Thread #15870
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3 gatsu rewrite spirit pact demi chan bang dream
Felicity Davis 2017/02/05 (日) 07:09 No. 15874
You guys can do Spirit Pact or Chain Chronicle first.
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cc when jan comes
Felicity Davis 2017/02/05 (日) 07:09 No. 15876
Oh I'm still not me.
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okay spirit pact then you posted like two seconds ago and now you are making me wait okay i give up let me know when you want to watch anime
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oh sorry i was looking away rikaaaaaaa>>15877 ho
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Are you ready now? You're probably not paying attention now. okay we're orange let's start
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I thought he didn't have to sleep anymore since he's dead.
he blushed
they really ramped u p the gay
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wow, even an insert song with a flashback sequence. It's only been like five episodes and they'rea lready doing flashbacks.
i guess i can watch demi-chan just say hey whenever
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they got married
his servant is gay too
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okay all done what next? 3gatsu?
All right.
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oaky orange okay everyone is orange lets start
All right.
the end of the opening is bad other than that its pretty good
He looked kind of lame when he set off running there.
oh wow he won
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Oh, he's finally meeting up with them.
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my nighttime meds are kicking in ill probably die after 2-3 shows
Wow you need medication? What a poor soul you are.
They're such good friends.
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let's bang dream now?>>15923 3 shows>>15947 I thought he said he didn't have time?
i think jan wants to cc then die
That would be better for me if that's the case. My Internet speeds are so slow that they're running less than twenty
okay chain chronicle?
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chain chronicle ep 5 okay we're orange lets start
i got another fucking cordelia
no 4* ;_; no stat boost
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>>15963 Wait episode 4?
>>15965 no we're talking about mobage
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Oh I see. Is Chain Chronicle some kind of phone game?
we're talking about fire emblem
yes it was cool but we're talking about FEH i rolled with ika's power influencing my dice nd got another cordelia but i have a 5* cordelia in my party
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Is the Chain Chronicle game fun?
>>15970 it was ok closed down
>>15969 did you get anythin else i got notthinnngg
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Oh, it closed? Why is there an anime for a closed game?
>>15972 3* i'm on my second now>>15973 it's alive only in japan it was a really cool tower defense-ish RPG with hundreds of characters to collect and such. each having their own storylines. it was kind of light-hearted though, this adaptation is really edgy in comparison.
the english people were really bad
also the demon cuck guy and the kid didn't exist in the game they're anime original in the game you kill the black king
i got 5* tiki and another 4* jeorge yaaay
Are you balanced in terms of color? Seems like there's lots of red units and not a lot of else to me.
wow lucky tiki is goood
i have a red, blue, and two colorless
i have a neutral 5*, red 4*, blue 4*, green 3* or something
oh no
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how did that hallucination cut his cloak
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i wanna be in this bad company seems lively
who is the oni dude i don't recognize him from the game at least
hes the nine territories leader
oh okay i had a samurai dude from there on my team for a while
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okay one or two more, ika?
>>16012 i dunno lets say two save bangdream
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okay rewrite wait one sec okay we are doing demi-chan instead because we can get rook and bang so be orange for that instead oka that's everyone lets start
oj enter terra exit terra
Okey dokes.
ok orange for demi
orange for demi
woah that was spooky
She really has a big complex about her deminess.
such snowy spookery
meanwhile vampire girl doesn't give a fuck
Hikari's a bit of a polly anna.
which is, by the way, the reason that hikari is the best it's her optimism
best after succubus that is
hmmm idk succubus hasn't impressed me yet
she is M O E
you're just saying that because she tricked you with her succubus powers
no you don't understand
How do they measure dullahans height during physical examination?
Maybe they just add it up.
oh this is a pretty tough problem knowing you could just kill anyone at any time would be terrible
Yeah it's compelling. She might be even more of a public threat than the succubus. Potentially at least.
>I almost never sweat >>16063 >>16063 >>16063
>>16062 >>16063 >>16062 >>16063 >>16062 >>16063
oh now i get it the reason hikari is best she doesn't tuck her shirt in
Wow actually dullahan is quite tall compared to vampire.
I think Vampy is just short.
>With long hair INACCURACIES
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Maybe she peed a little in the bath.
Saline liquids freeze at a lower base temperature than normal. The --Plus urine is pretty hot coming out of the body, it wouldn't be much cooler than warm bath water. I don't think it would freeze much faster than bathwater.
hes going to kill her
Sugoi should watch this.
Pft, a yuki onna with severe cold sweat problems. I wonder if the play on words is the same in Japanese.
well not quite pee but I guess it was in the right direction
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this is worst girl
so far yeah
oh so she only makes ice when she's depressed that's weird
i don't really understand why she got all uppity about that oh wait does she have a genki side
She has good pun potential.
I'll give her a chance
>>16088 I mean think about it. Would a girl normally be complacent about a man collecting her sweat.
i don't really think there's much about it being studied under a microscope at a college but i guess girls are fucking retarded so i'll give you that
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That guy is a demi fanatic he's not just going to study it!
I'm pretty sure he's just going to study it
>>16094 >>16093 case in point
Oh my.
wow she's just ok with it
She's a rabbit.
Oh wow in public.
yeah don't get carried away and make too many friends
I don't entirely get the picture there.
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wait why is this image orange wtf
this guy
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I guess Yuki Onna is fixing her social issues.
his hopes and then the crushin
Step by step.
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>>16126 i've been happy and comfy all night but i'll let you have this one
what a nice show
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>>16118 See aren't you happy and comfy now?
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thanks for anime rook and bang let's the rest of us do rewrite okay lets start
2 re-enter terra
Oh they're still not using RERAITO ZA RAIFU How depressing.
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I don't understand the plot at all anymore.
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they missed theire chance>>16142 every route is is i mean ends up with the world ending sooner or later moon kagari had to find a way to prevent it and she did that with this possible thing >>16147 it leads up to where the routes begin after he is comatose
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I get that, but why is he fighting in Iraq now?
that song is yoshino's theme almost later
It's kind of weird that she's a route when he's a teenager. Kind of Oedipus complexy-y.
This woman is saying some pretty menacing things in an upbeat tone.
controlling your own blood doesnt sound very useful
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Seems like he's making it work, though!
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kid yoshino
You like them young eh.
What an absurd lie. Lies against lies.
Also the side characters that are younger in this world seem aged disproportionately when he's a teenager. The harem members all seem like ten or so years younger, but the monster hunters look more like twenty or thirty years younger.
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Oh, he's a lot older than her.
She was a lot more sullen as a kid.
He really couldn't have just stepped over it.
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she ends up making pero into that mammoth thingy chibimoth
There's a lot of work put into OP and ED in this show though. We've had three OPs so far and three or four EDs. Each with their own animation too.
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the opening was pretty cool the real kotarou is pretty different from the other
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Yeah, it's weird how he's changed. And the harem is gone now too.
Well they seem to still be there. Just way too young.>>16189 Well two of them are with Guardian and he seems to stick around Gaia because Martel. Makes sense.
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I dont think we meet the others maybe att the end but the two that showed up will be there
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he kinda is forming ties to both
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So he's lost his harem for good?
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to save the world you must get rid of your harem
He's settled on the OTP route I think.
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If he were a real man he could have his harem and the world.
It's a damn shame he's a fictional character then.
he'd go to jail