Minecarts are really dang useful, weird how people don't seem to use them that much reduces the hauling workload to an extreme degree
I've got one supplying each of the wood\stone workshop sections, one supplying metal ores, one grabbing the stuff from the smelter, and one grabbing the carpentry and stone items, all of which are real heavy stuff And then it's dumped into the centralized storage area
it would be real neat if there was some way to have the dwarves use minecarts for travel a sort of "if you're here and you're going to there, ride the minecart" function You could set up a whole-ass train network
One thing I always remember about dorf fort is this one story about a guy's fort where eventually the Fun overran them, leaving only one survivor Said survivor managed to fall down a hole, breaking his legs but surviving Unable the move, the last thing he did was engrave the floor beneath him with an image of cheese
>>1109189 I think it's a mix of needing to set the whole damn track up, and the overall unintuitive nature of Dwarf Fortress' UI giving it limited shortsighted use Also generally once your fortress gets to the population cap and you've got a lot going on, generally you want everything tightly bunched together and minimal transit routes for your dwarves to choose from Pathfinding in the game works best when there aren't any opportunities for the pathing algorithm to even consider an alternate route, and having a minimal distance to travel also reduces opportunities to recalculate
You could set up some pretty nifty fortress designs like having a central residential location and then burrows which isolate specific trades and jobs to the people who do them, and connect the whole thing with railways to really emphasize the isolation But that's a lot of wrestling with the Dwarf Fortress UI for a creative flair to a project that can be more easily done with a more bland approach
is there any sort of benefit to a dining room instead of a tavern for residents, btw? they eat and drink in taverns, and they also get to socialize, so
Nobles will want their own dining room I think it's also a bit easier to put down dining rooms when you're starting your fortress, and you won't get tourists trying to use your fortress dining rooms
Training up my metalworker by giving him a running task to pump out copper breastplates and battle axes, which are immediately smelted back down unless they're masterpieces
he is gaining competency at a rapid clip
Turns out the experimental multithreading also does WONDERS for the FPS drain
That's good to know Before the Steam release Toady was intimidated by the prospect of having to rewrite the entire codebase for Dwarf Fortress because all the groundwork was laid before multithreading CPUs were really worth taking advantage of And so the entire game was built on the basic premise of singlethread processes But for the Steam release he did actually tap someone to help with the code rewrite, which is the first time in the game's history that someone besides Toady or his brother got a proper look at the game's source code
dorf fort does kinda suffer, though also only exists because of, from the ol' engineer brain Like it does SO MUCH, and it tries to do it in the most interesing way possible, but that leads to it biting off a lot more than it really can chew for most computers well, until this multithreading anyway
considering it was free up until steam, and still continues to be, you'd think they'd just have it open source Like why not
I've not actually spent more than handful of hours with the Steam release but I still feel it a worthy purchase for the hundreds of hours I've spent with the game over the past thirteen or fourteen years
>>1109205 Toady has some hangups with the idea I don't think he wants other people just coming in and copying his work into other games, especially before the Steam release, where maybe now he might have an argument for protecting his IP He's very much a "I want to do this myself" kind of guy too, so like, he doesn't get any personal gain out of it being open source
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh wow he did add some multi threading must be in the pathing or some other restricted modules
line of sight side effects apparently can be offloaded to multiple threads still i imagine that shit is fraught af unless the data is all immutable there's gotta be some crazy locking or inconsistent reads going on
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nevermind its all second hand info and hearsay i wonder how gnarly the C++ is
for reasons unknown to me, my newest batch of migrants just have No Job syndrome despite me setting up several things for them to do well, enough dorf fort for now I guess
There's a spam thread in the index, if any of you has power to look at it.
This growing spehere of just personality based drama leftist streamers is fascinating stuff, and from what I can tell, better than DARE at preventing people from picking up cocaine specifically
>>1109221 Maybe when Samu is your dad's age he'll come around to Arizona
I think whatever happened, it was probably a mistake. Given COVER's response and the fact that they allowed her to write a letter apologizing, it seems likely that she fucked up somewhere and is taking responsibility for it.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Pretty harsh to terminate her contract after so many years of good work if it was just an honest mistake
Cover can't have the image of a company who is irresponsible with NDAs, or other means through which proprietary information is kept confidential And I don't just mean that entirely cynically; good business is built on trust, and if other businesses can't trust Cover to keep important things confidential, deals and other agreements might start falling through Like they recently snagged a deal with … I think it was Sony? Someone who had some higher tech mocap systems than what they were using previously What if that company pulled out of the deal because they didn't feel they could trust Cover and its employees not to leak information about it?
Unfortunately, yeah. This is just how Japanese companies are. This pretty obviously is sad but amicable.
And Mel, like pretty much all Hololive talents, has an open secret personal life online presence She has the skills and pre-existing fanbase to at least probably earn a stable living Her skills developed as a Vtuber can also translate into other fields like voice acting and traditional media hosting roles The honorable way she got let go also hopefully means she's not a red flag for other people to hire like a certain other talent who was fired for similar reasons
>>1109243 I'm sure she'll lane on her feet Even so, I'll miss her
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1109245 Yeah, it sucks Even when she does well with wherever she goes, she won't really be Mel Like, it's the same person, sure, but all the set pieces and surrounding cast have changed There won't be the interpersonal relationships, the in jokes, all the surrounding details that makes a person as much as themselves This is somewhat mitigated by the fact that Mel and Choco hang out in person outside of Hololive work, but still
>>>/watch?v=BzgyXd4Rfss damn didn't realise this existed guess I'll put aside a couple of hours
im sure it's plenty dry in some place but dang what happened to dry summer i mow da lawn and suddenly the weather decides to piss down rental inspection is now set in stone too
Concoct a whole plot to lead him through and at the end, act like you're going to actually kill him. Get him all scared and worried and then be like teehee just kidding! And then when he's relieved that he's not actually going to get true crimed, SHOVE HIM IN A REFRIDGERATOR
Being on the table is what it's all about! Better then being under one.
>>1109282 You can get some pretty large coffin freezers
i have one email after the other talking about the Teams one from ict telling me I should get on the new Teams another from the company Yammer complaining about the new Teams
It's kinda weird how there are fish with like, bones, super far down into the ocean You'd think the point where bones become unviable was a lot higher up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everyone deserves a bone
yeah but with the pressures involved, how do they not have the bone like, scraping against stuff? I guess that particular issue can be solved by the bones just being rounded enough, though But still, like it's gotta be filled with some real hardy filler matter, just so the bones don't rip through anything
I actually kinda wish dwarf fortress would have door locking as two separate things One for just forbidding its use, just telling your dwarves not to use that door And one for actually locking it, requiring a dwarf to go over there and actually lock it
Cause being able to lock doors as the player directly feels really damn cheap, you can trap anything incapable of tearing down buildings without any risk whatsoever to your dwarves, easily It just doesn't feel right Alternatively, just make all hostile entities able to destroy doors
I would also like some way to add a dwarven syrup condition to work orders There's no condition for it, so you either do or don't make it if you try to manually put it in, it counts frozen dwarven syrup, which i suppose you could fenagle if you have a freezer or something, but you can't really make that outside the permafrost regions I would guess
Alternatively you could just accept you'll keep getting hit by the "could not process plant to barrel, no item in linked storage" and make it pull from a storage that holds syrup and the raw item, sweet pod I think? that way it'll fill up with the syrup and eventually won't fit any more sweetpods before some is used
It might be worth checking the wiki page on brewing, or the pages for alcohol-able plants, or the Dwarf Fortress forums, and see what they say about issues like this Because if my fuzzy memory recalls correctly, you're by far not the only person to get frustrated with the logistics of making alcohol for your fortress I just don't remember what the solutions were
syrup isn't a drink, is the thing, it's a processable barrel item for the farmer workshop Like pig tails or quarry bushes From what I see googling it though, there's one thread from 2016 on it that just says you gotta use linked stockpiles, and seemingly everything else is about a bug that makes it so you shouldn't even be making syrup in the first place cause it's at the very bottom of the cooking priority list, meaning it'll never get used as long as there's any other food item available that last bit isn't too important to me, honestly, in some ways I like to just have a little bit of all the processed stuff somewhere or other, like a little collection, you know? Similarly to coins. Coins no longer serve an actual purpose in dorf fort cause the internal economy was taken out and replaced with communism, but I still like to make some coins for the sake of it. Technically I guess they do serve a purpose because apparently you get a 10% increased return on the metal when you smelt them down again, meaning you can go infinite on any metal you desire, but I haven't actually tried that and if I wanted to effectively cheat for resources I'd just spawn it in with dfhack anyway
The coins also exist because I believe Toady does want to reintroduce currency-based economy, it's just the previous version was miserable, and I don't think he's figured it out yet
it really is extremely impressive how like, two guys have made dorf fort bugs and development time included, it remains an absurdly deep AND wide video game, and it's genuinely kinda unbelievable that it's all been made by two brothers I guess a lot of it is comes down to not having any sort of release schedule or higher up breathing down their neck, so they can just sorta add shit and fix stuff as they feel like it and\or come up with it, rather than being told like, "fix\add this within the month" with an implied "or you're fired" at the end If they don't wanna deal with something, or don't care about some feature, they just don't do that, and that ends up making all the stuff they do add really good and detailed because they wanted to do that
The game being in development for twenty years also helps with the depth and complexity of it all And because there is nearly no visual assets, development really only has one stop in the pipeline -- figuring out how to code it into the game's engine Well I guess that has changed with the Steam/Itch release, but now that they have the visual component of the game working, I think adding visual assets is probably also relatively straightforward And Toady could also have the freeware version release content ahead of the Steam version if he's impatient with the release schedule for it Although the notion of Toady being impatient with anything just feels ... weird
Also it's not like they're adding features willy-nilly, if you look on the website there's a pretty comprehensive development roadmap that shows the full list of things Toady wants to incorporate into the engine, and a vague indicator of how well that is coming along I do think there has been the occasional moment of inspiration and adding something unplanned, but for the most part, I think it's also easy to have faith in the brothers because you can see precisely the scope of the project that is Dwarf Fortress
Even with the roadmap though, it ultimately does come down to whether they feel like it at any given time It's just really impressive how like... complete the game sorta feels Sure it isn't actually complete, they've got a lot of shit in the hopper, but what exists feels complete despite the occasional bug
Visual assets not being necessary to make until the steam release, and essentially just being an ascii replacement certainly helps a lot too, though But I mean, even with other games that just use publicly available assets instead of making bespoke stuff, it's hard to imagine anyone else creating anything similar to dorf fort in scope, even given the time, as an indie dev. Hell, even as a corporate funded dev, I can't see it really happening, arguably ESPECIALLY as a corporate funded dev
how come people are so sad about Pomu leaving niji anyway? she's just moving to vshojo or something, right? shouldn't her fans, especially, be happy she's leaving niji?
was Dokurochan the inspiration for that repetitive theme song in NHK I wonder
>>1109391 There's zero evidence to indicate she's moving to Vshojo, and, while I'll say I might be off the mark here, I don't think Vshojo is really an agency suited to her pursuits On top of that, she's said she's going back to school for some stuff so this isn't like the previous NijiEN talents or Henya who set up shop pretty shortly after moving on from their previous agencies It's not impossible that she might return to her indie Vtuber persona, but really, no one but her and whoever she holds in confidence knows what her plans are, so, like, I think a lot of fans are made anxious by the unknowing of things But more broadly, people are sad because, regardless of if she returns to corporate Vtubing or not, "Pomu" as a character is done after she graduates. Whatever she does afterwards, it might be very similar to Pomu, but it won't be the same. Or it might be entirely different It also means that the relationships and community she's built among the other NijiEN members aren't something people who are fans of them are going to be able to enjoy. Being in a parasocial relationship is very selfish by nature of there being an insurmountable wall between there ever being any "real" relationship between you and the talent you're a fan of. So it does kind of suck to just, not be able to enjoy how she riffs with other NijiEN members, the in-jokes she has developed with her viewers, these are things that aren't really ever coming back the way they were
I also think there's a sense here too of "failure", even if the talent has never phrased it that way. You don't throw yourself at a taxing job like working for NIJISANJI without some kind of intense passion for what you're doing, and a dream you're pursuing. Part of being a fan of these talents is wanting to support that dream into the best it can be, and if you're a particularly passionate fan, I think you'd have either picked up on what a talent's goals and things they're pursing while in the agency are, and if they
Well maybe or maybe not specifically vshojo but like It's not like she's gonna quit tubing, probably She's like super popular, I'm sure the announcement got some scouts moving
Well I think the injokes with her viewers specifically are probably gonna be safe, but yeah I can see the rest of that I guess I just don't like, 'get' it, never really been into idoladjacent stuff, so the whole mentality and pragmatic matters don't really come to mind for me
>>1109396 graduate before those are accomplished, then I think, because again, parasocial relationships are selfish by nature, you feel like you've failed in properly supporting your oshi If I'd given more support, more comments, if I'd organized things with other fans to show our support, if we'd helped push their content harder, could we have changed this outcome? It's a selfish thought, but it's born out of love for these talents, and part of the process of letting go is accepting what is, is what is
And like, you can feel these emotions of regret and loss while also being glad that your oshi is doing what they feel is right, the human emotional range isn't so stunted that you can only hold one at once\ I don't think any of her fans are happy she's leaving NijiEN, but they can be happy that she's doing what she wants to do in this moment All that's left is to celebrate the time spent with her and what scarce time remains
Well, I don't really watch tubers or get that into stuff, so it's not like I have skin in the game, so I guess that explains some of my confusion I just kinda assumed she was just gonna swap corp
paint this * unzips full sized canvas
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats a lotta real estate
>>>/@animeimpulse/1746850769243111496 Just a weekend or so back she lead several hundred people in what has to be the largest aidoru call mix chant this side of the Pacific Ocean And like, I don't think anyone besides Pomu could've done this, but it was also a confluence of her personality and passion with the platform and resources she was given Maybe she could pull something like this off if she was to go to another performance-focused agency, but, again, it might be similar, but it will be different I dunno, I do really like Pomu, but what always had me charmed by her and her community was the sheer passion There's really nothing better in this world than passionate people To quote someone who was there to experience it in person, "it is such a uniquely devastating combination of emotions that only comes around when you're into something with your whole heart and I've never been A Part of something before to this extent" "Highly recommend loving stuff with 100% of your heart it's awesome"
>>1109404 chibleee olivia munnn Ripley's believe it or not
we love our chibli don't we foks
he a famous character in a certain streamers delusions dlguiga back me up on this one
Oh I thought it was the protagonist to a semi-niche Gamecube game with a cult following and its mediocre 3DS sequel
also kind of the irony of dorf fort is that I kinda wanna pick someone who's been a good little dwarf, industrious you know, to elevate to a higher position But those are the exact dwarves you should NOT elevate to high positions cause I'm pretty sure they refuse to work once you get far enough into the nobility tree Once again, Dorf Fort accurately simulates real life
I never feel that inclination Higher positions in administration and diplomacy goes solely to dwarves who have good skills pertaining to those Those who happily slave away in a hot forge or behind a craftworks shop get to do so until they drop dead from natural causes or otherwise
I'm being like, excessively picky with this fortress I'm putting in flooring and stuff everywhere, making it all look nice, and comissioning bespoke statues for the guild halls Well, ONE for each, I'm not going super hard into it just cause it takes a while to do, but each one is a dwarf doing something or other with a related object Like the miner guild has a dwarf raising a pick, the farmer one has a dwarf praying to a plump helmet Though, thinking about it I guess pig tails are more appropriate for the farmers, they don't actually interact with plump helmets, I just kinda got them confused with planters
kinda weird how you have to manually tell your military to wear mail shirts AND a breastplate And if you want them to wear metal boots, you gotta tell them to replace their clothes with armor
last time the elves visited I bought all their wood, and only their wood, and this time they show up like "hey you want soma almonds?" mfer I don't want almonds, I want and NEED wood
It's not even really a river, since my fort is built where the river ends, resulting in a small pond more than anything So now I gotta dig into it from below just to retrieve their bodies
I've chosen to bury them as fallen soldiers rather than the morons they are though, with their own bespoke statues, of themselves, next to their coffins, in the soon-to-be-grand catacomb specifically for my fallen soldiers After all, arguably I am at fault for not covering that damn river up
Unfortunately, one of them lost his life the same way, though he was fighting a titan, so not only was his corpse underwater, so was the beast's Meaning I didn't get to slaughter it
after much preparation, I have cracked into the caves And I believe there's some sorta memory leak or something in dorf fort cause now and then I'll have my FPS just completely tank, but after restarting the game it's back at big numbers
Might be something to do with the way wine runs it though, not necessarily a fault of dorf fort
Yeah I don't recall ever seeing anything like that running it on Windows Maybe in the Steam release; I didn't quite get a lot of time in that yet, but Dwarf Fortress feels like the kind of thing that a memory leak would be a bug in both versions
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the Fun(TM) caves?
are there other caves?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk the close-to-surface ones
well that's the ones I'm at, yaeh yeah* I I've been progressing slow just cause there's a lot of
I've been training up my lads to be axe wielders too, but after giving it some thought I think maybe it's just a better idea to give them warhammers, considering the long term goal of total domination
besides there's platinum in the caves you can make some crunchy hammers with platinum And the value isn't really that important at this stage, I'm only even making crafts because my craftsdwarves are absolutely cracked and because I keep producing bones due to the horses
damn elves already ambushed me, guess they got pissed off about my attempt at hospitality or something goblins are goblins, so I'm not even mad at those guys, they do that shit
What would a future crime drama set in the 2020s even look like? Crypto, egirls, covid everybody excited about this new up and coming technology "AI" We'd all be so quaint
>>1109467 they'd probably have robot AI girlfriends and boyfriends walkin around and drone delivery accidentally romanticize and exaggerate everything
really wish there was some way to simply display how many bedrooms I have in dorf fort Like, directly rather than going to the dedicated bedroom floor and trying to re-assign every single room as a bedroom in order to get the counter of rejected bedrooms or maybe something showing how many dwarves don't have bedrooms, that seems like something you'd add in like, the same day you added the need for bedrooms
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1109470 what's the equivalent of prohibition and banning booze
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
banning tiktok i suppose mass exodus from social media into group chats
weh honestly the caves are one of the more annoying parts of dorf fort, not because it's vaguely dangerous or something, but because you have to start using the single worst mechanic in the game, burrows, or simply accept that you're gonna lose half your dwarves to cave dwellers because there's no fucking way to keep on top of it
which wouldn't be so bad if every individual dead dwarf didn't require you to build a coffin and a tomb
I truly love to manually edit and update the burrows every single time I dig a single rock out of the earth because the alternative is to have every single dwarf take a stroll through the caves and get their limbs torn off by the troglodytes that spawn in with no notification in an area simply too immensely massive to patrol in any reasonable manner
In other games, you'd simply forbid the spot outside the door to the caves for all dwarves but those you want in there, but nope
Have you broken into the caverns in more than one location? ideally you do have a single access point to them
I have exactly one entrance into the caverns it's got a door that I could lock, sure, but then I get 500 JOB CANCELLED ITEM INACCESSIBLE every second until I ragequit anyway I could also go around putting down cagetraps at the entrances from the outside, but it's like 15 levels deep so it's just a FUCKING PAIN
>>1109481 lotta logs got chopped down cause I forgot I had the autochop thing on
Do you have everything in the caverns set to be picked up and put into a garbage dump or something
Reduce your hauling staff down to a handful of dwarves and let them bring them in at a trickle If you lose one or two, eh, you'll get more
I don't even actually care about losing the dwarves, I care that I then have to make a fuckload of tombs, really
I could just like, lock everything that is down there until I get the cage traps set up
Alternatively paint over all the cut down logs to forbid them from being picked up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
j always seal off the caves cuz im scurred
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or post military dwarves there permanently
leaving the "auto harvest spider silk" option on, much like not disabling plump helmets from food production, is another great way to lose the whole fucking fortress
You know, in my view the character of Richard Harrow is more like Omar from the Wire even though the guy who plays Omar is also in boardwalk empire playing Chalky White EVEN SO. Harrow is the Omar of the show.
I don't even know how far I got into boardwalk It was alright for a while but it kinda lost me at some point
>>1109491 You know i think i was the same on my first viewing. several years back. I don't think I finished it I'm enjoying it now though. Steve Buscemi does a fantastic job
Ah god, it happened agian Somebody in my mmo was being really nice and friendly so I just logged out. Fuckin more spaghetti in the digital world than irl
Turns out if you assign a dwarf as a woodcutter, they'll pick up an axe if available and not put it away until some other job requires a tool This seems real handy cause I could basically cook up an unholy amount of iron or even possibly steel battleaxes and assign ALL my dwarves as woodcutters, just so they're carrying a weapon with them, and that should deal with most of what the caves throw at you Especially if I also just put together a ton of squads to train like a month a year each or something on rotation, just to get their axe skills up
As civilians, sure they'll be scared off by the things down there, but if caught in a fight they do defend themselves
ONE annoyance with that plan though, is that, well, axes aren't ideal for my long-term plans They go hard against fleshy stuff like what you find in caverns, so they're actually pretty much ideal for that, but against armor, an axe is fucking stinky which makes sense, obviously, armor protects real well against a blade compared to blunt force trauma
Doesn't matter how strong your helmet is if the weapon that connected with it was designed simply to deliver maximum force rather than cut into your skin
Perhaps I should dig my way down to magma before I start cooking up 200+ steel battleaxes though My weaponsmith is certainly capable of it, but man the coal usage will be unholy I don't even care if he's a little slow about it, it's not like he's doing all that much else, he arrived as a migrant legendary weaponsmith and has not done any other work, at all, since he set foot within mine walls I haven't even let him haul anything, he's just been cranking out warhammers and the occasional copper bin or whatever other junk where the quality doesn't matter, but speed does
Obviously copper isn't ideal for bins, they're heavy as sin, but until I entered the caves, I was buying all the wood from every caravan and immediately spending all of it on beds, for several years
>>1109501 Ultimately though, it's better to have any kind of metal weapon than none at all You can still have your military dwarves all decked out with platinum warhammers
Well yeah Isn't silver actually better than platinum for hammers though? Oh wait no, it actually is better than silver Well, significantly more rare, but still For now I'm decking them out with steel warhammers, and I'll upgrade them to plat or silver once I work up a stockpile of plat or at least finish these steel axes I'm not even sure if I need more than I already have, but I figure I may as well finish the order, a bin can hold an immense amount anyway Worst case I can smelt down a lot of them if I need more steel for when I start upgrading to only masterwork armor
>>1109511 >>1109512 here have the pre-watch pregame vids in the meantime https://ia803102.us.archive.org/26/items/ytchanneldr777/he%20was%20my%20face.ogv https://ia803102.us.archive.org/26/items/ytchanneldr777/Hey%20man%20Hey%20man%20Hey%20man%20He%20was%20face.ogv >>>/watch?v=j26rnJs8AaA
I had this really vivid dream i was racing people through a cave. I wasn't going to win, but I was going to place highly in front of the pack. There had previously been an obstacle course section based on teamwork but the last bit was singles. Lots of people i knew were there. there was a last little uphill section before a narrow hole before the finish line. i woke up just before the race ended. and for a few seconds i just wanted to go back to sleep to finish off the race. It felt very, very real.
I used to be able to game all day now I get a sore ass after a few hours of sitting in the chair. gettin old
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1109518 that king is runnin out of squares >>1109523 dang standing desk time i don't get a sore ass, probably because i shift around and sit on my leg which falls asleep and splay myself out a lot but my neck gets sore
send me unrated challenges so i can meme and not tank my rating
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what are these suicidal king moves lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she cilian on my murphy till i jason sudeikis
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
these moves dont make sense!! i can't take it anymore!!!
what kind of game is this, (whats it called) rules? two bishops eside each other?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is called chess960 where the pieces in the starting positions are randomized
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there are 960 possible valid starting positions hence the name you can still castle by dragging your king onto the rook, if the rest of the side is clear
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this was invented by bobby fisher as a more dynamic game of chess which isn't dependent on learning opening moves
starting the game with the Queen on A8
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Qd2 was right there
should set it non bobby mode, that was awkward as a mofo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it creates some wildly unusual positions fr
Went to see The Boy and The Heron with a friend tonight Interesting movie Felt very different in some ways than Miyazaki's normal fare
I'm still digesting what my opinion on the movie is On first pass I think it's a movie with a lot of clunk, and I'm not entirely sure what Miyazaki was intending to express with it Part of it feels like there were components that didn't make it to the final cut which make it a bit confusing and disjointed at times But at other times it feels like that disjunction is part of the point The strongest parts of the movie to me were the first act, and a part of the climax, but a lot of the middle of the movie kind of feels like getting shunted around from set piece to set piece and not entirely getting a full picture of the stakes and gravity of the plot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i saw a hot take on twitter that it was some kind of message to his son to stop trying to make movies
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
dang I got called a 'cum helmet' on runescape
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i still haven't seen it maybe i should just go see it alone
>>1109549 Yeah I really don't see how this fits into the frame of the movie
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah fuck the bar ill go see it about time
>>But at other times it feels like that disjunction is part of the point
I haven't seen it but it, seems like the plot twist needs too wrap up in a timley fashion at some point soon, In these types of movies, there should be a spectacular ending that pulls every thing back into focus.
If you haven't seen a movie, you should probably refrain from making comments about its internals It's an easy way to sound like you're talking out of your ass
>>1109555 i haven't seen it either. Would you like to hear some of my hot takes?
>>I'm still digesting what my opinion on the movie is
Still seem an through opinion, none the less. I get cha point. Maybe veiw it again at a later date, thats helped me at diferent times figure out opinion.
Kind of currious about, the other parts unmentioed.
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mathler 718 2/6
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>>1109556 It's like, I was struggling to express this to my friend I acknowledge that Ghibli movies lean into the whimsical and almost fairy tale tendency to not have everything "make sense" It's more important to follow the emotional journey of the characters than the narrative arc of the plot But the disjunction here feels less like a surrendering to whimsy and more a collage of ideas that Miyazaki didn't quite know how to stitch together I think he had a clear image of the prologue and act one of the movie, and of the climax and conclusion, but all the in-between stuff felt less clear and, well, kind of messy There are good moments peppered in there, and I think there's a good movie in the material, it's just the execution didn't land like Miyazaki's Ghibli normally does But that's how I feel about it right now. I'm interested to see what you think after seeing it
I do appreciate that it is however Birds Are Assholes: The Movie
So you see it's actually a metaphor for the proxy conflicts fought by the great superpowers during the Cold War, there's a lot of symbolism centered around different forms of economic market management. There's also some themes of lust, desire, conflict, inner-division What to do when the very thing you want most can't be held, and touching it would break it apart. Is it enough for the soul simply to look and wonder? Does a man need more? Does a man need to Consume to be satisfied? It also explores the idea of addiction, chemical-warfare, real estate pricing bubbles, kissing and hand-holding in hentai, God, religion, trust, hate, Christianity, Forgiveness, race, ethnicity, identity, natural GMO-free farming. I'll give it a 6/10. also his son should stop making movies
i mean he loses his mom gets transferred and then self harms idk i feel like a lot of it is him pushing people away and applying his focus towards making a weapon at the start and then he descends into the acid trip parallel world and comes out a changed man i dont really understand the meaning of a lot of the acid trip maybe thats an artifact of miyazaki's improv style i felt like the sneaking past guards stuff had been done better in his other movies so im not aure it was mecessary to revisit that stuff i liked the resolution at the end though the last scene was way too abrupt
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i appreciated the mixing of the different worlds and timelines a bit thats always nice to see, floods the brain with questions and the dying pelican lamenting his comrades' cursed fates
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but yeah not too much coherence there at least at first take lots of callbacks to his other works fire girl using floo powder souls returning to the real world like in pixar's soul huge fish guts like akira the somber mood and grotesque pelican plus near empty theatre meant basically no laughs the whole movie ah well late on a saturday just a few stragglers i didnt understand what the deal was with the stonehenge keeping his step mother cool scene, again with the spirited away papers but meaning wise idk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my ink ran out
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
de geso
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I really think we need to revisit this "cum helmet" thing. I didn't have a good comeback at the time. because the UIM icon is a bright, white colour.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Groose: "Marsh, you're a cum helmet."
Marsh: "Oh, come on, Groose! We've been grinding for hours trying to get this goddamn dragon armor set. At least let me catch my breath before you start spewing your seed all over me!"
Groose: "Sorry, man. But hey, remember that one time we accidentally used the /d ance emote in front of the black dragons?"
Marsh: "Yeah, they were so confused that they just stared at us while we busted out our best moves."
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>You're just jelly because I can get more nookie than you in this game, Groose. >That's not true! I can slay the dragon with my mighty sword, but it's always the ladies who want to ride the dragon, if you know what I mean.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think all this model knows about OSRS is dragons
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay it knows about rats too >Yeah, right. Like when you're mining iron and suddenly start jerking off into the furnace. >That was an accident!
driving on australian roads really puts you into the world of aggressive axel
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
drive around in a fire truck and hose down the bad drivers
>I'm just trying to keep my brain safe from all these horny noobs out there. 😅
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Groose: Let's head to the Chaos Tunnels and see if we can find some juicy chaos dwarves to slay. Maybe we'll even stumble upon one of those sexy chaos elementals! 🔥 >Marsh: Oh, the thought of that massive, pulsating chaos elemental... it makes me quiver. 🤤
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>But seriously, my mom said not to play this game anymore because she found out about the sex dungeon under Varrock.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
too real
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all this model knows how to do is Agree And Amplify
some redditor's fortress is being ravaged by capybaras
>>1109568 I took the prologue and the first act of the movie to be up until Mahito descends into the world of the tower, which was the most emotionally and structurally cohesive part of the movie. The part where he's fishing with Kiriko (young) and experiencing the warawara is nice too, but it feels like there was a bit in that part which feels like Miyazaki was thinking of exploring, but decided against it but never went back to edit it out of the final script The tone of this being a fisher king world between worlds ruled over by the Greatuncle and populated by birds he brought in against their will and it being a world where the souls of the dead and the unborn living seem to get processed or ... something? The scene where Kiriko (young) tells him to not bother the dead just felt absolutely random against the rest of the movie
I also really liked the idea of a world between worlds and times and I feel like that would have been a more interesting aspect if Miyazaki and spent more time exploring that. Had spent, even. But there was a lot of the movie where it's like, you can either enjoy it as spectacle or search it for meaning. And if you search it for meaning, which, honestly, I don't think Miyazaki cares all that much for subtlety when he puts meaning into his works, I feel you end up just guessing at vague notions. But if you set aside meaning and enjoy it as spectacle, there's just too much disjunction to really get into it that way either
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i kinda feel like most of the underworld was revisiting his old movies and then the old guy is like nooo who will continue my legacy maybe it's okay if his legacy doesn't continue the same way, it can't really and mahito returns to the real world with one of his blocks, a seed for a new ghibli
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn server actin up guess im on IT duty on my day off
>>1109611 I mean we can talk about cum dens and hentai tags as much as you like. Just - no pictures. Text only.
You know I'm kind of mad at that new Alicesoft game. I forget the title but the name translates into something like 'lets do bad things'. and the reason I'm mad is because it seems like a good game in so many ways and it has a lot going for it and i like the art but I'm too much of a moralfag to get behind the core mechanic where you're capturing girls with a lasso and then pimping them out through forced prostitution. Kind of like Rance is a good game in many ways but just too rape-y.
It's like they ALMOST hit the mark in terms of making some good shit but just not quite.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow that's unconscionable glad you pointed it out so i can avoid it
anyone playing palworld? apparently it's quite popular
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah some gamers are angery at it for ripping off pokemon yknow what good fuck game freak
I've been playing a bit Honestly the part that's silliest to me is, honestly, the Pokemon rip-offing is pretty whatever I think the game is transparently satirizing the trainer-Pokemon relationship and the designs at times being very Pokemon-y is on point for that Er The part that's silliest to me is almost no one is commenting about how the game is a rip-off of ARK, because the Pokemon imitation is much more immediately apparent Like the game is an easier version of ARK where you're simply substituting out dinosaurs and other creatures from those ancient eras for Pokemon-like creatures All the mechanics that aren't directly related to catching and fighting with/against the Pals are pretty much entirely lifted from ARK (with the exception of some climbing and paragliding lifted from contemporary Zelda) It's a game that's much more ARK with Pokemon rather than Pokemon with ARK
Personally I'm not the biggest fan of the ARK game mechanics, in both ARK and Palworld They're just kind of a cross between grindy and pretty unrewarding, and highlights the less fun parts of survival games But the creature collector / taming / submitting them to slave labour aspect is kind of fun, I'll probably get back to playing it after I'm over my Stardew Valley kick I'm on right now
paragliing is important in open world games paragliding, you get see were you are going to land and get there fast.
But yes also fuck Game Freak This game still isn't all that amazing but it's at least doing something fucking different with the monster tamer genre and releasing in a decent, relatively well-optimized release that doesn't look like it's using PS2-era graphics
thats good that more bubble character like characters are simple in design, but yet get the next gen graphics.
i'm gonna create a completely unique video game unlike any before it'll be based on uhhh hmmm okay how about a game where the monsters' attacks are actually just expressions of their natural way of life and you can choose to befriend and help them instead of attacking them
So what is it about Palworld? seriously. I'd never even heard of it until a few days ago and now it's THE big thing. .. AND - the game' isn't even finished. it's early access. What is it about Palword that makes it so tantalizing, alluring
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pokemon ARK
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
unfortunately it supports generative AI
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently it's "fun"
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1109685 what's that? some sort of play to earn blockchain token?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it uses an embedded AI that runs on your GPU to generate 100 new blockchain tokens per second
>>1109701 i wonder about running it would have be so perfectly tuned to keep you on the pad, plus bigger, plus able to take more shock and then you get sweaty in the headset who knows~
anno post some decent music, for anno to bump.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Bruh I cooked up a really good sounding formal email And my colleague asked if gpt wrote it
What was the point of spending all those years trying to write well now that a computer can do it
>>1109708 It's all im good at :( Muh skillset is obsolete
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
another job lost to automation
it's kind of absurd to think about the endgame here people using google AI to send emails within google servers to other people's google AI assistants that automatically write responses can't we just go back to sending Pokes to each other
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Universal basic income when
When we cannibalize those who wish to become the oligarchic kings of modern society and rightfully distribute the wealth of our labour amongst ourselves
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Centrelink bennies are basically ubi You just need to pretend to look for a job. >>1109713 That sounds like communist talk. Better dead than red
Well you're never going to get your UBI if you keep letting those bastards hoard all the wealth The money's got to come from somewhere, and they've got the deepest pockets with no right to that wealth
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Mum said you need to share
>>1109714 yeah just automate that part someone wrote a script ages ago p sure
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
those bastards ain't gonna let go of the treasure hoard we need a hero
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pretty sure the only way to unseat capitalism at this point is either superintelligent AGI or the collapse of civilization
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
senior electrical engineers in your area
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 720 2/6
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this music is definitely gymcoded
i'm rewatching sakurasou it's still pretty decent but not as good as i remember it i did watch it like 10 years ago the animation is still pretty good the writing is more annoying than i remember i think i just have less patience for authors' cop-outs