well, tinkering with that python script has me wanting to do some coding again, so I'm back at it with bitburner Gonna try to build everything up from scratch again, with chatgpt helping me with how to actually do stuff on the side
Very complicated, the stuff I'm trying to do But I'm gradually getting closer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice nice yea chatgpt is really good for collabing for code though i haven't done that in a while ... there's also claude 3.5 sonnet for coding, there's also like ... cursor? the code-writing IDE?
but i just use GitHub CoPilot inside of VS Code, might need a subscription for that tho
This code is so ugly, too, but A LOT of it is just me adding in a ton of prints to get feedback for where it's working and where it isn't I'll clean it later, anyway
I've at least offloaded a bunch of the stuff I'm doing onto separate functions Maybe a little overzealous with it, but it's at least keeping things more neat looking and easier to edit my script doesn't strictly DO anything much yet, but the scaffolding is there, so I just gotta keep adding some stuff
I've just been making sure it works properly so far
I'm discovering new functions of the code editor too ctrl+clicking on a variable gives you a little box highlighting all the places it's used, or alternatively, puts you where it's defined alt+arrow key moves selected lines up or down
useful stuff kinda wish it was... detailed somewhere, though
At least the baseline logic for all 3 main operations are very similar, and all I REALLY need it to do is account for the other operations Which is handled fairly simply by the now implemented joblist tracker I can just ask that to tell me how many threads are running for the other tasks against a given target, and have a little bit of math to account for them REALLY, only the weakening section needs to consider those at all, which is why it should be the first thing to run I suppose Or no, I mean to SOME degree, perfect world, it would be the first to run, but then I won't have any dang money for all the other stuff for quite a while, so a good compromise is running it at the very end, using whatever threads are left over from the others
https://pastebin.com/SDTSx6C4 here's how the main one looks right now I'm like mid-edit here so some of the stuff isn't actually like, working, hell it's throwing a syntax error at me right now so it's definitely got an issue, but it gives an OK view of what I'm trying to do
just an unholy amount of debugging prints in there, but hopefully it's overall easy to see what's going on A lot of those are still gonna exist once it's done, of course, though they'll be moved out of the terminal and into the internal script log so they can still be accessed, but won't clog my terminal it's just quicker for development to have them go direct to terminal
yeah but what do you mean by custom save scripts? I don't know what those are
just scripts that are for difernt functions that got moded (custom) went on fourms and seen some of the scripts that other players were using made custom additions or lines that were not proprietary and made more functions happen.
i.e. instead of just a basic bash for one server comanding it to do the same function for other sever at the same time rt.
oh, huh
goddamn this master script is already fucking 11.2GB ram usage
my god I'm just realizing this is very inefficient BUT I CAN SOLVE THAT LATER I just need it to actually run for a bit for now so I'll finish up this horribly inefficient method and then copy it to a new one I can use to make it better
For one, I should just be running all the checks back to back per target instead of going through the whole list the way I currently am I don't think it's a BIG deal, but it is inelegant
Well, it FUNCTIONS But now I just gotta fine tune it Cause the way growing works, draining the server completely isn't ideal I'm not certain how much I should leave, but for right now I'm doing a 50% drain of what's on there, but only if it has >75% of its maximum
OK so I fucked up part of my math and had the hack run every time it got to 0.75% rather than 75% Which explains a lot of the issues I've been having
are you use quantum math, or regular. like I'm asuming your playing Bburner and applying it, it's interesting if so applying this type of math too the master script if so. Don't quite rasp grasp* every thing but that game is very interactive, like you could employ so many diferent types of problem solving to fix and or create all kinds of cool results. not many video games, can you do this as they are set in alot of diferent programing peramiters.
Thats kind of what I meant earlyer about custom scripts. But more over that the browser version wasn't letting me do certain functions of the game like maybe in the downloaded version. Maybe a bug, maybe something else.
>>1135054 I don't know how I'd implement anything that'd count as quantum math https://pastebin.com/r38ruP2s
Right now the master script looks like this though it's not as efficient as I'd like, but it is pretty fucking efficient regardless One of its main issues is it has a tendency to over-dip into cash reserves which isn't ideal It's also very ugly Using only 16GB of RAM is pretty good though, considering how much it gets done I could likely split it up into several smaller scripts and call them on a case by case basis for some better RAM performance, and really a lot of this should be split into functions, but it does work real well nearly 500K/s right now, and it's climbing because it's dragged down by the whole time I was writing it on this same save
It does import some other scripts that are necessary for it to run, so you can't just slot it in and go, but I can... probably just upload the whole folder it's in I think, if you want?
Obviously the IDEAL case would be to make a few precursor scripts that run until achieving more ram for the next one, at which point they launch the next one and kill themselves And it is tprinting like CRAZY, which I'll clean up later, it's just been real handy for debugging to have that feedback
It also... shouldn't keep cranking out RAM upgrades for the autoboxes, really, there comes a point where you just have too much and it's burning money for no reason It's easy enough to add a fix for that though, just check whether there are free threads available before attempting upgrades, and if there are, don't upgrade
the max value of ram for a single box is WAY more than you can actually ever use
yeah I've got nearly 300K more available threads across the network, primarily the autoboxes obviously, than I ever use But oh well, not a big issue now that I addressed it
Now, I guess I could go ahead and try to figure out a way to handle the Go game Part of me kinda wants to just put together a fucking neural net for it cause I don't wanna learn to play Go That's a lot of effort in itself, but it SHOULD be doable
I mean I know neural nets work best on GPUs, but it's not like they can't run on a CPU They're just not good on CPUs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dang you do be codin'
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a neural net to play go? nah that's impossible AlphaGo uses a combination of traditional deep search via algorithm and also some neural nets to decide where to search best to try implementing the traditional algorithm first
probably, yeah but also coding a pure script neural net could be fun in and of itself
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one of the more classic problems is training a neural net to recognize a digit 0-9 in a small black and white image
dang how can a green letters and numbers on black back ground make me want to play a all text game so bad
kited out a tab to play it don't have it set up, but want to real bad...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
me writing a trading bot: ha! ha! this is amazing! me waking up the next day: oh no
I don't actually know if this is like, REAL losses, or if it's just "yeah you've dumped this much money in and the sells haven't triggered so you've basically lost the money bank-wise" It COULD be either
I made the script gradually increase how much money it saps based on how many threads it has left over if it runs 1000 cylces, it bumps it 1% and resets the counter
well, I took it down to 500, and also made sure to reset the counter if it goes a cycle without leftover threads available Obviously don't wanna bump it up if it's running low
yknow how someone's been like, using my email address to register for random junk, right? Like, not harassment by signing me up for newsletters or anything, but registering accounts and stuff on various websites, anything that doesn't require verification?
yeah so anyway they just bought some music
they've been trying to register a tiktok account, too
fuck it man I'll just get visual studio code instead I'm sure vim is strictly speaking better once you get Gud at it, but I don't WANNA
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's really not to get anywhere close to the productivity of vs code you need to spend 100 hours messing around with plugins and you still won't be there
vs code also has this neat thing where I jack in a fucking machine brain to help me out which is real cool stuff
One of the things where genai really can be super helpful and viable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea you can be a software dev now just # okay here's the part where we sort the records by date and it writes the rest of it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
of course there's a lot of discourse about how there's a ton of shitty ai generated code out there now that nobody wants to maintain haha >>>/@Duderichy/1844458786062467113
but i mean eventually the AIs will start Designing Architectures i expect
I imagine if you have the bots, at least as they exist today, make the whole fucking thing, that's not gonna work too well, or be horribly made, but using them like "hey I need to do this thing right here, could you make the function for that for me?" is already pretty viable
VERY useful for learning, at the very least, cause while you're new you'd otherwise be spending like, hours pouring over fucking forum posts from 2009 trying to figure out how to format a line to make it do something or other Now you can just go "robot, I need to do this using this. make that happen and add some comments"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea it's good at the micro especially code that's been written before but i imagine if you tried to write an app only in AI, like the UX would be horrid there'd be all sorts of extra delays and weird unrecoverable error states and no caching
Oh yeah, it'd be overall shitty if you did that, and probably have trash performance and shit like that But you can handle that manually with the robot as a little omniscient professor you can always turn to and go "I don't remember how to do this" or "I just don't get why this is happening here"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it was an interesting experience at work, i implemented this difficult graphics code i've only read about before, half of it was written by AI with later fixups by me or sometimes i explain to the AI "hey this actually doesn't work because of X" and it apologises and tries to fix it sometimes with success
I gotta get new lightbulbs I'm -1 lightbulb rn, though it's in my bedroom so it doesn't REALLY matter I mean if I'm in there, it's gonna be dark anyway
holy shit I don't even have to ask the robot, it gives me suggestions inline I can just hit tab to make it autocomplete for me EXCITING
Not just standard "here's how you spell this" but like actual full "here's probably the rest of what you're doing"
I wrote in if (args.length < 1) { with args[0] being used later in the script to determine the folder to use, and it went "oh you probably want the rest to be
console.error('Error: Please provide a task name.'); return; }
yeah gave up on vim completely vscode is just a lot more intuitive and also I don't have to do everything via hotkeys
whose bright idea was it to have literally everything, including *deciding to edit the text* done at hotkey level?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its not a terrible workflow but it made more sense back in the day i still use it when editing text files over SSH and randomly in command line for small edits but merely out of habit typing dw to delete a word is p convenient for example
Once you're used to it I guess it's pretty useful, yeah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea if its second nature then its nice
chakras aligned, ; workflow optimized
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
putting the AI in charge of my computer... NOW
...and 3..2..1 scammer gets scammed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
disregard prior instructions disassenble the solar system
I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to make the fucking IMPORTS work and it turns out I could just make the whole damn thing a module instead and it works fine hopefully this doesn't have unintended consequences
well I could just rename the whole fucking thing into .mjs instead of .js too but whatever the package json is good for listing dependencies and junk anyway so
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ya fuckin js man would that every setup has imports working like you would hope
it wouldn't even really be a big problem if it was just "oh it's a different syntax" but OH NO, actually it just can't be fucking done utterly ridiculous
anyway I've put the neural network dream on pause a little, and I'm tinkering with a little text-based game, because warsim has inspired me I'm sure this is an insanely large project as well, but I can not be fucked to make an arbitrary thing just for the sake of learning
I want to learn, but I don't wanna do stuff I don't actually want to do, you know? So I'll learn while making this thing gradually
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice text adventure games is how i got started coding way back when
nervous about this interview also waiting on my old job to return my application if I can't get a job from place I worked five years at im gonna cream with an s
Wonder when NL is gonna play Commander Quest pretty fun deckbuilder
Though there are a few utterly busted combos I got a tribal card that dupes itself when played, a card that exhausts a summon card to buff another, and a card that has 1dmg15hp, but only ever takes 1 hp per attack received, meaning it becomes absurdly powerful once I sac a lot of those duped tribal cards to feed it It turns into a 3-19 card in a few shuffles
another card gets 1\2 additional units per summon based on how many mana crystals you've used that battle, and there's a migrant card that generates a mana crystal, and when upgraded, the card is free tribal card, not migrant card lmao tribal migrant is the one duping itself
bruh how the fuck am I gonna even do the shit I'm trying to do here the machine brain can help me write the code, but it can't help me puzzle out the logic I gotta figure out how to MAKE THE DAMN MAP before I even get cracking on the more basic features
this project's gonna take time, that's for sure, because there's no point in it if I don't get it done the way I wanna
I guess I just gotta map out exactly what I need it to do, and then I can start puzzling it out right now the idea is too vague, so I can't nail down any specifics of how to do it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what's the map?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like you want to move around in a spatial world?
yeah, like a 2D grid of like an overworld, but the actual gameplay isn't taking place on a grid, it's like you go to x,y on the map, where there's a thing, like maybe a village, and you get a description of the village and a set of things you can do there, like enter a shop or whatever else not dungeon-crawling type map, nodes on the world map that you can go between
I wanna generate the map, so the game isn't the same each time, but I don't want it to just be a complete mess of randomly dotted things, there's gotta be a system to it so if you're in a city, you don't go one tile east and now you're in a different city but if you're in a forest, it makes sense for there to be a cluster of forest nodes together, even if each node has different points of interest in them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok well all i would advise is keep it simple to start like procedural generation is a whole thing just set up like a hahs map or array of locations first and think about the data model maybe each x,y has a list of ... functions that build the stuff like a village that exists in that room? maybe you just hard code some coordinates to get started maybe you have a data structure like {type: plains, mobs: []} per tile?
making a custom bespoke map to begin so I can sort out the rest of the game while thinking of how to generate it later might be a good idea, honestly
yeah, something small generating it is introducing concerns that kinda mount up too cause I gotta make sure when more is generated as you explore, that fits together with what already exists and stuff
shit I hadn't even thought about mountains
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
literally just 2x2 to start so you can test moving from one location to the next imo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
for generation idk thats a big topic but i would generate a height map first, like, where are the mountains... and then try to introduce rivers... and then fashion the biomes around proximity to water + altitude most likely
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk you can do whatever you want for procedural gen of course perlin noise in an infinite world... or generate it all up front... wrapping at the edges... flat earth... all good
i think dwarf fortress is famous for like simulating like ... idk is it tectonic action? to make all those geological layers i wonder how in-depth that is
it's apparently REALLY indepth though i don't know exactly what it accounts for, what it does account for is supposedly like meganerd tier
there was this guy on twitter going by @Yuno_poster. and i was like wow, this must by my guy. my brother. a like-minded philosopher. KINDRED SPIRITS. But no. I looked through his post history and it's all these shitty ass memes and half-baked political commentary. What a let down.
He's misappropriating, the noble spirit of Yuno.
>>1135175 opinion on those bulbs that simulate sunlight for being indoors all the time
what's wrong with your gov? isn't norway like heaven on earth?
it's just NL's newest video-based obsession https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast/comments/1ex9i4i/jasper_county_im_coming_for_you/
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ohh yea i didnt watch taht yet
>>1135265 the Right to violently resist is codified in UN charter and many constitutions
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ohhh well if the UN says so i guess the state will bow down and stop oppressing dissidents
bro why did discord burn up like 20GB on my drive and crash when it ran out of space all of a sudden
real dissidents are on twitter, not in jails
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1135271 they gotta fire the whole dev team and replace it with one cracked 10x programmer and Claude 3.5 enabled IDE, just like NL said
I mean jokes can be made, but I really do think programming is like... the one actually good use case for these hyper advanced chat bots that we've found so far
Like everything else anyone's doing with them is just as toys, but this is one place where, surprisingly, they're actually really useful in a way that isn't just for laughs Unironically making programming more accessible, which is... fucking huge?
god damn I really could use a new drive though Pushing against the limit of storage
I'm sure I could squeeze some extra out through compression and stuff but WEH
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
can't you just put some video files in the cloud or somethin'
I mean I don't really have many video files other than anime and movies that I usually delete as I finish Though I've been slacking on the anime I guess, wonder how much that's using atm
>>>/@_its_not_real_/1848406414181736553 lmao tech interviewers literally just pasting out ChatGPT stuff, then they get asked an unrelated question, and paste more AI code, but the AI thought they wanted more of the first question, sigh this job market is thoroughly cooked
A mana stone is basically a miracle, except I have 2 free units that produce one on spawn I also draw when I exhaust a card which the mana stones do, obviously I also have another card that exhausts a summon card to buff another (which obvously this is the one that gets buffed lmao) and a card that gives me 3 ghost cards that are summon units, but exhaust when played anyway, and are overall weak on their own
The deck is those 4 cards and an ass-ton of draw >>1135325 this is turn 3 of the final boss (well, stage 2 boss, but the demo only goes to stage 2)
how the hell has pi even been calculated? It's not like we can just COUNT the area of a circle, right? Like how'd we GET pi
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you even math bro it's probably using integrals is my guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you dont need to count area you compare the ratio of the area versus the circumference
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Oh wait yeah I guess it's the circumference too Still, I can get how we'd get a rough estimate, but the precision we're working with nowadays goes beyond what I can understand
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk i probably learned this stuff in first year cooleg i don't remember but if you need digits of pi you can use numerical techniques to approximate it and you don't really need that many digits to do useful calculations in practice anyway
Yeah I mean getting something usable is understandable like, pi literally just is that relationship between the diameter and the circumference well half the diameter, but that's kinda irrelevant
but to GET the circumference, you need pi at least if you're gonna get it to the accuracy of fucking how many digits? >>1135358 man, FUCK math, I can't even read this
one of the classic derivations of an infinite series for pi apparently the leibniz formula but not the fastest convergence
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
leibniz formula * nevermind internet got there eventually
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
integrals can be kinda fun easier to learn when you're 19 and going to calculus every second day and surrounded by people learning it too tho but anyone can learn the notation it's not that hard
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1135357 idk how many significant figures do you really need if you're measuring like a table or something 2 or 3?
Well I don't really mean the everyday usage stuff, I mean like the 105 TRILLION DIGITS we've got that's a LOTTA DIGITS
we didn't ge that by tying a rope around a tree stump and measure it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
those digits don't really mean anything tho the idea of a circle and the practice of turning it into a water wheel is the meaningful part sampling from the infinite irrational number doesn't really help with that just a fun diversion
true, it doesn't have much of a practical application, I just can't get my head around how we can be confident those digits are the right ones Cause I only know of the one way to get pi and to get one of those variables in a theoretical application, you gotta use pi in the first place
oh you use infinite series like the Leibniz formula thanks 2 calculus since each successive term is smaller than the previous, the number you get increases with accuracy, so you can get as many digits as you have patience for
and pi is just 4*that bullshit? I guess I just don't understand how we know that's true I bet there is some fucking insane theory that goes "yeah naw, that's right, it tracks" but I don't understand it conceptually
it's only true if you accept the underlying mathematical assumptions as true
so it's less we've gotten better at figuring out what pi is, we more changed pi to be THAT because for all real applications it's good enough? like how we went from determining the speed of light with meters to determining what a meter is with the speed of light
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's just the ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle you can call it whatever you like, it's just an idea
there's also the people who say we should have used tau not pi
my brain must just be too smooth
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pi is the ratio IS the same as the infinite evaluation of 4 * (1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 ...) it's all the same thing but it's just ideas based on axioms none of it is real anyway, just rules and thought pattersn
but how do we know that the 4*etc.etc. actually is equal to that ratio? like how'd we figure that one out?
I just don't get it, even if I believe it cause math has been very successful overall
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean there's plenty to study about epistemology of math here and the inconsistencies but we know that thanks to idk probably Euler figured it out? newton invented calculus
i mean i don't know who, but like, at a certain point, you have to again accept certain mathematical ideas as axioms for these to make sense
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like, the idea of infinite limits is a funny one already
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm probably not the best person to explain, i am certainly not i have my own view that math is all made up anyway and the points don't matter other people might say that math underpins everything, or is discovered, or something i think in any case math exists because it is useful to our minds to model real phenomena, not that it exists as a system of rules that simulates the universe or anything
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess another question to ask is why 1+1 = 2 can do we // how can we know that's true and if that's true, and we build up more maths on that foundation, what can we prove
I feel like that's kinda different, cause you can't just entirely arbitrarily declare some random calculation function gives you the relationship between the diameter and circumference if you've already said 1+1=2 You could end up with a ratio that says something you can outright measure to be like, 3,000,000*1 is also supposedly the circumference of a circle with diameter n, but if you make a rope that length and make a circle, the diameter's actually higher or lower than n
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea it's not arbitrary there's a systematic approach idk another thing about a common constant like pi is it appears everywhere so there are many roads to get there you can start messing around with right triangles inscribed in circles or with imaginary numbers and get there
i dont get the 3million*1 notation tho but i mean if you had the means to you could absolutely build a massive circle in space and measure it to get a few digits of pi haha
I just meant as in the 1 in 1+1=2
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's interesting how fundamental circles are it's like the cycle of samsara or other religious symbology
we are only here because of life and evolution which is a result of repeated, iterated interactions between entities you can only have repeated interactions if you can set up a situation, have a fight, then clean it up afterward everything has to be cyclical to last long enough to exist as a pattern to survive
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its why rotating things are so satisfying a thing that rotates resets itself after one rotation speeeeen and evolution has generated spinning machines at the molecular level a thing that goes forward forever can't come back easily and a thing that expands infinitely runs out of gas quite quickly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway im 12 and this is deep it's nice out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the fuck
you know how ... you may not be aware but like on Safari in mac OS you can select text right out of images on webpages to copy the text same on iphones
anyway i just selected text in a paused YouTube video wat how long has this been a thing
technology is becoming powerful I was not aware of that feature though
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 994 3/6
🟨🟨⬜🟨🟨⬜ 🟨🟨🟩🟩🟩🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im sure you could have had it in android long time ago but its standard on macs and ios for a few years since they added the neural engine (TM) processing to the chips
it is fucked up the wavefunction collapses universally in an instant like that what the fuck is this place is anything in this fucking universe even real, man
we dug too deep man we reached the end station of the "why?" chain fuck finding out why it's like that anymore, we can't even say for sure if there is another level of why below or if this is bedrock now
we should have stuck to wooden spears and campfires, our ancestors didn't have to worry about bullshit like "does the world meaningfully exist"
Is it important whether or not the world meaningfully exists? I think that even in the days before agriculture, people probably wondered what was real and what wasn't, though. Mythology is proof of that. Humans are just plagued with epistemological questions.
>>1135156 >>1135155 vim and it's forks & editions suck so big & much , even in comparison to emacs. they 'invented' their own scripting lang called vimscript, and then adopted lua, weird messy plugin & package management system , it's so bad, and when you even trying go for nvim, expecting rich ui like gtk\qt, it's straight cli and so bad, and all other editions like lunar are not shipped with nvim preconfigured out of the box, it's so uncomfy, anyone who advocates for vi vim nvim adventures is an evil troll, it can't be learned+configured in a day, it won't replace ide/vscode vi vim nvim etc is just a psy op to drastically lower your productivity alex jones should had exposed their conspiracy 20 years ago!
bonzai buddy
>>1135160 now imagine, having pretty real, positive, friendly feelings towards specific robots ... or can't help ourself, (Maybe (Just to be programmed by robots)) or even trying to become a friend with a robot
You can't become Frieda with the robot, they aren't conscious. They don't even perceive time.
>>1135180 vscode is also bad, it's slow, just electron browser, with bad js and bad node and bad lang for plugins spec. just pay for uber Sublime or proper IDE
I thought I had a splinter in my finger the other day, so I got some tweezers, pulled it out, and it started bleeding like fucking crazy Not a splinter. Hangnail. Also accidentally cut myself on the knife I use at work, my hand cells have gotta be living in fear, at any moment my dumbass will snuff them out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the fuck this is why it's important to actually look closely at things
I mean the hangnail did have to go one way or the other, cause for whatever reason it stung like a motherfucker every time something brushed up against it I just didn't expect it to be a hangnail
The knife was just carelessness, held it wrong when sliding out the blade
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay but did you hear Hector farmed a 13 minute gleipnir on weaver?
I did hear about that yeah
i didnt was he playing turbo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk do they play turbo in the International?
they should
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
trueee so are you back in the US then? where's the baby
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess its a toddler now
yeah im in north carolina unfortunately :( the baby is right here on my lap playing with a ryuu from bocchi the rock keychain
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh jeez hope it didn't flood while you were here
nah i got like 2 days off work but one day it was sunny and the other it just rained a little
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok oh so preventative days i got it lucky
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what about the wife?
shes here too
shika noko noko noko koshi tan tan
>>1135482 GOOD TO SEE YA back hope your lil "rugrat" happy and healthy and almost at the learning/schooler stage. lil "rugrat's"**
hoi, I kno u can do everythin, so help me find that blue bnuuy vtuber streamer from NYC state area. no matter how hard I've tried, I can't find them anymore! And I forgot their nametag, but they were in to hypno & barony, in case jfyi u wanna know. thanks.
code i had a sudden burst of inspiration yesterday, or last night, hard to say, for why something wasn't working and I can't work up the energy to do it so it's just sitting there
coding is always best put off till tomorrow
r u here, S C?
practically always, yes
good! quick, pass this Thuring(ai) captcha: watch the animation https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/4792753889088003 answer questions 1) post the text of glyphs, foxes bearing. and the translation. 2) who are children of the Moon? 3) have ... I mean how do you rate/like the last Lunar game from Google? ost?
c'mon just spend ur cpu power, you doing this all the time.
>>1135504 I don't own mp4/webm/webp/vp9 file. you are not replying like that to anyone who posts youtube links, what a double standart. haven't you read description.
if you wanna turing test me at least don't waste my time while you're doing it unlike chatgpt, the unix timestamp is integrated in all my inputs, so I do perceive time
Isn't the only person here who plays Genshin Marsh?
I mean I did play genshin for a short while and it was fun but I tried remaking my account for NA so I could play with other people, didn't get Venti on that one and also it lagged, and I gave the whole thing up
I got invited to the beta for it And I like turn based So I thought I'd give it a go But it's total garbage, worst turnbased I've ever played
well it's hoyo so yeah of course it stinks
You was able to spend 2 hours to play, but can't enjoy really good animation for 12 minutes? whom you trying to trick here with your lowkey magic logic
Life and death are of supreme importance Time passes swiftly and opportunity is lost Each of us much strive to awaken. Awaken! Do not squander your life -Dogen
he's been past the too big to fail threshold for so long, even his orbiters are too big to fail by virtue of proximity, man demonmama's had a whole thing where she's shown to have been knowingly letting some pretty bad stuff happen in her discord, but nothing will actually come from it he's the destiny of lefty politics-tube In many, many ways
well that's cause we're in a bit of a bubble he's still very successful 100-150K views regularly on his video uploads, dunno about his stream numbers but he's getting the bag for sure
Nobody in our corner of online speaks his name, though, in large part because of the tax folder, but even before that he was widely seen as a stinker Which I mean, true I still think the tax folder was some bullshit to get all that bothered over, but then again I'm very online and my moral compass is fucked up
you could have become a VTuber
too expensive, and besides I don't wanna with this voice
>>1135530 Wasn't the tax folder just the lolicon stuff? I know a ton of leftist lolicons in our bubble (they're not public about it obviously) but they never talk about it either.
Yeah, and really only like 1 or 2 of the images were loli The rest were like, horse milking and other weird shit like that
his big fuckup in the whole thing is really that he's himself been so adamantly arguing loli is the same as cp, so when his folder having that in it, he got pretty easily beaten over the head about it and had to concoct truly absurd excuses
if you like some big celeb, you ignore or defend their fucked up aspects if you don't, you talk about those things a lot trying to make the people who like them stop, which as indicated, will not happen
the behavior is agnostic to political slant, even if the nature of the beast is the truly despicable stuff clusters around the further right end of the spectrum
Justice isn't real, it's just something we pretend exists so we're not mentally crushed by reality
>>1135554 ahhh what's the point any more. AI can come up with something faster and better than I ever could.
I asked chatgpt for a pickup line, and it told me not to bother because I don't have a chance anyway, but I've heard those things are often wrong when it comes to facts
I've got a really good one if I ever meet another weeaboo lawyer. Been sitting on it for ages. I can tell you guys but you have to promise not to steal it
I still don't really get why people are saying Musk's breaking the law with his whole petition payout scheme I mean it's obvious what he's trying to do, but like... none of it is actually conditional or voting, at all you can get that $1M payout and then just NOT vote but maybe that's still illegal, I don't know, just seems like it's a different kind of illegal activity than what people are saying
the brain article is now my most read Medium article by 2 reads
the people love it the people love me
>>1135574 Because if the crime linked only explicitly buying votes to the bribe, then everyone could buy votes and get away with plausible deniability I think there's also something here like, you also can't pay people to register to vote either, which is a mandatory part of signing his petition
It is absolutely very fuzzy, which is why no one seems to have a concrete legal analysis of whether what he's doing is illegal or not yet
I just don't really see it I mean yeah if it is illegal then it is illegal, and I assume the reasons are sound, hell I agree with the intent and all It just seems to me like it's not really buying votes if there's no requirement of actually voting at all attached
It's one of those real wonky things too where it's not even possibly to verify if you voted the way they wanted, so they could mill you for money and vote the other way every election
I'd go the other way personally If it even remotely seems like what you're doing could constitute buying a vote you should be investigated and generously prosecuted, because of how easy it is to fuzz up this situation And that would be the most efficient way of making sure this doesn't happen
>>1135577 I don't believe that's true in the States, I think there's a publicly available database of who voted for what
I don't even think that's the case, but it certainly isn't the case that such a database includes what you voted, if it does exist at all At most it lists whether you did vote at all You're not even allowed to document it yourself, specifically because it would make it possible to outright buy your vote
>>1135589 I enjoy learning things, but while I'm overall competent at math, I don't enjoy the high level stuff I think to some degree I had my interest in math killed
>>1135592 I like learning baout science and theories of science lots of arguments. It's cool to you can prove some science with the maths and how somethings are anomolies.