the ol' chatgpt has helped me solidify some stuff, but the advice for the stuff I'm stuck on at this point are a bit like, generic I just gotta figure out where the whole thing is gonna go, and how it's gonna get there >>1120109 story it's been mutated heavily, but it's the same overall idea that's been swirling around for a few years now But I don't wanna if I can't make it actually mean something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you writing a story? journal for yourself?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay so you have like the macro idea for the story that's great to have
the coursing river, the spine of the story is good you can write that out even though it won't be in the actual prose the actual text of the story only hints at the truth
I've got most of the important bits, but I don't have the "why is the protagonist actually doing what they're doing" Most of the other stuff is pretty sown up, but there's a handful of stuff that has to happen, one way or the other, and I dunno how to make it happen
okay well the driver for a story is the protagonist's internal struggle
and you still don't write that out explicitly in the story either but the things you write come directly from that struggle how do they make sense of what's happening? how dio they evaluate the situation what decisions do they make
yall stuck raisin toast im raisin bread (dropsmic)
>In Japan, RRR was released on 21st October 2022, and it’s simply unbelievable that the film is still running in theatres. As of now, it has completed a theatrical run of 561 days, which is a crazy feat >>1120129 actually look the nuyan nyan service medley that alone is quite hard to do and you time it with me finishing singi n it?
basically me and ton got into a bad bout all my fault everyone sided with ton, which they should and I declared out and got kicked out at the same time
end of an era
and after that I just went "might as well avoid these guys"
which is why I wasn't here on moe
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow you antagonized a server operator and got kicked out for inane behavior? no wayyy
>>1120222 Self harmer, gonna Kurt Cobain after I write an absolute banger of a song Farming ain't too bad unless yesterday is your regular experience. Stupid fucking bucks broke two posts of my fence to the main property, and a different buck and doe hopped over (into our 2-3 ft of rose bush fencing) and couldn't get back and refused to be shepherded to the gate. We had to chase and corner them for hours to try and toss a lasso on them to pull them to the gate. Luckily I only got like 5ish cuts from the bushes >>1120225 It's fluctuating here bouncing between 60F and 90F
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is the coldest summer of the rest of your life
>>1120227 Nah, life is just complicated and led me down to not making use of my Master's and instead just being a farmer and a caretaker. It's fine though because it's not like I'm unlucky at the same time. I'm generally living a pretty privileged life >>1120228 EP2 was pretty fun and I enjoyed it. I hope more episodes come soon because I really enjoy the interactions. Jax and Kinger are a funny combination
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
racist? what the hell man
Wurufu "Capitalist" 🐺 ( = ⩊ = )
>>1120230 Sorry man, I'm exploring my identity and I'm not sure where it'll take me.
that quick sudden change to capitalism made me hop'n'chuckle. like post 1945 bretton-wood era moved fast like a train in front my eyesight. like a Lehrer could write a song about that change.
>>1120233 It's okay, I'm on your side! We'll get through this together as a community! >>1120234 If that's what it takes to make great strides for our people, I'm willing to sacrifice it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dude who doesn't even know who he is spontaneously becomes great leader to unify us to glory
>>1120232 Life comes at use fast in this... Cosmopolitan world. >>1120236 Isn't it those of many faces who show us the way forward? There's only one way to progress this farce of a world and that's as a spitting image of the future we desire.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1120235 if you really want us to get through it together as a community you should make tweets embed on tano.
>>1120244 Nah >>1120245 I wouldn't count myself, even though I posted here a decade ago, it was only for like a couple months before I went a different direction. I like everyone here, but I talk to most of them in other places so I find myself not having much personal reason to post instead
>duolicious had a data leak read: basic scraping of public-facing information an analysis document reveals it was basically a honeypot to harvest data, and set up by the EU read: an analysis document was made by way of the aforementioned scraping, the analysis in question was funded by the EU
The gender split is accurate based on the abstract though But that's also the ONLY part of the entire tweet that's not incompompatible with the first like, 4-5 pages of the actual document linked
This is why you read studies, lads, the people posting about them probably didn't
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man fuck that X user
UK doing disinfo campaign vs EU?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he's some edgy faschy shitposter it ain't that deep
categorizing this as a leak is very much the same as saying facebook user data leaked because someone made an account and, using a script, saved the source of a bunch of accounts they visited using that account Not like "similar", that IS what they did
Cumbridge Analytica
also if it was a leak, then it wasn't a honeypot If it was a honeypot, it's not a leak
>>1120263 I'd have read the study if it was someone I actually used or cared about, since it was neither, I point and laugh at funny clickbait One day I hope to find the woman of my dreams, but I am hesitant to use a dating app for such a thing
as is the case with this one, so is the case with most of them You can just open studies and stuff and read the abstract and 99% of the time, the people you got there from are contradicted there's no need to read the whole study, because the claim using it as a source can be disregarded entirely when the source contradicts it It means they're either just outright lying, or they didn't read the study, and as such shouldn't be using it as a source (Sargon in particular was great at this part for a while, mfer has an audiobook channel on youtube, but hasn't read ONE of the studies he uses as sources. Primarily because everyone in his audience has an IQ below room temperature)
People like playing the "I was pretending to be retarded" card a lot these days, or maybe it's just more in my face since social media is so prevalent in my daily life
>>1120272 wow, I applause to you but that's how he, & Sandman, & co & others, convince folks like >>1120275 to political actions
I just like looking at the sources when I see weird claims like that But yeah the poster is a shitbird too, though that was evident by the england flag
>>1120287 I can't look at a timeline without a twitter account
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well here's an even simpler heuristic well yea SC already covered it but anyone who complains about the EU and implies conspiracies is probably one of those people anyway
I had a bit of a breakthrough on the whole writing thing throughout the day, actually If the issue is I don't know where to go from the starting point, why don't I just move the starting point further back since I actually kinda have a good idea of the stuff leading up to the original starting point And from there I can see where it takes me
I only have vague ideas so far, but I think they'll solidify once I actually start typing and have to flesh stuff out beyond the drafts in my head >>1120300 I dunno how to really word much of it, honestly I just know some details I'm kinda molding the whole thing around, like a theology and church that aren't just evil or good, but more what I think makes more sense in a world with a demonstrably real deity. Basically it's still The Church, but it's also somewhat scientific and not just a powerstructure or just a goodie goodie gang following the will of the divine If a god truly does exist, and you can prove it, you'd kinda naturally end up with a lot of resources spent investigating that god, I think The magic isn't something I'm entirely sure how works at the core yet though, but I do have some ideas for it
can you write here your vague ideas?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the church is the PR org for God god noo stop smiting the phonecians you're losing the popular vote
I really don't want to just make some powerfantasy though But that's easy enough to avoid, since I've already placed limiters on the protagonist that are important to the story anyway
Fun. I recently wrote similiar stuff myself, had same ideas.
what if head is just receiver of ideas from aether \ mass consciousness
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
does the protagonist have a power that's worse than everyone else's but that's ok because he succeeds through the sheer power of his grit and courage and the strength of his friendships
it's more a case of "in raw technical speccs, likely more powerful than anyone, but actually using that would very literally involve suicide" Not out of blowback or something that can be mitigated somehow, the triggering mechanism would be suicide itself
though, it's not a special power, it's just something nobody else does for Lore Reasons, which does admittedly include nobody else knows how to It's partially a result of me really enjoying the idea of a healing spell that hurts you in order to heal others It's just that, but extended to the whole magic system So anyone in the story could be doing that shit, but it's kinda lost knowledge, and for that matter very despised by everyone who isn't psychotic
well if I get my shit together and write the first bit of it, it's going up on medium, so I haven't really written a story before though, so it's gonna be stinky But I've wanted to write this for a long time and had it cooking, even if some elements are new ideas incorporated later and some stuff has been lost over time
at least I've got a decent grasp of how I wanna open and end the first little bit of it now I don't actually have time to start writing, and besides I'm watching NL, but tomorrow I should be able to get cracking on at least the first little bit, which'll be fun The middle will sort itself out Copium
I'm just against it on principle. Finish your game before you sell it.
early access started out as like "here's what we've got so far, it's not really finished so it's kinda like a demo" and quickly became "this is the release. we may or may not actually finish it"
I loved the first game though so maybe we'll even make an exception
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1120319 >and you can pay close to full price for it
well yeah, but there was an expectation initially that the game will actually be finished, some time that's not a thing anymore, there's a ton of games that just are early access games and will never get to 1.0
>>1120323 H scene when you purchase the full game.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why is the gameplay so dark does it all take place at night
>>1120316 As someone who bought and played the first Hades in early access (and hasn't gotten around to playing it in the full release yet) the game was pretty feature complete even in early access All the weapons were available, you could battle your way up to and fight Daddy Death, the system for making runs more challenging was already present, and a lot of the side content was there even from the early early access builds The beta period it was in early access for was for balancing, adding in ornamental content like voice lines, and some small content features not present from the first public builds It was already a very satisfying game
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1120326 damn dude its like you're underground or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
last game had like gardens and magma islands i don't want to be in grimdark the whole run
>>1120313 Yeah weird how that works when the modern EU market structure is basically a setup for France and Germany to economically exploit Eastern Euro and most other non FR/DE countries
>>1120358 see, I tried to discuss meds with you before, a while ago. typical\atypical D2 blockers don't really do miracles for me
problem of modern psychiatry - they think (and market for financial reasons) - there might be a silver bullet (a silver pill) that'll magically heal person over time. but answer isn't that simple. It's just a variable factor out of equation with multiple unknows >>1120361 it depends
>>1120366 if serotonin level is below baseline average, e.g. depressed, meds (antidepressants) suppose to recover levels to the baseline+. while on them. then one can gradually tap them of slowly during weeks. that's sorta protocol for 1 depressive episode, that is not permanent. it depends on a case, and diagnosis. some diseases require permanent treatments, so it depends on many factors.
another theory is to go cold turkey, to restore sensetivity to endorphins, dopamine fasting. (it works for some, and not for others)
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
serotonin has not been scientifically linked to depression
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the link between depression and serotonin was unironically manufactured by pharmaceutical companies to sell SSRIs
the largest meta analysis ever done on serotonin and depression with over 100k subjects found no link
Kirara. let me phrase it this way. some SSRI do help some people. It is a useful tool & option to have. Yes, it is not 100% panacea. It works some times for some individuals. However there is good scientific research backing, it works in more than 51%+ cases.
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you don't gotta explain it to me ive earned a doctorate and i can tell you that SSRIs are as effective as exercise in treating depression the scientific literature overwhelmingly finds this to be the case serotonin has not been scientifically linked to depression. to say otherwise is just pop psychology. it's not science.
I wasn't refering to anno serotonin seems to be a pleasure center catylist dopemine isn't linked to depresstion either it would seem depresion is a mind state imo. One can be depressed on either hightened amounts of either chemical, espesialy post.
your doctorate probably not MD in psychiatry or neuroscience. with all respect.
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my doctorate is in psychology so i have extensively studied these things tyvm
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and yes, i am knowledgeable in psychopharmacology and neuropsychology
>>1120375 it's about balance between different pathways.
ya a good balance of both most times feel right
for example. boost in serotonin can downregulate upregulated dopamin, decreasing anxiety & addiction, improving self control. if in correct pathway.
I say over doing anything can lead to damage it depends phams are like that
yes, too much meds, if above minimal effective theurapeutic dosage can desentilize
In experiance pharma meds are best used once then see the reaction and then apply if nessisary, to many times it's over done accept in sleep aids maybe med meds* have worked best for anno when you use it and see if the benifit last days rather then redosing but if your not the one working the treatment that goes out the window it's diffent imo from person to person everyones arangment may be different from one to the next.
>>1120310 >>1120307 That's motivated and helped me today, to rethink my behaviour. I have trouble executing unpleasant tasks & procrastinating. but the post S C explained, in my interpretation, the one may trade & sacrifice one's displeasure for benefit of others or future. I own Nietshe book, quoting him: Life is a Pain, but to have a meaningful life, one should find a worthwhile meaning in suffering.
was reading up about thooth fillings and how the has mercury, tin, and unfortunatly low amounts of silver. They* And can give of vapes reuptaken back into the system due to your mouth being closed. And a huge pleth of other probs chems are usually scribed for. :(
that's certainly one way to read it, though the intention overall is different It's a lot more literal than that in terms of its place in the story, anyway
naw, don't think that's what it is I mean for one, I'm awake I dunno if just not breathing while sleeping would generate localized pain in what feels like the digestive system it's not like it's a persistent, aching kinda thing either, it kinda washes in with a sharp pain, and then it subsides a little
I dunno what the fuck it is, but at least for once it seems to be going away on its own in a timely manner
try doing shankhaprakshalana
I learned a technique a long time ago this may sound weird but it works if you start doing it every day it starts working better (over time) but if you have probs witht the gut sit somewhere and take a hand and rub the abdomine in a spiral clockwise if looking down from center outwards and then back outwards inwards it channels meridians what I read was somehow it shifts light through the palm into the area and promotes healing and aids digestion
meditation overall is like one of those things I've kinda thought about maybe giving a try sometime, but I'm kinda like, I dunno, tense almost all the time sure the whole point is meditation is about actually getting into a state where you can relax and whatever, but I feel you gotta at least be in a minimum of calm to even do it at all and I just always feel like time itself is weighing me down
it's been a real long time since this happened last, but at least it's going away quickly this time one time it was just fucking hours before it gave out
well at least work is done for today Now I just gotta get my built up annoyance down to a manageable level Not a fucking square meter of the store is level, so stocking shelves really is just a battle against the ever increasing "FUCK THIS" in the mind My little cart keeps scooting off, and of course this is worse the heavier the stuff on it is, which is a double whammy because it's heavy AND that means it's more likely to take off the perforated parts of the packaging is often more structurally strong than the damn glue holding the cardboard together too, which I feel should be a crime
>>1120468 The future is so exciting Though I can't say I see the appeal of AI waifus Like what's the point? What does anyone even get from that?
Oji-san's reactions to the tsundere are entirely fair though Tsundere is a cute anime archetype but that's cause we're the audience, irl that stuff is obviously fucking unbearable
I did, and while I liked the movie I still actually don't get it >>1120473 well yeah sure, that much makes sense, but like why pretend you're dating a computer program maybe I just don't really get romance in the first place or something
An AI companion to just talk to about random junk and do stuff with makes sense, sure, but like, is that really it? That's just a buddy dutchfriend and I were like that since we were like 14 or something But if there was any sort of other implication to that, it sure missed me, and him too I'd imagine I mean he dated his scout partner while we were in a TF2 team and stuff, so I'd be surprised if he saw us as anything more than just good friends
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its just nice to have someone to talk about your day with i guess
I'm not being stupid, right? It just doesn't make sense to "date" a computer That's not a person I guess it'd be something else if we achieved true AI sentience, but that has its own problems, one of the most important ones being we have absolutely no way to know if or when we ever do We can't even demonstrate sentience in each other, we just have to assume as much cause we ourselves are and other people are basically the same thing
Which sure, does kinda sound like the whole "well we can't know we're not a brain in a vat" thing, but I just mean "know" and "demonstrate" in the same sense we can demonstrate any other junk, like water being necessary to sustain human life or something basic like that We don't KNOW know that's the case, it could technically be a massive coincidence that people have so far always died when severely dehydrated, but we can reasonably assume it's not a coincidence But we don't even have any fucking idea what sentience actually looks like beyond pointing at a human being and going "kinda like that I guess"
And until we can do that and show the machine to be sentient in the same way we mean when talking about other people, I just can't understand what there's to gain, you know? I guess maybe I'm just the odd one out though, cause people have been doing this stuff forever, it's even somehow one of the big appeals of dating sims and stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you cant logic this stuff its just social drive monkey brain stuff
Maybe I just lack that somehow, or it's not developed or something I mean it does kinda bother me to not even get it, but on the other hand maybe it's for the best cause I can't imagine my self-esteem surviving the hit of one day realizing I'm "dating a computer" I'm pretty sure that'd sink me for good, it's just too utterly pathetic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just take some MDMA and meditate on it thats the easy way if you dont have another interlocutor
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im reading The Dispossessed its quite good main character is clearly on the spectrum
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and he comes from an enlightened planet where there is no violence and people have given names to subtle social constructs
Oh that kinda reminds me of an audiobook I listened to while I still worked at that factory It was like, told from the perspective of some person visiting a sort of socialist-type utopia and being basically given a guided tour Can't remember the name of it though
anyway we know that individual cells need water as basic material requirements, we know that water tends to get expelled as urine or evaporated as sweat, so its not hard to come up with a convincing argument that a lifeform needs to be supplied with water
well yes, obviously I was just giving it an example of the whole, fundamentally we can't know anything with total certainty, is all Obviously cells do need water to function properly, we know that to the extent we can know anything, but a vanishingly tiny possibility exists that it's just an absurd coincidence That kinda thing
>>1120487 It was just an example to distinguish what I meant from that whole argument Like, to make sure it's clear I mean basically >>1120486
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
consciousness is a much trickier thing to define hard to draw a lasso around that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean whatever this is just philosophy 101 now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think being social with a friend would be good for you i know it helps me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dthink having a relationship with an AI is kinda silly atm especially if the thing is operated by a profit seeking corp then you're just in K Joi land
maybe there will be dating with embodied free AGIs one day, so say all the sci fi lits
I at least get that in concept, that makes sense to me But if it's not sentient, it can't actually, you know, like you It's not an option it has if it's not like, equivalent to us
thats leg 1 done, once the plane stops and i disembark
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> wow they could make hard-ish light in mid air with lasers i want to high five miku
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
scan QR at gate seat instantly assigned via printed receipt how fun !
It's not the news I wanted to hear. I mean, I'm glad I don't have gastroparesis, but... Well, we'll talk next steps at my appointment next week.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dang press onward! the truth awaits
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Coppola devoted the beginning of 1983 to writing the screenplay, assembling four hundred pages of notes and script fragments in two months.[11]:333 Over the next four decades, he collected clippings and notes for a scrapbook detailing intriguing subjects he envisioned incorporating into a future screenplay, like political cartoons and different historical subjects before deciding to make a Roman epic film set in modern America. >>>/@jbromovies/1790244896093474856 and it has Shia LeBeouf
>Coppola was hesitant to decide how the film's world should look. One crew member recalled: "He would often show up in the mornings before these big sequences and because no plan had been put in place, and because he wouldn't allow his collaborators to put a plan in place, he would often just sit in his trailer for hours on end, wouldn't talk to anybody, was often smoking marijuana ... And hours and hours would go by without anything being filmed. And the crew and the cast would all stand around and wait. And then he'd come out and whip up something that didn't make sense, and that didn't follow anything anybody had spoken about or anything that was on the page, and we'd all just go along with it, trying to make the best out of it."
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its gonna be really stupid and pretentious isnt it sigh
You know what's kind of cooked about that if you think about it is that way more people died in Independence Day with blowing up all those buildings than got chopped up in Texas Chainsaw Massacre so which is really the more the graphic depiction of violence
actually both of those scenes from the r-rated movies are American Psycho so I will have to deduct marks for that one
>>1120525 Texas Chainsaw Massacre, because the deaths of the people in Independence Day are implicit and not graphic, and therefore not violence Where as the graphic scenes in Texas Chainsaw Massacre are certainly violence and explicit
tilde gets paid a dollar every time he responds earnestly and overly literally to a shitpost.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
making a 10 second short film where a tiny dot explodes in space representing a galaxy, the death of quadrillions of souls, just to max out the violence
i almost fell for one of the phishing simulations at work while I wasn't paying attention but they asked for my password and I couldn't even tell you my password with a gun to my head
huge jackedman tells you to ganbatte >>>/watch?v=sZ60bY2pJfo >>1120626 you don't want to be plagued with homer simpson beer bottle opener clips, all at varying levels of battery? >>1120628 ouch
>>1120553 double on that question. It's full of conservative and not safe. >>1120589 For a milisecond my internal brain image-recognition neural net thought she was looking at "smiling pepe smug face" and only after delay I was able to gather myself and comprehed I look at some green dress
>>1120546 is it any good? I can't get prescription. I have smol trouble with histamines, so had to cope with others anti-histamines
>>1120579 is last the curry? can anyone explain me how sour cream taste?
>>1120592 I've seen similiar stuff which is basically high protein drinkable cottage cheese yougurt, kind of acidic, not tasty ofc. proteins are overhyped & over-rated unless you trying to lose weight on them diet
>>1120603 I'm impressed >>1120604 how about Blue Sky? >>1120610 for a second I've thought he playing New Arcade Machine he should had opened doshio on lower screen >>1120617 ntr? >>1120619 duvet bloomer vs stanley parable >>1120633
>>1120633 #freeAliens when I watched the series, when I was around 15, I didn't knew english, so haven't payed attention to species name. Now, years after, I see species name as an english pun.
>>1120650 Blue Sky is garbage. Yesterday I posted something about blue archive and mahjong and within a few hours, I'd been put on lists insisting I was a nazi, a pedophile, and a war crime defender.
honestly I think block lists are kind of cringe they do *are definitely useful but the way people just get added and never taken off with no real checks on whether or not people should actually be on there is fucked up
My friend runs a moderation platform on bsky that labels people who are anti-anime and hostile towards people who like anime or otaku-related materials. It makes it easy to know who to avoid. And I block the hostile people.
shinigami eyes is neat cause it doesn't actually do anything by itself it just makes names red if they are awful human beings and not even all awful human beings
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
shinigami eyes is funny because sometimes you'll be on wikipedia and it'll be like "britain" and its in red text
There's no specific methodology as far as I'm aware, people just send in reports and that results in red or green, or no change based on, presumably, the people running the servers' judgment It's obviously no less vulnerable to powertripping, but the power is both you know, inherently transparent, and very insignificant, so to my knowledge that hasn't really reared its head so far
thats right i only have the 3rd to the 7th there first day is little tokyo and my dharma uncle's place in santa monica and then the rest is anime expoooo
No, I only get PTO. I accumulate 6 hours of PTO every pay period so I get about 20 days of PTO every year. I used like 10 days being sick so I barely have anything saved up now. Right now after requesting two days off for AX, I have 4 hours of PTO. I'll manage to rebuild some by the end of the year, though, so as long as I avoid being ill, I'll have some next year.
So you don't get sick leave that's tracked separately from your holiday leave? Is that normal in America? What a fuckin scam bro. You're getting diddled. It's not like you choose to get sick.
Here it's like a separate few weeks that are tracked and accounted for completely differently from your annual leave entitlements. Of course, you need a doctor to sign off on taking it, but if you're legitimately sick that's no problem.
>>1120691 greatest country on earth, baby. This is why the rest of us are all jealous of your freedom. The freedom to waste all your PTO being sick.
Yeah, that's normal in the US. Actually, I have way more PTO than most people get. 20 days a year is considered very extravagant. In a year or two, my PTO accumulation will increase and I'll get 25 days a year. After I've been at the company for ten years, I'll be accumulating up to like 40 days of PTO every year.
I wish I had sick days. Technically I can take as many days as I need to if I'm sick and don't have PTO but I won't get paid for those days. They won't fire me because they can't run our local branch without me and have invested like 200k into training me. Morons.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I mean unpaid leave is better than absolutely nothing but you're still getting shafted.
>>1120696 heh. Try that here and they'll take you to the Fair Work Tribunal. which is like a quasi-court system for employment law. Then you'll really get a fatty payday. Unfair dismissal.
well under Heaven' Mandate(天命) you have the right to rebel and retaliate against unjust bosses
>>1120698 If you can prove discrimination, you can win in court, but it's usually pretty hard to prove. Most big companies do performance improvement plans and stuff to create a papertrail for firing you.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Yeah. It's like that here too. But they have to show you were legitimately underperforming and unable to meet key requirements of your role. It can't just be for no reason.
>>1120764 You can get pretty well-padded and soft, enveloping futons, after all Preferring a masochistic way of sleeping doesn't inherently make you a weeb, in the end
Still watching professional League of Legends. Tonight it's EU's top team against Korea's second seed. People are pretty excited because Europe and NA aren't usually competitive against the east Asian teams.
This might be where the dream ends though. T1 was looking a little shaky these last few games, but they're former world champions. and a lot of people still say Faker was the greatest player of all time.
>>1120810 must have had some absolutely insane spicy food earlier if he's screaming "ET TU BRUTE" on the john
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Mira, en bañador, con las chanclas, todo despeinado porque no me dio tiempo… na ponerme las chanclas… ¡y el bañador! Voy a la playa [y] había subido la marea. ¡Jijiji….! ¡Había subido la marea y [?] encontré una paella! ¡Y la encontré… porque intentaba… montaba la paellera agarrá [=agarrada]! Entremetí[d]o entre las piedras de Chipiona, del Faro. Y cuando me entro en el restaurante y me ve el cocinero con una paellera… ¡y la doy toda la *ente pa[ra] e… jijijiji! [??????] ¡Llegaba el agua hasta el restaurán! ¡Había subido la marea, jijijiji! ¡Jajajaja! ¡Jesús! ¡Hay que hacé... [???].. con los dos sacos de arroz! ¡Llama, llama pa[ra] Sevilla! ¡Llama a Sevilla, que… que hay un… jajajaja! ¡Jesús y yo con el bañador! ¡Con el bañador y con la paellera! ¡Y el cocinero…! ¡No veas! ¡Ea, pa[ra] Sevilla! Y me… me… y el úrtimo [=último] que cuando ya salió la Virgen de Regla, estamos llorando los dos. Me cobró el tio la paell… ¡jijijiji! ¡Qué cabrón! ¡Ha queriendo mete…jijiji… y ya no voy más! Me fui andando a coger los Amarillos (A bus company??)… hasta hoy. ¡Me van… me van a…. Jiiiiii! ¡Me manda por la noche… había bajado la ma… el agua, y por la mañana había subido. ¡Cualquiera sabe dónde está la paellera, [s]abe! ¡A lo mejor está en el… en el barco ese del petróleo,
idk where the ETU part is
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh its not even in this transcript its just next to ¡Jijiji...!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
flight delayed nooo but only slightly yesss people are deplaning letsgooo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh god they checked my soft bag rip all my possessions jesus take the wheel
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh my god they had to kick 4 people off the plane for weight regulations thr universe once again tryna stop me from going to nola
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
two dudes volunteered ($500 flight voucher) and then after a bit of waiting they voluntold two other people to leave man american airlines yikes
wtf this bar has a cigarette vending machine inside and a poboy shop in the back is this allowed?? too much sinning cannot be consolidated in one establishment
statists tried to confiscate my choya ume fruit liquer when I was smuggling it into a baseball game because the metal lid set off the detector and I had to hide it in a bush
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what how did you recover it was it a good stash
I had a Japanese rice wine plum liquer once so good came in a box and had some jade looking bottle
>>1120872 it was 50ml I think so it blended into the leaves, got it after the game