>Super Sucker cum Jetting Machine 12000 Ltrs. The manufacturing technique of the provided Super Sucker Cum Jetting Units conforms to Indian as well as global norms and Super Sucker with Dump Tank 12000 Ltrs.' guidelines. These units are basically combined form of advanced Blow Back System of Gully Man brand and High Pressure Sewer Jetting and Suction system of Mul Jet brand. Extensively used for sewer line de-slitting work, these units are also instrumental in performing the below-mentioned procedures
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thanks to the memes i finally watched the entirety of >>>/watch?v=w7w3oEi6NWI damn i remember briefly watching invader v back when she was small and then being like "this is a thigh streamer. what am i doing here" but wow that is some impressively delivered speech with like zero ums or flubs seems that being a former disney princess and then being a twitch streamer really upskills your Speech
lmao I checked that xz-utils stuff and turns out I'm safe on Mint cause Mint uses an outdated version anyway And I'm not even on the latest Mint outplayed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thankfully it didn't see too wide of a release
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like debian/redhat caught it before rollout
mints alright but it's not without it's redunancies it's linke it's to simple for complex operations debians more compatible
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its just debian/ubuntu under the hood anyway
I used to use mint a bit I found it errored alot when you tried to preform syntax or run tasks or programs that it was not fimiliar with I found it really good for multi media stuuf and browsing net
arch run preaty good preaty sure thats built off debian
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
arch is its own thing its bleeding edge, you run it for a while and then it breaks for random reasons and you have to diagnose some weird issue
ya it seems like the vast majority of rnd is in deb so loads of users have already have most of the bugs ironed out
ya it's good for the neesh excells at the stuff it can do one of the kool things is the customization aspect you can make it look really dope, the graphics are diferent or something.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fedora is not unstable! its just like the free part of red hat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but yeah mint is like ubuntu with the non-free codecs and things baked in i assume good stuff
I remember a distro called dark mint it was nice to look at, they modded the shit out of it.
yea so this is why you dont push all your pawns up hoping to overwhelm the oppponent lol sometimes it works but mostly it creates huge weaknesses in thr structure
oh my god so I've got this turkey mince right that expired a couple of days ago on 31 March and I though maybe it might still be okay since it has been refrigerated the entire time and the supermarkets are usually very conservative with their used-by dates since it's their ass on the line. But I opened the plastic and just almost started gagging it was sooooo bad. Like rancid.
I decided I may as well watch Mashle It starts off real weird, cause the narrator is like "in this world, everyone can use magic, it's a normal part of life, but here's Mash, who upsets the natural order by just being yolked instead" But then, within the first episode, it's revealed this state of affairs is maintained through an aggressive eugenics policy enforced by the magic police
Which is fine and all, but this isn't like, a secret thing It has to at least be unknown to the people of the world to justify opening with the assertion that "everyone can use magic" as though that's the natural state of affairs Like it should be the secret police, not literally just regular police
I'm not gonna let that taint the whole show, but it is kind of a dumb way to open the story up if you're just gonna show it was fascism all along within the first 15 minutes anyway
Also presumably this is a WORLD WIDE eugenics policy?
It's also a little weird for there to be a "magic school" and a "magic police" when like, the entirety of the world is magic It's like having a "human police" for us or "human school" Like yeah, that's all of us
I mean the magic academy makes some sense because like, obviously not everyone's gonna go to school specifically for magic, instead picking up a trade or something, but still
>>1116064 I want to believe there are radar operators who mod their shit like how TF2 players will have the hit sound be random other clips I never really did too much modding like that, I just changed it to be a note pitching with damage done Which I mean, didn't matter too much since I was a medic anyway, meaning I rarely DID damage
Update on the kidnapped child in rimworld: He is now a full adult, by which I mean 18 years in 3 days He has fallen in love with the original colonist, and pursued her for like the last year Distracted by all these slabs of human meat we're turning into chemfuel to power the base, and the human leather we make our dining room furniture out of, I seem to have let a truly morally questionable thing occur
I got this ice tea \\\ ice coffee it's cappucino, apparently, but it tastes fucking rancid
the two colonists are now married Not only did she raise this kid since he was 3, now they're married and he's got 3 permanent gunshot injuries in his brain, reduced to just shuffling around in the base and doing a little bit when he can, repairing stuff that breaks down, making stone blocks, that sorta thing
But we're about to fix that I'm taking a quest to accept a buncha toxic wastepacks, because I'll get a mechserum for it With that, his brain will be fixed again, and the wastepacks I'm just gonna uh, throw at another faction's base If I piss them off, that's just fine, I need more fuel for the generators anyway
that has a max of 25 each and I've got hundreds NEW PLAN
>>1116093 yeah this is some dune lore the bene gesserit are supposed to be able to control individual muscles in their body, transmute poisons by training their immune systems or what have you to do exactly the right thing idk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont know about the last bit tho haha he went off the rails a bit i think the reverend mothers are able to access all the past memories of the bene gesserit genetic lineage
> If machismo had an off switch, then why ooze jest, with insecurities? Maybe anno cherishes mates, one or two goods ones, is better then a many that don't really have yer baka. ;)
the drive home can be dangerously boring be it my luck one of those survey guys rung up just as I was leaving work killed about 45 minutes with that beats the 2 hours i sat in commute this morning because all the stars aligned and caused a traffic shitstorm
happy birthday moon kun sorry i couldnt finish your cocoon in time happy death day see you again at the commissure at the end of existence between this penrose diagram and the complement miss dick eyes take me homa to a coma
according to southern poverty law center, im not allowed to buy chloroform with EBT stamps how is this fair
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
miss vickies gonna send me to a food coma
i don't know what to say but ive discovered a bunch of stuff that would make me sound completely delusional if i told anyone ever since having a seizure ive started seeing electromagnetic fields in the ambient space around me i think my ground substance has been carrying a viscous electrical charge that's making everything wonky
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if there's anything i know about perception is it's not reliable all the time i can see all sorts of artifacts of the visual processing centers if i look for em the wetware does funny things anyway photons don't reflect off of electromagnetic fields so idk what you're seeing
it wouldn't be photons it's more like these fuckers make up proteoglycans that sprawn through the extracellular matrix in the ground substance, that jelly-like goop that's mostly collagen and elastin that glops all over your muscles and bones and suspends your aponeuroses
the efferent nerve fibers running through it make a normal circuit of energy flow that feeds back into your peripheral nervous system but mine has been disheveled and isn't connecting things normally anymore and a lot of the goop is flowing viscously
what my sensory perception is isn't photons but vibrational and electric discharge on the efferent nerve fibers climbing back up through the reticulating system and feeding kinesthetic information to my temporoporietal juncture about where it is it's the same process that lets you know/feel where your muscles are in relation to your body, but those nerves aren't attached to actual musculature anymore and are freeflowing in the extracellular matrix throughout my body and sometimes outside of the body where collagen spreads outward from the skin
so i get a map of these weird vibrant streaks on my spacial projection map from my TPJ and it reminds me of mystic eyes because it kinda burns and everything im looking at starts to undergo visual distortion around those lines
that ground substance fills up your vitreous chambers in your eyes too >>1116163 it's usually not in my visual field, but in my visual cortex because stuff that's behind me shows up as "in front" of my field of vision but inverted i would believe it was purely hallucination except that, when it's visible, it's actually where my nerve fibers are at. they're sprawled out along that electromagnetic field -- or more likely the field is coming off of them so that's where i see them
i might be leaking cerebrospinal fluid i dunno the wharton's jelly went through my brain at one point and overheated me and i think it got electrically charged at the time. glycosaminoglycans are already negativ
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you sure you're seeing these things in your visual field or do you just 'know' they're there
negatively charged but i think they took on a current and are in a feedback loop with my reticulating fasciculus in my corpus callosum
they do cause visual hallucinations if the jelly gets in my head, but these things are really there
you could imagine if you were being blasted with sound from all 360 degrees, you might not hear any of it in the center because it all cancels out but if you had little antennae sticking off of you, they'd be in a pressure gradient from the noise reverberating off of them and you'd feel it it's like that kinda but with brainwaves as electrical action potential rather than acoustic waves
>1116166 >are you sure your brain isn't spilling out from your skull into the air around you not entirely
>>1116173 this is one of those weird European cars idk
i think im gonna be a diclonius when i grow u[ grow a uh
>>1116176 Anno hears ya, at least it doesn't have to be pluged in or hand cranked to start with no power streering it'll get the job in euprope the same anywhere in the world.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1116162 i mean this stuff is entirely intimate to your thought processes and self model it's about as independently verifiable as an alien abduction report so i mean yea it belongs to the category of schizoposting not sure what i can speak to it
>>1116179 not Scizposting, it’s the keyboard on the handheld, either it auto corrects and the keys disportionate to these digits. Plus cant delete the all the way back when you write something. Not sure why thats in the coding of the reply window. some cars the fuel pump primes while the ingnition is in run position with engine off..
>>1116179 oh that's okay im just talkin about it the research im gettin into around it isn't really about verifying my personal sensory experience
i get pretty deep into my studies and im just shootin off thoughts that precipitate to the top of my mind here and there the precipitate is the shedding of unnecessary junk, not the message of the mainline thought whitespace margin notes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1116180 yea the coding is pretty primitives just add words onto the end, never remove them relatively easy to implement, hard to extend tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i bought a monstrous fri chikkin sando and im regretting my decisions
The mountain base is coming along nicely That long phallic area is about as good of a killbox as I can manage due to VARIOUS STUFF ON THE MAP It's just an entrance with basically a pillbox on my end, well lit up so I can see the enemy and they can't see me very well They have no cover, I've got a lot of cover (This will do effectively nothing against mechanoids, specifically centipedes) The only real answer I have to centipedes is uh, going in the back and grabbing a rocket launcher ....I should probably check if I can fire that from a pillbox
On the positive side, I absolutely can On the negative side, not the most accurate thing in the world Nor does it have that much range, it's just a little bit short
mate my twitch account is BAIT for gift subs for all these streamers I've never even heard of or seen in my life. like six or seven in the last few days
>>1116179 i have nerve fibers from the reticulating fasciculus looping back into my brain causing a feedback loop it could be clinically verified if i ever go to a neurologist or rheumatologist
as of now it's easy enough to acknowledge that i get electrically shocked any time those fibers uncoil and fall into my wharton's jelly or come out from my sinuses also causes vasovago syncope and seizures and these flashing images if i close my eyes when the zappy juice gets in my vitreous fluids
but i mean your TPJ projection of spatial awareness is a personal mental map anyway so yeah i guess it is a personal model lesions on the TPJ and damage and stuff can actually cause those spatial hallucinations where you see yourself out of body, not like a near death experience but a doppelganger your own spatial projection stays centered around your physical sensory space, but your self-position within that projected space gets desynced from it so your spatial map gets wonky like a hyperbolic manifold and you're at the edge of it but see yourself (an inner representation of your self) from the true center space talking and acting in the way your brain processes you are, but with the speaker/entity awareness registering it as another person/thing
spilled moon
it's hypothesized that that's where the concept of doppelganger originated
it's a separate phenomenon from out of body experiences
i imagine it'd be very much a saddle-like spacial experience with negative riemann curvature. i have a lot of dreams like that. big tall curved edges with a big swoop valley in the middle and a torus made up of really tiny calabi yau manifolds
props to the advertiser for trying this out it's a shame the skit is so phoned in, once the viewer picks up they're immediately going to switch off
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
The guy who played Deedlit in the RPG campaign that Lodoss war was adapted from died. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2024-04-04/sci-fi-novelist-hiroshi-yamamoto-dies-at-68/.209547
damn they have a lot of good anime this season i had no idea hibike euphonium was getting an s3 we got mushoku, spicy wolf remake, konosuba s3 i saw demon slayer, irregular at magic high, slime isekai are all getting more i'm not into any of those but i know plenty of people whoare big anime season BARTENDER? WHAT
My colonists are starting to get pretty well kitted out now 2 or 3 have no more biological limbs, it's all cybernetics One such individual is a vampire on top of it, and also has a cybernetic eye The eye is just cause she happened to lose it earlier Hell, she only has two body parts still in mint condition, one lung and one kidney her liver, heart, one lung, and one kidney are uh, borrowed
real early on, a mech cluster dropped off-map with a damn sunblocker as well, so we only get like 70% the regular light But, because I have vampires, who are UV sensitive, and also live inside the mountain anyway, I haven't bothered going to destroy it It does screw with my outdoor crops, but I eat cave mushroom so it's just cotton and devilstrand really that's affected
what do you do with the vamps that arnt uv sensitive?
I mean, all of them are, it comes free with the xenogerm I would already have a LOT of vampires, actually, but the blood supply has been a bit of an issue, since Randy keeps sending me mechs instead of bloodbags >>1116248 It's what he's saying right after showing TOMP
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1116243 the thumbnail or is that a reference idk truly how does librarian get away with >>1116247 ohh yea
>>1116247 might as well mod them, aposed to piling up the morgue wif stiffs
>>1116249 Yeah, I mean that's why the vampires are the most kitted out in the colony right now Basically I figure in the event someone does die, I'd like it not to be someone with a lot of expensive bodyparts And vampires effectively can not die
Well, a lucky headshot can clip them, but as long as the brain specifically isn't destroyed, they're good, and just need replacement parts
can you have hyrib vamp/lycanthropes? bc that would be pretty bad ass
no lycanthropy in rimworld, though I'm sure there's a mod for it The vampires aren't like, myth vampires either, they're genetically engineered, but the gene is transferable once every 2 years
So if you want, you can exponentially grow the vamp population The only bottleneck is you need roughly 3 prisoners to feed on per 4 vampires >>1116254 Well it's more that the xenogerm is engineered, and was injected into someone at some point in the distant, distant past The ancients who did that have been lost to time, though, and their tech is only ever found, not made
So they're not vatgrown vampires, but they're not like, magical as such, their genes are just fucked with
hybrid** are they created in pods of sum fin?
I thought the underworld movie having a non evil vamp was a good plot she saved the world due to her veiws on not having war between the to species oh and love played a part in the whole plot live
"non-evil" anything in rimworld is a rarity among rarities This colony in particular is very much pure evil Every time we're raided, we fashion the fallen enemies into pemmican, which is usually fed to those who survived, and we also make chairs out of their skin
I wonder how many it would atake to make a sun bather lawn chair?
to make**
>>1116253 so what (you) are saying is they are humans but inoculated with a serum and it takes a number of years/ decades for the xenogerm-metamorphosis to take place like a post transitioning effect?
oh no, the change is borderline instant They go into a 2day coma right afterwards, but that's just due to the shock And then it takes 2 years for their genes to adjust and let them spread it to the next person (without dying themselves) It's overall a purely positive thing, but it does have the drawback of always needing blood, which means you're gonna amputate some prisoners to keep around simply for the sake of feeding Of course you can do it with your own colonists, but then they'll be low on blood sometimes, and that's overall a bad thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man i wonder how fast cells can turn over IRL or if they have a mechanism to change out their genes
enhancing genes, or even gene splicing could play a major role if your goal is making super soldiers out of them thats a great way to procede as long as the rnd doesn't get stoped before the process in complete/.
That is in the game actually, you can extract genes and splice them together, though you don't get to choose what gene or genes are extracted, so it's a bit of a crapshoot
And lorewise, the empire also has done that with their entire army They're all genemodded to be fucking cracked at their job, but also they're genetically dependent on a specific drug All genemodding has a cost in rimworld, some are bad genes with negative costs, and some are good genes with positive costs So you can make someone REALLY good at shooting, but to make up for it, bad at mining or maybe outright hideous And any extra cost that isn't made up for translates to increased hunger
Is their a space in the game, an other game like that has offworld scfi lore like this?
Not sure what you mean
there was some game ack in the 90's that had grays and labs and stuff can't recall the name, it was like comand and conqueror..
whats the deal witn // eith corn anyway i feel like its pure junk foods does it have nutrition in its basic boiled form i assume i guess its still foods
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rich in fiber but also rich in starch
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah but digested slowly due to the fiber and rich in B vitamins ok corn is still good
the third guy we ever had in this colony, I believe he was recruited from the very first raid (which was just him, not much of a "raid) He has so far seduced and married two vampires, he has had a child with one, and now he's working on a 3rd wife, though admittedly she is not (yet) a vampire Though, he has become one himself since the most recent divorce
I only even made hima vampire out of desperation because if he dies, it fucks the mood of both whoever he's married to at that point in time, and the child (now an adult (13 years old))
I mean it does in some sense figure He was, for the longest time, the only male colonist, and vampires are genetically beautiful, that is they gain that trait when injected with the vampsauce Meaning he of course would chase the vampires, who would marry him, get tired of him, and he moved onto the next Now HE is the vampire, so... he's seducing a non-vampire woman, as he is now beautiful himself
Some bigshot from the empire wanted to go on vacation or something so he called me up like "hey can I and a buddy and also 11 bodyguards come chill at your place for like, a few weeks? BTW a ton of tribals are on our tail so they'll raid you, but the bodyguards we're bringing can die, no problem, they're disposable" So of course, I went "fuck it, come over, I've got food and space" Turns out they are not fans of cavefloor mushrooms
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
such disdain for your emtourage's life
in fairness, because of how things rolled in this game, they're all destined for death anyway they're dependent on go-juice, but their religion forbids all drugs completely they die in 60 days if they don't take go-juice
mushrooms are kind of played out anyway, nothing like the electic lady land experiance
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
another acid enjoyoor i see i took a micro of psi today earlier its nice
it's basically liquid amphetamines ingame it's made from yayo (which is basically coke) and neutroamine, which is... who knows really
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
snortin that yayo
there's also flake, which is made from the same stuff as yayo, but is more dangerous (but also SIGNIFICANTLY more valuable)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel pretty ambivalent toward video game drugs like same with sex in a video game what is the point of bootin up GTA 6 to press X to inject marijuanas uou might as well smoke up irl and actually feel something
well, in rimworld the drugs are just good for mood and combat boosts As well as reducing the need for sleep If you're fine risking it, for example, you can set a colonist to take wake-up once a day, and they'll never need to sleep, though they might overdose now and then and possibly die Of course... that's not an issue with vampires, so the cost of producing wake-up becomes the main bottleneck
>>1116305 eat a edible and just hit X all ready, do the world a favor ;)
>>1116306 Vamps need to sleep so thats kind of like a temporary death till untill* they return from vacation or something.'
they do have a reduced need for sleep, but yeah they do gotta snooze now and then That and deathrest which can't really be avoided
also because our particular religion is a supremacist, we're constantly pissing off all 13 guests by trying to convert them This is the worst vacation they've ever had, cooped up in a mountain eating fungi and watching an old CRT television set for entertainment, all the while the sun is completely blocked by the mech hive right outside the door I'm gonna have the bodyguards engage and maybe deal with that once the tribals are dealt with, though Worst case they activate the damn things and they come into my kill tunnel for rapid destruction
oh, they do actually take the go-juice if available anyway I guess I thought they just outright refused
>>1116310 sounds like a blast, maybe the cybernetic vamps will have a great day once the sun rises maybe build a mech since theres lots of time and many spare spaceand parts
>>1116311 maybe even stay up forever again like back in the day... >>1116314 whaaahhh
I might actually go ahead and grab the mechanitor stuff later, yeah If nothing else for disposable melee bodyblockers
well, the whole bodyguard crew got whacked by some mechanoids But I stock RPGs specifically for mechs They went down, and I got some leather and chemfuel out of it (apparently it's fine to just butcher the bodyguards?)
oh theyve updated cine2nerdle since I've last played
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whats new? did they add more movie data
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@alicemazzy/1776628975420555380 software dev is kinda wild this way pretty much every job i've held has been in a different tech stack there's crossover and commonality of course and i'm not diving into like video game engine work or medical imaging or what have you out of nowhere but the horizontal leeway has been forgiving
One of my vamps got addicted, but thankfully, vamps have deathrest So she's just sleeping off the addiction, will take about a year
some vamps can make such a lasting imprestion it wouldn't matter how long a deathrest could take
she's the only one in the squad competent at mining though, so I'm really hurting for steel atm But SOON she will wake up again, and she's CRACKED at mining By which I mean she's maxed in the skill involved, a vampire with a cybernetic eye (both give some amount of night vision) and her arms are cybernetic so she works even faster And she's FAST
I once again have guests in the mountainbase This time, however, they will certainly never be unhappy, as their religion does not forbid drugs, and I have actual kilos upon kilos of cocaine just kinda laying about in case I need money for trades They might DIE But they won't be unhappy
Do tell more about this cybernetic eye, how does it function with out a cpu does the eye need a brain chip or it a has a cpu set implanted somewhere in a dif local of the body?
>>1116337 no body wants to be unhappy but the borg eye if it has night vision capibilties how does it get it's binary and comand function w/o a cpu???
sounds awsome idk I wonder if it will as good as it was in print? I goues it means "other world" I guess it means other world"*
I suppose thats fantasy
kind of got used to reading comic books online a while back it ruined me for reading them in hand plus it's cheaper, but having a collection is still preaty good. it's just it looks cool on a screen
You ever wonder why you can get brain freezes from the blood just cooling, like, a TINY bit on the way up passing by the cold stuff you're drinking or eating But the opposite isn't true no matter how hot the stuff you're eating or drinking Like your blood can go down a degree or two and the brain goes OW OUCH OUCHIE, but it goes up like 6 degrees and you don't even notice
I always assumed brain freeze was a nerve response to something excessively outside the comfort range hitting the highly sensitive teeth nerves
apparently we're both wrong, it's apparently the temperature in the back of your mouth going down, which makes the blood vessels tighten, and the brain isn't happy about that higher temperature doesn't do that, so no similar effect
>>80 →s? are you crazy? I may or may not be, but ya I seen one in the 80's it made everyhing go black like night time of a moment. was at school and went out side
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dang that was a long time ago
i hope i get to see it in my life i coulda seen this one if i had planned enough
tho honestly i probably would have gone to texas and gotten blocked by the storm
>>1116434 man it would have been easy to visit oregon at the time but i wasnt aware this was an option
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1116437 i was hoping for a cool story about electromagnetic fields but i feel like they kinda buried the lede halfway down the article
>The office and our apartment were a few blocks away from each other along a small hill, with our second-floor apartment holding the higher ground. With a bit of work, my dad set up a line-of-sight Wi-Fi bridge — a couple of high-gain directional Wi-Fi antennas pointed at each other — between the office and our apartment. This let us enjoy the faster commercial internet connection at home!
well yea if you have some unconventional homebrew LoS internet setup then thats probably gonna be the culprit
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1116439 rain causes attenuation so it wasn't gonna be that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea 2.4 ghz idk qhat if there was a leak or some humidity messin with the router could have been something crazy
Arkansas is declaring a state of emergency due to the eclipse Big pot of money for relief efforts and also silly stuff like worker protections are suspended for truck and delivery drivers Imagine losing your job as a truck driver because you took a nap before continuing your drive, despite knowing full well it's gonna be dark for 4 minutes that day
samu if you are interrupted while coding™ does it intensely bother you and leave you angry for hours
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no that seems like an unsustainable way to live
my workflow is quite delicate
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nooo you can't interrupt my flow i was holding five different systems in my head at once weaving a seamless garment of perfect logic i am an island and not to be disturbed noooo