Thread #118849
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Search [iqdb] (352 KB, 1031x1031, 苦井ちょこ - 時雨.png )
oh shit I'm not ready at all I just got home gimme a little bit I need to get settled don't do hero academia first
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what's the list
boku no hero SnK recreators eromanga sensei hinako note twin angel clockwork
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i missed the last eromaga but apperantly that's good since everyone seems mad about it
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I am kind of mad about it. Where is Ika?
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ika seems busy lately with something?
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don't be fooled, Ika was playing persona 5 all day.
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that counts as busy what is your point?
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That's not busy. Ika is my good little minion anyway. He is just quiet sometimes.
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i feel like i missed out on a great chance to be mean to ton so much regret
>>118883 don't this is actually serious and I would be very mad
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>>118884 i won't do it now but when he first asked like 4 days ago about what would you do if your life was a lie my first thought was posting what did blind drop you now it's late
bokuhero recreators eoten onsalught eromanga (best girl is dead) granblue hinako twin angel break clockwerk noise zesty (low priority)
>>118887 ok thank you then
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sk was right
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lets PLUS ULTRA>>118893 wow even after tolerating it for that long>>118894 boku jero boku hero>>118893 wow no one ever said that to me before i'm gonna meeeeelt from love yes kyaaaaa
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 619x720, [Commie] Cross Ange - Tenshi t(…).jpg )
its good that you wont do it now i'd probably drop you as a friendo thats super mean PLUS ULTRA>>118892 i like you i dont tolerate wait is rook her e eoten onsalught>>118892 are you kyaaing
Search [iqdb] (653 KB, 605x850, Cagliostro.(Granblue.Fantasy).(…).jpg )
plus ultra? what's plus ultra?>>118892 I don't think rook is ready yet. Let's SnK while we wait on him. okay let's start!
it's ep 31 right?
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while the op is playing i'd like to mention that zero has really neat old style tapestry drawings i like them a lot
that zero show is good zero is fun
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>>118909 this show
that white hair girl is named zero
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Oh, I see!
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oh is this when they go full reatrd
ok back now
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okay boku no hero next in that case. We have about half an episode left.
hai hai
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OH HERE IT IS hahahaha it's such a dumb reveal
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Oh yeah, this made a huge splash when it happened in the manga.
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This shitposting this moment spawned was HUGE
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it's really dumb isn't it though?
is this the part about the walls?
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>>118928 it's theim the armor titan and my friendo is the colosal titan
oh god that to be honest that's what really made me just drop the series, I was giving it a few more chances but it was too much
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it was kinda set up but the reveal itself was retarded
haha cg titans
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the contrast between the show and the ED in tone is kinda hilarious
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The ED is edgy too. It's just that kind of edgy.
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i don't know it feels kinda like happy/melancholic it's a silly feel
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I can definitely feel the edge from it. okay let's boku no hero>>118941 No it's extremely edgy It's that kind of edgyt It's hard to put a label on it Maybe Ika can explain it better.>>118941 no I don't even remember what I got just some random weapon I think okay let's start!
Search [iqdb] (200 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
your edge detection needs some fixing PLUS ULTRA>>118939 the kind where happy music plays while horrible things happen like no big deal? did you get any thing nice in the daily meme roll since i wasn't around last time i would like to take this moment to say T O K O Y A M I
boku >>118941 >>118941 >>118941 same agreedo
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I like this OP. This is an example of a happy song that isn't edgy at all.
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oh rika you don't follow the manga right what is your theory on how iceman got the scar face?
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I dunno I thought that was just the way he was since he's half fire.
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how boring it's an acquired scar
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Well we don't know who his dad is now that I think about it.
good point has his dad ever appeared? I don't remember it
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his dad never made an apperance maybe he broke up with the mom over a quirkiness child i mean she did get a lot of weight maybe deku being powerless isn;t the only reason
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Pretty suspicious!
>>118955 I wonder if that's even a problem in their society at this point isn't it something like 80% are born with quirks? that means quirkless people wouldn't be that uncommon, I wouldn't think they'd be seen as a problem that parents would fight over
Search [iqdb] (375 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
>>118956 it's not like the father is unknown since quirks are determined by heriditance and at the start she said what his quirck should be approximately since she mentioned her and the fathers quircks
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>>118958 Does All Might have a quirk? Isn't his power passed down from person to person? What if Deku really is his illegitimate love child?
People with existing quirks can use One for All
Search [iqdb] (374 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
>>118960 are are you calling his mother a dirty slut that sleeps around
so he might have one
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>>118962 It's fine if it's All Might.
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well that's how he god the scar pretty sad
didnt they show a panl panel of the mom doing it
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doing what? the father can breath fire
ah yeah ice man mother
all the americans had weird noses!
Search [iqdb] (256 KB, 700x700, __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou(…).jpg )
huh this is following the manga pretty accurately the showing of his mother spraying him with boiling water if from a later flashback
oh huh I didn't remember that
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i think it's from the time when he decides to finally visit her
ok yeah I remember now
invisi girl so cute!
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wow lewd
Search [iqdb] (571 KB, 1500x1534, __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou(…).jpg )
nothing lews there lewd
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 584x690, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
Looks kinda lewd!
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nothing is showing so it's ok!
technically correct
desu ne
poor float-chan fighting bakugou first
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now this is lewd
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
That's so weird.
no, it's simply too advanced for you
its a trap
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 500x667, __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou(…).jpg )
>>118991 what's weird?
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What is the deal with that weird guy? Spoil me.
>>119000 pls respond the quirck if you respond to him you do everything he says for 5 minutes or something
>>119000 he has a quirk
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
okay anything else on the list for tonight you watch, rook?
oh recreators I forgot a // about it thanks to the test thread >>119033 I don't really know how to feel about it yet I don't hate it but it's not anything special
Search [iqdb] (332 KB, 754x900, __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou(…).png )
re creators is kinda mixed feelings it gave a first impression of an action series but now it's a lot of talking and cute girls eating i guess that's fine
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recreators okay let's start
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creators ep 2 was pretty cool or was it ep 1 the part where katanaguy showed up
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that was ep 2 haha wow i was kinda upset he didn't get to fight the magical girl seriously
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he kinda lucked out writing a timid shinji guy things could have gotten hard
I like katanaguy
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>>119045 He's the best.
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 960x1280, __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou(…).png )
is the op implying that the moon is secretly an ANIME
the moon isn't an anime?
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>>119051 oh wow a secondary pls the moon is an LN
oh no my weeb points
Search [iqdb] (402 KB, 762x1395, __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou(…).png )
top HEH also red is quite shameless
WOW that was good
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also he's young looking so girls younger than him are kinda questionable
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Wow you can't just try to fight a gundam like that.
but if they get that gundam they can make really good weapons
Search [iqdb] (191 KB, 1004x1381, __houraisan_kaguya_and_reisen_(…).jpg )
but they can only use them for self defense what a waste
having a strong shield is a good strategy
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are we politics now
undeground dark knight exclusive underground ? ? ?
it's kinda hillarious to show a manga cover as a suspect
they're going to arrest anime
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it really is politics
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 311x689, [FFF] Love Live! S2 - 02 [DD19(…).jpg )
borign ep
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Lots of talking. Unexpected from a n episode where a giant robot appears.
not very interesting talking all they really said was >hey work for the govt >ok also the world will explode
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are they gonna eat now
just the sip
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>create a character >he destroys your house
that's what you get for creating an edgelord
oh wait you meant someone else
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Is he realizing this girl is his OC donut steal?
looks like it
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it seems more like a girl he knew made her and their relationship got bad? maybe he's the reason why her creator stopped working on her?
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I bet it's he that created her. Maybe the girl ran with the character.
all possible I was // nvm
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Or maybe he was the writer and the girl drew her?
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maybe she killed herself?
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who knows maybe just stopped drawing
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eromanga sensei for the last one?>>119116 we wouldn't want to end on something shitty like clockwork why would you even do that? oh rook probably doesn't watch this okay let's start
we can granblue or eromanga or twin angel floop choose
Search [iqdb] (23 KB, 654x500, __inaba_tewi_and_reisen_udonge(…).png )
wow what a heavy decision i'd clock but rika would then flip lets just let rika have her way>>119112 isn't eromanga shit too now? oh next episode of recreators seems empty as well
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ok i can confirm eromanga is shit now best girl lost and white isnt gonna progress at all until the season finale
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>>119121 who's the best one the dicks girl or the elf?
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Oh yeah, last ep had a stupid pointless cliffhanger. There's no suspense here she only knows one person.
>>119128 elf
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 800x800, __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou(…).jpg )
so what happened last ep?
he broke elf's heart and theyre basically gonna do the manga thing together work towards an anime the imouto was like i like someone everyone but mc knew who she meant and misunderstandings
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>>119132 He said he likes her and she said she likes someone. the imouto that is
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is she trying to be sexy to him did he give her a lewd book he wrote with elf?
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He wrote a story about boning imoutos. And it clearly has affected her.
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does the oreimo author have an actual sister?
he wrote an imouto story that was basically a confession (says elf) thats how she realized she lost
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This is like the most stupid and pointless misunderstanding ever. sasuga oreimo author
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what's the misunderstandig here exactly is the sister misunderstanding his feelings is he misunderstanding her feelings is he misunderstanding his own feelings>>119148 wait why the hell is he going back down now and saying he's just a brother
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>>119146 Like we said He wrote that imouto lover story and confessed to her. And her response was "I like someone". But she didn't say it was him. Even though she's a shut in and he's literally the only guy she knows.
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>>119146 Because he thinks she likes someone. Someone who isn't him.
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hes like aw man she likes someone mightas well pretend i dont want to bone her
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is drawing a lewd imouto really a problem when you use your own butt as reference for drawings
kittaaaa the best male character
it's oppai he hates the oppai
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He's ignoring poor elf-san.
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wow those are some really dangerous lolicon thoughs
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hmm does she wear pantsu unde the dress
wow he can make sense from that
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I'm sure she does.
wow that reaction she clearly doesn't wow is his sister an old man
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her reaction made it seem like she doesnt but why did you think she didnt before that
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the nudist tendencies
W O W i bet the played the game and loser shows panties
well answered
oh she even has bloomers on top
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this is me
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>>119171 That's just common sense with a dress like that.
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his sister might be really gay for girls
who is this running man what's the point is it an author self insert
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oh she's not even upset about him liking an elf rip off
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This is me on sunday night
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what an amazing problem
wow W O W
so now he must hunt down girls who would show their pantsu
>you can come to my home and show your pantsu to my sister
it's ok you just have to show her your pantsu she's easy like that
Search [iqdb] (402 KB, 1280x720, [Davinci] Girlish Number - 06 (…).jpg )
I think I like everyone more th an dicks girl
rude no wonder she likes dicks
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no wonder shes the WORST GIRL they didnt really introduce beautiful-san maybe next time
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can you even be more normie
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>>119194 shes fu n way better than dicks girl
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This was me for like half of today.
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this was also part of the reason i brought up pantsu
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>>119199 why was there something to be upset about?
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her sitting that actually looks really dangerous as well
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thanks for anime!
thank s
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thanks for anime