Thread #121617
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that LWA kongou kinda trips me out
it looks really good to me
i see akashi records shuumatsu fukumenkei noirse
shuumatsu? you guys haven't finished that? or is this a different shuumatsu
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1115x1120, 1489292751113.png )
This must be a different one because it's currently airing.
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 660x1434, Takane.png )
OHHHHHHHHHHHH it's the show about the guy at the house full of weapon girls, right? the localized title is VERY different and also i thought you were talking about Shuumatsu no Izetta but we finished that together on /moe/
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 850x927, kamisama2.jpg )
okay Ika is coming
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>>121628 Yeah, it's going to be super edgy.
I'm not caught up on that one but i'm caught up on akashic
akashic shumatsu noisex2 angel witch probably save noise and zesty for tilde>>121637 18 asenshi
Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 275x276, 1493880193185.jpg )
Which LWA is it? I don't see a new one.
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Not sure why it isn't on the usual bots. Which of those do you need, Bang?
i can only akashic i'm like two episodes behind on World End
Search [iqdb] (499 KB, 944x720, 1494224366632.png )
okay akashic records okay let's start!
we need tow ait 5 seconds for jan to download it on his fibre internet
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oh i got approved for a rental home i hope they have fiber available, i haven't checked the internet options ready>>121648 yeah but this is in pflugerville it's like the Plano of Austin kind of a lot smaller maybe more like Mckinney but closer>>121648 kind of? if i wanted to i could, but i am gonna stay with my mom one more year while i finish paying my debts and put some money aside for a trip to japan and lollapaolooza
ok alcatraz records>>121647 don't lots of places in austin have fiber now>>121647 ahh gatcha it's probably prohibitively expensive to actually live in austin
fucking rekt
she's the type to act without provocation or warning and the type with that really calm-sounding speech pattern probably waifu
very comfy bang 2017/05/10 (水) 07:31 No. 121654
i'm comfy now
this girl is really simple
very comfy bang 2017/05/10 (水) 07:34 No. 121658
she's probably not simple herself but clearly appreciates casting aside complications in favor of straightforwardness and therefore is my waifu
very comfy bang 2017/05/10 (水) 07:35 No. 121659
these fucking uniforms
oh so they used the transformation magic to turn into each other i was thinking itd be smart if they did that
Search [iqdb] (204 KB, 692x720, 1339280228587.jpg )
I guess he has a lot in common with his friends.
very comfy bang 2017/05/10 (水) 07:37 No. 121663
go shironeko
Search [iqdb] (331 KB, 745x717, 1335130485097.png )
Wow, they were rused!
happy e ndo
oh no she escaped
very comfy bang 2017/05/10 (水) 07:49 No. 121674
too pulled in to shitpost i like this show
very comfy bang 2017/05/10 (水) 07:50 No. 121675
i want some brandy cake
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 338x360, 1320443373565.gif )
>>121678 Will you get drunk off of it?
very comfy bang 2017/05/10 (水) 07:53 No. 121680
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that show is fun and good and i like it i kind of want to read the manga now
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It is good yes. What do you guys want to watch now?
we can do noise maybe jan do you wanna watch noise
very comfy bang 2017/05/10 (水) 07:56 No. 121687
Search [iqdb] (174 KB, 680x850, 40205152.jpg )
is brandy cake real>
i think jan died
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Rokudenashi Maj(…).jpg )
yeah Let's catch up on noise anyway okay episode 4 let's start!
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 392x667, [FFF] Love Live! S2 - 13 [CE15(…).jpg )
noise 04>>121693 doubt we'll wach that many shows
very comfy bang 2017/05/10 (水) 07:59 No. 121693
is it possible that i can watch two episodes before you WorldEnd if so then i'll try for it but if not i'll do something else
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, 1420787241879.jpg )
Well that's a bit of a surprise!
very comfy bang 2017/05/10 (水) 08:04 No. 121702
Search [iqdb] (485 KB, 669x800, 1392399758674[1].png )
well consider saving it maybe
kok can yo uwatch tomrorow
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Yeah maybe we can save it.
very comfy bang 2017/05/10 (水) 08:08 No. 121707
yeah i have tomorrow off and no plans so fart wow what a typo i'll be here
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 562x716, gfb109.jpg )
This girl is such a weirdo.
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I guess shorty literally wants to make her voice his, if he's trying to get her to join that band.
its fufnny that hes crossdressing
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Kind of interesting that she's joining the band though. The story fo this has been pretty good.
we're done right?
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 609x700, gfb12.jpg )
I can do one more if you'd like.
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 957x720, [HorribleSubs] Absolute Duo - (…).jpg )
i think we can stop i wanna grind granblue and persona
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Ao_no_Kanata_no(…).jpg )
okay We're in the dead part of the week so that's fine.