>>113981 now you'll never see the otters or touch the stingrays I kind of forget about it since i // I live here but it's actually a pretty cool aquarium
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
stingrays are danger
it's fine I've touched them tens of times
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i knew a guy that got a stingray stinger straight up through his foot kowai
he sounds like a cool guy I bet he's not afraid of anything now
>stingray I miss Steve Iriwn
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh official word that nyaa is shutting down for good damn no more hope
I know you'll never be able to trust other human beings cody, but you have to realize those videos got upwards of 200K likes!
>only apologizing after you got caught and called out
>>114000 It's cool they'll use the ad-money to buy Cody an Xbox
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
no maria they got caught and called out and said it was all fake news they didn't apologize until their children were removed from the home by the authorities
I watch them to keep up with what they're doing I don't believe most of what they say though, if I'm interested I'll usually look for a different source
Ana and Cenk both denounced political violence the other day and said the first amendment covers hate speech I didn't think that was a thing that would happen, and I was pleasantly surprised
I did ind of like how Good Morning America handled it, though Like "the videos show what most would consider abuse, but the parents claim their nine year old is an Oscar worthy performer"
I don't actually know how obviously false that is, though To me it's extremely obvious, but maybe people in general think child actors aren't fucking awful and finding a good one is near on impossible, much less one capable of this great a performance
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
child abuse is a big thing in the US, most people are pretty sensitive to it
e.g. if you see child abuse in florida and don't report it, you can get a felony
>>114013 >the US Why the US specifically? Oh I thought you meant it was rampant
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
because i don't know if you can get in trouble for not reporting it elsewhere
I mean if you saw a bomb and didn't report it, that'd be a crime
I think generally speaking, witnessing a crime and not reporting it puts you in a gray area where you could end up being prosecuted
it was interesting to see spanking to go so fast from normal to not acceptable
>>114018 My granddad in school was beaten with a belt as punishment occasionally So at the end of highschool he stole the belt, cut it up, and sold each piece. Then they made him buy a new belt
At the time this was considered normal
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>114017 not in the US like if i see an assault and don't report it nothing happens to me
If I pull the lever in the trolly problem, I'm directly implicated in murder. But if I just watch it, they can prosecute me for not doing anything wtf
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
move to the us where they can't prosecute you for not doing anything
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
unless it's child abuse
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
some states do have good samaritan laws that require you to do something but probably nothing will happen if you don't
I thought good samaritan laws protected people who try to help, not require people to help
China has the opposite of those
>>114019 my great-grandad beat my grandad with 2x4's when he was a kid which he still thinks was normal
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>114025 that might be true i think i'm thinking of /// i think what i'm talking about might have a different word for it
seinfeld might be messing with my memory because of the last episode haha
>>114027 >2x4s I'm sure this was a positive influence which lead him to a peaceful life instead of reinforcing violence
seinfeld might be messing with your life and turning it into the next big sitcom
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i wouldn't be surprised tbh
one day jerry just walks out and is like "you've made a great sitcom for us but you've been canceled you're free to go"
the real problem in this article is that the study found asians were more likely to graduate than white people why are we concerned about the mexicans we need to get these asians out before they make us PROUD WHITE FOLK look bad
>>114091 Holy shit how do they physically do that?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
people are in the abandoned mines in the swamps getting malaria trying to get tiny pieces of gold that they can sell on the black market for USD that they can use to buy milk for their family
meanwhile "president" maduro is trying to rewrite the nation's constitution to make himself a dictator with complete power over the country
I thought Venezuela fixed its inflation ages ago
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>114098 that was when they had a leader that cared about the people when chavez died, maduro came in and used ALL OF THE NATION'S MONEY TO BUY FIGHTER JETS THEY COULDN'T UPKEEP
I don't think venezuela ever had a prince probably
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah i don't think so either it's been elected or military leaders for the last like 200 years >>114101 well maduro destroyed the country and then stole all the guns from the public and destroyed them and then shit just went completely haywire and now people are dying constantly, unable to afford bread >>114105 no like i said, the country couldn't afford upkeep on them they can't scramble them
>>114104 Wow what a faggot then He should have given them a good home
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
their main export was oil and the price of oil did go from $100 a barrel to $50 a barrel but the country would have survived that if they had money to maduro spent it all
venezuela was the first country in the world to be declared "free" of malaria and now it's the country with some of the highest rates of malaria (estimated) because people have to live in swamps, working tirelessly to find pieces of gold that they can use to get food for their families it's really crazy
also it's illegal to leave venezuela
should've just bought one jet and flown outta there
maduro started his career as a bus driver and now he's one of the most powerful people in south america
in only 2 years, he reduced a prosperous country and one of the only countries in south america that was even a little safe into one of the poorest countries in the world
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm not saying chavez was a good leader but at least he cared about his people enough not to fuck them over
>>114120 as more and more rioters take to the streets, violently protesting, and looting shops that have very few supplies already, president maduro proudly declares "stop rioting, or i will make the inflation even worse!" as inflation reaches almost 1000% (one thousand percent inflation) the rioters don't seem concerned
meanwhile maduro knows the reason his country is falling apart
1. america did it 2. democracy is bad
so now he wants to force the constitution to be re-written he wants to have government money funneled into local areas through a local area (a friend of his, usually) who gets to distribute the money as they seem /// they see fit i.e. into their own coffers
Just become communist and get rid of money No more inflation
>>114126 I dunno if I trust this man to centrally plan an economy
Communism would be preferable, at least people would have jobs and things would be done
ugh i feel so old all the time now the discord i'm in, the persona one, has a bunch of high schoolers in it and like, that's totally fine, but it makes me feel so old
oh there was something nice on wikipedia while lloking up blood feuds it was about burakumin and in their article they have a nice resolution of On 3 March 2004, the Zenkairen announced that "the buraku issue has basically been resolved" and formally disbanded. On 4 March 2004 they launched a new organisation called "National Confederation of Human Rights Movements in The Community" (全国地域人権運動総連合 'Zenkoku Chiiki Jinken Undō Sōrengō') or Zenkoku Jinken Ren.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>114151 my grandparents started dating in their highschool years and were married 63 years before my grandfather died it's probably fine
>>114153 Yeah but not everyone can handle an interdimensional marriage. You have to give it some thought. Was your grandfather nice?
Lots of people commit in HS because they've got kids by the time they graduate
As a species, we should start tying our language to statistics rather than raw amounts when talking about things like human behavior
LOTS of people want to do all sorts of dumb shit LOTS of people have stabbed themselves in the eyes with knives, I'm pretty sure Because there's like 8 billion of us Surely more than like 10 have done basically anything you can think of
my living grandma is really cool she's become a lot more independent since my grandfather died
she's the only part of my mom's side of the family that isn't insane although i have an aunt that isn't THAT crazy, but she's still kind of crazy she's been more or less excommunicated from the family so i'm the only one that legitimately likes her though
Mine just lives in I think a public house It's small, just a living room and a bedroom, with a kitchen area sharing space with the living room
But it's got a really nice location Center of the admittedly tiny town, good sun on the veranda, decently sized shared yard area It's really cozy, I could enjoy living there I think
I got 3 aunts, one's a bit loopy, on my mom's side And one on my dad's side who lives in public housing, and she's pretty loopy Don't have much contact with any of them either
I've also got three aunts The one that's more-or-less excommunicated is kind of loopy, she did a bunch of drugs and went to art school But she's pretty down to earth and I have a lot in common with her so we get along well
My other aunt is loopy as hell and keeps getting into relationships with criminal-types She apparently just broke a titanium implant that was in her neck and nobody knows how she did that
Those are on my mom's side
My aunt on my dad's side is just a typical doting jewish lady like the stereotypical ones you see in movies although she smokes a lot of pot i think
why does netflix only have one season of z nation It's got 2 Might be 3
Licensing bullsgit
privileged bang's first paid vacation
>>114181 if it isn't a netflix original, then they have to arrange to have more of a show as it comes out especially newer seasons are less likely to be on net flix lol typo because other companies might be bidding for exclusive rights to it
>the planet was fucking ruined by nuclear radiation, but 97 years later it's hospitable enough to live on again
>it's using the default alarm tune from android as a ringtone >it's using the windows message sound for danger notifications on medical gear Not the DNG sound, the weeoou Like when you get a notification
How much radiation will actually kill you like Where you stand
privileged bang's first paid vacation
EU responsible for killing fansubbing, not Daiz, in stunning turn of events
Also they're on a space station with limited resources so they keep the population under control, right Because they're low on resources
And every time is punishable by death because resources are scarce and the population must be controlled anyway
So anyway the execution method is throwing you, alive, into space Just dumping an adult human's worth of nutrition into space every time anyone above the age of 18 commits any crime
Like I dunno guys, I think I know what the resource issue is from
Essentially, but not technically If you dump every dead person off the station, that's a whole human's worth of nutrition removed from the system, forever, every time anyone dies Old age, accident, anything happens, the station loses the nutrition of a human body every single time
That's gonna fuck up your entire group Use it as fertilizer at the very least, come on
>>114214 Chernobyl has a few areas near the reactor that face away from the wind that are hospitable, the rest of the area won't have humans living in it for probably the rest of human history The reactor itself is encased in a sarcophagus, which is getting replaced because the first one isn't good enough, and if it's not there, it'll fuck up the surrounding area even more
There are buildings nearby the reactor where just entering the building will straight up give you a life sentence
>>114216 A nuclear reactor produces awy more radiation as a bomb and a bomb is exploded in high altitudes to maximise the blast radious and heat wave thus only small amounts of the area get truly contaminated by the radiation also, in most bomb builds, the blastcase itself absorbs most of the radiation from the blast.
Yeah but we're talking about a lore in which the ENTIRE planet became unlivable as a direct result of radiation 97 years isn't gonna flip that switch, dude
>>114220 that really depends on what radiation it's not like radiation is just one single thing
>>114221 Though to be fair, that actually didn't happen in the show because there are still people on earth They've just gone primal, and likely they're disfigured and mentally destroyed from the radiation
>>114217 I don't know but they do the same to me 30mgs of Adderall and I get kind of sleepy
>>114224 that's way too much adderall for me i would take 10-15mg to go to sleep like fast asleep within an hour i didn't take it during the day unless i really needed to like a work crunch and didn't have enough time to take my time >>114227 well yeah that's why i have stims in the first place i have a feeling that this is different though i can't really explain it since it's something internal that i'm familiar with and i dont think we really have words for it but that whole "stims work opposite if you have adhd" isn't a very accurate statement it's just a way to help parents understand why giving stims to a hyper child can mellow them out it's way more complicated
the sleepiness goes away after a while it might just be adjusting to vasoconstriction or something but man it hits hard hunger too
>>114217 maybe you have a touch of adhd? A friend of mine has it bad. He drinks a strong cup of coffee as a sleep aid
>>114221 >>114223 Well nuclear acopalypse doesn't meant "global irradication" it just means enough nukes to destroy society, collapse it and make earth practically inhabitable add in nuclear winter, collapse or all infrastructure, following collapse of agriculture and you have a situation where most like 90-100% of human population will perish
>>114229 But like I said Hiroshima is normal levels already Some big shit would stick around for ages but most of the fallout would dissipate somewhat quickly
>>114230 a lot more of that has to do with hiroshima being plutonium rather than uranium or something else
Anyhow, say you popped back to earth from nuclear shelter 100 years post nuclear apocalypse. Well yeah, cancer rates and whatnots would be higher than they should, but There wouldn't be "AAAAA RADIATION DEATHH" levels really that much around aside in some pockets
Especially since thermonuclear bombs use explosives anyway to keep shit wrapped So like, whatever
>>114235 radiation that's dangerous to the threat of nuclear apocalypse would have a very short half life that's directly proportional to how dangerous radioactivity is so yeah if you fuckin wait 100 years it'll probably be fine but conversely the things that you just said were not as serious are going to be nearly identical levels to back then because of the long half lives
Fallout is bad and big problem of a nuclear war, but the actual "wiping out 50-80% of population in few minutes" is the bigger issue not to mention the nuclear winter part
>character used more medical supplies than rationed on a patient earlier >said she'd do anything it takes when questioned and put on death row >she was pardoned
>she's now offered oxygen because oxygen is low and the chancellor of the station knows she's valuable >turns it down, saying she won't use more than her ration because if you start choosing who gets more than someone else you're one step closer to killing off undesirables LISTEN HERE LADY THIS IS LITERALLY WHAT YOU DID IN EPISODE TWO
pop quiz /moe/ how do you think haphazard is pronounced
hap hazard
it seems like a lot of people in the executive business world really do >>114249 that i don't know if they're just not good at making the ha[p-h]azard transitional sound maybe >>114250 i think it's probably less about what they think it's pronounced as and what their mouths actually do
What the fuck Why would anyone thing it's haphazard
Because "ph" can be pronounced "ffh".
Yeah but the "hazard" part is a key element of the word
>>114253 Yeah but anyone who says "haffhazard" will pretty much always get the point across.
>>114253 i think it's probably the case that public speaking is very hard and your mouth gets very dry when speaking all day long and that's just how some words end up coming out
Like you can pronounce catering as Cate Ring, too, but only a fucking retard would even consider it
cat earring
Cat ass trophy
ant image
Messi Ah Jesus was actually just the first iteration of the proud Messi line of soccer players
Ress Pirater
Hurry, Cane
these aren't very clever you'll have to find more interesting cases sorry sk
>>114297 actually no i didn't it started out with cat ass trophy and stuff like that new words made from the sounds of old words just different emphasis something like explo's ion doesn't share any syllablism >>114302 that wasn't a game that was a question
>have a guy tied up >you have the blade he poisoned your friend with >you have the antidote but need him to tell you which one is the antidote I dunno dude I see a real simple solution to this particular puzzle
stab him too
Like whatcha got to lose
though he could still "since you gonna kill me I ain't spilling" but yeah he dont tell you, he dies too he tells you, he might live
But really though, applying the same poison to him is a safe choice no matter what you do You can still inject more pain into his system while that's happening
Unless his intent is to die, it won't do anything negative for you If he intends to die with it, making him sure he WILL die given time might be a problem though >>114332 But if the antidote takes more time than your friend has left, or even like a fourth, you're not gonna be gucci that way
>>114331 or you can I dunno inject him and then start dosing him with antidotes and see what happens
>>114331 Ah true and many antidotes to real poisons can be dangerous if drank without the poison etc
It can work if your friend was JUST injected earlier, but the amount of possible antidotes is key There could also be a different antidote depending on which stage of the poison's destruction you're in Potentially
yeah Some things will keep you alive for a while even though nothing can save you anymore
Like radiation is a good example You can live with radiation, but you have a set date with the reaper, yaknow
testing something out but it looks like it's working fine no problem here i think the test is working just fine yeah its completely fine
sorry but i'm doing a character test in this post forgive me if this becomes obnoxious a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a >>114340 >>114339 no that's not it i'm testing whether /moe/ recognizes hardspace or not
Are you just checking how many characters you can get in a post? Cause we tested that already before
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the number of characters you can enter in a post is 2000
I like how we're testing stuff despite talking to the guy who WROTE THE SOURCE CODE on a daily basis
>>114340 Hey do you have a ballpark for how much the hotel costs will be? I need to go pull out spending money and I plan to get your pay in there too.
>>114341 when handling how it engages text, i doubt sammy specifically went through and validated every case of whether a character is recognized i just wanted to know if hard spaces work
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>114342 Once Blue fuckin tells me his plan I can give you an exact You'll be staying the night of the 9th, right?
>>114347 My calculations say that hotels will be $210 without Blue staying, and $190 if Blue stays on the night of the ninth $179 if Blue stays the 8th and the 9th
>>114348 I mean it has that part it just isn't called anything like that
As I said you gotta know what you're looking for if you're gonna read source code, and most of us don't so the source code doesn't do us much good But Samu's the guy who wrote it, asking him, he should be able to answer it
haha why would they be self sufficient with food? there are very few cities or towns that have their own food
>>114361 most food doesn't come from farms i mean they technically do but like, slaughterhouses and stuff
but how do you transport that food without anything working? people will panic when the food is delayed and kill each other over what little food they can get there won't be communication, so nobody will know that rural parts of the US are still alive
Yeah, aren't a lot of farms in rural areas?
And even if they don't have farms, there is farmable land there right? And things to hunt
Ammo might be an issue but you can recycle ammo if you have very basic tools and the knowledge required
>>114360 Well they had enough forewarning to send up an ark in this universe, with humans So take into account that they could prepare at least a basic system for those areas to survive, providing them perhaps with shipments of various basic needs stuff like gas for transport and generators for power
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if a system was implemented that allowed rural areas to survive, it is possible that rural areas would survive but as things are, society would collapse without a doubt in those areas
>>114364 So if it was a blitz, and just fucking happened, those towns would be unequipped to survive, even if everyone in those areas knew they could, and how, and didn't panic?
Like I mean, what do these towns have, first of all? I imagine them as fairly spaced out areas, perhaps with a lot of forestry and wild animals nearby, large open fields they could potentially convert to farmland, a bit of tools of various kinds like generators and whatever, and a decent, but not optimal supply of gasoline in nearby gas stations
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>114366 most towns don't have the supplies necessary for the entire town to survive for a long period of time so people would fight for food moreover those who control the supplies would be able to take advantage of the situation and would in many cases
most people don't know how to farm, so farming is out of the question they could try it but they wouldn't be able to farm enough for an actual town to survive on
Can I get a rundown of what kinda things would break down? No need to order them chronologically, but if you have an idea in your head for that I'd like to hear it
So what will the people do after the bombs fell? Sure some communities would form and survie but THERE IS NO ECONOMY NO INTERNET
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>114371 nuclear powerplants would fail, normal powerplants would fail, the internet would die, a lot of water would be contaminated, even for rural areas as the contamination would just move downstream from heavily populated areas which would make irrigation of crops difficult there'd be no real means of transporting goods across or around the country infrastructure like bridges and stuff would start breaking down after a few years in many places no phones or snail mail obviously yeah like TN mentioned gasoline would become really scarce
now realistically if this happened, and the rest of the world was fine, they'd probably come and try to help survivors out
>>114373 We can safely rule out the rest of the world being fine, because of the ark The ark is American, but it is at least under the belief that all of humanity was wiped out, something believed by the top leaders of the ark as they make choices because of this belief
The main problem seems to be water though, right? If they had fine water, could they conceivably farm enough land nearby to feed the people. Assuming everyone works optimally
society would probably collapse but if there was someone that could stabilize things for maybe 50-100 people, they could probably get a real society going and maybe expand into an actual town using salvage and stuff
>>114386 Good part of the USA already has problems with water
>>114387 PRetty much it would be first family to maybe five family communions then small villages then maybe after 10 to 20 years depending on how uch they managed to salvage, both tech and tech know-how we are talking about small medieval level cities and in 100 years maybe a million people up to ten in USA
There's also a chance that someone educated enough to know about water filtration could survive, in which case they could probably work with others to find somewhere that they could salvation something to use for reverse osmosis. It wouldn't be enough for crops or anything, but if they rationed their drinking water, they could probably have enough for a small group until they find a better, reliable source of water. Unfortunately, they'd have to be nomadic until they found drinkable water, and wouldn't easily be able to determine the radioactivity of the water without salvaging a Geiger counter which is admittedly difficult to find unless you're lucky enough to live in a town that had a fallout shelter. You could potentially get what you need from there.
>>114391 But remember that good part of the farm belt even there exists on land that can naturally grow good crops
I know there's one in Murphy, North Carolina, and there's one in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Fallout shelters are pretty rare.
Oh yeah that was what bothered me a bit about my previous place cause was built in 1950s it didn't have a radiation proof bunker it didn't even have a bunker built in.
>>114391 How likely is it such a group of people could spread to, and have something resembling actual civilization at least at the mud hut tribe level, Mount Weather
Shut Up and Dance ep of BM
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>114399 I'd say pretty likely as long as they have someone that is a somewhat capable leader
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The leader doesn't necessarily have to "lead" but would need to act as a mediator and stuff like that at the very least Otherwise petty squabbles would break the group up quickly
One of the bigger issues is that a week or two after everything is gone, nuclear powerplants will start to vent radiation into the atmosphere and contaminate water in clouds and stuff like that.
>>114406 The powerplants would shut down within a day of no power. But the used fuel rods that are kept submerged on-site wouldn't be able to be cooled down anymore and they'd evaporate the water in the pools which would release radioactive water particles
Oh right, the short term shortage requires cooling that would still be just miniscule levels or radioactive, but it would make life mid to long term hazardous in a big zone around them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>114408 Well, the steam would escape when it builds up enough pressure inside the facilities to blow them up So more radioactive material than just the contaminated steam would end up escaping It wouldn't be enough to devastate large areas, but it could cause problems by contaminating the land, especially if there are unfortunate winds that bring it somewhere else
The animals seem to have mutated for the most part, too There's very few, but there are at least deer and panthers in this area near Mount Weather
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
plus there are tons of nuclear powerplants and tons of expended fuel rods being cooled so it could potentially be really bad
a lot of fuel rods are put into dry storage here, but companies are allowed a shit ton of time to do it so they rarely actually do it it's easier to just leave them in a pool forever
And assuming this stuff happens and the radioactivity gets vented into the air, I think it'd all be gone within like 6 months Rain would have started washing away radioactive particles too by then so if a small group survived the first year or so, they'd probably manage to be okay so idk it's probably possible that a small group could work it out if they knew what they were doing
Somewhere in the middle the farm belt region etc, depending how shitty the people who are nuking the country are do they just go for military bases and big cities or do they intentionally nuke agricultural regions too
I was in a waiting room yesterday, waiting for something, and there was a big fridge labeled DASANI WATER - COMPLEMENTARY So I opened it up because I was thirsty, and there are like 60 bottles inside Of Aquafina water
>>114439 there is a fridge labelled "Dasani", which is a water brand, which has free water in it for you because nice but it's full of "Aquafina" water, a different brand.
And most zoos would be in nuked areas, woulldn't they?
>>114451 why would we name a football team an AMERICAN sport over something that isn't in america you're just fuckin wrong bro that's all there is to it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>114453 it's a new mountain dew flavor made by combining three different mountain dew flavors. Code red is red, voltage is blue, and whiteout is white, so they called it Mountain Dew-S-A. Which is an amazing meme.
did anyone see that movie Threads? Great nuke movie
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>114455 tbh black panthers aren't even real they're jaguars
>>114454 nah, there are zoos everywhere but even if they survived, the animals would just die in the zoo
Fuck my eye is still sore I though having these fucking eyedevices would fix this shit
>>114461 Yeah looked pretty good for straight to tv I felt really bad for the super old couple. And when the government guys are reminiscing about steak and beer and realise that no one will enjoy such simple joys for hundereds of years.
>>114458 hey i dont normally care for these kinds of videos but i liked this one a lot it kind of helped me i thought i'd share it >>>/watch?v=k5RH3BdXDOY
Aww the fucking fight club ending with prize money is bit too deepwebpasta If this had been just some cool way to do a robbery, this would've been a good episode
What kinda diseases we got that make you bleed out the eyes, by the way? Like in circulation
dnn ebola
>>114470 if youre talking about black mirror, that was intentional it was a very deliberately shit ending to such a strong buildup to add that troll feel to it
>>114482 i think we could you're into photography, we could get some cool shots and stuff we'd need someone who can do the editing because i'm shit at that i mean ive got experience with it but i've always been shit at it and it'd ruin it
>>114484 no he limped away like real beat up but I guess he somehow killed the bigger guy maybe the guy was too drunk to fight or a lucky hit with the gun to the head
>>114486 i can do video editing, i used to do all the editing for live performances at my highschool i'm not amazing but i can definitely reproduce high school level quality
>>114493 i know a few ambient composers i could see if they'd want to contribute a track i probably wouldn't have to pay a commission but it would be a courtesy i think hm i think in fiscal quarters so maybe could make it happen realistically
Of course, he again was quoting... which one was it again Ganesh?
>>114491 if its hands are wings, how does it dress itself?
>>114498 why do you think she's looking at you and still has her clothes on she can't do it herself
>>114500 i think the key to being motivational is to understand the feeling needing motivated in the first place for the overlap that you and i have, i don't think we'd find similarly inspired music on the archive maybe i have someone i'd like to ask first though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
thats probably true yeah
Is aftermath the 2017 one? Cause I'm downloading now
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's from 2008 and 2010
Thanks Downloading Gonna watch after work tomorrow
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
ton doesn't know the song Cheeseburger in Paradise by Jimmy Buffet I don't know how to handle this
I remember them being similar, because I watched them back to back \ at the same time while I was on a medium-budget post apo TV show kick Z Nation was also watched Z Nation is dumb, but like 100 times more fun than The Walking dead
It's The Walking Dead, but actually fun and a little wacky There's a main character who's immune to zombo, and also he's kinda zombo
It's super fun, you should absolutely watch an episode or two
28 months is the one that's pretty different hours and days are fairly similar, though they are different yeah
But they take place during fairly similar stages of the infest- It's not? I distinctly remember there being a movie that takes place during the very first part of the infestation
28 hours isn't a movie
Seems to be something reaaaaaaaaaaal unknown pic doesn't even have a tomato score
First one is with the guy waking up and the thing is going on and then they just survive in the things and eventually just hole up for 28 days
and 28 weeks later has the family first for few opening minutes admist the 28 days but then it centres on the authorities having retaken London and it being 28 weeks later and then I thinkt hey found the main family's mother and the virus spreads frot here and all hell breaks loose and the kids escape to france
and the two movies have reeeaaaal big tonal differences and shit
>>114548 No I don't ever remember a third one I remember the first one and then a second one that was based on post-infection trying to rebuild and then there was talk of a Months, but it never happened
>>114558 I seem to shed a lot. Maybe long hair is worse. I also have this little drain thingy that catches hair that probably makes it clog faster. But the tradeoff is that you just clean that thing instead of actually having to unclog it.
>>114559 I understand! I was emo until I got dark Cag too.
>>114565 I want Earth Cag too. My understanding is that there is this thing called surprise tickets that come up from time to time and you can just buy from a list of SSRs? I'll probably get her then.
http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/05/02/526573102/tickets-sell-out-to-japans-new-luxury-train-despite-costing-thousands Let's get on a train, costs just 10k
>>114611 what do you mean exactly did you uncap the cag, is it 3 stars? just upgrading will only raise level getting +X requires to feed stuff that has +1 on it already
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i gave myself prions in ton's pnp game got mad cow disease
>>114616 i got cut by a razor and then PAN broke them
oh is ton hosting it i hope // i was going to make another comment in this post but i realized it would look like it's connected to the above comment and i won't do that
Basically, A british genecist at oxford has been asking for people who allegedly have bigfoot/yeti/ungalabugala hair to send that to him and he will do his craft and analyze them either debunking or maybe finding something interesting, but I am going to think the results will lean towards former
>>114630 No shit But it is still fun a legitimate non wacko doc on big foot it both deals with the big stories and then I think reveals the results at the end of each episode
>>114635 But is it her? If Cag was sealed for a millenia and has only been out for sometime? then cag has spent more time as Cagliostro the conman occultist
He wasn't like Paracelcius, who prided himself as alchemist Cagliostro was pretty much like Rasputin like figure who went around telling tall tales and doing whatever they wanted and some bought their bullshit
Well Paracelcus was actually a scientist and a pioneer in his own way, eventhough he still called himself Alchemist with pride despite that having been fallen out of fashion for ust "chemist" or "natural philosopher"
you walk into your home and see this what do you do?
In the last month I've had three people texting me that I have no clue who they are. I never got wrong number'd before, pretty much. Is someone passing my number around as a dummy number or something.
oh yeah for those of you working in offices and shared workplaces and stuff
this is a pretty normie level alert but watch out for google docs this week it's just broad-spectrum phishing and probably not spearphishing unless youve got any big vendettas mostly seems to be media companies being disguised though so just don't be stupid
In that case they're probably just mad she's gonna lose but still be a romantic interest. They were shitting on that blue-haired girl we've barely even seen too.
The manga is pretty slow updating, It is a fairly generic magic battle series.
I've been refraining from having sweets for a bit and I realise now I have a slight addiction to lemon flavoured sherbets. and I wish I had all of them now.
>>114685 ive had this raspberry sorbet in my freezer for at least a month now i've had just a little bit of it it brings me comfort knowing it's in there though in case i have a need for emergency sorbet
>who even eats sherbets Unsophisticated and terrible people >>114687 That actually sounds like a good idea, too keep something sweet for every now and then, I usually buy something and eat it all. Those lemon flavoured sugar free sweets were terrible though, I will never eat a whole packet of them again.
>>114691 i remember that pretty fondly it was pretty funny you even said right after you had them like "oh these weren't bad i was expecting worse but they were okay" and i'm like oh no "they weren't sugarless were they" it's just like in my chinese cartoons
I'm not really neurotic I'm pretty much not neurotic at all I run because it makes me feel good I like things where I can see improvement in an easily visible way So I can constantly just go further or faster and it's a measurable way to see improvement so I like that
Running is a good way to stop thinking though When I get super stressed, running is a good way to stop thinking Everything is really simple when you're running, there's only one path ahead and all you can do it go forward onto that path
unless you're on a treadmill in which case idk i hate treadmills so much
Walking is a good way to think, though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah but running and walking are completely different
>>114701 I know I think in any high speed or such moving you think less about shit and more concentrate on the action at hand I don't really think uch when cyclin for example