>>120949 I think that was kind of disrespectful to say It's a really serious thing, i would never meme it >>120954 Yeah >>120953 I've /// no problem >>120952 It's not uncommon
It's easy to think of ancient people like you know, kings or famous artists or whatever as these serious people with a very serious attitude because every single image of them is them not smiling due to the limits of the medium at the time But whenever their cat walked into the room, they probably talked to it in a baby voice
Joseph Stalin went "here kitty kitty kitty" probably at least ONCE while murdering millions of Russians and killing everyone who got too close and acted a little bit funny
He's really down to earth and mature And he's really strong emotionally Or he seems like it at least I got too emotional but blue is sitting with jan and talking to him which I can't even though Jan's like my best friend Blue's really cool
>>120969 idk the origin of the name Oh we found Saku beer
>>120955 Still weird Havingbeen a first name origibally and being more tied to christianity
Fish knows me as the reasonable and responsible one so I have to represent properly. I told Saku that Onodera lost in Nisekoi and world politics became worse and TLR:D ended. And that Ja Rule kidnapped a bunch of rich kids and put them on an island with cheese sandwiches.
Tfw you've been trying to play fire emblem fates for forever but now you have the newer Kirby and that shit is the fucking best so you put fire emblem aside
i am way out of the way i was thinking maybe if i took a bus east a bit i'm not sure all the routes but i'll look where are you at you're in the land of the fried chicken right
Also I know nobody really cares, but the reason I'm not hitting the like button of that image on twitter is I prefer to keep the information about me kinda... low The public information anyway
>>120986 I'm going from Philly to Dunn, NC and then back to Florida
it's one of the social venues in which people with gender dysphoria were able to establish some of that self-identity it's not surprising that it's also the place that has good social support structure, accomodation, and acceptance for them >>121005 no the weeb community it didn't make anybody more trans, it imposed less barriers to becoming trans less social barriers, more social support
OK but even given that, shouldn't accidentally following one be a very low probability? I'm just following whoever said a thing I found fun or interesting, so it's weird for it to be such a large chunk of my follows
>>121006 how rare do you think it is? you realize we have trans people on our small community even here at moe right 1% isn't surprising in some cities it's like 2.5 or 3%
Yeah but we also have had like 5 jews at one time out of maybe 50 people moe is not a representative sample at all
>>121009 representative sample of what >>121011 well no shit you can't get a representative sample by getting all your samples from the same common source
Most of moe is American, but the makeup of the community doesn't really conform I understand it's a super small sample size
you can't do that either that's not how sampling works
>we took a sample size of 80 professional athletes to get a representation of how much americans are willing to pay on shoes >according to our study, the average american is willing to pay 82,000 dollars per shoe
you were asking why anime twitter is so trans that's because anime is trans-friendly, not that twitter is what the hell goes on in your head
>why is this tomato soup zesty >that's how it's supposed to be >nuh uh there are lots of soups that aren't zesty well you're eating potato soup nigger it's easier to explain the zest from the tomato than from the soup
Dude your post can EASILY be read to be about twitter in general
>>121019 if i was talking about twitter in general why would i be applying it to the case of anime twitter, which in this discussion was noted as the exception, that anime twitter specifically is very trans
the internet opened up a lot of opportunities for people to explore their more feminine/masculine side without judgment or -- what's the word, not being organic like if they wanted to be a girl, they got to feel like a girl, not the real world situation at the time where the best they could do is feel like a boy in drag and being girly it's kind of interesting because there was a big shift and we all watched it happen too >>121023 not artificial, because they still feel feminine but it's a bit distanced from the real thing but anyway there was a time whenever that was considered pretty creepy and major red flag "this person's psycho" to be pretending to be a girl/boy on the internet during my teenage years that was certainly the case. if you were a boy acting like a girl and people found out, it was like game over for you, go crawl in a hole and die it's so embarrassing
the 2010's i think have seen that change into a more healthy and natural thing for people with dysphoria to be doing because they get to explore those feelings within themselves with more immersion before they make any major choices otherwise you're just idealizing it and maybe not really feeling what it's really like
so it's a super nurturing environment for trans people to be part of, also helpful that the anime community happens to have a lot of overlap with the RP community
>>121032 hey i gotta move in a couple months we're gonna end the lease on this place talk to me when you get back home i wanna get your input on some things
>>121035 i have to go to new jersey eventually i thought it would have been by now but it's not is it long from new jersey to wherever youre at in ny if the itinerary affords me the time i could take a train up or whatever
NJ and NY are next to each other but it all depends where you are. Hm. I'd ave to see. I think it was close to the bus terminal. I dont know what else to take from there to NY.
i'm basically going to be 15 minutes from where you guys are/were at in bensalem literally right on the border for the certification thing but i'm sure i'll be arriving at the airport, so wherever that's at i'm sure there's transit near
>>121037 are you still with kirara right now when you get a chance ask him if atlanta is far out of the way on his way back to flow rida
Arrival is a fun movie so far
Remember what happened to the Aboriginals A more advanced race wiped them out
Growing up like 30 years before Jesus showed up must have been pretty scary Everyone's counting down the years and NOBODY knows what happens at 0
>>121076 It seems that you can't patent an algoritm by itself, but if you produce software that implements that algorithm as a core functionality and then patent the software, the algorithm falls under that protection Like mp3s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_patents_under_United_States_patent_law
Fuck I really do spend a lot of time on weeaboo imageboards and youtube
OK WILD IDEA for netflix ongoing stream option where it's just episodes of different shows mixed together You just press the thing and whatever is on right now is what you're watching It's like TV, but netflix And maybe a chat so you can talk with people about it
It'd be a neat way to watch their catalogue without having to spend all that time finding something you wanna watch
It's taking time but it's letting me download 3 different movies at least I can't be bothered checking what the limit is, but it just shows my HDD space in the settings menu, so I'm not sure there is one
Until today, it was illegal for members of the Communist party to have a state job in California Or rather, it's no longer a valid reason for firing a state employee
What the hell, how'd that take until now
If you ask me, there should be a certain restrictions of being politically involved and being in some state positions.
The thought that there are people out there who can confidently say "I can hold a conversation" bothers me /moe/
do i go and try to buy liquor with an invalid ID again this week moe i've already been turned down twice because it's expired it's really embarrassing but i really want a drink i haven't drank in a long time now
>>121169 it's clear that if it were that simple it would already be done you should know that easily so you're kind of prying by grasping at points that are not disclosed for reasons that's not really what i was on about and it's not something i really want to be talking about
i said that i didn't want to talk about it very clearly, just without words, every time i ignored that obvious question everyone else is pretty savvy about not doing that too it's just kind of a thing that you know how to do i would bring much more attention to it by saying "i dont want to talk about this" unprovoked
now here is how I would've done this >y not get new one? >reasons
>>121175 well it's okay i'm going to let you know though that, through message board and text, specifically this one, you doing that comes off as a bit spiteful or with the intent to prick some skin we are a little more subtle, so we won't always understand wasn't sure if you were aware of that or not
I didn't understand why you didn't renew your license and still don't.
Well I didn't renew my passport when it expired, cause I didn't want to spend 60+€ for it and I did actually several trips with my expired passport, but luckily through EUzones so didn't need to show it luckily. but i did get it renewd finally, but still >70€ to renew passport every 5 years
>>121224 I used the 10 part ticket I got with the little special ticket thing. Since you have to use it in 10 days I figured I'd use it on earth day for a chance at Cag.
>>121233 to be fair a lot of the people playing granblue that aren't rika have been playing for a long long time. Well, long.
My dark team was Yuri and Elize who are event SRs and Danua basically. And then I ticketed Vampy with my start dash and things went crazy from there. I got lucky and rolled DJeanne and Vira naturally and ticketed other good Dark SSRs
>>121233 I still play some FEH but I'm a little disillusioned with it at the moment. That meme hero roll to get all the overpowered heroes on the same pool annoyed me a little bit. But I'm still collecting orbs waiting for the banner from the new game.
>>121235 yeah i'm a little discouraged by it i'll get my daily orbs and maybe play a training tower between the time i wake up and get out of bed but that's about it >>121234 yeah i figured
>>121234 With the team I have, what do I want to do with DJ? Make her a tank?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>121240 Let's see I'd say use Dark Fencer and level other classes as needed since Vira's debuff doesn't like to land but Dark Fencer loves landing debuffs. Miserable Mist is incredible.
Then you're basically set. Another good debuff that you might not even need yet is Blind so you could get Rain of Arrows from the archer line for a good nuke that also debuffs attack.
Also in like, a weird way, you actually want your party to be all the same type in some scenarios. Like attackers and stuff. In the extremely weird scenario you get a cosmo weapon Which you won't get or need for a long time.
well rather than same type same race id probably more important
yeah but there's like only 2 builds that really use cosmos?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Cosmos are for same weapon and same type, but baha weapons are for race. >>121257 I mean, buffs are good. But Bahamut also buffs attack is one thing, when summoned. And bahamut is basically your best friend
Like I can see why Cag isn't considered an incredible dark character for reasons but I still like her >>121259 Sometimes buffs don't stack and I never know when
>>121258 the wiki says that 2 things affect it source and type sources are skills or summons types are single effects or dual the idea is that things from different sources stack and things of the same source stack too if they are different types single types are only one effect like def down dual typre are like mist with more than one effect in general
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
also I'm poofing for a bit. I will gladly continue this conversation once Blind's desire for ice cream is sated.
>>121281 My favorite female character is actually Sue. My favorite male character is Madarame of course. I think Madarame is the character that carries the series.
>>121282 i remember seeing a lot of saki's scenes and thinking "oh, so that's where rika got that from" and maybe it stretches more than just one show and is a common trope but it hit a lot of the tropes i felt the other characters felt like other people i know too it's pretty crazy how organic and real the show feels despite being pretty thematic and animated
You could be involved in a campaign run by me if you wanted. I was even considering doing something for last saturday since we couldn't cthulu but then changed my mind.
>>121330 what? no way over time she starts hanging out in there even when her boyfriend's not around she whines and complains about how awful it is but even the old chairman confronts her in such a subtle way and she shuts up pretty fast it reminds me of when you first came around and were always "oh this and that is for disgusting otakufags" and hiding your power level
it's so spot on and then near the end of season one when she really gets to shine, too
uh anyway yeah that other thread i'll probably send something if blue wants to say something did you want to include something
>>121345 oh come on hiding your power level was like YOUR THING you were always posting about how you have to keep it a secret from people in the real and pretend to be normie whether you actually did or didn't that was the you yuu when you started yuuing
>>121352 It's tempting to take over such a character but I think you guys play at a time that isn't good for me. Though I guess I already play a disagreeable blonde in another game.
We play at around 6 pm EST on wednesday or thursday usually.
The only downside to playing cag would be that I already slapped together the entire character sheet so it wouldn't be, you know, exactly your cag Not that that's the worst thing ever I suppose. I went for stronk.
Cag and Charlotte are my NPCs that have character sheets intended for me to use from time to time for fun or when the team is in a crisis and it's my fault so I have to bail them out.
i can't even post lewd as a joke because it'll be taken the wrong way this board sucks later losers i'm packin my shit and moving to /cgl/ where i'll be accepted for who i am
>>121362 The timing is bad for me anyway. I can't do evenings because my first nap starts during time you'd be playing, I think. Lately I take a nap in the evenings, wake up for anime, and then nap in the early morning.
>>121361 Isn't only asking questions and making statements what most people do?
i DON'T THINK oh caps I don't think I could speak my character's lines anyway. That seems like it would be very embarassing. There is already a tinge of embarrassment I have to get over at the start of each session to really get into it.
>>121396 She's like a really high level ojou, isn't she? Like the kind of person who decides just to rent the whole restaurant if the people a few tables down are being annoying?
>>121397 I don't think she's really that intense But I guess she can be oujo sometimes Why?
>>121412 home Er old home you know the one sort of not exactly but it's where my mom lives? Anyway I'm going there since I had days off to spend with Kirara but he can't come here So I'm spending them with PAN instead woo
The only person who posts that is jan right not pan oh no wait that is pan crap >>121429 yeah, and she isn't with using until you do and have enough of her weapons with a decent amount of skill level
What is with those summons that like add to a certain name's skills? Are those characters I don't have?
Bought books about lewd lesbian robots
>>121430 thats what Celeste and stuff do too line what happens is celeste buffs "shalim" skills and those are on mostly her weapons, so when you have enough skill level on those weapons she gives you a big boost
there are similar things for other elements and gacha weapons and stuff
So here's a math part you'll want to use Celeste as your main summon when you have a good amount of skill level on your Celeste weapons greater than the elemental buff your current summon gives, which is probably cag with the 25% buff, so it won't take forever for Celeste to be the better aura
Light is in some ways more masochistic because they want a specific weapon that you can't purchase infinite if in the pendent shop like everyone else can. And those weapons are useless until level 100 or so.
but Celeste is just a cruel boat to fight whereas lumi just has a buff you need to remove
I've cleared the first half of E-5 hard. That wasn't very difficult. There are no kancolle friends around there are no kancolle friends period
there's no kancolle we've been trying to tell you this for years but your regressive memory keeps forgetting you've been in a coma there's no kancolle you're schizophrenic and /moe/ is your thoughtspace please WAKE UP
Sometimes when I'm done shopping I go out into the parking lot and realize that I don't remember where I parked my car It's pretty bad It happens pretty often Like once a week Pretty embarrassing Sucks the worst when it's hot outside And then I'm running around looking for it for like 10 minutes I'm slowly starting to think I'm just dumb A lot of times at work I get lost trying to understand instructions And I forget how to use certain tools and machines and it takes me a while to get used to them And when I talk to people I have a hard time coming up with things to say Maybe I am unironically autistic It's starting to look like that
I dont know what the hell happened but my phone didnt save any of the lantern festival photos that I took this REALLY sucks
>>121400 She said "no thanks" /moe/ I feel okay. At least now, I can focus on the future But it doesn't look good from here
She was such a quality girl, too
UGH IT REALLY DID NOT SAVE THEY WWERE SO GOOD Kirara has pictures at least but this is depressing
>>121496 at least you tried dude that shows more balls than most dudes can fit in their mouth at once
the lanterns were so awesome
>>121491 can you hang out with me while i do at least
>>121563 it was very fun but the switch controller is far too small for my hands it needs to be like 50% bigger my hands were cramping up after 2 hours
i don't think it's good enough to justify buying the console especially with the personal complaints
i was really happy when i heard from him you could cook food and i was like 'imma cook this apple' jumped up grabbed that bitch from the tree and threw it in the campfire in front of the totally-not-king-of-hyrule guy pop pop baked apple i felt like a genius
i've slept like 6 hours a day for 3+ years it seems to work
bang undone
i can skip on sleep for a few days at a time but it always catches up with me i prefer to get 6-7 hours a night and like 10 on my days off but i'll do 3 or 4 when the work week requires it
>>121638 0/10 squiddo would not winkyface >>121639 i have not had the chance to install irc and nyaa is still dead i'm probably just going to drink until i pass out tbh
use horriblesubs site thats what i do watch akashic records its about a slacker teacher guy its fun
ok i'll get akashic
>>121616 ah grats dude now you can finally have a sports car and throw money at women like you always dreamed of doing
>>121653 not with that salary lol but you can live comfortably and get paid what you deserve for the work you're putting in at least
>>121655 yeah i know i'm sure his goals have changed as he's come to work harder for the money i was kind of mocking his past goals i still think it's really good though that's more than i make and much much more consistent
>>121655 >>121656 >you're a horrible person for wanting a nice car
bang undone
and where did the throwing money at women thing come from exactly? i'm pretty curious about that one, since i've definitely never said anything like that and personally detest strip clubs
>>121667 That's sad. My family dog had to be put down a few years ago, that was sad too. He had a lot of issues because he was purebred.
bang undone
i always feel bad when i see bulldogs they're like genetic monstrosities they live so painfully
>>121686 i think it was more one of those times you were dreaming about living it up in a sports car and pickin' up girls by lookin fly silly dreams like that that you care a lot less about when you're workin hard >>121688 we had a great pyranees purebred that just collapsed with heart failure at like six years old huge dog it's really sad the way some of those things happen in purebreds pyranees are such good doggos too they're adorable and so sweet
>>121694 are you sure i wasn't ironic shitposting at least about the girls part i still work hard because i want reliable and comfortable transportation and that will probably not change until i have it i ride a scooter that's been dropped twice and in a 60mph accident and looks like fucking hell
>>121670 Yeah, she had a cough for a while that was thought to be a infection.Last night we got her x-rayed because she was struggling to breathe and she had a whole bunch of tumors.We had her put down this morning and buried this afternoon. It's left the other dog pretty lonely. She was a good dog too. >>121669 >>121677 Thanks, it's been a long day.
>>121696 probably half shitposting half self-loathing you know how it goes
bang undone
i mean maybe i did know how it goes but i'm pretty good about getting rid of my past selves so when they get brought up i'm not exactly happy about it
>>121697 they said my doggy had some weird growth in her heart we didn't find that though until after she already passed while with us it seems you were able to put yours down more humanely. that's good.
I don't think my parents will, but I suppose that's always on the table for me and my siblings. At least we still have the other dog to enjoy the company of.
>>121706 Yeah. I still wonder how bad it was for her though. I guess no use dwelling on such a thing though.
the celestial beasts event has started >>121688 Do your dailies for this event for sure you get a free gold nugget which you can trade multiple of them for gold bars just join raids its easier that way
It's the law that you occasionally get 15 minute breaks.
bang undone
>restaurants >labor laws bua haha
There are nice things to spend the seals from the event in rika, from a load of rupees to strong weapons for mainwheel elements to seals to uncap weapons or fuse into a bigger seal to host a raid you can't host yet to get light and dark stuff. Have... fun?
>>121735 i've only been awake for 16 hours and my body can't stay awake any longer hopefully it will only be a couple more years of this and then i can try to slide into an office position where i work a nice cool 45-50 hours a week instead of 55-65
also it's not correct use of the term cuck in this context
One reporter here once send few letters to a compatriot in russia, the finnish embassy in moscow and the kreml with tom of finland stamps which classify as gay porn, and thus are illegal in russia Surprisingly they all gott hrough, though no one ever heard of what happened to the Kremlin letter
Well this is first for me a quarter of a century and some more and I have never once seen snow fall THRICE in may
>>121765 In certain areas, when it snows , the color of the soil underneath comes up to the top layer of snow In areas with lots of red soil or clay, this creates what looks like a field of blood