dark stock photos looks like a bad movie that I'd love to watch with moe Look at all these crazy white people. And that one asian dude smoking a cigarette with his child.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>169240 yeah, it's pretty much all crazy white people
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i guess that's the most relatable subject for a stock photo though
You managed to get him to hang out with you? What magic do you pull off to achieve it?
I'm at my dad's house >>169276 my dad and stepmom wear their shoes inside even when they're just hanging out It's really weird But when in Rome do as the Romans do
We're watching a movie called Split You might like it TN
I tried watching that but I got bored of it really fast Maybe I should try it again
The lead actor is really fuckin good
watching it with dad/stepmom/fish right now it's not like amazing in terms of story or anything but I think it's worth it just to see the actor's abilities
So my parents watched Get Out without me last night. My dad said thst he forgot I had wanted to watch it, well he said "I didn't know you wanted to watch it". I think his memory is starting to go. Which sucks since he's not even 60 yet. Also did Marsh say where he is going this time?
>that feel when /moe/ died less than a minute before posted for the first time after you get up inb4 TN (or someone else) says I killed it
I should probably get out of bed and do something, but my parents left me alone with dog. So I just really feep like laying doen in bed with her. *feel
Doing exact damage is great. Beating up Azura is also great.
>>169290 I should also get outside for a bit. It's a nice day. I guess after this run.
>>169292 I didn't mean "go out and do something", I moved my comp into the basement from my room so I wouldnt laze in bed all day while surfing the net. But now I need to finish backing up it up (triple redundantly) and reinstall win7. But ive been putting it off because it seems like a huge pain.
>>169294 I was out for 15 hours yesterday (as in after waking up and before going to bed not as in on june 17), and then 20 hours the day before. I'm staying home today.
FUCK I'm really tired, but I know I wont be able to fall back asleep.
Also these is very interesting. Anyone interested in math shoukd like this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematics_of_paper_folding
Although a better titoe *title would be "Mathematics With Paper Folding".
as long as it's dismounted it's not causing any issues And it means I can mount it if there's something in particular I remember having on it
Okay, best to cut your losses though. Wait, I have an idea. I need to look up some stuff to find the best way of doing it though. It won't magically let you get files off if it, but it might make it easier to find the stuff you had on the drive elsewhere.
>>169306 Anything on that drive that I need, i won't be able to find elsewhere
this gives me the opportunity to start my tagging habits fresh no more underscores
>>169308 Okay? I was thinking of having you copy the filesystem structure or whatever its calked. The thing that has every filename, every file size, their locations and whatnot. Although I don't quite know ehat sort if stuff you had on the drive aside from hydrus.
oh that's easy, but I know roughly what's where already
Well, theoretically you could save some amount of time and also wear on the drive if you looked into the thingy to fibd oyt exactly where a certain file is and then mount the drive and copy the file directly with the CMD >>169313 What I mean is that every time you mount the drive and click on a folder, and then click on a folder in that folder it takes time because it loads each of them and needs to do additional reads. Everysingle time you click on the wrong folder and then click back it puts additional wear on the drive. Also searching google for "$filename" extension:$fileextension is a possible way to refund thibgs online. *refund *things Oh and rather than recovering (or perhaps in addition to) recovering the database getting the file list from the directory where hydrus stored the files coukd be very useful, because iirc every image you load into hydrus it copies, and outsthe copy in a folder with the filename being the hash if *of the file. >>169314 Oh nvm, congrats
I already have all the images, I just don't have the master file because it was corrupted Anything I want to get off the drive can't be gotten elsewhere because I'd want it BECAUSE it's on MY drive It won't be anywhere else, because all of it will be personal files
I didn't know yiu *you got all the images off of it.
Most of the images are likely just gonna stay unindexed though I can't be bothered to index all of them, retagging my current already-tagged files will be pain enough
Not sure if this woukd suit your needs, but IIRC Hydrus has a feature where you can have it automatically tag images with tags other hydrus users put on the same image(s). At the very least you coukd use those tags as a starting point to retag your thibgs they way you want.
Yeah there's something like that, I just don't really know if they'd use the same tagging system I do I imagine it has a lot of stuff I wouldn't tagged, tagged, and the other way around too
But I might look for a way to get specific tags from the public repository
And potentially, if you can figure out some corresponding tag rules, programmatically retag them with yours. Like if there are >>169321 Okay
Initially though, I'm importing images that are already in folders sorted by tags So I have somewhere to start
Through the power of autism, I already have a lot of the important tags because I exported them into folders Like reaction images and stuff And wallpapers
Also I hope you now appreciate the importance if backing up your shit.
I'll be backing up the .db files if nothing else The images I can re-appropriate at a later date if shit crashes >>169325 Yeah
>>>/watch?v=9mkOx1fH2G0 They're making a Call of Cthulhu video game. I think it's supposed to be based off the TRPG, not just the short story? They call it "the official video game" and I feel it would be hard to make an official game off of Lovecraft's story.
>>169328 They can't make an official one of the story because its in public domain. So it is almost certainly of the table top rpg, although Im not even sure they coukd if the trpg because I dont think it was in Public domain when it came out and were technically infringing upon copyright at the time.
Yeah, I figured it would be something like that. But I wasn't clear on the status so I didn't want to say I was sure.
Also Call of Cthulu:Dark Corners of the Earth ir whatever its called is supposed to be really good.
Fuck, my ear piercing hole seems to be infected. Well, I've known that it had a minor infection for a while. The only problem right now is tgat I am *might have to let it seal up. I really need to get a new earring.
Also this thing is really cool, its a visualisation of a bunch of different sorting algorithms. https://www.toptal.com/developers/sorting-algorithms/
>>169328 seems to hold potential, as long as the gameplay is more interesting than the usual haunted house horror games
It looks like it might be an Amnesia-style walking horror puzzle game. Which isn't bad or good, but I tend to have fun with it.
>>169336 Well what wouldn't be boring for you then?
>>169335 dnno really, but the fault in ammesia and outlast is how repetive they are with the spookenemies, hide and run so they become more of an annoyance quite quick kinda similiar in a:isolation, the alien was morr annoying than skari when around it was much more frightening when you knee it was somewhere, but wasn't doing a pattol route/looking for you
>>169328 That actually looks very promising. I'm very surprised I didn't see anything in it that really bothred me, because I often get super autistic about modern lvecraftian horror stuff. *Lovecraftian >>169340 It should, its an important aspect in his stuff Nah, you do detective work on cultists and cukts, or oeople who turn out to be derp ones or whatever.
It looks like there's a possible bit of detectiving to do in it too. Well as much as you can do detective work on eldritch beings.
I'd kind of like a game that makes the player take a hands on part in taking in the mystery instead of just having the segments of the mystery revealed to you as the game progresses.
Also the more I think about it, the more I think they might not be able to call it the official game. Or if they can, then anyone and everyone else can make anything they want related to anything by Lovecraft and call it official. Like I couod make a shitty cg tentacle porn 15 minute short and ccall it the official call of cthulhu game porno.
Getting my thoughts down into words is way harder than I thought Not only is it hard to word them, but it's hard to drag in all the information necessary to understand them
>>169355 Yeah, it's weird how people have such different preferred temperatures. I guess it's environment. I have a lot of English and Scottish blood but I like the heat. I can wear shorts no problem at freezing temepratures though so maybe i'm good with the cold too.
They say a girl's hair is her life, so sometimes girls do stupid things with their hair when big things happen. You have to be careful though. You can't un-cut your hair. You can't really dye it too many times without there being consequences, too.
>>169378 She's not getting it dyed all the way to the roots. Also I dont think she's ever gotten a real dye job before.
>>169380 She's not dying it pink/purple/green/blue. Also she was formerly a feminist (not a meme one) but now she works for the man. And also doesnt have time.
i would shave more but then my skin looks like >>169423 with small thicker hair and dots on them.. not much to do tho. >>169433 the bad spanish makes it better.
>>169463 I think she's had enough social contact for today, she is less responsive than usual She gets like that when she spends a lot of time around people she's not particularly familiar with It's something like being tired I guess
ubuntu can't into fan control so we're back on the windows no vidya for the next week or so I guess
In fact, anime or movies might be pushing it further than I should, too
>>169479 Maybe it can run text adventures and dwarf fortress
It can push itself into like maybe 50 degrees if I don't do anything taxing And by taxing I don't exactly know what I mean, anything more work than a browser really
does WD40 conduct electricity?
seems to be bad for plastic so that's a no go was hoping maybe it could temporarily make the damn fan run a bit smoother if nothing else
Not risking it It has to work until I get a replacement
I'm gonna buy a much better card once I get money, daijobu The Radeon RX 560 is in stock the 22nd, so I'll buy that Well "Much" better card It's better By a fair amount
>>169478 CPU fan control or GPU fan control? Also if its not caused by a hardware problem you could probably get fan control wworking by getting drivers or some fan control program.
I don't have any way of explaining to my mother that I really don't want to do these summer jobs she keeps finding and thinking would be great for me to do, at least not in any way that I know are just going to get dismissed out of hand. So I just keep quiet and things don't get anywhere. It's really frustrating for me.
>>169521 i'm not even sure but the word homos is like idk savage
that description would be accurate if the game was at risk of fading in popularity but it's pretty rare that a game will grab a spot on the top 5 streamed games and top 10 concurrent players on steam and then hold on to it for this long at this point, journalists are mostly saying that it's probably going to become a permanent streaming fixture at least for the next year or so
personally i'm a bit more skeptical but i wouldn't be surprised if it holds a decent following until the next call of duty or battlefield comes out i only say call of duty because the new one looks to become a large-battlefield game
Are you confident enough in your assertion that you're willing to use it to shut me up now at the risk of me calling it a meme game and telling you that I told you so later?
well yeah
if only because it's a pretty low-risk low-reward deal though it's pretty much trivial what i'd rather is to see you give the game a shot but that's probably a long-shot
And I probably won't try it. I don't really play survival pvp games. As you know I tend to be a little bit of an airhead so that leaves me being shot and never figure out where from in those kinds of games.
this was seriously a casually attempted idea but it has worked so well. I can snipe down Hectors at full HP with this. If I gave Ursula "Astra", she could OHKO the boss with it.
It's not useful enough in normal games, I feel. Characters are built to one-shot most of the time. To put it simply, had Ursula not been in Desperation range, she'd die. But everyone on the map would kill her in one hit (except for two people who were carefully used and rused for my advantages). I wouldn't expect to use it to great effect in any mode other than Tempest really. If it were a Training Tower match, I'd probably use something else. ...I also don't really like any of the units that have it naturally.
I wouldn't be running a 4* Clarine if I were whaled out. I'd have one of the cooler 5* only cavalry healers ...I think there's only one.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Man Tilde is killin it on Duolingo
Gotta put this NEET life to some use. Also I grind the exercise because it's better reinforcement that just find -than just doing the individual lessons.
When I get back I'm going to have to do a ton ofththings for my mom because she's injured.
I'm going to have to do that all week. Doubly so after Wednesdsy because that's when her surgery is. This is going to be such a huge pain in tthe ass. Whenever someone in my family gets injured, sick or gets surgery IIalways end up being the one who has to do everything for them, I've been stuck with this role since before I was a NEET too.
>here, this assignment is urgent and needs to be done quickly >it's 5200 units >here's 2 people to help you with it rather than the standard 4 Ex-fucking-scuze me?
i don't know what that means but it sounds like garbage
Huh, apparently the author of a webcomic I used to read went fucking nuts and renoved their website (and had it removed ffrom the internet archive) and burned hundreds of copies of the printed books from their kickstarter because they couldnt afford to ship them to the backers.
>>169587 It means I had half the regular amount of people, on an assignment that has to be done quickly, and the assignment is about ten times as large as other assignments with any sort of urgency attached It's awful
>>169766 They're high schoolers, so it's probably just supplemental income to them.
>>169766 just because the minimum wage is low doesn't mean people are expected to live off of it the point of a low minimum wage is to provide a way people who are underqualified for most jobs to be able to find someone willing to pay them anything at all 10$/hr is enough to live a modest existence here at 40 hours a week but 7.25 probably isn't going to cut it so the only jobs for that low which people will take are ones that usually only high schoolers or part-timers looking for an easy gig will actually work
The idea of having to work like 6 hours for a pair of shoes is pretty crazy though. 9 an hour really isn't a lot.
>>169775 Yeah, it was slow so I just decided to try again later.
>>169765 the site is lagging maybe check back tomorrow
My province is moving towards a minimum of 15/hour, but we won't actually get to that point before 2018, I think. There'll be gradual increments from the...something like 11.75 it is now?
>>169774 12/hr was what i was recently making and it also wasn't really that much now sometimes with my salaried pay i actually work so many hours that i'm only making like 11/hr but most of the time i make around 15-18
>>169773 What if you have noskills and minwage is all you can get
>>169778 then you fucked up? life isn't pretty for those who won't will it to be
look i worked shitty jobs for years and i got to where i am by doing it that's just how it is
>>169780 Men can't grow nice boobs. This is the real wagegap
I mean it would be great if everyone could learn advanced skills and have a lot of things but the world doesn't work like that someone has to live a shitty life for someone else to live a good one and the only difference between them is how hard they try and how advantaged they were born
i just like playing devil's advocate also i don't like how things are but that IS how they are adapt and overcome
>>169786 that's not that much of a contrarian view
also increasing the minimum wage would be a garbage strat the rich would just redistribute the wealth from the middle to the lower-middle they'd never let their own income be marked
A high minimum wage has both disadvantages and advantages.
but bang is essentially correct, the rich will protect their interests and they are the best equipped to do so.
I'm all for increased minimum wage in the isolated concept it is. But the reality is that yeah, the people who are controlling the economic state of things from the top will just re-arrange things so that their status is preserved and untouched.
The only solution really is to eat the rich.
remember when they were going to make it so salaried workers have to be paid for all their overtime? all salaried workers who make less than 48k/yr were going to have to be properly compensated for all time worked past 45 hours now before the law got shot down, most companies simply eliminated salaried positions lower than 48k and began paying them a comparable hourly wage so that they could make about the same money provided they did indeed work a bunch of overtime many companies rescinded the plans for that change when the law was shot down, but the people in charge didn't have any intentions of lowering their own incomes
if a higher minimum wage is passed, the middle class will pay for it
He also then was not the highest paid position Besides the law can be formulated to count all money and wealth generated through that company
My point is that it's easy to compensate wealth from the company you work at without actually involving the pay you receive from the company.
>>169804 And if you lay down regulations like that, they'll just hunt for the next loophole to slip through. Plotting out a fool-proof law to regulate this is beyond human patience. Nevermind good luck getting it to actually pass.
Oh, it'll never actually pass, I don't think it will for å second The ceos of America would never approve
If you don't think it's even a feasible solution, you might as well be saying "well then the rich might as well just develop generous consciences and start handing out their spare money to the poor". Think of solutions that might possible work realistically, instead of moping over ones that would face insurmountable roadblocks.
I'm not convinced realistic solutions can exist for å problem that's considered a good thing by the people calling the shots, but I'm not disagreeing with you either.
Neither do I. I thought I'd kind of made that clear.
>If you try to put m4as on android phone, they won't play >if you convert them like it asks you to, it converts them to WMAs and nixes all the information with it
Also this is apparently a thing. >>>/watch?v=0oBx7Jg4m-o Dana Snyder (the VA for Master Shake) did the voice.
I'm done with thots This bitch was really bragging about taking shots at 5AM and going (DRIVING) into work at 7am no more of this type of female in my life fam
>>169870 I bet she was making that up in an attempt to impress you.
and now another finnish ice cream company pushed rumraisin to shops and just 1,8€ a litre what bloody took em so long? been selling em as cones on the street for decades but only now they deemed "hey maybe sell one of our hit summer icecreams year around in stores too?" idiots
>>169867 did anyone link thar "blue might liek dis amv" i posted earlier to you
>>169871 as good an impression tactic as bragging about jumping off a building
>>169898 Did they have that much of a tanned look? I remember it looking pretty white.
>>169906 10 years later she's jacked up on antidepressents.
>>169905 the moment the idol sells her integrity to the industry "what have i become" 10 years later only a shell remains
>can't upload .bmp Well I guess I can show my ye oldie anime collection
>>169905 well not that tanned, but still different i think it had to do with tech limitations prolly some colours wouldn't work or something hard to explain
>>169907 convert to png or whatever I wanna see now.
>>169908 Yeah I can see this. Probably didn't have as many colours to work with since they had to physically buy the paint.
>>169914 i was talking more about scanning, turning it into film and all dat jazz and what would even work in motion against background
>>169915 Having an undo key in digital colouring probably helps a lot actually. Like
>>169916 with the background, and then you have to go back and redo it.
good example is comparing original lotgh to the bds they look as different as heaven and earth tech allpws much more freedom, not to mention bigger budgets just on merit of animeindustry being much bigger
>>169919 but here you can see the difference what they couldn't do in detail was then done with styöe if realism wasn't achievable, make it stylish to distinquish ot the 80s anime human was for a good reason as it was, because it was easoest to animate back then
>>169921 To be fair, this also probably has to do with deadlines. In the BD they could be a little more leisurely with their time.
>>169922 that too, bit also comes back to "industry is bigger" you can analyze this kind of similarity in western stuff too both animation and live axtion
you went around budget and rech limitations and got results that are remembered or atleaat noted for creativity nowadays you have more money to throw around, more tech to bring up and in the end, you can just cgi it awaaaaay
I thought that foreign revenue would have grown since the early 2000s, but I guess not. In regards to budgets and market sizes, I wonder how much expansion into the west in the 90s and sohelped.
>>169925 the foreign stuff most likely dropped due to people having stores to buy stiff locally, no more ordeeing them from japan at their ludicrious prices
It was high twenties over the weekend, I consider that pleasant.
pleasant is -10 to 10 comfy is -20 to 20 anything above or below is unpleasamt
I'm comfortable in 15 through low thirties when indoors. I have to stay in the sun if it gets lower than that or parts of my body start to get annoyingly cold.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
low 20s are comfortable compared to what i live in
>>169962 No way. I'm saying that if he's not entertained by being around me it's due to his failings as a human being and not any failings of mine as an entertainer.
A single character dying at Tier 17 will put you at the very bottom of the middle tier. That's what happened to me last time and I had to do it all over to make sure that three people didn't suddenly beat me and send me at to T16
>>169992 Oh right this guy I know this guy His nuclear fusion is p ok. It suffers from being a fairly hollow arrange.
Oh you'd already gone through them? I knew him from a few years back from his Undertale covers and they were pretty good. I liked his Necrofantasia cover, but I like most Necrofantasia covers.
>>169997 The BBC putting it's money to good use everyday.
>>169997 The weirdest thing about this statistic to me is that avocado toast somehow manages to be the same restaurant price in both Sidney and New York.
>It takes longer to avocado toast your way to a deposit in Vancouver than in New York, Tokyo, and San Franchisco Why this.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>Our mission is to help people enjoy life by finding the perfect places to eat with the people they love. >startup >startup's name is BURPPLE really is that really the name you went with
>>170038 I will get you a feather duster and meido outfit. >>170040 Y-you, that's unfair! You caught me off guard. You are the best too. The best aidoru!
>>170042 You could live the life of the best meido, wanted by all but too fast for them all. serving the best tea
I don't know why people buy these fucking things that they own solely for the sake of a fucking meme that is destined to die And I'm angry about it because they're propping up businesses that have no right to exist in society
Fucking burn the money instead, help fight inflation
>>170058 I mean there are more fun spinning things that you can get for $5 like a top or a frisbee or a motherfucking BEYBLADE
It reassures me that if I ever make something that I want to be sold, there will always be a market no matter who cheap and shitty the things is that I made In fact it will be more popular the more cheap and terrible it is.
When I was at school, what was super popular and expensive was those alien eggs that people tried to hatch. I don't know if that ever happened elsewhere in the world
eh avocados are like bacon idk they're tasty and trendy it was inevitable
>>170090 yeah but say past half a year to year they have had a huge spike in popularity to the level they are now causing watershortages due to overfarming them
>>170142 ... i am talking about sudden spike that happened about year in the past out of nowhere and with almost eveey westeen nation's foodplaces going "they are superfood" someone started it and someone profited i wanna know who
>>170151 Many Holothuroidea expell cuvierian tubules when threatened. They become sticky threads and are expelled through the anus. They are attached to the respiratory tree and are basically the sea cucumber's guts. -fish
>>170162 seafloor critters are weird like coral or starfish... expulsing their digestive tracks to feed
>>170162 Oh yeah, I remember the anus and guts part now. I've seen clips of them expelling them and it becoming threads along the hand and arm of the person holding them before.
Also tell her I'm thankful for how serious she takes informing people these things, and that I'll try to remember the proper names for it all. But I make no promises!
My mother makes absurd amounts of jams in large batches. Usually only strawberry or raspberry though. But it means we pretty much always have a jar of jam in the house.
>>170183 Clotted crea and jam with toasted muffins is great.
>>170195 Who makes those rules! Stands can have stands, break the limits! that is what super aidorus do! >>170195 I can only hope to earn such a level of world knowledge. *wordly worldly
Next even.
i just realised, theee was no "we are numbee one" spoof groups cospplays at desucon just one or two superhero guys from that series i am dissappointed
So if I have a higher than average IQ I can avoid jail?
Time for me to rob a bank.
>>170215 yes but with so many dicks running around, people will stop almost all sort of crime, just passion ones remain. thus only crime ledt will be eliminatimg competition pis killimg pis and framing other pis for it
IQ is just a number that has many correlates to quality of life
I wonder if smarter people are happier? I read about some Japanese villages that were happier when their lives we're simpler and they didn't have high levels of education but they were all skilled at farming or various skills.
sure, I don't doubt there's a correlation, but I think it's far from a be-all end-all plenty of people with high IQs are stuck in dumb thought patterns doesn't take raw intelligence to have a good life
I don't really care about my IQ but I feel like I wouldn't like it to be low. I'd be scared to take a test and find out I'm actually as dumb as I feel like sometimes!
>>170263 It's just like how pluto isn't a planet anymore but much less legitimate.
>>170260 I think people's happiness is just based on how much suffering they're exposed to. When all your friends call you uninteresting and tell you to drive your car off a cliff you'll feel sad even if you're super smart.
>>170268 IQ doesn't really have an absolute correlation to being "dumb" or "smart" though. There's plenty of people that don't have a particularly special IQ but have built up a powerful repertoire of knowledge. And there's plenty of people with high IQ that don't posses a particularly impressive knowledge base either.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
true happiness comes from within something something
>>170273 If pluto becomes a planet again then there are about three other objects that will have to become planets. That's why I said it's much more legitimate than removing genius.
>>170286 Nighty Nighty! Sweet dreams I will try and magick you some aidoru dreams!
>>170284 Well you've got a better bargaining chip now. Maybe you might be able to use it to find a job with a bit more vacation leniency. Or just keep climbing the ladder you're on. Congratulations.
>>170292 Well I got this job not because I was being appreciated or anything but because I was already doing a whole bunch of work and the current keyop wants to have holidays but can't when she's the only one on that shift I work the longest for those hours. so best choice. >>170297 Standard Data entry, removal of blank pages, Quality control of Archival work and storage of documents. I am also setting up a system of flowcharts for quick reference on the more intensive data entry jobs which require certain specific knowledge to capture the right information on the forms.
Nothing particularly exciting or interesting. in fact super boring.
>>170300 Hope your internship goes well! Commuting can be super tiring but it can grow on you.
I sort of love the trains now, I wish I could go on them everyday if they were so expensive and added 2 hours to my Journey. I'd leave at 7am and come back at 9:30pm
>>170302 I've commuted to stuff before, but this is a much longer commute. I also have to get to tthe train around 7 am.
>>170315 spend hottest summer ever in your country wearing full military uniform everyday and quip at everyone in t-shirt complaining "is hot" with "i am not" and you will learn a trick to ignore the heat
>>170319 I am already fine with having an egoistical sense of superiority over people. I just want to be cool not torture myself for a bighead
>>170315 Is it particularly humid over there, or is it just a dry heat?
>>170324 Do you have a humidifier or is one within your budget? If the air is too humid you're not going to be losing body heat as well with sweat evaporation.
>>170322 the point is learning the mental trick you don't learn it except through torture for sake of ego
I am not sure how to react to being asked how much I sweat.
Hah hah, yeah, sorry, it's a little weird.
But sweating is a pretty decent method of cooling off that's built naturally into your body. It's something humans did a pretty good job of perfecting over the course of evolution. So if you're not able to sweat well, you're kind of losing out in that aspect.
>>170329 That should help some. Doing it with dry ice would probably also work but I would not tteccommend it.
I never knew the day would come where moe would be asking me how much a sweat and if I have taken my pants off yet
I know that americans mean Trouser by pants but over here pants are underwear.
>>170332 ... dumb as fuck unless you are considering suicode
>>170337 That's why I said I wouldnt rrecvommend it. Although it cocould maybe be safe ddepending on airflow and ventilation, but thstd be too much work.
>>170336 You're the one that wanted help with cooling off! When it comes to cooling off, sweating is pretty extensively useful.
I need to leave before I get attacked by your ravenous beast.
also time I went to bed! Thanks for the tips moe even if you are all big perverts.
>>170342 I would instead recommend a slightly lower than room temperature shower. You don't want to force extreme temperature fluctuations on the body during summer; that's an easy way to get sick.