so far no GPU im lookin at the options out there i just ordered the parts yesterday used amd epyc
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
seems like RAM is the number one consideration for running LLMs and also tensor cores of course
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
you getting ECC RAM?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im in the deep end vros
aaay another case of the mondays
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dang kind of want a 4090 but that sticker price
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe any series 40 gpu they got the 8-bit floating points for bigger models
If you're not in a rush and can wait a bit, I'd recommend keeping an eye out for price drops and sales I know the 4000 series has suffered from low sales because Nvidia kinda dicked over customers by, like, taking the scalping prices the 3000s were going for during shortage periods and acting like that should be the MSRP for the 4000 series
Almost a new pb for bench press but the last rep was kind of borderline and I really dididn't want to risk it so I bitched out. But I probably could have kept going. It's just that i really really don't want to risk failure mid rep cus best case scenario it's really embarrassing to get stuck under the bar and have to wriggle out like a little worm boy, but must worse than that if you actually drip it it's injury or something. But I COULD have probably made it This is why i need a spot Should probably just ask some random To do it. But too spaghetti for that
you got it i'm spotting you right now with my miiiiind
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
continually amazes me how bad i am at normal human non-software tasks
like tosay i completely fumbled a normal conversation with a doctor and then also completely forgot to bring a vital key with me to a separate appointment
>>1085976 I can get twice that many grams for like, 50 USD down the road from my workplace!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but they're illegal grams ooOOoo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder how much the staff interact with you during the high dose or do they just leave you locked in a miniature forest meadow
I've heard shroom therapy usually involves a therapist who is there to help guide you through the experience and process the things that come to the surface because of the high So you're not likely to just be absolutely alone
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im a bout ta fred flintstone outta this mutha fucker
>>1086014 on friday i woke up with a sore throat and friday at like midnight i had a fever but the fever broke on saturday morning around 4am... so i think im on the mend my throat is sore and i think im losing my voice though www
Man The customs process on amtrak is soo easy Whereas this greyhound thing feels like Papers Please
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I got a ranfom search too They went thru my whole bag o nothing
Some other guy was getting drilled pretty hard He had a spiky green bowser backpack and some nervous body language Probably just some young nerd
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
God I hope he made it bck on the bus i wasnt paying attention
Everyone's got to suffer their first transit authority cross examination some day Except meeee because I'm so boringly normal
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Bus driver: "yeah we lost the one guy, he gotta stay here" Fuuuck I wonder if he had drugs on him
Ouch I can't imagine anyone being so absolutely dumb that you try to pass the American federal border with illegal drugs in your possession But maybe he just forgot they were there or something
oh I haven't even told you guys yet. I'm doing this big international trip to fuckin COPE with turning 30. Going to Tanzania to climb Kilimanjaro then North to Egypt to see the pyramids and then north again back to Funland to see a friend I have living there. And then Dubai on the way back.
See im still young. I can still go on adventures
thirty and flirty
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1086036 Wowow Have and safe travels Don't get too scammed in Egypt Drink some delicious gasoline in dubai
I find it hard to think of any situation where I'd pay a like, 80% transfer fee for anything other than like, ransom money Even then I'd likely tell the kidnappers like "hey, you mind waiting like a few more hours and maybe a day or two for this?"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
to clarify the actual transfer price was priced at 85 Gwei times 21000 gas turned out to be about 0.013 ETH or 24 bux which is still really expensive for a swap
but they wrote that the max transfer price they were willing to pay was 418,859 Gwei of course, the fee market doesn't work like that, it just charges market price if you overbid
but they ALSO put 418,859 Gwei for the priority fee which is the tip paid to the validator and the validator is fee to charge the // free to charge the entire amount volunteering volunteered which they did god damn
so essentially, it wasn't even really a fee, they just put up nearly the full transfer amount as a tip to whoever validates it? I'd definitely struggle to find a reasonable cause for doing that
I guess it's a mistake?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah they paid an insane tip
i would find it hard to believe anyone could mistakenly confirm on such a large tip but maybe they were using a shitty hot wallet while drunk
or maybe it was an MEV transaction, essentially, prearranged give a copy of your transaction to your buddy who runs a validator once they get a chance to propose a block, they post it, and you write off 64 ETH from your capital gains tax
>>1086057 Even that seems kinda like, unnecessary? I suppose it's a good way to cut the trace, but that's about it? Cause if you're not doing it to make it harder to trace the transaction, you could just make another transaction
oh yeah, tax fraud is an option there I suppose, though I dunno how the laws go on that Like can you really write off the cost of transacting your Assets as a loss, taxwise? That seems stupid to me, since that's just like, part of the process, not a result of your assets going up or down in value or anything
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's pretty sus and obviously stands out tho so im inclined to think not a fake mistake but a legit mistake but maybe thats what they're counting on
Like that seems like writing off the costs of supplies for your busine- wait that's literally a thing you can do, but I mean like If you run a store, surely you can't write off the cost of the stuff you sell on your taxes, right? That'd be stupid as hell
Like it's understandable for a cash register being a write-off, you need that just to operate in a literal sense, but writing off the pallet of ramen you bought to sell? I dunno, that at least seems kinda weird, but it's not like I know the tax code
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean you would frame it as an accidental destruction of property or something i guess
hm, I guess, but at the same time, it wasn't destroyed, you just gave it to someone else, even if by mistake Need legal eagle to give this one a look
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I would google "if you accidentally give away your cryptocurrency can you writei t off as a loss" on google but im afraid i might end up on the SEC's watchlits
> An example of a casualty loss would be losing access to your wallet or sending crypto to the wrong wallet. Meanwhile, a theft loss would be when your crypto is stolen from your wallet or exchange being hacked.
For casualty losses, the IRS guidance is very clear. Prior to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, these used to be deductible as a loss. However, since the tax reform, the only way a casualty loss could be tax deductible is if it's a federally declared disaster - which isn't likely to ever affect your crypto!
So if you've lost your private keys, sent your crypto to the wrong address or otherwise lost your crypto due to negligence, you cannot deduct this as a capital loss.
> In 2023, the IRS released guidance clarifying its stance on for taxpayers with crypto assets worth less than $0.01 - like investors left with UST tokens. The IRS says there can be no deduction for losses on holdings which have dropped to less than one cent. Even if the asset appears "worthless or abandoned", it has not been sold and therefore there is no disposal and no loss.
If I understand this correctly, a lot of crypto... can't be written off as a loss? I mean there's a LOT of crypto that isn't even worth a cent at all time highs
Though maybe they mean total value
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no capital losses makes sense for crypto really way too easy to generate some shitcoin, sell // buy into that, then claim it got rug pulled ? idk
but anyway if you buy some eth high and sell it low that's still a standard loss >>1086067 no i think this is saying that tokens like UST which are defunct, cannot be counted as a loss if you still have the worthless token in your possession like no one will buy the USTs from you so you can't actually sell, which is what triggers the capital loss
I'm not entirely sure if there's any benefit to deliberately losing money through capital loss, even
even if you can pull it off Like you still lost all that money You don't gotta pay taxes on it, but that doesn't help too much when you did, effectively, pay 100% tax on it, you know?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you "lost" it (your friend is holding on to it for you)
Oh yeah, fair But then, he's paying the tax on it anyw- no wait you don't realize gains for taxes until you actually sell it, do you? So it'd basically be your own little swiss bank scheme and you can pull it out when you want to
No, actually, he realizes \\\ no, nevermind I got mixed up, it works to some degree, I guess It seems a bit overcomplicated, but I guess it's useful for generating something you can use as collateral without being taxed on it
>>1086074 Rich people's tax guys certainly do manage to generate effectively no tax rate, one way or another, but I imagine they stick to methods that are at least technically entirely legal, rather than skeezy stuff like this Seems like the kinda thing you do if you have a lot of money, but not A LOT of money
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
then he disposes of it next year to offset his capital gainz
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mwan i dont really get how this scheme im proposing works you cant normally generate infinite losses but im sure the tax wizards rich people employ can do it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea they do weird shit with shell corps and foreign countries or something idk tax scheems
yeah, there's all sorts of ways to make it happen Most common is just donating to your own charity like Bill Gates does and stuff That way you still have control of the money, and with how much it is, effectively control of the whole sphere that charity is directed towards And you can use it to direct how stuff (like malaria prevention and whatever in Bill's case) is done overall, as well as funnel the money into your buddy's company that happens to be in that industry
>>1086077 Don't get it twisted Do NOT invest in Saudi Arabia You WILL lose MFers are out there dreaming up utterly insane shit like that stripmall city and stuff, they're gonna give you -100% return on investment
Though, I really doubt The Strip will ever actually like, be done to any degree It's a patently stupid idea But then again, those royal motherfuckers have a lot of fucking money and might just chuck it at it without considering whether it can actually be completed or not, or how viable it is
It's the equivalent of building the new world trade center out of wood Sure you can think of it, and you can fund it, and even begin construction But you can't finish it
Even on the offchance that thing were to be finished, through the grace of Allah in heaven, nobody would wanna live there unless at gunpoint, it sucks big ass in concept
Investing in Saudi Arabia is also just about the worst PR you could ever get into It's a literal horribly repressive, genocidal monarchy, it's the fucking antithesis of everything The West broadly at least considers itself to represent
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pls invest in SA we don't have enough oil moneys
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i love the idea of a carless society built around a dense efficient travel thingy but uhh what is the line doing in the middle of the desert and why is it a line lmao it's so wack
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i actually grew up in SA for a couple years i don't remember any of it tho but that's like my parents' original like go-to-another-country-to-make-money adventure
>>1086082 Yeah those ideas are nice, but like You can just make city blocks and have stuff tightly packed together instead of having the living spaces on one side and commercial on the other Make it like the city in Shadows Of Doubt Commercial on the first floor of most buildings, the rest of it is living space into the sky That's like the least dystopic aspect of the whole game, it's a really neat "why aren't we just doing this?" kind of thing
I actually really love how Shadows Of Doubt is like, the first game I know of where the procedural and kinda copy-pasted city you end up with works perfectly with its theme For most games, the bland result of procgen is like, something you accept, or it's not like it really matters too much because it's something like minecraft and it's just various elevations and biomes of nature But in SOD, the utterly bland, featureless and mazelike city you get when you generate it works super well with its dystopic setting There are no landmarks, nothing really stands out so you can navigate by it, everything is the same save for the address, and to get anywhere further than like, your own apartment block you need a GPS, even if it's the next block over, because you've got no fucking idea where anything actually is, and end up running around looking in windows to find the store you're looking for Which makes sense, everything is there specifically and exclusively to serve the dollar (or credit)
why has USA always been excluded from the silk road initiative?
iF your business has something valuable stolen, and you report it as a loss for tax purposes, what happens if the thief is apprehended and the Thing is returned to you? Like, later, maybe a year later
Is it added onto last year's taxes, or counted for this year's? Hell, does this even really happen in the first place?
>>1086093 Discourse and its consequences have been a disaster for Online
>>1086095 >>1086095 idk but i assure you that every possible tax situation that could happen has happened and it usually doesn't have a coherent resolution
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
GPT-4 responds with the usual handwavy "i am not a tax accountant and things may vary from jurisdiction to jursidiction" yadda yadda yadda and then
>In the United States, for example, the IRS might require you to recognize the recovered property as income in the year it is returned. If the property's value had been deducted as a theft loss, you may need to include the recovered amount in your gross income for the tax year in which it is returned. This would typically be the lesser of the property's fair market value at the time of recovery or the amount you deducted as a loss.
and then concludes with the textbook "It is crucial to consult with a tax professional or attorney [...]"
rewatched madoka movies 1-3 had only seen tv anime + 3 fully 1 and 2 are def a better way to watch the story than the tv anime supposedly the 4th movie is supposedly still going to exist!?!? having recently played through all of elden ring, it's kinda weird seeing a strange amount of parallels between that and madoka didn't expect to find allegory there
the little fast food shop in town here got a new owner cause the old one got sick or something and had to throw in the towel And man, the quality's taken a dip It used to have great, really great, baguettes and a lotta other stuff, but while the menu is the same, it's just not as good anymore Baguette's not really heated much, some of the other stuff just has a lot less food than they used to I mean some of this cheese isn't even melted man
I'm gonna throw out a random guess and say the fact she's wearing a skirt means her pantsu are part of the figure I mean I guess it's kinda stupid, but that seems like a plausible reason to me God knows what prompted it though, that thing must have been up for sale forever
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1086128 it was even tagging actually clearly an adult woman figs.
>>1086134 If one has to limit Quantum entanglent with low-energy microwave photons, it gives rise too more disturberbance, of the all ready awesome effects, of the natural eb and flow of quantum light transference.
managed to get infected with some kinda damn disease coughing like hell, head feels like I wrapped rubber bands around it been days now, and it hasn't gotten better much at all
damn fragile immune system get to work
it sucks particular ass because my dad's birthday party is on saturday
sounds like there's a car chase in town just a normal day in this batshit area
There's a guy in a pickup truck blasting System of a Down with his windows down that was right next to the bus I'm on for a hot second there Guy must be having fun
wtf, I just saw an ad for a lingerie cleaning service I'm not quite sure what the point of that would be
Lingerie can be a pretty delicate kind of undergarments, both in fabric and make And, y'know Is the kind of clothing likely to experience a variety of fluids and other contaminants during its expected use Somewhere that specializes in getting it cleaned is probably a service useful to some people, I imagine
nono I mean like a cleaner that wears lingerie but it seems like it's just
the one cleaner with her own business I guess if she's willing to work those conditions to charge a premium then uh go ahead
that kind of stuff is getting a lot more popular there are also guys you can hire to clean your place shirtless i have a client who is a shirtless cleaner
i wont be back to canada until midnight i wonder if gamestop will stay open that late they called me to let me know they would be fulfilling preorders at 9pm
I just folded and bought the game on the Eshop Didn't want to risk trying to pre-order and being told they're out of stock for even that So I've got the game preloaded and ready to go when it goes live tonight
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ill probably have to wait for tomorrow morning sigh oh well i got a job to do anyway can't realistically stay up all night playin
I also have a job to do and I will still be up all night playing!
i actually have a business class ticket (first time in life having business class anything) thanks 2 work but i went up there and the seats were all taken anyway
some dude probably lyin up there anyway it's hardly any better, the chairs are just plusher and you're separated from the rest of the train by the dining car
im happy to have this ocean sude seat the next car down
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i assume all my teammates think im childish and autistic for
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Talkin about taking amtrak so often but idgaf Choo choo mfers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Holy brsh zeldas out ad im still two hours away on a train hrgg
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Bro get this I went to a phone place to get a new battery, since this one is losing some of its capacity and runs out in a few hours And the guys like Yeah we can do it >with the Pixel 5 though, we need to go in from the Front >so there's a very slight chance it will damage the screen >and if it does it will cost you around $200 for a new screen And I'm like 'surely if you guys break it because you make a mistake then that's on you to fix' And he's like >nah man. Cus we have to order the part in and it costs us money
And I'm like. 'i don't know *I don't think that's legal under Consumer Protection law.
And he's like >alright. Don't get the battery then
So i went to a different place. And when i told the guy at the second place what the first place had said he just laughed and called them clowns and said he doesn't do things that way
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Lol what the hell man
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
member when phones had batteries you could change yourself
Yeah because I'm no fucking zoomer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I member dropping those fat clunky phones on the ground and the whole fuckin phone would explode with the backplate flying to the other side of the room and the battery spinning away
Not exactly the most dignified or solid devices those were
Because deep down you want to be a tall, blue alien
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they face are designed to be all aesthetic and big eyed anime style and then james cameron throws in that front facing camera aomination for jokes its so good idk wy
>>1086220 have you seen right wing twitter icon navi
>>1086225 I was scanning some reviews yesterday and from the sound of it, the caves are incredibly vast Like, and this might be an actual spoiler depending on how much you want to know of the game going in spanning the entirety of the overworld Hyrule map vast
I'm really digging the whole aesthetic of the Zonai culture The way they drew on ancient Japanese cultures for the Sheikah stuff in BOTW was cool, but this is all that but a more Zen vibe
I think i might have got a speeding ticket yesterday. Those fuckin sneaky little goblins hide in their patrol car in this section of the freeway where the speed drops from 100 to 80. But c'mon. The road is exactly the same. the signage is minimal, especially in the dark at night. It's completely arbitrary that this section of the road is slower than the rest.
I was driving somebody else's car at the time too so that will be a fun conversation if and when it happens
>>1086258 oh yeah I've been pinged by one of those kinds of traps due was sitting in the front of the 60km sign and I didn't even know I was in a 60 zone already since there barely was any signs around so I thought it was 80 until I reached his car but the fucker pulled me over for it was so mad
You usually hear them get called speed traps at least here in North America Guess your local traffic cop department wants a new coffee machine or something
>>1086277 wait huh your mate has a rooster, that's mostly normal your mate's rooster is freely roaming, that's not too weird i guess this isn't weird it just struck me as such at first for no real reason roosters attack with like their heel, right?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
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Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1086279 neither of those are normal unless you have a farm
i love myself
>>1086281you don't need a whole farm to raise some chickens oh oops you don't need a whole farm to raise some chickens plenty of people do it here if they live in a neighborhood without an HOA dicking about you can raise chickens with barely any land at all
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1086282 chickens yes, but roosters don't lay eggs
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
unrelated question, are you gonna go see Shin Kamen Rider?
⬜⬜🟨⬜🟩 ⬜🟨🟨🟨🟩 🟩🟨🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 lit brute forced this one to end up with this word I've never heard, because by the time you get to try 3 how many words do you know with that combination
well I probably do know that word but I'm no wordsmith so it's not would use commonly
you ever heard the phrase "guess what chicken butt" because I have just learnt that is a thing
>>1086308 thats bc i havent been around these days sorry used to be an average time-to-expiry of like 90 seconds but yuno how it is >>1086309 yeah a lot
Does it bother me that he was a fuckin dickhead back in high school who almost failed year 12 and now he's making twice as much money as me doing IT contract work for the government? Nope. Not even a little. Just happy for him.
I'm also still fucked up coughing like a mf but it's not as bad when I'm sitting at my computer, a bit distracted actually getting up or moving certain ways, or laying down in bed, that gets the coughing going, and it's ROUGH on my throat hurts like hell
Also having watched both, Better Call Saul is actually way more engaging and actually fun as a show than Breaking Bad I mean it makes sense, since it's the sequel (though actually prequel) so they've already kinda got a lot of the groundwork done, but it really is more fun
A lot of it is down to not having Walter White, I feel like He's a Cool protagonist, but doesn't really carry the show too well with how long it went on
But BCS both has multiple protags, and all of them are interesting characters in their own right Walter isn't really interesting as a person to understand or anything, he's just kinda Cool cause he's knowledgable and kinda psycho
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah what they did with walter is cool but he's not engaging breaking bad is more about whats happening than the characters whereas BCS is very character-driven the characters drive whats going on instead of being driven by whats going on
yeah, yeah that's exactly how it is The characters as People don't really matter in BB, but BCS wouldn't exist without these particular characters
It's also kinda funny how they made a way better show by making it EXCLUSIVELY about tertiary characters from the main show Nobody in the actual protagonist seat of BCS is like, part of The Main Gang in BB Tuco and Gus are there, for sure, but they're actually the backseaters in BCS lmao
well I guess Mike is arguably sort of Main in BB, but in a lot of ways not really, you know? He's a big shot, but only cause he's Gus' guy
or actually yeah he does become part of the Walter&Jessie Inc. crew for a bit in BB I still feel like he's in the background for most of the show though
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah you get much more of him in a substantial way in BCS
it's sorta hard to say because I have watched BB, but I wonder how well BCS would work without it like as an entirely standalone show
I think it'd hold up real well, but a lot of stuff is filled in by having watched BB, you know?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i think it would stand alone pretty well although in the final season theres quite a bit of stuff that takes place after BB
I actually didn't watch more than half of the final season there was a time between the midseason and the next episode and I never picked it back up so I actualy haven't finished BCS
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ahhh after the midseason it goes to a lot of after BB stuff its really good
it really is fucked up how Chuck treats Jimmy throughout the show though Jimmy's just super supportive throughout the whole energy allergy thing, even if arguably kinda enabling it, he's trying his best, he even left files at Chuck's place just so he would have something to do and feel useful again, which is obviously really important to the guy Sure he got free work out of Chuck by doing it, too, but like, I don't think that was the main motivation
And Chuck almost exclusively repays him with venom the whole show
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jimmy is a legitimately good guy trying so hard to live the right way
he's like one of the best guys He starts falling down the hole to scumville, but a lot of it is life forcing his hand, and Chuck, his own flesh and blood who he's been bending over backwards to accomodate because he truly deeply cares about his brother, fucking up his attempts to build a life as a lawyer
i love myself
diablo weekend trying it it's aight
i love myself
>>1086324 i'm going to watch this after i finish kaguya ty for post, looks fun
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1086347 yeah chuck is really the catalyst for everything howard is for a while too
I think Chuck is honestly just jealous of Jimmy in a lot of ways For one, Jimmy is starting like, from scratch as a lawyer, which I think is something Chuck lowkey kinda misses That and he's even able to reliably work as a lawyer, since he doesn't have brain worms
i love myself
he's def that he's really childish too i wanted chuck to swallow his pride so bad they coulda been lawyerbros
right? He could have cashed out from HHM, and started a new thing with his newly bar'd brother, who's more than happy to accomodate his somewhat particular work circumstances
But I think he was just resentful because he couldn't lord his social status over Jimmy anymore if Jimmy made it
it can't even possibly be the whole "slippin jimmy" thing Chuck should know better than most that a lot of lawyers are slimy bastards And also that even the worst people need and deserve legal representation
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont think there was ever redemption for chuck from the very beginning he was an arrogant narcissist even when he pulled jimmy out of prison and got him a job, he did it so he could lord it over jimmy he just seriously hated jimmy and any time jimmy tried to work on himself, chuck was there to sabotage it
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
howard is really the tragic one because he was an absolute piece of shit and by the time he realized how bad he was, it was too late he took steps to improve as a human being but his actions had already doomed him
i love myself
howard ;_;
i love myself
chuck using the recorder while baiting by lining his whole room with foil i remember being so mad
utter shitheel
i love myself
throwing the bowling ball at howard's jag was fucking hilarious
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it really was good with his little namaste license plate
i love myself
oh fuck i forgot about that
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when they pulled that move to make it look like howard threw that hooker out of the car that was such a slick move
i love myself
oh shit also when jimmy brought those two girls to that really fancy restaurant i almost died
lot of good bits in BCS
i love myself
i liked it more than breaking bad they're both great tho
well yeah breaking bad is still a really good show but BCS is so much better, it almost seems bad Though, a lot of that is because I think I just vibe more with the kind of show BCS is But compared to nearly anything else, BB is still super good
Also have you seen Becca recently? Well now you have
watching the scene where Jimmy shows Chuck he passed the bar is so fucking heart wrenching, knowing the rest of the show He's so proud, he just wants his big brother to be proud of him
Chuck's not been his brothers keeper, it's like he's always been deeply embarrassed, and hates Jimmy. Not too mention, not being able too get over the past. Trolling him over and over again. Jimmy's too cool for all of that, and practices living life well, being the best revenge.
I mean Jimmy isn't exactly a saint, but like most of that is a direct result of Chuck going out of his way of fucking him over
Continuin Better Call Saul And man, at the end of the first season when Jimmy gives Howard like, the shopping list for Chuck cause Jimmy isn't gonna be doing that shit anymore, the look on Howard's face as he realizes the degree to which Jimmy has moved heaven and earth every damn day for Chuck only to be treated like shit behind is back, it's just a lot
This new zomboid character started out unemployed, so while I've got some really good traits off the cut, I've got no actual Skills, meaning I'm just sitting in the yard reading for actual hours right after spawning in Thankfully, I've got BCS to rewatch on the other monitor