>>1114645 what was werdle 999 and 1k were they cool words
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the wordle game source code contains all possible words it's all determined in advnce can you really be surprised by any wordle outcome its just remaining.count--; each day
>Wordle will end on October 20 2027 three years remain boomboom
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>On November 7 2022, the NYT stopped following the original order of words. Puzzle editor Tracy Bennett will be in charge of selecting words that are ‘fun, accessible, lively and varied’. While this means you can no longer predict what the word will be three years down the line, NYT currently sets answers about one month ahead.
absolute territory enjoyer
didn't NYT take a bunch of wordle clones down i remember seeing that a bunch of foreign language wordles (that really don't complete with english wordle in any meaningful way) got sent C&D's by NYT and it made me feel kinda pissed off
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
once you obtain a trademark you gotta defend it or lose it you either die a villain or
yeah I got an oven, heating it up rn to put some garlic-marinated potats in there there's enough of them for two meals, so half are going into a plastic bag
got some pork I'm gonna fry up once that starts cooking, too
most of the time, bread ends up just not being eaten up, I need variety
>>1114704 ya it can mold fast if it has moisture, vad shelf life. But flour can sit, so. Been mawing on almounds for protien, trying not too eat meat all the time.
working space in my kitchen is also at a bit of a premium, is another problem so I never really do anything advanced or work intensive, though a lot of that is also just laziness
Shogun is REALLY deviating from the 1980s version that's for sure I mean legit nothing since episode 3 happened in the old one For one, Buntaro should still be alive
well, I suppsoe he still in, but like he didn't do that shit in the first place in the 1980s one
like you know how in the beginning, the protag and the lord swapped bedrooms, or rather their bedrooms were swapped without the protag ever knowing? Yeah, he never finds out in the 1980s one either, and as a result, neither do we as the audience. in fact, it might be they weren't swapped, the audience is never informed one way or the other
oh, he actually straight up GAVE THE ORDER about the pheasant in this new one too He didn't in the 1980s one, in fact the origin of the pheasant was never even addressed to any extent, there just was a dead pheasant hanging at his house, and then later someone buried it and got their head taken off as a result, which he got mad about
I can only imagine the 1980s version was trash, and not a good adaptation because there are actually a lot of things like that in it where it's like "HUH? What's that about?" and this one just sorta... introduces it
>>>/@irl_danB/1770609096179216878 its kinda crazy you can just pull a fully realized hallucinated LaTeX paper out of nowhere just be asking an AI to go into the backrooms and print out whatever files it sees back there
Samu here wanting women in chains
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i want a woman who will literally kill me with a zweihander
I have a virtual one.
am sleepy baby but have super important computer stuff unfinished what do
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i want a sword that will literally woman me with kill
samu give me a stream of consciousness post
(you may microdose beforehand to enhance it)
do potato chips sound as loud to outsiders than when you're eating them very loud with bone conduction it seems
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
chips can be surprisingly loud but only in very quiet rooms i think sound bolume is an interesting topic sound conducts itself in strange ways i dont think my parents ever introduced me to the idea of inside vs outside voices as a child they probably did i just wasnt listening i bet
looking up unicode symbols wtf there is a spiral its 🌀 some jerk lied on stackexchange
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
FACT: unicode does not contain any glyphs with more than three right angles
going to put my rice pudding cup against the window behind the blinds so it stays cold dont let me forget it there
>>1114740 feelsbad when someone gets the joke before on the upside they out did the op
friggin concept design i love when I get a bunch of markups and there's a bunch of information that Im meant to infer and the markups might as well be scribbled on napkins
>Sometime in the far future, after a climate disaster, water is scarce and sacred. Paul Atreides (Timothée Chalamet, Wonka), the son of a murdered duke [...] bruh
i... I don't think that's accurate
Funny enough it can be stretched to be kind of accurate Dune does take place in a distant future, and Arrakis did used to be green, before the proliferation of the sand worms to make spice brought what was arguably a climate disaster leaving water scarce And the actor does play a fantastic Timothy Chalamet
I feel kinda bored by the otomege survival at this point It's dedicating way too much time to the fights now, and they don't have any tension anymore it might work better animated or something, but as literature it's really not that engaging to read another 10 pages of descriptions of basically the same thing as last time
i never beat Ryza 1 so i guess it's time to do that but it's been years since i last played so if i don't start over i'll get that weird uncomfortable feeling of loading a save for a game i haven't played in years anyone else hate that feeling
what the heck plagues aren't just disease i don't even know idk this is why i avoid arguments where people debate the meanings of words its all the same shit man
I actually went all the way to Egypt to enter the DALL-E prompts in person.
It's REAL?
absolute territory enjoyer
>>1114786 it's single player :( if you have a good recommendation for a co-op jrpg though, i'd gladly play it with you we'd have to set up some kind of schedule but that's easy
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 1,006 3/6
🟩⬜🟩⬜🟩 🟩⬜🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 >>1114787 she's super afraid of bugs
absolute territory enjoyer
>>1114789 the one without a number Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness and the Secret Hideout i think there's only 3 1, 2, and 3
>>1114803 heh, wow, that's impressive It reminds me of photos of anime merch from Baghdad
absolute territory enjoyer
there's also an atelier gacha game that has ryza in it but yeah
absolute territory enjoyer
>>1114804 wait, weren't you around when marsh went to egpyt it's been a really long time though i wouldn't blame you if you forgot
>>1114827 well , the most classic newbie move move is to move first pawn in front of a King. that way you also open possibiliteies for Queen & Officer. ┏━┯━┯━┯━┯━┯━┯━┯━┓ ┃♜│♞│♝│♛│♚│♝│♞│♜┃ ┠─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┨ ┃♟│♟│♟│♟│♟│♟│♟│♟┃ ┠─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┨ ┃ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┃ ┠─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┨ ┃ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┃ ┠─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┨ ┃ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┃ ┠─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┨ ┃ │ │ │ │♙│ │ │ ┃ ┠─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┨ ┃♙│♙│♙│♙│ │♙│♙│♙┃ ┠─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┨ ┃♖│♘│♗│♕│♔│♗│♘│♖┃ ┗━┷━┷━┷━┷━┷━┷━┷━┛ ``ShiiJS & MsGothic support expected*
>>1114850 nope im just a homebody now who works and then drinks my rose colored life is OVER
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
actually been thinking i should just quit and go travel europe or something cuz otherwise like what is life but i can't abandon my company at this time when they need me
i might get a job as a private investigator and go back to school for biology
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i mean a job is just a job but idk a startup is a delicate thing but i always work at startups sooo anyway i could just do the digital nomadic thing if i apply proper discipline to my work >>1114857 you better start smoking buddy
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i get it though when youve got a bunch of people relying on you it's hard to say fuck you to it that kind of responsibility is good
>>1114860 i mean, i can not everyone can i have a ton of contacts and a good network so i could get a PI job within a week or two of completing my classes and getting my provisional license
>>1114858 what kind of cigarettes are the noir-est
If you want authenticity, it's gotta be red marlboros
what does a PI even actually do? it's not like you've got access to anything anyone else doesn't
PIs are generalists with investigative skills so they do whatever someone hires them to do sometimes that means staking somewhere out, researching people, locating missing people, etc etc what PIs have that most people don't is training, skills, resources, and connections
like yeah anyone can technically do what a PI does but does johnny dipshit down the street know how to tail someone? how to get photos of a wife cheating or of a murder taking place? how to even search public records?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta hang out at da docks and get a good read on the pulse of the city
I feel like unless you're dealing with someone who's like a career criminal, basically anyone could tail someone >>1114867 I do have a tendency to do that, you're not wrong
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you are overestimating what the average person is capable of
Soon our own computers will know how Cringe we are
when do we get see Ping Pong: Circulate
Firing up a bag of bachelor chow anyone want some?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea drizzled in spicy club sauce
ground meat and rice?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess a gyudon is sorta like japan's version of bachelor chow
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I love gyudon
kinda neat how the whole "this is a work of fiction, all names and organizations are fictional and any corresponding entities are coincidental" thing only ever appears when it's absolutely not coincidental
absolute territory enjoyer
>>1114887 rewatched this recently my top 3 anime has changed lineups pretty often but Ping Pong has never left it for a second god it's so good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1114898 sometimes they're like "all names are fictional and any similarities to real persons or events are coincidential, except for the cases where they're not"
>>>/watch?v=sUhR-jNL5EM oh man this whole discourse kicked off because of a tweet by some dude in california i've been following for a couple years pog he made it also surfer dude voice at 7:58
what the hell why is there a HOO in the background every bar
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean i know it was just a sample in the drum mode on my keyboard but it's so extra to my ears now
what like a transient not sure i follow
i think my pseudoschizophrenia is clearing up and im back to being my old selves flanally
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's good to hear feelin' more grounded as of late whatever you do, do not play NYT connections it's causing an exponential rise in people looking for patterns that aren't there
>>>/watch?v=punQ-3SVIsw looking for patterns is all we do thankfully we don't hallucinate them too often and have some serious quality control
i still have a syntax issue that i can't afford to pay yet
dont teach your leftbrain how to listen to words inside its own thoughts itttttt it titt itit it it it iti t iti itiit it iti ti t will be torture
>>>/watch?v=lB6MsGDGcyI brainwaves and sound waves sound very different right brain sends a syntax packet and left brain doesn't know what to do and doesn't have any money to pay the sin tax
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
looking for patterns is just one tool in the toolbox baby apply judiciously
jjjjjjjjjjo jo joooo jojojojooj jojo jo j na LEASE LEA SA
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
na-baron feyd rautha pls
im not big on hemispheric divisionism of the brain but the wernick's/broca's area is the only thing different as far as im concerned the fibrous tissues of the brain keep it running as a parallel circuit anyway but without the parallel circuit i have no idea how these words got here from the thoughts i was having
meaning and associations aren't stored as words to me but the commisure sends me the signal of what muscles to use to say it with him when speaking or what sound to focus on deciphering but brainwaves aren't acoustic sounds and the brain was never meant to focus inward on a sound that came from the inside and parse words from it that comes out as a very dense package of overlapping soundwaves that is impossibly cumbersome
what's stored as a constructed language on one side with a syntax tree and connected semantic patterns falls apart when it's being passed to me and i'm listening for a sequence of sounds and rhythm/tone and the other side is listening for a polynomial sieve there's a reason we don't think in words
i can recall words as a memory just fine or map them onto a rhythm but it's not the same as the packaging and encryption done by the specialized areas in moon's brain nigel richards scrabble champ "you dont even need to know what the words mean, just that they're valid moves from your rack of letters"
i dont think anyone has ever read through all my ramblings on here but they're all basically the same thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea thoughts are made of some other kind of thought-stuff and it gets auto translated through habit and skill to words it's interesting to think about from a coding standpoint esp with all the neural network architecture i am vaguely aware of these days
"1) consciousness is based on and accessed by language; 2) the non-conscious bicameral mind is based on verbal hallucinations; 3) the breakdown of bicameral mind precedes consciousness, but the dating is variable; 4) the 'double brain' of bicamerality is based on the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex being organized differently"
yeah this julian jaynes guy couldn't be farther from my standpoint
i don't believe consciousness arises from that, or at all. i don't think consciousness is an emergent phenomenon for physics reasons that i would elaborate on if anyone was autistic enough to care constructed language is the only part of the bicamerality that i take too seriously. hemispheres aren't identical but they are meant to run in parallel and complement each other. they have the same natural language so they don't need to separate too much. the illusion of bicamerality comes heavily from the corpus callosum and the other commissure being separated so that the communication between hemispheres happens along two different fronts, and you get two images of the conversation that varies. the CC being fed upward from the midbrain and recognizing the fibrous swipes more than the actual hemispheric messages being sent to each other, with the commissure being more intentional
but most importantly i just have dissociative identity disorder i can still use the words because they're in parallel but i don't really think that way the rhythm and tone and fluidity of it comes out differently than the unpacking
im almost never interpreted correctly in words words are a sin against the soul
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bicamerality is an old unfashionable theory but i like to bring it up anyway like many other people on the internets because it's a fun read
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
brother we'd all like to be understood in exactly the way we mean it's not that easy some people are real talented at weaving a story together such that you can figure out what they're getting at, but that takes like a lifetime of practice
spoken word does a lot more justice to me i need tone to come across because im a lot more peppy and cheerful than my words come across i uh have uh still a little bit of uh a uh an um interesting pausitive problem since i don't do well with them but i get heard better because my messages have an established tone and cadence
the words feel like a compulsive-memetic drumfill to me to help sew together meaning
seriously where's that hypnoparrot did you remove him
digestion mostly i have a job so i have to think about delivering value to customers etc yadda so the side projects are dead as usual
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also all my free time has been ate by doomscroll help
ive just been exploring simplicial complices and hyperbolic spaces consciousness isn't really a question i think about too much but i keep finding answers to it that i didn't ask for i was looking for calibi-yau manifolds mostly but found plenty of projective computable manifolds for noncomputable structures to be mapped onto
i dont really see any convincing reason to think consciousness is emergent, not that you need a reason to think anything really
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont know what consciousness is but if i have to speculate vaguely it's the feeling of being some kinda electrical feedback loop held in the neocortex sandwiched between all these different brain cells growin and dyin
a physical instance spread across an experience gradient? something like that yeah i understand that idea but i have a sneaking suspicious that consciousness is basal, and the intelligence of the brain is just a window for consciousness to shine through in its layered spectrum
i actually developed this standpoint from studying physics and anti desitter spaces and conformal field theory it wasn't until i brought it back to my own headspace and started applying it to my own splitting of consciousness did it really become intuitive
if it is then how does one pull te meat suit into other demsions at the snap of a couple fingers?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no the real schizopoaster has logged on
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1114967 by basal do you mean like consciousness is fundamentally awareness as in a cell that responds to environmental stimuli, one of the building blocks of life
or do you mean something more along the lines of the universe existing because of consciousness
not quite and not quite i think consciousness creaks through the lines of complexity like light slipping through the cracks entropy closes it back up but consciousness is as self-preserving as it can be given the points of articulation it has access to through what complexity it has
a cell isn't going to have fully sentient awareness, but human intelligence allows for consciousness to come through because it is complex as would our midbrain be for diminished consciousness the fascia has its own nervous system and electrical resonance for whatever that's worth
it would be a lot more like there's a consciousness field that gets fourier transformed onto a computable manifold through (for example) electromagnetic resonance like an antenna tuning into a signal tuning into the body such that we experience its stimulation as sensation
remember the light you see around you that's lighting up the room isn't real it's all dark it's perception within the mind that creates the experience, with stimulation into the brain just being the physicality bijection
the argumentation is in the mathematics though otherwise it's just a free-spirited kinda take on the same thing seen a different way
the crux of the consideration is on the mapping of a non-computable consciousness onto a computable manifold >>1114973 yeah and the lighting up of our environment is what we experience as sensation that's not really happening the walls in my room aren't lit up the way i see them. that happens in my brain. or in my mind rather >>1114974 yeah i know what you mean and that's what i mean too but sensory perception isn't physicality and that's hard to express sensually it's just that we have the tools to measure that radiation and interface it as a light gradient to a perceptual mapping
was the universe completely dark before any photorecptor cells existed to sense it? no, it was dark until photons decoupled from electrons
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
photons are real
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean light is bouncing off of the wall at a consistent rate such that the wall 's surface can be estimated by my sensory apparatus at least
tears of the kingdom more like tiers of da switchboard
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dark and light is a qualifier relative to some intelligent observer's experience without animals with eyeballs around to look at shit there's no dark or light anyway
yeah did you see my last line no, it was dark until photons decoupled in the protouniverse only before that point could it be definitively ///
aaaah in the early universe -e seconds before hydrogen atoms existed before the photoelectric effect could have meaningful function because electrons weren't there because it was a quark-gluon field or at least a dense electroweak field without separation of electromagnetism as its own independent field yet
prior to that point, there couldn't have been photons so i guess you could call that dark you couldn't really call it dark just based on having nobody to see its light because it's in superposition of states
no im not going to say that consciousness is needed for wave collapse. i dont believe that a conscious observer is the same as an observation. any fourier transform in effect would be sufficient to collapse a wave function once measured, but you'd need the photoreceptive cells if nothing else to receive a photon
it's more that complexity is necessary for consciousness to shine through >>1114981 i collapse them all the time in my brain
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk what decoupled means in this context
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i do like when some eighth graders are like "what can move faster than the speed of light? a shadow!!!" im 14 and this is deep
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
collapse a waveform right now do it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry that wasn't a collapse that was a multiverse track switch
mmm yeah that's a good topic though im onboard with multiversism but not the multiverse theory of quantum mechanics which seems supremely wasteful and compensatory the many worlds hypoguess
here's a q do you think the universe is headed toward universal consciousness yes there's entropy decaying things but once we expand a bit it seems hard to stop what has started
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no the universe appears to be falling apart extremely slowly so if anything every conscious entity is by default drifting apart
it takes energy expenditure to unify
we may be skimming the ergospheres of evaporating black hoes 101800 years after all planets stop existing for energy black holes fuck also vacuum energy and the lowered expenditure of computational processing in a low-temperature coldspace >>1114987 will we need that do you think consciousness can be transferred to synthetic intelligence?
if not, do you think future AI could rehabilitate consciousness by fostering life-developing systems exponential mechanized expansion with a goal to either replicate life or find better ways for consciousness to come through
imo simplicial complices shouldn't have to be lifeforms for consciousness to come through but even then, just fostering as much life as possible and connecting it together
idk i think it's a fundamental part of the universe and we're just really early on as one of the earliest (probably) conscious lifeforms, it really doesn't seem like the universe is conscious when our consciousness is so rapid in comparison but a carbon cloud having a thought every trillion years would still get to live out a lifetime with as many thoughts as we get to have in the logarithmic scale of the universe
i think the universe is just a little self-repulsive and bashful and doesn't want to be self-aware and i can't really say i blame it. self-acceptance is a compromise that comes at the juncture of self-awareness and self-repulsion when you decide "ok i don't want to look any deeper it just gets grosser from here"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the heck man where am i supposed to find good pizza in an evaporating backhoe
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dude if pizza doesnt exist whats the point of living
aka we are the universe getting to observe itself a la carlose again
opinions on Big Yud
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont know if consciousness could be transferred out of the flesh prison tbh awareness is embodied as much as it is neural net logic maybe a superintelligent AI coudl synthesize machine equivalents for neurons and gut biome and muscle memories, with the old gradual replacement thought experiment
how about i say it this way im working on assessing the feasibility of a consciousness field that works in such a manner because it's a useful model for connecting mathematical structures with physicality
my personal belief would be i guess spirituality and not the basis of my research into it
your Chakra alignment status?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1114993 mine is heavily in the fifth chakra rn code blue
Accuracy of Guinon's predictions for the end of Kali Yuga in 2030-2032 timeframe, where he just cut off a bunch of zeros while doing his calculations based on 5000 year old Vedic texts?
it's not that a conscious observer is needed to collapse a wave function, just the measurement of the extricated wave through a fourier transform it's just that all the things caught in superposition don't have anything complex enough to reach that far ahead and collapse stuff that's in superposition and as of now consciousness is the only thing that reaches far enough ahead to do that
if things could do that they wouldn't be in superposition. maybe things did do that and brought those parts out of superposition. maybe the universe is pulled toward collapsing its own wave functions so that many worlds shenanigans don't get started or to conserve energy, but just doesn't have very adaptable angles to work with. but when adaptive life starts propping up, it's kinda hard to stamp out even with an asteroid flood maybe a vacuum decay would do it but maybe that's the pppppppppppppppppppoint consciousness locked behind a false vacuum and only the cum plexity to reach over the hump and give the camel a reacharound can understand divine cumpassion
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk i dont worry about quantum quantum is where shit gets woo easier to look at concrete classical cause and effect chop water, carry wood
cause and effect is scary real world is scary and cruel and dirty and full of disgusting things humans are beautiful but people are ugly
i just wanna topologize for my math addiction it's so simple and so complicated at the same time so easy to confuse yet so hard to abuse natural language, integumentary interfaces, boundary functions oh boy what more could a thing like me ask for i dont care that much if consciousness is even real but it fits in these manifolds so i'll include it in the whitespace margins
what's that thing again words the dinosaurs get the worms
ive had nl singing that one song from slackers in my head for two days now
It's pretty difficult. I'm a person with a lot of energy so I move around a lot. I like to run and jump! But yesterday I was sitting on a couch with someone and they kept hitting the couch with their hand as they spoke and the vibrations were enough to make me feel like I needed to throw up.
>>1114883 but how to participate in online biochem lab? or online neurosurgery lab? can you link any examples, videos of those online labs. I'm really interested. I really want to take few medical courses. The last time I checked Universities in my region, in 2022, only 2 unis\courses are available as remote education for Bachelor degree, and those are not even comp sci, nor STEM. those available were something like accounting sort of. >>1115020 arigatou very much, I'll check it out! ❤️
They use simulation models. https://virtualbiologylab.org/
If you're trying to take medical courses, those labs will probably need to be done in person, though. We're talking about science labs, not medical labs. And generally doctoral labs will need to be in person, although you might be able to find online ones occasionally.
A quick google search will show you tens of online biology programs with online labs. It's just simulations now. Models and simulations are really advanced now. Arizona State's program boasts that all of their labs except orgo can be done online, UF even can do its orgo lab online.
as i cross into the US my phone switches from lte to 5g i think
absolute territory enjoyer
the only difference i've ever noticed between having 5G and LTE is whether or not there's a respective tower with good signal near me i don't think i almost ever reach the bandwidth cap of LTE during normal use of my phone i'm certainly not downloading large files to my phone very often while also not connected to wifi
isnt 5g what the CIA uses to fry peoples brains with havana syndrome
absolute territory enjoyer
actually it's for turning frogs gay and liberals use it to activate the vaccine in your body turning you into a zombie
>>1115031 so close, that's the cuban intelligence agencies!
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow i thought 5g was all over the place
I suppose the farther away from a the tower and more users on the network, greatly stifle transfer rates. Seeing as of last year there being over 5G connections surpassed 1.5 billion users. There needs to be a different tech other then radio waves all together at this point. Need that best level.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
5g is more common in dense areas i think it is high bandwidth but requires lots of little endpoints and short distances idk it's all just a marketing term anyway there's like a dozen different cell network standards and evolutions of the tech >>1115035 i mean other than electromagnetic waves what is there? gravity waves? pressure waves idk i don't think there's anything better that the general idea of EM for carrying digital signal
Living close quarters to a tower fugging doesn't help ungay/degoul all the frogs Just wanna get away from towers and decompress from the damage it's all ready caused. >>1115032
What about light and transferring data with that spectrum? Telepathy probs faster the 5g/6g @ this point. >>1115037
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
brother look at that spectrum visible light is higher energy than millimeter waves the sun is going to do more damage than any cell tower will
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yknow what actually causes health problems and hormonal changes in animals microplastics from all the tire dust from all the dang cars and roads
...I mean the shower is by far the mosttime consuming part and really shouldn't take more than like 15-20 minutes unless you're a goblin like me and just drag it out for the enjoyment of showering
ok gunna time my shower starting right meow >>1115080 ok ok stop the timer im done
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea you just have to time it there's nothing to do but time things that's what i have to do at my job too just to make sure the code runs fast enough
when I still lived with my dad, 10 minutes was the maximum before he'd scold me but now I live on my own and I will happily eat the extra cost because I do not like to stress about it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
You doomscrollin in the shower again son?
I would never bring my phone into the shower it's waterproof, but I don't trust it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive done it before its a terrible idea shower is a sacred time do not introduce tweets
a shower is like a longer cigarette break, but without the lung cancer a time to disconnect
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anon already been in there for 12 minutes they're cooked
ummm does 'shower time' include drying off, putting on clothes, and finishing the internal dialouge mental review of actions performed over the last hour cause still haven't done that yet it adds about 5-10 minutes
shower time is just the time in the shower, but the rest shouldn't take too much time
well, I take my time with all of it anyway though I live slow
>>1115071 Ok this would be my true total time then, not great not terrible I feel that I lost a lot of time trying to go fast which made me slower cause of missteps Also didn't do hair either.
>>1115079 I feel I get slightly disconnected from reality from living alone in general.
And the messed up thing is that some of them aren't even that bad.
yo get on MW2 Karachi
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>-abad is a suffix that forms part of many west, central and south Asian city names originally derived from the Persian language term ābād (آباد), meaning "cultivated place" (village, city, region), and commonly attached to the name of the city's founder or patron.
>In India, -abads are the legacies of Persianized Muslim rulers such as the Mughals.
>The suffix is most common in Iran, which contains thousands of -abads, most of them small villages.
>>1115111 Anno nailed it, wont spoil it fir all crew.
absolute territory enjoyer
>>1115134 kigurumi shit always creeps the fuck out of me incites a "kill it with fire" type response from deep within me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea pretending to be skin but just being some synthetic material like over time it's just going to collect dust it's not real skin so it doesn't maintain itself woof
>>1115133 i'm not on that much and when i am it's pretty rare i scroll that deep into the past maybe like 1-2 page lengths from the bottom of the thread at most also i took a weeb sabbatical for like the entirety of 2022 and most of 2023
>>1115156 marshposting cute anime jpgs samurai some sort of mentally ill attachment to a website i've been browsing for the majority uhhh entirety of my adult life >>1115159 word, no worries my work schedule is fucked atm anyways speaking of i gotta sleep soon ruh roh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
btw i still dont have a plan for the eclipse but if i go to texas on some miracle ill let u know
pretty sure i need to work like 7 12 hours shifts out of the next 10 days or i'm gonna have a rough time making all my bills time to strap myself in it's do or die in a sense that might be terrifyingly close to literal
>>1115165 hell yeah >>1115164 i just name about 60% of the images that i save when i save them sometimes i sort them into folders based on character, sometimes i don't i can't draw at all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i only really got into postrock because of a girl in 2015
i watched stocktales 2 and now my brain is empty help i need to return to the winds and the wilds to the waterfalls i grew up with i need to climb trees and swim to the island in the center of the lake i wasn't meant for this
man having seen dune pt. 2 twice now i just think LOSAN AL HAIR is the funniest meme but // by a guy who to bmy est knowledge still haven't seen da movie
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's animated film about emotions.... that's not Inside Out...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
youtube gurus will tell you do not start your video with a coughing fit but hERE WE ARE
presuming it's real, my guess would be due to the bumps, the center of gravity is shifted consistently one direction on lego pieces, so when the centrifugal forces get going, they basically force them up against each other in proper alignment
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can only assume it's real because who would come up with that idea he said the pieces are pretty old and worn so maybe it's not completely impossible, just crazy that so many snapped in i guess when you press two lego pieces against each other and vibrate them they're bound to find the correct alignment
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
god dammit so fuckin hung over still why in bee's name did i drink a bottle of wine and then a bunch of vodka last night what the hell was the point owwww i even fired up tears of the kingdom and did a korok at one point stuck jn some kinda holding pattern
It sucks not being able to run in winter, doing it anyways. It can be fatal sweating catching pneumonia. But running on icy surface helps balance.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ya the main annoyance is whenever i've caught a cold it's usually after trying to exercise outside in the winter maybe i should just get the stationary bike
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and idk running on a treadmill bores the heck out of me at least i could watch a tv show or something but idk it's just so unsatisfying staying in one spot
ppl say running is bad for your shins and knees, but I haven't ever really noticed, think it strengthens if anything. probally long term but theirs ton older ppl that job jog* in runner meccas say like NYC etc..
It something once you start doing it, becomes compulsive. Part of routein.
still vomiting 2-8 times a day still physically weak because my vomiting makes it hard for me to do stuff, lengthening the time it takes for me to recover from surgery, plus low nutrients endoscopy on april 5th kidneys are fine
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
how are the balls?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right ball is still like 20% larger than its usual size but they dont hurt anymore
I am glad to hear that you no longer have sore balls.
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/watch?v=b7Bj1dBMYBE i keep thinking of norman pain saying "big ole balls they drag me down"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeowch that sucks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you know why you're vomiting?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no clue the vomiting is why i got the tests done that found the hernias but the hernias were incidental findings, unrelated endoscopy will include some biopsies and hopefully theyll figure out what the vomiting is about
doc thinks its an infection or some sort of problem with the epithelial cells in my esophagus so hes doin two biopsies and i get to do anesthesia which is exciting
But I thought you hated the Russian Tsar and his family
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why is anesthesia exciting to you?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
when you're sober you don't get many chances to trip
Don't you think anesthesia is cool? When you wake up, you're totally debilitated. You slowly start to regain cognitive and physiological function. It's like watching yourself boot up. It's not something you can do every day! It's a unique and rare experience, so it's exciting.
that anesthesia nakes you start triping balls >>1115257
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i see i see it's alright kinda feels fun for like five seconds before you black out waking up just feels like waking up in the morning to me as far as i can remember but it's been a while
>>1115261 ic icy said the def man t the blind mute. just dun be busting any knee cap balls. ;p
I'm a morning person and I get really good sleep, so I wake up pretty much in the same state I'm in throughout the rest of the day. But when I got out of anesthesia last time, it was really slow. I could only form one word at a time and I couldn't walk very easily. And then slowly I regained all that functioning as it wore off. Very cool stuff.
Today is the last day before my sweaty-boy yoga place closes. and then in about a week it reopens in a different part of town. Little sad. The current place is easy to get to and has good parking. The other area is more congested.
Some people been going there for like 14 years so they're a little emotional about it.
Oh for sure. It's a huge part of my life now. 90 minutes almost every day. Helps with my powerlifting. Helps with my mental state. Keeps me sane. I'd keep going even if the new one was twice as far.
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats awesome
well, my monitor finally ate it Guess I gotta get a new one
rei member when we were gunna share each others giant touhou folders to each other I started doing all sorts of sorting and organizing and was delving into some externals to pull up more old folders and had a .txt file of all the stuff I needed to add to it lets do it one day bro, this year at least
>>1115304 wanna watch Final Destination sometime in the near-mid future?
absolute territory enjoyer
>>1115300i i wish it wasn't so unbelievable that people would act like that but i've met a good number of incredibly wealthy people and uhhh money fucks people up so idk about mr beast but it wouldn't surprise me at all either
I didn't finish watching fnf and that needs to happen. @ the part where Vin give directions to racewars. Someone watched fd with me already along time ago didn't really dig it much wouldn't watch again unforts.
Enjoyed it, makes anno wanna light boots on pavment, I'm all about fnf really bc/ Cali very important to muh. SC's idea about formula D was good, down for that.
Oh I so agree with (you), but in totally different way then could be imagined or typed here. In fact I think I'm going to show up at yoga from now on. Did it tons back in the day I think it'll be good for muh to get my strength flexibility and stamina back on up. Looking forward to it, it's best in the morning w/ sun mojo rising.
Resprained the wrist yesterday, used to break dance tons in way back. Running, pull up's, inverted press up's, swimming/diving. Samu was inspiring muh earlier (training) Muscle memory, got that shiz.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i was doing a frog pose earlier today good stretch
w0t in tarnation, I just opened yt, and there was some anime girl on logo, I cliced and yt said 'join anime fandom' , I was shocked, wanted to screenshot & browser crashed. After restart I tried to reproduce - no luck. Anyone can explain what a psy op I've expirienced? they're messing with our brains! It is like ... anime flashing on public transit!
anno had a weird crash the other day too out of no where on a device, it was before an update so not abig deal
damn dude how many times can this show use a leg injury as a plot device. I mean, I know it's a show about horse racing But still, this is like.. 4th, 5th time in two seasons
> > Now, scientists have traced our tail loss to a short sequence of genetic code that is abundant in our genome but had been dismissed for decades as junk DNA, a sequence that seemingly serves no biological purpose. They identified the snippet, known as an Alu element, in the regulatory code of a gene associated with tail length called TBXT.
oh yeah, the infamous chaturanga >>1115398 Id like to have deck with crafted art pieces figurine characters, like elephants and shit, not some abstractions. Even had thoughts of designin my own tabletop games based on classics. I've heard there is also great game of Ur. Design is Everything! Unfortunetely was unable to find online web version of chatutranga to play.
>>1115399 Made up some svifi board game with paper when I was a lad scifi****
fuggin cool wish Anno could go back into that mind state that was at the time.
yo anyone wanna warch sum zizek
>>1115401 brother, I just seen some Zizek today with that greek-brit Yannis, ranting about "Europe is Kaput' & I was like wat ta heck It were 2 hour lecture debate, and I don't have such much time leisure time. Currently watching few vids before having a good night.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry im not a masochist
maybe if you splitscreen him with FLCL season 1
>>1115402 oya! am watching the 30min one with the blonde girl mite give thoughts later
>>1115403 actually, been recenty binging on last 3 seasons. they were NOT that bad. thanks Netflix? I guess? even had some tears. they were ok and bearable. but the manga still the best and unbeatable og
idk im scared to watch s2 and s3 the original has like the greatest animation style of all time idk how netflix stuff is supposed to measure up
>>1115406 wow , I didn't knew chess.com had those. Thanks, I'll check it out! Is signup required or possible to play withour logging in?
guest play in effect too
it jst assigns yu a random number nme name* fugg this micro keyboard o n the device. allways type fail
>>1115407 I just recently realized and understoon few things about series, that I didn't realized when I was a kid watching it, like: it is a mecha anime. it is theorethically a harem. it is about growing up and coming out of age. Just recently had my bro, buying acidic energy drink in front of me, in a shop, just like flcl scene.
also, I like baseball. we had only 1 small team in a country (small) though. But I didn't growing up watching it. Still can't understand the rules. But I think it's totally cool, and better than rugby/football imo. and I like guitars, despite being mainly an keyboard player.
skibidi so bad he rizzed himself
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
flcl is so great because its a masterwork of animation and fairly deep and dense and interlinked like a blackberry patch but also its a bunch of horny animators jacking each other off
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres decades of analysis anyway so i dont need to explain it but its nice to come back to these themes as an adult
“The children have to save themselves these days because the parent. “What if you could go back in time and take all those hours of pain and darkness and replace them with something better?”s have no clue...?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy heck is that the 10,000 year old board game chattabunga
>>1115459 Hey, I will not stand by and let you besmirch the good name of tvshowstars.com
well,it's tiny and kinda shitty, but I got another monitor it was cheap, so
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sned it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1115463 your oshi was complaining about my oshi's emotes ruining his emote autocomplete https://clips.twitch.tv/SparklyTsundereTofuNinjaGrumpy-vzYC-9eQ6NVf2eGQ >Evidence of an "anime lady transforming into like a demogorgon or something"
>>1115430 error sorted, dang keyboard... It not a bad game the rules arn't that much different vut it's not played the orginal way intentended with the peices placed like in the pic, but still enertaining none the less...
man this monitor really is tiny though 22 inch but it was real cheap and I just needed A monitor to resume my normal way of using my computer like $90 or something
>>>/@shakoistsLog/1772357199303438435 i never played an mmo in the glory days for whichever reason i was too into the gamecube but i did play other forms of massively multiplayer games and eventually became addicted to TF2 which had that feeling of community of weirdos
ahh ya makes sense, I learnt by example from an artist to look at ones own hand to by able to draw what you desire into the drawing helps
artists should have forsaw the development of ai 5 years ago and collectively decided to draw worse to fuck with the dataset that's what I would have done imo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its the same as looking at your hand in a dream uou'll have way too many fingers or too few neural nets arent all about maintaining a fixed number of similar entities next to each other, its more vibes based is this area roughly finger-space? it's next to palm-space? cool put some fingers there
>>1115525 That was remedied for anno some how, when I first studied about dreamology anno learned to look at your hands in waking hours and consciously transfer this too the subconscious it was around this time that hyper surrealistic morphings ceased.
>>1115524 ya it would have super imposed it prematurely.
love to scope love to variate
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
apparently Geega is friends with NL's wife >>>/watch?v=1J4QauHcuDs and she's also in a vtuber group with BatAtVideogames
NL is infiltrating YOUR oshi's inner circle, and basically he's her oshi
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1115529 nah, my oshis' oshis are DSP and Mile Stoklasa
it is pretty fascinating though, watching two guys, both accurately either educating or correcting the other, adding to the total knowledge they both have, and then both of them are still at the end somehow wrong, in different ways