>>188241 like say you have a strawberry cake and it has 1 strawberry that is what I mean in icecream it just happens the most as you have a vat of 1000 litres of ice cream that gets mixed and then poured into 1l containers so the sheer factor of randomness can somtimes result in one packet containing way too many "tastybits" and some being practically void of them and that has happened to me now 2 times in a row with rum raisin
>>188266 is just formerly part of the landfill site next to it, and after they finished building the port it is adjancent to, they just went "so what if we gather all dis dirt into a hill and make it a nature preservation/park?" and they did it and just named it imaginatively "town-name peak" well there aren't any big hills here anyhow
>>188274 'deed there is a golf-course, the beach and the million dollah appartments lining up it and that is pretty much it well there is the pool/gym/etc sport centre but why would you build entertainment here when the city centre is just 20 min away with metro?
>>188304 I told her I liked her. She was oblivious. I said I didn't expect anything because of things we talked about earlier and we went and got sandwiches.
>>188304 if the content of the transcripts people order from me is client confidential i'm kind of wondering whether or not using the aggregate data for machine learning of mapping audio data (not words or phrases, just frequencies and perturbations) to input data would be considered utilizing their IP or breaching their confidentiality it is their data, but not at all the kind of data they're trying to keep confidential. just, since it's my job, it's an efficient way for me to map those instruments i'm not sure the extent to which a confidentiality agreement coveres. for instance, it's okay for a professional under an agreement with their client to make generalized statements about a case they have wouldn't i also be able to take generalized (aggregate) data samples? or, if i were to make a product out of that, would it count as profiting off their IP?
it seems like a question worthy of a discussion but maybe it's more clear cut than my insight would suggest
No. But even moreso is that she's busy and I need to do a lot of things So there's really no time for us to really bother with it. Distance definitely doesn't help.
>>188307 It seems like the kind of thing that may breach a confidentiality agreement to me. I imagine the data is only disclosed to you for the purposes of you transcribing it, right?
>>188310 Well, good for you for being brave and saying it! How was her reaction?
>>188311 She mentioned that she was kept awake by fireworks. She kept you awake too?
I couldn't look at her too much because it was embarrassing. But it was a lot like "wow, really, I didn't know." and "that's brave" and "thank you for telling me" She didn't give me a "reply" but I already know what it is.
>>188312 Yeah but to what extent does that apply? Like, for instance, it's common in the industry to say the sorts of experience you had. If I'm saying I have a client for whom I do market research transcripts, that's still a breach of information about the work I'm doing. If i were to do something like take audio data and make stat models of it to show statistical anomalies in pitch and frequency, do other audio-engineering things like that does that fall under anything they protect through confidentiality? I mean, it's not like any of the actual words are used, nore information about what's coming down the product pipeline for Bayer or changes to Google's new algorithms it's just data about data i really want to use this data (all anonymous from the source, investigating company, workplace, or even that it was something selected for transcription) and use it in a business proposal if it's not legit and i have to scrap it then that's like a couple months of unpaid work for me that i have to use to make it up
>>188314 I think there's a big difference between saying that you have the experience and actually using the data, isn't there? I would say that the line is at using their data. Using their data for your own stuff seems like it would be a breach.
>>188324 check out my waifu team they're both pretty bad IV's but i'm going to make a really nasty defensive team out of them for arena (if it ever uploads) >>188324 their data would be parsed and reconstructed to a different, aggregate data set that can't be traced back to them informatically in any way whatsoever however, the important aspect is that it's relevant to say that i got the information through my transcription with undisclosed clients, because that's relevant to the business prop
>>188335 No way, kuuderes and tsunderes are closely related. Both can be very sharp tongued, but kuuderes are a little more honest and a lot more calm.
>>188331 I totally am! When was the last time I had a tsundere outburst?
>>188336 It's pretty funny! It's like when one person can't sleep and they cause the other person to not be able to sleep. It's funny to wake someone up to tell them you can't sleep.
>>188348 You can be a little stormy! You've gotten stormy on occasions. Probably more than I ever do. I'm cyclical, but you get like that in response to your environment.
Also Moon, I am pretty sure that your data collection would not violate the NDA in its current form. IANAL though But if you can figure a way to spin it as being meta data, that should help.
>>188355 did you see my robins i'm really proud of them
Also, even though I got my comp fixed, I don't feel like using ut right now cause I need to install a bunch of shit and do custom settings and what not. I'd rather just lay in bed and phonepost
kirara asked why i would 5* my green tome robins but that seemed like a dumb question it's robin she's moe af isn't that reason enough i'm even taking them to level 40 each stage through so they get the extra sp to make them good
>>188367 good taste i think kirara 5*'ed both of his zephiels i guess he likes manly men more than moe robin
I got summer Frederick but he seems kind of crappy
>>188369 phoenix did a video on it i think he said summer frederick is really good i dont remember why though, probably just one of the skills and SI the rest
''twas a decent Swift 3 warmup at least interview went okay today didn't finish what they asked for, but weathered the review and one-on-ones
>>188435 Oh, that's good then. You have to do any whiteboard stuff?
Also I found out the otherday, that my friend had to do a fizzbuzz in Java as part of their interview at the place they got hired. They've had the job for over a year now though, i just found out about the fizzbuzz part the otherday.
>>188438 You make any progress in your secret Rust compiler?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
shrug fizzbuzz has its place fizzbuzz-like questions that is >>188439 uhh hmm yeah a lil actually I got something cool to work but it needs more bits glued to it to be useful
Err secret rust project
>>188440 That reminds me, the real purpose if fizx buzz is identifying people like this https://css-tricks.com/tales-of-a-non-unicorn-a-story-about-the-trouble-with-job-titles-and-descriptions/
Fuck, this is so funny every time I see it >I mean – I would be suspicious of someone who could solve fizzbuzz off the cuff. They are likely to: 1. have too much time on their hands 2. had too many interviews asking that question 3. be unsufferably arrogant 4. or all of the above.
Sam, you still here? I challenge you to write a fizzbuzz in Rust. Put it on here I mean – I would be suspicious of someone who could solve fizzbuzz off the cuff. They are likely to: 1. have too much time on their hands 2. had too many interviews asking that question 3. be unsufferably arrogant 4. or all of the above.
FUCK I DIDN'T COPY THE URL one sec https://tio.run/# There
>>188452 >>188453 Yes, that's how it works. I get to do five days of work in three this week. Unfortunately people don't stop doing their thing when I get days off.
>>188473 How much longer are you going to be in Thailand?
I have a bus ticket t o Cambodia booked for the 13th
Australians don't need a visa but you have t o show that you have passage out of the county. So even though they run like 20+ buses a day I booked the ticket way in advance
You ever been to cambodia before?
Yeah. Once. As a family holiday when I was like 14 This will be different though This is for school
I went to Cambodia for a school trip once I actually stil have like 20 dollars in Cambodian notes Which parts of Cambodia you going to?
Not even Cambodians want Cambodia notes Cold Hard USD
You gonna go to Ankgor Wat?
>>188483 Yeah. At the end Most of the time is gonna be in Pnonn penn though Because we're doing stuff with the cambodian police and the cambodian courts And that's all in the capital
Are you gonna go to one of those places where you pay to shoot at farm animals with guns and rocket launchers?
I sure hope so
I'm also hoping we get a chance to put on flak suits and disarm some landmines But they haven't finalized the itinerary yet
They sell these baggy cotton pants. And they usually have prints of shit like lotus flowers or elephants on them. They make you look like a complete tool but holly shit they're comfortable. That's the good thing about these tourists areas - you can dress like a fuckwit and nobody bats an eye because everyone else is wearing the same thing
>>188493 I accidentally pisted sometjing from the comment section of a blog post about fizzbuzz instead of the link i forgot to cipy
>>188489 It bugs me that it says "Akgor Wat" in that. *Angkor Wat *Akgkor Wat Fucking auto correct
I'll teach you guys another mnemonic device. To remember how to greet people in Thailand, just remember that Saw sequels weren't very good. In fact, I'd rate them a D.
Saw was D Sawassdee. There you go
>>188499 I still remember a lot of the weird mnemonic devices my japanese teacher had for the hiragana and katakana. But they're useless without the silly pictures.
>>188500 Yeah, because even when they're dumb as hell, they work
>>188501 I didn't need them though. Anyways the one for お was a guy playing golf or sometjing. And あ was a guy ice skating.
There was a TED talk from a guy who can look at how a deck of cards is stacked and he can remember the order after one look. He said usually stupid mnemonic stories is how he does it >>188504 Probably
Oh yeah, did you know that Australia has a feral camel problem? I found the government instructional guide on it and how to best kill them a while back. It came up as a result in a google search for a completely unrelated academic article.
Who needs a government guide? Just hit the cunt
did you know you can rehydrate dessicated honey to turn it back into bees?
>>188517 There's stupid legal shit, also best practices ffor finding them and other crap.
Camel farming is actually a pretty lucrative business. All the rich Saudis want our meat cus it's clean. (supposedly). A few ferals is just a price you have to pay. >>188518 That's just playing God
>>188520 It's not, a lot of them hve random diseases, I just can't remember the specifics.
hey the bartender gave me a free bar yuss bear beer >>188524 hell yeah i was just at a beach, standing in the pacific, waves crashing over my legs maybe you're standing in the same ocean maru
>>188539 rock and reilly's on sunset blvd its half dead if only I had picked Friday to interview maybe i would have a deito
>>188541 By the time I pick a joke name to ask for, you'll probably have left.
They use beauty parlors as fronts because brothels are illegal But i really did need a hair cut So i went in And none of the hookers knew how to cut hair.
>>188557 You're modest, sammers. A code-wizard superstar like you
I bet you're pushing them off with both hands
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i think marsh is playing good cop bad cop with me I'm scared
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Just message the cutest one and say "I want you in my hotel room tonight" or something.
Or "Hey baby, you want sum fuck?"
Try what they do here Chase them down the street yelling 'massage massage'
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
That just might qoek
or I could just hit a gay bar ez every time
i have so much meat
i've got about an hour or two before i need to bed i feel a subtle satisfaction in being responsible by only playing a couple hours of video games at most per day and a much stronger sense of dissatisfaction at the labor laws in my state for allowing me to work 50+ hours a week
about 5 or 6 sausages, mostly jalapeno and cheddar about 4 chuck ribs 2 grilled chicken breasts and a couple pounds each of uncooked flank steak, prime rib steak, and skirt steak
>>188604 Well not just that, what bugs me is that when its not synced it says "not syched" but when it is synced it says "synced". You should try to be consistent.
jodan jodan man i'm super glad rei is explaining all this technology to me
>>188620 Wowme2 Also the fact that people still use .tar.gz is silly. It's basically cargo cult programming but rather than actual code writing, its workflow.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>188618 lol I'm gonna draw a dick on your face in permament marker
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>188623 fuck that not if i burn my face off first
>>188633 if you recognize that you are shorting somebody as you are doing it you are kind of a dickhole but being a dickhole is important in life sometimes it's all a balance really is it worth it, is the real question
They are exploiting their workers So you exploit the capitalists back
it's important to eschew detached logic like this>>188636 and solely consider the actual effects of your actions do not forget to mind your self-respect though
Shoplifting is not a crime. It is a rebellion.
see that's the exact strings of logic you should seek to eliminate from your life it leads to inefficient choices
This was fake as shit Basically WWE
What can you expect.. This wasn't a proper stadium Just two guys punching on in a bar
Now lets see if it uploads
I guess sammers intends for mp4 to be short meme clips. This is like 30 seconds +
>>188642 R3: Lelouch of the blog /moe/ who here plays Mahjong other than moon.
403 request error string too long. Sorry, friends. Fate never intended yoy to watch two desperate thai peasants beat the shit out of each other in a shitty go-go bar.
>>188656 Isn't it Winter in New Zealand? >>188654 Do you wear swimsuits during Winter?
>>188657 Bang lives in New Zealand? Not unless we're swimming.
>>188659 Do you own a gun Is that why you're called bang
i'm in texas it's like 80F outside
at night
i have a shotgun and 12G shell within 10 feet of me i also have a .30-06 scoped rifle next to it but no ammo and it's a pretty shitty gun well i haven't used it yet but that's because it was a gift and it isn't a good model and i'm intending to return it and get something else
no the story to me being called bang is quite different from that
What's the story about you being called bang then Have you ever shot anyone with the shotgun?
no it hasn't been fired either as far as i know they were given as gifts and i haven't had the time or will to go to the range to be honest they're not very good recreational guns the shotgun is more like a home-defense weapon and the rifle is not of adequate quality to suit me
>>188666 not if i didn't have to i would probably yell something like "get on the fucking floor now" and then if he does anything but comply i'll have to make a split-second decision based on the immediate physical circumstances
Kanngers, bang-kun wants me to self sabotage despite my constant efforts to do right by him
what a bad friend
>I've met a shitload of prostitutes.. But you're like.. A better class of person. Someone i want take the time to u Nderstand. t
Will that woo her
Woo her into changing the shape of your fface with her fist ppossibly
Ayy Common I let out the worst of my autism on moe as a venting exercise.
But seriously , kanggers What's the scret pass woman pass code I can say to this girl I genuinely like so she'll look at me as more than something to be pitted
>>188724 well hard to say, but as feathery reptiles came first, and mammals too are evolved from some branches of those kiwi and its ilk are pretty much good examples of feather having started to become fur or a version of feathers that didn't become specialised to flight conditions
I'm slowly but surely learning how to use the photoshop There's a lot of options that you just select, and while they have options you can configure, the default will make a lot of things look really good by itself
>kasey chambers - not pretty enough starts playing on the speaker > it was just a folk punk band that recorded the whole song on one of theirs for some reason
Gonna watch me some Jim Jeffries cause he's got a new special I don't think I've watched much of him in the last few years, but this was on my netflix front page and ALSO THE AUDIO LEVELS ARE TRASH
>>188771 Nah each thing that got xenomorphed produced a deadly xeno with atributes from the host so xenoing a xeno should result in even deadlier xeno atleast to other xenos so ad infinitum and you make a xeno that kills xenos by just breathing
Yeah but all other things that got hugged were also not xenomorphs Which is what the species is designed for It's not made to copulate with its own species
Also really, what attributes did the xeno in Alien get from humans anyway? The queen looks exactly like it, just larger
I mean I understand that the whole "takes attributes from the host" is something that was added later because it went from one movie to a franchise But still
It seems kind of unlikely the queen there was from a colonist, cause like Queens get real old don't they, and they just sorta hang out forever
I guess technically it could have been born on earth and then MOVED there
But xenos are you know, placed around the galaxy by the predators, right, that's canon now?
yeah but why didn't the nostromo crew then see the queen? and why would the queen relocate to actually make her nest from the derelict to the power plant? and why would the engineers travel with a live queen anyhow?
>>188780 lol wut preds and xenos don't share universe
I thought they were Well in that case, who knows man
Alien lore is muddy
Uggggh, my mom wants me to go volunteer at a place that does stuff with developmentally disabled people.
guess it's just what mothers do
>>188787 I'd rather not do a volunteer thing since taking coursera courses wouod be a better use of time. Also dealing with developmentally disabled people is one of the things I wouod be least interested in doing, like I do volunteer stuff from time to time anyways.
>>188789 I just remember getting loaded and thinking it would be a fantastic idea to pour my heart out to this woman.. And I guess enough of me held back because I didn't send here anything And I'm super relieved
>>188813 Music festival I go to every year. >>188814 They aren't memelighters you chode. >>188816 Specifically Pitchfork Music Festival, which is organized by Pitchfork Media which is basically an online music magazine.
Hmm, of all the conflicts in history, I still think my personal favourite has to be the Tapin rebellion in terms of absurdity >guy declares himself brother of jesus christ and thus has best claim to be heavenly king of china >2-100 million dead
Well whatsoever, is weird to think that mughal empire was actually a mongol-descendant ruled empire. And the ruling family was directly related to Genkhis khan
drug users are really just scum i cant fuck with them anymore also atheists
Well that may explain where the decency in that Anno's mind all got sucked away to.
>>188845 also people who like "memes" and conservatives
Do you know why commies are actually the most honest political group cause they openly hate everyone they hate everyone who is not commie and they also hate everyone who is a commie, but not them a clear message of hate towards everything and everyone
I don't think any particular ideology is more honest or less honest. Human beings in groups generally have corruption and that // the form of that corruption changes from ideology to ideology. Humanity is probably just ineffective as very large groups and thus smaller groups work inside those larger groups and build up their own power and then cause disparity.
Well my view of political honesty is bit uncommon say you had two candidates one promised the usual things that politics running do and other said "I will give jobs to my friends and try to pocket as much of your retirement money as possible during my term" I would vote the latter Because of his honesty and if he isn't honest well then what did we lose, since he didn't fulfill his agenda of self-enrichment
You assumption is the both candidates will do the same thing, pock money and engage in cronyism. *pocket
Saying you are going to pocket my money as politician is just being blantantly dishonest. I am not sure I would like that. At least be competant enough to cover up your misdeeds and keep the country running while you make your profits.
If you don't give a fuck and just want personal benefits and aren't afraid of the consquences of doing misdeeds who is the say you'll even do you job as pretense.
Basically between questionably honest "good guy" and obviously ill-intentioned honest guy I trust the honest guy more
How did that go "You can trust the dishonest to be dishonest, it is the honest you have to be careful of" though can someone dishonest, be honest about their dishonesty hahaha
it's so hot havent even finished bringing in my groceries and i'm drenched in sweat
I'm watching a show about some USSR spies in the US during the cold war, I think Reagan was basically just elected And this guy, FBI something or other, asks himself after chasing a black dude "What does some guy in the hood care about a KGB spy?"
And like, didn't the US still not have equal rights at the time? They talked about marching with King earlier
Black people are the one demographic I would think would be the most sympathetic to communism at that time
>>188866 just chill on the side facing the sun im pretty sure that's also not true
>>188868 It doesn't have much or any of an atmosphere. Nothing to actually keep the air near the surface of the planet warm when there isn't sunlight actively warming the rock of the planet's surface.
>>188873 The day side of the planet reaches temperatures of up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit (427 degrees Celsius). In contrast, the chilly night side can get as cold as minus 290 F
It gets fucking cold on Mercury at night.
Yeah, proximity to the sun is not at all the most important thing
Atmosphere is. Which is why Venus is the hottest planet on -in the solar system because its atmosphere is a literal coffin.
I'd think one of the gas giants was
>>188874 We haven't always had an atmosphere though
>>188878 My argument was that its colder than any ice age we've had. And ice ages only started after we developed an atmosphere.
>>188877 Gas can be pretty cold and still be gas. They also don't have the same kind of atmosphere as rock-based planets. They also don't have the other factor in why solid-core planets can be so warm--having an active inner molten undercrust.
So would Venus--and I'd want to move there even less on account of perpetual acid rain.
For that matter if you want it to be cold so badly why don't you just fly out to Pluto. Wouldn't even have to worry about scorching hot days out there.
The army is already deployed. It is pretty amazing how much rain Japan gets, whole buildings just collaspe from the ground becoming no longer stable. But Japanese architecture is built with being easily replaceable in mind.
>>188904 You say that, but I've read like 500 pages of ethnology articles in the past few days.
>>188905 It's good that they have the army out there.
Ethnology is a branch of anthropology that looks at the characteristics between different peoples and compares and analyzes them.
I also started delving into some linguistic stuff so I'm probably going to die to this.
I am pretty into anthropology, I like reading about cultures and languages. I have a few heavy going books on linguistics for Japanese, and Chinese. General language morphology and historical changes to languages and culture.
Japanese is super interesting! It has such an interesting of Chinese imported culture and then in come the dutch, english, german etc who trade with them and their words and culture get enmeshed in interesting ways. Also the natural development of Hiragana and Katakana is interesting. It started off a writing system pretty much women only knew, men would only use Chinese as it was the administrative language. Aside from Man'yōshū anthology a lot of poetry was done in the Japanese syllabary system Not the say Man'yoshu didn't have poetry in Hiragana but most of it was Japanese pronounciations of Chinese Kanji.
>>188906 I mean once you're accidentally interested in something, the content you absorb is kind of secondary.
>>188906 You interested in comparative religion at all?
I found some interesting stuff published in 1909 about the Arapahoe regarding kinship terms and it was something that my team had never really considered in our research even /// but there was definitely a connection between it. But I don't have any liguistic background or background in kin relationships so I had to teach myself a bunch of stuff so I could really grasp it properly and then I branched out into the kin relationships of other tribes and how they're related or different and I was thinking about how we could use that data to improve the Indian Country crime reporting for FBI. Our stuff is already used in training agents for Indian Country posts so I thought that maybe it'd be easy to get them to incorporate new stuff that /// well, old stuff that I found and related to new stuff that we discovered through our research.
Ultimately I came to the conclusion that what I found won't be useful for that, but I learned a lot because of it. Especially about kin systems of plains and californian indians.
I don't like typing out too much, everytime I look back at what I have written it is always missing letters or words. It looks so horrifying.
I should probably type things out slower.
I'm listening to early morning Japanese radio and it has a bit about a foreigner speaking with a japanese translator. Apparently Japanese don't like being thought as gaikokujin even when out of their country.
>>188898 Hahaha is this actually a thing that happens in the game?
Well the Japanese translator was good at translating English to Japanese but his English by it's self was pretty stuttering. It is curious given how well he translated from EN -> JP.
Also ton is it just my laptop screen or did hisouten have problem with some attacks being practically invisible against the background like yuyukos ghost thingies and the final beamspam tenshi does?
I don't know why, but when it comes to the Rorschach, I can't fucking count.
I have a collection of 26 responses. Each response is designated as D, Dd, or W.
No matter how many times I count up the Ds, Dds, and Ws separately, I'm always one short. This happens every time I do it, no matter what I do. I have to ask my girlfriend to help me COUNT.
I must have some sort of mental block.
>>188930 Hinako Note is the only thing I'd say was good enough to recommend as a legitimately good anime. The others weren't bad, but they weren't like, great.
You should watch Hero Academia, though. Season 2 is still airing and it's amazing.
>>188929 I always have a problem counting the same numbers in a row. like 000000025, it is hard to count how many zeros there are. I have to work hard at forcing myself to count in threes to do this quickly at work.
Also my long time problem of dropping letters and words, I must be brain damaged. Maybe I don't breathe enough oxygen in.
is there anyone who can count the same thign in row easily?
I always use a calculator for anything but the most simple addition and subtraction. Which reminds me that today I was with a client and I whipped out the calculator on my phone and I had been playing granblue so Cag was right there on my phone.
>>188939 I use Excel for this way too much as is Everything on the bottom is basically an annoyingly long formula
It'd be a pain to type the sequence of scores into Excel too Plus if I can't count it, I'm probably not going to succeed in school so I need to actually do that properly (since excel isn't available in exams or anything like that)
I do pretty efficient formulas for work. I'm used to entry large volumes of unique data into excel at high speeds now.
Well a spreadsheet since I have openoffice calc only at work since my computer doesn't have a excel.
Hey, do you guys want to hear a funny story with a surprise ending?
Yesterday, Ika convinced me to watch a show named Netsuzou TRap - NTR, and promised that it wasn't NTR. Guess what? It was NTR! It was also a short so it went from zero to NTR in like two seconds.
>>188961 I told him that I was going to go to Canada and beat him up if it was NTR. So eventually I will get him back.
>>188960 He thought it was a yuri show. Which he wasn't wrong about, it's about two girls with boyfriends and this shitposter girl seduces the other girl.
>>188971 No, it goes against the rules of doujins for this to be doujin fodder. It's already lewd.
Most doujins come from series that are either incredibly popular autism series, like touhou or kancolle, or pure things that content creators want to be lewd. Things like gouchiusa. This show is already lewd so they don't need to make doujins of it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>188970 Gotta keep your yamato damaishi strong and ready to conquer the universe
>>188968 Oh wait, its about Gguys getting NTRed by lesbians? That actually sounds interesting.
>>189011 You should have thrown a desk at him instead of pushing him.
>>189015 You keep your calories up with burgers? that is pretty unhealthy! I thought better of you Kirara! You should be drinking avacado shakes and avacado toast and avacado bars
>>189018 How many middle school girls do you know that can fling a desk across a room?
>>189021 You don't need to fling it across the room, you just need to throw it like five feet tops. And I probably knew over a dozen. Well, that coukd tgrow it five feet.
I had an American girl join one of the maths classes at my school and she was so obnoxious and rude that she pissed off the teacher and then squeezed her breast together with her arms to apologise in a childish fake voice to the teacher and he throw a chair towards her.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>189020 Alright I have like one of thsoe cheap ass george four men grills and the burgers from that suck And we have a gas stove
>>189022 My school used those desk + seat combos. They were made mostly of metal. They were hard for anyone to pick up except for like high school boys.
>>189045 not true in most cases How did you do that mister did you buy meat ground beef is like 1 pound for 5 bucks that's not a burger by itself you fool
have you considered that you're lying to me? Because getting like 4 ground beef patties isn't a thing almost? Liek how are you getting ground beef patties, buns, and cheese, 3 burg worth, for 5 dollars you can't
>not butchering your own cattle and grinding the meat to make your own burger everytime you want one what is wrong with you people
>>189046 I can eat four burgers in one sitting. I can eat even more if I'm just eating patties.
yeah okay so that's 9 dollars for four burgers withotu cheese at this time You don't eat the cheese with it so that's okay I guess but damn you need the cheese my boy I like a burg with cheese Moreover, you need to make these, which is a big issue. >>189067 A naked burger is nothing to be embarassed about?
Doesn't ToN like his burgers without like anything? I would be embarrassed to order a burger with nothing on it.
I know a guy like that at work he always get everything plain, burgers, chicken sandwiches, everything it kind of makes me think he nnever grew up at all
>>189067 I would be embarassed to be eating at a restaurant with someone who is embarassed to order a burger with nothing on it.
>>189085 Well she wanted to go out but I'm like 90% sure she wasn't in love with me at that point
But that doesn't really matter because the fact is that you can eat waaaaay cheaper by buying food and grilling it. It's faster than eating at a restaurant and healthier most of the time.
Like there was this chicken wrap with lettuce I had once and that was alright but I ate it with lettuce more for the health factor than anythign else. I would prefer it not to be there.
Tomatoes are no good though, I've tried to eat them a couple times.
Bacon is ok but I prefer no bacon The crunch gets in the way of the soft burg
>>189088 oh that's how this one started of course it's cheaper, you don't go to a restaurant to eat cheaper than you do at home you go there for food someone else makes, not your own
I know someone who doesn't eat vegetables at all. They don't like them.
Apparently their mother forcefed them vegetables and now they can't stand any. He never orders anything with anything green on it at all. Burgers are just bread with meat between them no onions or anything. >>189095 Like you just eat meat or anything else but vegetables?
>>189094 Heh I don't eat vegetables very often, not because I hate them or anyyhing. Just because I find preparing food to be a pain in the ass so I usually do the bare minimum.
Sure it's cheaper in the LONG run but if I wanted to make a single burger tonight I'd be paying more I would have the supplies to make more burg But it wouldn't taste as good and I'd be out more money than if I wanted just the one burg from a restaurant.
>>189097 I don't know anything but the 1€ macs that are actually cheaper to buy from the joint vs buying ingredients at the store since a private person can't really buy in the bulks that you'd need to get the same prices or even eat that much food before it spoils
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>189102 then eat a burger tonight and then another in two or three nights from now
>>189101 my diet is perfectly fine most of the time thank you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>189105 Then comes the fact that I suck at making them
Also speaking of food, most people always frown at american food being really unhealthy and that jazz, but I find it really amusing when say a russian says that and is making traditional russian food... megaton of salt in every dish
>>189119 I'm 170cm tall and almost 50kg. I run like 12 miles a week. Minimum. Some weeks I run 15 miles. I've been on stimulants since I was in 4th grade, so I've always been unable to eat enough food because my appetite is surpressed. The more nutrients I can get out of less food, the better it is for me, because I can eat very much. If I don't reach my minimum requirements for nutrition, I start losing weight too quickly.
>>189118 That goes to "cheap food having wrong kind of nutrients" problem especially prepackaged/made food but when you do long hours, and can get easy warmup meals or something, why wouldn't you cut those minutes/hours from preparing food away?
I miss my high metabolism, my new medicine kkilled it.
>>189175 It just makes no sense they aren't genetically isolated enough to just have the perfect genes for it and they havn't been that tall for like 500 years or so, that their superb farming would've resulted in it just somewhere mid 19th century they went "Hey what if we were like 10-20cm taller than rest of europe?" and it happened
>>189178 I understand your love of flats a little better now!
>>189182 Wait, I figured it out. Because most of the Netherlands is below sea level, gravity is slightly weaker there. So their reduction in height due to spinal compression is less.
riki has a standard 5'3 form and a 2'9 umaru form >>189185 yeah, found some friends that I deem responsible enough to live with and we're renting a place
Yeah it would be nice here it is usually 1 per floor and very rarely there is like 1 per floor and then one bedroom, essentially the masterbedroom, has a bathroom of its own
>>189213 She doesn't really have too many pairs of shoes. She's not really the kind of person that wears a variety of outfits. She has one pair of heels and only because I made her buy them so that she would be dressed properly for her graduation and for job interviews.
>>189220 She can walk okay in them. She doesn't like, trip much or anything. She has really good posture and stuff. She had to do like, girl training or something like that. I guess it's a requirement for being rich.
She hates them and complains about them all the time, though.
I wouldn't mind if she wore them more often but ala.
>>189221 Walking in heels is like walking but only touching the ground with the front of your foot I bet it causes long term problems
>>189224 Yeah, I guess rich people are into that stuff. She can tell the difference between the spoons, probably. I'm too poor for all that stuff though.
She just is pretty functional in her wardrobe though.
>>189226 The spoons and forks are really easy to understand though. I don't know how people can not understand them. You really just have to eyeball them to know what they're for.
>>189229 I don't think I've ever actually been in a setting that has that kind of thing, so I don't know if I could tell the difference or not just by looking.
>>189226 >She can tell the difference between the spoons que?
>>189224 High heels cause foot and spine problems.
>>189230 People walk heel first. I walk ball of my foot first.
They can cause problems, but just because A got a twisted spine from wearing them too much, doesn't mean B to D got anything
so more accurate would be saying "wearing high heels icnreases the risk of back and foot problems"
>>189234 I got up and tried walking like that a bit, it feels a little awkward but not really uncomfortable I guess it's kind of what I do when I run but while walking I go heel first
>>189235 There's a consensus that they increase the risk of certain foot and spine problems.
Walking on the balls is pretty pointless, but running on them conserves your momentum pretty much all long distance runners run on their balls completely more spring effect
>>189242 Not sure about speed, but the conservation of energy is a thing pretty much all tribes who still run down their prey do the ball running for that matter
>>189243 It definitely makes you faster. I always start running normally and then switch to the balls of my feet and my speed increases a lot when I switch. It's just the way the body has to move in order to keep that going, it causes your speed to increase a bit.
>>189244 Uggh, my dad made me ddo cross country in highschool. It sucked, basicallyeveryone o. TThe team was an asshole. The people on the ttrack team wrre much nicer.
>>189246 I once considered gettign custom tailored "ball running shoes", but since I hate running anyhow... wouldn't even be that expensive maybe 100€ or so so about twice the price of decent running/walking shoes anyhow.
My parents had molded inner soles made for me because I was pigeon toed apparently but I was a dumb kid so I just stopped wearing them. Still though, I wish they had spent the money on speech therapy instead.
>>189264 >approach a group of people who block he entire corridor >slap your foot like you had flippers on so they notice someone is coming ¨this was my best invention ever
>>189270 The only ones that block corridors here are the international Arab students. They just stand in corridors and won't move even if you say excuse me. You have to push through them.
>>189268 What's wrong with flip flops? FYI I keep my toenails clean and ttrimmed.
>>189271 yeah why do they do that? all the "refugees" here just cluster around in the central railway station for no reason ever just solo or in small groups seriously, there are better plces to fill in like THE WHOLE FUCKING OUTSIDE
>>189272 I am too used to hearing people walking with them, slapping the back of them everywhere. and also people who wear socks with them. they are terrible people.
>>189275 And as added bonus there are like 1 security guard per 5 enrichers maybe that is how they solve the unemployment situation we need so many security guards to stations, becaue they loiter around them?
It was bit scary to get into metro when they hadn't yet increased the amount of guards Walking on an otherwise empty station, with 100-200 new arrivals just following you with their gaze man, I wonder how it would've felt if I had been a woman...
>>189274 Most flip flops can't be worn with socks. You need special japanese socks for that.
>>189303 If you'd prefer I use a different name I really wouldn't mind. Do you have any preferences in particular? >>189312 Agreedo? Or Maybesproinkgit gudsproinkagreedo?
>>189319 Back when I regularly posted or between the time I was away and came back? >>189321 You're one of myriad anons? I wonder how many anons we actually have.
I missed a lot when I disappeared. Gamma, Beta, Doge of corsica, Somewan, SC and some other are all gone or under different names. Alpha left when I was there I think.
It is nice to see a lot of moes still here though!
>>189324 but people have it so wrong in normal use it is short for "with regards" usually paired with "ystävällisin terveisin" so "with friendly/heartful regards" basically in this form "Message content ie. was a nice christmas party untill next time, yt. TN" is a quite formal thing to do, though
in internet usage it became as a way to sign something, basically to specify why you said something say "info dumb on specific subject. ie computer programmin t. computer programmer" or all of this with t. finn but then it started bit changing meaning over time, forexample flipping it around into an insult say someone made a post you disagreed and you then replied to them t. idiot as in "you forgot to add your greeting and title"
>>189330 Doge was a turbo creep that lied all the time apparently. That's what I've heard from people that know the inside information. I thought they were cool and they were the one that invited me to /moe/, but I've heard a lot of insider info that says he was a creep.
>>189338 Sorry. You said you get along with meanies so I figured I should say something mean. I'm sure you probably don't smell that badly if you shower.
>>189338 Yeah. I don't really like someone pretending to be someone they're not. Like if your entire /moe/ personality is just made up, I probably won't be too fond of you if I find out.
>>189348 >You think you saw the true horror of the ARMS >this summer prepare to face your real horror >when the ARMS RACE GETS EVEN FASTER, HIGHER AND WEARS HIGH HEELS >ARMS 2: LEGS >Where can you run, when the ARMS have LEGS too!?
>>189343 I think moe is pretty much the only place I'm open about somethings. I don't really have many people to talk to in / IRL.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>189350 Enchantress! >>189351 fifty fifty i got good signals from my last interview but idk if the panel likes me >>189349 thats silly >>189352 im scurred more scared than Get Out scared me which wasn't any I also watched Lego Batman and Colossal on the plane
I miss when scarymovies actually scare dme sure I jump at jumpscares, who doesn't fuckign that is biologically programmed into us
but I mean that actual fear and gut wrenching fear or something that feeling that sticks around when you after the movie ends have to make the lonely trip to bathroom in pitch black
>>189357 It is hard. I connect well with everyone but I don't form lasting connections with people easily. The only people that I consider my real friends are people I've met on /moe/ and I guess Fish.
Whenever I think that I want to do something, my first thought it, "I wonder if anyone from /moe/ would want to go with me?" or if Fish would be interested But usually /moe/ first
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>189358 existential horror is probably the thing that could legitimately scare me
Oh someone on // wrote to the radio station I am listening to that they want to be a precure. プリキュアになりたいです
>>189360 When ever I post I worry that it departs from the expected personality that people might have me and worry if I appear strange. It is interesting , I've had dreams about moe
I fell asleep once and dreamt I have a whole conversation with moes, I remember discussing something about mobages or something with Kirara. It was really realistic.
>>189369 Well, if you heard it from our favorite slut, just remember that his perceptions are very heavily influenced by his opinions at the time. Doge told him that he would look good with his legs broken and buried under Doge's house so that kind of changed his opinion a bit.
>>189373 Oh, do you want to hear a SHOCKING TRUTH about that diplomacy game? It was moon that reported us for cooperating behind the scenes!
>>189376 Oh, that's interesting. Well, I really don't know. I know Doge had some weird programming thing going on off moe or something. Doge kind of fell away from us after awhile.
The board was a lot different back then.
>>189377 Oh yeah It was Diplomancy! I completely forgot about that.
>>189425 No, it's the word nice that feels wrong. I'm not trying to say you're not nice, but I feel like it goes beyond the word nice. Like caring maybe?
>>189436 I miss saku. He was the onii-san to me onee-san. He made me mad sometimes because he was too rough with me, but he did a lot of things that I can't do.
>>189464 You say that, but you didn't know I was suicidal at the time! The only person that knew was Saku. I told everyone else that I wasn't considering it.
Like she had this japanese penpal thing going on for a while but she apparently decided to go out with them about a month ago >>189485 Blind wanted to get married like 2 years ago, could you imagine?
>>189482 Well, I'd say that I hope they get better but you're probably better off without her. It's better that this happens now rather than after marriage.
>>189483 It's good to have company even if it's in feeling bad. That was really a shocking year.
>>189483 Man, I was speechless. I was playing Tales of Xillia 2 with PAN and we texted you about something regarding her being a character in that game and then I got the news (since I didn't have much internet at that time back home) and I sat there for like an hour just stunned
>>189485 2015 was really a terrible year. It was just nonstop shit. Teacup died and then my closest friend group started immediately falling apart, and then my grandfather died, and two days after his funeral, Asuka died, then Saku died, and then more and more people died.
I legitimately thought that my show had just been canceled and I was going to get killed off.
I guess experiencing the good and the bad is part of being a long-term part of the community. Even though I didn't talk about it, I was having some bad times about the time I was running our game so it was nice to have moe to come back to to take a load off.