It's a guaranteed 900 feathers this week. so that's nice. My rank in Tempest is also going to net me 4k feathers. And I should do nice enough in Arena to at least maintain rank. So that's 6.7k in total.
where's jan and rook i need your guys' measurements
maybe you've got a mast cell disorder and it's causing your skin to slough off
I probably just scraped it on something and didn't notice
okay but if it is a mast cell disorder it'd attack your connective tissues next and it won't be your skin that falls off
Maybe it's Maybelline.
also i hit the caps lock button because i'm not used to it quite yet but then i kept it on because i'm really cool are you really cool?
yeah logitech k840 they had a fathers day keyboard sale 30% off
it was the only mechanical keyboard they had that wasn't a big fuckin GAMER keyboard
i have a razer blackwidow for actually typing it's not that good of of a mechkey but it's better than membrane. it's lasted me a year of abuse i want something lighter to the touch though
>>171265 Bang, there's an uncommon in mtg standard that goes for $9.
>>171266 oh blackwidows have cherry red switches, right? i just know they're super light and the actuation point is really easy to hit twice without lifting your finger up past the clicky point i don't _hate_ blackwidows but i don't really like them these have romer-g switches it's my first time using them but so far i like them a lot
>>171268 can't remember tbh isn't brown heavier than red i feel like it's on the heaviest end of the spectrum. it's really made for gaming, not typing as are most of the mech keyboards that i could actually buy in person and not from something online i type so intensively that too soft would be more time-wasting than helpful, but i have to take ibuprofen regularly to type on this fuckin thing like i said, still better than membrane, but 12 hours a day for a year straight, that little bit of pressure difference needed for activation starts to add up
My favourite kind of keyboard for mass typing on is actually those chiclet kind of keyboard you see most often on laptops. Something about how easy it is to press and move on gives me a really good typing rhythm. I don't like them for playing games with though.
>>171269 a lot of gaming keybaords are super fuckin light actually i don't really like that i've always been an advocate of lower sensitivity and more arm movement in mouses and thicker keypresses on keyboards i have powerful fat fingers and i feel like i make less accidental keypresses when the keys are slightly harder to press
>>171271 it's great for gaming i // it serves me well in that respect but typing 200 pages of documents a day no man, just no i'm glad the keys arent breaking but it's just not a happy thing to be doing to my joints
also it's really hard to accidentally double-press on this keyboard and really easy tyo intentionally double press
>>171272 ah, see i guess i don't actually type that much but when i do type i do like it a little heavier. I also have that kind of gamer's typing syndrome where i end up using my left hand a disproportionately higher amount than my right
that applies to everybody the left hand typing thing i mean i've been keeping stats since day one of this job and it's almost 70% of the action at least if you consider the hyperextension movements needed from the left hand compared to the right hand
>>171270 actually it's funny that you mention that because i remember i used to write stories on a laptop with a chiclet keyboard and i came to fuckin love the large amount of vertical movements your hands and fingers end up making in order to type on tiny chiclet keys it's like really fun and fanciful looking
>i used to write stories time to dig up your old account
yeah good luck finding the .txt's on the broken hard drives i threw away somewhere in north austin
implying you never shared them nigga you share when you cry and when you masturbate i doubt you haven't shared it somewhere
>>171276 Yeah, by no means do I think the keyboard is designed to be faster for typing than other set-ups, but it feels nice to me. I still choose to do the bulk of my writing typing on my Chromebook.
no, you don't oh you as in actually me i never really shared but a few of my stories
>>171281 then i'll have to find a few of your stories and reverse-engineer the other stories
well best of luck i guess
had a dream last night that my friends kept trying to keep me from going to sleep but i was actually asleep the whole time
it's also not ugly most mechanical keyboards are either GAMER keyboards or really expensive or both it was nice to find one on sale that is both good looking and actually pretty good
Mine is an off-brand Corsair knock-off. It's actually pretty low-key on the GAMER aspects while keeping some of them I like, like Win key locking and a wrist rest. And at under a hundred dollars, is pretty cheap for a mechanical keyboard in Canada.
yo the hyphen is a delicate tool please don't abuse it it's very sensitive
here's a funny article from 2017 funny only because at the very end they write "Now, if only the company would make a keyboard with this switch that features a more professional appearance and keycaps that are friendlier to typists." and logitech introduced the keyboard that i bought like last year
and it get better gets the keyboard is guaranteed for 70 million keypresses that's like a lot
Most keyboards seem to have that sort of guarantee these days. Mechanical anyway. How do you even prove that guarantee in private use though?
>>171303 So i was doing some hunting around the Internet earlier today and I saw something interesting from like, half a year back. There was a leak concerning Monster Hunter, that there was a heavy pay-off by Sony to Capcom to have them develop a Monster Hunter for platforms excluding anything from Nintendo, as well as to make it more marketable to western audiences. Where as Nintendo would continue to get the rights to the Portable series which would stick to more traditional MonHun gameplay and mechanics.
With the advent of World, I wonder if it was just Internet shitposting or if the guy had actually gotten a proper leak.
I think my fever went down but I'm not 100% sure Fish turned the AC down really low last night and I feel like my core temperature is super low But my skin is still sensitive and my head still hurts
>>171376 I never have a feeling like my internal temperature is low.
>>171383 Yeah I mean that I thought that what you meant by turning the air con down was turning the actual conditioning of the air down but what you meant was that she turned the temperature down
>>171398 yeah but if you turn down the cool air then you make it hotter
are you messing with me i dont understand maybe the fever fried my brain
>>171400 No I think we're on the same page now. It was a simple misunderstanding. You see, when you said she turned down the aircon to make the place cooler, I interpreted it as you saying that turning down the amount of cooled air would make the place cooler, which is clearly false. However what you really meant was that she turned down the temperature.
hi hi hi
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>171401 That's what it means to turn down the AC...
>>171404 Yeah but I assumed that when he said he turned down the ac, he was turning down the coolness. Usually when it's hot I hear people say "bro turn up the airconditioning" because the increased amount of air makes it cooler.
>>171429 are you actually too sick to do anything at all?
i can lie down walking around makes me feel like my head is going to explode idek if i could handle sitting in class all day today
>>171431 Showing /// how much is the presentation worth?
25% of my grade ill have to go do that regardless even if i have to make fish help me walk to claaa i can probably tlak but engaging in heavy cognitive activity like writing a paper doesnt seem feasible right now
my fever is up to 103 too
Do you at least have a bit of time after this work concludes that you can use to recooperate?
i do not more work tomorrow and on friday
Will you at least get to relax a bit on the weekend?
maybe i think i have a big thing due on monday but maybe its wednesday
i'd fail a class or rather it'd drop my maximum grade in the class to around a 70 which means i'd lose my grants
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't mad at how you're pushing yourself in the situation. But I'm more mad at this system that forces you to sacrifice health for education. There's no good reason for something like that to exist.
Yeah Like I said, there was a guy that got shot and was still expected to turn everything in on time my presentation cant be rescheduled, the professor already said being sick is no excuse
i work tomorrow and then i don't work saturday work until* saturday and saturday is when i get my big fat megacheck the past couple weeks have felt surreal my own room, my own car, my own insurance i feel like a fully functional adult now >>171482 save some, use some to pay off debts, and use a little bit of the extra to buy a full-size bed no more twin mattress for me! and then the rest i won't put into savings but i won't really be spending either it's like disposable cash but i'll just hold on to it
no actually insults are really only mean if there's some kind of truth to them but you wouldn't understand that, it's too emotionally complex for you, worm
>>171307 Interesting, but hard to say if it was legit or not I'd be willing to believe that there was some payment from sony back then in order to get world back on their platform but the rest falls a llittle too in line with standard shitposting for me to buy Especially the bit about marketing towards a western audience, there's been all kinds of talk about casualization/western influence since Generations so that was probably thrown in for spice Granted I do think world is trying to appeal more to western audiences than previous titles, but that doesn't mean core gameplay will change drastically The leaked demo footage supports that I think
>>171515 I can only agree with that statement if you separate dark rika off as a different poster and put her in the #1 slot. Default rika is powered down, that is true.
Wow, I just found out that Bang got an anime this year . Congrats Bang
>>171528 I dunno man. How many Monster Hunter games have we passed up that could have gone open world but haven't. It's not like open world-y stuff would be impossible for the 3DS either. You could do free exploration, even if there was still box-based rooms to move around in.
People always mellow out once they're in power. It's like a monarch thing. My days of putting people to the sword are over because I don't have to do things like that anymore.
I have considered purging TN a few times but it would exhausting for everyone involved. He'd take a lot of effort to kill off.
>>171554 Well, I don't think he's so bad that he needs to be removed. I wish he'd lighten up on some people though.
Usually you have to build a coalition to shun somebody. Shunning is really mean though. I think it's only for extreme circumstances, like that last time somebody was shunned.
>>171557 Floop is difficult to deal with, but despite his endless and burning hatred for me, I don't really have anything against him unless he starts attacking me all time and being annoying. I don't mind if other people are friends with him.
>>171569 Ika is kind of weak too, but Ika is the kind of weak like those rare enemies you encounter in games that have no health and do no damage but dodge like 99% of attacks.
He just doesn't play the game. Roc is kind of in the same boat
>>171583 Sugoi hasn't gone into war mode in a long time either. He's good at appearing mid-strength but he's very good as scheming and negotiating behind the scenes.
I think he could probably get there again if he were able to shake all the discord memes out of his head and had the right cause. Sugoi is at his strongest when he believes he has a moral imperative.
He'll never get the memes out of his head. It's like a runner that stops running for a year. You can't just get back to where you were before, it takes time and effort. He's lost his touch! He's replaced his strength with WoW ERPing and raids!
I think it's more like hmm like an ancient weapon that gets buried in a temple and adventurers accidentally re-activate it and have to fight a really strong boss.
I feel that I could definitely go full power again if I had to.
The winner of the tourney Nintendo did at E3 got to face off against the lead developer or someone like that from the game staff. He's evidently actually really good at the game he made and floored the guy who fought his way up to the match.
>Kodoku no Gourmet >A 10-episode original net animation adaptation is scheduled to premiere on the Production I.G's Tate Anime app on June 5, 2017[6]. wait i never heard about this
>>171627 why that monga hasn't been brought over to the west is just weird
>The stated rationale of the government is that these now-illegal acts, such as copying music to CDs or foraging for mushrooms in conservation forests, could be used to fund terrorist activities. oh my lord
Don't let them pick MUSHROOMS, they might be selling them to fund the fucking islamic state Oh my fucking memeworld
THe point really is the bit vague "planning" I mean, planning like a bank heist or terrorist attack is a crime. But saying "I should jsut dl this animu" and then get busted for it...
Though I doubt this act gets enforced that much, anyhow.
>>171655 When was the last time Japan was even hit by a terror attack
Yeah they have had some domestic terrorism and yakuza
But if you ask me, they just made this whole law so, if the same situation as in europe starts to happen there, they can instantly combat it with extreme prejudice. I think this will be kind of a graylaw, and it will be just used when necessary, and most people will accidentally break it constantly, without even being fully aware of it.
Kinda how doujinshi industry is entirelty illegal per se, but no one really enforces it.
>>171662 Remains to be seen Though this will be a Thought Law essentially, making it possible to cull any dissent as it is being formed without even causing a huge ruckus,.
PRetty much their Patriot Act if you ask me politics using fear to push a law, that can be used to combat terrorism, but in reality also exists to comb at civil unrest and dissent.
>>171671 In the end, what the fuck does it matter what a coutnry with elections shits up with it self, as long as their exports you enjoy don't suffer. That is my policy about meddling with other countries.
THey are hugely in debt, mostly to domestic debtors though not international banks and nations they have INVERSE popultion pyramid... and so many issues that we shout here "this will cause the end of the world" and yet they still thrive on.
>when you're not in debt to the bankers, but to the fucking yakuza instead, as a country No wonder their people all work real hard They NEED to pay that interest
>>171679 Bad for economy, but if you can mux the system to compensate for it, you can easily live with a "popultion square" which it will eventually become if you askt he leading minds in the field. But of course for fiat economists, this ish orrible as we need moar debt
Haha nah but yeah they might rid most of manual labour jobs with the advances in robotics and automatisation Though I do wonder how the gained wealth from that would spread would the manual labour posts get replaced with new service industry posts or what... Well predicting future job markets is impossible, as we kidna always left field them with new innovations and whatnots. I doubt no one for example predicted mobile industry boom or videogames
So the question is do world powers want idle hands that get basic income fromt he state to keep them comfy enough and then fill their minds with entertainment or does the worldj ust create more and more specialised jobs for the people who no longer have place in manual labour.
>>171709 What's weird is that they don't just fake the like\dislike bar anyway They have access to the backend, they could just make it have 1/10th of viewers as votes, and 8/10ths of those be likes Hardcoded
How could anyone find out? As long as they make sure to not let the dislike count be lower than the actual amount of dislikes, there's literally 0 chance of anyone finding out >>171713 Yeah people would assume they're rigging it But there'd be no way to know
>>171712 because of history how these kinds of ratios usually go
>>171716 Youtube Showcase it doesn't need any +, since it is promoted to everyone anyhow
OK so my GPU actually died now The remaining fan stopped functioning BLESSED AS I AM however, I already have another GPU in the basement, which I've hooked up now It works
I think it's worse than the now-dead one, but it's A GPU
inb4 it's actually a better GPU
>>171716 Yeah as TN said this is Youtube's own video we're talking about It doesn't need to play the algorithm.
And it doesn't even have to make money, since it was funded by support groups and foundations
OK yeah, it seems this GPU IS a little bit worse, at least according to this website for comparing GPUs But at the same time, this thing has a functioning fan
TW games use up resources weird like, I can get a modded tw:medieval 2 from... what 2003? to drop to low framerates due to it only taxing the GPU and this laptop having crap one
Though amusingly, shogun 2 was well done product Rome 2, even with its glitches, doesn't really hugyl over drain on resources but warhammer is a mess as far as I know
Paradox is quite good at making their games just RAM monsters
I've run The Witcher III on my 1070 on a dual 1080p monitor set up with no noticeable hiccups. It's pretty solid card for any decently optimised game on the market
Are you looking at the Titan of the 9xx generation? >>171743 I could have sworn they were making a new Titan based off the hardware of the 10xx generation.
Nvidia Titan X
It's the only titan available Her anyway here*
That might be the Titan X actually, the one you're talking about It's not available yet, it's just up for preorder I guess
But if it is, I can't get the old one anymore so whatever
Kind of weird The 1080 is more competent than the old Titan for like half the price anyway. Absolutely no reason to get it.
>>171746 The improvements were pretty marginal, if I remember the bench tests. The only thing it had going for it was so much VRAM that you'd never even need when playing video games. The Titan is more useful for different industry application but for gamers, just getting two 1080s for about the same price would do better.
Or just getting one, really.
The titan is still marginally better according to some stuff I've seen But it's not the difference between pacman and crysis 3 anymore
>>171747 except nothing supports the dual-linking of gpus
>>171749 It's catching on, slowly. And the games that do support it are usually the (well-optimized) ones that benefit from it.
>>171751 There just wasn't really a need for it until this point.
yeah like 10 years after it was first implimented? way to go
Another benefit to upgrading will be that maybe I can into VR at some point then If the pricetag on VR gear drops, I could use it for movies or some of those really experimental games
I dunno if there are much in terms of VR movies yet though
>>171750 From that same perspective view, there was no need for anything except that gamers could've spared a lot of money video game graphic requirements are still, like back in those days held in check by consoles for better or worse but people like to set up rigs that can last them a good while
Also again, these functionalities for linking cards isn't only for video games. There's a lot of other things to do on computers that requires a lot of graphics cards power.
>>171755 I'm talking about people in industries like 3D modelling or highly intensive rendering projects like animation.
Yeah is not but whe n it comes to what people do with computer parts, the majority use them for entertainment purposes. office desktops and such don't on average need to be highest end shit.
>>171754 Yeah but for them the SLU and such has been working for quite a while now But as for gaming industry the devs have just been lazy Similiar how when dual-cores first game out, many games failed to use more than 1 core.
Taking the lowest point in the fence or even the gate with the key, is a good strategy in life an dbusiness, but still...
They've been lazy since there hasn't been a need to use that functionality. There hasn't been a demand for it amongst gamers.
>>171757 Except there was a demand and cry for it but everyone gave up since no one answered those please and cries. And then getting dual-gpus was just seen as useless move, since no video game really used it up you just had some extra gpu power to run other things.
There was a handful of games from that time that actually would have benefited from the extra power from SLI. Expecting an entire industry to rework something to incorporate a functionality practically no one would actually benefit from is silly.
>>171759 I just think the card manufacturers lobbied for them to not do it as people would then upgrade less and in longer intervals
>>171759 Also it isn't the entire industry majority of games use a premade engine, so it mostly would've just been >1 engine maker takes the initiative
Crysis engine does I think support the dual-gpu set ups
Swapping out this GPU has made me more thankful I have a PC rather than a console for gaming If anything in your console dies, that's fucking it, man I just swapped this out and got a new driver and it's working just as fine now as always, albeit the GPU I swapped is a little bit weaker than the dead one
>>171761 Majority of games use pre-made engines, not a single pre-made engine. There's actually a few out there on the market.
GPUs are annoying to detach/attach you just have to use a bit too much force for comfort while handling delicate technology
>>171764 >1 engine is clearly more superior to others >games made with engine support wider variety of rig set ups >games made with engine get better reviews >people buy more games made with engine >rivals follow due is how business works
>>171766 I hate to break it to you, TN, but SLI or similar compatibility is not something that is gonna make or break a choice for game developers when choosing an engine. The vast majority of them aren't going to give two whits about it.
>>171767 No, but it does influence the people who get the sales money If a publisher notices that games made with X engine sells better and longer they will pressure devs to do so.
You really have no fundamental Ideo of how this works.
>>171765 Took barely any force at all for me The part of it where you attach the screws is fucked though, so it can't stay, but that's because I fucked it up when I first got it
>>171770 Not on something like game engines. Publishers don't care about the stuff behind the scenes, they only care what the game looks like to the public and potential buyers.
They tell studios "make it work like X we don't care how and then ignore the studio for another week until they come back expecting it to work like they said.
>>171774 Yes in our world where there doesn't exist an engine that differed that greatly from other competitors
And yet it doesn't have universal acceptance or the functionalities it uniquely possesses adopted by the rest of the crowd.
The silent beauty opens her mouth without thinking.
The Art Of War is really only interesting in the sense that it's a historical document about warfare. It's a good book, you should read it if you're interested in war, but if you gotta pick one, 33strats is a much better choice >>171790 Reading The Art Of War is a meme among powerful people All of them have read it, but it's hardly something they base their decisions on The Art Of War is primarily about war
i know business leadera who use the art of war to make deals
>>171789 Well it is actually more of a philosophical study on war
the quick brown fox dsfdsfdsfslkfwelkfjwlkfjwlkfjlwkfj
There's certainly a fair amount of good information to be gleaned from it, it can expand your view on a lot of situations, but the bulk of TAOW is useless outside of a military conflict
>Robert Greene (born May 14, 1959) is an American author known for his books on strategy, power and seduction.[1][2] He has written five international bestsellers: The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law (with rapper 50 Cent) and Mastery.[3] HE WROTE A BOOK WITH FIFTY CENT
How is the comiket big site btw laid out I mean it is a reverse pyramid on top of 4 pillasrs so i guess the largest hall spaces ar eon the big "pyramid" hall but what about the pillars?
There is a good reason for why sociopaths or psychopaths are said to occupy top positions in big corporations
>>171801 Comiket barely even uses the high built parts of Big Sight. I don't even know what's up there. Comiket pretty much only uses the low-laying halls that are built around the complex.
paris could do a shitton just based on her money let alone her fame her father can do a lot more for her
Of course you need luck, but luck alone won't make you a powerful political force Being rich isn't in itself enough to get anything done
I don't have any intentions or delusions of becoming the next Soros, I mostly consume this kind of stuff because it's interesting to me Some of it you can use in just interpersonal relationships, too
If you don't know what you're doing, you end up being the networking of someone else rather than the other way around You gotta know how to do the things you want, or you'll just be used and never use anyone
>>171820 This is probably the one thing that would trigger Hillary supporters the most It's a car It's got a confederate flag It's got a Bernie sticker
Well why not if you think about it if steam adds in "download to hardware, watch through steam" i for one would buy several of the shows they anyhow use crunchroll ripped subs so...
>>171819 See that hall with all the fancy pole work on top of it to the right side? That's probably supposed to be the east halls.
I don't know if my monitors have displayports though I think they've just got HDMI and VGA
Get a card that supports 3 animes concurrently with no frame drops s
>>171849 You can get HDMI-display port cables. My monitors only do HDMI and VGA too, but the 1070 has only one HDMI port. I needed to get a hybrid cable so I could keep using two monitors.
So why display I have had 1 monitor with display port and 4 with HDMI and even this monitor with display has a hdmi it actually has every kind of plug in
They don't have displayport inputs Just VGA and uh, not HDMI but that other one that LOOKS like VGA
That's kind of out-dated. You can probably still get hybrid cables for that to attach to display port though.
The fact that I had to get another cable to hook up both my monitors ended up being kind of convenient for me in the long run though. The other HDMI cable I had that was now useless was re-purposed for my consoles that feed into one of my monitors. So I can jump into a console video game without having to go behind my desk set up to juggle cables. Is kind of nice.
I ordered a converter before from china. It was bogus as fuck but was only 20p
Yeah I can just get cables as well I'm gonna wait to buy anything though, for a short while
>>171865 haha is fun how you can order stuff on atlantic countries and shit for nothing at all from china since there is so much traffic there anyhow Prices for ordering abroad can hike here quite much as the logistics are bit more complicated
Petsamo takaisin perkele!
One of the nicest things about this neighbourhood in the summer is the almost daily smell of grilling and roasting meat in the afternoon. Praise be to Greek culture food.
I've heard that russian is constantly bothering finland.
russia just never really did anything with it used up the mines untill they were dry, or the mines that we had opened and then just ignored the plot they had bigger ports on the arctic sea anyhow >>171873 yeah since I dunno since there was a russia
Russia's foreign policy is to constantly prod everyone else to see where they can gain some ground
Oh we actually kinda conquered it in the estonian war or rather it wasn't officially part of us untill treaty of tartu 1920 3 years after our independence and initial borders were formed
>>171885 made a bunch of fever jokes i think i did ok i was pretty much a zombo though it though >>171886 i am feeling terrible sitting in my car right now trying to work up the motivation to take the painful trek to my front door
>>171888 Did you bring any props with you few times I have attended shit with the flu or influenza, I have had like 5 litre water jug for drinking hot water + poweder medicine and shit like that on me one time I even brought a blanke twith me I wore around me while in glass
>>171932 Is this your masterplan? Was it you that got trump elected and not the russians, your elaborate ruse implicated the russians. All preparations for our kemono paradise!
>>171941 This is actually my problem with a lot of conspiracy theories The US government is about as leaky as a weaved basket, yet somehow they've covered up the planned murder of a whole shitload of US citizens on US soil
>>171943 Obviously they didn't cover it up if peoppe know about it. They just use disinformation campaigns to make the people who found out look like crackpots.
I think Sandy Hook is the most insane one though They didn't even supposedly kill anyone there, they FAKED THE WHOLE THING and not one fucking kid went "hey mom, I have never seen ANY of those people before"
tfw i gotta go out and buy dinner now
>>171943 Those were planned leaks. This is what they want you to think
>>171955 And this is why I have always atleast a can of soup stocked somewhere
>>171955 It might be a good idea to take her with you in case you start feeling worse, like so you dont collapse Unless you think her being there woukd make things worse.
It's still funny how students have sick situation worst on the planet... You get sick in the wrong time and it can screw you over 100% In practically every atleast EU member you can quite easily take atleast 1 or 2 days free whenever if you really are sick as long as it isn't a mnthly occurance
I have so many new jobs to do tomorrow with my promotion, I was overwhelmed today and tomorrow is going to scary. I wish I could stay at home but home doesn't have air conditioning.
even if i get delivery i can't rest because theyll knock on the door and fish will get scared and ill have to get up and deal with it
Well it will take less energy and cause less strain to order something
pizza probably isnt a good food for sick
Have fish make angler fish eggs?
>>171973 there isn't bad food for sick really and while you might no t have the appetite, with that high fever you are burning through lot of cells and need a lot of nutrients to replace em
>>171974 ive had nothing but eggs and cookies for like three days i need food
>>171976 See can food, beans, soup whatever they last atleast a year easy to stock at the back of the shelf and rice, mac and antyhing in big bags that last not to mentiont canned fish >>171982 suit yourself, I go for availability over edibility in most things 90% of time food is just "devour nutrients" to me anyhow
It is a skill to make good food but it is an equally important skill to be able to scrunch up something edible and filling from the leftovers of your fridge and food stashes
>>171984 i did like that but I really like the chicken and dumplings one
flour+water and you have crude bread for example then you just need something to make it taste atlest something
But as for survival forever lasting food, canned fish is top tier mackerel for example or tuna of anykind
So I thought of a sort if silly idea and then realized it might work. What if you had fish go into your backyard, and catch some lizards, and then you cook and eat them?
Supreme court in the US has decided you can trademark slurs and stuff now I was excited for this case, actually, cause I heard about it when it first came up 8-0, too, pretty amazing
What you're not understanding here, TN, is that you've always been able to trademark just about anything There just USED to be a law that said "slurs and other shit like this are not up for grabs" That law has been struck down
>>172026 Likely won't be approved, or at least ZUN can overtry it if he wants to because his Chen gets grandfathered in He's got no reason to make a deal with you
For example how that Moiana whatever disney movie becaime Vaiana, because Moiana was copyrighted in Italy. in Europe, that is
This should help you guys understand trademark and fair use a bbit better. Also it was a very funny case.
For example, potato gold is now public domain here Kims sued Maarud for it and won
Used to be everyone else had to use potato chips
>>172044 Though normally I think disney would've just pushed a deal or something through but happens to be that Moiana was the name of a famous italian pornactress, and that is where things got wonky.
The picture is titled Vaiana in many European countries due to a trademark conflict.[39] In Italy, it was titled Oceania, with Moana's name changed to Vaiana, presumably to avoid confusion with an Italian porn star named Moana Pozzi
Speaking of translation fuckery, Google Translate being open to corrections from the public has lead to some fun jokes Like how people got together and made something like "Ugga bugga bugga bugga ugga bugga" translate from some African language to a legitimate sentence in English
>>172060 hahahaha I wonder how many times it has become "Where the white women at?"
Well nowadays "kayak across the pacific ocean" can be found in google maps, when asking for sea routes on foot or on bicycle at times they are kinda amusing having those legacy memes around
Yeah there is less freedom around in the past it was just wading in the water and playing around now you jump on slippery rocks and one misstep and blam the raging stream can take you anywhere.
>>172072 It's been said before but old internet was better because it wasn't so centralised. Websites and communities had their own unique feelings. Now they tend to congregate around a single site like reddit or 4chan. It's gone from maintaining your own site to maintaining a position on a premade platform
>>172085 Yeah, maybe until you get cast all over your face.
I actually want nothing whatsoever to do with the porn industry except maybe coming up with dumb jokes The whole industry is fucking disgusting and makes you lose faith in the entire species
The Fox lawyer got btfo by the jjudge several times.
Ah, that rereminds me. I still need to get tthat book. Also for rreference, since tthose of you outside if ththe US mught not kknow. But Al Franken is a former SNL writer and humorist who is now a US senator.
>A news station wants to check out the mini conference my friends are planning oh boy. It's about to get exciting. Damn, I really should have designed something for it.
>>172123 I won't be famous this time. Maybe next year when they do it. And I have a cool thing to show. But I want to support my friends' stuff and mingle. >>172125 Digital. >>172126 Oh no. December? ...Well, we probably won't have snow in December so I guess it'll be okay.
>>172127 Well I have basically no real day to day responsibilities so if you need help making something I'm free whenever.
Might visit my aunt. My family has apparently never seen her apartment in the 20 years she's been there but she offered to let me stay there
>>172123 That reminds me, as unlikely as it is for me to still achieve my childhood dream of winning the Nobel Prize, hhypothetically how much of a shit storm do yoyou ththink woukd happen if I thanked moot and 4chan in my acceptance speech?
I am planning on getting curry goat. Just the goat. No rice. We have roti skins in the fridge that no one is touching.
My mom had her double knee surgery today. I have to take care of her tomorrow through Saturday. I think I'll actually be much more productive though, since I won't be in bed dicking around on my ohone all day.
>>172144 Oyasumi, also I wwas telling my friend who llives by the woods that "my norwegian chat buddy is really innterested in racoons now" and he thiught it was funny. Mainly since they have to keep their garbage bins in their garage itherwise raccoons will open them and get trash alall oover tthe yard.
Eeeh I will sue you! what kind of a discussion even was that?
I use TN's anecdotes about Finland in discussion. And also as examples of shitty tax laws. Such as how "it woukd be cheaper for my finnish ffriend to send me money to buy Finlandia and ship it to him than it would for him to buy it in a store"
>>172151 We were talking about cultural competency and someone said you can read about different cultures online so i said that the shit americans write about other cultures is generally wrong, and explained that americans view finns as very cold and standoffish all the time, and then i contrasted that by talking about drinking and sauna culture and stuff
Also when my cousin in law aasked me where I "met" my finnish friend I lied and said "Playing videogames online". And that was when I learned that he did not know you could play videogames over the internet.
Well hopefully I can get some rest at some point My rest plans got fucked today maybe friday evening
>>172170 Also are any of Fish's ffriends aware of her extreme social anxiety? Because if so you coukd conceivably aask one to take her shopping and also get ggroceries.
She doesn't exactly have many friends No one remotely close to us at least
>>172172 Hrrm, another possibility Wait nvm you did go to tthe ggrocery store right?
yeah i did
>>172174 Yeah, nvm then. I hope you stocked up though. But as far as I kknow, I have no reason to believe that you are less responsible than me in any way so I would expect you to have done that unless you coukdnt stay long.
Hey moon, you on right now? I know you've been pposting as anon some, but I jjust want to kknow how the move went. Although I expect a rreply of something like "terrible, but I should manage".
You always read a high level of context into my posts. I am not a high context person. I am just asking for clarification so that I do the right thing.
Yes please remove it i didn't want to bring more attn to it
>>172206 This is just mapping the natural resonance of the star system. There's nothing artificial about it besides the translation, which is kept formulaic because to do otherwise would diminish natural marvel of what was accomplished.
Do any of you have the screenshot of the trap ffrom ssakurasa no pet na kanojo talking about programming?
Excellent, a ffriend of mimine wanted to know tthe source of ththe qquote (he gave me a paparaphrased version of it) >>172212 IIRC that character also wwears women's clothes some of the time.
>>172211 I mean someone here possibly might but I definitely don't.
>>172211 maybe in some special episode once, but even that seems like something that wouldn't fit into that series
>>172214 I was lliterally reading the show's wikia's article on that character and it mentioned tthe character wearing women's clothes.
Nvm I misread it. Well,the character is still practically a "draw a girl call it a guy" type character.
maid cafe episode so the school festival ep cause if I recall correctly the character had phobia of women a real "will dress up in women's clothing" thing if you ask me.
>>172216 Dnno could be >you can't have yuri in this >so if I make it a guy but otherwise keep it the same, would be a pain to redesign the character? >that is my fetish editorial meeting
>>172244 No? In fact the ad that I see in america are so weird. like over the top , they feel like parodies. >>172245 Don't have a telly and don't watch live telly
how was everyone's first day of summer
>>172259 I slept til llike 2pm because my android phone llocked itself and did the encryption tthing for no apparent reason, so none of mmy aalarms wwent off.