like the fifth element too, is a good movie but it's not a great movie same with die hard, the whole franchise really They're good, but they're not great well, some of them are good, I assume if you're into that, I only really watched the first and second, and only once, long ago by now
I don't even have anything against Willis' acting, the movies I know him from are all just kinda... 80spilled
my dad has probably watched the fifth element 100 times
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1108270 wait really? is that a thing sounds more like a dessert
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1108272 cinnamon chicken isnt too uncommon its not that deserty
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmm interesting i'll have to get a cinnamon stick all i got on this bad boy is the paprika and salt its been marinating in and olive oil
you can just buy preground cinnamon you know like in a shaker, like any other spice like salt or pepper
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but then my mortar and pestle will sit unused! jk i dont have one i do have some zesters and stuff
I mean I buy coffee beans to get use from my grinder too but I do that cause it stays fresh that way longer, and also it's actually genuinely just better? If nothing else, you can get a much better variety in coffee if you grind the beans yourself
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes coffee or any spice that you grind up fresh is gonna be so much more fragrant than oxidized stuff out of the container
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i actually do have a mexican mortar and pestle for making guac man pulverizing garlic in that thing smells so damn good
true, but unlike coffee, keeping actual fresh produce versions of the various spices I use would be a pain in the ass pepper and salt, that's easy enough, those are tiny to begin with But I'm not keeping several plants and refreshing them every month, getting a few new garlic cloves all the time fuck that
it does? why the fuck have I been buying garlic powder then if I can just use GARLIC
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i get a few bulbs and leave them in a dark cool place they're like onions just stashed in the bottom of the drawer and i dont mind crushing and chopping the garlic, that's the easiest step in food prep
garlic is easy to prepare, it's just like, a plant onion sucks, cause of the teargas but garlic has none of that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but yeah keeping parsley or cilantro is a pain, turns into green slime so fast
Is that weird? You just make a tiny omelet and put it between bread with some sausage, a little bit of hashbrown, and some bacon. And a slice of cheese. Top tier sandwich.
that's weird
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
usually its just an egg over easy in a breakfast sandwich i think
an omelet IS a sandwich what do you mean you made an omelet and then put THAT between two slices of bread that's too much STUFF
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what an omelet isnt a sandwich
an omelet is a sandwich
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well it's more like a calzone I guess But you wouldn't makea calzone sandwich either
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also not all omelets are full of stuff i just make omelets with egg for sandwiches
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
egg = bread
oh so it's just scrambled egg but you kept it in one piece
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not exactly scrambled egg has like milk and stuff this is just eggs and seasoning mixed together and then folded over into an omelette which is then added to the sandwich
oh well in my defense I never made scrambled egg I just figured it was probably about the same as an omelette
I just think it's too much to put a filled omelette between two pieces of bread you're doing too much with it
>>1108282 Garlic powder is useful if you need a dry spice mixture, since unlike most other powdered spices, you can't exactly grind it to powder fresh on the spot A lot of dry rubs for seasoning meat involve garlic powder, especially with stuff from Texas and the American South
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's not filled so it's fine if it was full yeah it would be too much
I can accomodate a single slice of bread, on the side IF there are liquidy parts of the omelette, which generally I would never have I don't like fillings that aren't solid, full stop
A properly prepared omelette shouldn't be liquid-y At most you might have a moist, but fluffy texture
If you don't like runny omelettes, look up the Japanese omelette cooking techniques The folding and rolling seems to help with cooking the whole of the egg to solid state
jam in pancakes or on bread is kinda fine but that's cause there's like, a very low ratio of runny to solid >>1108316 if it's liquid I don't want it
oh though there are SOME exceptions but they're rare like there's this one type that's like, it has some sort of saucy filling, but it's also I think like, a really small dried plum or something in there? It's kinda sour, and a little bitter I guess? And that contrasts the chocolate enough, it's kinda fine, and besides the dried fruit or whatever it actually is in there makes it a bit more tolerable
But just another sweet thing but it's liquid, I don't want it
I don't even really know what those are so if they exist here they're called something else
well we definitely do not have that exact product, but we might have equivalents?
Gushers are 100% thev kind of thing you see on those American Section grocery store shelves that consists of all the most awful American junk food they can get imported from the States
yeah we don't have those, but we do have the popsicles with the accompanying dropper can't get the pacifier-looking\\\ they're lolipops, not popscicles but anyway there used to be pacifier-shaped ones too that came with a tiny bucket you dipped it in with like, a powder
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i used to hate runny foods but now i'm all about it gimme the sunny side up eggs with hollandaise sauce everywhere
grape gushers were bomb, kind of a weird foil pack they came in thoe
I don't mind runny foods but I've gotta have cutlery to eat them Fuck getting that mess all over my hands
I didn't really fav the orange ones, they were had the same taste as the orange fuit roll up's. But you can mow on them two different favours at the same time, and it tastes a bit better!
Yeah, you need something hotter. But it can also depend on the type of bread.
Also butter the toasted side of the bun before putting it in the pan It'll help with the texture and flavour of the toasting
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or a little olive oil
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cooking end the grilled chicken is boring as usual a tiny bit of flavor i'd like to say the bell pepper was julienned for the status points but really these are just like diced
i think i have peripheral neuropathy or somethin
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe it's a circulation thing i get these pins and needle kind of feelings in my hands
>>1108354 prob circulation but i'd still get it checked out
i get something akin to that lately, like flashes of it now and then my heart will do a real big beat, and that sorta fuzzy feeling spreads through my whole body and goes away immediately No clue what it is
At least my foot did eventually sort itself out That was a scary time like last winter or something, with it just being unresponsive
chess is a dang monster ive got a long daily streak but my rating won't budge
there's something real funny about using the tunnel to escape the police trying to arrest you for digging the tunnel
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just wonder how they dug it like there's no where to conceal all that dirt and rock in NY
eh, just dump it in the street like everything else
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
soo true there's not even any alleys you'd have to load up laundry bags and stuff ah well the hasidic quarter of brooklyn is its own special area i guess
I mean on a serious note, nothing stops them from just loading it into trucks and taking it away in broad daylight Nobody's gonna stop and go "hey do you have permission to excavate or whatever you're doing inside your synagogue there?" It's not obviously illegal, so nobody gives a shit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like you wouldn't get away with that in manhattan there's people everywhere someone would notice
yeah but what they'd notice is you're loading dirt and rocks onto a truck it takes a pretty nosy person to do anything more than shrug and assume it's legal, especially when it's being loaded up in the middle of the day in full view of everyone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's no dirt or rocks in manhattan! it's all a concrete jungle
yeah, but if they load up trucks outside their synagogue, are you gonna just assume they're illegally digging in there? I'd assume it was above board and they'd cleared it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if i were a tradesperson i might get suspicious normal people wouldn't think about it too deeply, people who actually build would be like 'wtf what is all that dirt from'
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i've talked to construction people who are like 'yeah you might think the big sports stadium looks cool but all i see is [bunch of jargon]'
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't even see buttons and panels anymore i see session token, exponential backoff, missed frames, 30% opacity with drop shadow
where does apollo get the confidence he says he'd win the laxative challenge with? How does he know? HOW DOES HE KNOW?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nobody wins the laxative challenge
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
the tunnels were dug by people who aren't allowed to go to that synagogue
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
cause they're it's hard to explain, but basically they worship a rabbi who used to work there and tried to get control of the property and had a big lawsuit and lost so they dig tunnels underneath it so they could effectively study Talmud in the same synagogue (that they are banned from)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the hecc that's even harder to conceal the rock and dirt coming out wild
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I mean I don't know for a fact that they're banned from it but I'm just assuming they are otherwise why would they dig the tunnels
what I heard is it was an expansion project But I haven't looked into it eitehr
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk lots of people digging tunnels these days it seems prepper ideology turning people into foxes
i saw a tweet that said it was a tunnel connecting the boys dorm to the girls but wait is there even girls there doesn't make sense they did show a bunch of mattresses tho
are there DORMS at the fuckin' synagogue?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
doesnt make much sense to me idk guess the story will come out im certainly not going to trust all these wack narratives being pushed on the hellsite
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
it's a Chabad House
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
wrong article
the hell is a chabad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean its like any super conservative church with segregated genders you're gonna get some really really motivated boys
>>1108387 hard to explain but uh they have a lot of them on big university campuses all over the US so Jews at those schools can hold services and have somewhere to go for holiday dinners and such but also its a religious movement in hasidic judaism
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>About six months ago, it appears that a group of yeshiva students associated with the messianic movement began to dig tunnels, connecting the synagogue with an unused mikvah to gain unauthorised access to 770.
it coming down to an ownership dispute kinda tracks from what I do know about like, jewish communities through history, at least here in Europe I dunno if that carried into the US due to the more advanced age of civilization at the time and stuff, but jews effectively had their own internal "legal" system to handle stuff without involving the actual state, in many countries Not like they went above the law, but more that they resolved stuff without involving it Which could easily lead to discrepancies between Legal owner and uh, jewlaw owner I guess, I dunno what you'd call it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
perhaps they just piled up the rubble in the abandoned building then
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1108393 the people trying to get control of it are a fringe minority group whose central belief is extremely heretical
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
whoa that has a lot of words but uh basically by definition he can't be the messiach because he's fucking dead and also didn't solve the Israeli Palestinian conflict or build the third temple and bring totak *total world peace
Eh, him being dead and not yet bringing about total world peace shouldn't be that big a problem The major religion in europe is based on a guy who got wacked and didn't really accomplish much of anything beyond founding the church (not actually but in spirit (actually not that either))
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1108397 Well it is a problem in Judaism because by definition he has to do it while alive. We don't have any resurrection nonsense in our stuff about the mosiach
I'm not well read enough on this subject to go into great detail but worship of Jesus is idolatry (forbidden by god) among other things
I really just thought it was kind of a "christianity says he is the messiah, and jews well, don't agree, or they'd be christians too obviously" Not like, it's inherently just in contradiction with judaism out the gate
though I don't know much about what people believed aboit the messiah in Jesus's era cause that was before the second temple was destroyed
doesn't worshipping jesus, presuming you DO buy into jesus being god, kinda sneak by the whole idolatry ruling since it is actually directed at the one true god at the end of the day?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
yeah it does if you believe he is god (heretical in Judaism)
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I can talk about this again some other time but I'm going to nap now
The more i get into flexibility and mobility the more respect i have for pornstars It must take a lot of hamstring work to be able to hold your legs above your head like that Especially while getting pounded and spat on
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
get you to a pole dancing class
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
It's a legitimate sport and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean it is people at work post photos from pole dancing class
that would be one loooong tunnel but sounds like a plot
If hamas gets to have expansive underground cities, then so do the Jews of new York tbh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres like a billion 'tunnel and bridge folks' jokes on X rn im sure
Really there being a fucking group of what are kinda accurately described as tunnel Jews has no doubt been a boon to the right wing meme industry It's difficult to imagine much better fodder for them
Still not clear exactly what the tunnel is there for though I've seen a lot of different reasons, none of which are actually mutually exclusive, but still
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we just don't know hopefully the story come out
The jokes write themselves in any case but I don't wanna make em A shame, my mind molded to easily create diamond tier pol memes, but then it got knocked off that track and onto something more healthy
But it's still good at it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not a shame you fought the brainworms and won dumb memes do not illuminate the truth
Well true but it is a shame not to get to use the factory in my brain I can't really easily redirect it towards better things either, cause I'm not detached from what I consider better I'm obviously locked in that myself. So I can't look at it with the same outside perspective. Some people can, but I can't.
I'm not even complaining I mean I am annoyed I can't make dank memes worth a damn but that's not worth complaining about
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1108437 yeah this shit has nothing to do with the middle east i'm sure but how unfortunate
It is a really funny situation overall But yeah the only connection to Israel is well, I guess them apparently being zionists but that's like... Everyone is connected by that standard Cause not being a zionist is basically not that different in that respect
so is peter parker hydraulic like a spider too? is that why he's so strong? cause that's why they're kinda strong
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
depends which peter in the main 616 universe (and the majority of universes) the current canon explanation is that peter parker is strong because he is the Chosen of the Spider Totem (basically a spirit animal that gave him spider powers)
so the radioactive spider was what, divine intervention?
also by "depends which peter" do you mean there is a hydraulic peter parker?
>>1108468 Originally, it was a radioactive spider that caused his DNA to change. But that's been retconned into the Spider Totem. It's sort of like divine intervention, yeah. The Spider Totem chose Peter to be a protector.
>>1108469 In some multiverses (e.g. the into the spiderverse universe) which are disconnected from the primary comic universe (Sony's universe and the MCU as well fall into this ) you could argue that there could be a hydraulic spider-man.
I prefered the radioactive spider to a damn spider totem that's so stupid I mean so was the spider, but at least that's the stupid we grew up with this is no less stupid, it's just different
For what it's worth, the story that introduced this change was Into /// was the first Spiderverse arc of the Marvel Comics multiverse. It was is the least well received story in Spider-man history.
The new Madame Web film might be based on it!
actually I guess cartoon peter parker DID go hydraulic once He turned into the BIG SPIDER that one time, and then he was probably hydraulic Cause he was just a big fucking tarantula or something
oh shit madame web have we even seen her in ANY moving picture other than the TV cartoon?
I'm gonna see it in IMAX I think. It looks awful. I hope it is. The villain in this film is actually one of Peter's villains. Ezekiel. Originally, he was supposed to be the Spider Totem's chosen. He got the powers and then he used them to start a business because he thought he needed financial backing to be Spider-Man. Years later, Peter was chosen and Ezekiel got fucking mad about it and tried to get rid of him before eventually realizing that he, too, should be a hero.
This takes place before Peter was born. The Madame Web film. Ben is in it as a major character. It looks like the story is that Ezekiel might be trying to kill Ben before he can raise Peter. We don't know a lot about the plot.
This film appears to have three Spider Women, a Spider Man, AND Madame Web.
We don't know for sure who the Peter Parker of the SSU is yet but people seem to think it's Andrew Garfield. I also hope it's Andrew. I want them to do a live action Miles movie where Andrew dies and passes the torch and then we can have a Spider-man universe where there's not constant bullshit from other heroes.
they shoulda never brought spidey into the MCU, they doomed my boy!
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it sucks because tom holland would be a good spidey if the writers didnt hate spidey so much
personally just not a fan of the high-tech spiderman vibes in the first place it's cool in the doc-oc-takes-peter's-body comic, but not as a general thing Peter's sharp as hell but he shouldn't be using spacetech shit imo
though the spiderman octopus legs they brought out WERE sick as hell
fuckin hate how hes just automatically a cosmic level hero in MCU just straight from the beginning iron man shows up and gives him everything
yeah where's the friendly neighborhood spiderman?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the tobey scene where aunt may gives him money and hes like no you can't afford this may and she gets mad at him and forces him to take it that's GOOD FUCKING SHIT spidey should be poor as shit
the spidey movies were actually good even if they've kinda aged poorly, or more like, they were always kinda fucking corny, but they were also in the early game of superhero movies they had to be a little corny, cause the comics are corny
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1108489 i am looking forward to it. sounds awful it's got dakota johnson though
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1108491 yeah it's gonna be terrible I might go see it
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wanna see it in IMAX for the meme
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont even care if it sucks, i want to encourage sony to Keep Doing This Shit
what the fuck there's an OXYGEN ABSORBER in my beef jerky? it's not just moisture anymore, they're putting future shit in the damn packages now is it cheaper than just putting argon in there or nitrogen or something?
Strange follows DnD rules, there's always a somatic component
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1108515 you can cast spells without somatic components it's called still apell *spell also freedom of movement would be useless if it had a somatic component
eric rosen has been doing a chess speedrun quote unquote for like 3 months now ten minute games where he plays quite slowly what kind of speedrun is this
How do you even speedrun chess in the first place
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
usually grandmasters will create a new account and smurf it down to 100 elo then see how fast they can get back up to 2000 or so
nah not that bad but there is no way im bicycling or driving anywhere food delivery cost would be thru the roof this city doesnt handle snow well >>1108591 i dont but i can handle it im more afraid of all the student drivers out there who inevitably go too fast and brake wrong
Do you not have winter tyres or is it just a sorta "they can't plow it fast enough" situation?
haha yeah who would do that, go too fast in the winter <- got stuck in a ditch last winter
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
send me your snow
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its a tradition to go out walkin around and helping push stuck cars out of their frozen jails
I wasn't actually going all that fast though, I just kinda misjudged just how fucking bad the traction was on that particular corner Nothing was damaged though, just wasn't able to stop before my wheels were already over the ditch so I couldn't back out
eventually some guy in a Big Car came by and got me pulled out using a damn rope around one of my wheels, so no big problem took a while though
I drive a lot more carefully now, though I already did then Especially after I fucked up another car's side in basically that exact same area, though that wasn't due to speed so nobody was hurt or nothing
shit wasn't even 50 meters away
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mon bazou Prayge
honestly thinking back on it I probably wouldn't have even ended up in the ditch if I just turned instead of braking, but hindsight is 20\20 and all that
really shoulda fone the go-around what an absurd risk to take with all those souls on board
I wondeer what the initial prob was on aproach?
Looks like Ireland, maybe mist or an air pocket?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
looks like high winds were buffeting the plane around, the nose was pointing down a couple times
quite, any pilot would have pulled up, fuselage got down drafted big time.
if it were, i.simply would have landed safely
Let hope all of your/our landings are safe. Lets
forgot just how much damn work the start of any dorf fort is I elect to not pursue this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I would simply roll a nat 20
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the start? idnt that the nice easy part w no real responsibilities other than making some beds
well yes, but then you have to start setting up production tasks and shit and it's just SO fucking tedious and stockpiles for the stuff you need in a given place, which is super fucking granular and that's cool if you wanna go real deep on it, but I really wish there was just a button like "this stockpile should have stuff you brew booze from"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah thats true i just make basic stockpiles to start stuffs gonna get moved later anyway
he creator of lk-99 announced that on March 4, 2024, the American Physical Society would announce PCPOSOS, a material that complements existing lk-99 by adding sulfur. He added that the Meissner effect and quantum rocking were clearly observed in this new material
Orvolle, my connection to highsec, and the location from which I have all my stuff hauled to market, is currently lawless it's a goddamn warzone I was hauling some shit over there and in the like 10 minutes it took me to haul it, 4 ships got blown up in the system Not me, though, praise be
as always when making a mud room, a dwarf gets himself trapped in the damn water and dies I did my best to avoid it, but alas
one dwarf is not a bad loss though, usually I lose many
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the heck
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just use like a floodgate or something
I do But the dwarves have a death drive and will seek out ways to enter the water one way or another A lot of it is because once opened, when the damn water starts draining from the opening, it's JUST shallow enough to enter, and technically speaking the canal is the fastest route up or down
You should paint the room you're flooding as tiles dwarves are forbidden to step on while you're flooding it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i think there's ways to avoid it takes a bit of micro management and setup tho
Well at least in ONI you won't have a buncha goblins show up and steal your kids, fucking the whole colony's mood up ...I forgot to make an armed squad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats true i just don't know how to recover a messy ONI base skill issue i guess
i wonder if there are AIs that play DF it's too bad the game is entirely singleplayer, could be nice to have a helper for some parts
I mean you can simply not make the ONI base fucked up in the first place, it's not nearly as prone to getting fucked by shit outside your control But it does take a lot of familiarity with the game, and MAN is the early game slow
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i think it's about planning hmm ive still never played rimworld
And I guess ONI is kind of an eternal battle against the clock, too, cause there is a finite map and you will, sooner or later, simply run out of resources and die Or well, maybe technically survive, but you won't have stuff to do anymore
Anyone here know who Trevor is? The /jp/ personality Trevor. I guess not, anyway his site is gone now. He deleted it after getting angry while playing monhun heh.. This time I think the site is gone for good. Just checking out some other boards right now..
>>1108680 rimworld is incredible It's like dwarf fort but you've got a small crew of maybe 10 lads instead and only one z level
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1108682 never heard of him but i'm the wrong person to ask deleting a website in a fit of gamer rage is a new one
>>1108684 Oh it's not new for him heh.... >>1108686 Yeah I'm sure I will stand out here. I'm not from this board. What type of spinoff community are you guys what board were you based on? >>1108690 Ah I see. ours was a spinoff of warosu's /ghost/ which was used after /jp/ got screwed over by the janitor.
I love Dwarf Fortress and I bounced off Rimworld when I gave it a shot Something about it didn't quite scratch the production chain and colony management itch I get for stuff like Dwarf Fortress and ONI Maybe I should try it again some time and see if that was just an off mood
>>1108688 Yeah rimworld is a lot more micro, ends up a lot more about the particular colonists and their journey And the increasingly depraved monster you become as you optimize what you can by turning them all into ubermench cyborgs with powerarmor and plasma rifles >>1108692 Dwarf Fortress doesn't have you capturing and amputating enemy combatants in order to use them as emergency heart donors and\or blood bags for your vampires though
>Become Please I've been playing Dwarf Fortress for like twelve years
No but it did have people setting up artificial tide pools to catch and trap merpeople and then have them suffocate outside of the water because as sapient creatures you can't butcher their corpses and instead had to let their bodies decay down to their bones Because when making bone crafts, merpeople bones count among the most valuable class of bones to work with, and were the only creature from that class that anyone ever figured out a way like this to farm
It revolted ToadyOne so much that he locked the forum thread discussing this and immediately patched the game to lower the value of merpeople bones
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who is gonna make a colony simulator with multiplayer and AI bots inhabiting it only a matter of time
This time I'm just gonna go straight for quantum storage, I don't care if it's "cheap" It's just idiotic how much real estate ends up dedicated to storage without them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, making sentient creature's bones be valuable resources is gonna drive some players to mad scientist extremes
You can use human leather in rimworld but it's not particularly valuable Makes cannibals and stuff real happy to have a human skin hat though
It's also not uncommon for Dwarf Fortress players to set up this super sweet, decked out noble's apartment and assign their latest nobility appointment to live there Which they'll happily do, and remain happy until a dwarf is ordered to pull the lever which retracts the floor of the apartment and drops the noble into a pool of lava or spike trapped floor Because this is far more preferable than having to endure the noble's tiresome demands
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i want fifty toy anvils raagghh
the utter disrespect of being flung into a pool of lava, and you can't even haunt the people who did it to you cause they put up a hastily carved slab of granite in a small room to 'remember' you
also why are elves so opposed to cutting down trees? no way I'm believing the elves are fashioning all their shit outta rocks
Got the wordle i two tries.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think the elves use fallen timber and plant material
they got mad at me when I tried to trade them some exquisitely carved bone trinkets, inlaid with precious gems, too They said I "worshipped death" Motherfuckers, I'm using the whole buffalo, your ass probably just eats them and leaves the bones, the disrespect
Have any of you gone ice skating this year? I haven't gone but I want to this week.
Going with this kinda design for the sleeping area To be expanded, obviously
>>1108703 >>1108705 I think Dwarf Fortress elves follow the tradition that elves commune with the tree and ask it to provide them with wood to fashion items with, and through nature magic the tree like … expels some of its wood for them to use Kind of like treating the tree itself as renewable resource rather than the other cultures in a DF world that cut the tree down
>>1108706 I'm not as sure about this one I don't recall elves broadly having disdain for items if -of death, but I might be wrong Perhaps it could be the elves of that civilization practice a religion which abhors death and violence and as such finds items evoking them as vile But I'm not really sure about that since I don't have as much experience with how religion in Dwarf Fortress affects the behaviours of those who follow one
well it might have been "revel in death" or something like that But they did scold me for offering bone trinkets
I think it was an elf thing cause they said something about "my kind" like they were talking about dwarves broadly, though I can't say for sure
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if only dwarves could refine petroleum into plastic
I'll probably end up waging war on the elves down the line because they insulted my craftsman to such an extent He even drowned himself from the shame and humiliation! Possibly because I didn't mark the artificial river as no-go, but we're gonna pretend it was because of the elves
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you seem to have an inclination for dangerous water features
well that was that same save On this one I'm still digging stuff out
I do like the water stuff in dorf fort though Maybe I'll make a drowning trap for invaders to fall into, drown, and then I drain the water to harvest their belongings and bones
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i tend to be overly cautious about water, putting grates on everything and locking doors
Yeah I checked the wiki and elves will reject any goods manufacturered from animal parts
This fort's gonna be a lot more secure too I spawned on a local peak, so by just making some walls and stuff I should be safe from most invaders It does present a problem for moving water up here for a shower, but that's a problem for later
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Would you kiss 100 men for 100 dollars?
nah, if you had to do something like that, would you post about it on an IBoard?
the ravens are fucking me up I got too lost in the sauce and didn't take the proper first steps NEW FORT
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all those dorfs abandoned to the feathers and fury
I'm gonna undertake another dangerous water project on this one, though I think it will be fine actually I'm gonna make a damn waterwall around my entrance, good LUCK invaders
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dorf waterpark incoming
it would be cool to have some swimming-adept race colony simulator i like hybrid air-water environments
I wonder if I could make myself caged in ice in winter by pumping water upwards and dropping it down in a grand waterfall hmmhmmm
>>1108729 The second book in Children of Time has something.. like that It's pretty cool Children of Ruin, I think
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh i see how it is it's okay to snort candy off a 100 dolla bill but licking it is too much
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just love when there's like a... underwater glass dome that you gotta swim to or like there's a cargo bay with a water portal idk seems hard to maintain pressure tho
bro it's midspring and everything is STILL frozen the water barrier may not be viable
the whole thing with the series is we're not really following humans, primarily in the first one, it's spiders, and in the second it's octopi There's humans, too, but the real draw is the animals It doesn't make much sense without reading the first one, though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the way of water has no beginning and no end the sea is around you and in you batchest
Once I get good at it, I wanna try a fort built in the damn tundra NONE water NONE wood ALL ROCK AND STONE
the main reason I don't go right for that is I need to be proficient enough to keep the colony going despite not having beds for a while
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dang what do you even make beds out of if not wood do you have to import them
you gotta import wood or beds, yeah in vanilla at least, ONLY wood can be used for beds
Which makes it doubly stupid that elves get mad about cutting trees Like buddy, *I HAVE TO*
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just build it out of twigs and branches who needs support
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dang it took three years of shooting to film avatar 2+3 so much effort expended, would have been nice to tighten up the script a bit but i guess you don't watch it for the plot, it's just the spectacle
>shortly after Avatar: The Way of Water was released, it was revealed that James Cameron's first cut of Avatar 3 had a running time of nine hours >Cameron hopes to release the nine hours version as a limited series on Disney+ after the movie's theatrical run jesus christ
Can't wait to see the third entry in a franchise NOBODY ever talks about, and the buy-in of "the entire duration of the LOTR trilogy in one go" is a small price to pay
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if there will be Cameron nerds in 100 years when the series has more fleshed out lore
THIS FUCKING SCREEN is why I hate starting dorf fort anew They REALLY gotta add a fucking template system so I can just jack in my default like, "get started" orders It's the same every time I need to make bins, barrels, beds, chairs, tables, doors, yadda yadda yadda And I will need all of those in every single playthrough
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
surely there's a mod for that maybe not on the steam version tho idk?
sadly I think you need to use something like that third party program for that, but that's first of all only available for the legacy edition, and more importantly, I doubt it works with linux running it through wine
or wait, it's native isn't it? Either way though, it's not for steam yet
>Many DFHack tools that worked in previous (pre-Steam) versions of DF have not been updated yet and are marked with the "unavailable" tag in their docs. If you try to run them, they will show a warning and exit immediately. You can run the command again to override the warning (though of course the tools may not work). We make no guarantees of reliability for the tools that are marked as "unavailable". Prayge
can't seem to launch it, but I'm restarting steam to give that a go USUALLY when something doesn't work, you just restart the stuff involved and it's good
alright it launched, and now it's running
it does have exactly that tool Incredible
even comes with some defaults, but I prefer to make these things myself
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
poggers the power of text files vs cucumber AI
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what else can the mod do?
I haven't looked too deep into it, but it's got a lot of neat QoL features for one, selecting stuff for mining gives you an area display, so you don't gotta count anymore, it just says like 5x5x1 when you select a 5x5 on a single floor apparently it has blueprints for a whole fortress you can just slot in too, but I haven't fucked with that it's got what I THINK is an anti-suspender for building too, so your shit actually gets built rather than put on ice the moment a rat happens to be where you were gonna build that super important defensive structure
Early game dorf fort really is the tension between what you need to get done, and what you currently can get done
Man I just took a look outside for the first time tonight and 'ho boy They weren't kidding about that winter storm warning It's been a while since I saw near whiteout conditions that weren't just fog
bro there ain't no COAL anywhere what the fug I mean I'm also kinda expanding faster than I've got manpower for because my first shipment of work- I mean citizens was ALL CHILDREN
Well you could always channel your inner Yamato Damashi and set up charcoal burners to make a supply of charcoal for melting down your metal
True, there is an ample supply of wood here But coke is just so much easier to deal with cause that shit's ONLY used for burning shit, while wood is both... seemingly non-replenishing, and I gotta go upstairs for it
Not that coal and ligma replenish either, but there's usually A LOT of it, and it's already underground
Wood absolutely replenishes itself I think they tweaked the growth rate when they implemented three-dimensional multi-block trees, but if you clear cut a stretch of land and clean out the resulting piles of wood, trees will eventually grow back (Also if you break into the caverns you can use underground trees to the same effect)
Oh, well that's good to know at least Maybe I will start just burning trees I really wanna find some coal though so I'm digging ever deeper for a few more z levels at least
I think prior to the implementation of multiblock trees, the single-tile trees would sprout several times a season There's probably some calculation involved in making sure an area of land doesn't become too clustered with trees if left unchecked But now with the potentially massive multi-block trees, I believe they can take multiple seasons, maybe upwards of more than a year's time, to grow back I haven't checked the mechanics of that in-depth though
charcoal and coke both count as "coal" when sorting a storage right?
Yeah, "coal" is Dwarf Fortress' catch-all for any fuel that is used in a smelter, kiln, etc.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 710 3/6
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oh holy shit, dfhack lets me place down stuff before it's made so it's just queued up INSANE QoL improvement
From the look of it, trees actually take approximately three years to grow to the minimal harvest point >>1108781 As long as nothing is consistently treading over the land where they would grow, tree saplings should naturally sprout from "natural light" soil tiles There is no unmodded method of planting trees yourself
Do I need to plant them or do they just naturally propagate?
wow all the haters out there probably think I can't play osrs for six hours in a row until I get force logged out. guess I'll have to prove them wrong.
alright I just used dfhack to kick him out of the strange mood he was just stuck not even requesting anything, and showmood showed him as wanting a single log (I have many logs) I'll just kick him into a new one and roll with what the fates decide
well, that didn't work oh well
Ooooh, it doesn't force a specific dwarf by default fair enough
Well, dfhack certainly solves quite a lot of my issues with dorf fort Not all of them, but a lot Still a pain in the ass to sort certain stuff out, like having a stockpile for Finished trade goods, encrusted and all
one of the chains here just outright pays you double the price of an item if you bring expired stuff to the register Or at least, they did, now I think you just get it free?
Kinda ended up in a unhappiness spiral and lacked manpower while having way too much shit that needed doing in the last fort So I'm firing it up again
And this embark actually has sedimentary layers
Plenty of trees too
I usually use the search function pretty aggressively when I'm looking for an embark location You can use it to confirm things like depth of the initial dirt layer, whether the location has clay or sand (although it's not always going to be the useful clay or sand) and whether it'll have a flux ore, which is necessary for making steel It might not be able to fine tune for things like existence of coal, but generally if you try to find as rich in ore a location as possible, you have the best possible chances of having coal around
I basically just use it to avoid aquifiers The default settings, generally speaking, ensure any given embark site is gonna have at least some of everything That previous one probably did have coal SOMEWHERE, but it's gotta be deep down there, or maybe it was higher up since I started digging at ground level
I just don't wanna deal with aquifiers, or I'd send it in any random location with trees Even if I gotta get steel and stuff through trading, that's kind of a neat little thing to work around, but I gotta at least have coal or the management of cutting trees is gonna kill me
>>1108830 Note that this is that it is functionally possible It doesn't consider how easy it would be
How would I go about training any given one of these? Dogs are easy I just buy a dogg Same procedure for the others?
Anno At this point you ought to read the article, I'd just be parroting stuff from it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gorilla force
oooh, nice I guess I'll be asking the next caravan for some choice animales to beef up my defenses
kinda forgot migration counts are tied to wealth, so I slacked on starting my econ, and ended up in a bit of a slump where I just didn't have workers lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/watch?v=xSRhJglPt9I youtube keeps recommending this tuber and idk this is shallow but her appearance keeps throwing me off is she 15? is she 33?
Well, until I can get my grubby paws on a gorilla or something, I guess I'm training an actual army of dogs Do these things even eat? Are they just free firepower?
They eat meat, their energy is fire.
I do not know what that latter bit means, but I can get meat I guess
chi = fire
kibble works well for big dogs
yeah no I mean I know what chi and energy is but I don't know what that means in dorf fort
oh, then it's a diferent APPROACH. PAINT THE floors again. :P
just playin, do the dorf's interact w/ the dog's?
Dunno They do take them as pets I guess
kinda wanna play vid games again. But I'dont have my tower here. :( specs on lappy are ok I suppose, but it rules out so many games. Seems like theres more important things lately that need adressing, but dang dose anno miss playing games.
does* played battle star galac back in the day, steam acc has some deecnt games on it. I got into this tomb raider but it was dated. I free game I won. the movie trinity was preaty goom and playing the game was similar.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i played some Hades on my lappy ran welll
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think the dogs just eat like grass and bugs and stuff idk
Ya dogs naturally eat grass, but it's weird many dogs can't eat rice. Rice is preaty much grass.
dwarves are kinda weird that way VERY bad swimmers, but they actually really enjoy mist Like they REALLY enjoy mist
So when you've got a central staircase, usually the best way to build a fort anyway, as well as the easiest, you can put a little waterfall going down the entire thing at the top, as long as you make sure to drain it properly Only really viable if you've got a river or I imagine a very heavy aquifier though, cause you can use the water to power the pump
Lets just get all the dwarves to work in harmonized synchronicity.
>>1108843 If I remember correctly, small animals like dogs and cats are just assumed to find their own food It's one of those small details that the game doesn't waste time on keeping track of But if you're working to train animals, part of the training process involves the trainer using a piece of food as a tool, I think
Ah I see Is there any way to modify the priority of tasks? Cause by default, hauling is prioritized over mining, leading to no mining unless I set someone up to only do that
Another thing I miss from modded rimworld is being able to mark selected items as "haul this. Now "
Hm, I feel like there was a prioritization system, but it's been a while since I played the game so I don't recall where it would be in the menus I think in the end you really should just have some people on hand whose only job is to haul shit though It's too core a task to your fortress logistics to leave open to whoever's available
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rice is grass??? whaaaat
>>1108865 don't go blazing it, might not be the most desired effect.
>>1108864 Yeah, you're not wrong the main issue with it is really that dwarves get kinda pissy if they don't get to do stuff for a while unmet need: craft something mfer I need you to haul, you are the backbone of this colony, please just be satisfied knowing you're the reason we operate at all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i do toasted rice tea sometimes
...can pumps elevate water further than to their own level? Like if I keep pumping water into the same spot, but it's a tall-ass tower, will it gradually fill up?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not in my understanding i think it just fills to the top level water source
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe if there's like a fixed water supply and you keep pumping more water in, it'll overflow?
guess I'll just have to make a tandem system Hopefully a pump is enough to power the next pump Otherwise this is gonna be quite an undertaking
alright, so you can't overflow, but the pump is FAST so fast, in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it violates the laws of physics and pumps so well it could power its own wheel AND another one
It's still gonna be an utterly insane construction though 10 z layers tall hydropump And I gotta test it each time because if I fuck it up it'll take FOREVER to fix it I could obviously just... shit why don't I just make it longer so I don't gotta test every stage
Oh right, it's a pain to make the connections Compact is easier on the building time and brainpower
My dwarves are not currently loving life But I will fix that I am arranging for them to pray to their bullshit gods
usually, a little bit of prayer sorts them right out, it seems not always though Meeting their needs is real annoying at times cause it's so hard to figure out what I need to do like "I wanna spend time with my family" shit, buddy, go hang out with them then, what do you want me to do about it?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe their schedules are too packed their manager is breathing down their neck
I mean I do have a lot of Stuff being done, but like, it has to be done, and it's not like I've microed it so everyone has an assigned job
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wowwww stand up for dorf work-life balance
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i forget if you can assign everyone to take a break and have drinks at the same time like in ONI maybe they're just missing each other at the statue garden
well, I certainly have a lot of laborpower now Lotta workers in these here mines which is cool, but it does mean I REALLY do need one of those dang ol' army squads soon
I also had some boys drown (unrelated to my shenanigans, they got spooked while fighting and hopped in a pond... all 3 of them) And because I can't get the bodies to bury, they're haunting my ass now I've got slabs but it's just not enough
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gg playing wacky moves like that is probs just gonna give you bad habits try playin in the pool, only way to learn
we can also play some funny variants
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
general early game strategy is to get some pawn control in the center and also get your bishops and knights off of their starting squares to reasonable positions
Making bedrooms is SUCH a fucking pain You can macro the actual mining orders, but the placement of furniture is the real annoying bit and the ingame macro doesn't seem to count that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i sent an atomic chess challenge, pieces go boom but otherwise i think you gotta train a little bit and we can have some more reasonable games
DFhack has a built in library you can just jack into the task manager and it queues up the whole production line for metal armor, with conditions so it makes the best one you can at any given time, and doesn't make the stinky versions if you already have stuff REAL handy Especially since the actual production lines for a lot of stuff are kinda unexplained, DF has a bad habit of not really telling you what you need to make something until you try and then it's like "no flux stones", which you're not gonna know what the fuck means until you wiki it cause there ain't no stone called flux
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it do be an oldschool game like that
also holy shit my mayor LOOOOVES leather armor, dawg
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what you don't have a master's degree in geology plus military experience?
I'm fucking PRINTING masterwork bone crafts at this point too Just one lad sitting at a craft station chipping away at it, he's lovin' life The issue is, I don't really need to trade at all? There's nothing they can offer that I really have a need for
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like you need a harder biome
>>1108954 Preaty much @ this point, learned from the best.
Gonna dupe my save and invade this beast of a fortress Try to see if I can crack it open
It doesn't have defenses YET, but we're workin' on it
Weirdly, this is supposedly a savage region, but I've only really had a handful of bad animals spawn Lost a lotta dogs, but all my dead dwarves were from drowning, and not even my fault this time OK one was my fault
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i never really got the knack of military squads just pressed buttons until it seemed like they were finally training
HNow I'm already printing out masterwork weaponry too Man it pays off to just give workstations to specific dwarves early on
export of leather armor probibited! mfer you're the one who had us stock up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
loooooool pranked
not that it's a big problem anyway 5 leather armors with the amount of production I've got going is nothing
>>1108955 You can request they send things that you can't be arsed to make yourself Like, why go to all that effort to set up a steel production industry when you can full bins upon bins with expert bone or stone crafts and just get your civilization to send you the workable steel
well the main issue is that the amount they can send you of anything heavy enough to be tedious enough to be worth it is... fairly limited at least early game
It makes sense if you're playing in a difficult biome though, making due with goblin metals
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there should be a race of furries who get really offended if you make too many leathers
I can't imagine the elves are too stoked about it, considering their reaction to the bone crafts Those are just trinkets you make from the remains Leather armor and stuff, you kill FOR that
I'm just slaughtering every animal anyone brings into the fort cause I just do not fucking need to also deal with the animal part of this game right now Maybe pigs could be good, I imagine those reproduce fairly rapidly, but without an automatic way to harvest their meat I don't feel like microing it
man if this crafter dies in an invasion or something, my whole economy goes belly up overnight She's the most valuable dwarf in the fort, responsible for like 90% of our gpd gdp
oh actually, instruments would be nice to buy
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 711 3/6
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Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk i always did so that the visitors could stay the night after all the revelry isnt there a way to assign rooms to the tavern or something
Yeah, but I never had any of them rented out, or any complaints about not having any rooms I guess I could put down a few, I made the macro and everything already
well, I have a MASSIVE building project in progress so I'm waiting for blocks 1000+ blocks on the backburner My stone cutters are coping AND seething
oh and I just had a giant show up Guess I gotta throw some dwarves at that, thankfully I've got a competent military already
lets fucking go i was just listening to this track the other day and whenever someone at work asks me how i'm doing i always respond with "oh, you know, [song title]"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh, you know, sail away, sail away, sail away
macros are real nice for stuff like stripmining though
Like this would have taken an ETERNITY to manually designate It may be a little overkill, but it's on low priority so it's kinda something for the mining lads to do
I need silver for statues and also I kinda wanna coat the new tavern's floor in silver So I need galena and lots of it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder how practical a silver floor would be irl
If my memory isn't screwing me, I think silver is kinda naturally sterile, so it'd probably be like, technically useful for healthcare stuff, though prohibitively expensive obviously
ooooh damn I just improved the hauling efficiency by quite a lot In the middle of my quantum storage room, I put a big "everything" storage Which at face value doesn't seem too useful, but by having that feed the quantum storages, my dwarves save a lot of legwork Instead of fetching individual items and putting them in the... wait I could just have all the quantums load directly instead of having a go between but fuck it that's a lot of work for little benefit
anyway, when that one fills up, they just fill the quantums from the big pile and the speed of that frees up a lot of space
Itw roks, anyway, that's the point
the main benefit is rocks, really
Oh there's galena in these walls, that's for DAMN sure
hold up, a forest titan that's new bones for the bone lady
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man the fucking Dave's temporary insanity hot sauce gets me every time
>>1109017 The bigger issue with silver for large scale decor like that is, silver tarnishes when exposed to open air In real life you'd have to be constantly caring for it to make sure it doesn't end up all mottled with blackish-green
The waterfall is going, and the dwarves are LOVING LIFE
did have an accident with one dwarf getting beaten over the head by a boulder washed from an improperly setup drainage room But hey, you win some you lose some
Incredible how many weird workarounds there are to deal with the FPS drain and a few of the missing features can't get rid of items below a certain quality or specify you want to make items until you get the good quality, so... you make a crusher and dump all the garbage in there
now that the shower has been installed, I gotta work on this tavern I'm going with lead and copper flooring Cause that's what I happened to have roughly 1000 of in total
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just use a second AI to refine the outline oh no, she's grown a mushroom on her arm okay well we have a de-mushrom AI over here...
It's gonna be something to behold This is a long term project though, I intend to furnish it exclusively in gem-encrusted, masterwork furniture be it chairs, tables, the many silver statues, the instruments, everything will be of the utmost quality Might even incorperate a waterfall on the middle of it Hmm man that'd be pretty sick, and I think the floor above is clear
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just getting clean in my lead-lined shower for some reason i feel like punching some dudes?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
super drunk dwarves and a gaping abyss pair wonderfully
It will of course be covered in gem-encrusted floor grates
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1109053 this was my last search on xhamster dot com btw not a suggestion
I could have made this work easier on the dwarves by making the lead and copper into blocks first, but it doesn't actually result in more resources, so the only difference is it's faster to move
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow they're just hauling around unfinished nuggets of lead apatite
solid lead and copper bars
how they fashion them into floorboards on the spot like that, I couldn't begin to guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its just silver bars nailed into the groudn massive material waste
I mean the copper and lead are waste products in themselves I have A LOT of both
I'm rebootin, and I'm starting in the dang ol' tundra I'm not entirely sure how I'll handle wood, but I can always just import the wood I need and only use it for beds
It was said it seemed like I needed a harder embark site Well here I fuckin' am Ain't shit here but snow, rock, and dirt Not a tree in sight, just dwarves living and dying in the moment
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1109076 its called a battery when you got rooks and queens lined up to ram into enemy pawns
I'm gonna need to be absurdly efficient, I can't just dig nilly willy Compact is the name of the game here Gonna set up the quantum storage immediately, too, to keep things nice and tidy, now that I've got a good setup
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
snow and rocks, everything the body needs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its too bad dwarf fort can never really be multithreaded until we invent super intelligent AI to rewrite the insane spawling codebase
Gotta figure out how I'm gonna set up the essentials before I actually continue I think It's a pretty high risk environment, even if there aren't many like, dangers afoot Well, living dangers So I gotta set things up in a way that's efficient and doesn't waste a lot of time
Maybe I'll set up one main storage floor, and then also have workshop areas with their own quantum storages Though if I do that, why have the initial storages? hmmmm
Workshop planning is really one of the more difficult parts of this game
How the hell was I not aware that last year, some russian blogger had like, a conference or something where he was offered a statue of his own head, joked about it being briefly stopped by security because "it could be a bomb", and then the fucking thing blew up, killing him. Because it was a bomb.
There has been a lot of Russian bullshit in the news the past couple years, to be fair
yeah but that's just silly enough I should have seen something about it It's not every day someone gets blown up minutes after commenting about the actual bomb "possibly being a bomb"'
It may not be COMPACT per se But I think this will be a relatively efficient design, longterm Instead of using global tasks, I'm gonna be giving each workshop dedicated tasks for that, and storage near it, grabbed from the quantum storage, relevant to its specific tasks Will make it A LOT easier to troubleshoot why something or other isn't being made
That, and as a BIG bonus, I can easily specialize dwarves in particular creative fields by diverting the tasks by type Why have the same dwarf slowly specialize in armor, statues, and weapons when instead you can have 3 dwarves with one task each
Well, it's been a bumpy first half yeah, turns out the inefficiency of non-quantum storage is kind of a useful restriction early game when you don't have an army of dwarves
But we're about to start zoomin', cause I got 3 more lads I haven't even made bedrooms yet
>>>/@pseudolad/1746743440023441635 i find it difficult to believe the dense fucktorus can be made entirely planar surely someone somewhere would have broken thru
>>1109170 it's on the tv but im watching hinabobina hachama can soeak English must better but pretends not to
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf is buge rates
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dont tell me this is some gacha drop rate
bugechama >>1109175 they're just talking about bugs
>>1109170 I think her English skills atrophied pretty heavily in the just shy of a year she was on medical hiatus Especially her verbal English, like, she can follow along what someone's saying pretty well, but I think she's forgotten some of the syntax that makes English sentences sound more fluid and natural
anyway I missed a bunch for some synergy building exercise