I need a wolf cut like a mechanic needs his wife and family after a long day with his hands covered in grease!
hahah what the hell 80.3% of players of Deliverance 2 defeated capon in the opening practice, but only like 3% have found their horse and \\\ or dog again granted just like the first one, the opening railroading is SUPER long got to the point where I just started skipping through dialogue because I wanted to be let loose already
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ten seconds after the refund cutoff
I imagine the refund timer does have something to do with it, yeah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is the combat difficult?
easier than the first one fights are a lot less annoying, if nothing else I've yet to meet an opponent who can do a master strike, so attacking is actually viable in this one In the first one, attacking, at all, in combat with someone more imposing than a thug with a wooden stick was just outright the wrong move, because the AI knew master strikes, which are unblockable ripostes so literally every fight with someone a little skilled was "wait for them to attack, then master strike"
>>1146152 lol all the doctors seriously treat me like im dying theyre all like "you must be going through so much..." and "after the surgery, your life is going to be so much better..." and "it's so big... i don't know how you live with that"
Patlabor is fantastic. Votoms is pretty good but it's not as good as people say. It's historically significant, though.
Kawamori does something revolutionary just about every time, though.
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
Bankei vs Dogen vs Tozan vs Boddhisatva ? who is the chaddest of them all, and would win epic rap battle of the history?
petition to rename Anno 2 Kawamori
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
brother, I was like serious in to mecha back in time, gave solid chance to Tsutomi Nihei and his "remake of Eureka7" I already forgot the name of, which was not even a mecha (and NGE is not a mecha too)
Eureka7 was manditory, didn't see all of it so down with mecha, there was some game before or around 2000 that was really good, like you were in this city and could mash up stuff anf other mech's don't remember the name, post it up if can remember. Would mash that game game again and would be cool to code it into being a multi player. >>1146200 >>don't do it! don't do what ?
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
get in to the eva, tRenton!
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
>>1146198 don't do it! it's like Guren Lagan but with Shinji Ikari and without Kaworu
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
>>1146194 the LAST Eva was actually good, I believe, ngl
don't know if TN is part systhetic AI to be able to draw so well and detailed...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have the same stream playing at both sides of this apartment it's just very very slightly behind on the other side it's making it sound like i'm in a giant concrete room or something it's kind of a cool echo effect
>>1146220 I really like the mention of how anime characters can and do bleed and die, while superheroes never do that, and it being a sort of brag rather than the admission of being an industry geared almost exclusively towards children that it is
Also the one where Dexter is the only survivor and blasts off reminds me A LOT of a webcomic I read back in the day where the whole cartoon network cast was animefied Powerpuff girls z or something, but not actually the anime powerpuff girls of the same title
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1146220 pretty sure that isnt sincere in any way
there was a fighting game based on it on newgrounds too, I'm pretty sure Though, like all flash content, that's lost to time now
>>1146243 oh my bad thought b/c you said >>But I did get to have two lunches. >>But I did get to have two lunches. that they double feed you then wait till empty stomach
I meditated last night and had some visualiations
>>1146247 hey thats twice the fun! it's didn't hurt to have more good times
>>1146245 No, I went to lunch with a friend. When I was wrapping up, I got a message from another friend inviting me to lunch and it was clear they weren't doing well so I went to get lunch with them too, which they kindly paid for!
>>1146246 We call such visualizations during zazen makyo. They're one of the so-called mind's ways of trying to prevent you from going deeper. They're a good sign as long as you don't get attached to them!
I don't experience makyo very often anymore but I did when I first started. The most striking was the image of a white snake with red eyes crawling up a hibiscus branch towards the pink flower.
>>1146251 I didn't have bad visuals it was all good content all but 2% maybe that was some digestion of thought from something I hasd seen early and didn't want so I removed it from tempory awareness.
>>1146249 Idk I didn't render it haven't made a drawing in a while
ouch the fluorescent neon what are those colors called again
pepsi design document ass
like, normal people: "we changed the color" design people: "we went with magenta because it's associated with Creativity and Evolution" like what the fuck do you MEAN
I I think itI whoops wrong IME I think it's pretty common knowledge that colours have themes and impressions associated with them Red, passion, blue, sadness, etc. Those are the surface-level ones which most people are memetically familiar with, but there are a lot of colours out there in the world
waking up at 5am like "why does my head hurt so much", only for the bootup sequence to complete and the response to come in from the memory banks, "you didn't drink anything yesterday"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/watch?v=sShBo_h4ahQ#t=56m > You sound very confident in the things that you say, but I'm not sure that makes you more right her epistemology is aggressive
is that just a show where they get women on to demolish random manosphere guys or something? I've seen a few clips that I think is from that and it's all just like, from what I can tell random women being Normal Human Beings and responding to the complete delusion that is MRA and incel thought
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk but that would explain why this dude seems to be segregated in a different place from all of the women
that's just to protect him, I imagine if he's in the same place as the women, they might divorce him and take the kids because the courts always believe women
well my head's already starting to return to baseline, getting a few glasses of water in me making sure to drink and eat enough is an annoyance for me cause I just don't really feel hunger and thirst all that prominently most of the time drinking is USUALLY taken care of by the fact it's easy to passively do while at the computer, but I ran out of the stuff I usually put in the water, so I just uh, didn't yesterday
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
water do be refreshing when its absence is the vibe at the function
can't say I expected to see Aella outside of twitter though, that's surprising Only familiar with her due to the sometimes utterly stupid shit she says
>>1146284 i used to ignore my body's signals for that kind of thing but i've gotten better at tuning into what i'm feeling
yeah, I sometimes have good days on that, but really it's not so much I'm ignoring it, and more that I don't connect the signals with their meaning all that well not at an instinctual level, anyway Like I know when my stomach hurts in a certain way, that's probably hunger, but it doesn't like, feel like hunger
I'm familiar with that andrew guy though, thinking about it didn't recognize him from the clip, but seeing his name, I've
seen him before on like, debate shows memory's blanking on any details though, but he's not the sharpest tack in the drawer that's for sure
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm using the youtube comment to watch all the aella segments looks like at the end of the video she tells him she doesn't like him and walks off but i will save that till the end
Some people really are just constantly antagonistic man, God in heaven it's grating Grown ass woman at this work training thing is just looking for a reason to be mad all day
>>1146333 for all their shit and well they are czech
but why can't someone make a game about the wars of Sweden, cause DAMN! all the wars of sweden are "we are outnumbered, but we won"
aside from the "war ... "great war of the north" I think that is the english name
that was just sweden fighting alone Poland, denmark, russia, and several others beating all of them, but also losing at a strategically inconvenient times, so the wars kept resufracing so they kepto *kept getting repulled into old wars and then the king died of a FUCKING RANDOM MISFIRE!
"war of the north "really narrows it down with Sweden being one of the northernmost countries in Europe
>>1146341 yeah but think about that ghuy >father builds a great state in everyway >father builds a great army >father has a ton of great generals >father reforms the army >father dies >son goes on the conquer Persia, Egypt, and most of known world oh wait
we talked about Carolus 12 not Alexander the Great
I like how kcd2 frames Sigismund as like, unquestionably the better king in every way, but Henry and thus the player is railroaded into playing on wenceslas' team, a man whose sole qualification according to his own allies and supporters is blood
Or >father builds a centralized state >father reforms the army >father makes so that army essentially is the state >father builds the prasis of the centruries later discipline >dies >son goes on to become "the great"
Frederick the Great
How many fucking "the greats" are just flying the coattails of their fathers?
Well all of them are still the best military minds EVER anyhow
Most of them I imagine Rome wasn't built in a day and all that
Okay, your father's empire splintered between all of your generals
easy each general only has 1/10th of the army your father had and 1/20th the army the persians had
that should be DAMN very easy mode, compared to your father?
Oh wait
that didn't happen
Fuck if I know, I'm not a history buff, but the idea of these select souls being blessed by the divine to expand an empire seems so silly to me I don't even consider the possibility
Sometimes kids of rulers get real ambitious and diligent, other times they're layabouts intent on just drinking and feasting cause fuck it the throne is theirs by blood
>>1146351 girl, you hadn't heard of "great people of history" theory before, no?
Of course I have, and it's nonsense to me Not even the most accomplished rulers in history did so alone Running a state and a military is absurdly involved and takes a lot of competent advisors and bureaucrats
In the sense of Alexander SOMEONE was ment to be Alexander of course but even if Philip the Second was there in the footsteps of Alexander the Great, inheriting everything Alexander inherited
I think all Philip the Second would've conquered would've been Anatolia and he'd been contend with it
Alexander was unique
Similarly Frederic 1 never used the army he build to shit but frederic 2 the great, he got an army and he became "great"
So... "great men of history, is a half silly idea" it isn't that history happens because of "great men", but rather that history starts to set itself to allow the "Greats" to become greats
>>1146367 there are three type of people on tano people who can tell who Hazy is people who can't tell who Hazy is and no one who can tell who anons are
>>1146377 Rika was upset because there was some drama between Bang and Tilde that made it hard for them to do anime. So she left. She's fine, though. I spoke with her briefly a little while ago.
Dude Rika hated me for being partially the reason of the site becoming more hostile and driving Lobster away I know she well was reasonable as she was, but I KNOW deep inside my guts that she personified me as the change to /moe/ Didn't help that I also killed most of the series on /moe/ watches stuff whenefver I joined Lol
saw a post on twitter that was like "people on here go 'oh im an alcoholic' and then it turns out they only have 2 drinks a day and 8 on the weekends. that's not alcoholism, that's normal" and alds lads lads I think they're coping to a degree scarcely seen
in their defense, they were probably pretty sauced up while writing it I really don't think that's the kind of post you make if you're not, yourself, having 2 drinks a day cause to everyone else, someone who's drinking every damn day is like, obviously an alcoholic
a strange dream where valve added a "tokamak gun" to cs2 it wasn't made clear exactly what it does, but thinking about it, I can't imagine it's a balanced weapon for a game like cs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
heavy weapons guy?
well I imagine it'd be closer to a plasma-based gauss rifle than a gatling
It's crazy how powerful you actualy get in KCD2 I entered a swordfighting tournament against "the greatest swordfighter in Kuttenberg", but once they rung the bell I sheathed my sword and just beat him bloody with my fists instead It's neat unarmed is viable, but it's also very silly to beat the daylights out of everyone in a swordfighting tournament using nothing but your bare hands
I appear to have missed the poison seller in the first region, and the second region doesn't have one, seemingly so I'm poisonless granted, that doesn't matter because by now I one-shot deer and stuff, and have a full set of plate armor, but still, a little annoying
oh yeah how does it compare to trickshot simulator in your estimation so far?
It's certainly more brainrot than trickshot simulator But really I'm having a lot of fun, in broad strokes it's just a better game and more polished than the first one The combat feels better, there's smithing (though it's unfortunately a little meaningless because the best longsword is given to you along with its recipe once you enter the second region, and said sword is unique so you can't make more of them) and you start with some baseline skills from the first game, meaning you're not spending the first few hours of the game picking flowers just to get the basic skills associated with it combos are... unfortunately a little meaningless, because you only have a reason to use them against armored opponents, in fact unarmored opponents will just die before you finish a combo, but armored opponents tend to be too skilled to let you finish a combo
what is your lens?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1146493 are you playin with kb+m? >>1146494 that lens is a SIGMA 200-500mm f/2.8, custom order only, discontinued, MSRP was $25,000 i think
yeah even if I had a controller that works properly, and I don't, I never enjoy first person games with a controller
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh it's actually in stock at some places wowow >>1146496 oh yea first person with a controller is madness
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i did play splatoon 2 with the motion controls that wasn't bad can't even remember if that is FP or 3rdP
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yea third person duh
did you really bought & own that SIGMA lens?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
& I thought ... I was crazy one here
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I walk around making the sigma face 24/7 around town so that everyone knows how special and removed from society i am
I'm not a sigma, I'm just a loser with depression who can't even grind nor properly rizz
So I hoped to socialize with similiar individuals in this community - but all I see is successfull people, rizz maxxers, alfas, sigmas, CEOs, entrepreneurs ...
I wanted to buy a lens for a while. Which cheap option you recommend? I don't need it to be high res. But I'd love it to be able to make macro of bugs & moon
>>1146507 didnt kirara recommend a macro lens last week
what lens mount?
oh man, I'm not even a photographer. Do bare hands count as mount or it had to be tripod? Is cheap phone fine? When I was a kid, my dad who left us, left us with few polaroid shots that are in album. That was a luxury back in time. we also had a cheap soapy kodak cameras
i recently got a nikon body + a few Z mount lenses
i got a birding lens used off craigslist so i can take pictures of birds
I made a photo of bird that I wanted to post\share, but I never had enough balls \ time \ motivation for it I also had list of photos I made, in forest, trees, leaf, branches, sunlight glare but I doubt myself who will like this shit if it ever get published
took a billion duck pix but i mean these are so easy they walk right up to you if you have seeds
>>1146411 I lost a friend of childhood to alcohol dependency. Maybe even more than one, maybe a couple or few. I told him to get treatment via Alcoholics Anno meetings, but he still drinking. Here people start drink early & continue, remain (if they aren't began sobering), it's like a norm. They do drink cheap alco out of procrastination or on every occasional social meeting\event. And this dude, lost some one to cancer, but still His father worked for police
Is KCD like Witcher?
or Morrowind
>Bohemia If you'll need their historical lore or translations, you could try to ask here. I'm just happend to be a little bit familiar
even fusion, like the baseline "this is just energy generation" of the universe, we're plodding away at and as far as "how are we gonna extract electricity from that?" goes, it's just... it gets real hot, and we're gonna boil water with it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
making thin spin is the easiest way to make electrons spin around loop i guess spinning is nice bcause it resets itself every revolution lateral movement is hard how do you reset back to starting position
yeah, I mean it's obviously that way for a reason, it just FEELS wrong for the way to generate heat to keep getting more advanced, but then we just use the heat to boil water and spin a turbine with the steam, like the actual power generation feels low tech, even if obviously the details of that have improved drastically over time as well
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea there is a startup doing uhh what's it called like a real hot hydrolysis reaction i think, and then they surround it with high power solar cells
once bang, twice an idiot
i'm basically just a machine that turns 2FA 6-digit passcodes in to workplace productivity
they really need to combine a blower miller Scharger setup with geothermal energy output for extra comprestion but it's preaty much that way anyway
boiling water for power generation is our species' Donnie Darko Therapis Scene, I'm afraid
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
look we can do it other ways but those just arent as efficient
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh here it is, LightcellEnergy.com
>>>/@DanielleFong/1890214096722882900 >lightcells burn hydrogen/fuel mixed with sodium illuminant hot sodium illuminant emits near monochromatic light, which tuned photovoltaic cells collect to make electricity
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1146540 yeah that's definitely a thing many people have thought of but not done for efficiency reasons
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they have some kinda "ceramic recuperator" to whisk the heat away again that's why the SPEEEN is so good, it just whisks the heat away by its nature harder problem in a stationary photovoltaic cell
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
it's cool though
inferred heating is a really good way to get more out of heat soak transfering
being able to produce heat is really good but not if your taxing the system you use to generate it I think IR is very efficiant
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1146541 yea it's some kind of startup trying to make the efficiency better
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
yeah it's cool, longterm their research may be useful
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean how hard could a dyson sphere be we just need legos that we can assemble in space and hella lasers with mirrors
non personnel dyson spheres should be high spin and generating their own energy at the same time while in some sort of high spin state
>>1146547 And a centralized space program developed enough to launch hundreds of thousands if not millions of those space LEGOs from Earth into a reliable trajectory sufficiently close to the sun Or enough funding, manpower, and resources to build a space station manufacturing complex which asteroids can be delivered to, processed, and the resources from can be used to manufacture those hundreds of thousands if not millions of those space LEGOs
they should invent a teabag that sinks when fresh, and then floats once the tea is done
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1146549 let's just build like a really tall pole with a motorized chain on it to get stuff out into microgravity cheaply
I don't even think we have any sort of material strong enough to support a space elevator, but it would certainly make life a lot easier for NASA
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just extrude a carbon nanotube like 10 km long 10,000km* and then a bunch of em we'll bundle em together for strength, then tilt it up 90 degrees using a big fulcrum
I guess we could cut down the amount of distance we need if instead of gently tugging stuff all the way up, we actually just fling it upwards so the elevator goes as far up as we can, and just accelerates on the way up before it lets loose Air resistance is an issue, I guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> A space elevator would be approximately 100,000 kilometers (62,000 miles) long, as it needs to reach geostationary orbit ah fuck
really even a fraction would help cut down the amount of fuel needed, though maybe we can't bring it all the way up, but if we can reduce the amount of distance we gotta launch something, that would at least simplify things
Unless we discover some new material which is easily mass-producible and fits the needs of making anything more than a few kilometres tall, I don't think there's any point to any kind of space elevator Ultimately doing as much as you can functionally do in outer space will always be the better option The only thing that you should be sending up from the Earth's surface is -are things which you can't manufacture
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's hard to manufacture stuff without gravity tho maybe we can make a lunar base for making stuff
difficult without an atmosphere too, heat's got nowhere to go
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea heat dissipation is a problem fr
people say like 'why didn't whales or dolphins build the technology humans did' but this is an easy strawman to knock down how are you gonna forge a scythe underwater air is too useful and flat tables that shit doesn't roll off of
Opposable thumbs are real OP, to be fair
theres really no use for opposable thumbs thumbs are very much functional as they were intendened Original out the box
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oppposable thumbs are such hipsters tbh
too many hipsters and OP dufus's rule of thumb: don't bite your thumb, at the hand that feeds you :P
front page bad news
>>1146566 I don't know why they still spam that content on front page
>>1146557 Anti-matter hydropower plants and wind not boiling water, they just turning turbine germany invested a lot in non-nuclear, non-fuel green economy, and now gdp growth -0.1%, opposition complains. electric car can't get you as far & cheap as gasoline but I'm all for clean air, I remember 10 years ago it was hard to breath in the city, because of evaporated gasoline smell, now some % of cars are electric, and some have strict emission regulation
I wanted to have a horse, never had one. Price seems on par with used car, or new 125cc scooter, around 1000$. Sadly city doesn't have public parking service for horses. I also wanted to make steam engine. All engines are currently imported. 40 years ago they had some sort of local production here, but now they say it's just cheaper to import. idk. It seems to me like centuries ago people were able to make local steel and now not. One of the places that do produce something locally is America & Asia.
A decade ago u-tube was full (& probably still) of fake videos of free electricity, like they use some blackbox, or just stick wires to ground and claim some secret Nikola Tesla tech.
You can have living organisms that do burn calories, not fater, and do produce some energy and electricity and can even do computation. Biolife could be zipped algo to unpack AI.
yeah electric cars just kinda aren't all that viable, yet anyway For people who just live in a city or something and don't have to go far ever, they work fine, but if you're going from the south to north of Norway, I think you'll have to budget in some charging time Which depending on circumstance might mean spending the night somewhere on the way
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
According to 1st law of Fullmetal Alchemist, energy can't be made out of nothing. It could only be transferred. (I once was in church, and priest claimed Universe made out of nothing, while I was thinking about entropy, but that's another story) I do think ai+quantum+cern+fussion+fission will come up with something. Oil prices are (like some markets) artificial. What's really interesting is relation between energy-entropy-mass-temperature-time! (& gravitation, time-space) In universe there are zones of low-temperature, low entropy, slow time, (different mass & gravitation) E.g. energy does have effect of speed of time. *on Life is the only process in Universe that tends to lower entropy
I mean the issue is mostly just battery capacity and charging speed beyond that, I think electric is pretty servicable, though I'm not cetain how good they are with winter conditions
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
>>1146574 I like your photos of landscapes from places far away
Tempura The romanization of ん into "n" is a simplification, like how the らりるれろ characters aren't really using the English r-consonant sound ん phonetically kind of modulates depending on what comes after it, based on, allegedly by Japanese speakers, what sounds nicest or is the easiest phonetic transition So when followed with the "pu" of tempura, it sounds nicer when you make the ん more of an "m" sound On the other hand, when it is at the end of a word, it sounds nicer as the sharper "n" sound
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeaa exactly n followed by a p or b or m sound is naturally turned into an m
so complex was romajized as conplex which is where you get siscon
they should have spelled it with two m's
i call them tem flakes
>>1146600 That's not phonetically consistent with the actual Japanese word though There are Japanese words which have two consonant tones in succession and you can hear the dragged nasal "n" in those cases But that's not how tempura is pronounced so it would just be additional confusion for people trying to pronounce the foreign word
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
moe complex moepronunciation
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> bilabial > adjective (of a speech sound) formed by closure or near closure of the lips, as in p, b, m, w.
teehee labial
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bilabial tier list
S tier: M mm mmm those lips are tight together the whole way
A tier: P that's got some throw to it, a punch
B tier: B you're kinda just there i guess the lower jaw just falls open barely even trying
C tier: W you didn't even close your lips for this one, how does this count
>>1146602 but if they were taught this in the 1st place without knowledge being withheld in any way then it wouldn't be an issue as much as some thing that goes without say
You guys don't understand. I'm literally the first person on this planet to be sad after a breakup. >>1146650 cool. Can also do Wednesday if that suits better although prefer Thurs with my schedule.
>>1146651 could you? otherwise Thursday is still fine
Well it's not a bad thing it just means I have way more audiobook than anticipated the actual work doesn't require, you know, brains, so I really am just listening to the audiobook and the work I'm doing is akin to fiddling with a toy or something to keep my body occupied
> goto r/aviation to see context > first video is a passenger's 2second clip of them upside down strapped in
ans of course the comments are all just "lol why r u filming" so dumb the entire reason this reddit post exists is because they filmed it don't come in there and immediately start judging you have no idea what happened
>>1146704 ya I seen the pics I mean it flipped over this is a very bad tragity don't like seeing this at all :(
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
brother no one died its not a tragedy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's an insurance claim
oh ok good seen something diferent that said 9 dead but it must have been for a dif story froma dif time y ait was from feb