you
why would an anime need a transcript
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No idea
but I am sure those exist too
they don't
I dunno, atleast tv-shows here are translated from transcripts with the translators sometimes never seeing the particular episode.
oh rihgt
those aren't transcripts those are just scripts
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I miss those rushed script based subtitles on shows though
they were fun to laugh at, since their quality or context could be really bad
Nowadays those rarely happen, as few years back all our translators banded together and said "give us some fucking working conditions"
and they won
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Well, today has been an eventful and valuable day for learning
I learned a bit more about the value in controlled opposition
And I also learned that you can't really measure the stupidity of my coworkers
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Oh and there was a new podcast from DC too, and it was theory week
The best week
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Oh this'll interest you by the way, TN
Kristi Winters posted a video challengin' anyone with a channel as large as or larger than hers to a debate
She's fine with people that are like, close to her, like a thousand subs less or something, too

She's only at 4.7K to begin with, so it's not like it's a big ask, either
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Whow as she even?
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I don't remember clearly but I think she was tangentially involved in the whole bearing doxxing thing
By which I mean she didn't do anything directly, but she made a video on it like, right after it happened or something
Which really, it's a 4.7K sub channel, so nobody really saw it, but it happened
That last sentence was very Trumpian
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I hope that doesn't become an actual idiom
Most of the time you just tell people to stop talking like an idiot.
if it does, people will not use it for what I meant
They'll use it for generic stuff rather than the specific thing I meant, which is his tendency not to finalize his sentences before speaking so you end up lik
"So you know, but also I think that, the thing is most rich people don't like me very much, I'm not a popular guy with them"
That thing he does where he changes the entire sentence mid-sentence because he feels he needs to explain what he's about to say, preface it with other information, and then he just forgets what he was initially going to say.

That's what I mean by it in this instance, but it'll be used for generic fascism, racism or borish expression
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