People I approciate get "Ei vittu kun joskus se rasittaa, en maata kestä, en maailmaa" or something less or more rightfully spellt in their steam profiles
Not really Or maybe? How was it... 22 or 23 something and rising at 3 something and NEVER GETS DARK
that was 100% sarcastif
I really like night here in the heart of summer. It still gets dark, but everything has a bit of a soft glow to it. Like walking through a dark orange ambiance. The way it is at night is actually a considerable part of why I wish it could be eternal summer. I really don't like winter nights.
I mean what has been the TN posts of summer since I first started posting anywhere COMPLAINING ABOUT LACK OF FUCKING NIGHT WHEN TO SLEEP PROPER!? or loving summer
>>111101 you live about 8 degrees too south to know the TRUE horror of summer at our wait 60? 60 yeah FUCK NO
wait lemme come back to you in bit
Hah hah hah. Well like I've said before, I can sleep in any manner of light. The way it's nigh-eternal day up in the tundra summer isn't as much a drawback for me as others, I guess.
>>111104 sooo how many nightless nights have you experienced?
I sleep with my room light on plenty of nights. A light source far closer to my perspective than any kind of sunlight.
>>111146 so hey now that I am bit drunk or btit more than that anyhow
What is "not that political" You have your shit you don't want to get atleast fora good long while and I understand that but really kinda specify what is zat cause unspecified shit and you will get MY personal IRE
Uh y'know controversial stuff like policy or religion like I'm pretty sick of hearing about white supremacy or nazis or whatever like, all of that stuff is so far from /moe/ it should be pretty obvious
shit that /pol/ likes to shitpost about, you know. >>111154 it really depends on like attitude and intent more than the topic if you're trying to stir shit up rather than contribute to a nice place to be, it's a problem
>>111153 so what is really controversial stuff? I can understand the pol shit but what about you know simple factual statements about europe's state of business?
>>111154 We've had some internal discussion trying to figure out a good way to define it, too. It basically does just boil down to /pol/ memes and stuff.
>>111156 Wow, I am a member of the staff too, you know!
Our shit is wild our shit is unpopular I talk for me and SK don't know about anything else but we stick to shit we practically know 95% to be truth
but this is about mostly news posts posts that I do
SK does shit that is well you know the unsiglthy fucking UNHAND posts he did yesterday or so yeah
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>111157 man, I don't think I agree wit h a lot of that stuff, so it's definitely controversial. really if you want to talk about European policy, it doesn't belong here at all
>>111165 me and sk have a reaaaaaaal different on lighthearted and interesting shit especially on the INTERESTING PART
me and him both like politics we talk a lot about politics and it iwll end up ALWAYS on the unsavory part one way or another >>111167 I don't use that shit is the problem
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I really think you guys should make a discord or something
>>111166 And that is good and fine, but like Samurai suggested, that sort of thing may be best suited to a private chat. We're trying to reduce the amount of unsavory discussion.
>>111167 My friend the point here is not X set // Rules no one ever said out loud that are not official but rather X set of rules that aren't written
People like me and SK Like shit that is specified So if you can make it something like 1) Don't like this 2) avoid this asmuch as possible 3) not much of hits pls 4) I just dislike this but not that serious 5) this is just griny and so on
>>111170 The problem with setting super-specified rules like that is that they have to be enforced really strictly. I don't know about Samruai, but I like it when we can just say "hey, settle down a bit" and people try to be cool for awhile. I don't really want to bring the moderation hammer down on anybody, we're just trying to alter the tone a bit.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>111169 you've gotten to know him pretty well already eh
yes I am drunk But that doesn't make this >>111170 ANY LESS TRUE
This isn't a sneak-diss at TN or anything but I'd like to say that I'm a pretty annoying drunk I get really full of myself and when I'm high I get really selfish but I don't get high anymore, drugs are for bums
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
again, I really think you should find a new home for that discussion because I don't think it's going to stop, nor do I really have the ability to micromanage what you guys talk about and I think you guys want to talk about it
but the issue is, I really don't want to see it on my site
>>111176 You see you won't really need to most of the time MANAGE anything about discussion just outright say what you don want here and it will happen
Just don't go post fact "pls avoid this" or "dude work with me" when we don't really know what is "avoid this" or "work with me"
>>111177 See, I try to make shitty posts when I'm sober that way nothing changes when I'm in an altered mindstate
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>111179 ok, well, i don't really know how to make a list but like i'm not punishing you when i say "please don't", okay? it's not something i'm gonna be like "LAST TUESDAY YOU SAID X ARRRGHGH" it's me saying "okay for the future... "
>>111179 I agree that vague rules can be hard to work with, but at the same time when somebody posts an ancap meme straight off of /pol/, he knows what he is doing. It's that kinda stuff we're asking people to take a break on, you know?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>111183 man you really are drunk right now I don't know man I think we should wait until you're sober
>>111187 I will be less straightforward when I am sober
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
like, ok, let me give a shot at some things I don't want to see, but like this is NOT a complete list at ALL
political commentary anything from /pol/ talking about like white supremacy or anything racist talking about fascists or commies or whatever sneering at some random guy on the internet who said something stupid
>>111191 As long as it's something amusing that's really making you think.
>>111189 And stuff like gawking at people being hurt / committing suicide / etc. That kinda stuff gets to me.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Like, man, if someone is doing something stupid somewhere, I don't really want to hear about it unless it's lighthearted and video game/anime related or like a good meme that's wholesome or something
>>111196 ah fuck it "Madness-kun" on steam if you have a steam account
and let's talk proper shit on tomorrow when I am proper not drunk on 8dl of vodka+ more
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
dammit TN i'm not going to do an awkward drunk chat
Okay my body is going to explode if I don't take my nightly nap. Sorry this exploded on you right as you showed up samurai!
>>111195 You know what was really making me think, the other day? The ol' portal image that was posted on /v/ a lot which always incited 500+ posts arguing over whether A or B was correct Because it's technically a physically impossible thing but there's a lot to think about if it was hypothetically possible
>>111199 I don't have any problem about rules as long as they are 123 rules but I don't like vague shit an that applies to most us posters who post shit you generally dislike
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>111202 okay well I'm sorry if you felt harassed or nagged or anything but like I'm not going to punish anyone for something that happened in the past
>>111203 Nothing like that I think all of us have been waiting for just proper dialog but aside from me no one would start it and even me just takes the weird moment of being drunk to proper start it call it VEXATION limit or something
Point here is Giver your Dislike of shit you don't want here and then give us a biiiiit of a negotiation ground between us political posters and then after that let us form the final unofficial non punishable but followable as fuck ruleset for discussion about nonsavory topics concerning politics and whatnots
man there's never gonna be a ruleset, from me at least I am not gonna be a rules lawyer
also if shit gets off the rails, warnings will be issued a long time before any punishments happen if it ever comes to that >>111214 man it's not gonna be a list of things like this is all because there's been WAY too much political shit as of late like, every day
if it wasn't every day, then it would be okay once in a while
>>111211 Like if you said "Nothing from syria" it would be clear but so far it has been bit of a "man don't do that" and most of us are okay yeah we won't but which of the 10 thats was it?
when was the last time somebody got punished on /moe/?
>>111211 I know Especially post trump and well trump anyhow caused the political side that was most of the time bit of a "I knwo you know" thing to go to "I know you knwo so lets know you I nkow I and then lets and shit that and I know" it makes no sense, but the pint was to illustrate how long it had gotten
and it is tiresome as fuck But tell me why is political real talk of all kind especially not really that, say only 5% IF even that hatespeech level talk any worse than FUCKING KANCOLLE TLAK OR NONSTOP GRAND ORDER FUCKING WHATVER talk
>>111221 nasty yup divisive ummm not that much aside from healthy discussion but I don't think when the political talk happens, which is daytime /moe/, in terms of you americans, which is about DEAD as it can be anyhow, which is why it sticks up also. It isn't that
Hmm taking consideration of rika b See this is why I
Kancolle does get thrown into its own threads when it gets overwhelming. That hasn't happened in awhile though since everyone but me quit.
>>111223 That sort of stuff turns people off a bit. /moe/ isn't a place people come to talk about stressful stuff, and that stuff is kind of stressful.
Also I'm not trying to be mean here But sometimes the political talk isn't because /moe/ is dead, but it's more that /moe/ is dead because political talk is happening. When I show up and you guys are talking about terrorist attacks in Europe or whatever, I usually just go do something else.
>>111239 Well on this good day we noticed that unemployment has decreased to 0,001% but at the same time we have noticed that freethought precent has risen to an equilevant 0,0001% And that is a worrysome aspect as we know the great revolt of 2182 happened in april and it isn't but some 30 years from that so we must be exceptionally careful about ideas we spread in news >>111243 yup I did some Black Mirror here
man i don't understand but i think he's interpreting my comment as some kind of thoughtcrime or something?
and also lost the original purpose here man drunk
>>111241 I remember reading some news articles about how unemployment rates were going down but unemployment rates only cover people who are actively searching for jobs so what it really means is that people were just giving up on getting jobs
>>111240 you there tell me what kind stuff you like have you been here long?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
like whatever I'm not gonna tell you what to think but if you want to bring up controversial stuff there is the entire rest of the internet that way ==> which I actually participate in and yes I have an interest in politics and the things that are happening
but man I hate seeing any of that stuff on this site, that's not what this site is for
this has probably been said but I'm tuned out a bit one thing to do is to read the atmosphere, that is, look at what everyone else posts and maybe match the tone that's not to say don't challenge things, but when you do challenge things, see how the reaction is. I f you see no one likes the topic or it isn't worth repeating, take it some where else if it just you talking about something, maybe take up a blog or find like minded people
>>111258 is this a test? i like the burb more but it really does not matter to me.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>111267 man this is just a bunch of silliness like
this site that I happen to run for an anime community is the only way you can talk with SK? how does that make any sense dude
>>111275 shit do you magica bro? we can atleast that cause I think we've kinda suffered on our friendship and this is unironical anything shit stuff post
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>111277 magica? the video game? i don't know if i have a copy if you're worried about our relationship um all we have to do is be good to each other and it'll be all fine it's kind of weird when i administrate yeah i really hate to have to think about this stuff
>>111327 what part did you bite the side or the top oh that feels great i bet...
>>111332 the side near the back so it's just in a constant state of rubbing against the jagged edge of my death-molars please end my suffering immediately
>>111339 yeah, i remember seeing those videos quite a while ago and seeing that it was quite funny
everybody is so nice to each other as strangers in real life and it's such an awkward little thing when two people collide in trying to do the same nice thing for each other and they're both like "uh okay well" what a waste of time and mental energy just be rude from now on
>>111340 his amv breakdown of waifu insurance is better than most of his videos
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>111342 be rude because otherwise there's a danger you might be too nice?
>>111344 in a way being rude is the only way to allow others to be nice
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
nah man that's BS being rude is just being rude if you know someone well, maybe you're on the same level and can do it
alright well all I'm saying is that the next time you're driving around and you and another car arrive at a 4-way stop sign intersection at the same time maybe you should go ahead and go first
>>111363 Did ya know there is actually NAMEK out there in about the distance travelled by our heroes and with the appropriate amount of stars with a planet circling them in the habitable zone
>>111365 the thing is with a mult star system is it adds more variables. so theres a greater chance it might not host life. or it could we never know. the universe is strange and huge
Comfy Bang
>>111364 well weigh the options against the consequences i guess
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>111367 well the options are infinite and the consequences are forever
Comfy Bang
i'm going to reckon that the best course of action is to use the check in the way intended by he who wrote it but never let opportunities pass you by without considering the different plausibilities and their outcomes
Comfy Bang
remember that your personal integrity is only as useful as others perceive it to be
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
well i could steal the trivial amount of money and be basically caught instantly ORRR um what do i do
i have had these things called Stroopwafels they are the best things you will ever eat these are like the best.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>111388 all i've had for ice cream as of late is soft serve cones dipped in chocolate and that was before the Diet it will be a long time before i get to sample this nectar of the gods
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>111389 i had a few of those over coffee mugs not bad mate
hey samoo did you ever encounter a glitch where the page flicks up a bit, or is this something on my end? I think this has happened on moe too but it's happening on wulf's fork of moe right now >>111394 chrome, pc
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>111392 pitter patter petter i am going to have to be the sole guardian of a floop for like three weeks >>111393 what browser are you on? phone?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>111393 huh, can you go into more detail about what happens and when it happens?
and though i know since you've awakened her again she depends on you she depends on you
>>111396 when you bring guardian of floop or floop to 25% they combine and the real battle begins
>>111397 please dont make me go rewatch shelter. its painful.
Anno I think wulf just manages it actually, it's notso's site >>111395 page scrolls up every now and then without me doing anything it's not happening on moe right now but I thought you might know about it anyways I should really bring it to them
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>111400 wow that's quite modded there could definitely be some weird interaction with my `with_dom` scrolling code that could cause something like that
It's not a huge problem, just something noticeable sometimes.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>111405 when it started in late summer 2010 it looked very different like the code was all using some other weird tech that i don't even know what it is anymore but in October it looks like i started hammering together the framework that the current site is built around
except that typing was horrible and also there was absolutely no scrolling code so you had to keep scrolling down manually...
I think at that time I was more interested in the 'cool factor' of realtime posting than i was of making it at least somewhat pleasant to use
i mean the front page is still a bumpy mess if there are two threads going on i guess
>>111414 when you write something years ago and don't comment it and you go back to read it and you don't know how it works but it does that's king_crimson()
>>111530 I'm pretty sure you can view everything without one. Though I'm not really sure. You can do a good bit of clicking around without one at least.
What happens if you type out a really long post like for example what if you type out areally longpost like for example a really long post like for example a really long post like this, indeed the post that this is is quite long so long that perhaps it's even too long
>>111648 I took like four or five screencaps of Sidon during the Zora arc but I can't show them off because I don't knwo -know how to easily move shit off the Switch.
But they explained the shadow quirk using the day and night cycle Which is weird Because it's related to light, right? Which is why against bakugo it's almost worthless
>>111768 Weaker in light but not useless. Also just wait until you see it in full night and you'll realize the scale we're working with here.
But Bakugo just goes boom and there's really really intense light And he can do that near indefinitely
I read that part of the manga, yeah, it's insanely strong
>>111862 that happens with fullwidth mode + supertext to others if you activate fullwidth and type it in it appears normally for you but for others it takes a refresh
however if you do this it appears for other people