>>159526 Probably not, I can't imagine more than one person being a long-term gasoline drinker. I don't think they keep world records for suicidal acts anyway.
i also think it's important to not be a bitch about stuff and keep arguments going for inordinate amounts of time instead of talking them through because you dont feel like it
with that said the sirens are gone so im going to try to sleep now
D&D got ruined at the end when before people left the DM read an unsent email he wrote from a few months ago that was really passive aggressive and melodramatic and it really irritated the host, then I tried to do damage control with the DM who then when back into the other room and told people that it wasn't their fault and that he did not intend (I'm genuinely unsure uf he lied) to offend anyone
Oh hey, cloudflare isnt currently preventing me from posting without tor right now
for the new idol challenge quest you want to beat him u p until he uses his 50% hp trigger then you use the dark idol's 3rd ability to turn him into a zombie and the turn after the trigger, he'll kill himself with heal zombie only lasts 30 seconds th ough
It was tough but I beat it during anime. It took me three tries to get it to go though. only one sortie or whatever but he healed up three times before I got him.
I mean GETTING there would be insanely easy, but I don't wanna get there by just parroting /pol/ I could just go "DER JUDISCHE GEFRAGHE" and there you go, 300 followers
I think I fucked up this wasp I nailed with some deodorant spray earlier for life I saw a wasp fly into shit earlier outside Like just full speed into wooden boards and stuff I hope it fucks the hive up
Meat has countered your argument Kirara by saying that the lipps group is 2 cool 1 passion 2 cute, which is exactly what I have!
>>159821 If they never came back after, I'd be fine with that, really I can't stand wasps, and I think there's a hive nearby, they come in my window all the time in the summer
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>159823 and they're one of the least good groups so
If it's not fish though, I wonder who it is They seemed to just follow stuff I imagined someone who knew you would But you were followed after me, so that's a bit weird
>>159841 it's a quebecois swearword i think it's like taking a name in vain >The tabernacle is a liturgical furnishing used to house the Eucharist outside of Mass.
Photoshop is really different from paintshop Just opening another separate image in it is much more difficult
My phone's only just started actually giving me twitter notifications on the icon for it Seems kinda worthless Other than DMs and stuff, nobody would care to check their twitter just to see a retweet or a like, I'd imagine
Bakugou really never screws around Saikou
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there are so many unique and cool characters the author is a genius
I'm not entirely sure what's happening in that image
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Is the head of that owl devouring Koume
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It's a drawing from 2016 and then another of the same character from 2017 #同じキャラで初めて描いたのと最後に描いたのを比較 is basically compare a photo from a year ago to one now
>>159880 maybe the artist just thought it was cute
I actually thought that artist was already in my list I guess I must have forgotten
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
fifa says there's no problem with having the world cup in qatar haha i wonder how much the fifa officials are getting paid
i really want to put a blade tome on olwen but i'd have to like 5* an odin just to have the 5* blade otherwise it's not worth it it's so frustrating like i REALLY want blade olwen dire thunder with glacier and her speed is kind of okay, but it's only gonna ohko things she's not having trouble with in the first place with blade i could ohko basically everything besides julia and hector
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
right? i have that problem with everything blue tome basically
>>159887 I don't understand wrathful staff can you explain
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
> Florida has passed legislation that strengthens the controversial ‘stand your ground’ law which was central to jury deliberations during the trial of Trayvon Martin’s killer, George Zimmerman. >The new law places the burden of proof in “stand your ground” pretrial hearings on prosecutors, who must now show a “stand your ground” defense is not applicable. HAHAHA WHAT
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>159890 staves do like 50% damage or something like that maybe it's 75% but either way it doesn't do the damage that the attack is listed as so with wrathful staff, it does
Though, how do you even prove you were standing your ground If nothing else, the concept is dicey because it's hard to show either party is right or wrong without witnesses
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>159894 if there's no witness, the defense can't show that it's not applicable, right?
I don't think the results are gonna be comparable, no It's a lot better if you have to prove you were acting in self defense, even if that is gonna land a few people in deep shit despite acting within the law
this makes me wanna play postal2
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>159903 yeah this is gonna be pretty bad probably as expected of florida
I'm pretty amazed at how much just the structure of duolingo makes it easier to keep going Just having structure at all makes it way easier Without it I'd have no idea where to even start, man
i've got like 800 sp to spend on olwen and i keep just wasting like an entire hour looking through my barracks and feeling anxious about what to inherit and end up making no choice and leaving her bare and now my phone battery is too low so i have to charge it but i want to keep playing aaaah
>just add a layer and there's an option somewhere in the software with 500 million buttons, none of which you know what do or where are Thanks moon appreciate the assist
At this point I found a template for it but I can't figure out how the fuck to make it not just a black box with a flare on it The thing I found it on said "just modify the blend" as though I have any fucking clue what that's supposed to mean
This was like a 5 click procedure in paintshop
yeah i'm really not fond of photoshop tbh corel's products are like a bunch better
There's trillions of options, but none of them are even helpful unless you already KNOW what they do and when to use them and what to use them for How the fuck does anyone use or learn this
>>159928 how the fuck does anyone just recite the recoil pattern in cs using their hand without even thinking about it that shit is way beyond me but you just mess around with it, that's about it. in trying to accomplish this just now you've probably learned a whole bunch of new things >>159930 make black transparent? like remove the black and have it have an empty field or reduce the opacity of the black?
I have this And I just wanna be able to paste that flare over another image It doesn't look that awful in the software, that's just the compression on the screenshot
oh i see yeah that's not a simple job since it's graduated uhhh there's probably some sort of feature to do that but i don't really know photoshop that well sorry blue would probably know he's really good at this stuff
I'm just gonna put this on the backburner for now until I get more familiar with the software overall
I'm running into that wall of "I just wanna do this one specific thing" that I do with a lot of stuff You have to learn everything gradually, but I just wanna do this one thing
>>159933 can you find the background eraser tool? in its tool settings, fiddle around with the sampling and tolerance settings >>159935 there's a different hotkey for repeated undos i don't remember what. ctrl z is just a safety so you don't over-undo things sample the black part, then move the tolerance around a bit to where it's not getting the red but is still getting the black behind the red this might not work very well since it's a static image
>>159934 I got it somewhat working but I think I'm just gonna do this later Thanks for the help, I'm just getting frustrated because none of the stuff I'm trying to do is working like I expect it to I can't even copy paste this onto another image seemingly There are parts I want to remove and replace with the same as what's around it but it's not letting me
I've eaten and now I'm full But I still want to eat I'm not hungry though
The Duolingo lessons aren't really good for actual Japanese proficiency, so it's definitely possible. They do get positive points for b breaking you into Kanji right off the bat though.
>>159969 It's not a lot of work if you don't care how nice it looks You can just translate it and hand the script to someone else
>>159966 There's a lot more to Japanese than just knowing the kana and Kanji though. Duolingo's critical failing is that it teaches you a very, very specific way of speaking--the very polite, very rigid ~masu way of speaking. N o one in Japan talks like that to their friends and most other normal people. It's not even quite the same speech pattern used for people in the service industry like waiting staff and the like.
>>159972 Yeah but we all watch the weeb cartoons here We all know about the 2chans
They also don't seem to touch on the fact that Japanese removes context most of the time either. Like they set up phrase testing like "are your parents well? " and "my parents are well" when really in response to that question you could really just say "genki" as an answer and you'd be inferring all the context of the question asked you.
>>159977 In how many languages would you answer that way... that is pretty much how "basic level language" lessons work it doesn't teachyou how to speak it proper, it just gets you into it
But that's kind of weird, isn't it? Most people who utilize these language courses, aren't elementary school students or kids learning language for the first time. They're usually young adults or adults that are already intelligent enough to comprehend some level of contextual dialogue.
>>159979 Dnno, I would compare that kind of language teaching to say middle school or elementary school lessons same nonusale stuff, that is just there to make you slowly pick up the language. *nonusable
if people use it thinking that they are actually learning the language as it is, who can you fault except them for thinking that way. Of course the app-provider could say "this is just to get you into the basics" but the responsbility isn't theirs.
You just gotta start somewhere when you learn a language My english wasn't nearly as fluid as it is now when I first learned the language It, too, was way more polite, but the important thing is to seek out places where you can get into it on a more native level, like 4chan did for us
Monolingual people who never had to deal with anything other than English might find it strange or think they'll learn learn it the wrong way, but that's just not the case if you keep at it and read a lot
I really learnt more english on interwebs and by dropping subs on all english media I watched when I turned 8 or 9 and of course mostly reading english literature during teen years
And that is what i say about all language learning "you learn by using" so use it biatch is why my swedish is basically just " can read it" and germany has become rusty as fuck I use neither *don't
I actually still use subs a lot because movies have FUCKED sound levels nowadays It's absolutely horrid
Rather, I started using subs again somewhat recently The music and sound effects are at 100 but the dialogue is at like 5, what the fuck Are sound directors just fucking retarded now? What the fuck is up with the current movie industry?
The main barrier for me with Japanese is really the alphabet I consume so much Japanese media at this point, the sentence structure and sounds make sense to me. The different alphabet is the problem
I could probably become pretty proficient in it if I had a ton of romanji, japanese text to read But it has to be about stuff you're interested in, too It's very important to get immersed in the language, and you can't force that by just going "here's a <language> thing, I'll read it!" You have to go "here's a <thing of interest> in <language>. I'm gonna read that!"
>>159992 Yeah if the language didn t force you to learn completely different alphabet, I would've already learnt it same reason I dropped my hebrew studies just couldn't be bothered to learn something I'd never use outside of it.
i learned the kana way back in the day fighting slimes
wow that has not aged well
Memorizing the kana was a slow process for me but I'm pretty much good on all of them except for some of the super-identical katakana now. I'm also starting to reliably pick up some of the low-level kanji and how they sound. There's an app, Obenkyo, that can quiz you on entire JPLT levels of kanji, translating their meaning. It doesn't have the same reward structure as Duolingo--really it doesn't have a reward structure at all--but it's thorough.
purple border quarter pounder
I'm gonna struggle for a long time with no and... nu? Shit I don't know, it's no but it has a loop in the bottom right as well They're so similar
>>159999 Yeah Those two They're easier to distinguish when they're that small though cause you can see the prods are angled differently
It's not that I'll ever have problems recognizing either for the other, but if I'm given 4 options for me and no is in there, I'll get confused and think it's the other two instead
>>159998 my japanese teacher had a visual mnemonic for that of some sort but to be honest it was even harder to remember than just the symbols themselves >>160002 the visual mnemonic she gave for that was that of a volley ball NEt that fell apart and the volleyball net being REpaired it was really confusing
There's also ね and れ, ne and re. They're easier than nu and me but I was caught on those for a while.
ro and ku I'm solid on, though And I think it's ri that's similar to ro, and I'm fine with taht one too
I dunno why I struggle with some that are similar but not others
Just gotta keep at it for a while, and duolingo's got notifications I think that will help me at least do something with it once a day Which I think will make all the difference for me, because I'm very bad at sticking to stuff
>>160001 Yeah that doesn't sound very reliable, I never really got mnemonics for kana, I pretty much just rote-memorized my way through them.
>>160008 it worked for the intro while we were learning the stuff by the time we had to start reading whole papers full of the stuff it just kind of stuck and you didn't need the mnemonics anything to get you functionally able to read it without having to look back to a reference source helps imo, as long as you actually do that part and do read it
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
is it time to bring back
>>160007 If you want some supplementary material for learning to talk like a normal person, check out Tae Kim's Japanese guide. In particular his grammar guide, which approaches Japanese from the construction side and not the "phrase forming" side. There's a website for it, and there's also an app you can download which has the entire guide offline for your reading pleasure.
I think I'm actually sort of solid on the grammar of Japanese Or at least, I understand the sentence structure very well
But I'll look into it once I'm a bit more confident about my symbols
Whoever in ancient japan decided to have separate symbols for every combination of 2 sounds and ALSO a symbol for every individual sound needs to be retroactively shot
>>160012 Well what's nicest about it is Tae Kim goes into the particles, like は, に, が, ま, で, and others that pop up between actual words, and does a lot of talk about conjugating adjectives and verbs. So far I haven't seen anything in Duolingo about verb conjugation, and they've only somewhat touched on negative adjective conjugation.
Losing a cat always is a miserable experience. Hopefully he had a good and satisfying time with his cat.
Yeah, even if Pence is a psycho, I still feel bad for him
I checked the tweet where his wife announced it and every comment was something heartfelt it made me really happy i was worried rabid assholes would be in there saying shitty things
my kitty is gonna have to go down soon she's drinking a lot of water and isn't pooping right she's clearly got early stage kidney issues she's such a sweet kitty it makes me sad
damn that's rough sorry to hear
>>160028 Oh yeah, that's a pretty scary thing for cats to start struggling with. I hope she has some easy last years.
>>160029 it's okay she's 16 years old and is addicted to cigarettes whoever owned her for the first 7 years before i got her was a really heavy smoker and she will gravitate to anyone who is smoking a cigarette i'm surprised she's still going strong, and it's really heartwarming to see an old cat in pain still be able to chase around a toy and get really excited
i just watched a video of someone spending 250+ orbs and getting only two of the bridges i really lucked out getting 4 with just 42 orbs >>160034 i dont know if it's actually the case but it obviously brings her comfort to be around the smell some lady owned her for 7 years and then had to give her up to the humane society because she couldn't afford her home that was almost a decade ago and i adopted her because she was an adult kitty and everybody wants the baby kitties, and i feel really bad for the old ones in the humane society sitting there after they've lived an entire lifetime with a person and now they're in a cage confused. the kittens don't care, they're just dumb kittens but she spent the following 7 years around my grandma who was a heavy smoker and she'd spend all day long sitting in the chair next to her while she smoked her cigarettes
also, she's kind of a hide-under-the-bed kitty, but i swear, if someone in the vicinity lights up a marijuana she'll run out from under the bed and sit right next to them within like 20 seconds she's a smoky kitty
a cat addicted to cigs is a new one havent heard that before wowza
I don't think he can pull the poll miracles or "jytkys" his predecessor did I mean in 3 elections from 5-10 seats to 40 seats... But atleast now the party will get its policies more lined up, so the core supporters will know their issues will be actually presented. The party lost quite much of its popularity quickly after becoming part of the cabinet trio along with National Coalition (market-liberal-right(pro eu)) and Central party
>>160042 as they kinda went down and skirted their campaign promises in the compromises to form the cabinet. also the party was mostly a protest party at that point, so they didn't really have a unified policy truly
Also Nintendo is so early in the morning. E3 takes place IN PDT and they're starting at nine. One of the few times being in EDT is a blessing.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>Bridal Blessings the waifuism is off the charts
>>160046 yo they are really fuckin good i can't speak for caeda but the rest are stellar the illustrations are really good too i am not gonna complain
>>160051 would you happen to know if C skills like goad cavalry affect the unit that has it equipped, or only that unit's allies?
Though amusingly since russia stopped doing summer time, we have the same time now.
>>160052 It looks like it's only running for an hour anyway, so you wouldn't be missing much. Heck you could probably just run Twitch through your phone and listen in on what they're saying.
Oh yeah, sk Just for reference I already completed the Japanese course in two days So good luck on blazing past everyone else and making it into second place
>>160059 Sort of, but the proficiency test put me at bit past the half way point For reference the proficiency level it gave me after the test was 8
Probably would have been higher if not for their insistence on super polite forms Also I tested out of basically every lesson set ratger than taking the lessons using the "test out" option
Also if you hit the weights button in the corner of the lesson screen, you can practice a random assortment of details from the lessons you've completed. It's a good skill for ensuring you haven't forgotten the stuff you've picked up.
I would be interested in doing a /moe/ duolingo german club though, since I don't speak german but i want to learn
I don't understand the obsession with 4k either. Maybe for people who really really care about big TVs.
>>160101 it's just the next step in rsolution and fps obsession well FPS is actually a real issue, since anything below 60fps is just crap
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>160100 err i don't understand your VR logic more fillrate = more possible VR detail per frame
just administered the rorschach to my mom and i think she's lik like almost completely empty
Oh god the amount of "every little detail" and such mixes if this turns out to have some fatal bugs...
>>160103 If I remember correctly, most systems don't really have the graphical horsepower to do high-scale graphics all that well. So why push 4K for VR when everything is still using 1080 or 2K textures?
havent scored it yet but shes like incredible simple with almost no level of complexity
>>160108 unfortunately not, since its standardized so youd have to take it in person
>>160104 I've always wanted to take one I wonder oculd you take it over intrwebs
>>160107 figures you could do it videochatting maybe? though it wouldn't be anything official just for shits
maybe but it wouldnt be official yeah it might not be accurate
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>160106 well like i would think this would be enough for at least current gen VR titles
and i wasn't talking about 4k for vr, that's out of scope but // a bit of a miscommunication there rather that the hardware needed for 4k will help a 1080 vr title quite directly
>>160110 like set up skyp or something with the camera on your end showing the inkplots
wouldn't be accurate but might be fun for shits and giggles
yeah that might work would be better to have a shared space where the person can trace things on the card or point to areas on it
I think racing games just appeal to a certain kind of person. I knew a guy who played them, he even had one of those expensive video game steering wheels. He was also into real cars and motorcycles.
Fuck this Internet some times.
I'm kind of interested in some of the background work they're doing for that racing game though. Stuff like the dynamic weather. If that sort of thing is actively randomized and not scripted into racing courses, I would love to see that aspect of the game show up in other games.
>>160128 they do have nice environments and effects but then you like can't do anything with the enviornment! if they make a nice environment i want to roam in it
There's certainly some astonishing realism with racing games. I've seen some where it's raining and each drop of water is handled by the engine. I'm sure it's the simplicity of the games that allows them to go all out with the realism.
But you can't really call the Assassins, since the word originates from 10th or 11th century arabcic
As long as the Assassin's Creed series stays true to its free-running and climbing, and assassin-y stabby mechanics, I will probably buy the game. And probably enjoy it.
Hah hah they stole that mid-air targetting slow-mo from Breath of the Wild.
what happend to that game that was the shaman thing?
Breath of the Wild is the new Zelda game.
what was the shaman thing
>Loot collecting for better equipment. Oh no my autism will reign supreme.
>>160167 Not sure I know what you're talking about.
>>160168 last years E-3 it had guy with animal companions and could even control them for stuff 3rd person openworld stuff I don't think it ever launched
Oh boy with all this dodging it's Assassin's Souls.
>level up
>>160171 That's a carry-over from Assassin's Creed Syndicate.
Might be fun though. I like combat that requires consistent input.
>3rd isntallment has guns and gun parrying
Oh here's the game Bang's really into right now.
yeah this gameslice stream is reaaally lagging behind
Go to Twitch.
twitch is gay
Yeah but it's not lagging behind~.
I can handle say 30 sec lag compared to barely able to run the site
if it is battle royale why are people teaming up fucking wussies
>>160184 I think a lot of battle royale involve temporary alliances though. Also a lot of people go into games like that with friends and team up that way.
so what then they have a backstab fest or make sume rules for final conflict still pussies
This is the kind of game that feels entirely unnecessary to have in 4K resolution.
I'm a little surprised zombie horde games have endured this long.
I guess there aren't really any other kind of creature you can use in a realistic world scenario for swarm-style video games though.
Those aliens remind me of starship troopers They should make another Starship Troopers game
>>160193 bug aliens bears gone mutant giant spiders super giant insects in post global warming flooded world
>>160195 The last one is really the most probably alternative. Giant spiders aren't really feasible, and there aren't enough bears for a mutant army to be a big deal. Human zombies are both potentially massive in number and large enough of a creature to be a threat.
>>160196 Id play it and if I designed it I would throw in like finger sized Silverfish that BURROW INTO YOU
This is kind of Clone Wars/Star Wars Rebels-looking.
Yeah I can see it
>zombie co-op survival next game >another battleroyale
I don't really like these demonstrations that act like its a real session.
yeah cringy as fuck
But the actual game looked all right at least.
Time for more Minecraft shilling.
>the darwin project ... >>160204 'I give it artstyle bonus
Man I wish games weren't so expensive. If they were cheaper I'd totally just get games like this to walk around in. I love super-detailed environments.
but it still looks kinda... messy as fuck
This looks kind of MMO-y though. Is it just a port of a PC MMO?
this is a stunning enviro
Oh it was Black Desert.
Oh right that thing it seemed bit cool but >mmo
Sandnigger online is beautiful but the gameplay isn't that great.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
watch it
>called Black Desert >it's not even set in a desert
>>160228 what mmo actually has good gameplay really though?
>>160228 That's in line with what I've heard, yeah. Damn shame.
That game had some really good aesthetics. Both visually and in sound.
you know what would be fun a max payne game but set in future like near future deus ex or gits style 20 mins in future
>>160231 Guild Wars 1 was pretty good. >>160230 The Black/Red Desert is an area in the game where a lot of large scale battles were fought between two of the countries prior to the events of the game.
This game has some cute waifus.
Oh it's Bandai-Namco.
Dark Souls but anime
>>160235 that actually was like you could actually use the environment to your advantage was cool too
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
okay i've always wanted to play a co-op pirate ship game
I don't have enough memory of it to really provide any more info. I remember it was isometric and had ship combat.
Yeah I think I remember the one you're remembering. Can't remember the name either though.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>160253 I kind of like it. It's less dumb than that bit with the esports announcer talking over the obviously not real gameplay. It's also providing information about game mechanics.
This seems like a fun game if oyu have a solid group to play it but I still would love if it has more actual pirating
I wonder how destructible these ships will be. It looks like cannonballs can smash right through the walls. But that might just be --
Okay what. Hah hah hah.
doesn't look that much
>Pre-order our games guys even though we didn't really show you anything of what it was about
ouch I have been toying with the fidget spinner for an hour speeding it up and then slowing it down and now my right index finger hurts on the "spin spot" like fuck
You've become addicted.
not really before I got this, I used to accidentally stab myself with scissors nonstop when I did the same spin and stop move with it
This honestly hasn't been a bad conference
This is actually catching my interest a bit.
I've seen a few games I'm moderately interested in And a million games that are already on PC
this dark and light thing seems quite interesting and the pirate one is something that might be fun too
>>160292 Yeah, if the combat is fun, I might be sold.
>>160291 I'm fairly sure that when they say exclusive they always mean exclusive to Xbox 1 and Windows 10 so there's basically no reason to own an Xbone
>ashen lol
This is probably Life is Strange 2.
totally is why did that game get so much praise...
Oh yeah I should get Mordor and play it it is raping LotR but it seems fun
It's Shadow Of Mordor, but on a different map
These are rather eloquent orcs.
They actually were Though you should throw them to speak in some bit weirder accent take the trolls in hobbit for example
The orcs in SoM are For some reason
But do you know the prolem here mordor orcs spoke mostly the black tongue that is why their common was bad
This orc is pretty funny.
>Mordor is a living, breathing world Not if Sauron's got anything to say about it!
>>160312 actually it is the blasted lands around the mount doom and stuff are just like 10% of the mordor beyond to the south there was the giant lake of rhun or rather inland sea where the food and such where produced and humans, enslaved and worshipping sauron
There is the still simple probleof you can't dominate orcs like that or elves don't have that kind of magic and you know all lore of this game series
I really love how they hyped up the console like IT HAS A process it's it's uh it's got a processor It's worse than what your last, broken PC has in it, but there's a processor in there
I don't think I've ever really used an xbox. It feels sort of inferior to playstations and the PC.
the 360 controller is really comfy
>>160359 If you're on /moe/ you have basically no reason to own an xbox over a play station since all the good jap games go to play station
>>160387 I was just pointing out that the statement applies to everyone. Don't you think it's a little cocky to sell yourself as limited time kirara while failing to appreciate the value of limited time rika?
>>160391 It's limited time Kirara because you only have access to me for another 30-40 minutes. That means you've only had less than an hour to interact with me all day! Isn't that sad?
Why are you assuming I'm not appreciating you, anyway? I always appreciate you!
I can be time limited too! I have decided I will be time limited.
I am now worth more!
>>160402 Have you been doing practice tests? I'm wondering how hard it is, because Ive only ever heard it described as really easy or really hard. I took a few short practice tests for it a while back and did okay.
>>160397 We're all claimed. >>160404 The issue with CompTIA is that there is a lot of dumb shit to remember that you honestly shouldn't have to waste memorization skills on. And the grand amount of information in there keeps increasing as you find more stuff. It's bothersome. I wouldn't so much call it "hard" as it is "tedious". There's probably a good amount of luck involved if you aren't taking an in-depth class (and my class definitely wasn't in-depth). >>160407 Kay.
>>160402 Oh hey, can I get that ebook still? Is that offer still valid?
>>160418 Also I read the terms for the exam a while back and iiirc it is against them to use study material not prepared by the company that does tge exam depending on how strictly they are interpreted.
>>160418 I don't think they like that here... But that's not something I'm clear on.
I have to get up early tomorrow but I don't want to end my sunday just yet. why do they end so quickly. They should only end if you feel like you have achieved enough.
>>160436 Imported and downloading. Thank you kind sir!
Oh, looks like there's going to be a new Metro game. That's nice, I liked the first two.
I'm waiting on Sonys conference
>>160443 That's fine, Java and C++ are meme languages. Also C++ is llow level so its hard to work with even if its good for making fast stuff. I Python is decent, Javascript really has nothing to do with the kind of programking I usually do so I dont know much about it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that ghost /// transghostgirl guy that shot up the supermarket was a brony
>>160448 O I see the words but this sentence makes no sense to me.
>>160448 I used to know a lot of bronies and they were very mentally ill One of my friends in HS was a brony and now he (she?) is a transgender. Actually I don't even know if they're trans or a third gender or whatever now.
>>160453 You can see the pony poster in his videos
>>160451 >>160450 A guy in Pennsylvania shot up a supermarket the other day with two shotguns and then killed himself. He left a bunch of videos and journals explaining why he did it.
He did it because he was a female Danny Phantom ghost stuck in a man's body and couldn't handle it anymore. He had a ton of videos and tweets saying he was going to shoot the place up, for like, a month and a half, and nobody did anything.
He called his channel Ember's Ghost Squad. It's all pretty sad.
>>160449 I have The Llama book, but i havent read much of it abd ive done none of the exercises.
I need to rework my maniaexchange mass downloader a bit... And keep learning python....
I generally only do numerical programming, and then closed form math stuff in mathematica. So basically I only do math and physics programs. Occassionally I come up with ideas for stuff to program that font fall under those categories but those will usually be weird/useless solutions to CCS problems I come up with.
There are a lot of lonely people it feels a shame that they think killing others will make them famous when instead they'll just be forgotten in a while or lumped together with all the other crazies that came before or such.
Its feels like they could have lived better lives if they didn't get corrupted into thinking murder was a path of making any meaning out of their lives.
>>160465 Let's be fair, we didn't really help them much before that, either. We put them in asylums so they wouldn't bother people.
We don't recognize mental illness as illness, as a society. Katy Pary or however her last name is spelled talked about her experience with suicidality the other day and people made fun of her and called her an attention whore and stuff. We shame mental health. It's really sad.
There really shouldn't be so much shame in seeing a therapist. He shouldn't have needed an intervention from someone else. He should have been able to have seen someone on his own without having to worry about anything. Also therapists are probably fucking expensive.
>>160470 There isn't always stigma aboyt seeing a therapist. Also tthere are tons of government and non profit run programs that provide therapy and other services for free or cheap. >>160474 At the very leadt there isnt where I llive. I remember my dad talking about how when he worked in St. Louis no one would mention going to therapy, but in LA his coworkers would. Like "I have to leave this meeting early to go see my therapist" is something people woukd say there without shame or being embarassed.
>>160469 People who are a danger to society should be institutionalized. The individual we're talking about sounds like he most certainly should have been institutionalized.
I don't know the specifics of the situation with Katy Pary but my first inclination is to dismiss her as a whore who probably now regrets being such a whore.
>>160471 Some of them become pretty famous which I think is the worst thing. I kind of feel bad for Nevada-tan since she was really young and every so often some western nerd wants to find her. She probably made profits for the nevada hoodies.
Wow Kirara
>>160478 The main reason I ffeel bad for Nevada-tan is tthat she got fucking shafted by their judicial system. RRead up on the sentences Junko Furuta's murderers and rapists got and compare them to Nevada-tan's.
The Japanese judicial system is pretty harsh and scary.
I thought Nevada was treated pretty reasonably. She went to juvy didn't she?
>>160480 >Junko Furutas murderers and rapists That was so fucking disgusting. At that age they were totally responsible for what they did to her. It was so needlessly cruel.
>>160483 Don't forget how they got to remain anonymous after getting out too
>>160482 I'm pretty sure two if them served less time than Nevada-tan, maybe all three.
>>160482 I'm pretty sure they got doxed. Bbl food.
It is a suprise they didn't get the death sentence but they would probably never be able to get a job again. Japan is pretty damning once you have a normal jail sentence let alone something like what they did.
I saw a doco on a Japanese prison once It honestly looked better than an American prison. It was so orderly and every day the prisoners had to chant about their responsibility and guilty. They had one guard for 100 prisoners working, and after they get out they get paid for the work they did in prison
>>160492 I kind of missed it, it felt sort of nice but it is also tiring. I liked sitting down and looking out the windows as the train flitted through the countryside. I used to take the train so much that I got familiar with all the places , the buildings and fields in the distance.
>>160493 Yeah. And sometimes those buildings change and you get to watch the neighborhood morph itself into the future ...although, it's not always a good change
The dilemma in downloading images from twitter is that you click on it because it's cute but the R-18 stamp is never in the view before you click it. This happens many times. Like that one doujin.
>>160504 I generally expect blue to know all the lewd moonrunes for tags on pixiv. It feels like a blue thing. >>160503 It is a fairly popular theme with all the faceless baldies and fat men.
>>160509 you gotta know the things that you want to get back to. Although really, I've been spoiled by my pixiv history magic so I haven't really needed to memorize many tags. I just need to find one and then I can cruise through the others.
The number of really good LoLK doujins is small. I Heca/Junko/Clowpi doujins andskjlvnasdlkjvhndsajvkndajvklandmvkandsclkandsca WHY DOES IT DO THIS I want more Heca/Junko/Clowpi doujins. They're great.
>>160521 >my shoe has been broken for months have you tried putting it in a ziploc bag with baking soda and popping it in the fridge overnight should fix it right up
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>160524 Sagume looks interesting but is unfortunately a stage 4 boss which makes her susceptible to being forgettable for some reason? She's super forgettable to me at least.
>>160527 She's forgettable because CLOWNPIECE exists in that game. >>160530 She's exciting garbage. She even has her own side manga with the three fairies.
http://www.drmartens.com/uk/p/originals-boots-smooth-1490 These are really comfy once you break them in. My old pair lasted years before they fell apart. I 've been meaning to get a new pair for a while.
And dress shoes, and flip flflops/ ssandals and boots or some sort of more heavy duty shoes for when it is very y snowy >>160563 I have a pair of Nikes for everyday stuff and runnijg (which i dont do) and a tough pair of shoes that would be gogood for hhiking and ling waljs and work wwell in the snow, two pairs of dress shoes (one probably needs to be thrown out) and then the flip flops that I wwear pretty much whenever I ggo oout that need to be rreplaced
I don't really have that many shoes. I use mine till they fall apart and then replace them eventually. My current shoes are pretty boroboro right now. my work shoes are alright but not that comfy
>>160565 I prefer boots but they can be expensive. I only have some well used trainers and smart work shoes right now.
I haven't actually worn the work shoes to work since I have to do so much walking that I prefer my trainers.
I don't like to throw away things until they are utterly unusable. I have t-shirts that are holy now from when I was like 15 years old. I use them as pyjamas
>>160564 Moon, can i have a lilink tto tthe journal aarticle tthat us ffrom?
i dont think ive ever had stylish boots i have had a few pairs of work boots but i wouldn't wear them unless i'm hiking or something something heavy duty i've always just kind of worn sneakers slash tennies >>160568 i am unable to find it, my apologies
My cousin keeps like a thousand shoes. She was once banned by my gran from buying shoes and she started hiding her purchases under her bed. There were so many shoes under her bed, like it was a shocking sight. I think she got addicted to buying them.
My dad probably has like 14 or 15 pairs of shoes.
>>160569 RIP what about tthe one tthat cites Ted Kaczynski?
I have a pair of Bluntstones that I wear when the weather here gets too much winter for shoes. Some of my family wear Doc Martens though and are happy with with them.
>>160580 Thanks Do you have a t to tthis oone or no? >>160584 Go up tto tthe tthe top right and click options and turn ofoff aauto complete it shoukd help a bbit
Oh moon, I ththink I figured out what this is ffrom. I found an archived thread from /sci/ where someone ssaid its from mathematics made difficult by Carl Linderholm.
That's what tthought uou mnt th Anyways googling "mathematics made difficult" filetype:PDF Should find it for you
>>160606 I once lost seven games in a row in one session. Anything is possible.
>>160609 what is this wizardry thank you rei that was amazing
>>160611 It unforntunstely does nnot always find tthbbook but I knew in this case it woukd (since ive downloaded tthis bobooj tthat way at least four times) But yeah "book title" filetype:PDF Is a very good query
>>160618 I've founrrecently that when ssearching stuff in quotes it doesnt always ssearch that exact string, google has been getging worse iin rrecent years
I'll tell you exactly why I'm playing so much League of Legends. In addition to my other study stuff I've been doing these IT classes at the tech school and I'm almost done. I have 15/17 competencies. and the last unit is some bullshit about saving the environment. I need to make up an IT workstation and figure out how much electricity they waste and then come up with some eco-friendly solutions. and that's what I was meant to be doing today. But I don't want to so instead Im playing LoL.
Sounds like your friend had his priorities straight.
>>160624 the excepts i've read are actually really intuitive and meaningfully interesting i've always been into topology, so it's pretty neat to me to see the different perspectives and approaches
>>160628 The only time I actually ssat down and ttried to rread it I was too busy to get past the first 90 pages.
Basically right nonow I'm ggoing to ccontinue rereading iit uunuuunuuntil iisstops being ffufunyy st GODDAMMIT WHAT THE FUCK IS TTHIS GAGARBAGE DAMN YOU SAM
I'm livin' in the future so the present is my past
>>160628 My abstract algebra (and sset theory) is probably too wweak to get a lot of ththe sstuff in it. Althiugh iIhhave learned mmuch mmmore mmmmath sssince t lt time iI tried rreadibg iit .... v
reading phone typing is like listening to a stutterer.
it's basically me in real life i've often been asked if i was doing a rick/morty impression since it tends to be when i drink that i stutter and i'm just like n-no
I've gotten pretty good at the double tapping I need to write stuff properly on the phone. It does start to bleed into my other phone uses though.
>>160635 It has ggotten much worse in the past two ddays.
Hrrm, the last ttgree pages in their entiriety have been vevery ffunny. But i dont wwant to just screenshot tthree enyire pages and ppist ththem on /moe/
You used to be able to buy fireworks on the queen's birthday People would come from far and wide to travel to the ACT just to stock up. It was the one day of the year we were relevant. Now that's all over.