>>185366 Modern web browsers still support webpages whose filenames end in .htm even though basically no one uses that anymore. The reason is for backwards compatibility.
Huh, can't keep my eyelids open fur very lobg. Gonna go to bed Oyasumi
/moe/ how am i supposed to sleep at a time like this you kknow damn well im having girl problems
himo anyone home
I'm home but all the lights are out.
does anyone know how to throw a molotov cocktail properly just curious market research
Not a clue. I just figure you make sure it's a decent way away from you before the fire burns down into the alcohol in the bottle.
well the rag's more likely to go out than to burn all the way into the bottle the crucial part is making sure that it breaks to spray the flammables and give access for the fire to spread i think but i'm not really sure. it seems like it'd be really hard to do consistently
>>185378 Don't you just, you know, throw it? Is there a wrong way?
no clue tbh i've only done it a couple times
/moe/ my lady friend found a new man while i was trying to find out if i wanted a relationship with her or not its over
I think you just gotta use a fair amount of force Probably a good idea to put some stones in the bottle to ensure it breaks
Isn't the rag also soaked a bit in alcohol to help it burn too?
Well the rag is in the bottle so it gets soaked naturally
>>185385 i dont think alcohol is actually involved. it's usually kerosene >>185388 grats dude, dodged a bullet there >>185383 grats dude, dodged a bullet there
>>185389 damn right not moving slow enough for a horror story
Yeah alcohol is rarely used It does work, just not as well and it's more expensive to use than gas
Ah I see. I wasn't sure it was alcohol but I couldn't remember a better broad term for something that might've gone into it.
>>185392 why would you use gasoline i dont think ive seen that done >>185393 pure grain alcohol might work but usually it's just an alcohol bottle soak the rag in kerosene, i wouldn imagine kerosene to be a good catalyst but everclear might work alright would* imagine
I mean I bet other things are even better, but gasoline is super easy to get
I guess the NSA is gonna be scanning /moe/ a bit extra the next few days.
>>185394 One of the few things Everclear might work as a good catalyst for anything.
>>185396 Kirara is probably an nsa agent pretending to be fbi
no strings attached
im watching the last of us longplay this is probably a really bad idea i'm gonna end up feeling terrible
>>185401 Sorry to hear that Anno Better luck next time
>>185400 I've managed to keep myself pretty unspoiled for that game since I still entertain the thought of playing it at some point. It seems like an engaging game though.
>>185403 i won't spoil anything most of this first couple hours is gameplay though i couldn't spoil anything if i tried
I'm never going to play it naughty doggo is fuckin dead to me
What even is kerosene anyway I know it's a flammable liquid but what is it used for?
It's a hydrocarbon, produced from processing petroleum. Or something. Like most simply hydrocarbons, it gets used to produce flame , light, and low-scale, manageable heat.
>>185408 it's used for heaters and lamps and crap anything you would need something that ignites for a long time
>>185412 i would try to offer words of comfort but i'm no good at that i think everyone's better off alone so i try to stay away from the discussions so i dont offend people but that doesn't mean i don't recognize or observe the conern
>>185425 Pretty much. Kerosene is the English chemical name.
>>185411 If you've already found one girl why couldn't you possibly find another
i will spoil one thing though mc of this game doesn't know how to handle molotovs he just lights them and then sticks them in his backpack four or so at a time fuck
This autist person is so annoying I don't wanna know what you're gonna eat for dinner every single day motherfucker
Nigga waddles over like "you know what I'm gonna have for dinner today? Rice and ground beef" and expects some sort of reply I wanna fucking die
>>185432 Most games that have molotovs as a weapon end up with it like that too. First or third-person, whenever the player character pulls out a fresh molotov out of hammerspace, it's already lit and ready to go.
Mollies are real great in Rimworld cause fire can get really out of hand I throw one or two into my kill box at times and it fucks over the raiders big time
Good luck running away now, discount human torch
Molotovs also have a really cool feel to them because of their association with rebellion The state never uses mollies
Really the best part is that they ensure you accomplish destruction even if you die in the attempt
separate note, i was outside smoking a cigarette about 45 minutes ago which is a little past 1AM my time, and i saw a dude walking up the road being // having lived in st louis before that's my signal to go inside when it's 1:00AM, so i did and a few minutes after i went inside, i see blue lights rushing past my window and about five minutes later, blue lights back the other way. i went to look and seemed like a local community security truck, but now there's a squad of like 15 police on the highway and strolling into the neighborhood i think something fucked up happen >>185454 beer, rum, and a small side of semen
>>185453 What a strange part of the world you live in.,
>>185459 i sent my soup back, telling the waiter that it tasted like ass and he and the chef needed to fix it when i got my soup back it didn't even have urine in it what a waste of money
>>185460 it's the fourth of july in a lakeside community someone probably got drunk and went to go threaten their sister-in-law's ex-boyfriend aka their own brother
>>185498 do you know how to swim, blue i just happened to come across this part in TLOU where this white girl sayin she aint know how to swim i don't believe that's actually a thing is it even if you dont know how to swim you just float
People drown really easily from not understanding how to float. Even when it's still. People think they have to do stuff when doing less stuff would increase their chances of surviving.
yeah but these are still waters ain't like she in the damned riptides
People that don't learn how to swim never really learn how to efficiently tread and keep their head above water. They might be able to keep their head above water for a period of time, but they'll exhaust themselves or wreck a muscle trying to do it wrong.
>>185501 is your non-answer a no is that why you turned down the 90s waterpark roadtrip
and if your russian accent isn't spot-on you're fired
>>185511 my ex couldn't ride a bicycle i offered to teach them but they let someone else do it instead >>185515 it's been a while i'm rusty it used to be really salad but these days not so much i was really good at accents when i was on SSRI's for that brief period nowadays i'm too self-conscious though
yeah i'm bang what of it
how has that worked out for you
to be honest, it's been a rough and bumpy ride but now it's smooth sailing and i'm on cruise control to a peaceful middle-class life the class barriers are real but if you're willing to get the work done to break them then holy shit it's great
if i get my business launched and it's super huge like i dream for it to be, i wouldn't mind finding everymoe a spot in it i know it's not realistic but i like to dream okay kannagi would be my secretary bang on administrative management kirara on client outreach rika on legal tilde on consumer outreach rook on sales sammy lead program architect rei as accountant
>>185511 It's an extremely invaluable but non-essential skill in the modern world.
>>185527 industry solutions it's more product development than anything else guided by tech development, into product solutions for varied industries it'd mostly be free to the single user, like winrar, but accompanying benefits to companies who order company packages like integrated group workspace environments and regular updating >>185530 how about... you get to narrate all the kickstarter videos with your sultry voice and be the voice of the company
>>185540 Consumer outreach I don't have customers I'm not selling a service or product I'm providing a platform
POC phase might include data-gathering interviews with market research subjects later phases might be providing potential clientele communications needs i can't be on the phone with clients or they'll think the whole business is fuckin crazy
i'm really excited at the idea of running my dream company i would really love to do that >>185557 more like the kurzgestadt narrator R&D is the name of my game, so developing IP tech to provide industry-specific solutions then using that IP to capitalize on more profitable applications of the tech is my interest sales isn't selling a product, it's selling an idea it's selling the "we have what you need, and we're about to have things you didnt' even know you needed" idea >>185558 you know what they say don't get two birds stoned in tents or they'll be worth a bush in a basket
>>185528 so basically I get to be the allstate guy hell yes
>>185550 I really like creative works that are in tents. The more so it gets, the more invested I can get into it.
>>185610 Well I've felt bad about being manipulative for a while so I've considered telling you that I was for a while but this was a good opportunity to admit it
When I did 24 hours in a train in a room, that was so fucking nice and comfy But in coach? lol hell no
I did coach for 7 hours once and I'd do it for 24 You get more room than a plane Comfier chairs More power points
>>185617 there are trains with wifi now you could have came out net positive by working during the ride
This train's wifi didn't work until a few hours ago. Most of the time it was spotty Like the wi-fi is good NOW at 4:41 am lol Because no one is using it. I really should have bought Nier just for this trip.
amtrak wifi is shit
I had a $500 room when I was on the train Blue's on and the wifi is so bad
It actually is hardcore exploitation I would mind less if this cunt of a boss didn't restrict the use of stuff like music as though we were lighting up a joint or something
>>185654 i think you were talking about wanting me to go away and you'd be mean to me if you had to in order for that to happen and sugoi laughed at you and said ih dzx z // it was a bad idea
knitting always helps me when i'm feeling anxious calligraphy was a big one for me but it's probably less common with knitting, you get to give something to people when you're done so it's kind of a long-duration return as well i'm just sayin'
>>185676 >i don't think she'd enjoy knitting -words spoken by some individual who knows not the joys of knitting
you've mentioned before you've not much personal sense of fear according to the whatever scales i've always been neurotic about fear, and there's something really comforting in having something rhythmic to do i suggest it to anybody in times of stress generally practice your calligraphy strokes, knit, do something that keeps your brain on a rhythm and you'll feel better
sorry, it was just kind of an important lesson in my life and you know how i am always making a really long gigantic sentimental post moon why are you still typing jesus christ you knew this was going to happen and you did it anyway why are you still here you stupid FUCK stop trying to do anything for anybody you can't do it if you tried and nobody cares anyway go kill yourselves you stupid bitch
I just don't think it's the kind of thing she would enjoy is all. She doesn't really like work you do with your hands generally.
>>185679 i didn't either but because it was a kind of underdeveloped field, once i hit that point of anxiety and helplessness outputting that thought into an underdeveloped field where achievements are expounded on by your later-year developments and you havent tried it much since there's a lot of reward going in there and it really stimulates things fast when you're able to make progress where you felt frustrated before
i always had shaky hands and bad penmanship, never even trying to write nice got bad anxiety and fell into what people would assume an OCD issue by just writing phrases over and over in calligraphy in a booklet it just felt so good to be able to steady my hand and write something that i thought, "wow, that looks nice."
moon you're still doing it nobody cares fuck you idiot
i wish i could stop doing this
Calligraphy is pretty nice tbh nah Moon you're right
>>185686 let me unpack my notebooks this week and if i get around to getting through them i'll show you there's so fuckin many though holy shift i'd rather just drink the ink that went into writing those pages than read them i dont want to see how stupid i used to be
How come you are pretending to be canadian? You lose that australian tough guy appeal.
>>185726 >be brought back to life in 20,265 AD >your consciousness fully restored oh man what a miracle >you get a survey to fill out asking you about advertising messages "okay we're done with you" >your resurrection was only worth market research data
>>185735 I'll bet you're sometimes tempted to tell people that you're from a better state than Florida
>>185734 you gotta tell them you're studying abroad as part of a scholarship for children whose parents got trampled to death by mooses and that it's a pretty crazy story, eh and then tell them about nakednews and tell them that it's filmed in your hometown no doubt whatsoever
>>185732 >they even spell your name wrong on the forms
>>185743 I don't even know what you're talking about.
there's some britbong treat called turkey twizzlers i tried to get kannagi to explain it to me but apparently it's stuff for the trailer trash of the UK i have no idea what it's supposed to be
The Britts are pretty fucking bad too The chavs The lads Whatever they call themselves
Running around Yelling and stinking of booze
i would probably say i'm south african if i was traveling
I don't usually mind being Australian overseas But it's these party type places It attracts the worst of the worst And because in S/E Asia Australia is the biggest, richest (only - because when does NZ ever matter) western country around so all the fuckwits who can't afford to party on the Gold Coast come here
>>185759 That's pretty rude to Australians. Why the hate? Did an Australian do something bad to you in the past? >>185768 I just don't understand what nationality has to do with anything like that. What if someone just happened to move to Australia since their parents moved there while they were a kid? >>185773 But there are loads of non-Australian born people who grew up in Australia, so the effect of growing up there as opposed to somewhere else should be minimal.
The guy trying to sell me a little Styrofoam thing of rice for dinner told me it was 80 for one. 180 for two. How does that work? >>185813 I have a predictive app
marsh are you on laptop or have you gotten really quick at typing on phone
The worst part of today is I'm in charge of some fucking better-than-you asshole who is such a shit worker I am probably gonna have to explain to him why he needs to press the air our of the bags we're putting these things in Motherfucker you're 40+, pressing air out of a small plastic bag isn't enough work to ask why. Just fucking do it god fucking damn it I'm becoming right wing because of this fucker he deserves to be exploited cause he's a shit human being and lazy af
i took some stuff to go to sleep at like 10pm it's now morning and i haven't gone to sleep i have to work tomorrow (today) and haven't slept this is the kind of situation i feel really uncomfortable in
time to set 7 alarms
First nigga out for the break Last nigga in after by 10 minutes
I really feel like slashing his fucking tires I hate this guy so much Have some fucking dignity you piece of shit
>>185864 Where do you get these? Do you know these people?
>>185864 this isn't a tragedy This is a fucking... Abbott and Costello skit. What >the one that fucks her in the vagina >I thought that was the pussy >same thing >then what's the ass called?
>>185883 Of course! Now could you also tell me something else? What do you do in the game Monster Hunter? What's it about?
>>185885 I actually have no MH experience so all I know is that I think you like, collect materials for crafting or something
kill things, harvest dead bodies, craft things, repeat roll a piece of meat on a stick in between the intervals.
Oh, it's a real life in america simulator
>>185885 gather stuff for five hours then kill big stuff for three hundred hours
One more hour of dealing with this and I get to go home I almost feel like talking to one of our managers about this shit but at the same time I don't wanna be that guy
Trash humans who act like they're better than me piss me the fuck off
>>185892 We do, but that's not the issue, I'm sure they'd keep under wraps who said something I just don't wanna be a fucking snitch because I understand the desire to not give any fucks while working here I'm mostly pissed because if I put a fucking earbud in my ear they're on me as soon as they see it but this walking trashbag leaves for break 5 minutes early and comes back in 10 minutes late and anyone else would get shit for it
People have woken up and now my internet is sleepy.
I talked to the managers about the fucker They're aware already and hate him as much as I do Apparently he's quick to anger and shit, and since the boss is on vacation there's not a lot they can do
That said, if he starts shit I'll put him in the fucking ground
i went to class with my phone at 40% battery thinking i would charge it at school but now i'm here and i forgot my charger at home so i guess i'm leaving my phone off all day
RIP me Mike Pence found us we're all going to die Some breaker is shot The train isn't moving because of it. We've been on the border of Indiana and Illinois for an hour. ROSE WHERE ARAE THE KEYS
>>185954 my phone is off might go home to get charger in between classes if there's time but probably not
>>185988 More than me. The first eight Japanese MGX, the first four translated volumes (which is the same material I have in Japanese), the aforementioned Ito works, two assorted Japanese volumes of Yotsuba, the first translated volume of Nichijou. And I think that's it...
I mean I could mail order them but... it isn't the same I like wlking into a store and finding the books I want
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Agreed. It was also a bit strange, since it's been so long since I've been anywhere that sells books. So many things I didn't expect to see.
My favourite bargain is the 6 vols of Nichijou in finnish "Arki" it is just so weird to read that manga in finnish reading manga in finnish is quite blasphemous anyhow feels just wrong though finnish manga is like 20-80% cheaper than imported english manga I might get Magebride in finnish at some point
>>185992 How much is imported French or German manga?
>>185993 average price for english monga is 10-12 no french
>>185994 >10-12 That's like what is is here. It used to be 8-10 thougj. ;_;
Oh yeah, Sam do you know much about IC manufacture?
Also I remembered an old app idea I had that I put off making because I don't currently have the skills to make. So if you need another app idea I could talk with you about it.
>>186015 How's the work on your app prototype going?
>>186025 My daily list of manga! A new chapter of Golden Kamuy Tomo ha Onna no ko Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro Fire Punch Gakkou Gurashi! Boku wa Ohime-sama ni Narenai Etc
>>186032 I don't really read stuff that is licensed and thus droppe and even on the big licensed titles, they host the newest 6 or so chapters that are technically not licensed
>>186033 Rest in pieces dear kindle >>186034 Batoto drops shit even if it isn't licensed, they are so random rules going about.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
it connects to wifi and downloads stuff i can use the forward back page flip buttons to navigate the menu if only i could tap on a book...
>>186030 I generally just keep up with things that rrelease regularly, and then for things that release infrequently I go and retead all of it two or three times a year around new releases. Depends on the frequency though.
>>186035 Well it /if the scanlators don't want it hosted there, they don't so it just is like that I don't think any monga I have read has been dropped aside licensed
Oh and I don't have much of a manga backlog. Mainly because I read just about all of it My biggest problem is finding things to read.
I had a very large manga backlog over a decade ago. But I've pretty much finished it. Really most of the stuff on it are things that are impossible to find digitally and hard to find physically.
Ah, but I'm not including stuff that hasn't been translated as part of my backlog. I would need to sit and think about how to define that list.
I have a whole bunch of books. I have too many for my shelves. so they pile up around
>>186051 Wowme2 Although right now most of my books are still in boxes from the move. One of my bookcases broke during tge move, but it is stiol in the way.
hei reiski did you listen to metal?
>>186053 A bit, I was never really into it but there are a few bands I stipl listen to. Mainly Mastodon. Oh and there's this really cool proto metal compilation I have.
>>186061 but what I mean here is about subject and such manowar is one of the first bands to have that fantasy theme in lyrics and such and in album art too the whole fantasy metal didn't really kick into high gear untill 90s afterall
>>186065 So actually that proto metal compilation tthing I was talking about. Is a compilation of stuff like tthat from the early 70's. I'm really digging tthis album though. Also you like Metalocalypse at all?
>>186071 Adult Swim cartoon about a metal band. It was really good and had a good soundtrack. It got canceled though, but the people who did the music still do stuff under a different name.
>>186076 The art is great as expected and the pacing is probably better than the original, but I was getting pretty far in and wasl ike "wow I wonder how they're going to fit the end of it in what's left" so then they reach a certain part of the story and just stop The real ending is never reached and the main conflicts aren't technically resolved And I was like "what" but then I realized it's all a ruse People are going to go online the first time they hear about this through the book and be like "this ending was kind of lackluster nothing happened" and they'll see all the comments from people who played the game saying "wow they sure left off the ending" And then they'll go play the game and witness the horrible things
They even had the sea of death spooky eye bullshit and it's not resolved it's crazy
>>186074 The whole thing is a pastiche of metal culture. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metalocalypse
>>186078 doesn't seem something I'd like also in case you didn't realise, that song is about troy and especially tale of achilles part of it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's all just a ploy to make you play the game, what a genius
>>186081 My dream is to make a karaoke version of it so far the longest things and most "wait why is this a karaoke" are a 16 min 50 sec finnish song which is about 40% instrumentals and ACDCs Let there be rock, which is about 80% solos oh yeah and our karaoke club has a rule "instrumental - drink"
>>186083 Tired from work! I think I actually broke one of my little toes since the swelling has gone down and it looks pretty misaligned, but doesn't hurt anymore.
>>186089 Well it is clearly doesn't look normal compared to the others.
Godspeed You! Black Emperor stuff might be good for that.
>>186087 feel around and poke it you should feel and especially FEEL the pain if it is broken >>186091 it needs to be atleast somewhat well known shit, though otherwise it is just annoying manowar is bit pushing it already
>>186089 But if they didn't care about the book release it wouldn't be this well drawn or written better! It's the same guy for both art and story, and I'm assuming it's the guy who made the game!
Well that what my mom reacted like. >does it look serious My mom then seriously looks at me and says >It just means your toes won't look nice anymore! Like that is a priority at the moment.
>>186130 I used to translate a bunch of things with groups but I kept being antisocial and drifting out. I think I've pissed off a lot of people!
>>186132 That happened to me sort of. I did qc, editing and some translation for a group. I was only supposed to do like two chapters but I wwent and edited the *through like 12 chapters.
>>186134 Does she usually reply by this point in the day?
I asked her if she was cool with you when I got home like 20 minutes ago and she said yeah so I assumed she had replied to you.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>186136 They tossed some joujin at me. Wow, can't spell. Doujin. I knew it looked weird but rolled it with, stupid hands. So somewhere exists a lewd thing with one of my internet names on it.
>>186149 Well, we technically started the exposure the day she agreed to do it, but we are going to do the VR part today. Or start it, at least. How far we get depends on how well she does.
>>186152 In exposure therapy, you habituate the client to the feared stimuli by slowly introducing the stimuli at different intensities. You often want to start with imagined stimuli, although it depends on how bad the fear is. So we started by imagining talking to a /// Well, we started by imagining being in proximity to a stranger, and then when she could do that without freaking out, we started imagining asking a stranger for the time. Today with the VR, we will be having her be in proximity to a stranger through the VR and then maybe have her talk to them depending on how well it goes. If it goes really well, we can maybe have her be around multiple people.
>>186155 According to the admittedly limited research on VR exposure, that knowledge allows the person to feel safer and more comfortable, but the brain interprets what's going on as if it were real life, when using the VR and directed by the therapist. Because of that, the brain can be habituated to the stimuli without going full in-vivo.
Doesn't the knowledge that the person isn't real make it ... I don't know the word for it. I am uncomfortable with real people but I can play video games well enough.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>186154 So it's a bit of a step between imagined stimuli and real stimuli?
>>186156 It can depend. Research thus far focuses on VR exposure as a complete replacement for in-vivo exposure and has shown that it can be equally effective as in-vivo. Some studies have shown it to be even more effective than in-vivo, which is attributed to the safe environment, although I personally don't think the studies that showed that were good enough to convince me that VR is better than in-vivo by a significant degree.
>>186159 Clients generally don't find it fun because it's so anxiety provoking. I don't really enjoy doing it with Fish because I very much dislike seeing her as uncomfortable and scared as she gets.
I might enjoy doing the treatment with a stranger because being able to watch them squirm and get scared is exciting to someone like me and will probably make me feel pretty dominant.
>we will be having her be in proximity to a stranger through the Amtrak and then maybe have her talk to them depending on how well it goes. >According to the admittedly limited research on Amtrak exposure
>>186160 so you got a vr set for this? or is it borrowed
>>186164 I can be pretty stoic when I'm in my professional mode.
It can be hard not to grin when something really interesting happens, though. Being stoic and not grinning when something good happens actually feels really good so I don't mind that happening sometimes.
>Kirara >>186166 You make me think of that trope where a character is usually serious but then their S switch is flipped and someone goes "What's up why are you smiling" and they are seen holding their faces with a huge grin and swirly eyes, Kowai yo
>>186169 My S switch is always on! I can't help it. I instinctively try to gain dominance in nearly all of the interpersonal relationships I go into. I make conscious efforts to give up power in relationships so that I don't monopolize the power differentials!
I hope you aren't the type of person to keep hold of the telly remote and when someone wants to change channels you hold on it tight and say you'll change it for them.
Something like that is super petty and I don't really care about it, plus, giving up the remote actually increases your power differential, if you're asked to give it up.
>>186173 I don't get people who do this, it does nothing but make other person mad. I am perfectly capable of operating a remote. It is the same with a lot of things. Like tell me the location of the files on the computer. I can do the work myself, I don't need someone to do it for me!
I want to kill people who won't relinquish control.
>>186175 Cause whenever I give the remote to the other person to do i,t they take like 5-10 secs to do it so >i hand remote 2-5 secs + 5-10 secs 7-15 secs wasted compared to >I change channel 1-3 secs
>>186175 It's pretty ridiculous. People who are obsessed with control are like that because they always feel like they don't have control.
I always feel like I have control, so I'm happy to give control to other people. People who can't give up control are generally just insecure and scared of facing their insecurities. They feel like they need to gain control over everything they can but they still feel like they don't have control. It's almost funny how sad it is.
>>186177 yeah the shittiest part is you are like watching channel 18 and they want 3 and then they go through all the other channels to get there
>>186175 >be 9 >go to friend/cousin/etc's house and play video games on the snes >here you can be player two >i always have to be player one, so you can be player two >instalocks ryu and chooses all the settings, map, track, and whether or not we rematch or just go back and reselect fuckin hated shit like that too
>>186178 The opposite is pretty difficult to deal with too. People who give away control all the time, never make decisions or just listen to everything I tell them and when they had done the task they just sit there.
It is like some people are just afraid to task themselves. I had to manage people so much in my previous job. Like please figure out your job. >>186180 These people need to be slapped hard.
>>186180 And they'd always give you the shit controller
Speaking of fighting games in modern fighting games how the winning player has the "chooses to rematch or reselect" characters is weird but then p1 anyhow chooses map and settings once back on the menu... and moreover why is it always defaulted on rematch who actuall wants to rematch with the same characters?
>>186182 wouldn't matter that much for snes but when it came to mario party and you get the one with the borked analog stick and it came to the paddleboat game fuck that noise
>>186181 Lots of people have the insecure belief that they can't do anything right without other people, so they just give up their autonomy and leave things in the hands of other people. That one's not quite as funny as needing control, probably because it's more passive.
>>186186 It is difficult though, they can be nice people but they are just wasting their capabilities. and they could get fired if they just sit there and don't figure out what to do next.
I don't know how they mange to stay employed sometimes but they produce next to no results.
But seriously, who does a rematch with same characters immediately after?
>>186190 for something like blazblue, the map/song is just purely aesthetic and guilty gear but there's some really great tracks so it kind of makes it fun when you do lose and you can put your jam on >>186193 aw i thought those were sheeps in the background but they're just big stupid rocks
>join this service to talk to me >join discord >join skype >join etc I hate it when people force you to join something you have to make an account on. Please just use one.
>>186208 I hate things like that. I don't know what people mean when they sharp or whatever. I don't know the difference or the threshold where I should consider it one or the other.
>>186209 I used to get chest pains a lot in my early teenage years. They have mostly gone away.
I have a new pain I just noticed today actually. At the base //left of the base of my thumb of my left hand my skin is really tender and painful to the touch.
I doesn't affect me much at all. It is just is unexplainable
but no it feels like it's radiating from the back into the chest if that makes sense not the chest muscles
i try not to complain about pain too much but the last couple days ive been in a whole lot of pain i woke up a couple nights ago in a deep cold sweat and tried to stand up but started convulsing when i stood up i wonder if i got some food poisoning or something, because something hasn't been right the last few days maybe my liver finally shut down
it's taken me about six hours so far today to do what should be three hours of work it just hurts so bad to sit in a chair but if i lay down on the bed, it hurts to breathe in, not sure if it's sore muscles around the diaphragm or my lungs >>186221 i aint lettin nobody check me out
I get 3 retweetsn from accounts with nearly 1000 followers and all I got to show for it is 11 likes, 3 which are theirs? this is rough Twitter is rough
>>186229 It's possible but it's not raining right now and it'll be a little while until the stuff near Orlando reaches Melbourne.
>>186231 It's the rainy season in Florida, yeah. We get 70% of our rain between May and October.
>>186228 hmm how did the currents go there? florida is rainy right?
>>186230 i was just trying to recall how the currents went there like say england is rainy, because the sea currents and shit happen to mix there quite well and cause all dat rain but otherwise it wouldn't rain that much, despite being an island cause is quite flatlands and if I am not wrong florida is quite flat too
>>186232 Yeah, Florida is pretty much completely flat.
>>186234 yeah the gulf and caribbean currents did the loopydoo right there but still the "cold air" well relatively cold front is bit further away oh well guess that goes to winds and whatnot is not like I am a meteorolog
>>186229 So Fish is worried that she is letting you down because you want her to do the window thing but she is too afraid to do it, and since she feels like she's letting you down, she doesn't know how to respond to you because she thinks you'll be disappointed in her and that scares her.
>>186238 Oh, is that what that's all about. Just explain to her that I was trying to help and that I'm a patient person that doesn't get upset or disappointed about that kind of thing. Well, you know what kind of person I am.