>Where are you going? >Who are these people? >What are their names? >What do you mean you don't have their real names? >I just want to make sure you aren't getting taken by people stuffing drugs in anime dolls. WHAT DOES MY MOM KNOW ABOUT ANIME DOLLS
Another Anonymous
>>119940 What DO you mean you don't have our real names?
>getting taken >drugs in anime dolls I'll call your mother and assure her we're all normal and real people.
>>119940 please that's so behind the times you hide them between the pages of doujins now
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
wow that's some paranoia
>Where are they coming from? >Florida. >All the way from Flo >and I think Texas >what? >There's a Canadian guy too. >Why are they going to Philly? >To see a friend. >Why are you going? >... to pick something up
Another Anonymous
>>119942 Loli doujins unless you're smuggling into Canada.
>>119943 This IS the internet. You should've seen the common people's reactions when they find out how we met.
>>119949 There would have been a lot of questions. More whos, whats, whys, wheres. >>119953 No, but she knows I don't get out of the house much. So crossing state lines to meet friends is weird no matter what.
Another Anonymous
>>119952 Does she think youdon't have friends? I mean, I know how it works, my mother tried it too.
But school!
>>119952 should have been just really rude and sassy in responce what could go wrong
My parents know enough about moe, that if I brought someone over it would be nbd.
>>119954 Life. Life could go wrong. >>119955 How nice. Well, bringing people over is different from going far distances to meet them.
Another Anonymous
>>119955 My folk get the gist of "oh internet people you talk to" and that's enough.
>>120004 to Did even spill the beans rook who is this Did
>>120003 >>120004 still works because that damage thing they not gon' do it
I'm 8k away from a 5star woo
isn't it a change that benefits defenders a lot more
map rng is it a thing in arena? can you luck out and get a lot of maps with the defense bonus tiles
Samurai !KW2DbpWwlsKoi-
Map RNG is real. It mainly messes with your unit's ability to move. but it's not like the maps themselves are modularly randomized. The maps are made and you randomly get them. The only surprise is which map you end up on and what manner of wickedness your opponent thinks is good to try
So to not get demoted, I have to be in the top 70% Of my own rank. And to promote, I have to be in the top half. grr competition
bang undone
>>120023 just stuff i'm behind on i just want to watch on my own and i haven't really been home and on my computer in a while
bang undone
now i'm here and i don't have work for 10 whole hours and i just feel like sleeping
maybe sleeping is a decent plan?
>try typing script >accidentally write scrppt >dictionary goes "oh he probably meant scrotum. 'the voices and the scrotum stay the same' is definitely what he wanted"
>>120028 i mean maybe it thinks you thought up of a new revolutionary technique to keep the voices of boy signers high
>>120031 i never really questioned how the sleeves hold on to the arms but now i see but that probably hurts blood circulation
i walked into // wait i almost stole a story my friend walked into my other friend's bedroom while he was at his desk, and he hurriedly closed a tab on his chrome and alt-tabbed to another program and then when pressed about it, embarrassedly revealed that he was watching a playlist with all of >>120205's videos on it and was near the end
bang undone
he keeps literally 50+ tabs of exhentai open on his other monitor but he was embarrassed about watching ai-channel
Well, at least he seems to be developing a sense of shame.
you've gotta have a bit of shame somewhere in your life
ai-chan is rabu
i do feel like ai chan is a fun meme but i also wonder what kind of cold soulless marketing machine hides behind that face
bang undone
i think it's an interesting concept for content creation i don't dislike it, i definitely enjoy watching some of the more interesting videos you can tell it's definitely got some money behind it but that's just fine it's fun to watch and seems fun to make and that's important
I'm sure the people who work on it all enjoy what they do. It's not soulless probably.
I've watched a few of the videos and she seemed to be having fun in the ones I watched. The voice actress, that is. People who enjoy what they do make better products and do better work. I think she enjoys what she does on some level.
>>120216 well isn't that the best then a shill who enjoys being a shill
where does the world shill come from even
>>120217 So cynical! What if she's just making videos of games she enjoys playing?
>>120219 wow rika you were tsun for kizuna ai all along
Oh, was I critical of her awhile ago? The truth is that I'm deredere for playing devil's advocate.
>>120221 devils advocate you say she really is a soulless marketing machine!
You don't know that.
but you do seem to agree
bang undone
she sure can keep talking not a lot of vocal pausing that takes something
okay /moe/ it's time for bang to go to sleep it's getting late i'll see you all tomorrow night i ho- wait actually i do the truck uhhhh maybe i'll see you wednesday night? maybe not sure
bang undone
>>120228 you wouldn't want me to tell floop like that would you?
So you have no idea. That's fine, have a good sleep!
>>120192 yeah I'll give it a try if I can get it in my region of Netflix
>>120268 please elaborate on what counts as a smooch and what counts as a floop i guess you can do it in a friendly way though probably best avoided got no smooch experience
i wonder what ai floops are like they seem to wiggle but is that done in post or is there something on the head of the VA i think squid said she had a livestream recently so maybe it's a live thing
>>120275 well the grass is greener on the other side because it's the one in the sun and there's no shade that was kinda bad
>>120276 it's a very rare floop, enjoy it while you can!
>>120277 the actual hotel is really nice at least nicest hotel I've been to anyways except they said there was free breakfast which was apparently a LIE there is no free breakfast
The last hour is upon me
>>120278 that does look reasonably comfy is the room fine?
The room is probably the best part of the hotel Roomy, well-decorated, and comes with plenty of amenities.
>>120285 the presentation looks fancy but was it actually good? >>120284 that does look really nice but are you staying in the room much besides during the night? kinda a waste maybe >>120282 wow does jan manifest memes into life around him
yeah it's his stand
i can see your influence since all the memes are BAD
we pretty much got settled in and just slept since we got there late at night I definitely would enjoy staying there for extended stay though >>120289 wow I endorse those memes too except Wendy I don't understand why she's popular suddenly
I really love how this franchise went from trying to bust a carjacking gang of street racers, to joining then or something, and then OK SO THERE'S A PLACE WE GOTTA GO SO WERE GONNA DROP OUT A PLANE IN OUR CARS, WITH PARACHUTES!
At some point, this movie series went off the fucking RAILS
Oh my god I think the writers of this script were on something, and I'm laffing at the idea that nobody on set actually caught this being pretty off
So Vin Diesel and whatsherface in the image are driving through a desert right? On the road, but it's a desert. Right so, she's hispanic-ish, isn't she? So anyway, they're driving somewhere, she doesn't already know where or what they're driving to, so she asks Vin Diesel "So what exactly are you trying to show me?" SO Vin Diesel points out the window at this large gathering of cars OK keep in mind that Vin Dieseil is a ripped, white, bald man for this part And he goes "Race wars"
I can't
There's no way they didn't know what the audience not entirely familiar with the series might think this was
That Paul Walker tribute video is pretty close to Gangnam Style in views
Obviously he's talking about races. Car races
But RACE WARS? You couldn't have come up with a better term? >>120309 It could be, but that seems off, too Man it was funny though, intentional or not
At some point during this movie, it stopped being fun crazy wild action and just became crazy wild action
>>120317 tell them to leave you out they ccan do that
On my way to the ity city You guys want anything
That's an option? If it keeps going I guess I'll slide in and ask
maybe I should pick up some currant roll
>>120311 I really want Julia so I can secure my Lavender mage team >>120323 you can also mute conversations
Oh thank god
I should just learn to code and make a twitter program that isn't garbage
Whoever writes these fast and furious movies is pretty terrible, but the director isn't much better He's not held down by the script, they're in a symbiotic relationship where the directer helps the script realize it's potential as a bad movie
Watching this feels like eating something that's really good but also makes you feel awful at the end, but you ordered so much that awful feeling sets in while you're still eating
FOCUS: FEMALE MAGES >>120330 lol If this would upload you would k now I'm shitposting Because none of these are a female mage Or good or new
I'm so fucking bored of this movie, but it's almost over
I guess everyone is out on the road having fun. I'm going to bring currant roll and hope I dont eat it all on the way
>>120337 you;ve made a public commitment now you better not disappoint
>>120328 FATF isn't meant to have a plot it's literally just celebrity showcasing, which isn't a bad thing kind of like how an anime might set a stage for great chemistry from your favorite VAs and stuff the celebrity hype is so real for those shows and it's always a huge drama thing in hollywood
>>120340 But none of them are particularly good actors either
i said celebrities there's nothing upon which to act in FATF a lot of them actually are pretty good actors but that's irrelevant there being a good actor isn't about making a line sound natural
I guess It's kinda like the expendables
It's not really about the movie, it's about the actors
I don't fully understand that kind of thing Doesn't appeal to me much Fast and the Furious was fun for a while though I might watch the 8th one when I get a hold of a torrent for the not-cam edition
>>120344 imagine you like worked somewhere in the film industry, even if it's just camerawork or editing or production stuff and you're in a social circle that's all about that stuff and you hear about celebrity grudges against each other and stuff, you hear about a method actor spending a year prepping for transformation into a character it's just stuff you hear all day long without thinking much about it when you live in that stuff, there's a lot more meat around the content of the movie you're not just watching it for the movie itself, but for all that goes into it, and a lot of the struggle behind it fast and the furious is kind of one of those for fun things it's like getting invited to one of those dinner things where important people go on stage and give a talk and make jokes about the people there and everyone's in a tux it's kind of pointless but it's just a special fun thing
i don't really know how to explain it i guess but it's more the movie industry having fun with something than it is creativity or putting something of value out
how dare they have fun
I can see that I guess FATF just doesn't appeal to me as much as some other framework for that might
it seems ok for a dumb fun kind of movie
they're really big budget too, so they get to have a lot of fun they can afford to bring all these huge actors on board, but the pitch to get them is basically "Hey, want to come drive the coolest new sports cars that are out this year?" and a bunch of them want to be a badass in a sports car on film just because that's cool as heck so it's special for the actors too and you gotta understand that people who love sports cars REALLY love them
...my train s slow remarkably slow this is bad
I think racing stuff is fun, but I just don't like how these movies turn out Tokyo Drift was OK But in 7, which is the last of 4 FATF I've actually seen, the racing is replaced with some paramilitary plot
I dunno, I lost track halfway through and stopped really paying attention, and the action scenes lost all meaning when that happened
The first part of 7 was a lotta fun though It just lost me halfway
Like a sugar rush, but a movie
>>120349 wow they are having lots of fun and having others pay for it! the nerve of some people
>>120361 what exactly makes the lategame easy is it poorly balanced for completists or is the difficulty curve kinda flat since the game is so open world
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>120363 number one is probably that i can pause and heal myself at any moment also by this point i've collected tons of armor and fairies and abilities so i guess you're supposed to feel super powerful, sure but it's too much now!
I'm thinking, in a month when i have good internet I might try streaming a run of it
and i'll set some rules like no mid fight healing etc
wow instant estus flask so overpowered i guess things become a bit trivial when all you have to do is have enough health to take one hit and enought food to last the fight
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
indeed definitely a no-mid-fight healing rule i'm also thinking i might do a no-shirt rule no towers minimal side stuff MAYBE even no fast travelling final destination
what's wrong with towers what's wrong with shirts do you hate paya that much
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
it's a service for paya we all know she likes it as for towers, screw maps! i'll route it by familiarity
Samu did you play Skyrim? What'd you think of it
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>120369 sorry, never got into it! my roomie plays it though
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
game has definitely taken some lessons from skyrim though!
skyrim is a bad teacher people constantly invite some random guys from outside to class!
skSamurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>120372 random dudes are the best learning examples
>you get instant win for landing the killshot on the bossu Gantz favors the faggot, huh
Then again, you're unlikely to be able to land a killshot on a boss without already having won once for better weapons So
chinatown always makes every place feel like home
Rule 1 of media that allows you to spam energy bolts of some kind Spamming energy bolts does not get the job done
need a twitter for mobage stuff last time it asked me for my phone number decide to try again this email already has an account ok? log in account suspended
well thanks twitter
what did you DO?
>>120429 well according to twitter i did get an account the last time i tried so here i am with an empty account with nothing that's been around for almost a year suspended
I saw a twitter account with 50K tweets and 29 followers yesterday How do ya do that
>>120431 i have a group of contacts i know that exclusively talk through twitter, basically using it in a 20 person circle like we do with /moe/ but with tweets it can get up there pretty fast
>>120431 not being human is one option hmm i could maybe make like 10 mobage tweets a day? yeah that doesn't add up to that much
>>120432 Even then, at 50K tweets there's NO WAY nobody stumbled on your account and started following, just from searching random shit
Just through dumb luck you shoulld at least have 30 bots following you at that amount of tweets >>120436 Yeah, but this account wasn't set that way, I checked Or at least I think I did I'm almost certain, cause I remember being able to follow without getting a prompt like "this person will now review the follow"
>>120435 isn't there a private thing where you can not allow followers except by approval
Who knows man I'd post a link to it if I remembered anything about it other than not having a face as an avatar
>>120437 On an unrelated note, not having a pixiv account when you draw this quality art should be actually illegal
>>120437 it's not like normal twitter accounts, those in-groups it's just people chatting with each other so no retweets or only retweeting cute images and things, their tweets aren't being retweeted so there's not a lot of "people to follow" suggestions for them, i doubt their page gets much traffic >>120440 there's probably nothing interesting they say it's like @Seung_Ji-Lin are you coming to Kim's birthday party on tuesday
Would it be a dick move to follow such an account and retweet interesting stuff they say?
Yeah but every now and then they might discuss some sort of world event
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
feelin pretty weirddd
How is it even a CHOICE DUDE You won the gantz, just go HOME
Here on the Sunshine island every child is examined at birth. The ones found to be male are thrown in the Pit. Thus, the perfect society has been molded.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Oh no
the silly gender ratio stuff has got to stop
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i'm guessing they're still doing that hardcore in 2017?
>>120471 her subs being meme subs at times is a bit irritating
I don't watch the channel at all I just save junk off of twitter
some things out of context though
They ran out of Pepsi Max so I topped the guy's drink off with regular Pepsi and then my co-worker freaked out >You can't do that! what if he has diabetes?
Your diabetes has gotta be real fuckin' insane to have ill effects from less than a desiliter of pepsi
If you walk past the sugar bags at the convenience store, you'll die
>>120475 then he'll have to carry that secret with you to the grave he's an accomplice now
cause the fucking sugar fumes will get you
I need to decide what difficulty I am going to do my remaining kancolle maps on tonight. It's a tough decision.
it seems like my AC isn't working it's quite toasty >>120493 You made it! hope it's a grand time
are you doing that legal stuff now
I guess I should figure out why my light turned off.
if it's incandescent, shake the bulb and see if you hear rattling if so the coil separated and it's done
I don't know what it is. I don't know how lightbulbs are anymore since the laws changed a few years ago.
oh yeah that thing today ended up being contract law stuff just one big long contract tort liability stuff was really exciting!
hmm, contracts or torts? Did someone breach the contract and cause damage to another party?
Hm it wasn't clear it was kind of one of those "if the party breaches the contract then this" but there was a lot of talk about whether they did breach or not i'm not really sure! but i learned a lot
>>120502 Sounds like a mess if you couldn't even tell if there was a breach.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hi yuu
>>120505 yeah it sounded like it there was liability and damages present but they had to really pore over the contract to figure out whether it was a breach of the contract so whose fault it was and who was legally liable so i guess both contract and tort stuff whatever that even means >>120509 hello sammo
wow no hello for moon
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Hello all greetings are being ferried all around by little tiny tenny angels whizzing around in the air fairy lights
hello new arrivals It was that my light bulb had indeed died. I looked in my closet and I have some old illegal light bulbs in there. Suck it obama,
>>120507 If they were getting into the torts side of things, somebody probably breached!
>>120510 i think it was like half determining if there was a breach and then half determining the costs if there was
i don't remember the decision though!
>>120517 If they did the second half, that means there was a breach. They wouldn't waste time determining damages if none were due.
>>120518 i think there were liabilities covered that weren't breach dependent too i don't really remember little details like that even if i wrote them
I am somewhat dubious about the claim that poptarts are sandwiches. I need to hear supporting arguments on this to really be able to get on board. Is he saying that the pop tart itself is inherently a sandwich, or does he use poptarts as the bread to make sandwiches?
>>120555 What would you consider an appropriate punishment?
That's a good question. I don't really know what I would consider an appropriate punishment.
I just put them in my luggage and locked it.
Oh, I got a second Akashi. Nice.
I want to hear more about this poptart thing though.
Blue doesn't seem interested in explaining it to you
I find this very disappointing.
I will relay your disappointment
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Very Disappointed
I told him but he is busy looking at weeb books
Are they lewd
I told Fish that blue is reasonable and can be trusted, but now I'm having second thoughts about that statement.
Haha why were you talking about blue with Fish
she probably gossips about all of us to Fish gossip is really bad don't do that
Blue is at the bottom right
Only four of those are sandwiches and even then that's pushing it
Well five Kinda
I heard you were asking for me. What's up? I am enjoying pictures of panties on physical media.
>>120568 She was worried about you so I was reassuring her that Blue was a good and reasonable person.
Why was she worried about me? Or is it just that I'm the reasonable person in the room? >>120577 If your idea of a sandwich constitutes edible ingredients surrounded or encased by another edible thing, then it's a sandwich. Double Chaotic Sandwich Theory includes poptarts, kit kats, and even water molecules.
>>120574 she wasn't concerned about rook, jan, tilde or the others? >>120579 she was worried about kirara so you assured her blue was fine blue being a point of concern behind the worrying
I don't understand where the reading comprehension has come off the wheels here. Where did I say she was worried about Blue?
>>120578 No, I told her that Blue was nice and reasonable. Blue is the reasonable one. So when reassuring her about the crowd I used Blue as an example of someone who would help if things got bad.
>>120579 She was worried about Kirara but you reassured her that I was reasonable. That was my second guess. So I was on the right track.
>>120581 so what did you tell her about the rest of the crowd or did you just assure here // her there was at least one nice person
She probably didn't. I'm the chaperone. Wait, am I the oldest?
>>120584 don't yall go gossiping or anything about the rest of us here at /moe/ where we can't do anything about it that'll be really unfair
>>120575 So if I cook a steak, put it on a bed of rice, and put a couple of asparagus on the top, it's a sandwich?
The rice would probably fall apart and not remain encased. But thinking about it, if you had a rice ball filled with steak and stuff, that'd be a Double Chaotic Sandwich.
>>120588 The rice is under the meat so it's held in place.
>>120586 Don't worry, I haven't gossiped about you.
>>120586 Nah, I am going to gossip about archivists and people who are bad at what they say they're good in.
>>120590 There is a lot going on right now so pleace include in your reaction some information about what you're reacting to.
>>120592 I didn't know you were gossiping about my friends with my /// with Fish
>>120593 haha nice save It certainly wouldn't be something that I'm above doing. I'm just reassuring her though, no gossip! She was a little worried about your friends due to the incident.
>>120611 We still need to talk about this sandwich thing though. All it takes is food layered for it to be a sandwich? Is lasagna a sandwich?
>>120612 Not ...well, I guess yeah. Lasagna was one of the things people were saying. Mind you, I'm not a double chaotic sandwich believer. It's just really funny to think about.
>>120612 You probably think I was going to say girlfriend or something
>>120613 What if I layer chocolate ice cream, sherbert, and vanilla ice cream? Is that a sandwich? Would it go over well if you asked me for an ice cream sandwich and then I gave you that?
>>120630 By Blue's definition yes, but only if you accept the premise that Obi-wan and Darth Vader are edible.
>>120629 If I were an ale, raspberry ale would probably not be a bad one to represent me. I'm probably close to someone that would be raspberry flavored if I were a flavor.
>>120656 rook help I tried to call my friend rook but his phone was off I'm stuck in a room with shitposters
When you think about it though, if you treat the skin as the bread, humans are pretty much sandwiches in their entirety?
>>120658 That statement really gets me thinking, considering what we were just talking about and the fact that you're in a hotel room with 4 or 5 dudes.
>>120659 What kind of wild fantasies are you indulging
>>120659 Indeed! Do you know what's extra delicious to have during a trip with a bunch of friends? I'll give you three guesses.
>>120662 She's harder than you you might only be the second hardest
>>120662 It was one of you that brought up penises in the context of sandwiches. Don't blame me for seeing the conversation to its inevitable destination.
If you look at >>120570 The only sandwiches I accept are the BLT and the sub. I would also accept ice cream sandwiches, but I will not accept the waffle sandwich.
>Rika's going to overheat but not finish, wew t. nilix blue
>>120685 It's not like therthere's muchmuch Else to do
Does that happen when does that happen when does that happen when I does that happen when I does that happen when I talk into does that happen when I talk into my does that happen when I talk into my phone does that happen when I talk into my phone
>>120690 Philadelphia wasn't a mistake Philadelphia wasn't a mistake Philadelphia wasn't a mistake Philadelphia wasn't a mistake Philadelphia wasn't a mistake Philadelphia wasn't a mistake Philadelphia wasn't a mistake anime Philadelphia wasn't a mistake anime Philadelphia wasn't a mistake anime Philadelphia wasn't a mistake anime was a mistake
>>120694 what What if I'm not what if I'm not what if I'm not what if I'm not ask it so I'm just what if I'm not ask it so I'm just like what if I'm not ask it so I'm just like what if I'm not ask it so I'm just like what if I'm not ask it so I'm just like 5 what if I'm not ask it so I'm just like 5 what if I'm not ask it so I'm just like 5 people what if I'm not ask it so I'm just like 5 people what if I'm not ask it so I'm just like 5 people talking what if I'm not ask it so I'm just like 5 people talking at once what if I'm not ask it so I'm just like 5 people talking at once
>>120694 Yeah, these guys are super dangerous and scary people. Blue threatened to put ketchup on his steak. Notso thinks driving 100mph is a bad idea. Jan is Jan. Tilde hasn't finished Gundam.
Another Anonymous
>>120697 Hey. I only jumped the curb a little and you weren't even in the car.
>>120697 First of all, this is a lie. Notso just got scared because I wanted ketchup for my fries. And he was all OH MY GOD, ARE YOU GOING TO DESECRATE YOUR STEAK And Kirara was there saying HE DOESN'T HAVE IT IN HIM
>>120699 he didn't actually do it I took the ketchup away
Another Anonymous
>>120700 I wasn't scared, man. You made a motion that implied a joke. I thought you might be dedicated to the comedy.
>>120733 1) what is this image please explain 2) i actually am being a bad influence RIGHT NOW but it's in a way you probably aren't expecting
>>120733 you want bl? no yaoi? she doesn't want yaoi bl and yaoi? RIKA LEMME SMASH
>>120734 That's a picture of me with the capybara they like me more than you and everyone is laughing even the guy that feels nothing you can visit my capybara sometimes though
Explain your influence
>>120736 Right now we're talking about how you should take her on a trip to the Appalachians since you went with your friends! We're feeding the monster that is female entitlemen! entitlement too
>>120741 yeah and they're mountains they're fun to climb and there is fuck all to do otherwise what a fucking terrible suggestion for a date are you even trying
Another Anonymous
>>120741 You've seen one mountain you've seen them all.
>>120750 so nothing there aren't even fish in the Appalachians who cares Chattanooga would be a way better choice
>>120751 I did bring that up but she didn't seem to mind.
>>120752 she is looking forward to something lame that will disappoint her immensely by all means continue to build fragile dreams you can watch shatter into millions of pieces though
>>120753 You just think it's lame because you live around there! Don't worry though she already upgraded it to something way more ambitious in her head.
>>120764 You're the one calling her your ///. Everyone knows I'm a delusional shipper who is always saying crazy stuff, your statement has way more credibility than anything I've said! If anything, you're the one giving people ideas!
>>120789 You're just saying that in an attempt to appeal to my competitive personality, hoping that it will inspire me to spill the beans in an attempt to prove you wrong. The image you chose gives it away.
i remember collecting acorns on a small cobblestone path that led from my home to my school i was barely three, i would be walking with an adult to take my sister to school i think it's one of my earliest memories because i barely remember anything but i remember that path and i remember collecting these really big acorns they were huge there was so much pleasure in just seeing something and being intrigued such an innocent appreciation of something without having the world press on you to be uncaring
that's what benzos feel like it's like the warmth of childhood to appreciate things instead of be frustrated by them that's all i want
i dont mean it's the only thing i want I just mean that's all i'm looking for it's something i'm looking for it's such a valuable feeling i never want to lose it i never knew how crippling my anxiety was before treatment
what do you mean by not knew did you feel like it was normal
It's all you know
why are you sad flop
I wanna be home Work is bullshit
We're missing the deadline on this assignment by half a day by my estimates And I don't care
YuuSamurai !KW2DbpWwls
sleepy already
Nothing is impossible You're gonna go out there and MAKE MEMES
This is the 4th time we're re checking this giant box of units for mistakes And we keep having to because the box is shared with other groups I don't trust to be as thorough as I am
ONE found mistake is all it took for us to be told to go over it again It takes about 3 hours
I watched a few AiChannel videos today and I can't get over the slightly uncomfortable feeling i have the whole time
It gives you an uncomfortable feeling?
bang undone
yeah like something's off i don't know how to describe it, it just feels like weird
AnnoYuubang undone
don't question mark girl me
I just did.
bang undone
you monster
bang undone
i'm going to go see this guy this weekend but he might be kind of hard for moe >>>/watch?v=2AM6QgstHRA?list=PLyBGo8C751HOTEAAcIcKcXgSY9E7Ys-FZ
bang undone
oh woops i linked the whole link good thing it still works
Yeah, it still works.
bang undone
i'm such a tired bang i think i'm gonna go get a full 8 hours of sleep today at least i got a few minutes to myself today, i was expecting not to be able to moe or internet at all
I'm so close to just ditching this and going home
bang undone
i'll be home for anime tomorrow so don't forget me! goodnight
Well, it hasn't been collective yet but one guy was just called in there... during our lunch break First break we've gotten today by the way Because of this bullshit assignment
We just got a talking to for being displeased with having to do this over and over to rectify other people's mistakes
i don't quite get what you said
We had to spend 4 hours redoing someone else's work We were not happy about this, but did it Boss lady gave us shit for not being happy about it
wow how rude
I'm starting to see why everyone has issues with this cunt
If someone in a different group works on the same assignment, and makes a mistake, I MADE a mistake That's what her head seems to do
One person does something, everyone even tangentially involved did that
it's a team effort!
That's what she said except I don't recognize that I'm not taking shit for å different group's mistakes