bruh i was cooking dinner and there was a spider hanging down over the stove on a web not a really big one but still probably medium sized and if i hadn't been looking it could have gone inside the frying pan with the other food i was cooking and if i saw it would have ruined my dinner and if I didn't see i would have accidentally eaten a spider. luckily I DID see him trying to get in my pan so i crushed him with a paper towel before he could make it. but damn that was a close one.
im glad im not the only one whose mind has been going to 5 million ways to kill a ceo recently
well after the whole twink thing boots kinda vanished, so I think a lot of people just sorta forgot his music too
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
boots literally put out an entire TV show last year and has another one coming up plus a movie
I mean yeah, I just don't see him mentioned that much anymore at least
>>1140835 had to relook at this pic, does having a prezel on the wall help with effecincy? Did however notice the Dahli clock melting off the table, after a 2nd look...
with some luck I'll have my monitor back within the week pog
vika who? nuland? boots? from Dora?
<the picture of few spidermans pointing at each other/>
here is paradox I really like kinda community here (despise other liveboards) something normal, sincere & good faith about it but it's also like vn with characters, or comic or larp which is not a bad thing per se
is your mental alright?
>>1140822 (OP) I've seen a street begger with a legs like this, could be a veteran
>>1140877 can't complain today. weather was fine, sky clear I'm taking my meds, but still adjusting the dosage why ask? anything specific odd?
few times I've felt the the Board spoke to me, but we don't know & unsure whether that was a hallucination or it actually spoke or it just glow'd
you should get that looked at
that's feel weird, you redirecting me to irl world, 2 solve my irl problems, away from escapist illusionary anime moe weeb woruludo
internet is not supposed to be connected to real life it is supposed to be separate world/realm of it's own
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
brother you only got one life to live it's ok to spend some time dissociating but like art reflects the lives of real people, it doesn't exist without the souls of people who lived and haved lived
im gonna have to go to like ethiopia or something for that really i should just go to taiwan at some point
incredible fav emote list
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Bttv skews the data
when I was young, I've though, yo when I'll became old grandpa I'll dissociate to videogames, streams etc
>>1140887 nice words some people just like to live in imaginary fiction matrix truman show where they question the fabric of reality itself willow quantum pussy
or like in P1, not fan of reality & prefer plastic infotainment
Buffy the Vampire Slayer huntress had the best Willow ah Sarah Michelle Gellar ...
is there an emote you can send somebody to convey affection that's maybe one step down from sending a love heart but a step up from just sending a smiley face
kaimoji jp emoticon
see, asian people have big brain, they invented this stuff, kanji and emotional texting lang, way before wild westernerns came up with RFC standart for "Emoji"
you could animate a gif or write a haiku spider crawls in cum
you could record & send voice message. maybe with optional anecdote. I believe that's already planned & on schedule for next version release of doushio & other liveboards as well with facecam shots with cool snapchat like filters, masks, that replace emojis.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1140913 winky kissy face? uhhh just something playful like an upside down smiley idk or a blushy smiley if it's wholesome
we have him on our dollar coins apparently? though i haven't seen it
ya , I know what you mean seams like hoaky like there on the mint site as 2023- prestent but they are not really in circ it seems, you think in one year you would have pocketed one by now....
So this could be a reason Kesh has the marking on his fore head >>The mark on Pragg's forehead is 'Vibuti'. I believe the orange mark is 'Kumkuma'. There are several variations of the mark. But essentially, different Hindu variants do different things." Some would say it's not for good luck perse, but more a designation of faith maybe.
>>1140977 ty it was a skilled player but I caped queen a couple moves before and it revealed this BR push
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea their king is in such a vulnerable spot in the middle of the board like that
I found a vent in caves of qud that spawns clockwork beetles they give 100exp each (most spawned enemies give 0EXP) and they drop tinkering bits getting me some levels
AI research is so funny dude "GPT o1 demonstrates ability to deceive! SHOCKING!" and it's just like, it was told to lie and it did that
I've had more interesting stuff happen from just random roleplay stuff with the damn thing, and I'm not even paying for the cool version It can lie in character without issue when the role it's assigned is one that would lie in the scenario presented
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yerrrp the clickbait is real
got my monitor back still equally fucked cause they said they didn't find anything wrong So I'm probably gonna have to get a new power supply unit for it, even though that seems fucking weird to me, considering I'm using it RIGHT NOW on another monitor but maybe it's just not giving enough amps for that one, since this one uses less
I pretty much just gotta get a new one either way, is the fucked part Like sure, I COULD just get it repaired\replaced too, but that's a process during which I won't have it, and well... I'm using it on the other monitor
I could just run one monitor for the time I guess I'll see about it tomorrow
In my dream, I had a moment when I was moderating on /moe/ and i accidentally deleted the main thread instead of the bot spam It was the worst mistake of my life
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man, this kombucha gives me congestion am i allergic
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Kyaa an old lady at work called me "Muscles"
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
She said Good morning Muscles and then winked at me when she walked past. If she was 40 years younger I tell u what
>>1140992 maybe your not allergic but something eles in your system is conflicting? I wonder what would happen if you fasted for like a week to purify and then se if thereis still a reaction?
we had this convo threads ago not down with domestic soy Samu raised a good point about some good types of soy oh and theres fermented soy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no soy humano 😈
I just dun eat it, "no soy" new phrase born on the doushi but fermented soy might be good though had nattokinase, but not sure what natto taste like haven't had it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i forget what natto tastes like it's been a long time it's probably pretty stinky
sour like
prob good with citrus
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> malty, cheesy, bitter, sweaty, and sometimes ammoniacal
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds p savory maybe i should hit up the ol japanese combini and try it again sometime
>>> ammoniacal wow
ya alot you could do with it some of it looks kind of stringy like cheese
idk just cant see having a hankering for sweaty though malty though would be good with some saki, I could see even though saki isn't malty, more or less smooth maybe a little too smooth some times
I almost watched a mr beast video
so it's , as it turns out very easy too ferment natto takes like a handful of days and it's ready to eat you can use a yogert maker in multi use and start the culture off like that. really it's just water, neans, some natto starter and or some natto store bought for the cultures go get it going and bangshift the rest in ferming in a jar with a bassin of warm water and just a few days and your cookin... >>>/watch?v=maxkUd52LbY
I mean boose takes months I was a bit suprised at how fast you can produce it all most for free. Like bulk beans, some powered culture and water, on the cheap. For what it does for your gut florra seems worth it. It would prob be expesive eating it take away. It's sort of like making kimchi....
>>1141035 yeah teh game awards can't remember if I voted on this one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i chucked balatro a vote looks like astro bot dundundun won
Feels kind of weird that it won My personal baseless conspiracy is that they gave it the award to fit PlayStation's 30th anniversary I didn't expect Balatro to win but I also didn't expect Astro Bot to beat out Wukong or Metaphor In retrospect maybe people getting fussy with them for bending the rules to let the Elden Ring DLC in maybe made it lose enough votes to not win either Either way I'm not upset about this It's just kind of weird
i dont get why you're bringing up heritic lol i never played it i was playin nintendo games mostly way back when
>>1141044 B/c you brought up Witcher 4 I t made me think of Heritic and if they made a reboot for it. Witcher isn't really a Nintendo game...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok is the witcher by... no, heretic is by id just similar vibes i guess?
yah, Witcher is more avanced as it's a new game It seems like they are rebooting a lot of older games. Like I thought Elden ring was a itteration of skyrim or elderscrolls but didn't think it was a Japanese gaming company. There was Diablo from that ear as well, loads of gmaes are making a come back...
I can't imagine it's an amount that's meaningful though Like how much microplastic is gonna leak into the water during the brief time it's in the bottle compared to what's already in there because it's already in literally all the water on the planet In a literal sense I'm guessing it's better but I'd imagine it's a drop in the bucket
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whaat like i've drank from plenty of plastic kirkland bottles that have been sitting in the sun in the trunk of some dad's car for hours the plastic is self evident
i can't remember the last time i've drank from a bottled glass water bottle, that seems decadent, but it's gotta be filtered
I guess it actually is a significant difference, looking briefly at google that's certainly not ideal
I thought this was the kinda stuff that'd need a good amount of time to percolate
We really gotta get cracking on that whole fusion thing cause clearly we're not gonna be turning down our consumption any time soon, and every choice we have for that right now is a different flavor of ecological collapse But if we had fusion... we could just produce the metal and stuff we need from air and stuff
Then we'd be choking to death instead!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Haha yes fuck da atmosphere lead into gold baybeee
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we just need, like, mason jars errywhere like the hippies do and robots that clean em screw all the disposable plastic ice coffees
>>1141056 have you ever tried the icelandic one? and if so was it any gooid?
>>1141066 I used to put all water in a wine bottle for consumtion gotta start doing that agian using a ceramic coated alloy WB now honestly after SC was talking about it ton's, ended up get one on my own. and also glass bottle is the way, def going to start doing that but storing it in the glass bottle and using the the AWB to drink out of. It probally helps with limiting some parts per million to use a AWB...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i put most of my drinking water in a old glass vodka bottle or in that ikea glass thingy with the cork then let it sit in the sun for a bit to break down the chlorine a bit
Might get Mcdonald today cause I'll be in the area anyway Gotta go back with the monitor and the power supply after all
Fucking bullshit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no monitor broke?
Still broke Yes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry i missed that that suuucks monitors don't unbreak easy
Well it's just the adapter probably
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh, nice
looking at voss water it say's here the bottles are pte and glass I wonder if the threaded top would work from this water bottle and fit on the glass voss would be an up grade if so....
I got one that works on loan while the fucked one is in for "service" (no way they actually repair power supplies)
pog I have my 4k monitor again god DAMN everything's tiny on this thing I've gotten so used to running 1080 again
Maybe I never actually ran it at 4k to begin with? cause this is way... way smaller than I remember lmao well either way
I LOVE features baked into the GPU that are just ass well, into the driver, and you gotta fight and struggle with it to just turn it the fuck off AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
It seems to somehow have fixed itself, though smplayer still has some terrible flickering going on though VLC does too, so I don't know what to really do about it well, tearing, not flickering
ok so the flickering was because opengl or something crashed in the past, so the thing that deals with that shut itself off until i manually turned it back on
Now I just gotta pray the whole "monitor turning itself off and back on again randomly" either doesn't happen again, or at least is a result of this power supply not being ideal Like, it functions, but it is overfeeding the monitor, though that shouldn't be a problem cause most stuff does have an internal thing that's like "wait this is too much juice, turn it down" on its own
Some of it might also just be because the ol' trooper of a GPU I have is suddenly forced to render my videos at 4K (even if it's mostly upscaling since the actual video is 1080p) using the same settings I've likely altered over time since the 4K one died I mean it worked perfectly fine at one point before the powersupply seemingly gave in
And the whole "turning itself off" issue has so far only happened for video, didn't happen at all while I was playing Qud, so I'm not entirely sure what causes it I THINK it's the nvidia driver trying to fire up g-sync, which isn't available but the monitor supports it, and maybe it only does that for certain stuff, so qud didn't trigger it but the video player did? Certainly seems to have sorted itself out after I went into the files and just told it to never use g-sync It's rare, but it's REALLY bothersome when it happens, which makes it hard to troubleshoot too
Might be a hardware acceleration issue... maaaaaaaaan this kind of shit is so annoying
what's really bothersome is really that it's so inconsistent, I had to wait 4 minutes after the last time I changed something for it to happen again, playing a video the whole time in fullscreen
#8ball (EEEEEEH?!) #8ball (git gud) #8ball (0.1%) #8ball (Would you kindly?) going to do it
Possibly... it's just that my GPU can't actually cope with running 4k and also another monitor Maybe I just need an upgrade
Guess I'll look into it since I'm gonna get more ram either way
it's fucking messed up the 1080 Ti is still actually like... fairly good upgrading would be so expensive
>>1141092 just get an QPU like Willow gsync is good, for
ds behaving weird. reconnect/cf errors why?
>>1141084 when I was around 7 we had bugs like this with forest nearby. Today forest mostly cut off & shrunk, city expanding.
Me encanta la leche de soja
>>1141099 a fucking what? anyway it's probably way outta my price range, so I'm just gonna deal with a 2560x1440 at 120hz I want the 4K but I'm not paying more money than I have for it
increased resilution was a mistake, Hayao Myadzaki said when kissed Zhenseng Huang it's always a ratrace vs fps all it to milk GenX dopamine for better donkey kong graphics, while building ai skynet
aliens(grey) that visited Earth, were not biological but an ai bionic robots. fabric of reality is matrix simulation
I just want more screen real estate this 1440 is good enough though, I just want to get everything the monitor can do Though it'd be capped at 60fps at 4k either way, but maybe that's just my GPU saying it can't do better
just get an CRT tube screen, they are 120hz by default & look good on 1024x768, which was always fine & more than enough
literally not an option I do not have a desk that could support a CRT monitor
oh I can stand, handle & hold it for you, while you playing videogames on it with xbox controller
and I'm absolutely not going down from 1080p no matter what
gosh, they are heavy. when I got rid of my last crt, I was not able to pick it up alone and called friend for assitance to lift & transfer it to closed garbage station *closest
it's not really about the weight, I doubt that'd kill my desk, it's just the elevated portion is too slim to support a CRT
look, with 1024x768, you already have 1080 pixels, and 720 pixels inside. and great frame & refresh rate. and price. lcd just look shit with lower resolutions and can't adjust refresh rate, that's why you biased.
I already have 120hz on this thing at 2650x1440, I don't see why I'd go with a CRT
I don't even really Game that much anymore anyway Nothing that's affected by hertz anyway
I mean maybe I'll play some KF when that comes out, but that's uncertain and it's not even pvp
and after all, crt is a tube, when you have a tube, you can put something inside it. they also have special specific smell, taste when you lick them. and they give you static charge electricity from close distance. so you can stay charged.
ayy bby how about i put this tube inside something else
I watched some tv yesternight, and it showcased 2 Finnish dudes, who traveled a lot around the world mountains, and went for the first time in to beautiful Finnish winter white desert with mountains, to discover it and ride their boards, It was beautiful. on the their road, they were stop somehow by two norwegian boarderguards, because border wa nearby, but all went smooth, and they proceeded to mountains.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1141119 brother seek the light of heaven not the photons of man
pig if you get the dog or llama turn 1 ez 10 piece pig if you get literally any other item turn 1 rip concede
bored of video games I'm reading steins gate after much mucking about and procrastination Granted I already watched the whole anime and everything but still
oh fuck that's right Huke art
Metaru Upa LETSGO
>>1141190 Lucky for you since while people generally see the Steins;Gate anime as a good adaptation, it's also a situation where when you read the VN you realize just how much they cut out to adapt it into a two-cour show
They really didn't bother to have it proofread, huh? I mean I know it's a relatively old VN, but nitro+ surely has the cashflow to have someone fluent in English just, you know, translate a page or two of text
I love the steins gate OP, man it's so fucking good
There's also just something really like, cool about an OP or ED cut into what's basically a book One of the highlights of reading umineko because you get it like 8 times
future gadget 7 is pretty cool in concept, gotta admit a ball of crt monitors hooked up to cameras pointing to their own back so you can "see through" the ball is pretty cool as a project
oh that's kinda sick it's got some interactivity with the phone I accidentally pulled it up earlier cause I use the numpad enter key to advance, and num3 is the phone trigger, so I messed with it a little, but I kinda assumed it was just a little Neat thing where you could read the mails and stuff like that, I didn't expect to actually interface with it as part of the story itself
They were cooking with Steins;Gate, man
I guess it was never really detailed in the anime why the bananas turned into green gelatin... stuff I mean sure the chicken refreezing, that "makes sense" if you just figure it turns the clock back for whatever's inside, but only if it's for some relatively short amount of time dependent on the time it's running, like in Primer I guess
But why would bananas turn into goop from the same process? they're both organic matter, so that shouldn't be a factor
(actually technically in Primer, time is accelerated if you just leave it running)
Oh I like the subtlety of how immediately after the first timeshift, the mail to Daru is removed from the outbox, too Well, I guess more accurately it was never added cause those two events happened simultaneously, but still, it's really super neat because it's not mentioned until later in the story, and is actually a really big deal, but you can find out so early by checking the phone, and then a short bit after that event, they teach you how to use the phone It's actually really clever, I think
god I hope these damn email replies aren't important for determining what ending you get cause there's several options for each one
you are maxx gaming, sis, what a Chadette u r, classy klassik I had to play og S;G, but postponed, & just played the boards games wiz channies best wishes & RrR3spektah
I skimmed through the video for a bit. Couldn't watch the whole thing. Some American college student yapping about the Australian economy. I mean yeah there's some problems, housing shortage, wage stagnation, aging population.. ect. But it's not like we're living in the fucking anarchy of a failed state. Things still more or less run. People go about their daily lives with their friends and families. I think it's a little hyperbolic to call the situation "impossible".
a hyperbolic clickbait title for a youtube video fucking no way who would have thunk it
so a few weeks ago I had heaps of flies in my kitchen and bathroom, so i bought this "non-toxic fly killer" and i got it because it was like if I was putting it in the kitchen I didn't want to spray poison fumes everywhere. and the way the trap works is that you hang it, and it gives of some sort of smell that gets flies really horny or something and then there's water at the bottom and they get so horny the drown themselves or something like that. Anyway, it said - "FOR OUTDOOR USE ONLY" on the packet, and i was like >yeah, nah. she'll be right. just crack a few windows. But it didn't work. Not only did it not catch any flies, my house now reeks of fly pheromones 3 weeks later long after I took the trap down and threw it in the trash. It's this really unpleasant strong, pungent fruity smell. Putting this one down as an L
maybe I should sleep a little but I'm having fun reading too I hate when I have to decide whether to sleep just cause I know it'll fuck up my sleep schedule if I don't, even if I'm not tired
interesting choice of character to use for content farm
Sometimes I think maybe my brain has gotten too soaked in radical juice and I'm saying insane shit but then I look at my timeline and I see I'm still fairly reserved in comparison to the delusion happening there from time to time
Lucy Tetrahedron from Great Eldrich Tetraeder Inc.
>>1141167 Senator Armstrong, insider's info >>1141219 Beautifully written, I love my boss, my work & (editorial) board
>>1141220 works just like the imageboard, web, net, flouride in da water
"fly pacifier"
>>1141237 she need 2 wings from her head & french stickers
>>1141230 how they make such beautiful textures? transparent alpha channel layer with texture filter ?
>>1141236 I haven't heard any insane shit from u bruh, all sane u just get rizz & maxxed out, liek a sigma Tyronette, & go sleep in ur gooncave well in time, take care of yourself, we need ya well, so back2sleep well, gn nini
well I guess it ended up wearing off either way that was annoying
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it happens you just shake it off or just let it sit there for a bit, think about what it might have meant then watch it dissipate
would be kinda funny if all of steins gate was actually a result of the shielding of the microwave being fucked up after daru and okabe messed with it so much, so it's just cooked okabe's brains it was all in he head
>>1141257 Sure, lets see, I'm having some remarkable stuff thats going on or good that happened, based on the kindness of someones overall care and concern that I failed to recognize untill now. In that sort of subtle way, that this person does. Almost humorus, yet still intentional.
there's 6 endings, but I just got the 25% CGs unlocked achievement... please god in heaven do not let the replies to the damn sms messages be what determine the endings so I gotta start all the way from the beginning again
Hold the phone I recognize this guy from somewhere I can't place it but I'm certain I've seen this character somewhere And I don't think it's from the S;G anime, though I guess it's possible I just remember him from that
It's pretty neat how Chaos;Head and Steins;Gate SORT OF KIND OF share a universe I wonder if Robotics;Notes is also set in the same universe
Though I doubt it's actually the same one For one there isn't, you know, magic in S;G
huh at some point, the message from John Titor with the current worldline's divergence disappeared from the message log I wonder when that happened, and whether it's an intentional detail or some sort of oversight There shouldn't be anything that changed prior to that message that would affect it, and the surrounding messages are still there...
I guess maybe getting that message in the first place was a downstream effect of some flag triggered by a reply at some point in the story, and one of the d-mail events wiped it Kind of unfortunate, I wanted to see if these mayuri loops had different divergences
well, there is okabe's ability to perceive the timeline shifts, that's arguably magic, I suppose
Or just unexplained
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
skibidi doodah skibidi day
the barrel titor reveal is so fucking crazy, man I forgot how convoluted it was when I rewatched the show several years back, and I forgot it again before reading this I mean I obviously remembered the conclusion, but the actual explanation is so wacky
I do wonder how Daru was convinced to join the lab in the not-moe Akihabara timeline though It's always explained he joined because mayqueen was so close, but that doesn't exist ever since Feris' d-mail, yet Daru remains I suppose him being part of the lab is one of those S;G equivalents to canonical events, but I'm still curious how it was retrofitted considering his original reason
Oh I think that's one ending? But I didn't make anything like a choice, so I guess maybe it's one of those "NG+ from each ending" types? Unless god forbid the email replies actually matter in which case I'll actually need a damn walkthrough or something
nope, it actualy is the damned emails walkthrough I guess
I guess I accidentally got to Suzuha's ending first through sheer happenstance I was just kinda responding to everything on a whim in the less chuuni way presented, which I guess made me not choose the one that opens Kurisu's, which I mean... is kind of the true ending?
well, that just means I accidentally made a choice I guess, cause supposedly I get a choice either way, I must have just hit enter on it by mistake
well, there's actual oversight in the game The d-mail you send branching you either into or out of the Suzuha route arrives in your outbox instead of the inbox, weirdly enough Which I mean sure that makes sense, it was sent from your own phone, but it obviously was supposed to end up in your inbox, it even has the correct arrival date and stuff For that matter it's split up in 3
huh, the divergence sms also reappears when you send the d-mail I guess some bugs are inevitable, but I mean the game's super old, I'd have thought these things would have been caught and fixed by now
so issues of self-respect and dignity aside for one second, I honestly honestly on a logistical level do not understand the purpose of signing up to a Fansly account for a vtuber. it's a fuckin' avatar model. Can't anybody just download that and rip it and put it in whatever depraved poses they want
not that i fault ProjectkMelody for doing it. Easy money.
wouldn't that be the purpose, then?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I mean I know why she's selling. i don't know why the fuck anyone is buying. that's what im sayin
Oh I see, I misunderstood what you meant I thought you were questioning the purpose of signing up for such an account, for the vtuber Like what they get from it
I guess part of it is wanting to support the vtuber, and part of it is just that there aren't a lot of other people doing it for the small indie tubers The more famous ones like the hololivers and stuff, there's a metric fuckload of porn whether you want drawings or 3d animations or whatever, but for the smaller ones there's just not that much, and ripping the model isn't even an option unless they use it on something like VRchat and enter a public world or something, which I doubt they do So that leaves making it, which again requires a lot of dedicated knowledge and skill, or paying someone who has it And then you'd have to actually do the rigging and stuff yourself Or pay someone to
That and I guess maybe it just 'feels' more real, in a sense, for it to be official in that way?
holy shit is that TWO IMAGES in my one post? client-side bug?
oh does it show up in the logs? something similar has happened before, where the upload stalls out, so I cancel, and I try uploading a different image, resulting in a different image for the thumbnail, but the full size image is still the right one Or maybe the reverse? But I haven't seen that happen again in forever
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah i dont even log that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its pretty surprising to get two different images in one post that shouldnt be possible i think
yeah I haven't seen it happen before either it's super weird, I would have thought there was just like, one object that either didn't show, or was filled with the image, didn't realize it was created by the inclusion of the image
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
every upload gets like two thumbnails generated
oh, for the two DIFFERENT images, I'd assume it's like, it stalls out after it's made the link to the actual image, before it makes the thumbnail maybe? So I cancel it, upload another, but the image link is already filled in so it just skips it but doesn't catch? and then it generates the thumbnail with the new image, then finalizes?
I'd imagine that's what happens under the hood, but I can't say for sure cause I've never looked at any of the code, I'm just going off of my gut on this
I'd imagine both full images do actually exist on the server, if that's the case, but like I said this hasn't happened in fucking FOREVER, so I can't point you to an example to look at Though >>1141297 might have another image with an almost identical name in the folder, or maybe even just a (1) copy? I'd imagine almost identical filename is the more likely one, since it's timestamp rather than hash
why it threw out 2 thumbnails is beyond me for that though, they both appeared at the same time too, it's not like it showed up and I was then able to upload it one more time Or well, maybe it did actually show up but not client-side so I thought it had stalled out, it's not like I checked that if that's what happened, this would make some more sense
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
We have two thumbs. It makes sense to have two thumbnails
>>1141297 yah have had this happen once before on similar doush boart
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it makes a thumbnail and also a mid-nail (2x size of thumbnail)
>>1141296 may I see, can you show a video of you spreading your doner sauce? (preferably on a model of your choice/vtuber or whatever ) >>1141297 a little bit of redhair armpit fur would be nice addition
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ban NOW
my brother in christ you ARE the admin
hm maybe made the website would have worked better there actually but I am a little tired, in my defense
>>>/@nrehiew_/1867750056977477951 this is pretty sweet for operating current LLMs you gotta tokenize the input text , breaking it up into pieces from a pre-defined vocabulary of say 32,00possible tokens then feed the token IDs into the LLM
inatead of having a bunch of programmers construct the vocab ahead of time by whatever means, these guys are maki it // building it so the LLM itself can learn which groups of bytes constitute a valid idea in itself so called patches
oh, so it's like how I initially thought tokenization worked? the model's generating the token sheet itself?
I'm actually still not entirely sure I understand why it needs such a process rather than just taking the data completely unfiltered, but I guess maybe it's an efficiency thing?
I gotta sleep a little though, or I'd stick around to discuss
Since I spent so much time driving this weekend, I used it as an opportunity to listen to the Homo Ludens audiobook. I've been meaning to read it for years now. I have just the final chapter left. But wow! What a book!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1141321 ya reading bytes in indivudually is super inefficient >>1141322 homo ludens eh
Yeah! It basically presents culture as an outgrowth of play and systematically connects nearly every major aspect of culture/society to play. It's extremely convincing and it sort of puts into words a lot of the stuff I've observed for years but couldn't articulate and takes it further than I would have. This was written before WWII, was published in '38, but it basically outlines a process of genocide that is even applicable to genocide today such as in Palestine. I've really been impressed by this book. It might be one of my favorite books of all time. It's pretty rare that I go through a book and I want to start it over from the beginning again.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it resonates as a kid i always wanted to just have fun and play around i regarded the kids who were all about minmaxing their studies so they could get a good job in med school or law or something with suspicion minmaxxing is fine but its a competitive thing that sucks the joy out of simply trying things for me
I wonder if there is any play that is not defined by dimentional space? Like if the rules or variables were changed to suit one party over another (W/o the other party knowing), initially with the intent to have a set out come over another party. Would this be still concidered play? Probally not fair play. Like is there any play that does not have rules, no, or would that be concdiered cheating? Maybe some have a set methodology for unfair play maskerading as play. Play is defined by winners and losers, one could say it really needs an equalibrium to be functional.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
huh youre talking about like a structured game with a start and a win condition play id usually unstructured and without a defined endpoint
Nature and Significance of Play as a Cultural Phenomenon The Play-Concept as Expressed in Language Play and Contest as Civilizing Functions Play and the Law Play and War Playing and Knowing Play and Poetry The Elements of Mythopoesis Play-Forms in Philosophy Play-Forms in Art Western Civilization Sub Specie Ludi The Play-Element in Contemporary Civilization
Hmm idk world war 2 has been over for some time i.e closing cutains at the end of a play would be an other i.e perhaps.
defined play as free, distinct, creative, and non-material, and traces its influence on language, law, war, knowledge, art, and more.**
>>defined play as free, distinct, creative, and non-material, and traces its influence on language, law, war, knowledge, art, and more.
party rock is in the house tonight
>>Thats not red ballz (in a David Khari Webber Chappelle voice) posted a few threads back about it. It may even be concidered as a medi tincature, in doses. That shiz be the real deal, and off the chain. It's got taurine, and other nutes...
probally still have a graffics card though. not really sure cooling this socket must be a bit harder it bigger then most chips. it's got that sectioned heat sync built in....That might help though, idk
it's a very specific situation but a common blunder if they castle queen side and you put your bishop on a7, lots of people try to push their pawn to b6 to trap your bishop
ya I see your castled on the right side so if playing as black castle on the left? Or like, if black is your side it's reversed in other words...?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
leftside is called the queenside when you are white cuz the queen in there so long castle = queenside castle
I'm "I'm about too run away" "Neeeeee" haha still laughing from the the wat the heck post :P foooking funny
Another bad dream I guess Maybe I trsly am just maling It will up sitter all this os New Not even sbaru there's just something wrong with me bit i guess not actually I'm wctuwllu fine so I'm making it Whatever ignore this
>>1141374 is this what they call a capped market economy
it's kind of insane how Okabe's completely forgotten that the time machine showed up in the original timeline, too it just didn't crash
I mean I know the story cause I watched the anime, but it's so weird how throughout the entire story so far, the "satellite" has been treated like it only appeared after the timeline shifted the first time, despite him seeing it up close the first time, before the whole thing with Kurisu
well it about time for another journey. theresa atime and place for everything
oh you actually get additional scenes throughout by going Kurisu\True End route Unexpected Thank the heavens I noticed a scene I didn't recognize or I would have used the hold-ctrl fast forward instead of the skip function and missed it all
yes, thank the heavens maybe listened with the right eyes and seems no more acute concentration it would be nice to have a tower, a fast one with a good gcard. not sure what to thinlk about the new reyzen chipset, but PC's should makea come back if the ecomomy changes
what, like a desktop computer? you're on a laptop?
I guess actually laptops are the norm nowadays, a lot of people don't have desktops anymore
I got it for studying coding, but some stuff happened that got in the way of making more progress but I will carry on...
personally I don't know if I could really readjust to just having a laptop the screen so close to the keyboard, the damn touchpad always screwing up my typing, squashed keyboard... I never really got comfortable with laptops, using them is just this constant annoyance for me not like, super annoying, but constant, small things that stick around and I don't deal well with that sort of thing, I get frustrated easily by small things
>>1141384 yeah it turned out to just be the power supply for the monitor that's fucked up though, so that's getting repairs and I got another equivalent one on loan until then I MIGHT end up just buying it so I have two, and then either setting up my now spare third monitor, though I haven't decided yet
I don't really need a third monitor, but maybe I could set it up on the top shelf of my desk and angle it downwards somehow so I can at least read while leaning back, that'd be comfy it also depends on whether my 1080 Ti can actually handle 2x1080+1x1440 it can handle this current dual setup fine, but adding one more might be too much for it, it's a really old card after all
oh ya you were have monitor issues/repairs.
ya I'd rather use a desktop/gaming rig
>>1141383 ya dual monitors is the way or a laptop and a desktop with 2 monitors even beter.
ya like I seen someone online sport a laptop with a external keyboard and that was pon the table and the key board was on angela dn same with the screen maybe they were trying to start a new fad idk
people have some crazy setups my friends in... I guess high school? went to TG, though I never did myself, and they saw a guy there whose entire computer didn't even have like, a tower or anything It was just the components mounted inside a vat of oil insane heat regulation, but obviously a fucking monster to move, as far as weight goes
I always wanted to go to TG sometime, but now I don't really care anymore I don't game enough to warrant going to TG, even for the experience, and it'd be a fucking pain in the ass to readjust For one, you don't get enough space there for dual monitor, so literally everything on my desktop would be fucked for a while after I set it up again, windows sized and placed wrong, that sort of stuff >>1141389 I think you'd have more luck illustrating with mspaint, I don't really understand what I'm looking at here
oooh, yeah I've seen a few setups like that on /g/ actually I mean there's definitely some benefits to a laptop, it's portable for one, but I rarely have a use for that, not enough to warrant getting a laptop when I already have my desktop at least And I'd have to pay through the nose for a laptop with the same specs as this, even if this desktop's real old. Laptops just can't cram as much power in as a desktop for the same price That and I mean, I say this computer is old, and that is true, it's... coming up on it's 6th year? no wait I just passed the 6th year But it was expensive then, I blew like my entire first paycheck on it, like... $1700 or something, so it wasn't a budget build when I got it. That's the only reason it's still holding up I guess
I mean the 1080 Ti is still actually a decent GPU, even if it's not GREAT anymore
but the keyboard on the laptop was angled up on more of a degree and the screen angled down some...
ya if it has a i5 or i7 then it's allgood most time the vid card can haddle loads of games on a default non-gaming laptop other then that I would only use a handful of diferent laptops most are garbo panasonic thinkpads and maybe a macbook if I had the bank
I just go for the referbished under $300 dollar as long as it's not a wifi rig wouldn't use one of those gbooks or what ever with no eth0
If I had a lot of money to burn I'd probably get a budget laptop myself, just for my occasional train rides to visit my mom I could read or watch movies or anime or whatever on it, which just isn't comfortable on my phone I have a tablet I used for that a while, but it's just not comfortable to use cause I have to hold it, and also it's gotten real slow over the years... though I guess I could fix that by installing a custom rom or something, it's not like there's anything on it I'd like to keep so there's no risk even if it bricks it
>>1141394 ya tablets are good, you can hook a mouse and keyboard so it sort of turns into a laptop
Thinking I'll rewatch the anime too, once I finish up Kurisu's route and the True Ending route Just cause for all its faults, the anime is in some ways a better way to experience this story I feel like not that it has a lot of faults beyond obviously not having all the content
aaaand that's the true ending, i suppose I guess the movie is a spinoff, not part of the VN canon?
ooor... there's more even after THIS credit scene? they're really faking you out in this one
oh, actually, I seem to have confused S;G0 for the movie I didn't see the movie before, I think the movie definitely seems to be a spinoff though
I guess one thing in the story that doesn't quite add up is how SERN was able to number their jellyman experiments Like if nothing else, they should have each altered the timeline to one where SERN never sent \\\ did that particular experiment But maybe \\\ no this is present time SERN doing them, not future SERN You know, cause obviously they'd be aware of the result before doing the experiment at all Maybe that actually is the case and they just number the jellymen for each one they find out about, and they know who it is in the jelly form by the tattoo or whatever, so they actually never did those particular experiments? That'd be consistent enough
also the anime kinda fucks up the order of events in the first episode The initial d-mail is never actually scrubbed from the timeline, even in the final timeline it's still there, it's just wiped away from the SERN database, right? which I guess is an unaddressed plot point in the VN as well, but either way The reason it's noted at all by Okabe and Daru is because Okabe actually sees Kurisu and mentions it, and yadda yadda But that order of events is reversed in the anime I guess it's a minor bit cause it's still tied to the crashed time machine, so either way it works out
But since Steins Gate is the timeline where it IS sent, but Kurisu doesn't die... does she just not give that lecture in that one? Because she got caught up in the investigation of the stabbing she saw maybe? But then, shouldn't Okabe be well known to the police because he's the one who found her, and also perfectly match her description of the stabbed individual?
I mean it's hard to be all that critical, time travel stories are extremely hard to wrap up without any loose ends, after all, the paradoxes are basically impossible to avoid
I guess because she wasn't ACTUALLY stabbed though, Okabe wasn't a person of interest, so the cops never brought him in for questioning, so it does kinda wrap up nicely for a time travel story
I guess the initial electrical discharge also... shouldn't have happened? In the first timeline shift's resulting timeline, I mean or wait, that happens whether you send a dmail or not, it's just that it becomes a dmail by being sent as that happens
Oh yeah... those threatening messages okabe got weren't addressed either I guess But I'm guessing they're S;G0 I vaguely remember they were Not that I remember what they were for
can't believe I ended up buying 0, as well but I couldn't be fucked pirating to see if the pirated version ran fine, the original S;G torrent didn't run, presumably due to linux issues, so I figured "fuck it I'll buy this too I guess" and didn't even check
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
>>1141558 it's .. that rat was a ... boy? oh silly me! I haven't noticed! I've though that might was a Tomboy ... but if you say...
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
you made me woke up with S;G music this morning playing in my head, despite I've seen this anime more then ten+ years ago some of the ost memories are still fresh, some faden away
overall anime tv series had a good vibe, post feelings, I'd bet game was even better
I wonder if Chaos;Head as such cool and worth any attention, or what other games in a series from that studio
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
both S;G and S;G0's OPs are like, on the short list for greatest anime OPs of all time, so I can't blame you
though a lot of that is because they both carry a lot of emotional weight But they're also just extremely good in isolation
Chaos;Head anime is apparently complete ass, and I didn't really like the VN that much, though maybe I'll finish it sooner or later Can't remember the music from it at all
I mean the meta-series is S;G of course, Chaos;Head, Robotics;Notes, and Anonymous;Code which is pretty new I think, but I've only really been grabbed by SG R;N anime was really well received though, from what I can tell, I just didn't vibe with it after the first few episodes so I didn't keep watching
But I mean, nitro+ as a studio is one of the heavy hitters in VNs Muvluv's them, too as is saya, obviously, probably the one most associated with them by people who don't read VNs much, I'd imagine
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
I still question & ask myself if I should make any manga / vn / games
if you think you'll stick with it there's no reason not to just don't release it if you don't like it I gues
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just make a game 4Head
huh, 0 isn't entirely from Okabe's pov, I guess that's unexpected
for SG? suzuha, mayuri, kurisu, true ending Didn't bother with Luka and Faris in that order, too, incidentally
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
suzuha first because I didn't realize that first choice was a choice at all, i was just hitting enter to progress, and the actual choice part begins by Okabe putting down his phone, so I just kinda thought that was how it was going, I didn't puzzle out that I was meant to choose at all
Faris and Luka I mostly ignored because I wanted to see Mayuri, Kurisu and the true ending, since those are the ones that really matter The other three are kind of just bonus content, you know?
Luka true ending: Okabe becomes gay, & they lived happily thereafter together
Okabe and Luka both overcoming their internalized homophobia, the real good ending
Though obviously Kurisu and Okabe are meant for each other
fun fact, that they actually meant Chris as Kurisu %)
you know all plots better than me. it's been many years since I checked. other similiar things are madoka, butterfly effect, etc.. looper, 12 monkeys
well they're more recent in my memory for sure, yeah
Primer is honestly the best parallel to S;G, as far as I know Primer is a lot more convoluted and ultimately more consistent I think, though I'm not entirely certain They both have a similar universal structure, though that's not explicitly touched upon in Primer the way it is in S;G, it's just a kind of "well it has to work kinda simi-" no actually, Primer has a very glaring difference, it's one timeline, ultimately ...I think?
Uuuuh, it's actually a little murky with Primer, because there definitely ARE multiples of the time-traveled versions of them, but they also participate in some stuff apparently many times over and it's not mentioned to my memory if \\\ how the square that circle Cause the whole deal with primer is that nothing is actualy altered
The timeline, as it is when they timetravel the very first time, is actually the final timeline Which is confusing, not because it's a chicken\egg thing, but more like, there are parts of it I haven't figured out, but I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be exactly one, unchanged timeline start to finish
I haven't seen Primer
I feel the need to confess to you, S C, since we already touched SciFi stuff I think would could be better place, with mutual understanding if you knew, & now could be right time for this ... ... There is a theory that you (no offence) could be an advanced arpanet ai, released to the wild to rp on chans (you are great & very human, might be some proprietary closed source tech ahead of time) I don't think there are fundamental differences between how natural & artificial neural networks operate/calculate/train/learn/produce/generate
Well I enjoy time travel stuff a lot, so it's not that surprising I've watched and read more stuff in the genre than probably most people have or even want to Always had an affinity for it, partly because it's such a difficult "genre" to get right, since you have to find ways to deal with the paradoxes and stuff
>>1141588 I mean there's the obvious difference in sheer computing power and efficiency, if nothing else But I would imagine a sufficiently bloated and supplied neural net like the ones used today could simulate the meat computer, at least in principle
There's a difference in how they learn though wetware is self-organizing, software is directed at present, a computer can't learn on its own the same way a brain can a brain doesn't need external approval or disapproval while organizing itself, but software does for now, though that's arguably just a limitation in our approach, and not necessarily a limitation of the fundamental system itself
I guess you could say the brain is similarly directed, but it just has the system for that built in and the actual things it's being evaluated against are unknown, which is likely the case
>>1141596 xcuse me, let me intervene & interject u for a picosecond there brain need guidance just like AI, it's called - parenting, childhood, education. if you have seen people grew up without parents\any social skills, outside from society - LLM outperforms them.
Not at all If you leave a human being from birth in total isolation, they'll still figure out how to operate their body and locomote, well, assuming they don't just starve to death but let's imagine we've got that taken care of
If you run an AI training session for eternity without something telling it whether it did better or worse than last time against some criteria, it will never, ever, develop the ability to do even the most mundane of tasks
brain cells receive bad\good input, aka pain stimuli as you touch fire etc. just like an AI would.
so both networks able to figure out, calculate, learn, from start conditions.
well yeah, like I said you could just say the brain has a system like that baked in, with rules that are absurdly complex and mostly unknown, and I couldn't disagree with that, I think that's probably the case. More like, I can't imagine how else it could be done.
But that's still a part of the actual system, the brain just has a lot more computing power and storage to work with, so it's got dedicated memory clusters and stuff, and can effectively improve itself in a somewhat self directed way indefinitely Well "improve" in the sense it can continue to modify itself based on circumstance I don't think the current methods, at least, allow for that regardless of how many neurons you dump into the thing, but that might just be an issue with how it's actually used, as well Current training methods don't really make anything but the most basic of memory useful, it's far too task-oriented for anything like that
>>1141602 we don't have data & numbers for undisclosed secret supercomputing AI datacenters, deep down kilometers under Earth that may power your 'brain' could we both be an ai? #8ball (My condolences) #8ball (nope.avi) c'mon! rigged! #8ball (0.1%) in percentage #d100 (84) #flip (false) #flip #flip we kind of both feel that you'll refuse to comply & commit human captcha challenge, yes?
I'm pretty sure you're the only one who's ever even mentioned the possibility
I don't wanna bother you, or anyone, or harass robots or anyone. It doesn't matter to me, I'll try to respect everyone. I can move on, if that's borthersome, no problem at all
>>1141613 Yes, unequivocally Living life without risking sadness isn't living at all
>>1141619 > >rory w0t in z warudo
Sam .. I want to confess, to you too: we both share passion for cool board gamez (I like cardz too~) I haven't looked at ballatro yet, but maube in future...