I found some pretty amazing combat pants in zomboid, but they're heavy as sin AND reduce my attack speed by 50%, which is an absolutely brutal debuff They're good for exploration though, since even if something gets the jump on you, you'll live, and you can just run away But if you're going in for the sake of clearing out zombies, they're real bad
There's a physical shrooms store that's opened up along the transit route I take home from work I might drop in and get some to try out one of these weekends
wait if it's not even legal yet how can they open a physical store?
Dodgy legal loopholes and crossing fingers the cops don't care
don't care enough to warrant your business and close it down Although usually no serious charges and other things arise from that
>>1085546 Oh whoops, neat I must've missed/forgotten about that Even easier to sell in that case
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's decriminalized
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk i might be talkin out my ass actually
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but there's like literal brick and mortar stores selling them now
Looks like it's still totally illegal to produce, sell, and possess as of last February But yeah, like I was saying, it's akin to pot shops in the years running up to cannabis legalization
>here at SHROOMS GALORE we treat all our customers as if they were our close personal friends and family >the transactions, therefore, are not commercial in nature.
>>>/@bastard_brian/1653051635281588228 man i wish there was an implant you could get that had an interface you could query via an API like some little sensor that hung out in your gut so you could ask it how the biome's doing or even release the probiotic lasers
I don't really want lasers on the inside of my body
>>1085587 well not physically literally. But if you accept that when writing a poem someone has set out specific words in a specific order to convey the writer's intention then modifying the work is
fuck it. I don't care. do what you want. argue on twitter
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it just becomes a semantic argument what does destroy mean what does is mean etc etc
gotta go use my precious time on this earth to argue in the worst possible faith yeeyyee
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if i download a movie am i stealing money from New Line Pictures and so onn anyway
gotta write some dang code already and by that i mean bike ride??
>>1085591 Well now we're talking about different things. Copyright and not the artistic integrity of the creation itself.
A better parallel might be downloading and pirating a really emotional, passion-project bio pic of the Director and splicing it full of furry porn. Is that "destroying" the movie? On one hand, no, you've just made a new movie, using parts of the old movie (and this one's even better because it has wolves fucking in it) But the alternative perspective would be that you've undermined the director's work by taking it's essence and altering it into something perverse. There is arguably "destructive" about that.
So, I don't think Old mate Jane's take on twitter is completely without merit.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you're right I'm gonna import Citizen Kane into adobe premiere and interleave it with filler Inuyasha episodes and re-dub with sonic garden orsen welles get owned
they had smoked salmon marked down by like 70% cus it was close to expiry so i bought 3 packets. But then again, I wasn't planning on buying salmon so I'm still spending more money than originally intended.
so complicated I am on a roll tonight I did the same thing in a work email too tbf the guy I was replying to did it too I accidentally matched his energy
> In 1674, a broadside entitled “The Women’s Petition against Coffee” claimed that coffee “has so Eunucht our Husbands… that they are become as Impotent as Age, and as unfruitful as those Desarts whence that unhappy berry is said to be brought.” The men replied soon after that “Coffee Collects and settles the Spirits, makes the erection more Vigorous, the Ejaculation more full, adds a spiritualescency to the Sperme, and renders it more firm and suitable to the Gusto of the womb, and proportionate to the ardours and expectations too, of the female Paramour.”
The game's been leaked for a week or so already But I do think a wider lot of people have gotten leak access to it in the past couple days So far I've seen nothing shoving spoilers in my face, but I'm also pretty spoiler resistant in the first place
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow that sucks leave some pogs for the rest of us
I wonder if there's any chance I could walk into a GameStop or Best Buy and buy the game without pre-order Especially since I'd have to go after work on the Thursday it comes out
Unrealistic story there's no way that blue jay wouldn't emerge victorious Those little shits are vicious motherfuckers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's margin' time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dangit i need triple sec
And you've got what, seven minutes until the liquor stores close?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
soo true nah i got some grand marnier but its turnin the margs orange
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
korone has been streaming that new star wars game for like 18 hours
She's a bit of an obsessive completionist At least not in terms of 100% a game, but sitting down to play something and finishing it
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
eh she still seems to be having fun
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's a new star wars game already? geez
Already? It's been like three and a half years since the last one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
*nam stare*
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 458 3/6
⬜⬜⬜🟨🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩⬜🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is Jedi: Survivor more tomb raider style action like Fallen Order or is it more souls-like like the title might imply
It's a sequel to Fallen Order, so I would imagine the combat probably isn't much of a departure from Fallen Order But I haven't really seen much of either, so I can't really say
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
booo i bet its the same
I do know a bit before the game's release, they were touting that lightsaber combat would now be able to sever limbs off enemies Although I don't think they go as far as decapitation So it seems like there's some element of real-time action combat
damn. feel kind of bad now. My brother was all excited to show us his new polaroid camera and i basically just told him it was fucking stupid. seemed a bit put out by it. I wasn't trying to be mean. Just.. those are my honest thoughts why would you pay a whole bunch of money in 2023 for a product that's objectively worse
>>1085822 Polaroid was never about having cutting edge photo quality, even in their original era among other traditional film photo cameras, the quality was going to be lesser than a decent affordable normal camera Part of Polaroid is the whole "In the moment" experience of using it, like, you snap a photo, and in moments, you've got a physical product of the action Acting like the only value it has is lesser quality photos thana different camera is kind of you being ignorant and/or insensitive to the experience value of using one I think your brother was perfectly reasonable to be put out
Been doing Zomboid with dutchfriend, and it's p fun in multiplayer We've set the helicopter event to happen several times throughout instead of one, so we're gonna have to secure our base real fast But it's fun
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>In the beginning, there was the Hammer - a chiaroscuro contretemps in a landscape of dampened pop-ecstasy. Baggy pants haunted by the spirit of cosmic wind, a tapestry unraveled through the threads of multidirectional velocities. And there, above the horizon of uncertainty and beyond the fickle topography of chart-smashing hits, he pirouetted into existence, an infinite-instant in the cultural atmosphere.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ai david foster wallace on MC hammer
naturally it goes on like this for some time
dang they got an AI model out there with a long enough context input window to paste the entire Great Gatsby in
hmm maybe i should get some potting soil and repot this boy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Getting Cats Vegan is Possible and Imperative
> Carnivore is a classification, not a diet requirement. The amount of meat that cats eat is significant. Transitioning domestic cats to eating vegan would do much good for the environment and animal welfare. Having vegan cats now is not convenient, but we (humanity) should make that so. We do not need to wait around for cultivated meat. There are tractable opportunities now. We also need randomized control trials with measured health outcomes; funding is the main limitation here. Making domestic cats vegan meets all of the Effective Altruism criteria: significant, tractable, and neglected.
should we bio-engineer vegan cats?
>>1085840 Just a basic, but really well-done bowl of shoyu ramen It was a new place my friend and I were trying, and it had pretty high reviews, so with places like that, when it comes to ramen, I usually find the purest, most classically ramen option on the menu is best My friend got this fancier bowl with black garlic oil, roasted cherry tomatoes, and prosciutto which definitely looked neat too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1085844 mmm sounds great maybe ill get some ramen later
I really haven't grown up at all since they let you name your rival back in Pokemon gold
>>1085845 Yeah! It was really good Possibly the best place I've been to in downtown for ramen Good serving too, like, I got the standard size bowl and my friend and I went for a couple drinks afterwards and I'm still full off the ramen like three and a half hours later