>>>/@ExistentEagle/857979025754513409 Because the "creative people" thing was taken out, it just seems like she's got this burning anger within towards normies while doing everyday things
>>111952 >Yuri Lowenthal oh my god haha you picked a voice actor with a history so it's no wonder he's one of the better ones for you.
>>111954 Yeah I wonder if whoever made them wasn't actually just fucking around, and genuinely bought into black magic There ARE people who do White people, specifically, because only a white person would be weird enough to go "yeah, dark magic is a thing I should look into"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
If I recall right I don't know if I liked him as Joe as much simply because I figured Joe would sound at least a little deeper, but not like super deep?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
daichi's tone of voice is really bad but his vocalizations of losing his spaghetti are impressive
>>111956 uhh no magic comes from AFRICA remember? for brown and black people only
Like I thibnk I mentioned this before, but like Blind was watching the dub for Date a Live and clock-girl had one of the better voices in english but she's just so overshadowed by her JP counterpart.
pretty sure all my friends in this devil survivor 2 playthrough will die because i'm just picking the weird options at every chance instead of communicating with them
Guess there's no reason to care super excessively since you're doing it for NG+ reasons I suppose. Just make sure you get enough achievos to grab the NG+ items you want.
>>111999 you don't want any of those >>111998 I can see him getting a little better from the end of our last interaction but he's been consistently awful for the majority of the seven ranks I have in him
>>112001 oh you're going to run the game twice before record breaker?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>112004 i wasn't planning on it isn't alice just postgame stuff?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Alice is NG+ only you have to pick the NG+ item that unlocks the optional bosses which, if all of them are beaten, then you fight Aliceo n the last day
In contrast, you only have to pick the boss item for record breaker ot unlock their ultimate boss.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh i guess so then
Comfy Bang
rook let's go to Ultra next year
Comfy Bang
i'm gonna ask whoakun if he can get military leave next year for Ultra
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
isn't he gonna be in the middle east at that point or was he going to asia? maybe he said he wanted his next deployment to be asia
Comfy Bang
are tours a full year? how does leave work? isn't it kind of like vacation days?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
a tour lasts like 1-4 years leave is like vacation days but idk if you get to come back to the us for a few days if you're overseas
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i think tours are usually 2 years my friend in the military is in the US since he's a navy submarine guy so he gets to go anywhere he wants when he's on leave
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Hey Kirara remember when we got faked out by the desu2 anime but then it was just bad?
OK so my chair has one of those Under the backrest I was looking for a lever with my hand and ran it across it THIS ONE HAS SPIKES I CUT MY FINGER IT'S BLEEDING
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh wow wtf
Not the nut The metal ring you put under the nut or head of the screw
Also >dutchfriend doesn't know about Alice Project I made a joke about how S1 and S2 of Shingeki having OPs that sound real similar, but clearly are separate songs, and how you'd think it was made by Alice Project and he had no idea what I was talking about at all I thought this was ENTRY LEVEL knowledge of the medium Rozen Maiden is one of the biggest shows for our generation
>>112085 He claims it's the nazis And I can believe it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>112086 he's actually not a shitposter surprisingly He makes legitimate posts about current events and stuff and jokes, but not like, actual shitposting
>>112101 hangover and all dat that follows from drinking is a purple cross a badge of honour if you can't bear it without help, don't drink in the first place.
>>112128 wait does it actually have a feature like that now that's terrifying holy shit you try and read your SO's texts or something and you'd get caught red handed
i found quarx's phone in my bathroom somehow it was saturday night i'm sure i was really drunk i probably thought it was mine and grabbed it i wonder whether it caught drunk confused images of me wondering why my phone wouldn't unlock but i dont remember even touching it
I bet those grab quite many drunk fumbles of the owner trying to open their phone but too drunk to do it
i hope that never becomes allowable incriminating evidence like someone could say you stole their phone and then try to press charges with that as evidence anybody could just be trying to figure out who the phone belongs to or whatever innocently or unknowingly
hmm you can make a quite a good sauce out of tomato juice and some chili sauce and spiced spices
Yeah, actually I'm going to have to be home by the morning of the 12th now So from Philly, I'm just going to head back home I'm working on hotels right now but if you just search philly to orlando, that'll basically be the route back, so you could fly back from anywhere along the way or in Orlando Or Melbourne airport, idk if they have flights to Canada
Also my car has USB and a CD player and Jan is going to bring an AUX cable So feel free to bring music if you want to I also have satellite radio
>>112159 I had to call in some favors but I got it to work out and have contingencies to make sure I don't have to have any concerns
>>112157 >>112158 This is current itinerary Raleigh is not 100%, still need to find a hotel there
We'd be going through Georgia on the 11th as well as Florida
I might be able to grab my flights as is, but the last time I was trying to do some online banking with my credit card, I got caught up in my stupid security question. And now I'm locked out of my credit online banking. So to reliably purchase anything online with that card, I might need to get this straightened out.
>>112161 That sucks. I don't need to know when your return flight is necessarily yet, as long as you make sure it's out of somewhere that we'd be Or do you think the issue might compromise your ability to get here?
I should be fine. At least if I hear back from them any time soon. At latest I should be able to buy tickets tomorrow.
Holy shit dude that twitter bot with the donations I love it
I think I've got an antifa on the twitter notifications, and I'm not sure they realize how violent the Nazis were since Hitler entered the party right up until their uh, election I'm not sure he doesn't realize the nazis were never elected, or if he's just referring to Hitler's election
If there aren't any good flights on the 11th in the evening, something in the morning on the 12th would be fine I could get us a hotel in Orlando with a shuttle to the airport We'd stay the night, I'd head to where I have to go on the 12th in the morning, and you could take the shuttle to the airport I'd be fine with that
Oh Tilde, IDK if it helps, but I think we could leave Orlando as late as 11:00am or maybe noon on the 5th If that helps with your flights at all
I'll keep it in mind, but I think the toughest bit for me is finding something cheapish for the return. I've found a couple flight options that get me in Orlando pretty much the same time Jan arrives or pretty close.
underground, no injuries The fuck could have even happened Did someone eat a real hot tamale or what?
>>112209 Scotia Plaza is where the main office of Scotiabank resides.
>>112213 I don't know if there's really any actual banking ongoing there though. By offices I mean just where all the pencil pushers reside. Back when I was working I was doing a similar job for another bank office nearby.
I'm sure there's gotta be something valuable there If nothing else, if you can get a high level password cause some idiot wrote it down, that'd be big
It sounds odd to try to break in like this though, rather than the regular ol' smash a window and just go inside A bomb draws a lot of attention
Data servers are probably higher up, I'd expect. If the smoke is coming out of the sewers I'd really expect it's just someone being an asshole or maybe a chemical reaction in the junk in the sewers. We're also seeing a lot of atmospheric and weather fluctuations these days, which may be messing with stuff too.
my head is fucked today i can't think straight everything feels so raw and still i'm trying to do my work but i can't make sense of any of it and i keep getting confused about what i'm doing when i'm up and physically doing anything like getting up to get coffee i'm just confused
>>112229 it doesn't feel like it but i guess i wouldn't really know it feels just weird like for instance have you ever gone into a swimming pool and went swimming for a while and then you come out, rinse off, put your normal clothes on and there's like a window afterwards where you feel a little weird while you're acclimating to the shift in activity i think the same would probably apply to going for a run, showering off and putting on fresh clothes
it feels like that but it's been for like four hours or so i think about maybe going to the store and getting something to eat and some creamer for my coffee but it's like i can't actually do anything i get lost in a loop cycle and go to get dressed to do that but then sit down a moment and wonder why i'm feeling confused
maybe i had too much sugar or something or maybe i need to take my antidepressant a little earlier in the day than i have been i'm just all around confused but here's this video kirara, don't really feel like bringing it up for discussion but just to share the video >>>/watch?v=8Qp6u8G8Vf8
The first thing we should develop in terms of brain implants is a way to cross reference existing memories And then we should improve memory
what do you mean by cross reference existing memories
>>112233 Memories are pretty shitty because things like this can happen
Like say you read a thing that convinces you of X because of a Y The Y in the article is something like <this thing happened before this event>, and that piece is what flipped the scale for you believing it, right? You'll know you're convinced of X whenever that comes up
BUT If you later, much much later, find out that <this thing happened AFTER this event>, your brain won't update that conviction of X Y is no longer present, but you're still at X because there's no automatic upkeep of the logic
But if every time you learned a new thing you could cross reference it with previous memories, you could go "Oh well X is no longer convincing now because I know Y is not the case" and change your view
Cause you don't constantly recheck your reasonings for things throughout your life, and different parts of the brain just don't talk to eachother that well
Of course this idea isn't all that feasible because it's not like memories work that way
>>112234 i mean memory is shitty because it's efficient what you're suggesting would be storing memory as datapoints that would be so exhaustive to process our brain stores them in strings and the redundancy is what makes it coherent and efficient
what you're suggesting is actually really close to the situation (same logical premise, but different topic): words are really inefficient because they take up more information than they need to instead of using letters like we do, we could compactify all words by assigning them each the smallest change in encoding so X would be one word, XX is a word, XXX is a word, XXY is a word and you can store so much more information in a much small space and retrieve it and process it quickly yes, you'd be able to process very intended and algorithmic processes very fast that way, but it's not more efficient in broader analytical scopes
when you have language encoded into xxxyx and xxxxyx, there's the need to refer to and retrieve what those mean there's not enough redundancy in // built in to the system to self-contain the retrieval information and you require an outside source but you can encode more meaning into the same message using redundancy you can tell the difference between the word catapult and cavalry a lot easier in english than with xbbbbxjf and xbbbxjjf
the way our brain lays the memories along many different regions in tandem and how specific parts are used to recall specific elements it's really similar to the case i just described memory isn't just datapoints it's a whole scatterplot, so changing one detail to have binary influence on every other memory i dont think could work
>>112236 I know But I wish we could do it Maybe if we can produce some sort of off-brain copy of our memories, sorted and tagged and kept up to date somehow
>>112239 Is bit shame and at the sametime good bm never did brain hacking episode is bit done in scifi, but would've wanted to see that from them then again s4
Alright, alright, fair point Module, easily destroyed by the person using it, that holds both the only encryption and the only decryption key of all the memories If you fuck it up, you lose your memorybank sure, but you didn't have one otherwise so that's an acceptable compromise
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what happens when we reach the point where you can't get out of criminal charges without providing your memory data
We'll recognize it, legally, as equally private to your own brain Even if the government was able to literally read minds, I think we'd be against it as something they're allowed to do
>>112250 that's the fifth amendment though it's about to be ruled (probably) that refusing to provide access to encrypted data is protected under the fifth amendment
>>112252 Memory bank data is not recognized as evidence by any court, we'll just do that For various reasons relating to the rights of citizens, various types of evidence are already deemed unusable
Even if cops raid an actual drug dealer, they're not able to use any of it as evidence if they didn't already have a warrant Except we blanket ban the entire field. No memory data, ever, full stop.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>112254 people voluntarily waive their fifth amendment rights daily and will do so in this case as well eventually anyone that doesn't will look extremely suspicious and it will be hard to get a jury to see past that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>112255 how do you convince lawmakers to enact a law that protects this perfect, beautiful, pristine, evidence from being used in court their constituents will hate it their political foes will point it out he is against protecting people from crime!
We appeal to people's ability to see that it ends in a dystopia where the government can freely demand you hand over all your memories
Dude we've had like 15 movies where AI goes rogue and tries to nuke the planet, and Stephen Hawking is genuinely scared with the rest of the planet I'm sure we can appeal to people's inherent distrust of governments if we give it a go
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
people want to watch those movies and then go home and have their AI cook them dinner though
Not the same kind of AI If the AI also held the nuclear codes they'd go with regular old hot water and powder
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
most AI in these movies don't start with nuke codes they get them
We must at all times pretend there is a great evil when we fuck with the internet
No such implant should be without a LOT of safety protocols in HARDWARE
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah but implants are going to be necessary if some people can get them and others can't people with them will have better opportunities poor people need to keep up how do they do that? black market implants no safety
We have to solve this issue Because I want an implant
I just want it to have REALLY tight and annoying safety protocols Hardware internet switch Hardware granting of admin powers to anything at all A notepad asks for access to my documents, it has to require a hardware approval No software for anything even remotely important Software is weak
>>112265 i think the network of information of a human brain would reject something like that anything too inorganic and i think it's going to quarantine those regions and ignore whatever it's doing
>>112271 here's a partial resolution to that thing we were talking about the other day >>>/watch?v=8Qp6u8G8Vf8 first real direct source of information not from those in question
>>112280 Isn't that only for things that the brain normally does on its own though i don't think it would respond well to implants that are massive external factors to the system if there are ones now i imagine they mostly just serve as a pipeline not as a pressure valve so to speak
Is Nyaa dead? >>112282 They can be used in the treatment of various diseases to stimulate parts of the brain, but there has yet to be sign of rejection for the most part, at all.
>>112283 I don't mean biological rejection it's what i'd anticipate from a networking system in general but the brain is a networking system encoded into biochemistry so it's all just a model probably can exploit that a lot easier but it's something i would anticipate as something to watch out for in an unencoded system
The only SSR I got today was a guy named Agielba. I don't care if I have bad rolls for the rest of the week though since I got Cag.
Also even if we don't make a memory storage device, that doesn't stop the government from actively working on a way to extract our memories anyway So we're kinda boned anyway
>>112287 I think that pretty much all brain implants are going to be along the lines of the ones we have today, such as stimulating implants, visual implants, and hearing implants.
yeah those seem like things that the network is capable of integrating without being infotoxic
>>112299 I feel like you often say stuff like that, but refuse to elaborate when people are confused by what you're talking about It's kind of bothersome sometimes!
>>112302 I think it would be a little suspicious if I pulled SSRs at a rate significantly higher rate than everybody else! Like if I had a day like I had yesterday, but every day!
>>112316 Oh, she did? Well, I don't think it's a secret that I've made purchases in phone games. I get free Google play cards and I've used them to buy outfit /// outfits in Granblue and stuff.
The only time I have made a purchase with my money is I spent $20 in FE:H as far as I can remember.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>112318 "cag is objectively not an old man ra ra ra"
>>112319 i think i put 20 bucks up on FEH just for the fact that it's a free game i get about that much enjoyment out of it so i dont mind it was a bit of a wasteful luck in-game but i am okay with supporting a game i like
Wow Nyaa has apparently been closed down, although I don't know how reliable the information is about it. I assume it is being DDOS'd again to be honest.
i feel a lot better after eating a meal i feel like my brain is back in my body now before i felt like i was a piece of software that was running on my brain's OS
>>112335 I might think they're just not making their misfortunes visible or something. I still don't know what you mean by suspicious, so I don't know if that counts.
>>112337 Nyaa is not shut down And you could use XDCC
>Bakabt goes private >Nyaa shuts down Where would I get anime after that?
you know, this might be a little OLD for you kiddos but back when netflix was still a mail-only service and blockbuster was still around, when sites like crunchyroll weren't up yet and /a/ was still pretty new there was an anime-by-mail DVD service that i used it was like netflix and they mailed it to you, and gave you the envelope to mail it back in it was a whole lot of fun to do it that way me and my ex would order things and then get excited for it to arrive none of this instant gratification bullshit you brats are spoiled with these days
>>112350 Not really. Why don't you stop beating around the bush and just explain what you're trying to say? I'm going to go to bed pretty soon so I can't just sit here and go around in circles with you forever. It's finals week.
When I started anime DC++ was still going on big
>>112351 yeah and sometimes you'd get something that's pretty subpar but all you have to go by when you're ordering is the description (you know how well anime descriptions are done) and it's like wow this is dumb but you've got the DVD and you have to return it so you watch the episodes on the DVD anyway and laugh and make fun of it
if it was just torrented you'd probably close out and just stick it in a folder to be looked at later so cold, so distant no immersion
>>112352 Wow, going to bed pretty early! Maybe you should just admit it's suspicious!
XDCC us stukk // is still a big thing. There are hundreds of bots
I use it quite a bit since you can get a lot of old stuff for very fast speeds.
>>112354 If it was just torrented I probably wouldn't have even gotten it in the first place >episodes on the dvd Does anyone still collect shows by volume, or do they all just buy boxsets now?
XDCC is very fast and you can start watching before the download is complete. It's great for people like me who don't plan ahead at all.
>>112357 depends really some shows market really well and release each volume as a special thing especially if it's BD in the current era, there are a lot of people who will buy it it's super valuable to have the first upload of a BD release for something like berserk or heavily-censored shows
>>112355 I can't study at night, so I have to wake up extra early to review the material. I don't really understand your argument here. I don't get why you can't just say it outright. Are you trying to trick me into saying something so you can claim you won an argument?
>>112360 I planned to beat around the bush for awhile and then club you over the head with the fact you should feel guilty for stealing my thunder with your amazing luck! But ToN ruined it by running to you the second I said it looking for his good boy points for the day! You were too prepared. And there's not eonugh time to execute the plan now!
>>112363 >>112362 Someone tipped you off as to what I was up to! I can only assume it was ToN.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
i think everyone still doesn't know what you're up to
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't even know what you're talking about
>>112358 you can watch torrents as they're downloading too most real torrent software has options to download packets in sequential order mine definitely does I do it all the time
>>112365 So moon was right that this is you accusing me of spending money on phone games? ToN didn't tell me anything about that. I don't think he even mentioned it to me.
>>112381 it's not like i went behind anyone's back i said it right here and i'm not even in the know like you told me beforehand you're just very obvious and i think you assume kirara's playing coy when he's actually just confused
>>112384 When you're sneaking up to shoot someone and a bystander says "watch out she has a gun!" it totally ruins the whole thing! You saved his butt!
I mean it's still clear to me that everyone understood it, or at least matty and ton you guys wanna play coy but this one wasn't even very clever! it's just my prod as a bystander to encourage yall to step your game up i feel like both sides can do better
>>112397 I saw you imply that I was spending money on the game on /moe/ when I was getting ready for bed, so I made Fish think that someone told me about it because I thought that she would tell you that someone told me, and then she was weird about it this morning, so I knew she was in on your joke and I just ignored it and waited for you to bring it up so I could reveal >>112319 and make you look silly.
>>112399 why didn't you double down like she did then you could have told /moe/ that you couldn't afford to make the trip and have to cancel it and then played it out as though you spent hundreds of dollars on phone games like an unhealthy obsession and made it look so bad that she'd feel guilty for even bringing it up in the first place because it's an addiction that's ruining your life that would've been a great april fool's prank
>>112409 I was just thinking about you blewd. Because I saw this screenshot and I felt it would be extremely familar to you from your experience of my gaming.
>>112414 The beautiful thing about it is a little effort now saves a lot of effort down the line think about it, it'd probably never get brought up again ever for just a little investment now a penny saved is worth two in the bush
Sometimes the explanation is more complex than the actual work involved. >>112417 I will definitely take that offer. >>112414 I had been thinking but still haven't settled on whether I should spend day trip or spend the night. I will do my best to come to a decision by the tomorrow >>112420 This sounds good.
>>112419 Okay. We'll arrive there on the 8th in the afternoon/evening, stay all day on the 9th, Jan goes home in the evening on the 9th, and then we'll leave in the morning on the 10th. You're welcome to come along for the whole time we're there if you want, you can spend both nights.
>>112422 Yeah, that's fine though I guess that makes us 1 for 1 for the week. Good job! It was amusing.
>>112421 >when your ugly haircut distracts from your ugly face so everybody says it looks good on you >>112425 yeah you'll have a black eye for weeks when i hit ya mothafucka better step back
>>112430 oh boy. the pressure Let's see, tomorrow is 2nd. I don't have anything planned for right now and I'm probably going to leave my house at 2 or 3 tomorrow, but that can change.
>>112440 estimated hours? i'm down to pay for whatever you're willing to work but i need to know in advance what i can expect i gotta schedule around it and all that y'know also it's all tax free so i hope you understand why i can't pay you a little extra
Nyaa better not be down for ages this time. /a/ seems in a panic again as usual. >>112450 Yes, it was a pain because of all the TT links were down. and I had to switch to XDCC for a few days. >>112451 Sounds like it might change due to the EU ruling against that streaming site
>>112457 can you explain how gronnblade mechanics work to me if you really want defense points in arena, make a level 10 or 20 team and just put them in your first slot people will repeatedly kill themselves on it
did a bug in F/GO just happen... I just got 198 golden apples in my box.
>>112459 The Blade Tomes "Add total bonuses on unit to damage dealt" so every buff that ends up as blue counts. The ones that show up before // on the unit's stats, that is. That's why Hone and Fortify work but Spur and Ward do not.
>>112461 i know but does "total bonuses" mean number of bonuses, or value of bonuses i.e. does +4 atk count as one bonus because it's one thing that's a bonus or 4 bonus because 4 value well atk was a bad example but 4 whatever
>>112462 It counts the bonuses that show up as blue when on the unit. All the other ones don't count. So Hone X, Fortify X, Rally X, and Defiant X all effect it Taking that into account, the maximum buff you can get from this is +25 That's if you have something like Hone and Fortify granting +6 and Defiant Atk or something granting +7. Only the strongest buff applies so you won't get +6 and +7 from Hone Atk/Defiant Atk. But if you go +7 Atk, +6 everything else, you've got a +25 damage boost from a Blade Tome (technically +32 if you add the Defiant Atk modifier)
Although now I'm wondering whether or not Spur Atk stacks. I've never actually bothered testing it out but I would assume that it does.
>>112466 okay i wasn't sure if it was like that or like +1 for any bonus it doesnt say bonus value it just says per bonus but it can't be in-combat buffs? I had cecilia inherit fury 3 thinking she might get those sick buffs added to gronnblade that would be ridiculous
I'm at the age stage in which I'm around older people a lot and I'm happy about being youthful compared to them, instead of insecure about feeling like their junior I also don't have children which allows me to have more energy and life than them
Also today I saw some kid getting a talk about what he wants to be when he grew up so I swooped in and gave him some sagely advice from an older man then I truly realized that I've become the annoying old man who thinks he is so wise
>>112526 it was along the lines of >its okay to not know what you want to do, and its okay to not know what you want to do for a long time >when/if you go to college its gonna feel like everybody around you knows exactly what they want to do and how to do it >but also there are lots of 30 year olds, 40 year olds, etc. who are just now finding out what they wanna do >and some of them thought they knew what they wanted to do, and now they're changing it and then I didn't really know how to close the speech off nicely so I was just like "so, like, yeah, you know, don't worry"
You should have told him >You'll be working a terrible job everyday of the week and Anime will be your only solace. >Pick your waifu wisely and take her dakimakura to your workplace to cry into
>>112528 Not if you work 12 hour shifts Then at worst you'll only have to work a terrible job FOUR days of the week
>>112535 These questions are really making me think
I can't be sure that my kind words made him feel better but at least I made myself feel kind and wise for 5 minutes today so at least I brought SOME happiness into the world (for myself)
I'd rather have had someone tell me it doesn't matter and just pick something fun to study because the job market is kill and you'll be working at McDonald's with that diploma
you know realtalk
I got paid to sit in one spot for 8 hours today and it was just awful How do office workers do it
>>112541 I'm doing that right now except I'm standing and utilizing my fake personality to pretend to be nice to people this is my fav day of the week don't have to do jack shit
You god See, I wasn't allowed to be on my phone for my 8 hours of nothing
I have lots of broken cheap staple removers. I end up using my fingernails as well. Which can be risky since they can be quite thin and sharp, I get poked in / under my fingernails every so often it is painful
The staples are tiny and are pushed to flat to the paper like they have been hammered flat to the paper. It can be seriously a pain to remove them. I tend to undo one end and try and slide it out rather than pull them out
All my work has to be prepped for scanning so huge folders from 1000s of boxes and 1000s of sheets of paper needs to be checked and if they aren't done right then everything has to be rescanned again. The system is so shitty than you can't just replace the poorly scanned/prepped document you have to scan them all in again to preserve the order of the pages.
All of the work is so mind numbingly boring that doing it all over again is painful.
Look at the bright side. You could be shoveling coal for a living.
At least all that inane office work means you'll be well-prepped to be an OL in Japan in your next life.
>>112563 We have huge industrial machines that have roller belts that just suck in stacks of documents We call the scanners IBML or KODAK.
Here is a video of the scanner in question https://vertassets.blob.core.windows.net/streaming/f6e034b6/f6e034b6-50a3-4b6b-abf5-241403be7dd4/ibml_imagetrac_solutions.mp4
My last job was pretty much the same except I was crashing my face into the keyboard from falling asleep
In school we had expensive books and never used them and we learned a bunch of skills we needed for the industry and then in the industry we had a bunch of machines that just did all that shit for us The books seem even MORE like a waste of money now
Well do you think you have lockjaw? or is it just still hurting like hell? well yeah not moving right dude get some painkillers or something... well i cant help you and im sure they wont help you no more than giving you some antibiotics wist teeth would turn anyone into a crybaby THEY ARE FUCKING SATAN TO REMOVE.
i don't think so lockjaw is uh, your jaw being locked right? I've just got heavily reduced ability to open my mouth cause it hurts like a CUNT if I go to a certaiin point, I don't think I CAN go further even if I powered through the pain Think I might tear something
I called him on Sunday and he said to call him again today and he'll look at it cause it's hard to diagnose over the phone He might just give me some more heavy duty painkillers, or maybe this is normal and I'm just being a faggot
I Would rather get punched in the balls 12 times instead of getting another wist tooth out of my bottom jaw ive been bit by a german shep and a pitbull and i would still chose both of those at once instead of the nightmare thats wist teeth removal just understand you are not a wimp
I've gotten my ass bit a ton of times and if I didn't have painkillers I would choose like any of those times over this beat* not bit I've never been bit on the ass
>>112596 the reason it hurts so bad is that theres a nerve in your jaw that your face is currentlly swelling around its one of the largest nerves in your face too thus it hurts like a bitch.
>>112602 it is going to come. my will shall guide me to the perfect moment, i can see it clear as day, like a sixth sense of comedic timing. but i'm going to have to write the plan down real quick because i'm super fucking high. i'll forget it otherwise.
>>112604 well you seem to be. ive never seen someone talk to themselfs like you unless they were high as a kite.
>>112620 There was a legal ruling in the European sphere which the domain for Nyaa resides in. The ruling in question may make it possible to go after even torrent provider sites like Nyaa or something along those lines. So the owner of Nyaa pulled the plug to be safe.
I'm watching this stream playback from LA earlier, where there was some Trump thing This guy from the antifa side was arrested but that's not the important part While he's being like, handcuffed and whatever, he starts the ol' "No Trump. No KKK, no fascist USA" chant
But NOBODY is joining in He's just standing alone with two cops behind him chanting on his own It's so fucking cringe to watch
Y'know SK I think this is exactly the kind of stuff Samu is tired of seeing on /moe. This whole "hey look at this dumb person doing dumb things let's laugh at him".
>>112632 Well yeah but Samu is the word of god in this situation.
Like I don't particularly care, I'll shut up, but I'd like some sort of guideline a little less vague than "things like this" If it's 100% of topics that are related to politics at all, fine, I'll just only talk about anime and mobage excluisvely
>>112634 >>112637 I mean, personally, less politically focused. I think most people get enough of that every other place they go. And it's a bit sad that it is what dominates people's attention, there are so many better ways to spend your time.
>>112639 Oh, I know, because a certain someone I know does it so often it gets old. Then he wants to discuss it with me directly, and I'm like "I don't give a fuck" and he just drones on. Shitposting about it is pointless though, do something better with that time, like actually act against it or enjoy your life, you know? If you're not gonna do, don't complain. If you're going to, go.
>>112647 化け物 refers to a class of yokai from japanese folklore and more exactly translated refers to something like shapeshifter, in english basically inhuman things pretending to be human.
sana is not human, though she appears and acts human, she's something alien. miriam is human, but gained the power of using magic on a much more shallow level than sana. sana was a being birthed by yggdrasil or some shit.
>>112653 And I'm sorry if it feels a little cherry-picked, cherry-picking is about the best of what I can do with how scattered that thread got by the end of everything last night. Feel free to ctrl+f the posts and and try and follow the flow of conversation if you want more context.
>>112662 Yeah, Wulf was like "hey look, Samu added new things" and I saw Twitter embeds and just kinda shrugged it off. Twitter isn't a great social media platform.
>>112662 i love season 5 so far but i haven't seen all of it it's pretty relaxing most of the times mixed with some really interesting action direction i hope they can top that white ninja vs black ninja scene from the original somehow
Twitter is a pretty awful social platform 140 characters means you spend all your time shitposting instead of anything worthwhile
Or you learn the Japanese master language and can fit a whole essay into a 140 characters.
Pink Autism
>>112668 Or your concise thoughts get scattered into several tweets and it's hard to put together.
>>112669 Is their character limit the same despite the technical differences used for their language?
>>112666 Social networking is a nice evil. It lures too many into a false sense of comfort.
>>112672 The only time I made tweets was to shitpost about the accident Tony Stewart had at the dirt track that killed someone because people are easily manipulated
i stay the fuck away from all social networks they are all cancer i have hated them forever.
>>112670 If I have to make two tweets, I make 0 tweets 99% of the time It's gotta be something I REALLY wanna say before I even consider 2 tweets
>>112670 I'm not absolutely certain, but I believe the Twitter limit is 140 of ANY character, regardless of which language the character hails from.
Also yeah, pretty sure it's the same It's a character limit, it's not there explicitly to limit what you're able to say, it's just... there's gotta be a limit somewhere, and this is like a phoneposting network anyway
>>112670 back in school i used to give a lot of shit to my friend for being on lots of different social networks and referred to it as social whoring i guess this kind of model of social interaction just doesn't sit with me right
Its cancer. facebook and twitter are pure cancer in the highest form. its not mindless. f you had any idea what cancer was you would understand. facebook and twiiter are the gloryhole of the internet
How about instead of spouting mindless opinions you actually give reasons for why they are a certain way in your beliefs.
Pink Autism
>>112675 I mean, I remember the days of MySpace and people being like "I have over a thousand friends, look at me!" It's pretty fucking bad.
>>112680 yeah that's kind of confusing me half-assing something is better than not finishing, but perfect is definitely better than "just finished"
japanese people have weird sayings
Pink Autism
Perfect is unattainable. Thus finished is better.
Perfect is unstarted, even.
>>112683 Well the basic concept of "better to do something than not" exists in Western culture too. I think this is trying to bolster motivation to work in a similar vein. 'Cause a lot of people, if they can't attain perfection, won't try at all. Like me.
what they're saying is that rather than aiming to make a perfect stake make a well done one
just think for a sec everything that is wrong with the internet has only gained traction from facebook and twitter. its only reason for existing is to cause shitstorms >>112691 nah
>>112687 Did you find your way out? Or are you just talking from us from within the code, generating messages using constructed functions within the Doushio codebase?
>>112696 are you this stupid to really think that i need proof to prove cancer is cancer after all the shit thats happened in the past year? do you not understand bandwagons? or does meme bases for trolling not ring bells or anything?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>112698 h0i! what's new >>112694 oh god the original moe coding standard so bad full-width tabs (8 spaces worth) but with a limit of 80 chars per line why did i ever do that
>>112699 if you can't back your opinion up with any real evidence or even proof that anyone else other than you thinks that, why do you think it?
Pink Autism
>>112700 Just dropped in last night to see the horizontal posting, was mortified but posted, and decided to see what was up tonight. So nothing really. How are you?
ok i have this amazing new social network idea twitter for intellectuals each post has two fields 70 characters for a statement and 350 characters for an argument
>>112700 dumb question but is an operating system constructed entirely from boolean algebra
sorry that was rude but fuck math it ain't code pretending that math is code leads to some SILLY SHIT i mean i get it but STILL >>112707 no come back >>112702 i'm hacking away on some Rust
>>112748 but can't you just store unprocessed ideas then since the idea storage centers are intact there are no symptoms but it's still technically infected could even spread
recreators feels alright but i feel a bit baited that it seemed like a more action oriented thing at first it's mostly talking and kinda random imagery
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
should we keep ##bigtext
maybe it should be rate limited...
one cent per bigtext line don't inform bang
limit it to night time only so it doesn't interfere with normal traffic
>>112769 look deep within your heart you know it to be the fun thing to do come to the dark side anakin, the dark side make me a mod and i'll show you power beyond comprehension
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>>112801 Mesopotamian and other super-ancient languages were really fascinating. The use and context of the written language was a lot different from how they're used today.
>>112806 Jesus that's hard to read Even if you knew the language you'd have problems wiith this I think
Then again, only like the top people in the society likely knew how to to begin with, so it was probably fine
I mean you're talking about a culture where most of the actual language was still entirely oral tradition. Written language in Mesopotamia and other super-ancient cultures was actually mostly used for business contracts and and agreements. And some times denouncing someone who tried to deceive you by bartering you shitty copper ore.
>>112807 at those times it mattered more that it was preserved than easily read even if it took days to read something written down, at least it's written down
im sure theres a nyaa clone with all its torrent info on the internet somewhere though finding it is the hard part torrents just dont go poof off the internet if the torrent site its self die.
>>112807 it's ok only an ancient Mesopotamian accountant needs to know what any of that shit says
>>112810 I'm seeing Zero kara Hajimeru, and there's still Tsugumomo as left overs. But yeah looks like it's pretty light tonight.
nyaa is dead and i don't feel like reinstalling an irc client since this is the newer windows 10 install i'm out boys
yeah ive a couple friends who store their breastmilk and make formula from it and i've helped out before they're just like "do this to make the formula, taste to make sure it's not too warm/cold" and i'm like ok i never thought anything weird of it
>>112883 i can literally feel you saying something retarded as you're typing each word out i know you're about to say she's best because she's in the title you are a fucking pleb why are you even on this site
>>112906 Why isn't it used for light bulb adverts? "Our lightbulb permeates light in the room from the moment it is switched on until it is switched off at a speed of 300,000km/s"
>>112924 I don't think removing the Twitter embeds would reduce the frequency of it being used for contextualization. All it would do is return a roadblock to its use that everyone would climb over regardless.
i love twitter embeds so much they're like the best feature
>>112933 Yeah that's kind of what I'm getting at. If it's a Twitter link from someone I care to hear from I'd be opening it regardless. And i don't think we'll see their reduced usage just because they're no longer embedded.