>>1091269 Isn't Aella that chick who said that people should train neural networks on real child porn to generate fake child porn for pedophiles to use because it would be more ethical (her words not mine) than them using real child porn.
>>1091277 The bluecheck makes me extremely willing to believe that
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I know she deleted the tweets, I cant find them by searching "Aella neural network porn" because she does porn and has talked about neural networks and I'm not gonna google anything with the string "child porn" in it.
>>1091328 maybe anno meant, " go die troll" this anno meant 'gen disuction thread'. ment*
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
get things done
im thibgs
i saw the dot it was red its over....
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
A Canadian judge has ruled that the “thumbs-up” emoji is just as valid as a signature, arguing that courts need to adapt to the “new reality” of how people communicate as he ordered a farmer to pay C$82,000 ($61,442) for an unfulfilled contract.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i took out a contract a hundred whoas by august 1
thats a lot
i might be buying a house in japan soon thats a contract
my kids going horseback riding today :)
I went as a youngin, I think someone evil stole my hat.
well, more like brick noodle with a sauce and spice pack you heat up in a pot with water cup noodles are good too, I guess, but we're not really flush with variety on either front, and the particular taste I've got a craving for is the beef flavored brick they sell in like, 3packs or something Dirt cheap stuff, probably nutritionally about as useful as cardboard, but the soup or whatever has a particular taste to it I really want right about now
I might actually drop a beef broth cube in there, too I've got a pack of those, don't use them often, but they're nice as a drink on their own sometimes, my mom made it for me a lot when I was a kid well "made it" is possibly a bit of an overstatement considering it's literally just boiling water and dropping a cube in, but still
also stargate is very different from star trek Well, in basic premise anyway, I dunno about much beyond that cause I've never watched star trek and I never will I may be a fucking nerd, but I'm not THAT much of a fucking nerd
I guess there is some amount of overlap though For one, stargate has its own Borg, the replicants but while star trek has the prime directive saying not to, you know, have too much of an impact on the worlds they visit, stargate is directly the opposite Stargate is a military program, after all, the whole point is to try to get a hold of tech, and stuff >>1091377 fair I like stargate is all it's a really fun show
sorry i dont know anything about either except beam me up scotty and cpt pikard i havent seen any of either
I mean right from the movie that kicked the whole thing off, the idea of the prime directive is utterly scrapped as a potential principle, considering they fucking nuke the damn planet they dial into
light novel I might give the web novel a read once I'm done with the web novel, I imagine it's also a big deviation like Overlord is
i love myself
oh that's canon i think the web novel is the less canon one these days esp since the anime is def light novel
>>1091400 Well yeah, I mean it IS canon, stricly speaking But ~circumstances~ means it's also in a sense not
i love myself
it's actually a very small, very slight deviation i've read the web novel there's some more stuff in the LN that is probably good that it's there but it's mostly the same
vol 15 opens with reading the diary, is what I'm referring to
i love myself
OHHHHHHHHHHH i see what you mean idk if i'd use the word canon cause it's a meta term but i understand
Yeah it's in a weird spot, in that it is strictly speaking canon, but also like... it's not at the same time
i love myself
i love myself
i really enjoyed reading the WN, i want to read the LN now too the anime is so much fun, they're doing an amazing jobn
I'm enjoying the LN a lot, though admittedly I did have a little bit of an episode like, when Rudeus finally managed to cure his affliction Which wasn't very fun
i love myself
i wonder where season 2 will end i have an idea but i'm secretly hoping they save a certain arc for a movie >>1091410 i think they may go a bit further
oh wait shit if it's 2cour it'll probably end like, at volume 14 or something, so right before he starts reading the diary >>1091412 I think they'd have to rush way too much to cover all of begaritt though they are, vibes-wise, speeding through the northern continent, so maybe The academy arc just feels like it's going to eat up way more than like, 3 episodes, you know?
i love myself
i'm thinking after begaritt ;_;
i love myself
>>1091411 that's why i'm hoping they'll do a begaritt movie i feel like they totally could but i'm wondering if they might rush a bit through ranoa but they've been at a steadyish pace of 4 episodes per volume, so i could see them getting there i think there was a bit of a spoiler in one of the PV's too >>1091414 there is a high concentration of mana in these nuts
>>1091412 there is high concentration of mana in this region
Rudeus sure has a way of casually saying the most insane shit
from mushuko tenshi?
this season seems weird to me i wonder if they got a diff dieector
well it's got a very different tone, this arc
i get the tone stuff i dunno how to explain it pacing maybe
it does FEEL a bit faster paced than the previous season, but I can't tell for sure, I don't think they've missed much It's more like they're skipping the unnecessary stuff, I guess
they need to skip everything except for him blowing stuff up and sniffing panties
I am a little annoyed with the anime for some reason deciding to change how healing magic works though healing magic in MT requires direct physical contact, you can't cast it from a distance
at the start, like very early in the first season, they took SOME liberty with it, but that was so minor it doesn't really matter, since it was still basically direct contact anyway But this season they for real be casting healing magic at people as they're rolling across the ground
I do wonder how they'll implement the Eris chapters, though interspersed like with the novels, or just a few episodes straight handling the whole thing? Either works, though I'd kinda prefer the latter, but I guess that might be an issue depending on where they end the season exactly I guess they COULD end it at her getting the letter without revealing the entirety of its contents, that'd work fine even if they don't get that far
But man Rudeus really doesn't fuck around when it comes to protecting his family, huh? What a champion He's a difficult man to truly respect, but he's hard to not respect a little
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Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
15 euros for all you cN eat sushi It was pretty shit sushi But you know I had to get my moneys worth
I've actually still never had sushi I get that it's supposed to be pretty good and all, but like, it just doesn't seem like for me, I guess >>1091440 never tried, ever, no
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Never ever in your entire life?
though in my defense, it's not like there are any sushi places around where I live
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
If and when you do try it for the first time, i wouldn't recommend doing so at a budget all-you-can-eat buffet in Helsinki.
I mean I figure an all-you-can-eat deal will be kinda stinky quality wise But on the other hand, I really can't see myself going to a place and ordering sushi as like, a meal either it can't possibly be all that filling, it's just rice and some slices of fish
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1091444 It's not filling. In fact, you've hit the nail on the head. That's the main problem with good sushi - it tastes great, but it's not filling at all and it's pretty pricey. Therein lies the appeal of All You Can Eat. Except The quality suffers
That being the case, I don't think sushi is something I'll ever actually try Both just because I Am Not That Flush, and like... I do not go to a food place for any reason other than being hungry And for that matter, I usually don't care too much about what I'm eating as long as it's easy to eat and doesn't taste bad Sushi seems to overall be a big F on all categories
Sushi can be pretty affordable, even for decent quality, if you live close to the ocean And unless you're burning through like, 3000 Calories a day or have a black hole for a stomach, a dozen pieces or so will probably suffice for a single person's lunch or a light dinner When I was in Japan I could get enough sushi for a content meal for less than 1500yen
>>1091447 I mean I live in Norway, though granted in the fat bottom part that isn't entirely close to the ocean But I don't think proximity to the water is the real issue, here, it's more that I literally do not think there ARE sushi places nearby where I live I know there's one or two in Trondheim, but I only visit there and if my mom takes me out to eat it's gonna be like, to get food
>>1091450 That's why you'll lose when we meet up and wrestle
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1091446 I'll do anything once just for the experience.
In the end that's one of the benefits of travelling the world You get to visit the parts of the world where food that is inaccessible/expensive/just plain bad where you live is much better
>>1091454 To be frank you lay in the bed you make in that case, bud
Ain't got the money to be doing that Sucks, but eh >>1091453 well yeah
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1091453 Yeh that's why i travelled to europe to get japanese food
Sounds like it's an overall improvement from Australia at least Somehow
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
You can get great sushi in aus Just gotta mortgage your house to do it
Well that's what confuses me Australia isn't, like, first on the list after Japan It probably goes like, Japan, North America west coast, coastal China, South-East Asia, and then Australia But I would assume affordable and quality sushi would be available down under
Like I'm not keeping tabs on where you live, but I was under the impression that it wasn't, like, middle of bumfuck-nowhere, Australia
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Yes. Yes. Right on all counts There's a massive East Asian cultural presence in Australia AND, while i live in a smaller town i have ready access to more metropolitan areas.
Maybe I'd be shocked and appalled by how much sushi costs in other parts of the world All i know is you pay like.. $4 a roll and it's gone in a couple of bites You need several to fill up
It's still a rip off though You can get a packet of Woolworths brand frozen pies for just a couple rolls worth If you don't care about taste or quality and just want to put garbage into your body to meet the calorie quota
For the record I'd also say maccas is a rip off Like fuckin $15 for a burger meal these days So that's my benchmark
When im not travelling i don't eat out very often All home cookin
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I don't even know what I'm saying any more Too many overnight plane rides Thoughts are scrambled and addled.
This buffet has garbo food but there's a lot of it That's the .. Central Thesis
>>1091460 Well if you want an image of how bad it can get A place near my work which does what I would consider low-quality sushi They sell a six-piece roll of salmon or tuna for 9 CAD Some other places might go as low as 8 CAD for a similar quantity, but like I would kill for a place that does decent sushi for 3.60 CAD a roll, which is roughly what the conversion for 4 AUD is
I mean Stephen King did push out a fuck ton.of books didn't he?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Yes. It's one thing he's well known for But that is immaterial to my point
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
To his credit, i think he has improved a lot over the decades Refined his craft Listened to another one of his earlier 2009 Salems lot is one of his early ones. 1975. And there is a notable difference
how does he even do taht shit? I get they're not like, long-ass stories, but I mean the sheer rate of output is astonishing
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1091500 Well the answer used to be because he was fucked up on coke But he quit that now and he still does it
I guess when you really have a passion for something, you can really just keep at it It's just incredible, considering all that goes into writing even a short story
>>1091503 Good clip but he doesn't really answer George's question
You are in Europe right now? Any plans to visit Germany?
>>1091501 >>1091502 Alternatively he spent so long fuelled on cocaine that he developed the mental tools to quickly convert ideas into text And even if the cocaine is gone the habits still remain
Honestly though, some people just end up great at telling stories That doesn't necessarily mean they're quality, but that their brains can convert the weird mental stew of thought into textual format Kinda like how a visual artist can imagine a picture and then translate that imagination into an illustration Of course having the practiced skill to do it well is important But also being able to tune your brain into the right space to translate thought, which as electrical impulses are not inherently text, or sound, or visuals, into the creative medium you're working in
volume 17 felt really long compared to the rest maybe I'm just getting a bit tired so I read slower
powerful\authoritative figure surrounded by their inferiors who for whatever refuse to accept the former doesn't care about formality sure is a common trope in LNs, huh?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sure is
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
look at how powerful but also simultaneously down to earth this authority figure is
40c is fucking incomprehensibly hot to me I'm not sure it ever gets that hot anywhere in this country, maybe in the middle of Oslo or something, but I dunno
I guess so No wonder air conditions are basically necessary in florida and stuff Here, the heat is a pain, sure, but it's not like it ever goes beyond "very uncomfortable" and slips into outright dangerous
>>1091612 Yeah. We only get around 40 heatstroke deaths every year, though, which is very low for a hot state in the US. Arizona gets like 400 every year. Florida strong!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1091606 atsui dess ne im in a happy hour writing code
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think one of the only times ive been to 40c was in Las Vegas in august was absurd to be outside but we walked between the air conditioned casinos with our giant slushy drinks anyway
I got this ginger.. tea? a bit back and finally got around to actually trying it it's pretty good I dunno if it really counts as "tea" though, I'm pretty sure it legit is just ginger shavings or whatever Ingredients: ginger, full stop
just powder I mix in hot water and stir It is real good though
isn't it kinda stupid how it doesn't count as a checkmate when the only piece left is the king and it can't move without going into check? like, "Oh, it's my turn, but literally every possible move is a loss. That means we draw"? that's stupid
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, it's a cop out but everyone is like "sorry hundreds of years old rules can't do anything about it"
it's a really fucking dumb rule If you can't do your turn without losing, that means you lost
I mean I guess TECHNICALLY the reason is probably like "moving your king into check is not a legal move" so those are not actually possible moves either And I'm guessing when you play with a clock, that IS a loss, since you will run out of time without making a move But still
chess tourneys should spice it up by having a randomized battlefield condition at the start of each game they can be relatively mundane stuff like "the corner pawns are knights this game" to utterly stupid shit like "the two middle rows are lava, if a piece stays on it for 5 rounds, it counts as lost"
Just to give the game a little sauce, you know?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
NOOO thousand year old game very respectable and dignified how dare you etc etc
I mean I guess there's value in the formal tournament being normal chess, but I think the champ and runner up should have show matches like that to close them out for the sauce
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
people have spent their entire lives learning insane lines therefore changing anything is an insult
>>1091635 they only like the mildest of spice ie changing time controls and armageddons
sasuga white people sport
tournament with twitch integration every 10 turns, twitch chat nukes a 2x2 grid on the board
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have some idea for a chess variant that would be very NL friendly but im not gonna say what it is just in case i actually get my shit together one day and write it
chess but battleship
god cad 23 is so shit
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1091640 You know That comes off as very ignorant because chess is extremely popular in central Asia.
damn childhood shattered i thought it was only lcds plasmas and the like would be an advantage if they didn't but then again those screensavers have been around forever
it's @chrone_co they do have merch but their online shop is closed because they're at a con right now selling their stuff so i'll have to wait until after the con apparently and if they have any left i can order
ah similar style I guess i should buy some Chan x co stuff
>>1091682 Hololive official have been putting out a few like this too Ina had a small-ish one for her first birthday goods set that works well as a keychain I've been using it as mine And there's larger ones more like the size in that image that they had around AX of a variety of talents from the various branches I have the Irys one from that collection, but it's kind of large to use as anything functional
I still got no clue what's going on in jujutsu I mean I guess I get it's a prequel, but still I'm not sure I see the point of it I guess
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is where we start to learn about what's up with geto also it's probably the coolest arc in the series although the shibuya incident is cool too
I just figured he's real strong cause he happens to have an utterly busted concept as his Thing Kinda like how Accelerator is brutally OP because he happens to have something as easily abused as "vectors"
but this is also pretty much the most important arc because it establishes pretty much all of the mechanics of the world that will be used later and this arc is pretty much what sets everything in the show into motion
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also it shows Gojo at his second hottest so thats important
One has to wonder where all the water in Mushoku Tensei goes Every mage under the sun is constantly conjuring up water from the ether, and it's very specifically explained that magic isn't like, just pulling it from somewhere else to use, but manifesting it by transforming mana into the water or rock or whatever else is being used Same with rocks, really, that's also constantly being manifested
I think other fantasy worlds some times lean on the explanation that stuff conjured from mana/aether/magical energy X dissipates not long after conjuration Kind of like ectoplasm and ghosts, once the phenomenon has manifested, the substance quickly decays back into nothingness
That's definitely a common one for the genre, yeah, but in MT, that seems to not be the case Rudeus makes all these figurines with his earth magic, after all, and they stick around permanently It's possible they only do because he's doing something in particular to make them permanent, I suppose, and normally it'd just dissipate back into mana, but that's never actually touched on, so it seems it just sticks around For that matter, people drink the water they make with magic, which strikes me as very dangerous if the water will go back to mana after some time I mean sure, you might piss out most of it before that time, but I mean, some of it is gonna be used to produce blood, you know? and be part of new cells in general, that sorta stuff
I guess it's just the sorta thing that's beyond the scope of the story, though, no matter how detailed you wanna make your magic system, you'll eventually hit a point where you stop dropping explanations into the story, either because it's become too complicated, or just because it doesn't need to be mentioned
Even the ones where they just go with "it dissipates back into mana" as their explanation, that ends up feeling a bit strange cause often it's used to water crops and stuff Which should lead to that aforementioned issue Suddenly your whole damn field is struck by what amounts to blight because all of the plants were held together by faux-water
I've been playing Final Fantasy XVI a good bit lately, and a way they can side-step that is, the aether which magic is derived from in that world, is also the life energy of the living planet So you could say that, if you conjure water from the ambient aether in the air and use it to water fields, even if the water then dissipates back into aether, you have still imbued the soil of the field with extra life energy And once you have a system like that, where this 100% fantasy notion interacts with the normal systems of physics, biology,
>>1091732 that does end up making a bit of sense yeah
>>1091732 and chemistry, you have to start making allowances that the fantasy world works in ways that can't neccesarily be maintained by our reality's understanding of these sciences
Frankly, as a life-long fan of fantasy novels, I can't see anyone being a sustainable fantasy fan without having a larger than normal acceptance for suspension of disbelief Authors shouldn't have to be scientists which can craft, even if they don't neccesarily explain, every facet of their magic system and how it holds up against our reality's laws and behaviours Making it have reasonable structure and thinking out some consistent rules and interactions with "real" physics is good, but eventually you just have to accept that magic isn't real and as such, isn't going to be bound to reality
I can agree with that, though I always do appreciate it when the author does decide to go a bit indepth
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
water is just assumed to be plentiful imo who wants to do water accounting
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
unless you're on Arrakis
Or in Qud being a watermage in Qud would make you by far the most powerful political being in the world, it wouldn't even be close
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im attending a strata general meeting oh man this is just what you don't wanna attend it's all old people and bureaucrats
>>1091738 You would once a sufficiently powerful or persistent enough magic user who keeps summoning water manages to fuck over the planet's interlocking ecosystems by adding way too much water into the equation
wait no what the hell I'm not reading the last volume There's several left, I'd just mistaken my torrent for being complete
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay the meeting was running alright for a while but now we've got some boomer technical issues dragging things out
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 534 3/6
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Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
people keep bringing up random one-off issues because of course they are yes 50 people would love to wait around to listen to your speech that should have been an email
well i get it, it's a way of escalating an issue but dang what am i supposed to do
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess the ending of the official business marks the start of free-for-all questions i should probably just leave
Start asking dumb free-for-all questions Like what their favourite seasoning on chicken is
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lool i will turn into Jokair
ah it's ogre phew god i hope the people we elected aren't sociopaths
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lil outdoor concert in the park with a tiny stage setup for a singer drummer and bassist why dont they have a permanent stage for this kinda thing rather than setting up this tiny stage and tearing down ah well i guess a permanent stage would have its own maintenance
seems I'll have to switch over to the web novels for the final stretch turns out the light novels are not fully translated yet, despite being out for quite a while
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>>1091752 Light novel translation is infamously slow Even if there's a huge backlog of volumes published in Japanese, it's rare to see more than two or three volumes translated per year And by two or three, I mean, most times two max, and you're exceedingly lucky (or your series is written like garbage) if you get up to three
yeah it really is terrible And fantranslations are rare as hell too Thankfully, overlord at least starts getting fantranslated the moment it's out, but apparently that's pissed off the author too, so it's hard to call it a perfect situation
Most popular LN series get fast fantranslations Oregairu when its original run was going were getting translated pretty quick I think both the web novels and LNs for Re:Zero are the same way The nice thing about fan translations too is, if it's a popcorn LN that's mostly just dialogue and simple exposition, someone with even a simple grasp on Japanese can tackle it and put out at least a literal-ish translation
Overlord of course is pretty much more a novel rather than LN, and other LNs like Index, and probably Mushoku Tensei, are written at a slightly higher literacy level than most LNs, so they're harder to translate, and harder to translate in a way that actually reads pleasantly
Oh right, there's that issue with Japanese stuff, too, I guess Still, you'd think someone would do it, though I guess there's a bit of a gap between being able to read a book and being able to actually translate it
Also, I'm going off some very loose understanding of the North American publishing industry, but I don't think they actually want volumes in a serialization coming out faster than two or three volumes a year Publishing houses have very hardlined schedules about what they publish when, and part of that scheduling means arranging things so they don't compete against their own product Even with works written by western authors, even if you're somehow the fastest storywriter in the world, they'll still pace publishing your works based on those own internal logistics rather than just however fast you pop out books As such maybe the translated manuscripts for these volumes are done well in advance, but because of the publishing house, they don't just drop them as soon as they're finished
Alternatively, it could be some of the other aspects of writing which interfere with the pace at which these novels come out. I imagine the translated script still goes through an editor who reads it for readability , and then requires proofreading to make sure there aren't errors and type consistency is maintained And each of those steps could, and probably do, require sending the manuscript back to the translator to fix edits, and who knows, maybe some times even the original author is involved to ensure certain things that might be ambiguous in Japanese are given the accurate translation to English (if this is actually a thing, I doubt it happens often)
All in all, the dang thing is, it doesn't matter how fast you write, or translate, that actually has very little bearing on how fast something actually get published
interestingly, most of the art in LNs seem to be black and white, but in overlord, they're full color I wonder if it's as simple as that being more expensive, but the length of Overlord novels making them more expensive to buy, so they can justify the increased cost of production
I mean they're not... bad, exactly but they're VERY literal I only have the two web novels at the end left though, so I'll read them I guess, but if this was what I was reading from the start I don't think I'd have gotten into it
Reading this translation of the web novels, I am definitely gaining a renewed respect for localizers It's entirely legible, sure, but there's a very strong sense of "this was absolutely not English, originally"
Hands down localization is the hardest part of the translation process Outside of some extremely esoteric and excessively complex foreign texts It's not hard to ascertain an accurate literal translation of a foreign piece of written text It's much harder to maintain that accuracy while also making it sound enjoyable to read in the translated version
I mean I feel like if I sat down and put my mind to it, I could do a good job at it, provided someone else did the actual literal translation At that point it's just reformatting to make it more natural and sensible, after all, with some exceptions But it's definitely time consuming and does require a good understanding of both the language you're adapting it for, and at least a passing understanding of how the original language functions Translation, I have no shot, I don't even read the runes But it would kinda be nice to be able to, some day, I just keep falling off my learning
Though, that said, "I could do a good job" doesn't mean it'd be up to professional standards, I just think translating from the literal translation into how I myself end up interpreting it wouldn't be especially difficult There's a lotta parts I'd need to at least bounce off of the translator for though, stuff like idioms and weird ways to phrase stuff that's ambigious when translated literally, but aren't necessarily all that ambigious in the original text, and would need some creativity to evoke the same vibe
The next overlord volume, maybe I'll tinker with it as the translations come out, on my own, there's apparently basically two people doing those, one translating and the other editing to make it more legible And they release those translations like, chapter by chapter as they complete them, though I dunno if they put them out before doing a little bit of localization
It's definitely an underappreciated aspect of the process though People have this strange idea that you can "just translate" something in some pure and clinical way So somehow or other, localizers are maligned, at least in the Weeb Community Despite being the only reason any of us ever got into this shit, nobody would be even remotely interested if all their first experienced were these clunky, literal sentence by sentence translations where everything's so extremely different from our own languages in terms of how stuff is phrased and structured
maybe i should get some oppenheimer ticket next week idk
I was checking if the true IMAX here had seats for it, but they're either not screening it in there (for > ? ? ? reasons) or they're all sold out for the immediate future Maybe I'll go to a knock-off IMAX to see it, there's at least one cinema near me which has one
it's all politics and drama anyway just don't find arin funny like I used to i guess being a content machine can do that to you
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Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1091802 maybe he'd be funnier if he graduated highschool
>>1091804 mate I'd drop out of high school too in current usa climate that or go to a private school rather get shot with biscuits than bullets soggy scones >>1091806 still post-Columbo era writing was on the wall
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1091805 he dropped out of high school in like 2000
I wonder if that weighed in his decision im guessing he realised where his calling was and bounced like most animators seem to
pretty cool Newgrounds used to pay if your animation was good enough
anyway kinda weird fact to recall about someone but whatevs
>>1091883 Yeah that's actually a pretty interesting observation All Zelda games have pretty much always had constant diving into menus to swap in and out items in use Even as far back as Link to the Past Breath of the Wild too, you get to kind of dodge some menu-ing somewhat by using the quick menus for weapons and runes But then whenever you need to change armor or cook something, which you do often, it's back to the menus with you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
botw isnt too bad having a shoot arrow button is a huge QoL improvement
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they should have made master mode be no food during battle plus less frequent saves
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
links awakening is constant menu pain
four swords was honestly some of the smoothest gameplay because you only have one item on the B button
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway totk has enough QoL improvements to make it decent quick item selection menu is nice just have to constantly resort it
gonna go for a five hour hike if im not back by nightfall avenge my death
>>1091889 I actually kinda like games that have these built in resting periods at least early on in the game, taking a break to cook and stuff in botw was pretty neat, though it got kinda old relatively quick
Subnautica does it super well, you have natural downtime between expeditions where you manage your base and take stock of what you have and prepare for the next one Though, even that ended up feeling a bit tacked on towards the end, but early on there was a lotta weight to it
Balatro is an incredibly pog rich game And the egg completely broke it with both a 3x multiplier and a progressively incrementing +x multiplier per hand over the course of the game He plays a single pair and overshoots the goal by like double at times
>>1091902 i got right up to the end and then got distracted by life now it's been a year so it's difficult to just pop right back in also i think i'm gonna read the LN now i've been listening to a machine-read audiobook on youtube, started at vol 7
I can't blame you for prefering the LN though Man the translation of the WN is rough to work through
i love myself
the machine-translated parts towards the end are just crazy fucked >>1091910 yeah you have to keep a fucking mental log of which proper nouns are actually some other, similar proper noun from earlier like when i'm discussing this show with my friend we interchangeably use Touki, fighting spirit, and body mana because we both read the WN and our brains are fucked for it
Also like all the damn terminology is way different, a buncha the names are different too And some of the terms have changed mid-novel here lmao
it took me way too long to figure out that touki is the battle aura melee fighters use lmao I for real thought it was the name of one of the 3 sword styles or some secret 4th thing
i love myself
>>1091911 yeah i got confused by it at so many points >>1091906 i'm so slow they'll either finish the LN translation or the whole goddamn anime before i get that far
it really is fucked up how the anime has decided to just be wrong about healing magic though especially since they should be well aware that it being contact-based is like, actually plot relevant to the extent that it's used to explain why rudeus can't do that shit without the chanting
i love myself
yeah i listened like halfway so far through vol 7 LN and holy fuck is the anime different i mean i felt like it was hitting all the high points last season, like obviously there was skipping but it didn't feel like as much
but they skipped a bunch with him solo adventuring and with counter arrow >>1091917 i felt they were doing way better season 1 like the stuff they skipped felt more trivial some of the stuff they skipped here would've been really cool, like fighting the wraith on their way to the snow drake cave >>1091917 nah they totally passed that expedition, they only included the snow drakes and meeting the other crew it probably works well enough for anime onlies (which you gotta remember is a much bigger majority than it used to be for stuff like this) >>1091917 he walled but it was pretty quick
The anime is doing alright enough on hitting the like, plot points, but some of them are kinda jus skimmed over and not even mentioned in any depth Season 1 was WAY fucking better, but then again it was overall a much slower paced part of the story
I don't think they got to the wraith yet, did they? Shit I actually don't remember much from last episode, now that I think about it What the fuck they PASS- oh right, I actually remember that fucked me up cause they scuffed it so damn bad lmao Rudeus' wall wasn't even really like... there at all? utterly scuffed
His workout routine isn't even fucking touched on in the anime watching the anime you would have no idea this boy is fucking S W O L E
i love myself
but i think i know why they're rushing so hard right now and it's because they want to go through begaritt for the finale it'll end right at yeah
yeah, they probably want to end it at Paul's grave
i love myself
which is kinda funny because i t means at the end of season 1 he's giga-depressed and then he gets better and better and then at the end of season 2 he's giga-depressed lmao
In the grand scheme though, I mean if they're gonna rush something, the northern territories would be my pick anyway >>1091921 Poor Rudeus, man, he can't catch a damn break cause Hitogami's fuckin' him up from the shadows like a motherfuck
I actually do wonder about Geese though Like, in previous loops, was he even a disciple? He only REALLY seems to have much of a purpose for helping Rudeus along, right? On his own he's not particularly worthwhile
Oh wait no there was that initial info sale, now that I think about it
it feels a lot like they're just gradually turning the dial down until they just cut the power one day it's not super fucked, but you basically can't use lists the way I've been doing anymore, cause you'll run out of daily post views real fucking fast so tweetdeck as a whole is really kinda dead even on my phone I keep running into the daily limit and told "you reached the quota, no more tweets today"
So I don't really use it much anymore either I check it and rt some pics and make a few tweets and then I don't look at it until I go to bed the next night >>1091959 maybe? I don't fucking know, I do know I hit a limit like, earlier today\10 hours ago but that could have been something else in fairness but I do think it was increased, the issue is just that using tweetdeck the way I do with a list for all the media posts, that limit is gonna get me fucked over no matter how high it is really
Can't even use the tweetdeck client anymore either, fuckin' new tweetdeck design with no API killing off all the devs
I do actually use mastodon a fair bit more though, now ain't no anime girls there, and likely never will be, but I'm not fucking using the twitter web client, it sucks ass it's OK on a phone, but that's as far as it goes
wow they're REALLY rushing this season of Mushoku Tensei Holy moly Things aren't progressing at a good pace, it's progressing with fuckin' afterburners firing We're blasting through the whole northern territory arc