admittedly it did seem a bit strange to celebrate the release of one prisoner by eating the other ones, but it kinda tracks for Americans so I didn't think much of it
The story is that the PILGRAMS landed in America and didn't know how to fucking do anything so the Indigenous people came and taught them how to farm and everyone was happy together. Later the Indigenous people all died for some reason, totally unrelated.
Oh right, those blank slate pilgrims, who as I recall fled their homelands due to persecution
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes they came here for Religious Freedom
umu umu They were so persecuted in their homeland, their homeland granted them what amounts to half a continent as a fiefdom That tracks, that definitely happened
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they were unjustly persecuted for child sex trafficking and widespread violence in their homelands
kinda wonder where the turkeys enter into all of this though is that just "that's the food they were eating" or is there an actual reason it's a turkey?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah thats the food the natives gave us wink
damn, they were raising turkeys? surprisingly sophisticated and resource-wasting for a group of noble savages
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you are asking too many questions SC all you need to know is that they took care of this amazing land for thousands of years just so we could get it later
well you did buy it fair and square well some of it anyway
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah some of it was GIVEN to us when we rightfully conquered it
it's not like it was theirs to give anyway, they didn't even have a king or nothing, they just happened to be around on unowned land
if anything the pilgrims were excessively magnanimous
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
honestly? the land belonged to god thats why he gave it to us, because we are loved by god he blessed america
he did do that, and continued to do that until like, 2018 or something
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the president said god loves us still so i think its still fine
yeah but the gays can marry now, so I think he might have put the blessings on pause even if he still loves his children
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all part of the plan q
trust the plan wwgowga
on a serious note though it really is incredible how such a recent founding myth with literally every written document from then and even present day contradicts it... just sticks? It's more understandable with like, stuff from the medieval era or whatever, like how Germany was formed through whatever their myth is, you know, that's long ago and there's not like there's a written record of "actually we just fucking massacred everyone and engaged in biological warfare against the civilian population" or something, but with the US we don't just have records of it, those records are BY the people doing the genocide, and they're not just reports, they're like... brags. They're going "hell yeah we massacred them, and it was dope as hell, I wanna do it again"
one of the best examples of how propaganda is a lot less resource intensive than people seem to think it's enough to just use less resources to begin with, you don't even really gotta use resources on the propaganda as long as you scale back the other stuff and leave people brainwashed through ignorance
It helps that most of the people who propagate it are ideologically indoctrinated to it. The truth doesn't make any sense given what they "know" about the country's values.
True Though I'd argue that happens on its own when what little people actually know is false or heavily redacted, naturally the people who want to teach at all are those who hold the resulting goop of information dearest and of course, a culture of patriotism helps too
I've mentioned this before, but the US is genuinely completely unique, to an extreme not seen outside possibly the DPRK, when it comes to the overt and public displays of patriotism It is not normal to put the flag on literally everything you wear, you'd get a LOT of weird looks here if you did that, like do you think you're 16 years old on\\\ 18 years old on the 17th of May again? Are you a russ again? what are you doing? you're an adult, with a job, why does your car have a sticker on it with the flag?
but in the US the flag is everywhere
really the US just overdoes it with a lot of things like that even our most prominent politicians don't get asked questions like "do you love norway?" that would get the journalist in question fucking laughed at, by everyone including their own editor
also on a less intense note, having your national anthem's lyrics be about the flag is MEGA cringe it's fine to reference it but really you made the song about the flag? not the magnificent nature, the grand canyon, the wonders of your land or something like that? I guess it's better than the dutch song, which is extolling a foreign royal, but still
Certainly not... When fascism finally developed, we were in a great depression. Even the rich were doing very poorly.
yeah and this january you'll be entering another, deliberately, at the hands of a fascist and his fascist cadre, so I dunno
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, but things are already going well for the fascists because America is a fascist state. When fascism developed in Italy, even though there were fascists in America, things were going very badly for them at that time.
I just dunno if the economy is the primary concern for the people who find themselves enamored with the whole state being run like a fairy tale kingdom
Think about it this way. When fascism developed in Europe, America had its most progressive and liberal president in its entire history. The fascists were actively being quelled by the US government which produced propaganda specifically targeting fascists as anti-American and treasonous.
that's kinda astonishing I could understand it after the war began proper, but before then is kinda weird
FDR was elected in 1933, six years before the war broke out. He forced through a number of progressive policies and they created an amendment to stop anyone from ever being as popular as him ever again.
honestly just incredibly based for the government to be like "this politics? bad, don't like that. it sucks ass" not just as a party or politician individually, but making the government machine itself do that, that's pretty fucking sick (complimentary)
good things can't last though, now you've got the "left wing" party saying the right wing party are fascists and also going "of course we're going to hand them the reigns, what are we some kind of meanies?"
maybe the "left wing" party(that doesn't care in any way whatsover about workers) screaching hysterically 24/7 about everyone being a fascist made them unpopular
>>1139388 >The fascists were actively being quelled by the US government and yet actively being financed with the equivalent of billions of dollars from wall st, bankers, supplied by standard oil etc with approval of the same gov
really do prefer the part of the story that doesn't take place at the school, but I guess the author really wanted to do the school stuff makes sense for a lot of reasons I guess, but it's just not nearly as interesting
oh the story really is going there I guess I mean nothing's certain yet but it does seem like it's going all in
kinda bug and kinda snack
i didn't realise the sun and the cicadas got up so early it's not even six yet
>>1139410 I had the same head ache as you metal storm... like I wonder it the same thing is causoing someone a condition and someone else has the same variables causing the same situation are we then not having the sam e head ache, oh and I ment at the same time of course?
I had the same head ache as you, metal storm... like I wonder if the same thing is causing someone a condition and someone else has the same variables causing the same situation are we then not having the same head ache, oh and I ment at the same time of course** revised this, not being a mis-synapse. No more typos yall.
>>1139408 ya rook fortress is OP, been incorperating it seems you can't do it every game though just on games were surratne peices are on select tiles....
yeah you still hear people say that stuff holding space is the big one though i accidentally put a client in a situation that made them uncomfortable and they were really letting me have it not too long ago. they said they never wanted to see me again. it was sort of unreasonable but i was the one who triggered it so it couldnt be helped afterwards they thanked me for holding space for them and decided to keep working with me www
>>1139426 No way, I respect you too much for that. I'm talkin real jobs! You could run a targeted case management program or something like that.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Marsh as your lawyer I advise you not to move to Florida
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
>>1139427 Hnmmm. Doesn't hurt to have back up options. Never say never. Keep this one in the back pocket
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
I'll tell you what, too many more days like this one and maybe I will flee the country and move to the Florida swamps to take up an offer that was made on an online anime message board by a half mad monk with swollen balls
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you know what australia and florida are both open air prisons get it twisted, make the move
I made some rpg game when I was younger, like not a vid game but like a sort of board game, well it didn't have a board in the typical sence but did have a way to move around. can't really remember all parts of it, I should have incorperated dice in to the game, probally would have made it more playable. It was kind of a chess rpg game of sorts, way before it's time. Would definatly need to be regressed hypnoticaly to remember the in's and out's though.
or perhaps meditate, which I haven't been able to do for a long time due to many dif reasons. But I did some a couple days ago it helped.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
meditation is good its not easy but its worth doing
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
That's one reason I've become a yoga boy. It's like a form of meditation but you're also using your body so it can be easier to reign in focus
ya I need to do yoga again body needs it
>>1139434 it depends on why and what the motivation to meditate. mostly did to clear mind and expand consciousness. there are though many reasons too in somepeoples case it's not all good but for health and well being reasons can play an integeral part of being balanced.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
even without a specific goal in mind it's a good way to figure out what your goals should be
>>1139437 yes, you mean visualizing a time point post-tense and sometype of way to disregaurd a future event?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1139430 maybe you could practice a different type of law
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1139439 what do you mean, future event are you clairvoyant? the future hasn't happened yet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh okay so like visualizing yourself in the past and then ... discounting a past event that would be after the original past time?
idk meditation is about being in the present not the past
happy thxgiving from moon miss yall
>>1139442 >>are you clairvoyant? idk how to answer you that, and no thats not what I mean at all.
So say, a group of meditators was to focus on a future event and use the power of thought to prevent a event. This experiment has been done with success in the past by people over the ages, most likey.
But honestly in reasponce to --> >>even without a specific goal in mind it's a good way to figure out what your goals should be. I was asking a question, and I was meaning like, if you had some occurance that was going to take place and meditating about it and then not taking part in it due to a thought perhaps that disregaurded a future enent? For expample SC and I both had a head aches and maybe are on diffrent parts of the world, there may have been an other reasons but say it was weather quality related, maybe if I knew it was to do with being overcast, and then leaving to a region that didn't have that issue maybe I wouldn't have made a mispelling in an earlier post in this thread, had I posibbly NOT had been effected by it...
Time for more reading I'm in a big reading mood again, which is great, even if my utterly cooked brain is nervous cause it's eating into my video game time, despite that also just being time for fun things and now the fun thing is reading
not too sound " borderline unintelligible" but what if you locked on got a swipe but they wanna you to be specific what " BODILY FLUIDS" too see if theres a match for there critiria?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy shit anno is on to something what if you swiped on the sperm samples wait that's just a sperm bank
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Tell me I'm breedable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
uh sir these samples are doped up how long have you been retenting and decanting them
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
I cannot reveal the trade secrets of the fermentation process
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> yo do you mind if i pee on your leg in the shower
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
And that kids is how I met your mother
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
I mean I like sushi it tastes good but I don't know if I would ever put it down as an 'interest'
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its a valid interest ive seen it on many women's profiles its just a date idea
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they have some weird shit in the interest list like League of Legends
NL having begun playing slay the spire again means my home page is now flush with random no-view 3 hour videos of some random dude playing slay the spire
There should be a "I am watching this because of the youtuber, not the game in particular" button
>>1139492 idk was making animes room "spin me right round right round" after the cluba one night some sort of pin wheels may have also made an apperance. It's the Og ish
>>1139498 I mean they did sorta make the perfect soda it might not be the absolute best for some, but it's good for just about everyone Everyone likes cocacola, even if maybe they prefer a different soda
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ya im just shitposting i saw a tweet like that somewhere
man i like using thr cast iron but when do i get to slick seasoning nirvana it burns crud onto the pan and once i clean it i have to scrub every time what am i missing
ah well. She'll be back as an indie in 3 weeks in time for the annual shower.
Might not, she apparently has some pretty bad throat or nasal issues which might need medical attention and rehab for After that, yeah, maybe Aqua and Amelia both like streaming and probably wanted more freedom from the obligations of being a performing talent Chloe's said she's found something she wants to do beyond Hololive and this is her choosing to prioritize that rather than keep on as a talent Which is similar to what Aqua said so that something could just be "Enjoy streaming more" But it could be a different line of work
i can see the giee from behind the frosted glass im sure you would not nnotice even if i were replaced with the real me can you hear this voice? was my temporary form able to leave behind anything more than the negative imprint of my existence -- the imoact of the bird on the windshield which remains long after the bird has expired and is a far better rreminder of the birds eexistence than the bird itself ever was
i feel so much, as if a child smoke billowing from a cchimney on a stone cottage the smell of rain a cardinal and a bluejay sitting in a crabtree it's enough to make me cry
a cruel trespass onto permanence with no voice to ever be heard no way to ever be felt
i still have memories some of them good but the real feelings of ppermanence are lost in this vacuum of isolation light slipping through the cracks and never returning
i used to feel a pulse, a universal heartbeat beckoning me home but now there's no sense of home and nowhere to belong even in the expiry of my self
i feel so much can nobody look inward to see me as i see them i pray that im not alone spilled
>>1139572 see the view* from behind the frosted glass
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Carb loading before the day of the big event I am able to temporarily convince myself that gluttony is a virtue
>>1139576 I'm getting my powerlifting cherry popped. It's my first, novice entry level local competition event Gotta lift up heavy metal bars in front of a group of people watching and judging and critiquing for kyah hazukahiiiii
>>can nobody look inward to see me as i see them maybe that has happend, maybe that needs to happen more. >>i pray that im not alone i pray none of us are alone, and light remains inward and outward.
>>1139422 >>holding space I hope something like this happens.
this world has gotta get better
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holding space has been around forever tho
>>holding space has been around forever tho
well that not good enough, you'll have to hold gravity, time and maybe some oher quantum asspects to suffice. JK
what the origin is? Is it an older term than:
"The Art of Holding Space" 2015 B/c it seems all that comes up for the term, not the action? May there be another name holding a candel (is all that comes to mind)
ya you said it lol it was so bad it was like some research was done, maybe prior wk's maybe theres away too turn it off, like in settings the watch function.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
your research: looking for patterns in random 4chan posts my research: looking at my sink we are not the same
not to mention this is obviously not a slaughtering procedure, for several... obvious reasons like for one, it's just extremely inconvenient to have to move all the corpses afterwards rather than move them BEFORE they're killed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro i want OUT of the wheel of karma the statistics are NOT GOOD
overall people just kinda overreact, or at least react more strongly, when they're directly shown how the sausage is made farming has always at its core been this kind of thing, even if we've decided to be more humane with it over time no avoiding the fact the meat didn't grow from the ground, it got into the burger from the inside of an animal
being against the whole process I can get, but it really is kinda weird to eat burger and also be horrified at the stuff that's necessary to get the burger
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its fine i mean anyone who's been on this planet long enough has talked to some farmers life and death mann
it does kinda hit different when you see it directly though, no getting around that but it's also like brother what did you think they did when the livestock was infected by something that made them dangerous to eat? Just release them into a forest? Keep them around until they succumb to age?
This is part of the deal
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
prions are scary like thats proof enough there are no hostile aliens it would be insanely easy to destroy humanity, life is fragile
granted the US did accidentally release pigs into the forest back in the day and now they've got so many feral hogs they need AR-15s to protect their children playing in the yard
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sooo true
viruses are the dominant form of life, and they're not even actually alive, everything's completely fucked up on this rock
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theyre not really we can actually dominate them with proper protocols we can make a scrubbed human and send them to mars i think but it takes a lot of actual care
there's even viruses that just hunt other viruses, they're so cracked here are viruses so big, we'd just assumed they were bacteria for a long time and didn't count them
yeah we absolutely can cleanse some parcel of space of viruses, but we're never gonna actually get rid of them altogether Hell, even scrubbing a space vessel is kind of a lost cause because I mean there's still the outside of the vessel we can't insulate that, unless we wrap the whole thing in a plastic bag and shed that midway Bacteria is one thing, you can deprive them of nutrients, but viruses just kinda... hang out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
conceivably we could launch some kinda vessel that had an inner clean vessel i imagine idk im not sober rnr
I'm sure there's some sort of way to do it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its true viruses are inert but they need critical mass to fluorish eh the arguments gettin kinda hazy
take care you don't get too zooted
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
me? i'm ok this is close 2 home
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ONE MORE TI~ME just kidding fuck that im outta here contemplating getting a humidifer for my place seems high maintenance tho
just busy reading other stuff and gaming I guess, it's been a while
hold on just anything, do you actually have a limit of saying things?
huh? not really no I'm just reading atm too and I've been kinda lethargic lately so being up for as long as I have been is making my head a little unfocused
but yeah it's been a while things have been up and down, the psych said I'm actually fine so that was fucked up
>>1139695 Well it was "Wheel of Time" what that one was challenging you with the full challenge within the challenge
oh, I never read those, so I hear they're good I just never got into them at all
maybe I'll give them a look some day but I've got all these LNs and a few VNs lined up, and then there's a children of time sequel I think is coming soon if it didn't already, so the list's kinda long already
definitely should take a nap can't enjoy reading when my head's all fluffy should only need a few hours to sort itself out, though chances are I'll end up just sleeping for like 10 hours
I'm kind of over the Hololive graduations. It's sad that Hololive is imploding but like Oh, you're graduating? Okay, man. I'll see you next week in your new disguise.
could it be code like when I celeb moves abroad? hope not, but it's a good way to generate publicity. Not sure what happened with HL spome thing are around a long time.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes anno everything is a secret code belying an ancient conspiracy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1139743 haha classic do they leave so they can get full ownership of the IP? idk how the money works out
I don't think the talent has ever gotten the IP after graduation
well, maybe there will be some other form of talent mng who knows
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean they make their own new IP and get all the revenue
oh yeah they get the new one I mean some do leave for that reason, others have other reasons, sometimes what they wanna do with streaming just is not the same as what their agency is about
if fauna's leaving though, expect librarian's posts to get significantly less hinged
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i bet hololive takes 50%+ but yea it could be money it could be managerial disputes or burnout or just wanting to do other stuff
I made a lot of mistakes, but at the way it's scored is that they just take your best lift attempt from each category. and I always got at least one good attempt in, even if the other two weren't a lot of it was just learning for next time. a lot of it just came down to technical rules. ie; for one of the deadlifts, right, I got the bar off the ground at 190kg easy, but then after I locked out I just put down the weight out of muscle memory, but you're actually meant to hold on to the lock-out until the judge tells you to drop so even though i got it up and down smooth, it was still a "failed" attempt ... stuff like that
But since I got one passing lift in with each section, the overall end result was still acceptable. I'm keen to do another one and improve.
sammmy doesn 't pay the jannies but at least you can redo your post after you fuck up the formatting that's the perk of the job.
But then people will think something much worse happened
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Shall I tell you my score? Are you really going to ask a lady her special 3 numbers~~ In the end it was a 140 squat, 115 bench, 190 dead. I've hit better pb's in the past before but the competition environment is kind of a different situation
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not bad not bad much better than i could do obvi
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Yeah it's solid enough.. Not like mine blowing awe inspiring giga hulk but we did OK Especially for a 1st event
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Mime blowing is a whole other thing I'm into
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Realllytty Tell me more
but yea i mean you said it yourself like the first time you go and do something live you're gonna be unfamiliar with the rules like its a // the only way to learn and you didnt bomb or injure yourself, so thats pretty solid
we need to demolish the web and build a new one that cant display pop ups or video ads NOW
agreed it's intrusive, and played out at best...
like ad's should not be subjective I don't really think I want to see anything demolished but I get the metaphor, fingerprint reduction helps some. But many things about the web are in need of something better...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ amazing how glitched out some of these newer games are thanks to temporal anti-aliasing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh its because of the new lumen system in UE5 not being well cooked yet
> I'm A High School Boy and a Successful Light Novel Author, But I'm Being Strangled By A Female Classmate Who's A Voice Actress And Is Younger Than Me
I know writers who imply their story's contents in the title, and they're all cowards
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> My Life Is Just As Wrong As I Expected After Traveling to Another World Where I’m Surrounded By Cute Girls At A Magical High School And Am Also The Fabled Hero of Legend, But Before I Tell You That Story I Have To Tell You This Story, In Which I Was Walking Along With My Unbelievably, Impossibly Cute Younger Sister Who Doesn’t Like Me At All, And She Said To Me It Was My Fault She Wasn’t Popular No Matter How She Looked At It As We Walked To School Together, And We Stopped To Look At A Garden, Which Had A Flower Whose Name I Don’t Remember, When Suddenly A Portal Opened Up To Another World And When I Landed In A Field And My Face Was Buried In The Largest Pair of Boobs I’d Ever Seen, And My Sister Hit Me And Called Me An Idiot While Blushing, But Then The Girl I Landed On Saw The Birthmark On My Hand And Gasped And She Grabbed My Hand And I Blushed But She Started Dragging Me Away And My Sister Got Mad And Chased After Us And I Asked Where We Were Going, And She Said She Was Taking Us To Grimheart Magic School, Where She Was The School President, And Then I Gasped Because I Was Now In A Magical World, And When We Got To The School Which Was A Giant Castle I Asked The Girl What Her Name Was And She Said It Was Akane Yuusha, Which I Thought Was A Tad Strange Since She Had Blonde Hair And Blue Eyes And The Entire Aesthetic Of The School Seemed Very Ancient European, But I Forgot About All Of That When She Told Me We Needed To See The Headmaster Because She Had Been Taught That The Mark On My Hand Was The Symbol Of The Reincarnation Of The Legendary Dragon Hero Of Legendary Literature, And I Said That Was A Cool Thing To Be Taught Because At Our School The Only Book We Learned Was Atlas Shrugged, And She Asked What That Was And I Told Her I Was The Book Our Society Based Its Philosophy On A Speech From, And She Asked Me To Recite The Speech, Which I Did, And The Speech Went “For Twelve Years You Have Been Asking…
>>1139881 next level DRM: Just make the title so absurdly long, searching for it is impossible
>>1139879 I didn't succomb to injuries but the the story of my life
spotify premium should have an option to disable controlling remote playback because it's REALLY annoying when my phone responds to a bluetooth connection by starting the playback on my computer and I get none sound Or the other way around, when I get back to my computer and hit play, only to hear my PHONE start playing music
if I hit play, it should play on that device, I never use the remote playback function intentionally
whixh was what I was TRYING to do with all those coins
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
isaac seems like a real deep game like you have to learn all these secret things you can do in some rooms to get down certain pathways? or something? idk i played the original way back when think i must have beat mom
learning the items probably does help i kind of have a bit of a feel
damn. unmatched. maybe i shouldn't have opened the conversation talking about hentai.
thank you rei for your huh reply it made the gif ez to find >>1139946 her loss or your win just a big L to announce your copypasting to find your squires
might as well trigger all the flags whatta hell this is supposed to be a phone untouched by my debauchery but "breasted" came up after "big" in autocorrect
also been talking to a friend of a friend on discord lately. She's real cool but also on the other side of the world. so i don't know how that one works.
>>1139950 yeah it's not that uncommon well, I guess that might differ country to country here it's not super uncommon, even if it's not like, the norm or anything, it's just not strange enough for anyone to make particular note of it
this might be kind of cringe, but for my last one (actually for real it earnestly was a struggle to find good photos of myself) i just took something I'd previously sent to my trainer to get some feedback on my lifting form.
It's like fuggit, they can know i go to the gym.
But. you know. it probably does look a bit tryhard to have a photo of yourself weight lifting. but i legit couldn't find another
I actually went shopping on Saturday, just cus I needed some new pants but I had forgotten American culture spreads like an unstoppable cancer, and there was massive Black Friday sales, lines out the door around the block. couldn't find a parking space.
but on the plus side, my pants were 60% off cus they were on sale too
we've got black weekend and junk here too yeah
I'm pretty sure only the like, managers of stores and stuff even remember it each year though, so to everyone else it's just a sudden "oh right, that's a thing" sale, and it's so understated nobody gives a damn it's like "yeah we've got a big -25% on 3 products" ok cool thanks, I don't need a new washing machine in particular though so
Cause I mean those sorta big purchases are the only things you'd even really consider going out to buy simply because it's on sale, right? you're not gonna go "oh fuck, I gotta go buy a new speaker for my computer, I'll save $20!" cause like... it's just $20 and if you don't need new ones, you have no reason to
yeah. for sure. a lot of the things on sale aren't really impulse buys
it almost feels like they're just putting some stuff on sale to follow the trend, like they're obligated to but don't really wanna, or maybe somehow don't understand what should be put on sale if you're gonna do a sorta flash sale thing like they're just supposed to participate in this idiot "holiday" from overseas, so they do, but only because it's "what one does" or whatever
like a TV, that's something you can get people to impulse buy on sale people LOOOOVE getting a bigger TV computer equipment in general works, but not much of it is expensive enough to warrant hopping on a sale if you weren't planning to buy something anyway not to mention, the more expensive that stuff gets, the less likely you are to impulse buy it cause you gotta plan around it, like "does this GPU even fit in my computer's motherboard? do I have the powersupply for it?" and stuff
clothes I can sorta see but honestly I think that's becoming less of a thing over time just cause everyday clothes aren't expensive enough anymore to really care if they're on sale or not like wow, I saved $5 per tshirt, what a fucking bargain, i can buy a few hamburgers with my great savings that I had to take an unplanned trip to the mall for
and of course, grocery stores don't do black friday cause why the fuck would they what are you gonna do, NOT buy food?
I only buy food that's on sale. Unless it's a special occasion. There's almost always something I can eat that's on sale, so I keep it to that. Sometimes it's even just microwave dinners or something. Like none of the meat is on sale but there's a microwave dinner that's bogo or something. Bogo microwave dinner is like 4 meals for $10 which isn't that bad. If I buy a cut of meat for $10 when it's not on sale, I get like 2 meals out of it.
it's so fucked up "lanxian" is pronounced long john, dude romanized chinese isn't fucking real
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the more i see the less i know the more i like to let it go heyyy yoooo
sinvicta fr had the rules of snowball fight explained to him during the loading screen, ending with "we just gotta kill apollo", went "okay", and eliminated him like 0.4 seconds into the match actually a legendary mario party gamer
My Fitbit was having battery issues after having it for 3 years so I used the black friday deals to get a new one. This one is much more connected than the last. The last one only allowed texts into my notifs on the watch.
This one does everything. HoloPlus. Amazon. Twitter. Discord. Everything.
i g i got aarrested for being homeless they booked me and gave me a court date that i missef because i was homeless now im wanted in illinois for missing a court date bbecause i had no phone and no way to figure out who my public defender was or contact them
i was supposed to go to oklahoma and stay with my uncle but he changed his mind after seeing i have vestibular issues and vertigo bbecause itd be a liability
instead he called the cops to have them do a wellness check on me they forced me to go to the hospital and the shitty hospital flagged my bupropion and bronkaid as methamphetamine
ssoinstead of helping me they just gave me drug treatment centers and if i use the medical info to show my reason for missing court, it would show meth use
every time i explain cytochrome p450 and the role of alcoholism in overexpression in its metabolites with bupropion being known as a false flag, doctors try to put me invol at a psych unit for sschizophrenia
i told the cop my btain stem was injured and she asked why i was talking wweird and wobbling (i was at the hospital parking lot ttrying to go in but i ccouldn't walk) she used it as suspicious behavior to search my car and detain me she thought i was tryung to break into a car but it was my car
it's all so bullshit bow i cant even leave this shitty state and ill never pass a background check again rip zurich rip ibm rio bell labs taken before my time
everything in my life has been ruined by uunfortunate timing and untimely deaths of eeveryone i love now the brain damage keeps me from even being able to feel anythjng, let alone function
vestibular neuralgia
fascia swells up around my brain and interrupts my thoughts by trying to think i. reverse in reverse
like the involuntary reticulating syztem if the cerebellum routing through the cerebrum using the peduncles and pons to silently access information witjout ddisruption to the cerebrum
except fascia is penetrating my pons and medulla so the nuclei get misrepresented in their sequencing the outer lamina of my skull -dura mater, mmeninges, spinal ganglia- end up trying to close the circuit in reverse instead so after i start having a thought, electricity runs backwards through my vestibular system and mandibular nerves to read speaking intention from my auditory nucleus then start reading it out into my tymlanic duct as though i were saying it out loud when im not tympanic*
its creating symmetric paths since it fdoes not know which one is really happening bc the vy vestibulocochlear nerve cant communicate normally with the auditory nucleus, and ccerebellar routing gets scattered by lamina propria invading my peduncles
but i guess thats better than the peduncles invading you am i right
on the upside i get to have verbal cconversations with my fascia which is weird i mean we alqays communicated naturally with eelectricity but now it has learned to speak english separately from my cconscious mind which is super strange
i would have thought it was schixophrenia except that its acutely aware of whats going on knside my body even when im not it just cant send the electrochemical signals anymore so its using my ttympanic duct as a backdoor to commumicate with the brain as well as the scalp lamina and meninges and dura mater
i hope i get to publish on this one day i think it represents a lot of deep uunderstanding of the autonomic nervous system that would get overlooked if not ppersonally eexperienced
kkirra i dont thimk this is your kind of ppsychology but id still love to talk about if with you
although i wish fascia never learned the phrase "sweaters for your teeth" it's surprisingly smart smarter than me probably just uncoordinated when damaged
self fulfilling and self shaming prophesy tfw when no self to kill
It's chilly and my fingers are cold! I have to finish sewing this thing today but my fingers are stiff! Now I have to make a cup of warm tea or something!
I made hot chocolate instead. With some cinnamon and cayenne pepper. I wish I could make some peppermint hot chocolate but I don't have the ingredients.
if you put a small about of sea salf into hot choco so you barley notice tastes off the chain, use SS ton in chocoleteering
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1140072 although i was being facetious earlier that does actually sound pretty good
>>1140077 No, it takes a few ingredients to make hot choco powder. But my primary powder has a specific flavor profile I want, which is basically dark chocolate, cinnamon, and cayenne.
I really I see** don't really drink ton's of milk but chai gets pretty tech with dif spices i'll make a covee with ginger cloaves small bit of black pepper and cloaves a bit phosphorus, (little bit of lava rock dust of sum thang) might even cure malaria if you mix it right
Oh my, an anime about heliocentrism This oughta be interesting
well I guess it's about geocentrism, really, if anything, but either way
Takes place in Poland too!
The ED is performed by Yorushika, who are one of my favourite Japanese bands
well it's got me watching at least honzuki is about to wrap up, so it's neat to have something to watch while I work my way through the final few volumes
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
martial law declared in south korea it's going down
you can just get some sketchy extension to block twitch ads and steal your bank password
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Now we're cooking
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1140088 > Yoon has been a lame duck president since South Korea's general election in April when the opposition won a landslide. > His government since then has not been able to pass bills they wanted and have been reduced instead to vetoing bills the opposition have been passing. > He has also seen a dive in his popularity with voters; having been mired in several political influence and corruption scandals interesting i wonder where it goes from here
He forgot to stop parliament so they convened and repealed the martial law. So now he's breaking the law unless he reverses it. It's really crazy, I feel like there's no way he'll just give up.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> Yoon is a wildly, wildly unpopular president. There's a whole list of things, but the simplest answer I can give is he's the Donald Trump of Korea. There've been protests calling for his impeachment and/or resignation every day for over 3 years at this point. > Yoon has now alienated his conservative party as well as the usual opposing party opposition. There are rumors that impeachment processes were to start tomorrow. Hence, he declared martial law tonight here at about 9PM our time.
dang yea sounds like parliament just voted hope they yeet that guy soon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> South Korean president rolls worst coup ever, asked to leave parliament
dude none of the ad block extensions work any more. that's my whole problem. they used to work fine up until about a couple of months ago but now I guess Twitch HQ put all their top tech minds working around the clock and pumped billions of dollars into coming up with the perfect solution to piss me off
just use alternate player for twitch it blocks the ads by swapping you to a worse quality stream while they play, don't even notice the ads much at all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's a constant battle between the devs and twitch, should have the fix idk i don't use it