Thread #154662
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Yes, amine.
mahou no sho shuumatsu fukumenkei noise akashic records I'm trying to find ika
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Usually Ika is easier to find than this.
Oh oh oh ohohoh. There's also the second movie/OVA thingy of that series based off of the songs. The one we watched around October or something last year. Probably isn't enough time to watch it tonight but I'd like to get to it.
hi>>154678 yes i saw yhat i thought it lookked familiar
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>>154678 What's the name of it?
>>154681 Suki ni Naru Sono Shunkan wo
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okay I told it to download What do you guys want to start with tonight?
What do you want to start with, Ika?
shuumatsu zero noise akadhic
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okay, shuumatsu okay that's everyone let's start
All right.
oko [
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Time to watch Chtholly slide further into madness.
Huh, so they can be fully consumed without doing the magical suicide bomb thing. I thought once the whole past life thing takes hold they explode.
redhead soon
Red is a top-tier hair colour so it's fine.
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I guess Chtholly has a chance just to become someone else instead of dying. So it's kind of an improvement in her survival chances.
I bet she's still gonna blow herself up though.
This series didn't exactly end up the way I thought it was gonna play out. I thought it was gonna be a more standard "continues to fight while slowly losing herself" kind of deal. The housewife turn of events was a pleasant surprise.
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That ancient talisman looks like a broken piece of glass.>>154707 Yeah, it's weird how Chtholly got benched halfway through.
He's taking apart the magic swords for applications in more normal, every day life situations. There's a nice little metaphor or symbolism in that.
>A troll festival No wonder all the decorations are kind of macabre.
Dun dun DUN
thats pretty sad forgetting everyone who you care about or like half of them
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/07 (水) 07:04 No. 154715
wawawawa wasuremono~
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Hopefully the new Chtholly will be pleasant.
>>154717 The new Chtholly will be a BAKUHATSU.
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It seems odd to have her lose herself and hen explode. okay mahou no sho next okay let's start
Okey dokes.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/07 (水) 07:06 No. 154724
What time you two at. I forgot to download the show yesterday but I have it now.
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Albus isn't a very feminine name.
i hate albus even him being a girl
Why? I mean she's not particularly likable but not particularly despicable either. I can't see what's enough for hatred.
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I find her to be vaguely unlikable.
>>154733 boring annoying
>>154734 Yeah that's about the same for me. I would say I don't really like her but it's a pretty "whatever" feeling.
When they were talking about a blanket she always slept with I thought they were gonna use Tigerman's chest hair or something.
Wolfman isn't a bad new party member.
that guy is super funny more likeable that albus
He's certainly a character. Don't particularly like him though.
Assassin's Creed the- Oh RIP.
If we gave the wolf a cowboy outfit and a ten-gallon hat would he be a Texas Hold'em?
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okay fuku noise okay lets start
Oh yeah that's how last episode ended.
shes going to sue him
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This gir l is insane. I would probably not want to be friends with her.
She's a bit difficult to handle.
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She's a drama queen. Everything is about her drama.
No one else has drama worth mentioning I guess. It does get pretty mundane after a while.
I guess he rolled high on the Bluff roll.
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She's just a bit of a dummy.
That's a bit of an understatement but yeah.
poor yuzu
Smash it to PIECES.
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She can't really sing unless she's losing her mind.
That was a good face on Momo there. I liked that expression.
Oh no are we getting a surprise third competitor.
I really hope not.
They're koesexuals.
its nice that they can still be friends kinda
Drummer-kun is my favourite character in this show.
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I guess she learned a tiny little bit about being a about not being a drama queen this episode.
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okay akashic records okay lets start
Sara Silvers sounds like a name out of some stupid American primetime drama show.
The chairs make them look like they've got bunny ears.
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Looks like they've started dropping hints that shironeko is the real main heroine.
I think it's been pretty clear since the start. Also the OP has had a bit with her and (the presumed) Sara Silvers flashing back and forth since its release.
Doki doki suru
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Oh, she had a fiance. I bet that Re=L is pretty happy about that. I bet the otaku are pretty mad about it.
we all know he'll end up as some evil baddy and it wont matter
Hah hah hah. Fucking Glen.
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>>154858 Yeah, there's no doubt he'll be evil. He'll get taken out so that Sisti is free for Glen.
He's such a fucking sap too. Kimochi warui.
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>flashback to her as a little girl >the first thing he says is "the passage of time is cruel, huh?" wow a lolicon
It's okay she's barely developed. Probably still within his strike zone.
What the fuck man.>No one has managed to do it so it must be impossible. What kind of fucking moronic logic is this. Fuck off.
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Wow Glen you can't just give away your position like hat.
Oh my.
Man Glen is the best.
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Now REEEEEEEEEEEEE=L is probably unhappy.
Glen's total asinine behaviour is a lot of fun.>>154880 It looks like she's just fallen asleep.
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I wonder if he'll lose this duel in a pathetic fashion too.
that was funny I hope he doesnt turn into a big bad it'd be better that way
And he just goes and announces it to the entire fucking class.
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>>154884 He's going to be evil and get eliminated. You can't have competition for a heroine like that.
Well they didn't waste time at least, I guess.
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As predicted.
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neptunia's artist
A re re Those end of episode skits are always good.
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thanks for anime!