Thread #185417
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fate knights and magic keppei danshi I don't really know what any of these are. Though I have a good idea of what Fate's all about.
Yeah I was gonna say. Knights and Magic is a sort-of isekai with a trap MC. The last one is some kind of sports series I think, with a germaphobic or OCD MC.
I dont really wanna watch Knights and Magic its probably a rehash of infinite stratos
could try it though
Search [iqdb] (33 KB, 283x448, [Doki]_New_Game!_-_01_(1280x72(…).jpg )
We may as well try it. Let's start with keppei danshi ikaaaaaaaaa
Ready. Eager fingers. He's not online where I can annoy him.
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I accidentally closed it. Are you there ika? okay everyone is ready let's start!
I think most germaphobes would have a hard time even getting in to team sports. There's too many chance opportunities for physical contact and getting dirt everywhere.
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 623x717, [Doki]_New_Game!_-_01_(1280x72(…).jpg )
Soccer seems like a hard game for a germaphobe.
this one probably won't be hotblooded
This is a fun character for Koyasu though.
>>185441 It seems to be going more for eccentric characters instead of hot-blooded ones.
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Sports shows are best when hotblooded.
Sports isn't really a genre I find particularly memorable, and hot-bloodedness and eccentricity are about both okay by me.
Hah hah hah. This ED is parodying old-fashioned soccer anime styles.
nice endinf
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [Doki]_New_Game!_-_01_(1280x72(…).jpg )
Maybe it will be good. It was fun at the end. okay let's do knights and magic okay lets start!
Whoooooooo. Totally excited for this. Completely psyched.
that voice doesnt match
Fucking RIP.
That was the most underwhelming car/truck scene I've seen in a while.
when does New Game air?
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Gundams from nowhere.>>185469 I don't know.
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Look it up yourself!
>>185469 I would expect it would air some time for fansubs to be out by Sunday night. Since that's where previous Dogakobo shows have had a timeslot. But I guess that's just a prediction and not an outright confirmation.
this show didnt have to be stupid isekai
>>185477 Yeah it didn't. But if they didn't they wouldn't be able to do this cheesy "oh it's like a program" stuff.
This other guy looks more like an MC character.
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Ernest looks like he should be a girl.
But then they wouldn't get to pull the trap card.
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I wonder if he'll grow up to be a trap or a bishie.
Age twelve and he's still pretty feminine.
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Wow he looks even more like a girl now. His eyes are girl eyes, you don't often see those on male characters.
Like LOOK at this other guy. He looks like any generic male JRPG character.
I guess they're only students in training but they're kind of dame dame.
The names in this show are kind of cringe-y to me. They're in that dead space between "generic but accurate" names and "creative and over the top" names.
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Robots using magic staves is weird.
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okay let's finish up with fate okay let's start
At least this is a safe bet for entertainment.
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It's not good to make fun of fakes in the nasuverse.
Well I think Mordred is a fate Arturia anyway so it's kind of ironic.
is this the N Ln
He grows into such a respectable young man.
>>185543 Apocrypha is a Fate LN, yes.
>>185547 Waber Belbet.
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He sure did find a hidden store of testosterone.
I think Waver was about the same age as Shirou is when Fate/Zero takes place. So there was still a chance for his second puberty boost.
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Isn't Shirou like 18?
Well "about" is meant to be non-exact. Since I don't remember Shirou's age reliably in the first place.
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Yeah, Shirou was 18 in FSN.
>Having to count on your fingers to add seven and seven
Necromancer's jacket looks a bit like a sailor uniform top from the back. Also he's smoking the same cigarette brand that the red-haired magus from Kara no Kyoukai smoked. That's a funny little nod.
All the Magus that end up pursuing the Root the serious all kind of look alike.
The most seriously, even.
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 570x607, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
Too bad Caren isn't in this one.
I saw the trap.
Well my PC froze up halfway through the OP. Guess that works out well enough though.
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 470x513, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
thanks for anime kind of an underwhelming group of shows tonight