Thread #174427
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>>174427 (OP) >chugging a whole carton of milk She's hardcore!
twin angel danmachi hinako note bahamut
Starting before 02:30 some day.
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sorry, I fell asleep.
what shal we do first lets do Twin ANgel or danmachi Danmachi Danmachi bahamut twin angel(?) hinako
Okay Dan the Manchi
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danmachi everyone is orange let's start
An entire assortment of unbreakable weapons. That's probably one of the most valuable investments an adventurer can invest in.
its kinda nice how bell motivated them all
Yeah it's kind of nice To post in the right thread this time.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/24 (土) 07:02 No. 174446
I'm watching Dokuro-chan, anyone else want to watch it with me?
>Go into the thread of people with a list of shows to watch and ask them if they want to interrupt their queue to watch something
Oh wow she ended up going way down all of a sudden.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/24 (土) 07:04 No. 174450
>>174448 Good point, next time I'll ask before you decide what to watch.
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This is a really crazy dungeon floor.
Yeah. It's like they broke through the bedrock and found the circus.
Also the dungeoning parts of this show kind of makes me want a Dungeon Meshi show. I think you'd enjoy that series a good bit Rika.
Interesting camera focus there.
The scale was larger than I expected it to be.
Iie iie iiessu
Underground fantasy biomes are pretty cool to me. I'd love to explore something like that.
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tfw i used to play this game
Spreadsheeting sure is fun isn't it.
tfw you post on the wrong moe
I thought you were just lonely int -in the other thread.
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>>174468 That's called pulling an ika. okay bahamut I wonder what Ika is doing. hi ika okay we're all orange let's start
Nina runs pretty goofily.
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It's surprising that Jeanne was rehabilitated after what happened to her.
that's my warspite now
Nina please.
Oh no
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>>174497 I'm not possessive with my images like you are.
It feels a bit too inappropriate for Rika anyway.
This is getting pretty absurd.
Rita's face when.
Hah hah hah.
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Wow, humans have a really nice airforce now.
Seems to be falling apart.
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Looks like they're going to use that.
Wow I thought Favaro was just fucking with him.
Such a casual one too.
Hah hah hah.
So to defend against the gods and angels, the humans build a magic Death Star?
i was thinking death star
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yeah, it does kinda look like the death star.
Oh man they got DAOKO to do both the art and the ED. She's got a cute normal voice. And a neat artstyle.
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okay twin angel okay let's start
twin angle
Oh this anime is based off a character slot machine game series. No wonder the OP is kind of slots based. And medals are so prevalent in it.
Ara ara
Wow what a killstealer.
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I guess she's mad about it.
Poor Hedgehog-chan. She's a total nobody now that she's human aga- Oh speak of the devil.
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I don't understand why she changed back. The was originally a human.
They lost their magic bubble out in space.
And the twist almost no one didn't see coming.
oh noooo
Trap-kun is actually a lot taller than everyone around him.
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That's to be expected. okay hinako note okay let's start
this opening sucks [final]
Yeah this is the last time you'll have to say that for this show. Feeling a little melancholic about it?
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Oh I guess this is the last episode. I liked this series a lot too.
It hasn't done for me what a lot of other Kirara-magazine shows have done. Coffee Cuties and New Game are still the undisputed champs for me. I've enjoyed it but it hasn't had quite the same magic as those have.
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It's obviously not as good as gochiusa or new game but it's still good.
Who needs a rung to hold on to on the subway anyway. Keeping balanced on trains is EASY.
Oh no.
There was a route like that through Akihabara station I think. Though I can't remember if it was inside the gates or outside it. I remember walking through it with friends and thinking having to navigate it solo would be a nightmare.
They probably could have just assumed "The Suzerain" from that.
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Hina hasn't gone scarecrow yet this episode.
Oh what a surprise.
Mata raishuu u ;_;
doesnt seem like this show will sell a lot didnt see the thingies though
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 1(…).jpg )
thanks for anime!