haha just got to the crate hands dude in samumenco totally forgot about that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Go to mcdonalds >Order mcgriddle, bacon/egg/cheese bagel with extra breakfast sauce, chocolate milk, orange juice >total at window is correct >get bags >get home >check >mcgriddle, chocolate milk, orange juice, extra breakfast sauce, but two bacon egg and cheese biscuits ???????????????????????????????????????????
Samumenco is so brilliantly written it starts off just subtly increasing in how crazy it is never pushing it enough for you to be like HUH and then it's just like BAM and it starts hitting you with nonstop escalations and shark jumpings
It is really nicely done. you just don't expect it and it keeps up the pace so you feel like you need to watch each episode!
https://open.spotify.com/track/3Gu6VPA4aHaGSpoNgiPWFg if your dad doesn't have a beard, you've got two moms - the beards from their album beards beards beards
Hmm you seem to have never really had executioners I guess the whole "execution inside prison" gave enough cover and anonymity for the person doing it, that the shunning never happened.
I say executions should be public that way you can't hide it would make you quickly question the morality of it >>184697 basically would lead to this quick also the president or whoever orders them should be the executioner
Like stories about games of chance, or games of out meta-thinking the opponent. Outwitting is fun too but it's best when everything is up to pure chaos.
Like C - Money of the soul and possibility control?
>The year is 1863, the tumultuous samurai era is coming to an end. Japan is split between the pro-shogunate and anti-shogunate factions. The fate of the world is threatened as an army of historical revisionists are sent from the future to alter the course of history. In order to bring these forces down and protect the real history, two sword warriors, spirits who are swords brought to life by Saniwa (sage), rush to Edo with a lively gang of warriors to confront the invaders. holy shit what anyone watching this?
>>184714 We checked out the first episode last night. It's an adaptation of that fujobait Kancolle game. The one with the boy personifications of swords.
The actual show was pretty well-animated, since it's ufotable and the company behind the game is probably throwing all those fujobucks at the project. But it doesn't quite have an engaging hook yet.
ooh then nope
Also I should note that while it is fujoshi bait it doesn't really seem to have much gay material anyway. Just a lot of pretty boys.
>>184714 wait isn't // that sounds like the anime where the famous swords become human and fight off history revision things Didn't that air ages ago?
>>184718 The game got two animation projects announced at the same time way back. The first one was animated by Dogakobo and was more SoL-y and cheerful. This one that's airing this season is animated by ufotable and looks to be more action-y and takes things a little more serious.
>battle girl highschool that must be qualit...
oh silver link is doing 2 animes this cour quite impressive
Oh hey, UTW has risen from the dead (again) to fansub Apocrypha.
I love starting a drinking session by watching a stand up comedy or two and drinking as I watch it gets you nicely warmed up and in good mood to do anything
It is better than you use it buy something nice for yourself. I could buy it but I'm being frugal. I'd feel bad if I got it from other people as a gift.
Todd please just give us a new Elder Scrolls. Stop re-packaging Skyrim.
The ARMS online is kind of neat. You enter a pool of a group of people and randomly get matched up into groups of up to four for matches. It's a bit like a fight club.
it's definitely a rest weekend for me there's plenty of room to have fun in my dreams been waking up with cold sweats and shaking heavily all week my body needs to get back to normal
>>184775 going to church, taking a few people from your church group to the bowling alley in the afternoon and getting cream sodas and a cheese-stuffed pretzel
>>184782 She's pretty into it, surprisingly. She thought it was pretty funny until Gorilla-chan showed up. But her face when that happened was really amazing!
>>184787 Is just a thing in Vic2 do you join prohibition or not you will anyhow eventually, like historically happene dbe forced to practically remove it
But I kinda doubt alcohol really actually hurts productivity of society more over, I think it raises it a bit.
Are there illnesses that fuck directly with the input of your brain? Like I know you can hallucinate, but I mean something like You SEE a thing, it's actually there, but your head renders it as something else?
>>184821 https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/27/opinion/im-glad-the-dyke-march-banned-jewish-stars.html here's for you >>184822 sk remember our new true finn literally hitler politician turns out he is top contender on polls to be next prime minister
I remember seeing a bearded, hairy legged Sailor Moon crossdresser when I went to Anime North a while back. He actually showed up multiple years even. It was a funny thing to see really.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>Kemono Friends changed my life. Anime, PokemonGO and lewd tweets. Expect depression. Polite Traditional man.
I think the most "wai wha" moment I have seen in my life, was when some crosser guy won a cosplay contest and hadn't said anything so far so when interviewed suddenly a real deep voice starts speaking the whole audience had a loud "huh?" moment
I grew a lot more smokeleaf, the game's version of pot, than I thought I would I have 600 units 4 units make a joint I only have 5 settlers
Not in the freezer, but if it's not frozen it deteriorates in about a year and a half if it's roofed Dunno about unroofed, I grow everything inside because it helps against eclipses and stuff
>freezer that would actually ruin a plant like that it should be dried
>>184850 Well I guess you gotta make a pot freezer.
>>184851 Yeah, but that sort of complex mechanics can some times turn people off a game. Just having a single magitechnology preservation area is usually enough.
Otherwise people would just be playing Dwarf Fortress.
>>184852 IT already is in the freezer, along with a bunch of rice and potatoes, some meat and 4 dead aliens I'm not allowed to slaughter it sems
Oh they get to keep the skills? I noticed in the mod of med2 i was playing, that if I make enemy genrals defect to my side, they lose like 95% of their skills... Well in that mod to make it harder, AI gets only god generals, which is bit... stupid takes some immersion away
Yeah the skills are just that character's abilities to do stuff Their smarts and stuff
oh images died http://i.imgur.com/ebDYqbd.png This poor fox has been like this for almost 2 years now He got completely demolished by a hostile animal, which also ripped off Engie's feet, both of them She's got peg legs now
That animal actually fucked up everyone but Maddox, who broke out and got all the animals who followed her around to take the brunt of the damage until backup showed up Didn't lose any animals that time, except a bunny and a turtle I think
Then I opened the door to an ANCIENT EVIL, which killed just about all my animals
Everything's walled off, too There's a path there on the right for entering and exiting, and that's almost entirely for the sake of making it hard to assault my base There's sandbags on the inside for cover, but it extends so far the raiders can't hide and cover behind the other end cause it's out of range So they get clipped down while advancing
Speaking of raids, here come 6 mans with clubs They're in for a rough awakening I've got 3 people with assault rifles, 2 with moist nuggets, and one person wielding a spear because she refuses to use ranged weapons
>>184898 Yeah, she's really hyped up about it. I'm really surprised how much she likes it. She's been laughing a lot too which is a nice change of pace from how sick she's been.
We usually eat around 6:00 or 6:30 but we have dinner reservations.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Blind went out to eat with her parents They were going to steak and shake so I told Blind what I wanted Then they went somewhere else so I told her what I wanted from there But then that place closed at 4 so now I get leftovers.
I'm gonna try and punch air for a bit every day or the week or so.
Shit yea I have a new alpaca WOOL TIME
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>phone starts downloading an update without being prompted to 5 minutes before i want to leave for dinner and my phone isn't fully charged
My phone defaults to telling me there's updates to download and I have to download them manually. It's pretty nice.
Though it'll auto-update apps once it's plugged into a charger. Which is also kind of nice since I don't really ever have a reason to not keep apps updated.
hahah All my people are asleep, and I decided I'll administer a joint to the prisoner I have And the game's like "1 patient is avaiting a medical procedure" I'm giving him a JOINT
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
like riding a bicycle
>>184913 I could probably skate again and I haven't been on skates in probably close to ten or twelve years.
I guess I'm going out without a phone. How anxiety provoking!
>>184915 Ehhhh You just got that phone. I've had mine longer than you and the battery easily makes it through the day unless I browse Twitter for like three hours.
Some days I come home with like 20%. It's okay though, I have a charger that I carry with me.
If you don't need to be on the Internet on your phone 100% of the time, you can also just use the battery saving function your phone hopefully comes with. That can prolong usage by a really long time.
The shape of a truly prosperous colony I've got walls I'm researching turrets I've got a bunch of different weapons And I can now dismantle mechanoids AND I can make my own guns
Also my friend's dad loaned me a really awesome engineering book.
also the coke in Rimworld is called "yayo" The names for drugs in games are like half the fun of having drugs in games
>>184942 You should be able to mix it with egg to may yayonnaise.
Make, even.
>>184943 and then you put the yayo on the egg yayoegg
I can make corn Coked up maise
So my friend discovered the other day that the word "logarithm" is pronounced correctly in Spurdish.
Oh yeah remembered a funny thing. It's a scientific paper about "what words ought to exist" based on years of data from two web based scrabble clones with different rules. https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~tom7/papers/sigbovik2011tom7whatwords.pdf
Well we don't have a working microwave anymore. That's a little annoying.
>>184949 That sucks. I have a friend whose mom is super paranoid/crazy so they don't own a microwave and only got wifi recently because she thinks the wave fry your brain.
She's not wrong, it's just that there's not nearly enough of them If you removed the shielding on a microwave, being near it could be bad for your health over time
>>184952 Being afraid of plugging things in because you could accidentally electrocute yourself isn't silly because if you took the insulators off of the cable you could shock and kill yourself while you are plugging something in.
>>184950 It also comes on top of our dishwasher going kaput like a week or two ago too. My family does not have good luck with kitchen appliances.
>>184954 Not having a working dishwasher sucks. The dishwasher at our "new" place is kind of crappy, but not so crapoy that its unusable.
>>184953 Yeah I'm just saying if you don't understand that the shielding does its job properly, you're not entirely wrong in thinking it's dangerous Most people make the connection that the plastic on cables and stuff means they won't get zapped
>>184956 Well yeah, thats because everyone knows that plastic and rubber block Mike Pence's magical powers.
I'd still rather have the working microwave over the dishwasher though. I can wash my own dishes. We've got a family of five plus some times one, but we're all at least mostly adults and can take care of our own mess. But I like warm food, and cold leftovers aren't really my thing.
Doesn't quite work for pasta. Or chili. Or a number of dishes really.
>>184960 Chili you can heat up on the stove top. For pasta you can also just heat it up on the stove but some of it will stick to the pot. What you could do is nevermind probably too complicated since even I never got around to doing it while our microwave was broken
I also prefer to make full 1.7L pots of tea when I brew tea too, even if I'm the only one drinking. And since it takes a bit of time to get through that much tea, I'd usually be putting the cups in the microwave when it gets too cool. So that's another nuisance.
>>184961 Yeah, I mean for chili, I like putting it on the stove instead. I think it reheats better that way. But a lot of reheatable food is just too annoying to reheat--putting it in the microwave is really convenient.
>>184964 Well, what you could do is take like a vegetable steamer thing and put it on to a pot full of water, tgen put a smaller pot or bowl with your food in it on top of that and then turn the burner on, the stove will boil the water which will turn to steam and hit the bottom of the other thibg, or just like immerse the bottom of the small bowl/pot in the water and the hot water will spread the eat more evenly into the food than just putting it directly into a pot on the stove
He's on a rampage against black people and has been for five hours or something now.
>>184970 Yeah I saw. I don't really care about that part. Actually the gay thing doesn't bother me either. It's just the cross-dressing diaper fetishist part. Although since its anime twitter I expect him to get a lot of support. (Him as in hipster sandstar)
There's also a piece of shit cupboard in that kitchen that either one of the hinges was never installed correctly or just had a bit of wear and tear over time. If you open it too much the hinge just disconnects entirely from the wall bracket.
I think I finally fixed it back to as close to prime operating condition as possible.
Now I'm going to angrily eat all this fucking pasta.
Man I love MEMS. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microelectromechanical_systems
OK I got it to work I dunno why, but when I upload through sharex, it nixes the transparency
Do you want to get rid of it?" >>184997 Well you can get rid of it completely by #lock{ display:none; } or you can just move your image to the left more by either adding to the image itself or pushing // decrease the font size of the text
Also in my colony, for a very long time following that alien battle I was involved in, I was almost entirely without power Cause the wind turbine got destroyed completely That in itself wouldn't be a big issue but if you cas see it in this image, it's that small thing below the many solar panels, right IT being gone is fine, BUT because it was there, there were no power cables, and I didn't realize what was happening until halfway through the first winter It was rough, man
>>185035 It's super rare. Very rare cola! We discovered it on our road trip. We were told that it was impossible to find it by someone, but then we managed to come across it despite that!
>>185036 I don't think so. It's rare and the company doesn't make many drinks.
It might not be true outside of the US, but in the US, diet cola leads to a lot more health problems than non-diet cola. Or at least, is associated with it.
>>185064 Don't be ridiculous. Obviously I'm talking about drinking a normal amount every day.
well if you actually drink it like... 5 litres a day... sure it will it is still lot of chemicals and whatnots and kills your teeth almost as well as normal cola
>>185063 though I do remember being kid in london and they had "diet cola" which wasn't actually 0 calories like our light cola or zero cola so maybe there is something wonky like that
>>185068 Putting aside the possible American differences, a lot of people are convinced the chemicals that make up the artificial sweeteners in diet soft drinks are hazardous to the health. Which in the small amounts they are found in soft drinks, simply isn't the case. A lot of people got convinced by false science that aspartame, for example, can increase...I think it was likeliness of cancer development. It was something that a lot of people get scared by in any case. But the ratios that aspartame is found in diet soft drinks just doesn't have any effects on the average person that are worth mentioning.
Some people will have a dangerous adverse reaction to aspartame, but they're exceedingly few. Slightly more people can't actually taste aspartame as sweet, it tastes really gross to them instead--but that doesn't actually have
I don't really care that much for soda I just want something that tastes more than water, isn't expensive, doesn't leave a fucking bad taste in my mouth (as all sugar drinks do) and tastes atleast okay
>>185080 No choice. It'll be bad if I drink. I still crave alcohol all the time. Everyone talks about it constantly everywhere I go, too. >>185081 I will never stop dancing!
that might be the stupidest comment you've ever made
Well my dad's been a teetotaler his whole life. Or the vast, vast majority of it. As long as he's been an adult I believe, at least. But for him he just doesn't like the taste of alcohol.
I don't mind drinking but I can't really do it straight. And I'm alone most of the time and that still carries a but -bit of a problematic connotation in my head. So I end up just not really doing it much at all.
>>185106 I might actually rewatch that. I've been rewatching Kemono Friends.
You should watch kemono friends with Fish! We need more to join the ranks fo Kemono Friends
Now here's a question for the ages. I have two pairs of identical-coloured socks. Each pair has a sock with a small hole in the toe zone. Do I match the holed socks together, or do I disperse them into each individual pair?
>>185124 It was just a dinner date. It's too rainy to go to the beach or anything like that, and Fish gets anxious if we're in public places for too long. I don't think it was particularly quick.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
two hours is plenty of time for dinner
>>185118 Novel. I think there may have been editions with very minor illustrations but I'm not sure about it. Either way previous iterations of the characters look a lot different from the KyoAni designs.
it's crazy how the craziest thing in the show isn't even the super powered battles or sentai or prime minister armor or aliens it's a stalker kid and a depressed cop
>>185142 it's easy to increase power levels, but it's hard to have weird yet semireal people
>>185146 i have been paying close attention and he shows up a bunch of times near the police office once he shows up working at a shop masayoshi shops at once
I wish I was almost there.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
sometimes rabbis say that God is only One and number One and every time they do, all i can think about is Alien Flamenco
Gran/DJ seem to be the implied protagonist type. They seem to be talking based on the reactions of the other characters, you just don't usually get to see what they're saying. And everyone once in awhile you get a dialogue option.
>>185213 Yeah but it's hard to deny that a lot of what Vyrn says is usually reinforcement or pretty much in-line with what the player character is saying.
I should also sleep There isn't much to do on this train >>185223 No. Not really. I spent all my day packing. and not having my eyes closed. I'll be super excited when i'm actually in Chicago.
I'm not sure; which is why I was thinking of asking others what they might consider it. I have really, really poor discipline in pretty much all facets of life and it's something I would like to fix. Starting with getting myself on a proper daily routine might help a lot with that. I just need to figure out what those things should be so I can keep track of it.
I've been tossing about stuff like daily hygiene and making sure I eat at least two decent and square meals a day, and more stimulating stuff like putting some time into Japanese studying and a bit of physical fitness each day. But that's still very few and I think more would help.
My life philosophy is centred around "nothing is 'have to do' everything is 'get to do'" so can't really answer that my brain is not wired to think like that
You should try it makes you infinitely positive, despite being full cynic and 100%jaded
I think it's a system I would struggle to adapt into. Like how you say your brain's not wired to work for the system I'm looking at. I suffer from excessive scatterbrain'd-ness and if I don't internalize habits, I'm not going to get around to doing much of anything.
I am a man of habit, though and easily form routines without even thinking about it.
You've also got that time of military service probably doing you favours there too, even if you like to talk about how silly the Finnish military can get.
You're pretty much on the opposite side of the spectrum from me, I guess.
Well I was already a militaristic personality type so it did just further encourage it
If things need to be done, I will get them done, b ut if there is an easy and fast way to do it with minimal effort I will use it or come up with it which at times leads to hilarious results just ask few of my bosses.
phew i just barely caught my bus home it's one of those hourly out-to-suburbia routes so
i only made it by jumping onto a ride share bicycle the stations are everywhere downtown so clutch
Giri giri saafu. Would it have been the last bus out?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>185266 second last but missing it would have left me in a less fun area of town for an hour
The boring kind of less fun or the unsavory kind of less fun?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>185268 tje former downtown seems quite safe I hear there are sketchy areas but I haven't seen one theres also apparently a lot of mafia around
Gotta bring something to burn time whenever you're taking the public transit! I like to get reading done in when I'm on buses or subways.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah me too i wouldn't read in this bus though it's very bumpy if this we're one of the normal big coach style ones during peak hours I would
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
lets see today I fed a rabbit watered plants won a round of OW bused into montreal skated for 90 min attended two jazz concerts and a drum circle hiked in a forest bought something bicycled
what does the canadian mafia do exactly?
They like to get into property ownership a lot, I know. They'll buy out restaurants and bars as facilities for money laundering and such. Toronto and a lot of the cities in the Greater Toronto Area have a whole bunch of families that get into spats with each other every few years or so.
Real talk there was this massive maple syrup heist out of a storehouse or something a few years back or so. They stole a completely ridiculous amount of syrup--like more than anyone could even use personally.
Well "they" as in some unknown group. I don't think it was connected to a mafia family.
>Between August 2011 and July 2012, thieves made off with 9,600 barrels of maple syrup from a warehouse in Saint-Louis-de-Blandford, about 95 kilometres southwest of Quebec City.
It looks like they eventually pinpointed the culprits though.
that actually feels like something some second rate tabloid would use as the headlime for the story >maple thieves caught >>185284
Oh actually,
>Caron also testified that unnamed members of the Montreal Mafia became involved, providing equipment and drivers to keep the scheme going in the spring of 2012. Lacoursière, however, concluded that there was no evidence the theft was carried out under the direction of a criminal organization.
So it wasn't entirely unrelated but certainly not instigated by the mafia.
>>185287 For offbeat and not overly serious happenings like this, even the more professional news reporting agencies will some times play a bit with headlines around here. No harm no foul.
would syrup muffins even eork? would it ruin the dough and as "topping" would it just melt?
I don't know how it would work being cooked into the muffin, but I also don't think it would be a particularly overt flavouring. As a topping the syrup is still a bit liquid-y, but if you're smart, or chill the muffins shortly after drizzling, it would probably be fine.
>>185293 You can definitely make maple frosting. There's a couple kinds of doughnuts you can get from Tim Horton's that do stuff like that with maple syrup.
Yeah, you can get maple frosting like the consistency of the frosting on that. There's also a cream filling for some doughnuts like that which is maple flavoured.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
ahahaha I would if I could!
? ? ?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
SPEED IS KEY /moe/ i am in shambles
Call a taxi or a rideshare and get out of there then.
I definitely couldn't Most people who know me love me and when i make cocky jokes about it they laugh because they know i'm being ironic in the way i'm bragging about it but then they usually agree
Bang are you Australian I'm willing to nominate you as an honourary Australian
at both the stores i've worked at, i've had almost half or more of the employees tell me that i'm their favorite manager and/or complain when i'm not the one in charge during their shift
Oh yeah bang, I forgot to tell you. But the fucking wifi lock out thing you guys have at panera is really annoying. Although it's also really easy to get around, which makes it somewhat less annoying.
>>185314 lock out? you mean like the 30 minute thing where you have to sign in every 30 minutes >>185316 that must have to do with the region you're in or the franchise that panera is under (or it may be a company store) at my panera nothing happens except that you get logged out once every 30 minutes upon logging in, but only between 11am and 2pm we use wanderingwifi different franchises might operate differently or have different rules
>>185315 Nah, the "we currently have many users so we won't let you use the internet until an hour has passed" or whatever. But at the paneras ive actually gone to with my comp, it would always give me that message after a certain amount of time. Although all you need to do to get around it is change your mac address.
Also it's weird that there are no Im@s characters in that game or its predecessor.
>>185329 oh impressive i would have never pinned you for the artistic type
>>185333 that game looks fun I've had my eye on it for a while.
>>185336 I would pplay it myself but I don't rreally like that kind of gameplay. I couodnt even getmyself to play much of Battle Moon Wars. I really like the characters though. Segata Sanshiro is in it.
>>185337 I played the Xzone 1 demo and likedthe turn based stuff well enough but then I realised that the individual battles could be perfected through just using the same inputs each time. Yeah that's great. They really got a diverse lineup for it.
I have a bunch of screencaps ffrom iit. I'll post em but it mifht take me a bit to ffind tthem.
Writing out my thoughts really helps me keep a consistent train of thought. Like even when I periodically check in with stuff online or get distracted, it makes it easier to pick up thinking where I left off. I should make a religion out of this.
Hrrrm, I had actually forgotten about the specifics of project X zzone 2's combat mechanics. It llooks different enough that I mmight be able to get myself to play it.
Oh yeah, aany of you guguts ever play Nethack? *guys
I had/have a port of it on my PSP. Ran a decent number of runs on it but didn't really get anywhere.
>>185350 >not playing it with a full keyboard Well there's your problem. Also did you use tiles or text ggraphics?
Yeah but the real fun was figuring out which button combination macro corresponded to which alphanumerical key on the keyboard. There wasn't a manual explaining it after all.
The port was pretty straightforward if I remember correctly.
>>185352 Even when I'm playing it I sometimes forget what whick keys do. Not that i play it a lot. Also I distinctly remember a run where I ran into a rust monster and broke my sword on it, I drew my uranium wand of distintegration and cocouldn't rremember which button it was to use the wand. And I ended up beating the rust monster to death with the wand.
Or maybe it was that Middle Earth ASCII roguelike that I had on my PSP and I just played Nethack on a computer. I'm not sure anymore. They both played similarly though.
Middle earth roguelike? Was it Moria? Also it's z to use wand, because Zap.
>>185356 Ahhh, it's angband based. Also I kknow a lot of roguelike game names. But I know more roguelike game names than I have spent hours playing roguelikes. Probably