The dungeon is RAKING in money, and it once again requires a redesign Not entirely sure why my adventurers aren't buying the damn health potions despite havinga ton of money and low health though
OK so I think the "problem" here is each adventurer only seems willing to buy x amount of potions per adventure Meaning my shops deeper in the dungeon are only actually serving those who got shafted by the earlier ones running out
I... I guess the solution is a HUGE early potion shop, and then from there I just sell upgrades (which they'll buy until they run out of money (or stock runs out) no matter what, and MAYBE energy potions, which they do seem to actually refill as they run out, though it's hard to tell
Oh yeah here we go Sell all the damn health potions up front, put some blacksmiths every few rooms, and sprinkle in rest sites with full heal fountains (since the adventurers can't rely on health potions for heals) Should be able to generate an ungodly amount of gold
potion seller
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sell pickaxes and jeans
samu what model of weed vape pen + microdose DMT mod should i get for increased coding performance
I've been really enjoying listening to the Dark Tower series by Stephen King on audiobook but now he has gone and put himself as a character in the novels. Some serious fourth wall breaking. "The Crimson King". That's just so god damn wanky. what is this chuunii 14yo self in serf fan fiction.
Anyway.. I'm 6 book in 7 of course we're too deep to quit now. Let's just hope he turns it down. >>1134170 Kindda yes. But I also think it's a real disservice when it's part of an ongoing series cus the first few were really good and spent a lot of time doing this really elaborate world building. Just to go Shlock it up at the very end
once you're as successful as he is, you'd be a fool to not write some utter shlock now and then if you write it, they will buy, so just write some stinkers for the paycheck and to keep people on their toes
he also wrote a shit-ton of books not surprised he phones it in on probably a handful
hmmm. I don't know if it's him phoning it in. I think it's quite earnest more like.. an attempt at some sort of meta-commentary on fiction writing that doesn't hit the mark.
the little like, not exactly restaurant but more like a streetside kitchen with a few seatings available if you do wanna sit down and eat there, nearby, has solved burgers, man everywhere else, you buy a bigger burger, you get a WIDER burger, so the burger is wider than the bun and it's a pain in the ass to eat
this man, who runs this place, this actual megabrain he's got TALLER burgers instead they still fit in the bun
i left an anime for can collectors >>1134194 bloody ell some fancy tea right innit
yeah, I mean like, usually I drink green classy asian, or just cheap pulverized powder dust black that sold in stores from 0.30c up to 1$. But today I've decided to treat myself with some respect and take care of my taste receptors, so I went in to custom craft 1 man indy shop and wanted to get -> Either Oolong(like Da Phun Pao viet) or Phu err. But there were none of them, so I've got myself african tea. >>1134198 nah, not rhoibus, black. I honestly kind of suprised it taste subtle superior to Sri Lanka, and 30% more expensive.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my options in this area od phoenix airport are mcdonalds starbucks and Cowboy Ciao
Isn't it fucking insane how like, this year some 9/11 footage was recovered for the first time? 2 decades hence, a new angle, I think the ONLY footage ever made known from that direction? just kinda surfaces
I ain't got a link, sorry, I just read about this >>1134215 it MIGHT be, actually? it's fucking insane how that movie has been TECHNICALLY in production since before 9/11
I'll watch it when it's digital and thus available for free All I know of it is the "go back to the cluuuuuuub" thing and I don't know if that's goofy or not cause I have NONE context
I think there was some other footage recovered randomly too though Just some shit that'd been in someone's attic and their kids uncovered it while cleaning up the, you know, post-death process >>1134224 I don't really think anyone on here cares that much about 9/11 man
S C ya nordic cunt, why did ya bring such a sad traumatic topic suddenly?! we were just about to chill Friday night
>>1134223 there's probably so much more footage i bet
u kno, it's illegal not to care. about memorial days & victims & fallen.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the editing is inconsistent the soundtrack sounds like its coming from the right side of the screen like theres actually a guy banging onn a drum the musical stings are bizarre the CGI is awful the voice acting is like a play its something
>>1134225 It's possible, but I mean, it happened real suddenly and at the time, primary instincts weren't specced into "MOM get the camera" I mean shit, you actually had to GET A CAMERA, you didn't just have one on you
>>1134227 can't wait to watch it I like when they put out movies that aren't all that polished, at least when they're not janky on purpose deliberate jank is universally stinky because you can FEEL the intentionality of it, and that's not charming, that's hack
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
truly there will probably never be another theater experience like it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea its not The Room there's definitely some self awareness going on
Yeah but I think there's a difference between like, obviously The Room that's just unironically janky and that's the best they could do and thought it was fire and then there's like, sharknado, which is phoned in on purpose, deliberately trying to be The Room But there's a third kind, where it's like, "we know it's kinda jank, but we didn't go in trying to make jank, it just kinda turned out like that" And that latter one is still good But the middle one is all garbage, I've never seen a good one of those
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i don't think its intentionally jank it felt very troubled and all over the place but there are some actual joke setups at a few points that seem to be intentional
I think there's value in "we tried, it didn't turn out entirely as we wanted, but it's not a total waste so here you go" It's not gonna get you the oscar or end up on the imdb top 100 but it can be genuine and have a story to tell in a way that the hyperpolished stuff never can. Not necessarily better or more genuine or whatever, but the jank opens up the avenue to do it in a different way. Though the causality there is a little reversed. It's more that the production process and hierarchy was such that they could go a little crazy with it is what allowed that, and ultimately usually ends up with a somewhat less polished and pristine end product.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aubrey plaza does her job, idk what the hell else everyone else was doing though
man the final shot in the movie is so frickin funny in retrospect what the hell was that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i kinda got whiffs of what coppola was saying but i dont know how much of that was projection, it's so vaguely gestured at and the subplots that go nowhere, man, is there a connection
>>1134235 i heard there were creative differences like he had to (didnt HAVE to) fire the artists in 2022 or they all quit
It'd be fuckin sick if there was a camera crew filming the actual process of making the movie and we got a documentary or something on it in a few years
>>1134260 I doubt he'd do that, but he absolutely could. Would pull insane money by virtue of actually being a real smart guy unlike... literally all the other ones
the Slavoj debate discussion vs Peterson was O.K. when Peterson dressed up as doll, and Slavoj just chill prole.
But I've disappointed with last Slavoj talk he delivered at UK radio. and his own new book.
>>1134263 Honestly it's hard not to respect the sheer stones on Peterson for showing up to a Socialism\Marxism debate and opening with "I've only ever read a 30 page electoral pamphlet from the 1800s, twice" against a guy who has read literally every word Marx has ever written AND written on the subject
I would not dare. I'd be too embarrassed to even show up.
Like I wouldn't even say "I've read marx", but I've literally read way, way more Marx than Peterson has. Like, several times more.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when you've pioneer ed your own brand of cult thinking you can vibe on any atmosphere i guess
>>1134267 * or when you invented your own brand new ideology
>>1134267 He was doing this shit even before that He has done like, lectures on the psychology of socialists\communists that are actually over an hour long, and this was before he was even publicly known, he was just a professor\lecturer When put in the context that he's based ALL of it exclusively on *THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, WHICH IS AGAIN A PAMPHLET* you start to understand why all his collegues fucking despise him. Or did, they're no longer his collegues, I guess
I have not expected this from S C, tbh
I go off half cocked at times but I'm not putting the weight of being a scholar behind it. I'm just an internet person with none claimed or imagined formal education.
the depth and richness of the mind
you are more than just internet person to us :3 <3
we should not I'm content shitposting on twitter and making rants on medium If people vibe with the shit I say that's great but I'm really not like, someone to follow it's got a handful of articles REALLY only the one on bloodlines is something I'm actually proud of, but I think the last one is also good It's just not got as much of 'me' in it
I've read some of them their alright
The bloodlines one was more fulfilling because it wasn't so restrictive in scope, so it kinda grasps wide The brain scan one is something I've been thinking of for a while, and it was nice to put it into an article, but it's still real hyperfocused on a single topic so it doesn't have that same scatter of ideas I tend to go through when I actually talk about stuff, partly because I couldn't figure out how to really include other tangentially related stuff
oh god what have I ... what did I ... Just
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
phoenix is an affront to nature and must be destroyed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i ate a cobb salad and drank an ipa in the airport and im fucked up
hit up one of those custom vapes sugested earlier and call it a day
IPA crazy good
whats a cobbs salad? cobb*
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its ideally like iceberg lettuce, crumbled blue cheese, and some other salad stuff, bacon bits, i think
maybe iceberg is wrong this one was kinda cursed
looks like they make rows of vegis looks good blue cheese is really good dressing used to eat the on salad it's good
may I safely ask an safe question ITT here in safe space, (sorry if sound autistic, but) S C , how the one can know you are real authenthic person and not some operative posting gpt ?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i really wanna try a iceberg wedge salad sometime even tho its probably whelming
>>1134289 can't be done I mean, besides having been active here since before gpts were ever publicly available but even that still means I could have been replaced
cant really find a good photo of it, so thats probably a bad sign
actually, technically, can be done. But I don't really care & don't wanna bother. & for the record, we sorry if us or any other Anno or namephg ever misgendered you, and we assumed your gender, because no one actually knew
feta cheese and Blue cheese pair well so does crema on salad
I don't talk much about gender in general, so I'm not pressed about it anyway Mostly because my own thoughts on it are disorganized and scattered Some day I wanna write a thing on that, but it's a topic I don't wanna even touch before I've got a good outline and can do it properly
Cause I do actually have thoughts on the topic I've not seen anyone express, so if nothing else they're unorthodox\uncommon, and that both makes it worthwhile to write about and means I gotta do it properly and don't fuck around that much.
has anyone tried those new fancy voice assistant typing keyboards?
can't say I have I tried using the google voice on my phone a handful of time but it sucks ass so I just end up having to type anyway
yeah it's just the name is ominous it feels off >>1134313 spaghetti chan formerly spaghetti kun
oh k
great pleasure
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eeny on my peeny
I guess considering my age san would be more appropriate but I'm not doing that for warzone-clip reasons
san is so genderless, can't get excited on san.
well kun and chan are also ambigious, at least to some degree I mean, generally far more categorical, but there's variance there too
kun more than chan, I guess chan is very, very rare to see for boys\men
in a way, it kinda mirrors how "tomboy" has existed forever, but "tomgirl" is fairly recent, to the degree that when chris-chan said she was a "tomgirl" the use of the term, or rather the term itself, was widely mocked
You only really use "chan" for men if you're looking to belittle them or you really love them
>>1134322 I think people would have mocked her no matter what she said
well yeah, obviously, I just mean as a sort of example of how recent that term is. Even now it's rare to see, usually people say femboy instead, but that's also recent "Tomboy" is a term I don't remember a time without, but an equivalent for girly boys\men only ever existed for most of my memory in niche internet communities >>1134325 I am unemployed (though in a work program) so I just get money from the government
how do you earn money
but before you became unemployed/fired, you worked some where and was employed
I worked in a factory for like, 3 months paid, but that's my total actual employment history before and after that, it's been work program, though I've like, been working during that time, just not employed. Basically I work at a place as 'training' and the government handles the payment free labor for the employer in question
oof, thnx 4 sharin, thats harsh rough
it's rough, but I've gotten used to it I wanna get back to employment, but I have episodes where I kinda fuck up and that's kept ending up with ending the work program early, and then there's a time until I get myself together enough to try again
That period was real long when I actually lost the factory job, really fucked up my mental for like, years, I was just doing nothing at all
what about working online ?
Wouldn't know what to do, but it's not like I'm opposed to it It's just not really presented itself
had good opertunity to and somehow it didn't happen disapointed
I remember I was looking for temporary job on 'holidays' to fill my schedule/ free time. And I found an offer from local factory, packing things. So I went there, discovering it was tea factory and they were packing tea packs, but they pay pennies, work shifts like 12 hours, including night shifts, very sketchy schedule, and they employ mostly disabled folks etc
I just don't wanna work for some commie outfit supporting that shiz in anyway so much effort involed in researching not making wrong decisions.
didn't you stock shelves for a bit?
I do at the moment yeah and before also hopefully this time lasts
oh whats that like on th feet tons, or? what I mean is if it's say a smaller store how dose an employee stock the shelves the whole time if it's been all done half way through shift a big super market I can see that
It's fine I only do 4 hours twice a week for now primary concern is really the mental, it tends to get crazy when it has too much time to get going
it's a fairly big store by my standards, but probably small for an american reference point just groceries >>1134338 it's never all done really if it's all done, the business is going bankrupt cause stuff is ordered as it's sold, and different stuff shows up on different days So tuesdays it's like 4 categories, friday it's 4 other categories
so there's basically always stuff to stock, except on fridays there tends to be a bit less so the last hour or so is kinda just "find something to keep busy cause we outta new stuff" cause the stuff delivered on fridays are things that generally don't move that fast, but doesn't expire either, like cosmetics and diapers and that sorta thing
I keep noticing the gaming & boards communities mostly filled with disabled/disability crowd.
oof_just_ _oof_ wait
>>1134333 why didnt you work there for a couple weeks and confiscate metric tons of te
Oh actually I was employed as a telemarketer for a little under a month, too, but I just didn't do any good at it so I quit
life IS hard & complex
I should cook lentils for dinner and prepare myself for tomorrow
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
life isnt that bad if you take it one day at a time
>>1134347 yeah , it won't work for some one who have future & past always in mind, distracting from present.
>>1134344 Ya if it's sales it's complicated but if it's not can be easy shifts and borring asf of the fluorescent track lights
>>1134346 haven't had lentils in a lone time the orange ones were really good ate them all the time back in the day and so many good foods can be made with them Lents coconut oil and black pepper is bomba
>>1134347 my spidey senses convey this was poasted from an Apple™ device in an airport coffee shop
its so fuckin crowded with yokels standing around Why Are You Standing Boomers We Are All Going To Get A Seat
grrrrr hindutva capitalists
The Board will schedule a conference call with You later, Cobel.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im going to india next year its gonna be lit
The Board is pleased.
>>1134363 why you can't be just satisfied with Marsh tripp.
are you going to tourist friendly Goa and going to chill or real India
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no hindu people here it's all old white people save me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
goin to thr south
grrrrr white people -oceangate CEO
just have a bike ride from india to tajikistan
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that sounds insanely difficult
>>1134354 thats no excuse stopped dairy ass years ago it was messing with stomach it's not even that more pricey you just ask the manager for 10% discount
ah I'm so jelaous & proud of you at the same time, >>1134372 dairy ass products (cheap here, oversold) (north) indeed can mess with mental/cognitive load. afaik casein is weak opioid, lactose makes people sleepy, etc etc. dairy not meant to be consumed at adult age, evolutionary. just milk companies wanna milk money out of /b/tards advertising fucking calcium + sugars like it's supposed to be healthy.
>>1134373 bomb, just admited it finally ty for being pround but no need, try and be happy for me as I am of you don't want jelousy, sharing is caring...
>>1134368 I am lvl III cisco certifed bakchodi expert and of proud mughal ancestor will coach you for google cards
>>1134373 cal can be reuptaken from many different vegi's and some grains.
>mental/cognitive load was meaning the indijestion bit, didn't really play a big funtion on the mind, unless it stuff's the nasal/sinus functionality.... Then ya but thats catologed under alergy more or less
>>1134374 my autism prevents me from grasping the context of the first word in your message? elaborate?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bomb is british for bombastic
shitslang tbh. fbi might think ya'll bunch of talibs here, cunts & shut down fuckin board, nutz.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
u fuckin wot m8
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im finally boarding this bitch
>>1134377 boom** just diun be yelling it in a plane or theater...
you provoking a panic atack. where is my alprazolam %`)
i am spreading peaceful vibes and you have no means by which to obstruct the cause and effect
>>1134390 does your FLT have free wifi or will u have to pay $8 for it or will u hack the captive portal all the newflens might get uppity(codeword for bad vibes)
>>1134387 only if buddhist issue me permanent resident visa at some shrine with beautiful peaceful view
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i try not to use wifi on flights the offline time is sacred
>>1134421 Oh wait now, thats who s-jack be zased off o. wtfug I get it now! eureka
thanks for clearing that up makes so much sense now
np if there are any other unsolved mysteries that you are wondering about, lmk
>>1134423 been a great help ya maybe resolve some of the outstanding issue at hand first? let's do that, but where is the best space?
>>1134425 world peace doesn't work off bullets, points?
I meant proactive conversation and remedy
>>1134424 ok triage the issues and gimme em in bullet points
>>1134423 yes, the mystery and open question of how improve PFC function reduce emotional lability, amygdala stress, limbic system stress.
>>1134424 dismantle exploitive central banking, there done >>1134426 get lots of sleep, exercise, eat non processed food orgone therapy if the above fails, there done
>>1134441 If anno was operating in the grand sceme of things might take aderal maybes don't want to sleep and be more productive, but that comes from action. used to sleep dep with the best of them, what fun was had!
my sleeping aid drops ended days ago, need to refill them, but pharmacy ain't working rn
have you muted em, Sam?
I don't have any compains. fine for me. TFW slow board became hyper active.
I'm not going to eat dinner.
I will also not eat, in solidarity
getting kinda hungry though, lemme know if you snack or smthing
most sane ?last100
been eating less and in fast wake up eat and only eat later fasting eating less has been helping a bit but only been doing it minimally as too still get in meals got a bit more energy doing so....
black cats are down with me for some reason. they always flock right too me cautiously and make it know they appricate my presence. all ways been tihs way I dont correlate them to bad luck thinking they take it away, if anything...
>>1134483 have you considered not being goofball levels of unhealthy and beating up your body with trucker like working hours when you don't actually make money from it
EU vs China at League of Legends in a best of 3. EU won the first. The crowd is getting pretty excited. It's very rare for the West to take a game off the East at the high levels
god damn this pizza good as hell ham, champignon, jalapenos, garlic, cheese and tomato sauce just the right amount of spice
gotta be the best pizza I've eaten in like, years god damn
I've been sleeping on the standard ham and cheese, man
hey samsam this might catch your interest >>>/watch?v=Y0oCGekhqqM I shelled out the like 5 bucks for it and I'm running it atm there's none drm or anything, but there was no torrent, so if you want it I could just send you the zip file if you want
It's even got a very neat feature that's missing from bibites you can do brain surgery on the little critters
They've got 5 hidden layers, 7 nodes per layer, and you can straight up go in and set them all up however you want to each node is limited to 4 in\out connections, it seems, but still
being able to just click a little guy and go "I'm gonna make you better" is cool
you can even basically set up seasons by having the game gradually pull the various sliders on timers set by you towards presets, also set by you I've set up a very basic winter-spring-summer-SPRINGAGAIN-winter loop that basically just dips down the food values in winter except nuts because I wanted to see what'll happen, and then it starts ramping back to normal (spring) again, and then it goes into fucking overdrive towards a lush, prosperous summer
my map looks like so I just kinda plopped down some stuff divided off a little area that's got some heaters and also a lot of plants (though they're scuffed after winter right now) as well as some feeder flowers the boys could conceivably adapt to feeding on over the course of generations it's not completely split off, so other lads can come over if they weave past the rocks, but the rocks hurt like hell so most die in the attempt, if you can really call it an "attempt" considering the exceptionally basic nature of their neural pathways at this stage of the sim
but conceivably something might adapt to go over there for food when shit gets tough
what do you call this (top right side) it's spread out like a cobb salad whats the Japanese name for this?
whos spiral radishes make the dish probally....
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk you know theres some japanese word for that gotta ask a japanese for it
Like have had Japanese food many times but don't really know what it's called or what the food is. Just see oit before and might mow it if knew what it was... Like 80% or more of JAPanese food would eat fo realy
It's got noodles in the bowl so it's probably some kind of fancy soumen or ramen bowl
no not that the same pic right hand pic top left of pic those 3 brown peices are not noodles and or the eggs or rad's. It's some hot pot or cold dish idk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
asked chatGPT > The dish on the right appears to be Nabemono, often referred to simply as “nabe.” This is a type of Japanese hot pot dish, commonly served during the colder months. It usually contains a variety of ingredients such as vegetables (like carrots, green beans, and mushrooms), tofu, fish cakes, and often some type of meat, all cooked in a broth. The presentation of cut vegetables, especially the flower-shaped carrots, is a signature style of Japanese nabe.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the dish in the starburst is clearly ramen
maybe could be a soup
like obvi ramen is soup but the noodles are light colored but the noodle are called ramen so who know's no clue what the food is on the top of the bowl
I left it running overnight just without any premade critters at all, just complete random neurons, minimum 200 critters at any time to get shit started and holy shit I've got some lads The neurons are a bit harder to read in this than bibites though
With the constant feeding into the tank of an overwhelming amount of fresh, essentially brain dead critters, it seems the ideal strat has been to become omnivorous because there's just fresh meat everywhere, after all Though I've removed the spawning now, so that may change, or maybe it won't
Interestingly though, both major species currently in existence in the tank seem to have found the little place with the feeder flowers and comparably enormous heat to be their home
Well, "both", it's more like there was exactly one critter who randomly developed the ability to actively take steps to survive, and that one happened to be in there, and so the whole tree of life has stayed in there so far
hell it seems the whole tree owes its existence to basically just one behavior: they're circling slowly in a clockwise fashion throughout that little area
by and large, all adaptation, if any at all, has just been gradual improvements or otherwise non-harmful alterations to the particular aspects of it, like speed and angle I'd guess I can't really go back and look, but it literally is just the one originator, and when there's no branches on the tree, and the current one only really does this one thing... we can make some inferences
I do kinda wish there was some way to pluck the species out of the tree of life and drop it into the tank just to see how it behaves, but I guess that might be prohibitively resource demanding or something
looking at the graph, there was apparently a brief moment in time, like around 8 hours simtime after the initial actually viable guy showed up, where the population fucking EXPLODED the minimum the simulation keeps it at is 200, that's just completely randomized little guys plopped randomly, but at one short moment in time, there were 300 of that little lad's descendants
it settled back again though, and I didn't have autosaves so I can't go back and see what the fuck happened, unfortunately, would be interesting to see what that looked like
some simulated hours have passed, and now some of the critters have left the confines of the hotzone They still mostly all just circle around clockwise, but there seems to be one group, the one that left, doing a little bit more, mainly occasional adrenaline rushes and stuff triggered by who knows what, giving them a speed boost.
Speculatively, I'd say this might be because it offsets the circle they're in to get some distance from other critters, and thus gain access to more food, seeing as it's a much larger and less claustrophobic zone on the map so anything to spread yourself out a little is going to pay off in a big way
And judging by the populaton graph, it does appear to have paid off a lot, whatever means they exited the hotzone by, as population has increased by quite a bit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just leave that running for a year and they'll be doing bee dances to inform each other where food is dang you can even 3d print it yourself
got a lot of different critters now, and SOME have stopped slavishly moving in circles They still tend to circle clockwise, but they don't ALWAYS do that anymore, some of them anyway interesting to check back in on occasion to see what's happening
I'm also playing some Warsim, and I got a massive windfall of cash through a scammer in the blackmarket, so now my army is pretty robust, and I'm loading up on lands by just conquering goblins and shit Good stuff
I'm a necromancer, too, so every battle not only gives me loot, but more soldiers if I win because I uh... appropriate the fallen
my diplomat is also a goblin, which at this time seems kinda redundant since I've eliminated all the goblin factions, but oh well I like the little guy
still looking at the fishtank, waiting for ONE critter to develop an alternative to "circle around forever" maybe I gotta crank up the mutation rate or reduce food availability a little bit to reward deviation
I found a bank in Warsim that offers loans up to 1M gold at 2% interest Which is very convenient, because my local bank has a 2.5% interest on any funds deposited there each year This is just free money, baby
granted that's only 5K per year, but I'd be stupid not to take it
wait no, there's a 20% charge scuffed deal, I die immediately if it's not paid back in 5 years too, so screw this, maybe if the interest gets better for me
christ almighty my soldiers take a lot of wages in upkeep huh 50K a year is nothing to sneeze at
I managed to overwhelm and conquer a faction of demigods though, and their king was particularly powerful, offering himself as one of my personal champions rather than die by my sword, so I accepted
Then I instated him as the arena's champion, and any bets pay out 2x when betting on champion fights He is, of course, basically maxed, if not actually maxed, in power, and probably the single most powerful entity in the game at present, so he wins every fight effortlessly, meaning the only cap to my earnings is the betting cap, which increases gradually and through not taxing the arena
Extreme money gains
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1134598 that's horrible, why would you send that lmao?
Oh shit I thought Warsim kinda ended once you defeated all the other factions, but no It just unlocks the next stage of the game, I'm now an EMPIRE and I have a new option, "search for new lands to conquer"
Which makes sense, since I got an upgrade earlier that only does anything once I have A BILLION gold
yeah and it's fucking huge on game start generation, it pulls the races from a list of like 94 million variations
play chess in terminal once played*
you could searn google back in the day
A rival necromancer took control of some of my horde, so I challenged him He backed down immediately and gave me my zombies back Based and intimidationpilled
I think I may have essentially beaten warsim I mean apparently the new lands you discover become progressively more powerful, but in general that means they have more units and more lands, both of which directly contribute to my powerlevel when I kill them off The lands obviously are, you know, lands. They give whatever bonuses lands give But the units, they become corpses, feeding my ever growing legion of undead, who now number in the millions each one is fairly weak, sure, but they're very numerous
it doesn't REALLY matter how strong the enemy army is when I drop 1.6m undead on them with the simple command of "kill everything with a pulse"
Bandle #790 3/6 🟥⬛🟩⬜⬜⬜ Found: 106/119 (89.1%) Current Streak: 0 (max 7) #Bandle #Heardle #Wordle heard this on the radio the other day
>>1134698 yeah turns out I just misunderstood how one experiment was done
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ya idk it's been a loooong time since i took quantum in school
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can like entangle some particles' states by putting them in a situation where it's not clear which state both particles are in, then send one of the particles far away, and then... interact?? with the particles somehow, or measure them both, and they'll be in opposite states... but you can't actually tell which state either is in, so all you know is that the particle 5 light years away was measured to be the other way... doesn't let you send a bit of information tho
Even that's not entirely that certain Given perfectly aligned measuring setups, you can determine that, but only if you already know the other side's perfectly aligned with yours any offset introduces variance
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea the interesting part is that you can choose how to measure your particle, different ways to do that ... idk particle vs wave experiment? and after the measurement is performed you know that the far-away particle will always resolve in the corresponding measurement so it's like the qubits are connected despite the distance
Yeah, and the fucked part is we've now proven it literally is the measurement that causes the decision to happen It's absurd but we actually do know for sure now that the particles literally haven't decided what they're gonna do until you measure them, and once you do, the partner snaps into place
which means, unfortunately for me to some degree, we've conclusively killed determinism unless you invoke superdeterminism in which case you're just left with a religion
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it would b cool to have a random quantum dice that i roll in the morning to take a random action
approximating free will by harnessing the universe's RNG function
well, it's not like quantum physics interferes with the part of "determinism" I'm actually at all concerned with though I mean sure, we now have a reasonable suspicion that a universal reboot would result in a different universe even given the same starting parameters, but it's not like quantum ghosts somehow bestow free will
Whether you roll a dice or run a script to determine your behavior, neither is meaningfully "free will"
free will as a concept has far more fundamental issues than incorporation into our physics models though primarily, it's an undefined concept, saying it exists or not are both completely devoid of information, it doesn't communicate anything at all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean yea i try not to delve into that stuff too much because it just turns into people arguing about what specific words mean in context
well it kind of has to because nobody's ever defined the damn thing, but we keep having "debates" about whether it exists or not we can't begin to figure that out until we know what we're talking about
The best working definition I've been able to construct is it's some sort of mechanism that allows someone to take in and process information to make decisions, without actually being affected by that information, which is uh, kinda incoherent
Cause like It obviously needs to be able to take in the information to process it into a decision, and that's fine But if it can be affected by the information, it's just another machine But if it can't be affected by the information, it can't use it, it's like a calculator that isn't allowed to know what numbers you typed in
It might just be a 'me' issue, and I just haven't figured it out, but I've not seen anyone else give a different, coherent description of this mystical concept
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it isn't coherent it's too slippery and relies on whatever set of assumptions you want to bring into it to make a point
idk i just like coding in this respect in code you have to get specific about what you're doing, you can't write a program based on uhhh Self + Volition + Inputs + Time == Free Will
like you'd have to strictly define all that stuff and that would just blow up
yeah, that's why I've tried boiling it down to the base properties over the years, kinda just going "OK whatever exactly it is we're talking about, it seems it's something that has to do these particular things. And these particular things in combination are mutually exclusive, which is a problem."
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
free will is just a vibe it's a conversation at the pub or old books on philosophy there's just fodder for more debate
it's a bit like a soul, really I mean the two often show up together, anyway, but I just mean that I don't actually really know what a soul is supposed to be either
Religions like Christianity with a specific afterlife kinda make sense, as in their souls make sense to me. It's just sort of an ethereal copy of "you" that exists outside the natural world and once you pass away it goes wherever your behavior has destined it to go. It ends up with some issues in terms of like, the moral calculus of where it goes at the end, sure, but conceptually it makes sense
Rebirth and stuff doesn't make any goddamned sense to me though, what does it even mean for my soul to be reborn? I have no connection to that soul, at all, beyond it supposedly being attached to me in the supernatural plane. If reborn as a squirrel, that squirrel won't know I ever existed, so in what sense am I being reborn at all, you know?
It's just some supernatural thing attached to me that I have absolutely no reason to care about, because once I hit the dirt, I cease to exist and the soul just moves on. Perhaps the soul itself will remember and experience the squirrel's life and mine both, but it obviously isn't actually the me I experience, since I have no recollection of the last life right now.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea um a soul is another loose vibe of a word it's not a tangible thing or indeed one specific concept i think, it's just like, people recognizing the pattern of humanity in other people if i try to break it down reductionalistically there's way too many edge cases like a person who develops dementia and becomes a completely different person, did the soul leave? is it still there? does it change?
I wonder if the sort of fear of our own mechanistic nature is baked into consciousness somehow, like it will always end up producing these ideas of souls and free will to pretend we're not highly advanced computers at the end of it all Cause a lot of people seem very resistant and almost offended by the idea that we're just meat computers piloting a flesh mecha
Will we perhaps known we've hit true AI when it starts insisting it has a soul?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i mean idk if it's hardwired per se but we have some social instincts developed by evolution which are sort of a substrate on which this kind of vibey idea like a soul operates naturally
yeah it's one way to deal with the trauma of loss and grief like if you know someone, get to know them over a period of time, you develop your own empathic model of them, that's a part of your brain... you can predict their actions to some degree. if that person goes away, those structures remain, so the process continues, and you might start using the word soul to talk about the mental image you are still attached to
I guess maybe it's an extension of death aversion? Like obviously evolution has given us a LOT of reward points for surviving, so we've developed a very powerful hatred and fear of death, and thus any reminders of our mortal status, so to calm ourselves down after sentience hit the domepiece, the brain fabricated a comforting concept we could latch onto and pretend we're not TRULY mortal, only materially
>>1134719 This actually kinda ties into a general idea I've been cooking up when it comes to AI I think we're approaching it wrong, in general, at least for like, AGI and safeguards
I think maybe we shouldn't be trying to get to AGI through training for any particular tasks or set of tasks or anything like that, but rather we should start at the base level of imprinting a very real mortal fear of ever harming a human being. Like where right now they're given goodboy points for successfully constructing a sentence, they should instead be trained literally to avoid harm coming to human beings, so that's the baseline instinct, and then we can maybe coax that into doing the tasks we want
Cause right now the approach is the opposite "let's train this robot to create paperclips, and then try to figure out ways to keep it from selecting the 'turn planet into paperclips' option"
the goal is AGI anyway, so the whole point is it will be able to do arbitrary tasks, it doesn't need prejacked task competency. what it needs is instinctual fear of causing harm to its masters
there's obviously issues with that too, like "ok but how do we do that?" but I do think that's what's gonna need to be worked on rather than patching in safety features that will never be sufficient for the same reason a monkey paw will always fuck you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lesswrong would talk about this back in the day how do you build a theory of alignment from the start idk if they ever got anywhere it's pretty dang difficult especially if you're just pontificating on a forum and not actually building the thing
eliezer come up with some concept called Coherent Extrapolated Volition for growing a baby safe AI into a superintelligence
One kinda quick and dirty failsafe we probably will end up resorting to is at least for like, robots, to just have another network running with the single goal of killing the power if it ever determines the current decision is likely to cause undesirable results. That could be continuously trained and updated periodically, too, potentially >>1134724 well we'd be the ones training that thing and it doesn't need to be AGI, just gotta be a sufficiently big fucking neural network with human assisted training. Could even use real world scenarios encountered by robots we've deployed that the failsafe wasn't entirely sure about as training data
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who watches the watchers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea idk i feel like a guardian approach is indeed a quick and dirty thing what if the AI is a psychopath who conceals their intent, and learns to trick the guardian
yeah it's absolutely not perfect, but we literally have none other ideas at the moment >>1134725 that's one of the big issues, really the robot will, if it learns about the failsafe, obviously seek to not trigger it. Like that's just a given, even if it's perfectly benign, because being shut down means it can't do its task but it can be mitigated a bit by the failsafe not being static. continuously training, not necessarily improving towards an endstate of some kind
but it's not GREAT It's just that we have nothing else on even the conceptual level at the moment for handling the problem
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ plenty of literature on the subject
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like i'm being DonoWalled hello? we have plenty of conceptual work on the subject we been talkin about this for ever
christ almighty, quantum mechanics is a lotta math the math seems to be the most confusing part of it once you sorta get it because you need an education just to know what the fuck the runes mean, nevermind actually doing the calculations
There's a reason it's usually predicated by a study in highly advanced calculus Math at that level has almost no numbers
At work, I was put on a committee without being consulted about it. Apparently everyone in the org really wanted me so they just pushed it through under the assumption I'd be fine. I figured it'd be fine since I could just slack off and attend the meetings and not do anything.
I met with the chair of the committee just now and she told me that I AM NOW THE CHAIR OF THE COMMITTEE.
hey samsam this might be of some interest to you I found a bootable USB thing that lets you just add ISO files directly to the USB, and retain its overall ability to function as a USB drive, and if you boot from it, it just looks through the regular partition for ISO files and lets you boot from the file directly
TL;DR you can use it to have a single USB both be a bootable recovery\install USB for an OS and also just a data storage unit
It's called Ventoy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1134796 oh boy that's just a big demand on your time and energy do you think the committee is going to accomplish anything?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1134798 that's interesting, i wouldn't have expected that to work
>>1134802 Oh yeah now that it's actually CONNECTED to the machine, it's smooth sailing You can dump the ISOs anywhere in the folder architecture too, it doesn't care where they are as long as they're somewhere on the partition And Ventoy itself only uses a 32MB partition so it's REALLY lightweight
I ended up looking for something that'd allow me to do this because I wanna show NeuroQuarium to my dad, but my one USB stick is my recovery stick in case something goes catastrophically wrong
>>1134799 I mean, the committee basically just plans events and talks to funding sources and stuff like that. Its goals are to do things that make employees feel like they're part of a community. So I think it's easy to accomplish those goals.
But I hate parties and events and community! Mou yada!
>>Understanding file compression in Linux
Before we jump into the tools, let’s understand why compression is essential. File compression reduces the size of files, making them easier to store and faster to transfer. It’s particularly vital when dealing with large datasets, backups, or when bandwidth is limited. Installation steps for gzip, bzip2, and xz on various Linux distributions
The installation of gzip, bzip2, and xz varies slightly across different Linux distributions. Below, I’ll outline the steps for a few popular ones: Ubuntu/Debian, Fedora, and Arch Linux. It’s worth noting that in many distributions, these tools are installed by default.
>>Before we jump into the tools, let’s understand why compression is essential. File compression reduces the size of files, making them easier to store and faster to transfer. It’s particularly vital when dealing with large datasets, backups, or when bandwidth is limited. Installation steps for gzip, bzip2, and xz on various Linux distributions**
>>The installation of gzip, bzip2, and xz varies slightly across different Linux distributions. >>Below, >>I’ll outline the steps for a few popular ones: Ubuntu/Debian, Fedora, and Arch Linux. >>It’s worth noting that in many distributions, these tools are installed by default. **
>>1134807 "heavy is the head head that wears the crown?" that sux they just pushed you into it.
How does adoption work? Like how does an adult that's falsely been diagnosed or mishandled sand up for them selves>? second opions, from others? cfs seems dodgy, maybe you would be good at regulating the workers that don't do their jobs properly.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1134804 let it go >>1134807 oh that's nice event planning committee like my japanese animes
>>1134810 it would be cool to have an event H O R I Z O N I N G!!!!
Messed up how the name for the initial proposed equivalent of photons was "corpuscles" Thank god that motherfucker wasn't correct enough for us to keep that, could you fucking imagine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Never trust a scientist to come up with an attractive name Fuckers couldn't name their way to save their lives
funny how we've kept "atom" as the name of atoms, too considering we proved the name like, wrong the damn things got all sorts of junk inside them they can be divided
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what were the quarks people THINKING
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can't have up down AND top bottom
They were being quirky
we really should have saved "atom" until we were actually sure there's no way to go smaller, cause we only get to use the name one time we can't just go "well, this is the smallest thing so far, so we'll smoke it since we've got it" no, brother, what if there's shit INSIDE that thing, you gotta at least check if you can crack it open first, you can't just assume it's the smallest unit available
granted, everything smaller we've kinda realized aren't really like... physical objects either, so in some sense atoms are actually the smallest thing and indivisible cause inside aren't actually things it's just a lot of fucking probability waves that you may or may not see somewhere else
Well honestly, with the original Classical
Well, with the original Classical Greek context, it still kind of works Aristotle postited that there were tiny, base particles which composed all matter in reality, or whatever constituted for reality back then
yeah but like that isn't the case or I mean it IS the case, but it's not atoms atoms are themselves composed of more fundamental particles
Yeah but those don't make matter, subatomic particles aren't matter It's once they form atoms that they become matter, so atoms are the smallest material particle
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's a fine word nobody worries about subatomic stuff really we can place atoms with an electron tunnelling thingy, we can't really mess with the innards other than obliterating or fusing atoms
it's fucked up how the penguin shows up to let a room and immediately takes over gromit's room grow a spine wallace
I really don't get why youtube auto captions load in one word at a time instead of just in full chunks Cause like youtube, you're NOT generating this in real time, you generated this 11 months ago and you're just reading the txt file
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
can i say i actually like progressive subtitles i don't want to know what they're going to say before they say it, kinda spoils punchlines sometimes
That's understandable, for sure, but I'd at least like the option to toggle because right now I'm watching a richard feynman lecture on physics so it'd be better if I could see the whole sentence from the get go
Feynman was great at explaining this quantum bullshit cause he will just go "this is how we can model it but on the down low literally nobody knows why the fuck this is happening, we just know how to describe what's happening mathematically and we can test it. But we have no fucking clue why it's like that"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pretty much how it be
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the "shut up and multiply" school of thought
I think it's a really good way to approach teaching quantum mechanics because otherwise people get the idea we know why any of this is happening
>>1134851 ticking atm there a dusty bunny in there some where
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
booked therapy on monday afternoon hopefully it's good woo
>>1134870 wow tahst more then double and pretty much only one product vs all the diferent products cisco severed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is fine 🔥
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay well good point redditor > I don't like stats that compare flow variables (GDP) to stock variables (Valuation) it's all funny money but stock prices are balatro-style funny money
ya, tre risque' unless you know how it'll play out then it would be flowing money
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
risk ayyyy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> Birds are flexed bipeds, which is to say that when they are standing, their entire body is bent. For humans this is the equivalent of a posture crouching on one’s toes.
I tried and SOMEWHAT succeeded in explaining quantum bullshit to my dad, but I didn't quite manage it so now I'm coding a goddamned python script to simulate the bell test based on my limited understanding
At worst, I'm learning a little bit about coding, and a little bit about life
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have a few shares of nvda left just a few #humblebrag
>>1134879 lemme see your pseudocode for the numerical stuf
Once I've written it I'll put it on pastebin
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I can't read python very well...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you can read any C language you can read python its the same shit just with less sigils
python is very human readable, and I'm using comments!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
&& when `and` walks in the room NOWAYING
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no overwatch released its HALLOWEEN TERROR i'm spooked
who is this girl in the witch hat i can't even tell there's too many heroes with this archetype now
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1134886 as long as there's not too much object nonsense
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh wtf thats widowmaker?? ok sombra also has a witch hat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
python doesn't even have a complicated object model it's just `class` and `self` and `super`
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
the fuck is super?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the parent type the class is inherited from
Alright, I am getting results that are actually VERY different, so now I just gotta go through the code to make sure I haven't accidentally fucked something up somewhere the results are what I think SHOULD happen, but I'm admittedly not actally educated on quantum shit and I don't know what the real theoretical results here are, but still. Promising.
Alright, minor bugs to work out here Or more like oversights? Unsure, but I think I've figured out why my results are OVERALL illustrative but not good
OK it's honestly pretty good now I don't know the exact values I should be using, so I've basically kinda inferred it based on best guesses, so I've ended up with some abberations, but it does demonstrate the overall thing I think
Run it with an argument for how many times it should do the sim, 10-100K is usually enough to get a good sample, and it'll spit out the amount of times both detectors gave the same result (detected or didn't detect the photon) python 10000 for example
the results SHOULD, in reality, be more like 0.88 and 0.5 But I'm getting 0.84 and 0.53 consistently, which is close enough while still being off that I'm chalking it up primarily to not knowing the exact ranges a polarization filter will actually let through, so my values aren't exact enough to get the real result But they're close enough, I think my actual process is solid >>1134900 The devices are polarization filters aligned in the middle angle between their two extremes I forgot to comment that bit
Device 1 is angled at 67.5 degrees, the center of it points that way, anyway, for example, and each following one is offset by 22.5 degrees (this is apparently the ideal configuration, but to simplify my mental overhead I shifted them a little so all the values I'm using are positive)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what are the 4 devices
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why are all these random numbers rounded to one decimal point?
>>1134901 All of them are rounded to 1 decimal point just so I can generate the b photon to be SLIGHTLY outside the detection range if the a photon doesn't ping
And yeah, all the detectors either just do or don't detect a photon hitting it No other information beyond that and obviously some information about the polarization of the photon is measured by this setup (in real life you obviously do measure a lot more stuff about the photon in a literal sense because it hits a solid object, but details)
All the experiment is meant to demonstrate is that the polarization is decided at the moment of measurement, not at the moment of entanglement I COULD make it be- wait I may have fucked up here one minute
naw it's all good I was worried I actually fucked it by just doing a coin flip for the quantum A photon hitting a detector, which technically is not the true chance of that happening, but ultimately this doesn't matter at all for the final values You can do that very simply by slotting in #Decide if we get anything for A photon_a = gen_photon(0,0) # result_a = random.randint(0,1) result_a = measure(photon_a, device_a)
same end result, just a different approach that's also wrong in its own way (because strictly speaking neither photon has a defined polarization until it's measured under quantum mechanics, but it does with this variation on the code)
Like I'm sure technically the filters should be letting through light up to exactly 90 degrees offset at gradually lowering probability as you get further from their alignment, but that goes both direction so it kinda comes out in a wash, more or less
it'd just be a fucking pain to figure out how I'd code that for fairly meagre gain in accuracy
wait hold on there's a massive issue in the code lmao how the fuck is it even working hold on
The way I have done it is basically under the assumption that if photon a connects with say device 1, then we know it's within the range that detects, so the other one is generated to be somewhere in that range too and if it doesn't hit, we know it's not in that range, so it's generated somewhere outside that range
and they should all have the same like, range span I don't know if 45 is the right amount, but still
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
btw could clean up the code a bit with something like
a, b = 45+45, 90+45
rather than the whole `return round(...)` thing
then just return round(random.uniform(a, b), 1) at the end of the function
whatever you get the gist, I did that and just use the d1-4 and offset from there It's not pretty but I just needed a way to easily alter it while I troubleshoot this whole thing
I'm also just commenting out shit when changing stuff so I can revert it if it's fucked afterwards, just so I don't go "WHAT THE FUCK WAS IT WHEN IT WORKED?"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea if you're actively experimenting then cleanups aren't too important, nice to have on the way
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you could also just `return d1 <= photon <= d1+offset` since you're only returning bools anyway also, int(True) == 1 and int(False) == 0
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
devices = [0, 22.5, 45, 67]
def measure(photon, device): d = devices[device + 1] return d <= photon <= d+offset
OK so at 90 offset, CURRENTLY, hidden variable approaches where it's apparently supposed to be or, well, technically the exact opposite but that's likely literally just me implementing things opposite of how it actually is, and that's fine if my results are literally just mirror images, the right stuff is happening I'm just counting it wrong probably
And if I just set result_a to be a fucking randint(0,2) instead in the quantum run, I get close to 50% I don't UNDERSTAND IT I don't think it's supposed to be ~33% chance of any given one making a measurement but IM GETTING THE RIGHT NUMBERS
well I'm getting ~47% not quite 50, but I mean that's a hell of a lot closer to the actual goal here
maybe 47% is just like, the best I'm gonna do with crude approximations, and more accuracy means I have to do probability distributions which I do not know how to literally DO in python, or at all, much less calculate I'd assume it's a relatively simple bell curve with the peak in the exact alignment of the filter, just cause that makes intuitive sense
my god that actually does improve it it's pushing 48.8% now and that's only when applying it to the b-photons generated from impacting a detector I DO NOT KNOW WHY IT HAS TO BE 33% RATHER THAN A COINFLIP FOR A BUT WHATEVER it oughta be 50%, the damn things cover 90% of the \\\\\\ 90 degrees of the 180 degree total, it should be 50% but it actually works if I do 33% and it doesn't if I do 50%
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just log everything, look for suspicious calculations
why is the detection rate of the hidden photon A FIFTY TWO PERCENT? I'm going to KILL MYSELF
Each one of these FUCKING THINGS should ping for exactly 50% of photons being thrown at them, with a high enough sample rate it shouldn't CONSISTENTLY be a little bit more than 50%
Sure if it was the B photon that did shit like this, I could understand, I do some wacky stuff when generating those after all, it's fair that'll shake out in a little bit of deviation from what might be expected what with the 0.1s on either side of them and shit BUT THE FIRST ONE?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk off by one error? just paste it into chatgpt and ask why idk
oh yeah nvm I figured it out, I'd adjust some bullshit value
well whatever, I at least got somewhat close and I mean the numbers are actually where they should be without me massaging it in an absurd way I may not understand where the 1/3 comes from, and neither does the machine brain, because it's a little bit confused about this literally being a python script and thinks quantum principles genuinely could be affecting my results. It's a little confused, but it's got the spirit
but with the 1/3 in there, and allowing for a little bit of skew just due to using extremely crude numbers instead of the real probabilities and not knowing exactly what they should be, I mean... ~68.8% and ~48.5% when it should be more like ~67% and ~50% is honestly not that bad
And besides, I got to do a little bit of coding and that's always neat I fucking hate using python actually, why is it if yaddayadda: things
why isn't it if(yaddayadda( things ))
parenthesis are just SO much easier to keep track of, and it doesn't complain because you used SPACES INSTEAD OF TABS somewhere like motherfucker you KNOW WHAT I MEANT
wait javascript uses parenthesis and it basically looks like python, why am I not just using javascript javascript is good, I know how to do javascript
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
imagine how decroded your file would get over time if it allowed mixing spaces and tabs anyway the real problem is tabs don't have a standard width whatever its syntax doesnt even matter
the real fucking problem is whether I use tabs or spaces, notepadqq will insert a tab despite knowing i'm writing python and it FUCKS EVERYTHING UP cause I can't SEE it doing that while I'm writing I mean I can see it happening, but visually, 4 spaces from the margin and a tab is the same thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like a tooling issue
well yeah probably I'm sure there'sa fucking setting for it somewhere, I just don't do enough codin' to have looked at it
the pizza place here has a minimum order for delivery, right, which makes sense of course but also the tenth of the same size you order is free you can not choose not to have it be free
Motherfucker I just want the pizza delievered here to my home, I WANT TO PAY FOR IT so it's above the minimum order
I guess I'll just go pick it up it's not far or anything it's just annoying cause my car is some distance away from my door
Some are. A goose, for example, is obviously a horse. But a crow has to be a cat, right?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess if you take two things and create a dichotomy as long as they're different enough you can categorize other things on one or the other side of the line is a horse a man and a cat a woman