>>1111451 I'm not a professional but I also have mental health issues and am familiar with how long and difficult the process of treatment can be.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
but feel free to
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
therapist be like: ah yes shit life syndrome. here's your invoice for $300
>>1111454 That is unfortunate and I have empathy with your struggles Did you try exercising regularly, getting lots of sleep and sunshine, eating cleanly, having healthy and fulfilling relationships/career etc before starting such process?
all of the above work/help, and then more still has to. be done interal workings of letting go of the past helps to some degree. internal**
I have a near photographic memory of the past and can recall every significant interaction I've had online or IRL
marsh we be up in your pipes installing drives, pumps and shit unless your area is handled by the other stp idk
Not really anything, maybe it needed acknowledgement as a positive greeting, rather then a symbolic Holliday. Anything, to make things less depressing or bunk.
i will never turn on battery saver i will never save batteries
vibed on the first one, more so then second. liked the rhyms .
save batteries, they are worth repairing, some times batteries need to be charged a surtain way to be be able to be repaired correctly, it's worth the effort. l had one break the other day, and waited a bit and charged again just to make sure it still worked and it functioned as it did previously.
>>1111492 blue watchmen guy pointing @u vibe chexked you passed
>>1111493 personally I throw mine off cliffs into oceans
>>1111495 better then other places prehaps, but still not the best place for long term storage of any type. esp, lith ion or acidic batts
There are 4 rings, including the level of liquidity. Here's to hoping it's not 3 days deep, but rather 3 slips. I wonder however, what's the star particle, floating in the middle of the mug, a bit off too the left?
it's a vision of the future much like tea leaves you must look to the beans
I have started a hardcore save in kingdom come this oughta be interesting
Running a mod that changes some stuff too, but it's made to expand the game rather than really fucking with the difficulty
you really do gotta eat more frequently in hardcore though partially because i took the tapeworm debuff, which as one might imagine involves being significantly more hungry Though I also took the perk for reducing hunger as my first perk once the game actually starts up, so I thought it'd even out a lot more
Really though, I welcome it In my normal mode game, Henry barely eats at all
I don't get the results until the 26th but the ultrasound guy made a big deal over my kidney. He redid my right kidney 4 times with a really concerned look on his face. Then he did my left kidney and put it up on the screen with my right kidney and compared them. And my right kidney looked really bad.
I don't know how to read an ultrasound so maybe there's just a normal explanation for it all but I have to admit the more time passes from when they did it, the more concerned I feel.
He also kept doing like, this thermal-looking thing on my kidney.
I don't know if that's standard procedure or not.
I want everything to regular for your health, it's gonna all be alright. Anno has faith of this, been strugling with some personal helath issue as well so your not alone. Cant wait for the time when things are better!
Apparently the colors on an ultrasound indicate bloodflow and which way it's going. So when they did that, they must have been trying to see if blood was flowing to what I assume was a mass or not.
let's hope ot's not a mass or clot or anything derogatory. Focusing on healing for ya!
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
This guy is Incline bench pressing less weight than i can Incline bench press so why does he have a hot girlfriend and i don't the maths just doesn't add up
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1111578 probably because he has a more active social lofe *life
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
No that can't be it. Maybe he can bang out more reps at the lower weight
>>1111587 Two weeks is a long time to be walking around wondering if I have cancer. But yeah, there's not really a lot I can do other than live my life.
i was driving to a client house and i had to pull over to throw up on the side of the road and then i cancelled my session and went home where i threw up even MORE
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh fuck i hope there's some food you can keep down that sounds like a lotta tossed cookies
I'm probably just gonna watch it in the pseudo-IMAX There's only one or two proper IMAX locations here and neither is particularly easy to get to for me
I watched the parrot video on the rushia events, and man that sure is... a timeline of events
it's always really jarring to witness the actual existence of the otaku you see in anime and stuff, cause somewhere in my mind, those are filed away as self deprecating exaggerations, when in reality those guys are very real and pathetic in ways that even put me up as a great example of humanity
Rushia herself is also, obviously, very fucked up, but that's less jarring cause at least I haven't mentally categorized abusive partners as a fictional archetype. Those are real, and filed away as such
I got this really bitchy email at work on Friday And here i am awake at 3:am still thinking about it Literally losing sleep over it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah when stuff like that happens my brain starts coming up with responses and goes into a loop of how best to respond its like a survival instinct from the ancient tribe days
insisting on working up the money for a horse before I start the hunting quest with Capon is definitely making this game a lot more difficult than necessary, but I'm sorta enjoying it Especially on hardcore, making money is REAL tough to begin with
>>1111643 yeah well the guy's a known quantity too. Super argumentative and picks a fight with everyone so i didn't take it personal. But it did piss me off just a tad
so I went to yoga class this morning, right. worked up a good sweat. And there was this new girl in the class. first time doing this style of practice. and after class I went across the road to get a coffee. and this girl walks in a bit after me and orders a coffee too. And she's really cute. and she's sitting there by herself. and we're both just waiting and I'm like >dude just fuckin say something. you don't even need to be good at small talk. We just had this common experience, can ask her what her thoughts are after the first class. first class is always the hardest. and then I'm like.. nah. can't do that. I'm still dripping buckets of sweat. not a good time to put myself forward. besides she'll just think im some fuckin creep sex pervert who does yoga to pick up loose women. can't do it. and then I'm like >RIGHT, you can catch her eye and smile at her on the way out, subtle greeting. friendly. a nod to the common experience we just had. And then as I was walking out right, im still sweaty like I said, and I'm wearing these flimsy cheap rubber sandals with almost no traction. and then right as im walking past her my fuckin sweat soaked sandals side along the floor and i almost lose my footing and do a faceplant into the little cafe table next to her. I didn't. I regained my footing. but i there was like a stubble. and then she gave me like a >are you alright? kind of look and i just kind of played it of and kept walking... God damnit.
You should have told, yes that was a close one, thank for you concern new yoga girl.
Your story just inspiered qnno to do a it of yoga, anno** Just a couple of simple poses, nothing to intense.
You should have talk ed with her, if you thought she was cute and all, prefect opertunity to represent.
>>1111651 yeah well, it's easy to think back on what one should have done after the fact, isn't it. I SHOULD have not left my change bag at home and had a shower before I got coffee and then i would have been all try and in nice clothes. and then maybe things would have played out differently. or I would have invented another reason not to talk to her. But that aside Yeah so some yoga stretches. That shit's great.
why does anichart keep marking random shows as being on my watchlist why does it keep unhiding specifically chinese shows?
>>1111653 Idk sounds inavertantly content selecting to bunk programing, hope it can be preset to content thats desirable. Like animes that are good and haven't been veiwed yet.
>>1111652 Ya feel a bit better then before, did abiut 40 push up's too probs like 35,
FInally saved up the groschen to buy a horse Of course, you are given a horse for free when you begin this next quest, but I wanna know what happens if you already have one, cause normally nobody will get one before beginning this quest, it's so early in the game
Taking a look at Kingdom An anime from like 2012 about... possibly a historical period of some place in China? It's... all CG But I will still give it a few episodes, see if it's any good
Kingdom is a pretty long-running quite popular manga It's popular enough to get referenced in other series
The first two seasons are 3D CGI, the third season onwards changes to a predominantly 2D animation afterwards
>>1111670 Sengoku literally translates to "States' War" which is why it gets translated as the Warring States period when referring to Japan's Sengoku Jidai Theoretically you could refer to any civil war as a period of sengoku, although there might be some implicit that it's more of a free-for-all than something more binary like the American Civil War WWI could theoretically be Europe's sengoku Or well basically any point in Europe's history from the 500s to like, 1950 Y'all fought a lot of wars
>>1111669 The only thing Europeans ever hated more than foreigners was EUROPEAN foreigners
Isn't our fucking nonstop fighting each other at least partly responsible for, you know, All That Shit We Did To Everyone Else? I mean gunpowder was invented in China but they just made pipe bombs and fireworks, while we went "lads, I think we can use this to put a BIG hole in someone's chest, at range"
China had the first rudimentary cannons, even the first hand-carried cannons that arguably are the most primitive form of handgun Europeans definitely took the theory and perfected it to a bloody art
Oh, really? From what I've heard though, when guns were first brought over to Japan by Europeans, I think... the Spanish? they were super interested cause that was new tech Seems like they'd be familiar with the concept considering their history with China
Though maybe Historical Reasons meant we were the first to really nail down the precision smithing needed to make something a bit more portable than a cannon you carry around like Serious Sam
Despite their proximity, there's a lot of historical context why the Japanese and Chinese went long stretches of time with minimal national interaction, including trade or exchange of ideas For starters, the sea between them is not particularly easy travelling even at the best of times, which leads into the next reason. Because it wasn't really convenient to sail, the Chinese really only did when they were trying to conquer the Japanese islands, and both major times they did their fleets got wiped the fuck out by typhoons before they could even field their invasion properly China also went a pretty long time where they themselves isolated themselves on the national stage and would have refused to engage in any major trade or diplomacy with Japan, or pretty much anyone else Also, and I will preface this by saying I have zero actual reading on this, I don't think the Chinese made the mental leap, or lacked certain necessary technologies, to put their cannons on ships, or make them functionally useful for naval battles, which would have also reduced the odds of a Japanese person ever seeing Chinese artillery
Japan is kind of an odd one out anyway though I guess mfers had fuckin' feudalism all the way up into like, the late 1800s or some shit We were building steam engines hereabouts and in the US and Japan was like "I must demonstrate loyalty to my daimyo" On our earth, they're like the closest thing to elves
I mean shit we introduced guns into the eco system and the guy we sold that shit to went on to fuckin brutalize everything else because well... mfer had a gun A lot of guns
well, putting a cannon on a ship only really makes sense if there's something to, you know, fire them at and if japan isn't invading with ships, and you're not really invading japan all that much...
Meanwhile, Europeans have been fucking with each others' trade routes and overall just causing mayhem on the sea for so long, it was kind of inevitable for someone to go "I'm gonna shoot those fuckers"
>>1111679 Nobunaga certainly had an initial edge because he was the first Japanese city-state to mass-adopt the European firearms, but it's not like the Portuguese were selling guns to him and only his army Once other warlords saw how frighteningly powerful the flintlock was, they started adopting them too The real reason he conquered as much as he did, and probably would have conquered all of Japan if not for his betrayal and execution/assassination, was he was the perfect blend of viciously aggressive and a brilliant tactician There's a reason historical recollections refer to him as a demon as much as they compliment his military achievements
>>1111678 Japan was always a country of geographical isolation. Like I said above, it wasn't smooth sailing to get there from the Asian mainland, and if you look at a world map of that south-east Asia and Oceania region, Japan's only real sane geographical neighbour would have been Siberia, which prior to the unification of the Russian kingdom, hell, probably before Russian industrialization, was relatively low in population Add to that, after Tokugawa took control after the Sengoku Jidai finally settled, he shut the country down pretty much entirely, with only a single port open to European traders (primarily monopolized by the Portuguese)\ Japan had little to no social interaction with the outside world until America showed up with their Black Ships and forced them to open up, and historically, when a country with rigid cultural norms and hierarchical social structures isolates from society, they tend to stagnate on societal evolution There was enough internal control (and honestly, like a century and a half of relative peace) that citizen unrest never became an issue, and no external influence of new ideas and philosophies as such that people could even consider there was a different way a country could be run and a fundamental difference in how their lives could be lived
Bandle #551 1/6 🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ Found: 58/62 (93.5%) Current Streak: 0 (max 24) #Bandle #Heardle #Wordle https://bandle.app/ listen to the full drum sample on this one
doh it doesn't like when an input comes in while its generating or rather it discards those i think
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1111775 i mean i could ask it to but i think it might get really awkward in a multiplayer setting or idk just funny could test it out
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1111777 Nah i get it. People would make it weird. The penis measuring and choking will have to stay strictly non-sexual.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
alright fuck it i'll try it but i'm gonna wipe the whole thing blank after let's see how fucked up it gets
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow it really wants to too
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
That didn't take long
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I didn't change anything yet!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok nevermind it doesn't follow thru
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
resetting oh god
( ・ิω・ิ)
on god? for real?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice eyebrows btw
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea it's definitely willing
( ・ิω・ิ)
the robot is willing but the prompter is not
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yep sigh there's plenty of sites with private rooms for that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dah it's just kinda waffling typical of the AI alright ima reset it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway i saved the old story just 4 kicks hmm this thing needs much more in the way of guardrails and maybe some automatic advancement
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1111792 Gotta find a way to keep the Australians out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha yeahh that's always a priority but mostly just not having it switch into wikipedia info dump mode which is kinda hard... i don't really want to have a secondary supervisor LLM that notices when things are going wrong who's gonna supervise the supervisor
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
we did it boys we ruined another one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's not even trying to get dirty guard rails successful
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh i guess i ruined the mood whoops
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
is the auto advance a bit too rapid now?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there isn't any i'm just smashing enter
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
guess you were keen to see what happened after they found the quiet spot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i need to make it queue up inputs properly or just prevent hitting enter
I actually kinda like the very small details of Starship Troopers Like how in bootcamp, they do capture the flag, but it's not like they gotta bring the flag back to base, they just gotta get there Cause that's... kinda all their soldiers are supposed to do They're not expected to make it back, they're just fodder to be thrown at the target
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
truly a classic i haven't seen it in over 10 years
make that a feature if it's still typing out or just hasn't finished processing, make it take the prompts together as a single prompt, including whatever it managed to print out between them it could result in Funny
Or make it interrupt itself in-character "H-hey! I wasn't finished!"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mmmm that would be pretty fun i wonder how to do that maybe if there's an open quote, add some punctuation
Alternatives include: if two prompts are given within a relatively short timespan, it just makes the users pick between the two for which to actually use Or in the backend you could just tell it like "these two prompts both apply, please come up with a way to write them together, and then go from there"
I dunno how your fuckin' thing works so this may not be an option
truncate and concatenate that should do something probably i dunno what but it sounds good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah it's possible to rewind the context it's just a big buffer of thousands of tokens that starts empty and slowly fills up
i can offer you 10 hours of my services as a thank you just let me know whatcha need
>Cannot connect to bang service. oh no it banned me
it just puts a period after most of my prompts then stops i think there's a user bias
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1111884 thanks for the offer i got nothin all i really need is motivation to keep striving in life and not stagnate >>1111885 i was restarting it i put it into porn mode
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1111885 ah yeah well i think if it gets confused it just does that or if it thinks the sentence is already complete
if you want porn mode just download like ollama and run it on your own GPU
i remember trying to do something like this with linguistic entropy where it would try to resolve to the lowest energy state that it could using language to discharge discrete quantities i wanted there always to be a minuscule remainder left over that it'd want to get rid of but couldn't so that little prompts could nudge it to explain or clarify little bits of things and it could get frustrated if it was only taking in a bunch of stuff but couldn't get anything out
my physics advisor said she didn't see how it was related to physics and maybe i should switch fields
I DO have 36 subscribers now on my youtube channel where I make videos about Old School Runescape so you know - I'm a pretty big deal in the content creator community.
>>1111898 math is just the art of looking at things that already exist and giving them new names i guess i'm always doing that in some fashion, drawing equivalencies and capturing the framing i found it in
i came down with a schizophrenia and fell pretty far down the hamster hole but im starting to get it back together i already had dissociative identity disorder so it was really wierd at first thinking i was occupying both states at the same time and talking to myself but schizophrenia, after the breaking hallucinations, just are your own thoughts trailing from a very acute angle where they sound dissociated when you hear them and really flat/foreign
unfortunately the involuntary process of hearing that trailing thought splits your present thought so you don't get to finish it normally because your brain is feeling hijacked from the signals from 0.6 seconds ago that weren't finished and just caught up
whether you're aware of it or not there's built-in anticipation you develop from having it happen, and there's alsot // also the initial trauma that leaves so much scar tissue, you'll never stop hearing those old hallucinations trigger over certain words
like hamster or introverted or r**e or cum barista or hillary clitton or "all hyped up on math and phentermine"
anyway i was almost engaged and brought out to an island on north carolina to live on the beach side about a month ago but the person wasn't a good person like at all i quit m y job in anticipation of going after christmas, then i never went now i'm all out of blood and looking for that other cunt half of me that does this better than i do
did you ever bcum a lawyer like your good friend ((k( i hope so
i was trapped in a catatonic state for almost a week straight in december and during that time i remember praying for your brother rest in peace saku and asuka and eku and t-cup too
hope this was too long and is an unsightly mess to clean up like that drowned giant thing where the whole town had to des
you were right im nobody's light but at least they can bump into me in the dark and realize they should turn around and go the other way as soon as they can you say tomato i say tomato
>>1111902 yeah most lawyers never go near a courtroom public defenders here spend like 80 hours a week in courtrooms so, despite the petty offerings, it can be a really invaluable way to rack up high value experience trial lawyers get to make the big bucks, even if it's just in pretrial hearings and there's never an actual trial
if i could go back and unrape my life i think i might do public defender or something i only started appreciating the beauty of law after becoming a court reporter/transcriber for court cases and also i did some web advertising and content stuff for defense attorneys
i realized how big of scumbags that prosecutors/DAs are here in the states $cumbags
>>1111902 i'm all right left hemisphere and all but i've been thinkin about ya missed you a bit
just stay away from anything legislative elder law and tort law are all right copyright and patent is fuckville i almost tried to patent something until i talked to someone and realized i'd likely spend 6 figures to do that with 0 return on my investment and years of stress
patents are only for pharmaceutical companies now everyone else will never be able to afford it
another thing i'd like to do in that vein is design/advise on clinical trials help pharmaceutical companies set up meaningful clinical trials for whatever they're trying to do nothing to do with helping people because let's be real they don't but it's a particularly niche market segment and if i ever had the money to invest in biopharma i would
there's literally nothing keeping you from lobbying against company/product assets you've shorted, issuing bad press, etc. and nothing keeping you from calling up pfizer's R&D department and saying "hey yeah don't do a superiority trial against sumatriptan it's not gonna work. you should look at second-line treatments instead because triptans are too expensive and people will just ask to go to the second line anyway instead of getting a bottle with 4 sumatriptan pills in it every month from the pharmacy"
i dunno i think i'm rotting away there's so much value to the things i can do but they all seem out of reach and i seem old and tired and my body's frail at 34
oh yeah i was looking for false vacuums protein bombs aren't a good idea either this isn't the schizophrenia this is just me as usual
>>1111921 always just the color of whatever i ate last at walmart, it was clear because i hadn't eaten. at publix, it was brownish-red because of the marinade i used in the chicken i had for lunch. outside my apartment, it was orange because i had some orange gatorade to replenish my electrolytes
this zomboid modpack is beating my ass, man I mean, primarily because it's fucked with the item spawns so everything's set to less than default I'm scavenging for food like a gremlin and I do NOT have an abundance of weapons
Well, fishing is always a good way to get food, but because the gas stations don't have infinite fuel anymore, seemingly, could be the power's just off, I can't just go fishing and have a supply for a while
Very likely will have to just go to louisville while I still have gas and food, so I can set up a permanent base and have steady access to resources But that means missing out on the gun stores and stuff, so I'd have to go back for them Which I guess is kinda fine, now that I think about it It's annoying, sure, but it's a lot easier to go on a several day trip once I've got a home base with good food supply and stuff
Gas stations never had infinite fuel, just a sufficiently high number that it would take an excessive amount of pulling from one to exhaust it before it became more trouble than it's worth Between 1000 and 14000 units of fuel according to the wiki, which even at bare minimum is enough to fill, like 120 gas cannisters plus change
>>1111947 Sounds like whatever's fucking with your loot distribution might also be fucking with fuel quantity distribution
it's probably the power just happened to go out between when I left home and arrived at the gas station so it shows as 0 when you check it cause there's no power Could probably pump out a good amount by just hauling my jenny over
But I'll probably forego that, my car is tanked up anyway, and it's still early enough into the run, like day 17 or so, that I don't have enough stuff to make carrying everything with me too much of a hassle And as a bonus I'll get to go to the military blockade, pick up some ammunition and a military backpack >>1111949 Oh, I KNOW I don't have power anymore, I'm just not sure if I still had power at that moment or not My little muldraugh farmhouse is dark as the night in the middle of the damn day
I didn't even pick up nightvision on character creation so it's rough out there
Can't you just hop into a house, flick a light-switch, and see if you still have power?