>>170374 I don't think that's true. I want to do the things I enjoy when I want to do them. In fact if you made me browse moe and play video games every day for 8-9 hours I will eventually get tired of that too. I think the fact that NEETs are so commonly malcontent is proof of that!
>>170378 Not every job has the same tasks every day, so hypothetically if my job required 6 main tasks (each of which I enjoy) and I did not have to choose the same task everyday I wouldn't neccesarily get sick of them as quickly. >>170381 I know people who have been solving math and physics problems almost every workday for more than 50 years who still enjoy doing that just as much (if not more).
The point is that the more you do something, the more your marginal enjoyment of it decreases, while your marginal enjoyment of other things is bigger.
>>170379 radicals too, of all kind, spawn from the unemployed and bored of life
I find solace in routine. Working is not hard for me. I don't mind doing the same things over and over again. At the same time though, everyone needs some variety in their life and I'm no different. I don't like doing the same leisure activities too much because it loses the luster and becomes less relaxing and engaging.
I would be basically dead today if not for having made breakfast a habit I only have JUST enough time, in fact today I didn't HAVE enough time, each morning, but at least I'm eating
And today I was real hungry I'm filling up the rest of my stomach space with coffee to also wake up
Tonight I'm gonna go to sleep earlier so I'm not half asleep for the first 2 hours
I'm convinced these two are from some other piece this studio has done/adapted or a work from the same publishing company as the novels. But I can't recall where I've seen them before.
>>170438 There's only one show that airs by anime-watching time this night that we still watch from today. So instead of get people together for it we just lump it into tomorrow's shows.
He doesn't look familiar at all to me. Oreimo man had another series that was adapted?
No I think these are from novels under the same publisher.
>>170435 Like I'm DEAD certain I know that girl with the black hair and that very particular bang parting and her brown-haired friend with glasses from somewhere. Which is making me more confident I recognize the guy from somewhere too.
Are low interest rates good or bad? It sounds like a good thing for everyone but the fucking bankers, but the tone of this report sounds like it's the end of civilization
>>170444 There are good things and bad things about low interest rates. I think the good tends to outweigh the bad, at least at the moment. Interest rates are kept low in the USA so everything doesn't collapse overnight.
>>170452 Low interest rates decrease the desirability of taking part in the money market, giving people loans, etc. It can cause economic stagnation in the long run.
That makes sense
>>170452 Low interest rates are also linked to inflation, since it means people can borrow and spend more. However, inflation has been pretty low for a while I think. People tend to save and invest less with low inflation.
The secret truth is that the wealthy dislike inflation and fight against it wherever they can, because it takes money away from them.
The wealthy are in the best position to guard against inflation. It's poor people who get fucked when they try to buy food.
Poor people get fucked anyway as long as the economy is based on debt
I'd rather be fucked by a regular dick than one that's been inflated an extra few inches. If the economy is gonna fuck you in the ass then you should take the option that fucks you the softest.
bang is home, he's comfy as hell, and he's got tomorrow off
and he can't post images
Okaeri What are you gonna do now Bangu?
i'm gonna play pubg cause i'm really fucking good at it
>>170467 Cursed post
welcome home
oh I see none of us can post images
yeah and it eats a post every time it doesn't work >>170461 >>170462 those are both me
Oh are we getting -that- error again?
Yeah seems so.
usually I can fix it let's see if I can do it tonight.
oh well it's not working too well tonight can't be helped
wow so many imageless yuu images take note everyone oh there's the end
>>170503 A bunch of studies came out that suggested tylenol is bad for your reproductive system so I stopped buying it. Idk if it's true but it's not worth the risk since tylenol barely does anything anyway.
>>170518 That's pretty high. The last time I had a fever near that I had caught the flu. Do be careful. Have you or do you plan to take anything for it?
Because sometimes that high is less shit than your life and also >>170539
Highly addictive
I wonder how bad your life's gotta be to get addicted to mild painkillers
Well people who take painkillers often get addicted while taking them for a legitimate injury Taking them as directed can get you addicted
Oh, yeah that's true
then it just slowly escalates next thing you know you're addicted and all fucked up and gotta get more poweful shit
also they're regulated because they can be easy to get in a lot of places florida used to be a place you could get heavy painkillers just by asking for them now doctors risk their license by prescribing them
Now that I think about it, a classmate was absent yesterday due to flu oh no
Children are hailed like they were handmade by God himself if they just don't crack their voice singing bah bah black sheep so I'm not gonna hold my breath for an actual quality performance
Health will come back, but a wasted future won't Failing out of school is a lot worse than being really sick
>>170651 well school is dick lile that everywhere, though weird how our work sick legislation doesm't apply to umiversity level education come to think of it
>>170659 I won't pretend it's a healthy way to look at it but it feels like it's the way I have to look at it. Not turning in work because I'm sick isn't an option and I can't manage all of it tomorrow.
Thanks. I actually dozed off at my desk for an hour and it got rid of my headache so I'm feelimg a lot better although my skin and muscles feel weird still.
I just took philosophy at the college while I was in high school
I think they have lessened the amount of philosophy in public schools because it's a difficult area for a lot of certain types of people to do well and they have to focus on graduation and attendance rates for their budgets
My highschool's philosophy teacher used to teach at the University of Chicago, so I think I got a pretty good deal. >>170703 oops, I didnt mean to click that
also basically i feel like my entire time spent in high school didn't teach me anything and the only things i learned in high school i taught myself
maybe it's because i slept in all my classes and smoked weed but if that was able to happened, able to happened to happened happened
>>170705 that's how i felt in high school and for my undergraduate degree it's all just busywork
>>170707 well until Algebra 2, I was able to pass tests mostly by figuring out equations through logic and being a very good multiple-choice gamer i did actually spend a lot of time reading about math on wikipedia and fucking aroudn with stuff >>170710 yeah but i learned that shit in my elementary school Extended Learning Program For Talented and Gifted Program and then in middle school i was _somewhat_ diligent about studying and then in high school i was either sleeping, playing MW2, or getting fucked up if I had gone directly into the workforce after middle school, I'd probably be even further along my path than I am now, but I don't think most people are like me when it comes to work so that's not really a strong argument against the school system
the public school system IS shit though
>>170709 Figuring out equations through logic is a big part of algebra.
>>170708 yeah this i get that they kind of teaching you how to be good at doing busywork but they don't have to be shitty about it
god always have so many typos when i barely wake up it hurts to read my posts
>>170711 yeah it would benefit so many people so much more if they could opt out and go to trade school or if high school had to have vocational classes at the very minimum
>>170714 Your school didnt have woodshop or auto shop?
the point of college is supposed to be that you get specialized learning (like a trade school) and the point of high school is supposed to be that you are ready for college (or trade school) or direct entrance into the workforce
so why do we have to keep going through that fucking bullshit if we're already ready
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>170716 no, but some do and even then, those classes aren't exactly what i mean
i mean stuff that will actually get you ready for a job maybe even apprenticeships with professionals
tbh going to a trade school is almost guaranteed to get you what colleges used to but can't anymore - hands-on training, connections to people in the industry, and a career path that makes sense
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah, a bachelor's degree is basically useless it's what a high school diploma used to be
trade school actually gives you practical skills
the funny part is that you can still just have a high school diploma and it's not that much worse but costs 10k less
10k being a really fucking cheap one
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
and i mean so many people have no reason to go to college lots of people do though why "prepare" everyone for college if left than half even want to go
i can tell you why banks givem money to schools to support the idea that college is necessary and lobby to make schools essentially preparation for college, over the course of decades then they give student loans to the students and then they make fat money putting an entire generation in to massive debt
the problem is not the rich people, because they're just doing smart things to make themselves richer that's just how humans will act the problem is that we allowed our school systems to become money funnels
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
we didn't just allow it, we encouraged it they told us that it was good for us and we blindly believed it
there are people that cheer when schools get budget cuts i mean, devos is trying to privatize all schools and people are generally fine with that
>>170728 To be fair, they cheer because they think public schools are a bad thing, and want everything to be private Because they hate everyone except the upper middle class and above
>>170728 Devo's is either an idiot or malicious >people are generally fine with that Yeah, maybe in Florida.
i think one area that might cause america to go down the shitter in the next few decades is education
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
agreed it's been going on for a while
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>170730 all over the place there are many supporters of devos
no, privitization of schools is not something your average person even understands the concept of so it doesn't get a lot of news or fake news
I think it was Reagan who changed the way public schools were funded. Although I had a good public school education because my town had high property taxes.
>>170734 We have a similar thing going on in the Chicago public school system, so many people around here aren't going to get tricked into thinking its a good idea again.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>170734 not understanding it doesn't stop them from supporting it though
>canadian right wing media company The Rebel creates legal fund website before attending US theater piece with the intent to interrupt it as 'free speech' I fucking hate the right because at the very least the left goes "IT DOESNT COUNT AS FREE SPEECH", they don't go "This thing that CLEARLY isn't covered by free speech is actually free speech"
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>someone is doing something man $MASSIVE_GROUP_OF_PEOPLE are stupid
kind of? it's not like most music festivals are it's just like there's a shitload of things happening downtown so like this year i just went to see one show and that was it
>>170761 Yeah, I know. There are a few events like that here in Chicago.
i told him i was sick and asked him how new he was to the force and he got defensive so i just put my headphones in and walked around which was really stupid but he left me alone after that for some reason
now im lying down on the floor at // in my apartment
>>170775 i found serval like immediately and then lost interest
I had some data entry work from psychologist today at a care home. It was about this guy who had schizophrenia and was sent to prison after threatening his boss outside his work building with a 3ft long sword.
It was amusing to read
>>170785 what's weird is RAKY BEESTO is so far away from them
papa ain't call even though he saw me on tv (fuck you)
>>170786 I gotta stay alive, I have a presentation worth 25% of my grade in a class tomorrow
>>170776 That's basically why I've stopped using my comp. Backing stuff up as thoroughly as I wanted it to be started becoming a chore. I still need to finish it soon though.
my whole day has been too shitty to have any fun anyway
my whole table is syrians and a brazillian, none of them speak the language clearly enough that understanding them doesn't take effort, and really I've just wanted to listen to my news radio but they kept trying to talk to me And not even about anything important where my input is needed, just general bullshit like the weather or weekend activities and shit
Nit /// not on twitter though im sure none of you guys clicked it
Shit, so they aren't illegal to own on a federal level. But they can't be imported, or buy or sell across state lines. Or make them with intent to sell across state lines. Fucking Strom Thurmond, he's dead but still gets in my way of having fun.
>>170824 get one of those wasp knives instead They're not ballistic but they're +150% dmg
imbued with explosive effect
elemental damage: wind
>>170830 I might, but not anytime soon. They are a bit out of my budget.
collecting knives is a warning sign
>>170834 I don't collect them. I have like 4, but only one if we dont iinclude multitools. The not multitool one is a piece of shit that I regret acquiring to this day Mainly because I could've gotten a giant novelty zippo instead.
They clearly think it's good content if they retweet and like half of it
Next time I gget a knife I wwant to get a nice one. Or at least not a super cheap one.
>>170860 But that statement doesn't invalidate mine.
i did get one follower today finally to 70
my kemonoposting is getting me some likes and retweets
Uggggh, it's a pain the ass to figure out what to get though because the city of chicago has strict knife laws. And it would practically defeat the purpose of buying a knife if I didn't take it into the city.
Wait, iirc some of the restrictions don't apply to employees of the federal government. I know they don't apply to national gguard, fbi, other military and also USPS. I wonder if it applies to DoE employees.
phone gonna die soon i dont want to move around and get my charger
>>170872 I needed earbuds because headsets aren't allowed There were wireless ones available and I don't like having the fucking cable going down to my pocket all the time This way I can just leave my phone in my pocket and not worry about it catching on stuff
Also there's something really funny going on right now with the price of a certain magic the gathering card. Its an uncommon (second most common), but it sells on the aftermarket for about $9. For reference most rare cards go for under a buck.
>>170879 Is this an OC or is it from anything? I know it's the same horn girl, but I have no idea if she's from anything
>>170880 it's the artist's OC he has a few horned girls and similar things
Anyways I actually sort if need the card for my deck, but I rrefuse to pay $9 fur an uncommon ssingle card. So I keep buying magic packs and get dissappointed that I don't get it.
I've tried listening to some random somewhat well known gommies on youtube and stuff, but they're just insufferable to actually listen to A lot of the time anyway
maybe I'll listen to something from them tomorrow if there isn't anything interesting in the news
All I'm getting is like "there's a fire in portugal and the timing is bad because it's not August, which is when the government rents in airplanes to handle fires usually" And one of our politicians fucking left her party outright because of reasons She had a position, dude
I'm gonna be honest though I have no idea who either of them are, or what the show in question is
>>170897 That *They had a dumb tv show like 12 years ago. The only reason it might be notable is that it may have been in canon with the greatest anime of all time, Cory in the House.
it was a great show
>>170899 I was under the impression that the last live action disney tv show that was socially appropriate for guys to watch was Even Stevens. I don't think I knew any guys who watched Disney channel after the age of ten.
>>170909 I did not, but I had one My dad isn't like wealthy He's just, you know employed
>>170910 Your own computer or a computer in your family's house at all?
We had a family computer from like 2000 So it couldnt be used for anything only MS word
My family is pretty middle class and I didn't have a personal computer until I bought a laptop for myself when I was around eighteen or nineteen. We had a family PC since I was maybe nine or ten, but it was hardly a personal thing. Having a PC from a young age or not isn't really a good indicator of social class.
I had really old computer for most of my life. I didn't have internet till (at home) till I was 16ish.
>>170913 I was watching anime on our computer from 1999 in 2007. It was a mac though. I did sort of have 2.5 computers of my own but they were old free computers that my dad's office was getting rid of. The .5 is because my third computer (that I did not share) was iidentical to my second but hada better processor so I moved my harddrive into it. I got mmy first non Mac (and first new) computer in 2011.
I also didn't have much television variety for most of my childhood. Originally we had a pretty good cable package for a decent number of years, but eventually the cable company realised they'd given us a cable package a level or two above what we had purchased. So it was either downgrade to what we were paying for or pay more. We downgraded. I think the limited show variety was a big reason why I ended up reading a lot, and turning to the Internet for entertainment.
I still have some VHS tapes but no working player. It produces sound but no video which sucks. It'll probably too expensive to find a working one now
Most of my childhood was VHS tapes of 1940s and 1950s movies I didnt have many (read: any) real friends until high school
>>170922 >>170921 I have a hardcopy fansubbed End of Evangelion. But it was an actual Japanese copy from Japan that had subs put onto it, not a duplicate made with a blank vhs.
I was betrayed by every friend I made until high school except for one
>>170924 Not sure hhow it is where you live, but it sshouldnt be ttoo hard or expensive to acquire a VCR. I got an old late model high end VCR for super cheap.
I had a decent squad of friends in high school, but I've fallen out of touch with all of them. Now my entire social circle is people over the Internet. It gets a bit lonely at times.
i don't really understand what it means to be betrayed by a friend when you're not even in high school yet what's the worst they could do, rat on you to an adult?
...I've never had that happen, though in retrospect I was also kind of feared by fucking everyone else my age in school because I went hard in the paint when I got ticked off
One of them told people I killed Jesus
I wasn't allowed to go to one guy's house because I was Jewish
I was violent in middle school Because I didnt want anyone to hurt me
Having some semblance of a normal life is overrated I'm gonna get back to school, study, become a lawyer and kill myself because of a depression related fit at age 35 or something
Sleep now though
>>170950 Okay, but hypothetically if you did you could go to a charity shop and tell them you want to buy a VCR and that if someone brought in a working one, you woukd buy it from them. The
>>170952 >talking to staff >going outside >carrying a VCR home >in summer
>>170955 I have literal autism, what's your excuse? Also I never said you have to do it right now, or even in the summer. Also you couod probably find one for free or cheap on craigslist.
those people dont deserve the honor of having kannagi address them tbh
I made a mistake today. I opened a door for a newbie who didn't have keycard and they said "Thank you..." and I meant to say "You're welcome" but I ended up clipping the end of her sentence and saying "very much"
I did good.
You're going to be laying in bed later and that scene is going to play on repeat endlessly as you drift off.
I'm fine in conversation, but back and forth short pleasantries like that can be difficult for me.
I also tend to fall into the typical autism trap of taking the question "how are you?" way too seriously. Like I need to stop myself and remind me that it's nothing more than a "hello" to most people before I get going.
I don't if I have time to prepare. If I get caught off guard. I panic and have to think of what to say.
My boss when she promoted me keep saying "keep it quiet" and then proceeding to tell loudly over course of the day things that imply I am promoted
and then with a post it said "Does that make you happy?" meaning the promotion but I was just like How do I respond to this. I just nodded like billion times and smiled without saying anything.
>>170965 Some times I get surprised by people if I'm expecting something. Like most of the time, you get something from a restaurant or a cafe and the cashier will say "thank you have a nice day", so I like to reply "you too". But some times you get a cashier that omits the "have a nice day" part but I'm already prepped on the "you too". And if I don't stop myself I'll end up saying it.
i just take it easy and go at my own pace in conversations
>>170982 A number of work items were much more complicated than they had to be, I got asked to help out with a rather diffcult and annoying set of duties in the middle of trying to sort them out. I got screwd around with by bureaucracy a little later. I was rained on but fortunately I had an umbrella handy. I was having lunch at a cafe and some guy showed up and played the guitar right next to my table and sang really loud so I couldn't talk with the person I was eating with very easily.
>>170984 That really is a lot of little inconveniences, wow.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the day is over though So you can enjoy the evening
i dozed off earlier and had a weird fever dream about marriage
I had a dream the other day that got me pretty mad at my subconscious. It wasn't a fever dream though.
I dreamed that I was getting married to someone with an apple for a head and her teeth were made of seeds but the rest of her was normal and part of the ceremony involved setting her dress on fire but the fire started spreading and burning everything down and then the apple opened up and it looked like an endless tunnel so i climbed inside And I kept crawling through the tunnel but the tunnel turned out to be some kind of sewer filled with milk or something And I got washed out of it and I was in a tavern and a guy offered me booze and I took it and then I woke up
I day dreamed I was posting on /a/ or watching anime, or posting on moe.
Most of my day dreams are feel real and often make me feel like they actually happened.
A lot of my night dreams get like that. Talking to friends, whether in person or over Internet apps. If I'm really into a specific game at a time I'll some times dream I'm playing that game or some hybrid of being in and playing the game.
Sometimes I dream I post something really stupid here or on tano, then I wake up and I'm like thank fucking god it was just a dream
I drool a bit when I sleep. It make me feel a little silly.
>>170999 Isn't it annoying when you drool so much on your pillow that you wake up from how wet it's gotten?
I almost passed out in class a few times too
I opened up two packs of magic cards, the first one didnt have anything good, . But the second one had a $9 card and a $6 card. So I made a profit of about $7.
It wasnt search, it was solving some kind of puzzle to open a secret passage
i need blackout curtains
>>171019 Disable Device is also Int. >>171020 I used to want (really want) those but in retrospect it was at a time in my life when it would've been very bad for me. I really liked to go to sleep during the day when I felt depressed and wanted curtains to block out the sun better.
While at work I was thinking I wanted to do something creative when I get home. While I at home I am thinking I want to be back under the air conditioning at work
>>171033 Build your own air conditioner, creatively.
im actually probably fucked academically since i didnt get enough work done today and ill probably be too sick in the mprning for it too might lose my grants
I have to write 10 pages tomorrow in like 4 hours provided im well enough to and then i have to give a 30 minute presentation for 25% of a course's grade
>>171046 >doing it over voice Just print out a note and drop it somewhere in the university The guys here never got caught and they do it like 10 times a year
>>171041 really, for all the student activosm happening over there, they seem to only tackle the wrong "*issues*" •issue• hmm the fuck is that italics symbol on this phone
>>171047 that's like 2.5 pages an hour you can make this bruh.
>>171047 I hope they don't give you shit. call in and ask them about your options, it could be that the guy who got shot never informed them? Otherwise they were being assholes for no reason when the guy could do nothing about it.
>>171053 Hire cheap labour from India. They can be quite good sometimes!
Also that is really unfair. I will be unhappy if they fuck with you.
>>171052 My options are to turn in the paper or not turn it in
I've been been trying to begin eating dinner for like twelve or so minutes. But it was just one stupid thing after another and now my food has been getting cool for almost a quarter of an hour.
Every time I have ribs I'm reminded how much I can't stand them. Which is a shame since I love all the kinds of ways you can make them. But I'd enjoy it so much more if it were just served in a way that didn't involve me fighting for the meat from its previous owner.
>>171088 It's not fun to eat for me. It's awkward and ribbone meat is generally a bit too stringy and fatty for me. Also I'm a bit fussy with getting my hands messy and the moment I've got sauce or spice rub on my hands I'm feeling the urge to wash them off.
why dislike em riba are tasty and fun to eat like chicken legs and wings
>>171087 i enjoy the tearing the meat off the most and then breaking the bones and suckingnthe marrow
>>171087 so a wild wager, you dislike shrimp and crabs too?
I don't like the taste of shrimp. The times I've tried it I've had a chance to use a utensil to get them
crab or rather crayfish eating is tedious as fuck, but it is more of a social +vodka event anyhow
I've never tried crab since fresh seafood isn't exactly cheap around here. On account of being nowhere near the sea.
But I did try lobster once and had a hard time eating it since you're basically digging in to the corpse of the creature to consume it. And that's a bit too squicky for me.
>>171094 tedious good like that is fun part of the charm is the effort
And the charm is also entirely subjective. Just not for me.
>>171141 Avoid making angry comments that my current irritbility wants me to make towards her even though those comments dont reflect my actual feelings >>171142 it was fuckin rad
Well if I just start lashing out she'll be really hurt and it'll take forever to fix things And I dont want her to be hurt so its better to keep my irritible comments to myself Idk if its being mature or not
I'm thinking I might check out ARMS for the Switch. Having a motion-based game might be a nice workout to run half an hour or so a day. Apparently it's good for getting a high heart rate.
>>171194 See >>171196 It shouldn't really be a problem since you'd be used to carrying them around all the time . Not that there aren't exceptions, but breasts need to be very large in order to actually interfere with day to day life.
>>171201 Yes, as I've told you guys many times, I'm eternally 17.
I could believe it
speaking of breasts, one of my info bots dug up an anomalous correlation between consumers buying larger sized bras and the purchase of maroon lip stick compared to any other consumer demographic
>>171202 >permamently stuck in highschool how terrifying
>>171205 I mean I graduated high school. I just have a youthful body and outlook.
>>171204 I can see that. They're probably more likely to go for the sexy look, and if you have small boobs you wanna go for the innocent look.
>>171206 i thought about that at first, but probably over half of my demographic mine source is indian and i was thinking it's probably the indian girls i think they like to go for the darker tones because bright red on indian skin looks a little too flashy and the makeup industry is huge in india i don't know that indian girls would have larger breasts though i'm not going to parse data based on cultural assumptions i dont understand
Huh, apparently the Switch controllers ' Bluetooth can be picked up by any machine that can listen for it. So you can use them with Android, PC or Apple devices.