i think i will give up eating the ham in the fridge surely it's been a week by now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive had this half an onion sealed up in the fridge for like a month or two it scares me but it looks notmal
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
overheard a bartender talkin about sayin they're in school to learn to do UI/UX so they can join a tech company and talk BS all day and lament they didn't like study tech and go to google when they were younger i dont mean to be a gatekeeper but like you're only sayin this now you weren't gonna stick out the tedious autism of coding as
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a youngun
i could UI i coulda made it to the big apple i tellsya
hooooooly moly 2 lvl 3 gas sites in one system, and they're the two most valuable gases assuming I get it all to myself, which would take 12 hours and is actually unlikely, but still that's 2.2B in gas, baby Getting this shit would cover my next month almost on its own
billions, left to others What a painful realization silver lining though, is I now know I can make even more money off of this gas
hell I can make that money by just buying at jita and having it transported back and forth right now shit I might have found an infinite money glitch here, I gotta work up some capital and start grinding this stuff
my hunger for eve wealth continues, as I'm now planning out a spreadsheet to see what I should be producing using planetary industry the chains are complicated, so I'll need to have a LOTTA maths done ...man it's gonna be some work
Wait a fucking minute In the first place, I really shouldn't be extracting shit that isn't high in the value list in and of itself What I should be doing is extract the high value stuff, sell it, and then buy the stuff used for the highest profit Though I guess there's something to be said of the convenience of just having it all be one big chain saving me a lot of work It's gonna amount to a relatively low amount of total earnings per month either way, so it's probably preferable to not have to actually do too much for it to keep chugging along
hell I may have already committed an incredible rookie mistake I'm extracting WAY more stuff than I can even use, which I mean money's money, but I could up efficiency by reducing extraction and using that power for production instead, or more extraction But I'll fix this shit tomorrow, I just set this up earlier to get a feel for the interface, it's not something I'm in a rush to get perfect, my skills aren't even capped and I'll have to redo a lot once they are
it's not the QUICKEST money I've ever made, but man there's a LOT of money floating right here this rock I'm beaming right now alone has a good 600M worth of goodies in it
You're getting your first proper taste of corporate political theatre This is the kind of stuff all those massive backstabs and corporation versus corporation battles are built on
I'm super excited I've always wanted to run a guild
Just gotta try to poach that one new member before we piss off, but if he doesn't log on by the time this moon is hoovered up, I'll just send him a mail inviting him to join would rather he gets on so I can like, talk to him properly, but he can PM me when he gets the mail anyway and I can explain the situation
our ceo probably won't even realize we're gone until next week mfer playing WoW or some junk now this corp's a damn sinking ship and was since the start, but at least it got me in touch with my 2 to-be cofounders and they're cool lads
damn dude fuckin cockroach in my mailbox, crawling through everything. Pretty big one too. I mean, I don't have a phobia or anything. Just kind of brushed it away off the balcony. Still kind of gross though.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
not nearly as gross as this letter from the Electoral Commission telling me to update my details tho
I've never seen cockroaches like that They do exist in this city, but I've lived in clean enough places to avoid them Now centipedes I have seen my fair share of those gross hundred-leg fuckers scurrying over my shit and under my bed out of the corner of my eye
I'm ECONOMYpilled in eve now, I've got planets set up scraping together materials for me to use to make part of another thing I make to sell to the lads in the local area here It's a much more efficient way of getting money out of the gas I huff Both easier to transport, in case I can't sell to the locals, and also added value plus the demand is very high Granted, it's high for the gas as well
the major hitch in the production process is I need a particular component that itself can not be produced or harvested, it has to be looted or bought I can't really LOOT the fucking shit, I need too much of it and also I don't have the skills and MY SKILL QUEUE IS UNHOLY NOW So I gotta buy that shit But I go to fucking jita to buy it, and in a shuttle I can only move 10 at a time into nullsec, and I need a lot of them AAAAAAAAAA Nobody's selling them out here either, or I could just buy them at a markup
Actually shit maybe I can just make an arrangement for a bigger discount with the guy buying the finished product from me if he brings those components in I don't care about being self sufficient or nothing, I'm just trying to make coin over here Self sufficiency is overrated, we live in a society
well rather than a discount I'll just buy it at a markup from him in the first place, saves some overhead The reason I need so much of it is also rather simple I actually only need one to make a batch of the stuff I'm making, but for every 10 batches I queue up at the same time, the consumption of the other inputs is reduced a little per batch So the more I can make at the same time, the more profit I actually make
when NL says he's a toe walker does he mean he was oen as a child and it got corrected but still had lasting effects or does he still toe walk i need video evidence
make sure to consume purified electro lights or something w/ idk I'm not into hippie crap
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you gotta touch grass to depolarize your body. or repolarize it. idk. btw a human body is made of trillions of cells that each maintain a cell wall at precise electrical temperature and dynamic conditions that serve varying purposes and as far as i know there is no way to inherently carry a voltage bias without seriously disrupting your nervous system i guess there's hair
A moon chunk with a lotta highly valuable stuff is gonna pop open like a pinata later today, so I'm preparing my ship over there It's time consuming cause null is hella dangerous
I went to the store hungry yesterday so now I'm preheating the oven for like, a sort of bread thing that's the size of a pizza but it's actually like, toast I guess I dunno if I can even eat it, but well, I went to the story hungry and it looks very tasty
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got a party to throw tomorrow and ive prepared no food i gotta figure that out tomorrow morning
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
my friends are partying without me because I don't want to hang out with them while they get wasted
and I have no convenient transportation method of getting to the house of the friends who would be up for partying without drinking
i would do that with one layer of meat and that much cheese dn that mozza looks good i would probably destroy my gut flora and gall bladder forever but worth
yeah id eat it for 15 mil any stomach problems i get from it i could use the money to have fixed
pain is temporary anyway I mean so is 15 million dollars, but overeating pains are a lot more temporary
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i cant imagine how many calories are in that so much processed meat i think about digestion a bit too much these days all these micromachines inside us grabbing chunks of matter and dividing and sorting and distributing everything to the whole body in some absurdly complex supply chain refortifying the cells becoming part of the larger whole it gives me the willies
that's aside from that making no sense usually when you have a sandwich and soda you drink the soda in between bites of the sandwich
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't generally drink carbonated soda with any meal but i will drink a beer and then instantly regret it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
are you a bird? are you incapable of burping?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i will literally die, i mean literally in the most literally literally
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
stomach pops
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also i dont know how to burp correct although in the last uhh idk eight years since i started drinking beer i guess sometimes i have like this weird non-belch burp thing going on its gross anyway i should really work on doing some kinda nasal gas release, i havent done that in ages
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway EWWW uh i do drink coke zero from time to time but not with a meal
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i only drink anything carbonated like, once a month at the absolute most i think my gut biome is messed up, i've been really gassy for like 6 months now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i wonder about that too i should get on the yogurt train
crack open a coke zero
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i was thinking about trying some probiotic stuff to see if it helps
i dont know if fungus have properties that are useful for a large multi cellular organism like a human extracting energy from dirt? hmm what else psychedlics on tap?
fungi do not have a concept of friendship unfortunately
>>1107321 pretty much immune to bacteria, high healing capabilities
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yea lots of nice immune system buffs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1107322 dont they have like a rhizome where they can communicate with each other or am i thinking of trees
I think they do have methods of like, basic communication yeah but they're also very homo economicus-pilled and don't really do "friendships"
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah fungi communicate fungi are actually already friends with everything in the entire world all we have to do is accept them into us let them overtake everything and all the world will be united in friendship through fungi
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1107327 rhizomes are for plants fungi have I forgor it's like a web
you look at the gherkin and think about how tasty it is. you think about how delicious it would be cooked. you think about how delicious it would taste boiled.
It's been some time planning and figuring stuff out But we are founding the corporation today In a matter of hours, I just gotta get as much of this valuable ore as I can while I'm out here mining first
Now we just gotta recruit some newbies to come join in and we can get to cranking out money before long It's a rough period in a corp's life, the early game, but I'm chronically online so there's no issue there, people like being in an active group, if nothing else
EVE really is the kind of game you can do wildly well in if you make it your job
I'm simply excited to be the top dog I get to do stuff like managing the finances and organizing things I'm planning to do an end of month distribution of corp profits as well, like some percentage of total profits, given out based on shares held, which we can distribute to members as they climb the ranks and provide value to the corporation Obviously, >3/4ths of the shares will be held by the 3 founders
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haven't seen any good freakouts from you in a while, Space Spreadsheets helping? I might have a good ol end of year meltdown, for old time's sake
I'm overall in a better place I think I think the dnd has helped too
Man once this corp grows to a point where we can protect hauling ships at least to highsec, we'll be in a position to make so much fucking money, man The gas boom has been GOOD to me I've funded my own omega already one time, and I'm on track to do it again with ease
we've got a gameplan at least Even with our fairly fresh characters, in the grand scheme of things, we're able to organize some good profit adventures for newbies It's stuff they COULD do on their own, but the dangers involved make it less viable
of course the ideal is to get to a point where we can set up some moon stuff, that's real good money, but I think we might have to fight for that stuff and well, we need muscle to fight for it
the ultimate goal is obviously to make ME money, but still For an alpha cranking out maybe 20m an hour if they're really minmaxing like I was going, mining hemorphite, getting that jacked up to 40+m an hour is definitely a real improvement early on in the corp's life, it's serviceable to just sorta break even or a little better on stuff like this, just to get our members acclimated and see that our corp is a good place to be for making money and stuff, down the line we might take a bigger cut, but we've got several things cooking as far as making money anyway
Going into industry in a big way, I'm gonna start producing some stuff that'll make me quite a bit of money tomorrow, will take maybe a week to finish but it'll be a 600M profit Which isn't too good money per hour sure, but it's passively done while I'm doing other stuff, and actually is above the omega daily income threshold so As long as you crank out at least 85M a day, you're gonna stay omega indefinitely Ideally you wanna make even more so you can get several months at once at an increasing discount, but you gotta start somewhere
Later we'll be paying dividends, there'll be paths towards promotion within the corp, maybe have someone managing the corporation's little shop for the members, providing resources they can use for production as well as produced goods at favorable prices That kinda thing requires trust, which personally I don't like too much, but we can gradually build that up with members interested in the task
>>1107374 I remember grinding astroids, in ogther games like Eve. It takes alot of patience but these sessions all pay off if you do it right and stay constantly persistent. Trust is earned, however it takes time and reciprocal consistency. >> just to get our members acclimated and see that our corp is a good place to be for making money.
Sometimes is less about making capital upfront, as it is about making lasting conections for more growth laterdown the line.
yeah Well, being in charge of the shop doesn't mean the shop will be stocked with EVERYTHING anyway It'll have a bunch so it's visible and usually more than you need for any given thing, but the value will always be less than we can comfortably lose After all, some of it will be used by the corp, or just hauled to jita to sell, or... well, just not be in the shop and one of the higherups can restock when it's empty Earning trust doesn't necessarily have to be done before you get to do something I can see whether there's stuff missing that isn't in a corporate contract, and I can see if the wallet's missing money it should have
I don't like trusting people, but I do like it when I can trust people Even sharing this corp 3ways is a big mental hazard for me cause I do have to trust the other two to not fuck me if we make the big time they have 2/3rds of the shares, they can vote to kick my ass out But I don't feel this'd be worth doing if I was gonna insist having a majority of the shares personally It's our project, our corporation, we work together from day 1
But I just don't like having to trust people
It's a similar mental worm that makes me very focused on not only extracting profits, but doing so while providing value People have an abundance of corporations to pick from to join. I want there to be a reason to be in ours. A tangible benefit, not simply us being chill and helpful, but very apparent, as in "this corp has ways for me to make more ISK AND it's fun to be a part of. They even handed me some shares so now I make money when the corp makes money "
That's the kinda thing that would make me stick to a corp, tangible benefits that aren't simply the community within it.
And we can do those things. I just need to keep a tally of our profits and I can spread that out at the end of the month
And if I can make the corp successful, we can do more fun, and profitable, stuff. It would be super cool to go into some place with high value ore with a security squad for protection, all being paid for their time
I have plans, plans I started putting together in the other corp but then the ceo acted out so I started my own gang
I think I removed some sort of mental worm (or blockage), after hitting a small amount of nicotine today. I'm clear minded and can think and process thought and type all of a sudden.
Also joggdd a far bit in frigid temps, asperating like a mofo again.
old ceo gonna log on like "where is everyone?" in a week's time it was surprisingly easy too, cause it turns out I'm actually fairly directed and just by virtue of having a direction I wanna go, that makes people wanna stick around cause there's a goal It's a long term goal, and I don't know what I'm doing on the road to it, but they have a sense that I'm gonna do my best to lead us there
We're already gonna head out into poch later and see how we do mining some valuable ore out there If it turns out well, we've got a good sales pitch
Join our corp, we do mining runs out in pochven with mining boosts, and you can sell what you mine directly to the corp to get paid out, and we'll replace your ship if you lose it out there
Further down the line I wanna have protection with us too, and luckily one of the members who moved over with us is more combat oriented in general and so I've made him the head of security Granted I didn't clear that with the rest explicitly, but I think they're cool with it We need someone to handle that after all
After a while I'll look into renting a system or maybe just a moon from some nullsec alliance, too, so we can do moon mining I don't wanna join an alliance, ideally, cause then you're suddenly tied up in fucking drama and their various wars and there's taxes and shit Maybe WAY down the line that will be worthwhile, but I gotta be a real big player before it makes sense I'm not joining an alliance voluntarily before I have the firepower under me to lean on people, yknow?
Thinking about it though, I've got good relations with the guys in syndicate close to us, and while they keep their own little corner fairly clean of intruders, it might be mutually beneficial once I've got a little army to keep the pipe into there clear of riffraff gatecamping and such They have an overall "fleet with us or you're a target" policy, though, which is a little troublesome but maybe we can reach an arrangement giving us access to at least pass through deeper into syndicate or somewhere and we can set up there, as long as we keep their connection to hisec clear at some set times or something
Much to think about I've got PLANS They're a ragtag group of uncorporate guys, it's kinda debauchery tea party with just a permanently up, rolling fleet for people to do whatever in there and benefit from what the corps organizing that fleet have, but since I'm coming in with my own upandcoming corp, I wanna come to an understanding with them that's beneficial for all involved Further in we can probably set up our own moon mining and stuff after all
that video is fucking awesome i gotta watch that movie
I really can't believe what fast&furious has turned into The two first ones are so normal
I think it's kind of similar to shounen manga plot development Since they both get written with little to no grasp of the overarching development of the whole series plot You just keep upping the stakes and the power levels of the characters until things get absurd
I guess but the first few movies were just "I am a police, and I go to udnerground drag races to catch bandits" but now it's like "Vin Diesel! There's a massive bomb rolling towards the vatican, you have to save the pope by ramming your car into that crane to play golf with the bomb!" Both involve cars and have vin diesel, but I feel like this is the entire connection of the movies in this franchise now
These past couple of days have really sucked. I injured my back and have just been lying around on the floor to recover. What a waste of the Christmas break.
we might be setting up a structure out in the middle of fucking nowhere in null It's completely deserted out there, nobody living there A pain in the ass to get anything out or into the territory, but unlikely to be messed with
>>>/@immJimmyy/1725523121652879553 this whole level is dicks i cant believe there's only one result for it that i canf find but i guess theres not much to say other than thatsapenis
I really gotta get on that advertising grind with this corp Well, more particularly I gotta get the description up cause right now it's blank We've just sorta all been a bit busy with other things, such as harvesting very valuable ore Which there will be another instance of in 5 hours time or so
>>1107460 To be fair, from the people I know who do throw out their backs, it does seem to be 50/50 whether they can pinpoint what threw it out, or that whatever they did was fine at the time and only after waking up do they realize their situation
>>1107475 yeah I was looking up earthquake stuff and that struck me as odd
That organization has been using NERV for its name and logo for a long time now I can't remember when I first started seeing them, but it has to have been a good while back Although I didn't know they had a standalone app; I've only ever seen their Twitter alerts
The shit I'm making in EVE has a buyer lined up for this batch It's a bit less than I'd get from just selling on market, but not by an enormous amount, and it's handy to be able to offload it quickly cause that means I can get my money faster and start the next batch up faster
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
the south korean opposition leader got stabbed in the neck.
Reaching out to a few people who were sorta interested in joining a corp back when I was with the last one, but they weren't into the whole highsec game Which I mean, who can fucking blame them, highsec is the kiddie pool, you gotta get outta there if you're gonna do any industry
Hopefully my intentions of making this corp a little powerhouse come across in the mails I sent out
Our entire ethos is just make fuckin' money, get outta highsec, so
I wanna amass an army, rent some space in null to beef the wallet up, and maybe down the line join an alliance with the army I've built as leverage to get some damn influence I need to see line go UP
It's just utterly insane how BIG shit is out there Like "you can fit this many earths in it" doesn't really computer at all because we can't even really comprehend how fucking big this rock is There's no hamburger big enough to compare it to! Like we go "absolutely MASSIVE asteroid barely misses earth" and it's like, the size of a continent and passed by at several times the distance to the moon, like that's not big in the scale we're at in space That's dust that's nothing, we're SMALL out there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its all relative i guess we're big compared to some stuff and small compared to some other stuff but everything really meaningful to our lives is about our size
well yeah it gets even more fucked up though when you realize like, there's an "observable universe" and the actual thing is actually way way bigger, but there's a limit to how far light can have traveled since the beginning of time it's all just so fuckign BIG
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah theres a lot of space and matter out there absurd amounts too bad we cant get to most of it
fucked up how space is expanding fast too so we will actually eventually be basically alone out here, an isolated galaxy, all other things in the universe outside the observable bubble as is the fate for all galaxies, but still
yeah I'm not like worried about it it's just kinda sad like if life took much longer to get cranking on this planet, we'd never even know there was anything beyond our own galaxy out there, we'd just think that was all there ever was Hell I'm pretty sure we're real close to the edge of the time before it would have been basically impossible to even realize the whole big bang stuff, cause we'd not have anything to look at Well, "real close" on a cosmic scale, it's not like a few decades or anything
if we could just figure out how to live for longer than 120 years we could conceivably go and see other worlds lots to see in our local cluster, just need cryosleep or somethin and some gravitational manoeuvres to get close to light speed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its nice how i can walk into a pharmacy and just ask for psuedoephrine and get it in canada
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
psuedoephedrine? sudafed can't do that in the US
man this pourover cawfee has earthy notes... earthy notes of poop
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1107514 >close to light speed How close? what did you mean by tgis? *this
Well we've got one more person lined up to join at least The last remaining member of the old corp
My whole psychology is still kinda struggling to accept I'm somehow like, a leader figure now Sure it's a very small group, but they did all follow me out of the corp and into a new one I don't know how I feel having to basically delegate recruitment of more people to the others though. I just don't really think I'm good at that sort of thing
But if they can get it done, I'm satisfied I'm fine with organizing and stuff but I really don't know how to convince people of stuff generally
Once we have some income generation, I can start looking at the really big stuff, like setting up a station of our own, likely in highsec to start, and maybe renting space, expanding what we offer members, cooking up an actual structure hierarchy wise, that kinda stuff
I'm not entirely sure if I'm able to get a big ego, or recognize it if I did I have no ability to accurately assess stuff like this, it's all distorted
i mean yea typically people who are ego tripping have a delusion that blocks from seeing their own faults i wouldnt worry about, im just projecting my own ego issues from the past
so 'Hardcore' is when you only have one life, right. It's like the permadeath mode. And of course, if you play hardcore you need to have it in your game name so everybody knows you're playing on Hardcore So I wanted mine to be Hardcore BDSM But I spelled it BDSN Fucked it right up
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
This is the worst thing that has ever happened to anyone.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it'll probably get banned for trying to get a minor typo past the family friendly filter right
>>1107546 I'm in a game right now with 'Mr Bong' and "MY DAD GAY'. I feel like they've sort of given up on trying to police names. Unless it's got like a racial epithet in it or something like that.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
using the word demonstrates fearless leadership
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fair enough i guess old school is a gamer den
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
You'd be amazed how many of these are weed themed.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no, no i really wouldn't
>Is a gamer den >"You'd be amazed how many of these are weed themed." I'm with Samu on this one
Yeah, I was able to get an immersion blender for this round of making it It's made the texture of the curry so much better I'm looking forward to it sitting the night and maturing
>>1107515 didn't they formulate sudafed without meth chems
keep getting these Facebook shorts of people showing how unnecessarily complicated cars are now because they had to remove the left wheel to change the blinker fluid and then I go to the comments and people are clowning on them because it turns out they just actually suck at their job cathartic, in a way
they're either too online (bad) or too online (good) and there's no way to know which until like 3 dates in
I gotta stop requesting jalapeno on my pizza, man I like it, yes But it's also the kinda thing where you gotta be real careful with how much you put on there they're always very generous with it, but they are not as generous with the feta cheese or the garlic they guard those like jealous dragons
>>1107591 Broad but shallow big box store for tech and tech-adjacent stuff Televisions, stereos and radios back when people cared about those things, video games and consoles, laptops and pre-built PC, and some basic bitch computer peripherals Phones and smartwear these days, as well as smart home shit, larger household appliances like refrigerators and the like
>>1107600 Pretty much Also not a lot of depth in terms of niche content For the longest time here in Canada you couldn't even find mechanical keyboards at them, but even now, all you're going to see are shitty "gamer" brand mechanicals like Razer
shallow how? only the very latest or best selling models or something?
are those even real mechanicals? Aren't the gamer mechanical keyboards usually like, they've got the takka takka but actually underneath it's just a fucking regular plastic mat anyway?
Or maybe that's just how it works anyway, I don't really know, I just know they're more comfortable to use than the practically cheap stuff you can get in the bargain bin
Depends I think Razer has proprietary actual mechanical switches and have some proper mechanical keyboards Them or another one of those gaming peripherals brands, at least Either way while they're actually sometimes cheaper than a good mechanical keyboard, the quality is pretty trash so you're still getting overpriced, flashy junk
yeah I mean really with a mechanical keyboard you're best off shelling out for quality, cause unless you treat it REAL bad it's gonna last practically forever you can wash these damn things under the sink if you wanna, there's basically never gonna be a reason to get rid of it
>>1107599 are they expensive compared to other stores that are similar?
>>1107604 Mm, I haven't really shopped with them much lately, but I recall their prices feel normal I also don't really know what other stores you're wanting them compared to here