>>154328 I know right, also the deep fried oreos and twinkies were $6. Which is way too expensive.
so do you have deep fried butter
>>154326 well dont be a fuckin prude, give us the deets
>>154331 I didn't buy them because $6 is more than I want to pay for a gross novekty desert >>154330 I think a different vendor had that.
Also the festival let people bring dogs, I also saw a big black furry pig on a leash being walked by a trailer trashy looking guy, but this was in the middle of a hip part of town so that look might be in right now or something.
shit you took a picture of the deep fried oreos but not the pig what the hell man
>>154333 I had food in one hand and a soda in the other. I really regretted not getting a pic.
you should have pet the pig pigs are great your life would be a lot better if you had pet the pig
>>154335 My neighbors in Tampa had a pet pot bellied pig. They also had several dogs who raised the pig. So the pig thought it was a dog and woukd cgase cars with the dogs and would also sort of bark.
sk, did you see any of the screenplay summaries I pisted from the black list the other day? *posted Cause I have one that I think you woukd really like.
The screenplay Blacklist (just referred to as Blacklist) is an annual industry survey for Hollywood which asks about screenplays people have read and liked that still have not been made into movies.
>>154340 When I showed my mecha fanatic friend a pic of your gundam and tge stack of your model kit boxes he told me to admonish you for not having any master grades.
>>154341 well tell your friend that two of the things in the stack are the equivalent of MG kits and he better step his game up and branch out a little
Also the psychiatrist who is filling in for mine to take care of prescriptions is refusing to fill one of mine since he says I don't need it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>154345 master grade sucks anyway, they're too big real grade is better and more advanced i don't do real grade because i don't have the attention span to do them and i'd rather not do something like that half-assed
my EVA and Fei-yen are advanced models though and larger ones
I bailed on the legal contract. I'm not gonna be arsed with people who don't respect my time. I wasted like a thousand dollars worth of time for them and they didn't have their shit together.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>154349 that sucks they sounded like they were pretty incompetent for a company that does legal transcripts
>>154355 If we assume that giant robots are manly, then models of giant robots are also manly, because giant robots in general are more manly that normal robots we can also assume tgat the larger a model of a giant robot is the more manly it is. Therefore 1/100 scale model giant robots are manlier than 1/144 scale model giant robots.
>>154356 Oh, this it pretty good so far I feel like the monologue in the middle is a little out of place though
>>154357 The underlying assumption that giant robots are manly is not entirely accurate. Is a giant robot punching another giant robot manly? Maybe. Is a human punching a human manlier? Absolutely. Moreover, MEN don't lose. The biggest robot in a show is always a villain and always loses. How can bigger robots possibly be manlier than smaller ones?
>>154358 it's that poem by john gillespie i assume this song is what // how the artist feels about the poem
>>154358 I said bigger models, also when I was referring to giant robots abd regular robots the implied size of a regular humainoid robot is a size similar to that of a human.
>>154359 It wasn't bad, just felt kind of out-of-place.
>>154360 My argument still applies - bigger is not necessarily more manly. It is, in fact, manlier to have a smaller robot. The same is true with models.
>>154361 kirara i'm sorry to bother you while you're homeworking do you have any suggestions for a safe space to talk about bad things i have some memories i need to purge
more like somewhere i'm not going to traumatize people i slipped up a little bit last night and i kind of regret it i don't need to spill kerosene all over moe
>>154368 oh yeah do you have steam there's somethin we should probably talk about because talking to notso is like talking to a giant ball of insecure cotton and nothin gets done no offense notso you know i love you
I almost bought a mandolin or an accordion. Almost...
>>154390 My friend realky wants an accordion, basicalky everyone else he lives eith or knows doesnt want him to have it. Error, we all dont want him to get one.
>>154400 It feels about the same but now my computer is in my room. Yeah, my mother. My little sister and little brother will be here and then a year from now I'll leave. Or I'll leave before then and my mom's boyfriend will take over my half of the lease.
Make sure to drink enough water so you dont end up dehydrated.
>>154411 Yeah that, enjoy staying hydrated and blowing your nose and moisturizing your skin in front of your computer in your own room for the first time in a while where no one csn see you.
Bang's Big Move
>>154412 I mean my PC was in the living room for the past year and it never really bothered me too much that I didn't have privacy. Every now and then noise would be an issue but my work/sleep schedule is kind of opposite my family's
>>154414 oh gotcha i really like privacy, i dont think i could enjoy myself with family peeking over my shoulder though that might just be because of who my family is
I think my family is not the norm in terms of respect and boundaries and politeness. I spend a lot of time at others' houses and I don't really ever see families that are as functional and peaceful as my current household, so my situation is probably a little different when it comes to privacy.
>>154413 tbh what's the point in masturbating if you have dry skin i would be constantly turned off if i had dry skin i bet bang's more concerned about his skin health than anything else. i would be.
>>154418 Allegedly people use lotion as lube for masturbating or something, ive never done it but it is still associated with it.
Bang's Big Move
Why would you even make such a mess? I guess maybe it's different if you are or aren't cut. But also >>154421 I guess if you really need to jackhammer your member to get any progress, but that sounds dreadful tbh
the penis isn't really a place that's susceptible to dry skin it'd be much more efficient to use lotion for your face, arms, and skin
>>154443 misconceptions about benzos 101 brought to you by moon rohypnol (flunitrazepam) doesn't do this unless you're taking a dosage that would cause permanent brain damage
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>154445 yeah, they've got some really interesting ones
>>154447 Weird Al parodies a bunch of them in tge video for Dare to Be Stupid.
>>154450 That's cute, I've seen a lot of those hanging character keychains that are cute. They have them for Shigure and Poi, too. I would get some if I kept random stuff on my keychain but I keep my keychain really simple.
>>154451 It was okay. It was one of those days where you don't realize that it was kind of a tough day until it's already over.
There's also a lot of homemade keychain bits and charms line that. I have a friend that drew up a bunch of designs from a variety of series and sold them at a con recently.
>>154452 i worked a 40+ hour weekend and now it's monday (tuesday? i dont even know) and i lost my shit at legal transcript corp for being unorganized and dropped the contract i'm not dealing with that and wasting my time anymore
I have to get my keys through security sometimes so I keep them super simple. I have a lairat (or whatever you call those things) that I attack to it with all the normal keychain stuff on it for when I'm not working.
What is the deal with dark axe teams? I have been lead led to believe that the two ways to do dark are emnity and axes.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Yeah Enmity is fist, which means you have a weaker regular attack boost, but have enmity which means as your HP goes down a new attack modifier activates and makes you stronger. Enmity has been weakened since the past though, so // but players with S.Zoi can go to 1 hp instantly so they're at mega strong power because enmity.
Axe has a higher attack stat AND a higher modifier skill, but no enmity I use axes.
Well, I used to use axes, and still do, but now my grid is a strange mish-mash because I like using two bahamuts
Yeah, I don't care about emnity. My team is Vira, Forte, Cag so emnity isn't really good for them since neither Cag or Forte are compatible with enmity teams. I need to build axes with this team.
oh yeah, there's going to be a group watch of Lupin III Bloodshed of Goemon this saturday would anyone like to participate i will make a thread for it if so otherwise it'll just be me and kannagi and quarx
Also Rika, the only useless weapon Celeste can drop is the harp. Horns have the same attack modifier thing as axes but have less good stats. >>154498 Punch Celeste and Celeste Hard and also be rank 50. If you're all those you find the fight back on the first island you started on, not Tiamat's but // Oh Normal Celeste is a raid on her island.
I meant normal Celeste. How come I can't see it even though I'm rank 60?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
If you go to chapter 24 Celeste should be there. If you want to get the weapons though you'll of course fight Celeste Omega, and if you want to open her raid yourself you go to Zinkentnagheahg or whatever, which is the first island even before Tiamats
>>154528 i think it made it seem more entertaining than it really is
i view ideas as precipitates of a process that movie made it out to be that ideas are constructions of elements it's a little backwards. i liked the movie because it was entertaining but i don't think it was very realistic
What do you guys think of Nolan in general? Did you like Interstellar? I barely remember what happened in that movie
>>154535 The second season was dogshit In the first season everyone has a nice variety of designs, and they put some unique spins on old designs like the Wing Fenice For season 3 I'd love to see people battling with models from Sunrise shows that aren't even gundam. They could bring in stuff like the Patlabor MG kits.
>>154537 Super Fumina by itself is a good design. I didn't watch more than two episodes of Try though. I watched episode one and then skipped ahead to Tryon3 because that was actually pretty cool.
>>154532 It was really good I wish they'd do a third season / series with more mass produced models I don't like how everyone ended up with some kind of Gundam in the second season and the designs weren't that great either
>hey quarx can i bum a smoke >sure, you can have the rest of this pack open the pack, there's one cigarette in it thanks bud
>>154538 I remember liking that scene too. I'd like more movies where astronauts get fucked up by volatile weather on other planets
>>154536 I dunno if I was too dumb for the ending or if it was too dumb for me I don't know what happens in a black hole, but it sure as fuck isn't THAT.
>>154540 I thought the stranded space captain part was the stupidest I can forgive physics fuckery if I like the movie
>>154543 Because his // he lied about the viability of his planet I think He had no reasonable motivation to summon them there, let alone try and kill them
>>154543 yeah information is weird you really have to abandon anything that you perceive as logic when you're talking about an informational singularity i mean there are some flaws with it but not the ones that most blaringly confound the senses
>>154543 The stated motivation is that he really didn't want to die But he knowingly signed up for a mission that had a death rate guaranteed to be 7/8 And obviously went through a really intense screening process to be part of the mission
>>154546 If I was stuck on an ice planet I'd just kill myself tbh >knowingly signed up for a mission that had a death rate guaranteed to be 7/8 You could argue that it was out of character to sign up in the first place if he's super scared of death, but I don't think it's that dumb for someone facing certain death to act selfishly The desire to survive can be pretty powerful
Actually when he lied about the viability of his planet, why couldn't they have just like, looked at it from orbit or something? Why did they have to go down to the surface of the planet instead of just sending like a probe or using a big telescope to say "wow this place is full of ice shit's fucked"
Don't read this. You will be kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the beat day of your life. Now you've started reading don't stop this is freaky. But if you read this and ignore it you will have bad luck. put this on 5 threads in 144 mins when your done press space bar and your crushes name will appear on the screen this is so freaky is actually work
>>154595 hey sammy sorry about being so acerbic last night i was pent up for a while, and i took the chance to outlet more than was appropriate for the situation and thanks for being cool about it
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>154596 thank you for being cool about it too :) i was a little more snippy in my replies to you than i should have been tbh we could all become more chill
>>154597 ive got some bourbon if you feel like chillin with some music and taking it easy spazzing out like that is a habit of sober moon that's why i'm kind of afraid of being sober i'm too spaz to be sober
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>154598 coo coo i'm ok with sober moon too! i don't have any bourbon here in mtl but i am happy to hang out
>>154612 you know how some people, if they happen to have a bad situation and slip up, they can go home to their parents and be taken care of? that's what the ocean feels like to me i don't have something like that in person but if my entire life feels like a mess beyond repair, i can go to the ocean and let the waves wash over me and cry it away, and it makes everything feel okay
oh no sammy left were you not digging the music i'm sorry
>>154615 nah man i fell asleep haha! it was chill music but i woke up super early yesterday so yee
So I laid in bed for four hours and didnt fall asleep. When I went downstairs yo get water i rnded up sitting down and watching part of Armageddon with my mom and dad. I finished ut after tgey went to sleep.
>>154653 Are you excited about the Aplle Developer's Conference?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>154654 andd i dontt wanna mess a thaanngg >>154655 i've been pretty distracted so i haven't paid too much attention but i'm excited for some of the features coming to Safari 11 and ARKit looks fun
>>154656 Basically all I kno w about it is that my sister got to hang out with Grimes yesterday and not Michelle Obama on Tuesday. Err she hung out with Grimes on Monday.
oh i'm also excited for the impending death of javascript webassembly unite for great making
>>154659 And also apparently they got a Vive to work with a Mac. I woukd be excited for tge death of Javascript if it were being replaced with something reasonable. Or if Nvm
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>154660 oh yeah,, that's a nice perk. but i already bought a pc like 3 years ago so a bit late to the train for that!
typescript is a decent halfway point, though in the end being able to use rust in the frontend would be freakin amazing and we can finally stop having to use floats for everything
You can send packets back in time? Is that negative ping?
>>154694 Well, you probably cant but if you could the ietf already has a proposed method of taking better advantage if that. Yes
That would be bad ass.
Oh wait it does work like actualky im 100% certain this is not a joke >If the processing time is greater than the backward time shift, then even though the packets are received out of orderTCP should still work due to the TCP symmetrical 3-way handshake mechanism.
>That said, FTL communication might lead to FTL travel, where we can travel into the past. It may be necessary to start working on this yesterday.
This one is also very good. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8135
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i want chicken wings... it's 3 am... if only i lived in NYC >>154706 how elaborate
>>154720 A lot of popeyes and kfcs are open this late. It's not just an NYC thing.
This one is also good. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1925
Bang's Big Move
Internet fixed now i'm a real human
>>154735 Did you call the Internet Engineering Task Force and have themfix it for you?
>>154735 Will your net be tolerable for the next year now?
Oh when --
Also are you closer to your workplace now with the move?
Bang's Big Move
I guess my patch cable was faulty I'll have to send it back to amazon Now I have to have my router halfway across the loft but I'll get more patch cords and a shelf soon so I can run the cable over the doors
Bang's Big Move
>>154740 I'm about the same distance except with more roads between me and the highway now
>>154758 Oh, that's the big meme game at the moment.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i still haven't watched the hunger games but i assume it's the hunger games
Bang's Big Move
Kind of, yeah
Everyone parachutes in along the plane's path, and then the radius you're allowed to be in gets smaller and smaller The premise has been done before but this time the execution makes for a fun competitive experience that I believe I am disproportionately skilled at
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>154757 yeah it's got star power... i don't know man, it's ok
It's supposed to make conccurent programming much simpler compared to other languages which is my main iteredt in it.
Bang's Big Move
>>154759 Did you ask that question just to say that
>>154765 No, I legitimately didn't recognize the game.
Bang's Big Move
>>154766 Oh You should watch a twitch stream sometime, it's a fun game to watch It's really tense all the time because there's like 99 people who want you dead
>>154776 Last Friday I found out tgat one of the newer FNM regulars at the place I go to is a he. So we talked about frogs and snakes for a bit.
Bang's Big Move
snakes are so cute i want one
>>154779 Go to the everglades and grab one, they're free.
Why want one when you can want TWO.
Bang's Big Move
i want a pit of snakes
>>154783 That's not whst youll be thinking after you fall in.
Bang's Big Move
>hugged by 30 snakes no way dude
>>154790 Are you going to close your eyes and pretend you're being embraced by a snake girl?
Bang's Big Move
disgusting monstergirlfags are basically just weird furries
>>154794 That really depends on the monster girl. Also thats incredibly insulting towards monstergirlfags, furries are much more disgusting over 95% of the time.
>>154796 The difference is that monster girls are only 50% animal, so you get the aesthetic qualities of a girl and a monster animal. Wanting to fuck a lamia isn't like wanting to fuck a snake.
>>154803 True, in this case I'm specifically talking about the ones with animal parts
>>154827 And pedophiles, and MGTOW, and ahedonistic pyritan moral fags
Bang's Big Move
>>154828 It's not okay if you marry her in the first place.
Bang's Big Move
I just think it's probably not healthy to want to fuck a monster girl Like it's thoughts that do not lead to a greater sense of happiness in life whatsoever In addition, it is displaying a desire to do something that is rather grotesque, as intercourse with some kind of non-human would in all likelihood be objectively disgusting
>>154832 I don't feel like typing up a redponse to that I'll leave it to Maria
Bang's Big Move
I mean I guess some people are into shitting on eachother but those people should ALSO burn in the pyre
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Bang's Big Move
>bean bag made from actual snakes >only 37 snakes per chari
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>154840 we worked hard to find the biggest snakes we could conceivably integrate into our production pipeline, meaning your chair will have the fewest possible seams!
chair 2.0 delivers the hotly anticipated INFLATION POCKETS for REAL TIME FULL BODY CONSTRICTION
Why not make it from one really fat snake?
Hrrm, I think I'll try going to sleep. Might be back in an hour or two, but probably not. Oyasumi
Bang's Big Move
>chair 2.0 is every company releasing patch notes with their new product renditions now
The only patches of note with that chair are the ones keeping it mended!
For major releases, yeah.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
kiwi v3.0: now even hairier
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i bet there are genomes out there that are version controlled and have patch notes i wonder what the history of the modern banana looks like
>>154832 terms like "disgusting" are subjective. If it gets someone off, then to them it's not disgusting. There is nothing wrong with consensual sex between an adult male and an adult monstergirl. A monstergirl can do things a human girl cannot. A human girl cannot tie me up with her long snake tail before smothering me in titties. Hence I have come to the conclusion that you're gay
>>154851 Tragic. Whole races have been entirely exterminated from the planet.
Everything about Persona 5 is stylish and streamlined. Even the menus are super stylish. It's such a long game though. It's taking me forever to get through.
>>154933 You're a clever young man. Clever enough to know if you deny having a funny nickname it makes me likely to talk aobut it now to prove you wrong. So from that I can deduce that you want to talk about it now!
Doesn't everyone close drawers with their hips? It's easier that way >>154943 Sometimes yeah, if I can reach it more quickly that way >>154936 I'll listen soon gotta make food
>>154942 Don't people also pick things up with their feet?
>>154980 Last night I had several runs where all the parts came out of the tool in good condition, despite the fact it usually eats at least two of them. None of them were over-powdered, too. And my whole life has been a string of good luck. It gets old.
>>155013 ok let's do it this is gonna be the best you're goin down kiddo
>>>/watch?v=hw3d9KTYHIE Song not quite about randy >>155015 It'll be a really crazy newstory Two crazy motherfuckers have what's basically a mecha battle
the weather around here has been pretty nice the storms are all just a little warm, sometimes cool late spring/early summer is a nice time here >>155036 not that many, just 2, Another Age, and 3
>>155038 I haven't played any of the PS2 ones yet. I really wanna play Last Raven though.
>>155040 Rain is so good it's the best. Rainy nights can't be beat for comfy value.
It's been raining every day it's nice we need rain badly
My bullshit jokes are like the only things ever gaining traction Like "#LaciGate is about ethics in feminism!" That's still getting RTs
i played 3 4 and 5
Wow that shitposting discord really grew
>>155073 yeah the stalker guy dasuma showed up and started posting so many damedame images it was great he was so worried that he made people uncomfortable by stalking them he felt really bad lol
https://twitter.com/age_jaco I think this is the guy who actually drew those horn girl stickers
I've been following him so long, and I didn't realize
oh dang
oh jesus my GPU is heating up insanely DID THE FAN DIE?
He's actually the most dimwitted human being to ever hold power, I think The people behind him are the ones playing not only 4D, but 5D chess, using him as the king piece
He's not playing the game at all, he's part of the game
Aw man, I was hoping netflix might have the wire I've been wanting to watch that, but it's a very long show
infinite seasons
>>155092 I'm surprised we haven't seen ONE assasination attempt
Warms the coc Cockholes of my heart
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
grr even with types javascript // typescript is still an abomination
What's that
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
javascript but somewhat typesafe! by ... microsoft... ??? it's weird
>>155115 "antarctica" isn't real it's the name of the imaginary continent that we use to explain the existence of the great ice wall that surrounded the flat earth and keeps the water from falling out of the firmament
how do they feel about flat earth warming?
Someone write a screenplay where it's the Truman Show but with a flatearth being the twist
>>155134 just a character in a flashback in a single episode it was a nice image though so I took a screenshot I think it's the only screenshot I have from the second season
I keep overreacting Gonna just stay in bed again for å while
>>>/watch?v=gStdVdVqx7k This is probably mmffavorite song by them. It has John Lydon doing the main vocals. He was also kknown as Johnny Rotten when he wwas in tge Sex Pistols.
Huh, I'd never actually seen that video before. It was pretty good.
Moby - Play was the first album I owned
>>155184 Noice, I rremember going to a Borders to buy it with my dad. I think it was a borders, it was a really big book and music store somewhere in St. Louis.
Lights and Music by Cut Copy >>>/watch?v=8R1X2TxW5Rk Fun Fact: QWOP was made by a guy who was in Cut Copy.
>>155187 There are actually a lot of really good fan made videos for Cut Copy songs. I'll post some in a bit. Did you watch the Animal Collective one, tthat one is also very good.
I kinda doubt that it will be a big deal in a few decades. The side that loses is always butthurt sore losers. The Republicans were sore losers when Obama won, the Democrats were sore losers when Bush won, it just goes on and on.
>>155227 You can still know about it even if you were young! There was awhile back then when nobody knew what was going to happen because it took a supreme court decision to resolve the election.
It was definitely close. Though I don't know how it would have happened in this day and age since the people this decade are far more inclined to visit violence upon their political opponents.
Probably about the same, Bush and Gore were different sides of the same coin. Gore is already remembered as goofy and inept, so he likely would have just taken the place as the goofy and inept president that happened to have the reigns at the time 9/11 happened. He probably would have also invaded Iraq since it was something pretty much the entire government wanted to do.
The only reason why this could "not be a big deal" is if worse things happen. But even worse things happening, I don't think it's any less of a big deal. I have finished Comey's statement.
I also really don't expect too much to come out of this testimony. ...Rather, I don't think that, even if anything of substance came out from the testimony, that anything will happen because of it. >>155240 That's actually the exact opposite of what I have been hearing because proper investigations take time. But rolling back to what I just said, even if anything was found out, I don't think congress would care.
>>155239 >>155241 While that is true, I think there's a misunderstanding about what an investigation is here.
The point of an investigation isn't to prove someone did something wrong, it's to build the case against them. Let's think about more mundane legal cases for a moment. If a random criminal gets caught with drugs or stealing something, the authorities usually have a very good idea that they've done it. The bulk of the investigation is gathering information to meet the high burden of proof required by the court. Most of the time a person is being investigated, the authorities have no doubt that the perp did it.
Compare that to Trump's investigation - it's been months and months and no one can really clearly state anything that he's done that's illegal.
>>155243 So what illegal acts would you say that Trump is guilty of? I've seen a lot of talk but people still can't really say exactly what it is that he did that's illegal.
And as far as this statement goes, it doesn't seem like FBI was investigating "Trump" anyway. Most of that 'investigating' is really just done by journalists.
>>155251 Do you think so? Do you think there is any legitimacy at all to this collusion with Russia stuff that is at the heart of all of the business with Comey?
>CEO Travis Kalanick has started meditating in Uber's lactation room, as his company spins in a whirlwind of bad press
>>155256 I think the administration was trying to make a smooth transition, and part of doing that would involve being in contact with Russia and trying to be on common ground actual happenings therein are kind of hidden, but the intentions aren't inherently incriminating. it's what an administration is supposed to be doing that's transitioning in and taking over
>>155256 The whole reason I found legitimacy in "investigating" any of it is because a lot of it sounded pretty suspicious. There were things worth looking into. Firing Comey made that incredibly LOUD. And from the statement he released, it sounds like him being investigated (even caused FUCK (Even though he wasn't) caused a moderate amount of paranoia.
>>155259 I think this is a valid statement, and at the heart of all the troubles that the administration is currently having with this Russia stuff. I think they started governing just a little bit sooner than they technically should have. I also think this sort of thing probably happens every time a new president comes in, but this time everybody was out to get Trump.
>>155260 Don't you think that part of the reason it was so loud is because the media made it loud? Comey is a civil servant, it was Trump's right to fire him. To the victor belongs the spoils has been a common practice in US government for a very long time.
>>155262 we're also in a period where there are people who only cognitively understand presidency through the eight years of obama which was not a standard run-of-the-mill presidency and the social platforms have drastically changed in such a short time so i think there are a lot of people right now that want to say "what the hell is going on!!!" because it's different than the expectations they've built i won't really comment on the matter, but a lot of people view obama's presidency as a relatively inactive president, whether he was or wasn't so it kind of makes them feel confused to have an overactive president
>>155262 For me, unfortunately, no. Because I asked this same question around election time. There was a thing going around, although it made little waves, about how the two teams talked with Russians. Simply put, the Clinton team refused to do so at all. And my thought was "Is that normal?" Hillary as the more-experienced politician to have her campaign not answer/return calls. I didn't know to take that as normal or a sign of frustration on her campaign. Fast forward to the future and now we have thoughts of collusion and I get to sit around going "Oh. I guess these things aren't normal."
There are lots of things that may or may not be big deals that you really don't know they are until someone tells you so. The only reason I don't think this is going to be big is because Congress, the only authority with ability to impeach the president, shows zero desire to do any such thing. Also, whether it was "his right" to fire Comey or if everything he's done is technically "legal", that doesn't really remove any reason to look into things.
>>155263 That's interesting. The social platform thing I think is a big thing, people seem to be convincing each other that it is the end of the world. It kind of is creating a phenomenon that feeds itself.
I think things are a lot more volatile than they've been in recent decades too. The peaceful transition of power was kind of touch and go this time. I believe some of this is due to the screeching insanity that is identity politics, though.
>>155264 What would they impeach him for? Obstruction of justice isn't actually something you can impeach a president for. Not that I think he's done that, he simply gace gave a directive to a civil servant, which is something other presidents have done many times.
I do agree that there was a hiccup regarding communicating with Russia too early, but Flynn's head has already rolled for that. Don't you think that's enough, or do you think that there was actually treasonous intent there that justifies ousting more people?
>>155265 re: social platform i won't bleed my information autism all of the place, but real quick i'd point out the happenstance of timing on a few things, about how the big data crews did things the evolution of analytics came at // the political climate started boiling around a time that the evolution of analytics was still kind of finding itself, and it was still commonplace for consumer data analytics to also be the same companies who bought and sold media it was a little young of a time for them to realize that these are two things that functionally have to be independent that's why Moat got so big and stuff like that, because they realized that the ability to analyze data was directly compromised by buying and selling media so what ended up happening was you got some social bubbles in this new platform that were extremely self-feeding, and that's because of that lack of commercial caution
>>155265 They could impeach him for lying for all they care. That's their ability. I do not know if there was or is anything else in there. I just think that with all this paranoia over it, they might as well investigate it and find out. If it goes nowhere, then congratulations. Imagine all of the victory laps one can do after a failure to find anything. >>155269 That congratulations wasn't for you, I meant for him.
>>155264 there are reasons someone may not want to be investigated other than that they're guilty of something for instance, it can really hold back important progress that needs to be made on other fronts i'm not saying that's the case in this scenario, but politics is multimanaging a ton of things. it's really hard to try to infer reasons for what's happening e.g. sometimes someone in congress will be a dick about an issue just to hold back progress. doesn't mean they're actually against it, but they need to leverage their choice // voice in order to make something else heard
>>155267 I'm not really looking for congratulations, I don't have a strong opinion of Trump. I think his time in office has been checkered, but I still think he's better than Hillary.
Also, he can't be impeached for lying. You can be impeached for perjury, but not lying. I haven't been following the news closely, but he hasn't perjured himself, has he? The reason Bill ended up in hot water was because he lied to Congress. Not that anything came of that, either. That was mostly conservatives being butthurt and trying to get a Democrat president over nothing.
>>155268 I can understand that. That doesn't really give me much reason to not want to see it followed through.
investigations can be really time-expensive we're potentially talking about slowing the government down to a screeching halt in a time where information is moving faster and the political climate is changing faster than ever it's possibly a self-fulfilling prophecy for everybody that wants trump to fail to throw everything in his way so he can't do anything and then he will fail and nobody really benefits from that other than people getting to say they were right and i'm aware that obama faced the same problem, and that's why there's a lot he wasn't able to get done and why a lot of people view him as an inactive president it doesn't really help the country out much truth is nice but it's really expensive, and it's kind of shameful and wasteful to do all that just to find out nothing
There wasn't even an investigation anyway, because the idea that Trump is working with Russia to overthrow the US is ludicrous. I find that this whole series of events is ridiculous, both sides have, at different times, expected Comey to be some kind of magic genie that made them win by arresting the candidate they didn't like.
>>155271 I have learned that getting things done also doesn't necessarily help the country out much. Just being a productive president doesn't mean good things get done. >>155274 The same statement goes for the rest of the government. Productivity != Positive Outcomes It just means that things happened.
>>155273 it's not just the president who gets slowed down by an investigation look at gowdy prosecuting the benghazi stuff it was so wasteful time-wise and a lot of stuff didn't get done >>155273 i understand what you're saying. i'm just really making a case why there might be a rationale behind dismissing comey and avoiding investigation without it being evidence of guilt
Russian hackers are omnipotent, present and scient. They have already won what chance d owe mere mortals have against hackers that can cyka blyat the very fabric of reality?
impulse control
finna go get drunk with my little sister the time has come
I thought I hit cute anime girl reaction paydirt but all the faces are just two separate images layered on top of each other Taihen I'd have to put forth effort.
Quite curious that there is a lactation room, though or atleast the name here those kinds of spaces are usually somehting like "child care room" so you can also change diapers and shit there too
I imagine going the extra mile and naming it "lactation room" is a nice way to be the edgy kind of progressive so that you get lots of attention and stuff.
Also why would uber have a lactation room? I mean, you'd think it is for the employees, and I'd say any employee who comes to work with a child still in lactation age... the fuck are you doing, be a parent and concentrate on taking care of your kid, not working for the man.
>>155294 hello this is america we don't know how to not work
>>155296 Weird law, but the nagain I guess from another angle, our long child-leave legislation must be weird to some.
>>155300 yeah i was gonna mention that it's super weird to have like 15-month long paid paternity leave americans would lose their shit if they had to not work for 15 months
Effective March 23, 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act amended the FLSA to require employers to provide a nursing mother reasonable break time to express breast milk after the birth of her child. The amendment also requires that employers provide a place for an employee to express breast milk.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>a place, other than a bathroom, that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from coworkers and the public, which may be used by an employee to express breast milk.
>>155303 we have a more diverse role structure keep doing what we're good at and have the people who are good at taking care of kids make their living by taking care of kids it's like an ant colony
>>155306 It does work on paper at the least I do say, though, as a more traditionalist, that a parents number one duty, man or woman, is to raise their kid.
>>155307 Yeah, it hasn't been allowed to be a bathroom for 7 years now.
>>155308 i think people here feel that way, but there's the pressure of supporting them that's all on us our government doesn't do what yours does in terms of taking care of everyone
>>155310 Yeah, and which is why you have more stay at home moms too, aye? if the father has good enough income. I don't think we've had those since the world wars.
>>155312 unfortunately, yes stay at home moms are not an asset to our society though they are the progenitors of toxic ideas like anti-vaccines and chemtrails
>>155311 Why would people without babies know about this stuff?
>>155309 There was a cool bathroom I used to use a lot with a couch in it for breast feeding. Bathrooms with couches in them are pretty common, at least on the ladies side of the fence.
>>155313 Haha kinda amusing spectrum there those who are stay at home, produce one kind of toxic and those who want to force mothers to work, produce another kind.
I knew about it but then again my mom is a nurse manager and my friends work in big companies
>>155316 that's what happens when you don't work your brain stops working right and you have to make things up to try and feel competent to your peers so they start all sorts of these little movements and demand attention about things that aren't real or don't matter and they won't accept the idea that a doctor understand something that they don't
>>155315 I've never followed the news very closely. It's probably just better to bottle it if you're going to take your kid to work. That way you don't have to whip them out at work.
>>155321 I'm sure they clean them in nice bathrooms. I don't touch anything in dirty bathrooms, couches included.
>>155314 those couches are incredibly unsanitary women's bathrooms in general are incredibly unsanitary especially if they use fabric and not something like leather or plastic
>>155323 You can lecture me on it if you want. I don't think having boobs makes one a lactation expert. I've never been pregnant or anything so it's not like I've ever even had to contemplate randomly leaking or something like that.
>>155324 Some women experience pressure and pain in their breasts, especially around the nupples, if they don't breastfeed. haha nupples nipples So having a lactation room allows them to go and relieve that pressure inconspicuously. They might not necessarily be bringing their baby to work so bottling the milk won't help.
I just think you're pretty smart and know a wide range of topics at least a little, and I think you are the kind of person that would know about the human body enough to know that much
>>155332 I know about the theory of lactation but because I've never experienced it I can't say I've thought too much about the day to day logistics. When it comes to taking care of people, I don't know maternity stuff very well. My areas deal with people who are falling apart for one reason or another.
>>155337 I don't think there's anything to investigate. If you lactate and you're not pregnant, it's a sign of a hormone imbalance. My hormones have never been substantially imbalanced. Maybe I was kind of a slow starter but I've always been more or less normal.
Yeah, it's really not common. It's not very common in girls and indicative of a hormone imbalance. In men, it's a sign of a severe hormone imbalance.
>>155347 clinically uncommon is different than socially uncommon like it has to be a big rarity to be considered clinically uncommon i'm not sayin like most people do, but it's not really rare if you went to a school with 100 boys i'm sure a few of them lactated
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>155349 do you have data that indicates this or are you just saying you've heard of it once or twice
>>155350 it's at least common enough that there are pharma companies researching it as an // a potential unmet need in the clinical setting in various age groups it happens mostly in teenage settings or in the very old people old people lactate a lot
if i remember right, some of the reason behind it (besides dietary things) would be habit-related
Imbalance of hormones due to unhealth eating habbits and some speculate it is the modern UNHEALTHY ADDITIVE RIDDLED FOOD
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>155352 if it had any kind of commonality at all, i think i would be able to find articles or even forum posts about it i really don't think this is common
i don't think it's something they're particularly eager to share with others
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
people are willing to share pretty much anything online anonymously, come on
>>155357 there should be some results from pow camp veterans who had malnourishment and had lactation issues upon resuming a normal diet
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that's totally different because that's the result of hormonal imbalances that aren't natural natural hormone imbalances during puberty don't cause lactation like rika said >>155348 it's a sign of severe hormone imbalance
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>In males, galactorrhea may be associated with testosterone deficiency (male hypogonadism) and usually occurs with breast enlargement or tenderness (gynecomastia). Erectile dysfunction and a lack of sexual desire also are associated with testosterone deficiency. everything i see online says that's all from hormone imbalances too