>>1090601 Hey cutie Instead of talking about whole foods, how about we talk about hole foods ;)
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1090606 My dad and I schlepped all the way to the Japanese Breakfast concert only to find out that my dad bought tickets for tomorrow's show and not tonight's.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1090601 the whole foods I went to yesterday had a bar.
this one bus driver always barely picks me up maybe I should do that one thing that other bus driver suggested and hold my phone flashlight up >>1090639 hmm I shall keep an 👁️ out for it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1090637 it's become relevant in the memosphere in recent years
Apparently the government has a web block to prevent anything to do with homosexuality here And my vpn isn't working So nobody do anything too gay
So in oshi no ko, seemingly the star eyes is something you can actually like, do, they're symbolic for å certain kind of attitude, right? How do the babies have exactly one each from birth?
hm I suppose so I guess you wouldn't write a reincarnation story without a drastic change in circumstance either, so if we called this isekai, there wouldn't be a distinction between isekai and reincarnation stories more broadly
it is kinda fucked how nobody's found the doc's body though did he have nobody who'd organize a search party? They'd find him if they did, he's obviously not far away
yeah i wonder about that but maybe they didnt like him
maybe the killer was smart enough to dispose of it, though He may have done it in panic, but it seems reasonable to go "oh fuck, I better hide this damn thing"
Though, there's no way he'd be tracked down either, no relation, actually the perfect crime
or maybe the cops in this version of Japan are just so incompetent they didn't get a k9 unit to check out the forest after they got a missing person report >>1090662 well they oughta find the bones at least, provided nobody moved them It's not like there's gonna be anything big enough to move a grown man in the forest just outside a residential area, right? And after a few days, nothing much bigger than a mouse would have any interest anyway, it'd be fucking toxic to eat
I do guess it makes some sense still strange though, they do find dead people in forests from time to time I'd imagine the actual Lore is that the doc was that much of a social recluse though
Oh actually, another neat thing is how his "sister" actually spent like, a good while in limbo I mean, only about 9ish months or something, I guess, but still Unless she was shunted into her new body on conception? but then did the doc replace the brother's mind, like Myne?
Mushoku Tensei has a somewhat similar thing Rudeus was born like, with no time delay, but Shizuka actually spent a full decade in transit
I guess she didn't actually die, though, but still
I wonder if they intend to actually answer WHY it happened, too some isekai do, others don't this isn't an isekai, sure, but still I mean in slime isekai, it is explained outright that some people do get summoned outright, and that SEEMS to be what may have happened with Shizuka in neet isekai, too Nothing confirmed as far as I've gotten though
Honestly not a fan of that, and it has nothing to do with her being his "sister" even neither of them have any indication of liking each other like that, though I've only seen the anime, but they're already like, 16 by now meanwhile he's building up a harem of girls with varying levels of interest in him not that he seems awfully interested in them either, but that's just him shutting himself out to focus on murder, which makes him kinda cute in his own right I suppose But at least he's spending time with some of the other girls, Ruby would be a strange ending unless the whole story does a major 180
ruby and aqua already basically agreed to marry each other, they just don't realize it yet aqua is also obsessed with his sister. he's a complete siscon. he just doesn't see it but he totally loves her all the pieces are there already the siscon ending is real
I don't doubt you're right, but it's still stupid even neet isekai does this more reasonably, and that guy's an irreedemable creep Granted he gets less creepy as he grows up, but nontheless
well like aqua said he's not really 30+ anymore his brain is that of a child's and his mind is basically being molded by that biological factor so he has the experience that an adult would but he's also being heavily influenced by very real biology
they should just be spending more time together on screen is what I'm saying, or it feels stupid "our feelings developed gradually over time, off screen during the 10 year time skip" is just fucking dumb, I don't like it I wanted my romance
he's spent more quality time with any one of the girls on that damn reality tv show than his own sister, as far as we've been shown!
well I doubt I'll end up seeing the ending anyway I've got too much other stuff to read to sit down and read the manga for a show I sorta liked, you know Should be another Overlord soon too, and I've got spice and wolf, too and neet isekai, and I was thinking of picking up slime again too I guess a lot of what I read is isekai, but I really do enjoy these ones Neet isekai has a new season airing now, too, which is neat
though this season is overall gonna be a snoozer I think
No like literally he's reborn as a vending machine, and can only say a handful of phrases his RPG stats are basically the contents of the vending machine, which again is himself
airing this season Jidouhanbaiki ni Umarekawatta Ore wa Meikyuu o Samayou
>'sort files by hash' can now be sorted asc or desc. this also fixes a bug where it was secretly either sorting asc or desc based on the previous selection. well done to the user who noticed and tested this Hydrus dev noticed me
>>1090699 it's such an absurdly niche, and unlikely, issue, I honestly thought it wouldn't ever be prioritized There are very few times you have a reason to sort by hash in the first place, but it's very useful when you're just going through images and stuff and tagging, and refreshing to clear the ones you're done with, but still keeping the same order Which, again, is itself really niche, who knows how long this issue existed, considering the overly specific method of triggering it , how random it is even when you do, and how utterly inconsequential it is I'm pretty sure hydrus has never had the option to select the order when sorting by hash before now, and assuming we've had one update per week since day 1, that's... a lotta years, though the issue could be relatively recent, to be fair
I use hydrus quite a lot, but I've been REALLY slacking on my tagging It's just nice to have all my images collected in one pile, and every now and then I tag a few
oh also I gave the logan paul prime drink a try on friday, they had it at the train station it's way too expensive, but if not for the price, it's actually like, pretty good I dunno why people say it's an energy drink though, I'm pretty sure it isn't it's more like a much sweeter powerade
I think energy drink is a classification based on caffeine and other energizing substances Not on taste
Well no, I know that, but I don't think there was any caffeine in it at least I mean there might be, I didn't check the ingredients, but I didn't feel anything, either, and it was a pretty big bottle Maybe I'm just a bit dulled to caffeine
No there certainly is There's an issue with it in the news right now because it has an absurd amount of caffeine in it for a product marketed at children
Oh, that's strange maybe the ones exported to norway are decaffed because we've got hard laws on max caffeine, which obviously that goes over if it's an issue in the US, you guys have a limit that's higher than ours, if my memory's alright Like your energy drinks have differing amounts of caffeine, right? like monster, red bull, battery and whatever, they've got different concentration, right? ours are all the same amount
I wouldn't know, I am neither an American nor an energy drink consumer
ah, understandable I make a point to try every energy drink at least once, I like that sorta battery acid taste they tend to have as the base And there's a lotta variety these days, some variations don't stick around either so you gotta be quick if you wanna try 'em my favorite green burn version no longer exists I don't remember the taste very well, just that I really liked it, and unlike every other energy drink I've ever tried, it had these like, green... chunks? that makes them sound large but they were tiny, but super bright green, just a bunch of them floating in there Or at least one of the cans I bought did, it's not like I checked all of them or anything, I just noticed it one time
whatever happened to those twisty caps on energy cans anyway? those were GOOD as hell, I miss 'em they ditched the pulltab and just had this plastic mechanism you slid instead like maybe 13 years back
I guess really what it means is they contained some pigmentation that wasn't broken down by the body unless it was just standard "more yellow" which pretty much just means it was dehydrating
>>1090714 ah depended on the flavour I think the only time I tried it was from a friend who had money when I didn't have money at that age he realised it a miniscule amount of alcohol apparently and poured it down the sink
that seems... illegal? how would that even happen, if not deliberately? I can't imagine the manufacturing plant or whatever was used both for booze and energy drink cans? or maybe it was, it's not all that surprising, really
Oh yeah maybe it sorta formed in the can because of the components in there, that seems unlikely but I suppose it's at least possible
hmm maybe it was the excess of vitamins this was like... almost 20 years ago
probably was best to pour it out, too for all you knew, it could have been methanol, and that's dangerous it apparently works similarly and tastes similarly to ethanol, too, based on how people will actually drink it and not realize and if you get wasted on it, they gotta rinse you out with actual booze, or you will fucking die
holy moly, 6% though I guess that's mostly amazing to me, owing to the strict alcohol regulations we have anything above 4.7% is considered like, liquor\wine\whatever, so it's only sold at the government monopoly store consequently, 4.7% is what all our beer is so 6% in a can is a rare sight
as a result, we don't have a lot of variety in booze Alcohol we've got an acceptable selection, but obviously imports are rare because they have to make a version specifically for us (though apparently you can request the monopoly store for imports, I've just never done so) I imagine they won't import for one person unless you buy like, a bunch though, cause they do gotta unload the inventory Though, being a government store, technically they don't HAVE TO break even at the end of the day, since they can be held afloat by other government operations (such as taxation, and other stuff like public transport, though that's been chopped up and partly privatized, which sucks ASS) Really my main gripe with the privatization of public transport is the resulting need for profit means the government can't do stuff like suppress the cost in order to encourage public transport as a green policy That's a really big loss, on top of the obvious loss of price controls that benefit those who have to use public transport But the green one is a really big loss because it can't easily happen on its own. Prices staying at least reasonable can happen on its own, obviously as a train operator you want to hit a price point that lets you pack the trains as much as possible, but only up to the point you're at green numbers and making more than by lowering or increasing the cost. Government operation means you can go even below that, cause again it can be buoyed by other revenue sources.
...though, granted, for us the BIG revenue source that can keep that afloat is counter to the green goal... oil Lots, and fucking lots, of oil
Even the oil is at least partially privatized though I think the state still holds majority ownership, and I'm pretty sure it is only the one corporation, but it is partially held privately I'm not familiar enough with the legal stuff around it to know if they can overstep the whole "financial obligation to the shareholders" if they're 51%+ of those shareholders, and forcefully push through business decisions that hurt the bottom line in favor of like, our continued survival as a species. Even if they can, despite our relatively abundant oil stockpile, we're a drop in the bucket on the global scale, we just have an absurd amount in comparison to our tiny population. There's like... 5 million of us? 5.4m
Norway is surprisingly small, when you take into account how seemingly omnipresent we are on the global scale. Sure our economy isn't all that influential, but one of our former prime ministers is head of NATO now, isn't he? Yeah, Jens Stoltenberg
used to be with labor, but it was before the time I even cared about politics so I actually don't know too much about the guy beyond that, and him being the prime minister when I was like... I dunno, 10, 12 ish?
oh I was 8 Thos years are a little bit of a blur for me, both long ago and literally the year I moved to my mom, so there was a lot of changes Apparently AP wasn't even elected, the christian people's party stepped down and AP took power with Stoltenberg as the head of the party I never knew that, though it does explain why both Bondevik and Stoltenberg are so often mentioned together
Just the idea of a party at the head of the ruling coalition stepping down is surprising, I didn't think that like, could happen I mean sure I knew it was an option, but I can't imagine why anyone would do so voluntarily the labor coalition was in a distinct minority at the time, too, from what I'm reading
The more I read about this the more I get confused! KrF (the christian party) is generally right wing, though a little bit of an oddball on some issues due to their christian-focused nature, but Bondevik's decision to step down came after he presented a proposal to not weaken our pollution laws, because they served as useful and necessary environmental tools, and it was rejected by labor as well as FrP and H, both of which are like, the two most right wing parties we have, FrP a fair bit more right wing than H despite H's name literally being "Right" and FrP being "the progress party" Labor is AP, just to make sure that's clear
I'm not so much surprised that any of those parties rejected it, but I'm surprised all 3 did, because Labor has for the longest time been the most left wing, viable party we've got I mean the green party and the socialist left party do exist and are relatively popular, but as far as actually viable for head of state, labor has always and still is the only realistic option on the left end of our politics Red is making a lotta waves by growing as fast as it is now, but at the time the actual socialist wing of norway was pretty scuffed, Red's just been really good at pr and kinda dragged people towards the further left parties, though mostly FROM labor, so overall I don't think the makeup has changed all that much beyond growing the far left's power when it comes time to coalition build
actually the green party didn't even have a single seat during this time If they even existed
weird stuff I guess Norway really is having a pretty unique surge in far left politics that's the case across "The West" too I suppose, but it's less concrete in the US cause that place has kind of a stupid electoral system where you vote for a single guy to hold power, rather than a set of parties that get seats assigned based on vote share (which is actually way better) makes sense considering the raw size and how they're divvied into sub-states rather than having one single all-encompassing state body, I guess, but honestly I think even that's kinda stupid despite its size, not that I don't get the motivations for having more local rule to account for the variations in prioritized state by state in the US I just don't really know if I agree that those should be considered too heavily, or if the benefits of that outweigh the benefits of having a single set of laws spanning the whole country that everyone influences to whatever degree the electoral system allows
Like we've got more blue and more red areas here too, if you like, but all of them still have the exact same set of laws as the rest of the country, with the more local government mostly just handling Stuff
Like organizing various events, managing the funding for local organizations receiving government funding, that sorta stuff They don't set any laws At least I don't think they set any laws? if they do, they're incredibly minor laws, or maybe even just adjustments to the fines and incarceration times for various crimes. If they even do that much
That system just seems more reasonable to me, and I think it's likely responsible for how we've managed not to go as insane as the US has, since it lets people vote for a party that closely matches their own priorities, instead of basically choosing between exactly two options, both of which trend rightwards due to needing funding from the people benefiting from a rightward march
Anyway, I've rambled a lot, apologies for the spam, I just like this sorta stuff
the winner's been in picked out of this though, qld won 2/3 games do they really make the loser play an extra game to rub it in if so I'm glad i have to accommodate for a nothing game
i can't imagine there'll be a huge turnout, being the middle of winter too
oh right, winter's reversed for the other hemisphere, I guess doesn't really feel right, knowing half the globe has summer in december and winter in july
becoming increasingly convinced most of the ways we divide both the globe and the people living on it are entirely arbitrary I guess the equator at least isn't arbitrary, that one's pretty solid not just in that it's based on some particular, unchanging metric, but also just that it does matter whether you're above or below it since it's like, the middle along the spin Though I dunno if it's EXACTLY aligned or skewed a bit
I imagine it isn't skewed much, since from what I know, geostationary orbits are along the equator specifically because that's the only way to really do it in any sort of cost effective way
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
western doesn't mean western hemisphere it means the occident instead of the orient
oh it's a cultural delineation for "the orient" I can sorta get it cause the culture in asian countries is distinctly like, different from boilerplate europe in a lot of fairly standout ways But at this point, "the occident" covers like... fuckin' most of the world I imagine, with a few exceptions here and there owing to the industrial status of a given country, as well as Asia somehow still kinda standing out as uniquely asian in a lotta ways I mean you can say that about a lot of places, I guess, but Korea, China, and Japan at least all have some shared cultural Things that are very different from at least most of europe Stuff like bowing being a common thing, at least in Japan, that's very unique, and so is all the stuff that kinda surrounds and upholds that I dunno if that extends to Asia more broadly though, I actually think it maybe doesn't? Korea is probably actually a lot more "western" than it is "asian"
Not that I'm particularly knowledgable on the subject
somehow I don't think the occident is what's actually being referred to when people say "the west" well I mean the older delineations are at least okay enough to map onto what people mean, but you gotta freeze time a decent amount of time back to make it work cause I mean, large parts of Africa surely should be considered part of "the occident" if it's just a cultural thing, the brits and spaniards made sure of that broadly speaking Africa as a continent isn't as industrialized as NA and europe though, I guess, so there is something there
the prime drink? might be I'm looking at a redbull can here, and it's got 32mg of caffeine per 100ml and I'm PRETTY SURE that's the same amount for all energy drinks yeah, burn is the same another brand, BOKS is 31.8, probably they just more specifically note it down, and besides it's such a small deviation it's effectively the same monster also 32 >>1090752 >250 per 500ml holy moly that's like, what, +60% ish from our maximums? I wish I kept the bottle now so I could look at it
well I mean much like all these various ways to split the globe between "west" and "east", "white" is very arbitrary and time dependent Italians didn't use to be white, neither were slavs slavs are, granted, still kind of in a wonky space, sometimes considered white, sometimes considered distinct I think scandis have pretty much always been considered white though, with Finland being a notable exception both when it comes to whether it's "scandinavia" and whether they're "white" I think finland is considered scandinavian nowadays, but I'm honestly not entirely sure, most usage of the term primarily refers to sweden, denmark, and norway, anyway, finland's more of an afterthought I think They're not part of our circular scandi jokes either, it's always a norwegian, a swede, and a dane, with your own nationality being the smart one, denmark (unless you are denmark) being the kinda slow one, and sweden (unless you're sweden) being the moron in sweden, we're the morons, in denmark we're the slow ones
well I say slow, but it's more like "the slightly less smart one", they're generally fairly equal with just a minor difference
The best example I can think of is A swede, dane, and norwegian are on a plane The plane fucks up, it's going down, everyone's holding onto a bar in the roof to avoid falling They gotta ditch some weight, or they're all gonna die, so naturally the valiant Norwegian dumps his luggage The dane, not to be outdone, does the same The swede, impressed by the other two, applauds
another is probably familiar to most, though for us it's nationality-tinged Swede and Norwegian goes to see a western, and in advance the Norwegian proposes a bet on whether the hero will fall for some trap. The swede accepts and they go watch, the Swede betting the hero won't Of course, our hero does fall for a trap on the way out, the Norwegian admits he's seen the movie before, and doesn't feel alright taking the Swede's money, to which the Swede responds "I've seen it too, but I didn't expect him to fall for it a second time!"
we have A LOT of these, but they all follow the same formula, sometimes ditching the middle participant The dipshit is always swedes for us and danes, and us for the swedes
anyway the main point here is, Finland's basically never included, at least in my experience They might be part of some, as a 4th member, but they fall in the middle if so I'm pretty sure Not to say we don't have jokes about finns, there are a few though I can't remember any, and I'm pretty sure they're just alcohol related
I wonder why there's been a seeming uptick in fanart of that girl from One Piece Red recently The bluray came out in march, so I doubt that's why, usually these things go crazy in the first week or two, they usually don't go more or less unnoticed only to slowly pick up months later I'd attribute it to that anime convention, though there are two reasons I don't. One being, I just wasn't there and haven't seen any photos from there with anything one piece related, much less that specific movie And the other being I've seen this uptick happening for some time now The only explanation I can really think of is, because I started seeing her in the feeds and stuff fairly soon after I found and enjoyed that tot musica eurobeat remix, maybe it's that weird bias thing, like how you start seeing a newly learned word everywhere, but I don't really think that's it because I really can't remember seeing her at all prior. Itself kinda strange, considering how recognizable her design it, and the popularity of One Piece. I mean I see Nami and Robin enough that I know their name and even some very basic stuff about them ...actually maybe it is the bluray release, it's very possible I've been noticing it since then Kinda weird how I'm not seeing more, really, cause her design is very striking and at least her songs in the movie are performed by Ado, who's apparently extremely beloved in her own right
Ado's vocal range is actually awe inspiring, too, by the way Kami-poi is probably the most easy demonstration of it >>>/watch?v=7i_nc5GGIsI It's just her, but it sounds like a whole bunch of singers I really love the sort of raspy, cracked voice when she's effectively screaming in Backlight too >>>/watch?v=gt-v_YCkaMY I guess it's not exactly cracked or even particularly raspy, but it's got this weight to it, like the emotions are real >>1090768 raw is a good word for it, yeah It's obviously very controlled and it doesn't clash with anything, but it feels so powerful, like she decided to just disregard how it sounds, you know? She's really, really good
I think you could it rawness
>>1090766 Who needs housing codes when there's no centralized government anyway
It's probably even more apparent during the latter half of tot musica >>>/watch?v=V9_ZpqfqHFI
I don't listen to very much music with like, an abundance of vocals, to be fair, so maybe it's not all that remarkable, but at least to me it's really incredible Her range in itself is impressive anyway though, I think, I doubt it's common to be able to pull off what she does in kami-poi so well It's probably multiple vocal tracks, chances are she's not actually shifting her tone by such a large amount mid-song like that, but even pulling it off that way is really surprising, to me anyway
Though, maybe it's not super uncommon with artists to be able to do that, like I said most of the music I listen to is pretty light on vocals, since it's various types of techno music where the vocals are generally just samples rather than the actual artist themselves, and there's not too much of a "song", the vocal samples are just inserted cause they sound good
my dad's apparently been considering breaking it off with his fiance for a while now, too, but he's been hesitating in large part because he's kinda not able to maintain the house on his own anymore, and he wasn't sure if I'd wanna move back in with him or not so he asked if I would, in the event he decides to end that relationship, and honestly I'd much prefer to move back in, I'm not really well suited to managing my living space on my own, I just end up postponing stuff until it's outright necessary, and even then it's really hard to get started because obviously at that point it's built up into a very large task rather than a recurring small task Ordinarily I wouldn't wish or hope for him to end the relationship for my sake for that sorta reason, though, but considering their relationship is kinda... scuffed anyway, I really do hope he decides to call it quits. She's not a particularly pleasant woman, even if not overtly hostile to me like one in particular was. She's just fucking meanspirited, and really for a long time I thought it was just directed my way, being the neet son of the man she's with, a kind of double threat, but apparently she's gradually become more and more like that with him, too, and it's wearing him down All three women my dad's been with have been varying degrees of like, a bit unpleasant, towards me, though the second one not really, it's more like I was very legitimately worthy of a lot of criticism. I'm not sure if it's me, my dad's judge of women, or if it's just something common with mothers going into a relationship with a father, some sorta like, tendency towards being a bit cold towards the father's kids. Seems really dumb for that to be the case, but it's not entirely unreasonable, right? Though it'd obviously make far more sense with younger children. On the other hand, I was living with him as an adult, so
The second of the three actually wasn't really mean to me or nothing though, I think I just kinda instinctually disliked
>>1090776 mostly it just comes down to it not being my place to make that decision to any real extent I let him know where I stand, that I would actually prefer coming back to live with him rather than by myself, and even if I didn't I'd still help him out with stuff around the house anyway, and he's well aware I don't particularly like her, either I do think it's better for him and his mental to just call it off with her, but I mean, it's his decision, I don't wanna actively push him into anything beyond just, y'know, being there if he does I ain't moving back in if she doesn't leave, though, but that's not just cause I don't like her, it's also cause she doesn't like me, that much is pretty obviously mutual, so I did kinda wanna settle in the basement, for like privacy reasons and stuff, but that was pretty quickly shot down due to it meaning we gotta heat the basement in the winter, which isn't exactly good I mean I could obviously have pushed for that, but it's fine either way, really, I just hadn't considered the heating aspect of it
So he knows I'll happily move back in and pull my weight if he does end the relationship, but I'm not gonna like, push it or anything It's fine living on my own, too, I just struggle to keep my living space in order when I don't have someone else to like, keep me in check Chances are high he will, anyway, he said as much. The main thing he's been hesitating over is not knowing if I'd want to move back in again or if I prefer living on my own There's obviously some benefits to living by myself, for example I can stay up all night, drink freely without worrying about anything other than the day after, that sorta thing, but like None of that really outweighs living with my dad, honestly, I'd way rather live there and do much of the work around the house
If he later has another woman move in though, I'm definitely relocating into the basement It's one thing for my dad to be Around, but I'd really feel like my privacy was limited with another person living in the house, and having my room be on the main floor I like my privacy and alone time
But it's not like I'd decide to move out again unless he wanted me to, I really have no particular attachment to living alone, even if the various benefits are things I'd miss
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
personally i love living alone i dont mind having to clean sometimes and do the chores
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but it takes some comfrontation of one's avoidant habits and coping mechanisms to keep it clean
well it's not that I actively dislike living alone, I just prefer living with my dad by a fairly big margin granted, a lot of it does owe to what you said about having to confront my bad habits regarding Actually Doing The Damn Chores, which is really difficult for me I really struggle a lot with coaxing myself into doing stuff that I'm well aware does need to be done, but isn't critical, and really it doesn't even particularly bother me that my place looks like a fucking mess It bothers me because like, it's embarassing for anyone to see how I live, but it doesn't bother me like, directly. If nobody ever came to visit or anything, I wouldn't be bothered at all, really Obviously there is a point where it starts to bother me, but that's pretty much when it starts being an actual hindrance in my day to day living, which is pretty far down the road for most things
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah its hard to adjust ones mindset i used to keep my place a fuckin mess ostensibly because it didnt matter because i was only the one to see it what i wasnt acknowledging in this idea was the fact that actually yeah having a messy room is detrimental to my mood and self esteem
I do think it's in very large part a result of my ADHD (or whatever it is I have, I still do think it's ADHD myself but last time I went to get it rediagnosed for Government Purposes, she couldn't actually diagnose me with it, so who knows, haven't gotten a second opinion on that yet) But I mean, people with ADHD aren't all fucked up living on their own like I am, so it's obviously still quite a bit of me just avoiding dealing with it >>1090787 True, like most mental diagnoses, ADHD isn't like A Particular Thing, it just means you tick x amount out of y boxes in a list But still, those checkboxes are kinda stuck in there deep for me, and I've been dealing with them my whole life without ever being able to really overcome it, despite trying a lot (granted at this point I have kind of just resigned myself to it, which obviously isn't good, but you do reach a point where trying anymore starts feeling meaningless) I don't really think it's laziness, or at least not how I understand it, for me, though I don't really have the motivation to clean up around myself, most of the time, sure, but even when I go "I gotta do this, like, now", I have a real hard time even starting, despite wanting to I don't even see it as an acceptable way to live, beyond the obvious "it's acceptable to me personally, since it doesn't bother me" It's obviously socially not fine, and it is probably causing problems with my mental, but those aren't directly detectable enough to make it bother me, I guess
It's like having a little bit too much co2 in your house, sorta It's bad for you, you know it's probably bad for you, but the effects are not detectable outright, so it doesn't bother you on a sorta instinctual level, it's just that you know it's bad and that bothers you If you didn't intelectually know it's detrimental, it wouldn't bother you at all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean keeping a fire lit for adhd or what diagnosis is fine but its just a label
what really kept me from cleaning my room was laziness i think just keeping myself distracted enough to not embark on mundane tasks and trying to convince myself it was an acceptable way to live
>>1090788 dles and sap all stream is honestly just not enjoyable to me the bants are always good, sure, but I want something a bit less tedious to watch, on a visual level Only Up was pretty cool, but I'm also kinda glad he cut the cord on it cause it does get a bit samey, and the bants suffer cause it requires a lotta concentration dles in particular is a snoozefest for me
it's great content for the librarian though, that's for sure
also a little unrelated, but isn't it kind of weird to say that titanic sub "sank"? Like yeah obviously, it did literally sink, but it's not like the engines stalled out and it just, you know, sank, right? The fucking thing imploded, and then what was left of the now entirely scrap metal construction sank Saying "the sub sank" feels like it's giving the wrong impression, to me maybe I'm just being weird about that though, or maybe it's been confirmed it did actually sink (as in, uncontrolled) first, and then it also imploded? Hell do we even know at what depth it crushed?
You are being a little weird But honestly I haven't heard that many people saying it's sunk since the news of the implosion was thoroughly confirmed Usually they'll say it imploded or was lost If they're stuck on saying it's sunk, it's probably because that got lodged in their brains before the news of the implosion was confirmed Either way the implicit understanding is properly carried regardless of the specific language used in casual conversation
I guess I am being a little weird about it then, yeah But you can see what I mean, at least, right? Like it does seem a little inappropriate, terminology wise?
Granted, I haven't actually seen too many people refer to it as having sank, it's just a handful (particularly I'm watching thunderf00t's video on it right now and he says it "sank" at about a kilometer down) I dunno where he got that from though, cause apparently it's estimated to have cracked at like 300m above the titanic, so maybe it actually did sink uncontrollably first? That or I'm misinterpreting what he said, he does tend to be really particular when he's talking about physics stuff, even if all his politics\social stuff is pretty trash
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Some asshole on the balcony knocked over their beer and it got on me.
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what kind of beer is it ask them to throw you down a cold one
>>1090793 this transcript is accurate to what he says, so I guess it COULD mean either that the sub sank at about where the titanic is currently resting, or that the sub sank at about a kilometer It's not entirely clear, but I doubt he's just outright wrong on this, so I'm guessing he meant the sub "sank" at about the same depth as the titanic, which is what other sources seem to say, and just worded it in a somewhat clunky way
He's probably using "sank" as a casual fill-in for when communication with the sub cut off, which as far as I know, is approximately when the US Navy detected a sound matching that of an implosion in the area around where the sub was And since explaining all that when trying to explain the physics of the situation is an excess of words when spoken, using a casual word, since this isn't exactly a precise news article or scientific examination of the account, fits the situation
yeah, that makes the most sense, looking at it in all likelihood, the communication cut off as a direct result of the implosion implosions at that depth happen so fast, nobody on board was even consciously aware there was a leak, and probably even the communication equipment wouldn't be able to process and then broadcast the sound input from the microphone before the power gave out we're talking a few miliseconds from the leak happening at all, until the sub was nothing more than scrap metal and the occupants reduced to just... liquid and bone dust assuming what I've heard is accurate, the longest delay between those 'events' you could expect is like 50ms, which I guess is enough for the broadcast to happen, but it'd be so absurdly short, you couldn't possibly interpret it on the receiving end as anything more than the \\\ rather, as distinct from the static once the radio broadcast cut out with a recording of it, I'm sure you could isolate it in an audio program or something, but there's no shot you even realized what you heard in real time
That is, assuming there even was a microphone involved, and that it was currently broadcasting I mean they had a laptop, and obviously they were actually 'in contact' one way or another, so it's not inconceivable they used voice comms rather than some text-based method, particularly considering this was the first voyage all the way down (at least I think it was? I know they tried before, but something went wrong so they aborted, from what I understand)
I don't actually think there was even a voice communication line between the sub and the mission control My understanding is any communication with the sub was text-based
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1090798 they didn't use voice coms, its been stated multiple times in press releases that they used text based communication and they lost contact pretty early on (I can't remember exactly what time)
Ah when in particular do you "lose contact" in that case, anyway? last received? last sent? Somewhere after you sent the last message?
What's likely, although considering the massive shittonne of bad deceisions involved in this endeavour, is there were probably regular status pings sent from mission control to the sub, and the sub was supposed to send back an "all clear" And then at one point, they stopped responding I do believe the purported sound of an implosion reported by the US Navy came not long after the last response from the sub
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1090801 when you don't send your "once every five minutes " or whatever message
Oooh, that makes sense, scheduled checkins make that pretty trivial >>1090802 BBC says they believe the sub was ~3500m below when they lost contact, but I suppose you mean early on as in "early on in the scheduled dive entirely", not early on like, relative to when it probably got destroyed
Considering the carbon fiber hull was rated for I think ~1400m of underwater pressure, the fact that it might've made it to 3500m is a miracle It likely doesn't take long to dive 3500m in a motorized vehicle, especially if you're in open ocean So it could have been not long after the sub began its dive
Does that last bit, that the navy heard the sound of an implosion not long after mean literally, or as in, that's \\\ as in, they estimate the sound to have originated shortly after? I imagine that time window is absurdly short either way, of course, I'm mostly just curious because it's strange if they estimate the implosion to have happened after the scheduled checkin, that's all
>>1090806 From what I recall, mission control reported lost contact with the sub, and separately, the US Navy, after an implosion of the sub had been confirmed, reported they had picked up a sound in line with that of an implosion timestamped for around the same time the sub mission control reported lost contact
I'm really astonished the actual CEO was onboard, though he for real believed that thing would hold up, despite being the same guy who made the decision to cut corners on safety stuff Like, he didn't see it as a test or anything, he for real thought this shit would work, likely despite a lot of protests from his engineers and other employees going "my man this shit will crack and re-enact a beer can under a hydraulic press at mach 3, please, do not go in there"
As a handful of billionare CEOs have done an emphatic job of lately, it only further proves the point that you don't need to be smart to get rich You can be unbelievably stupid, or so vain that you refuse advice from anyone who might hurt your ego by being provably more versed in a field than you, but you too can be a rich bastard as long as you lack any fibre of human empathy or if daddy owned an Apartheid emerald mine
Yeah, for sure Part of me is kinda adopting, or maybe just reinforcing, the belief that being super rich actively makes you more stupid and less aware of your own fallibility Like, once you have enough money to never have anyone tell you "no, that's stupid" because they're either your employee and won't ever contradict you, or they're just not contradicting you because they recognize they can get something outta you by kissing your ass, you stop having a moderating external influence forcing you to really consider whether you're right or not. Nobody ever tells you you're wrong, after all, so surely you're not wrong.
Socially, even before the advent of capitalism as a world order, we have put far too much value in one's ability to acrue valuables or wealth, that I think it's hard to be a human and not think you're right because you're rich Wealth is success in life, because wealth is power, and as such if you're rich, you're obviously already doing something right, so why would all these poors around you be right, since they're more poor than you? But in reality, that's not logical, and evidence has proven that personal qualities have no causative connection to success and wealth So instead you get all these fucking morons who don't make smart decisions and either burn their fortunes or get themselves killed
At least Bill Gates was smart enough to do neither
As much as I do enjoy ragging on capitalism, I do think it's kinda had a wonky effect on that whole thing Due to capitalism, the wealth one can accrue as a singular person is seemingly A LOT more, and a significantly larger amount of people do so, leading to far more wealthy->stupid poison, which is also more potent, than like, with feudalism and stuff Which obviously does amplify the effect But it's also, while still not by any means a direct cause and effect, far more likely now for an uber wealthy person to have gotten there through some sort of application of intelligence, whether it be scheming, scamming, or genuinely just being a smart feller with a smart idea that made bank, unlike with feudalism where being rich was almost exclusively a result of birth circumstance in a direct way, so your starting smarts when you GOT uber wealthy was a total crap shoot to a much greater degree Of course, the wealth during feudalism and such was obviously much lower for those on top, and there were fewer of them, so I'm not sure if it's worse or better now in this particular respect
I think the zuck is still actually like, a smart guy, he doesn't seem to be doing stupid shit, but probably a lot of that is because he was smart early and delegated decision making to someone below him, whose position was not granted by law, but based on whether he could keep making smart decisions So even if maybe the zuck has become moneypoisoned too, it doesn't show as much,a t the very least, just as a result of him not having too much of an active hand in his business stuff >>1090815 Wait really? That's pretty chuu2
Mark also styles himself after a classical Roman emperor and has probably studied how to properly emulate that fantasy >>1090814 Yeah, 100% You know that dumbfuck haircut he has It's directly lifted from one specific Roman emperor Man wants to be Ceasar
holy shit lmao still though, however chuu2 he is, he definitely at least had the intelligence (or it just fit with his fantasy) to make decisions that ultimately benefit him ...unlike the muskrat, who is at this point too fucking stupid to realize he should be delegating anything at all. in his ideal world, he's the one pumping the raw oil out of the ground, processing it, filling the tank, designing and manually building the rockets, and flying them into space while also sitting at ground control, I think
chuu2 is one thing, Elong is chuu2000
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
@Sam Japanese Breakfast is doing a cover of Chicago by Sufjan Stevens.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1090816 Elon Musk has brain damage he was much less weird before he got in a coma in the 90's.
I didn't even know he had a coma moment Though I've only even been aware of the guy for maybe a decade or so anyway, so I only know about him as a fucking moron I can't say I've ever seen or heard anything about the guy that made me think "now here's a smart man"
I mean the whole tesla thing is, admittedly, on paper like, A Good Idea, and he definitely has been a force for popularizing electric cars, that much I can't take away from him, but thankfully he's popularized electric cars generally, or we'd all be fucked lmao We still are, but we'd be fucked in another, different way, as well
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
oh maybe it wasn't exactly a coma anyways he almost died of malaria and came out of it as a different man
>>1090820 You're still kind of buying into the Musk Myth by attributing Tesla to him Tesla was never his idea, they had the plans and goals of developing feasible EVs before he bought his way into the company And paid so much money that they let him say he was the founder of Tesla None of the ideas, aside from maybe the more recent things like the autopilot dumbfuckery and the Tesla truck, were his While him as the face of the company, at least before he went full shithead, might've helped boost it's name, I think the ideas behind Tesla were solid enough that they would have eventually gained recognition regardless The vast contribution that he brought to Tesla, that he brings to anything he "owns" is footing the bill
>>1090823 oh, I actually did think he was part of starting it I mean I always figured he was a money guy at most, but I did think he was an initial part
The EV PR he's done I still do attribute to him though. Sure, a lot of it is him just fucking lying and being a moron promising rivers of honey and roads paved with gold, but it has made people a lot more excited about EVs. I suppose that may have happened with or without him, but I do think he accelerated it, his methods notwithstanding
well, footing the bill in itself is also at least positive, due to smarts or not it doesn't speak to his abilities, because like noted earlier, capabilities don't map too well onto abilities in our current world, but paying the bills is paying the bills, however the money used to pay them was gotten
unlike spacex, which I honestly think is just... negative it's getting people pretty pumped for SPAAACE again, but it's doing so by kinda choking NASA, both directly by taking their contracts, and indirectly by way of giving people a private corp they can believe is a better option than NASA for space exploration
I'm betting even spacex isn't really his thing either if you look into it though
Nothing he's ever been involved in his "his" Twitter gives you the exact model he always uses Comes in with all the money and gets on board because he funds it or provides the money, and then worms himself into a position of power and tries to rewrite the narrative that he was involved from the beginning Paypal, Tesla, SpaceX, Twitter
I did actually think the boring company is his puppy, though that is, his in the sense of being an initial moneybag, I can't imagine he's at all involved with the initial planning and stuff, just a guy who was approached to get initial funding he was part of openai at the ground floor too, wasn't he?
You might be right that The Boring Company is his actual original idea But I mean, just look at what that ended up being A justified excuse to kill public transit in California so that it wouldn't become less car-reliant and eat into the market share of people who might buy Tesla cars
And As someone who has just gotten back from LA There are an absurd amount of Tesla cars out there
>>1090831 The whole crowd sang happy birthday to the bass player.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
honestly EVs arent even that great from a climate standpoiny they're so fuckin heavy they destroy the road even faster and they still shed from the tires car free cities when
>>1090833 you'll have to wait until after the collapse of industrial civilization
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that said i much prefer the experience of being in an EV versus an ICEV
fuckin exhaust man it stinks
>>1090833 Probably not before a massive socio-economic shift That will likely also cause major other issues before we can even get to proper car-free societies So in the meanwhile, I think the marginal improves EVs give our car-reliant society are a necessity Improvements, even
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just need a billion dollars or ten
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we just need robots to build new infrastructure simple
Yeah. Simple.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
super easy barely an inconvenience
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1090839 isn't that what created the megastructure in BLAME?
>>1090833 true I think the time necessary before the CO2 savings overcome the CO2 spent on making them is also fairly long
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Dang i slept ages
Travelling will do that to a person
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1090845 Yeah. Fr I also fuckin forgot where I was for a few seconds which is a weird experience
man fuck the zuck i dont care for this social media narrative of the zuck suddenly being a standup guy he's still a fuckface
The fact that Threads has been successful has only made me hate Mark even more Like, I don't really want to be stuck with Twitter as Musk makes it more and more of a collapsing mess But my hobbies are attached at the hip to it If Twitter collapses outright, there's a good chance at least half my hobbies will move to Threads, at which point I'm stuck between either further socially isolating myself from communities which actually share interests with me, or crawling back to Facebook after over a decade of distancing myself from everything it
But thankfully there's also the fact that Threads does not allow pornographic imagery, which means at least part of my hobbies will be forced to find another platform, so I might not be so forced to use Threads
Tangentially, fuck you Jack and your Bluesky secret club bullshit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't think threads is going anywhere so long as their source of poasters is fuckin instagram who can't write anything of interest who knows though
I'm less concerned about Threads going anywhere and more Twitter collapsing under the monumental stupidity of Musk And honestly I'm probably just being fatalistic about it But in the fringe case that it does I fuckin' loathe the idea of Threads being the island the weeb/otaku exodus gets stranded on
When the rate limiting nonsense happened last week a lot of Japanese people flirted with the idea of Misskey, but I don't know how much staying power that had But that's another one I hope doesn't really catch on, since it uses the same design strategy as Mastodon, which I'm really not a fan of Threads at least is a carbon copy of Twitter, which is about the only thing it has going for it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
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Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
This is rich a.. Rich Western Traver problem But i took out some cash at the airport.. And not even a crazy big amount. It was like $250 But the largest denomination of notes (at least that I've come across) is worth like $10 So now I've got this massive, unwieldy stack of cash and my wallet won't close properly.
I bet That would get me a lot of pity and sympathy from the local Egyptians
Stow some in your suitcase or personal bag You really shouldn't be carrying in your wallet more cash than you would need for the day or two anyway Just asking for a mistake or worse to happen
where did you get that image from? the world wide web??
I can't say but not the dark web.
AnnoSearch [iqdb](111 KB, 773x1120, (888).jpg)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1090860 Fr though that's why I'm using visa for everything. At least there's a chance to dispute charges if anything goes wronc >>1090865 now you're speaking my language
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Not really a 'scam' but it was pretty awkward. They Took me to a 'papyrus
'papyrus making demonstration' But really it's just an excuse to flog off overpriced souvenirs. The demonstration takes like 3 minutes and then they show you all the papyrus Artwork you can buy. And I knew that going in. And i wasn't going to buy anything. But then there waa this really cool One. A ****TASTEFULLY**** naked female with a the scales of justice and a sword. And I'm like that's perfect for me I'm a lawyer And so im like >how much for that one And they said >200 Which is like $10 So i said cool I'll take it And then we went to the counter and they started rigging it up and it was like x30 the agreed price And then they're like >yeah we meant 200 USD And i had to back out of the transaction. Kind of uncomfortable
this bus does a stupid loop into town before it comes to my stop, so it's super easy to get faked out when it comes past you early
>>1090903 whos your current fave tuber(i know you change them around like seasonal waifus) and whats her opinion on Alan Dershowitz
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im in the ferry line
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably gonna sit here for another hour maybe three then a 40 min feery trip fml should have left earlier i guess this is normal tho should have just walked on
I need to get groceries sometime soon since I emptied my apartment of anything that would go bad before my trip up LA for a week But it's sitting around like 30°C after humidex and like I don't want to be lugging groceries around in that shit
god fucking dammit one of my teeth just sorta... came apart? I mean I think it's mostly you know, fake stuff, like dentist filling stuff, not even a real tooth anymore, but that's annoying Thankfully, the nerve is dead to begin with, so it's not painful or nothing
probably should set up an appointment to get that looked at and maybe fixed But also it's, I dunno, not really a big deal? I mean it's annoying, and I definitely should fix it, but I usually don't chew with the left side of my mouth to begin with
I'd recommend making an appointment for it Teeth are the kind of thing that can sneak up on you in terms of complications And people underestimate how much general comfort is lost once you have dental pain
But also like, the nerves attached to this one are already shot, there's no way for there to be pain I think they died on their own, though maybe the dentist killed 'em when replacing the tooth back then, I can't remember
It's not like I'm not gonna do it or anything though, it's more that it's the kinda thing I feel like can wait, it's not pressing It's not even real bone so it's not sharp or nothin' At first I did think the whole tooth came out, but it really is a relatively small piece Or at least, it FEELS like it's a small piece, it's a bit difficult to determine how big it is cause yknow... I can't see in the back of my teeth
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ywah theres no reason to fuck around when it comes to teeth that affects your bite affects your jaw and all the muscles in your head
what like a bunch of mesh wifi nodes wired to each other but not to his PC?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh i bet he's wired to a mesh node to his PC and then it hops to another mesh node over the air i used to do something similar pretty bad for streaming to 10k people tho
no it's justa joke about how midstream a chatter said he could wire his pc to the wifi extender, so he did that So he's just wifi still, but he's wired to the extender
I had that when I was living with my folks still The house was too old to get a wired hookup into my room without a lot of work or some really ugly wires So I just got a WiFi extender with a cable port
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea exactly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
although if its a bona fide olds chool wifi extender thats even worse hopefully it's a modern mesh node
well it's not like he listed the specs on stream, One Guy just mentioned he could wire to the thing after NL mentioned it in passing more than anything
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hows the stream i was in travel yesterday i missed all the baseball
>>1090974 how I name shit when I'm doing a theme in a video game weird af to see it irl
>>1090974 Blue was having fun ragging on LA streets when we were there since you get a bunch that are just named after a series of trees and then they switch over to presidents And he's coming from NYC where everything is just numbered streets, simple and straightforward
Of course the funny thing to me is my city is also very much on the "Name streets after trees and famous people" naming scheme so I personally felt right at home
you think NL occasionally throws in some extremely obscure or hyper specific bits because he knows the librarian will have to look for it to provide context in his uploads, or nobody's gonna know what's going on?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea we do the tree thing too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1090977 ha i don't know if it's planned but he always seems to be mixing it up he doesn't try to reuse bits too proximately to each other, unless it's the current catchphrase so i could see him trying out super obscure bits knowing that at least someone will get it
similarly, you think the librarian has a secret twitter that's just duplicated NL's following list so he gets the same posts and can keep an eye on meme videos? I've not even heard of half the shit this motherfucker talks about on stream, and I use twitter a lot
Really I'm with NL on the Willy Wonka Question That man should not have lore, he's got oompa loompas making candy in a factory with a chocolate river and blueberry gum that turns you into a balloon He's an SCP, not a guy
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1090998 I read a really good dark origin story screenplay about him
So im on a boat now yeah, for the next couple of days At dinner i waa seated next to this retired couple from New Zealand with the leathery, tanned faces of serial cruise goers. And they asked me how long i was in Egypt for and I'm like >just a few days And they're like >We're 45 days into a 90 day trip. Of course, you can do that when we're old like we are. We have money to spend and not much time left unlike you fellas Now tell me, moe What is the correct response to that? I just gave a polite little laugh
"Lifestyle companion card" is such a wanky name for credit
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
see any mummies
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I saw your mummy last night
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The driver of the minivan aggressively pushed everyone else for a tip but didn't for me which was a shame because I had this whole speech built up in my head about how the fare had been way overpriced and all he'd fuckin done was sleep in the passenger seat while his buddy nearly killed us by texting and playing with his phone while driving into oncoming traffic at 120km/h.
But idk Maybe they sensed i was looking for an argument because they didn't say anything to me about it
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>>1091022 Maybe you just look too poor to be worth pushing for a tip
The dining area has MANDATORY SEATING Like we're in primary school or something. I know this because once I sat in a different area and the waiter asked me to move. Anyway, on one side is that leathery new Zealand couple But on the other side has been a Japanese couple. Is it time to flex my nihongo?
The dude looks 10-20 years older than his partner Maybe he's run off with his secretary
i took a faluca down the Nile once upon a time with a few buddies
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1091043 Ah that's sick And probably a much more authentic experience than what im doing. This is basically just a sluggishly-moving hotel.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Anyway, You didn't answer my question: Is it INCUMBENT on me to impress this middle aged couple with my anime tier Nip speak?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
absolutely you should belt out your finest impression of uhh can't remember that japanese dude's name the VA with the deep voice that will definitely charm the middle aged couple
>>1091057 Fun fact, pretty much every writing workshop or class or course I've taken over the years (and I've been though a number) have all agreed on the notion that, if you're relying
on "said"isms to convey the tone and emotion of a line of dialogue, then you're committing the actual writing sin, since it can be a manner of infantalising your reader, or relying too much on a single word to carry the emotional tone of the spoken line Said, honestly, only exists to ensure the reader can properly attribute a spoken line to the correct character, which is why in an extended one-on-one dialogue, it often disappears altogether
my favorite is when the author places 4 people in a conversation and after each is introduced as actually talking, every subsequent line of dialogue is just the quote itself on its own line with no indication as to who said it, so you gotta solve a puzzle to understand just what in gods name is happening very challenging
If I'm gonna be somewhere really hot for an extended period of time I put my phone in a plastic bag to prevent sweat from getting all over in while it's in my pocket.
Oh my God moe I got talking to the Japanese coupe at breakfast I got Nihongo-Jouzou'd
Hey man at your level of Japanese that's probably a compliment It only really starts to sting when you're like, conversationally adequate and they're still jouzu-ing you
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
They were really really nice.
The Guy said he really liked Ghibli films and they made him cry The woman had travelled to the States to take part in a traditional Japanese music performance at an anime convention. She showed me pictures.
>>1091074 Hey what the hell do you mean YOUR LEVEL
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The funniest part - the thing that broke the ice is that I was inadvertently wearing my black Bocchi the rock Kessoku Band t-shirt and they asked me about the text on the front
Well an isekai following the big bad instead is at least somewhat fresh I mean it's not the first time, but most times when it follows the big bad it's either a comedy, or it's something like Overlord where it's not REALLY like they're just the bad guy outright
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1091089 Like a bush baby like pekora? Or an actual monkey
well, dead mount was a neat show, but it didn't resolve, and it's not quite interesting for me to read whatever the source material is either good, but not THAT good
how does anyone ever relax outside at a cafe there's always bugs comin at your coffee and foods
Bugs might come at your hot coffee but they won't be able to get close enough to be a problem as long as the coffee is hot As far as food goes, I'unno, you gotta play that game whenever you're eating anything outside
I completely forgot about bungo stray dogs so now there's like 3 seasons, a buncha OVAs and another season airing that I haven't seen
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
isnt this season 5? it got pretty bad around season 3 imo
Oh right, it's season 5 I guess, so that makes it 4 seasons I haven't seen
I really oughta look around for a better headset These ones are a bit too... hm, not thing, \\\tight but the space between the actual speaker, or rather the net covering it, is a bit too close to my ear A bit annoying
>>1091132 I got a buddy who might be able to hook me up with a bluesky invite.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
oh speaking of canadians who have things I want access to, is there any chance you'd be willing to let me have an account on your server when you get it up running? I'm pretty sure the answer is no but I wanted to check anyways.
well yeah, not having a social media account is better than Threads, from what I've gleaned
not to mention I don't even think I can make a threads account anyway Haven't checked, not gonna, but I suspect the EU regulations cover here too, even though we're not technically in the EU
the first episodes of season 2 actually confused the shit outta me cause I remember the one guy but I was sure this was a very different kinda show but, it was just a few episodes of prequel, and now I at least vaguely have a recollection
where am i supposed to watch the new miyazaki movie
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in japan duh F
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i built a car for a korok and saved it as a favorite in autobuild
then rebuilt it later in the caverns it autobuilt a green korok out of zonaite terrifying then i tried to remove it and the synthetic korok was of course immediately turned into green tang
usually these kinds of people harass you while you're walking but this woman decided that wasn't good enough and came into the barbershop to directly get people
an expert harmacologist
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dj samurai workin on his flow let me know what sounds better
i'm so rancid i'm covered in JO / or / i'm covered in yayo
I wonder if you could make a chess bot that, over the course of a decent chunk of games, adjusts to roughly match the skill level of the player, by just trying to match the frequency of good moves the player makes Like say after 10 games, the player plays the best move roughly 10% of the time, the second best 20%, and the 3rd best 40%, then 4th best 30% You could have the machine brain basically roll dice each move and then pick the appropriate move from the list, weighted so it averages out at a distribution that's the same as the player's
Maybe this is already a thing? It seems like it'd be a good way to keep people playing, and probably it'd help them get better too, since their opponent is keeping pace with them, more or less
i got a 38mm plug for mum and dad but they don't exactly fit a 40mm hole for a good fit mite just order a cheapo off Amazon
You know from this angle in this lighting it looks a bit like nekomimi
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Apparently they do a bit of a light show in the evenings On the Pyramids Admission normally costs like $40 but i can see it for free from my hotel roof. How's that for poggers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah yes nothin says travelling like free light show
what the hell i held a bomb in my hands and threw it into the cooking pot for a lark and not exploded and ragdolled it just cooked into dubious food and then i ate it wtf
whoever did the shop last night didn't bag anything or even include bags so there's probably gonna be some complaints didn't know they charge a flat fee on bags so I can understand why people would be upset
I thought they just charged whatever cents per bag
well the neet isekai certainly is speeding through this arc or maybe it just feels a lot shorter when animated
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Pigeon for dinner
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
When I did a hot air balloon ride through the Valley of the Kings I was in the basket with this group of young people from China. 2 girls and a guy. And of course once we were high up with the big sandstone Mountains in the background they started doing their glamour shots for social media - the women especially. And you know, they're wearing nice clothes, flicking their hair back. And cus I'm next to them, I'm taking pictures of the backdrop too. And i got a few with the women in them, posing. And i kind of want to delete them, Mostly cus i feel like a bit of a freak just saving pictures of strangers. Candid snaps of these young woman.. That's like some fuckin sex pervert shit But on the other hand - they're really really good photos The girl looks beautiful, and framing is really nice with her as the model and the view and the scenery of the desert and farmland in the distance. I dunno
>>1091244 No you dumbass. I mean having her as the focus in the foreground is what makes the photographs so good. She looks like a professional model. I could flog the image off to an ad agency to sell sunglasses