I already knew his dachshunds caused a major diplomatic incident but I did not know that they were generally little bastards. https://nationalpurebreddogday.com/the-kaisers-brutes-with-jaws-measuring-half-the-length-of-their-bodies/
It's really nice outside 15C air temperature, clear skies, and a fresh spring breeze What a wonderful day to be stuck in the basement I work in At least I got half an hour to relax out in the park
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
spring breeeeze
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
spring DEEZ
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who tf would name their product "magoosh"?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Magoosh is a play on the Old Persian word magush, one who is highly learned, wise and generous. man that is just not doin it for me
I've got considerable muscle soreness and aches all down my legs and in my shoulders Typically that's only something I get when I'm flu-y sick, but I've got no other symptoms Hopefully I don't wake up in the morning feeling like a bag of germs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh noo vitamin time
I take a multivitamin every morning! And I drink some C-enhanced apple juice too I'm as preventative as I can in that department
>>1084133 i'm pretty good got really entirely too high last night so i'm taking it easy tonight ordered a pizza to treat myself (it was ok) played some minecraft and watched some youtubes i actually did a little work from home (no contracts today) so that's cool
>hese programs include one artificial intelligence that plays games through experience, a second AI that generates text responses to input (such as Twitch chat, Minecraft chat, or spoken comments), a text-to-speech voice that reads the responses aloud, software that can sing prerecorded songs, and a VTuber model. i see i see yeah makes sense
I captured a vampire in rimworld She is a body puris purist* which means she sees xenogenes and artificial body parts as unethical and disgusting one small issue vampirism in rimworld IS a xenogene
which means she's always gonna be unhappy, but on the other hand, my base is so fucking incredible, just being in it is enough to counterbalance most mood debuffs, so of course she's gonna join me as the dedicated chef (she's got a passion for cooking)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah well vampires aren't usually good at self awareness
I tamed a fucking thrumbo goddamn these things are walking, unaging tanks Their parts are also worth quite a bit, and their horn just as it is when it comes off the corpse is about as good as an Excellent quality longsword By which I mean I think it's a little bit better, though not by an enormous margin Now I just gotta get one more, and I can breed the fuckers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
huh? huh? huh?
>>1084194 Well yeah They have a patent issue with the notion of taking a look in the mirror
Oh my god I think the thrumbos that show up, they always show up in pairs, one male and one female, right I think they're like, mates Like game mechanically, because it's been way longer than normal, and the other one hasn't left after I tamed what I presume is its mate So I'm gonna get both, sooner or later
three more thrumbos have arrives I am going to have the most fucking busted army What are you supposed to do when FIVE thrumbos come at you? It takes a decent squad just to take out one And that's like, one thrumbo on its lonesome, these are gonna be deployed with at least 5 people carrying rifles
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 435 2/6
🟨🟩⬜⬜🟩🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I reckon I'm probably the only person in this room who has ever eaten a kilo of chicken nuggets and jerked off to hentai
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
But who knows The next speaker may prove me wrong
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I think you aren't giving the fact that most people have had at least a curious dalliance with hentai and some incredibly unwise culinary decisions in their youth enough respect
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1084210 that sounds like a lot I don't kmow if I could do that in one sitting
I got the choice between 250 for 16gb or 200 for 8 what I just had was 250 for 10 so now I have 8 I don't fuckin' need that much, but it's also nice to have whenever I do need it like on the train and stuff
my music is just too niche for streaming to be like, reasonable as a service When I had spotify, I ended up practically using it as a winamp with access to a handful songs that I didn't have stored on the SD card so I went back to how I've always done it, local files, no internets
Media players for phones and tablets particularly are in kind of a weird place, cause like Aren't they almost exclusively going to be used for pirated stuff? It's not like itunes or spotify give you an mp3 file
>>>/watch?v=8pbdLqTh_x4 mw when I am looking at the serial numbers of notes (I am a radar detector)
I use Spotify pretty much exclusively these days The podcasts are nice when I'm at work and need something a little more attention spongy than music And with enough training I've got it to suggest predominantly Japanese music to me, which has had the fun feedback effect of letting me discover more kinds of Japanese music
I am constantly low on PLASTEEL It's not even that I can't afford it, I'm wading in money from selling highly addictive substances But nobody's selling this shit And I'm getting raided so consistently, I can't very well send a trade caravan somewhere to pick some up
artifical plasteel shortage this is the work of Big Raider
If anything, I'm just thankful for the mech raids that come in, because I can smelt them down for plasteel, albeit not a whole lot per mech I did find a plasteel deposit I'm drilling now though, so I'll be good for a bit Really I just need more manpower so I can start sending out some caravans to trade for more resources while still defending my base probably best to use transport pods for that so I only have to worry about the trip back Would also be good to have those available for power generation, too, cause then I can start using toxic generators and just yeet the wastepacks across the map somewhere and not have to deal with them sure, not sustainable indefinitely, but I do know there are trees that soak up toxic waste, I just gotta get such a seed, and they're pretty rare
There's also a facility I can build that just deconstructs toxic waste into its base atoms, but the component to make that is only available by summoning an extremely strong mech raid, and I'm so scaled up now, it's gonna be fucking insanity, so if I'm even gonna consider it I'll need to build up my defenses a lot in advance ...but for that I need power
yeah I really liked it They haven't really explained what makes it so bad though, it seems fucking dope That other mage didn't faint like Megumin does either, so that seems like it's a Megumin issue rather than an explosion magic issue I'm guessing it's just like, the mana input to damage output isn't particularly favorable, but in terms of single spell damage output it's brutally good?
Cause I mean, even in the regular show, Megumin blows all her mana sure, but it's impossible to say the damage output is lacking, it's comparable to a small nuke
good morning internet friends how are we all today
Better having had the chance to go outside and enjoy the sunny 20°C weather Being stuck in a dungy basement for a full day shift is as miserable as it a has always been
MASSIVE attack of fucking 80+ manhunting huskies ALL my colonists are fucked, the backup medic was in a coma with an infection, the main medic had a psychotic break and walked around in a daze I ended up having to inject vampire genes into the backup medic\planter just to save her life Now I have 4 damn vampires I'm gonna need more bloodbags And I just took a lung from one of them too
over here they would pronounce Toronto as "tronno"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1084273 thats cool in the past an anime movie release would be like one theatre in toronto, montreal, richmond vancouver, and waterloo each
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but gen Z loev anime
i love myself
millenials too when i go to see anime at a theater it's mostly millenials really but the types of shows i go to see, it makes sense i guess gen z fucking loves shonen
>>1084271 yeah basically it scales somewhat over time, but primarily by your wealth of course, wealth is a necessity because you need ever more powerful gear to survive day to day
Ideally, I'd like to have a large amount of these guys , so I can have a full vampire crew Well, ALMOST full vampire crew For uh, fire based reasons, it's outright necessary to have at least one guy who isn't a vampire, preferably a few Cause vampires flee from fire
so in the runescape chat, right I asked a quesiton (admittedly kind of a dumb question) and then this rude motherfucker was like "didn't ask" ... which just doesn't work as a response to a question. Only a statement. Of course you didn't ask. I'm asking. that's the point. fuckin prick
>>1084299 Put on your best Girl On The Internet persona and make him feel like he just was mean to some naive and new to RuneScape cute gamer girl Although with the kind of usernames you pick that might be a hard convincing to get done
What you don't think a gamer girl would call themselves Semen Princess
Maybe a veteran gamer girl, the kind bitter and knowledgeable about the ways of Internet society Which is basically you at this point so it wouldn't even take pretending
Well you know what they say about ladies with big earrings
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1084311 update: it reminded me of the theme from LOTR return of the king
The music for the trailer carries a great "Return of hope" emotional turn on the themes they're using for it I'm just happy to hear more full orchestral takes on main themes again The kind of deconstructed piano renditions of Zelda themes we got in BotW were neat, and we'll probably get them back plus more for Tears But man There's a part of me that will always cheer for powerful orchestral tracks like these
Also those fucking saxophones I love it
i love myself
friendlyjordies is a cool guy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so is Zelder gonna turn into furry zelder and then turn on her sniffa senses and hunt down tears on the ruined kingdom while link is messing around in the sky making cadillacs
i love myself
if you had made this post like a year ago i would think you were tripping hard
i love myself
out of context it's such a beautifully incoherent string of words
i love myself
is it bad that i kinda wish they just named it breath of the wild 2 or something that makes it so i don't have explain that it's the new zelda i guess i'll just say "the new zelda"
I'm really hoping these underground parts we've been seeing in trailers are going to form large-scale dungeon experiences There seems to be a couple variety -varieties of these more specialized environments that might be more dungeon-y than what we got in Breath of the Wild Things like that sprawling series of floating islands around the big hollow sphere thing, or those magmatic underground locals At the very least things look more varied than some of more homogenous design of Breath of the Wild's Hyrule
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that would be pretty cool like a full underground floor plus the new sky floor
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess they probably wouldn't do a map-sized underground it's just way too big
Probably not But BUT BUT
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i like how we got to see the outside and inside of sky balls
I'm excited for the mecha battles between Link on a giant obelist of stone and what seem to be mobilized versions of the forts Ganondorf's forces have set up around Hyrule Whoever on the dev team came up with that one in particular deserves a lot of praise
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im gonna build a 200ft siege tower out of beetles
I'm going to fuse a shield to a shield and then equip a second shield fused to a shield so I am QUADRUPLE SHIELDED
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh jesus it's the wooden shield bang bang bing bang
what anime moe watching this season I've only really picked up Dr Stone and Tengoku Daimakyo
oh and the megumin show, even though I'm kinda not that big a fan of konosuba in the first place so maybe I'll end up dropping it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i might try to see suzume no tojimari at some point
Fucking street racers Shitheads who think gunning down city roads at inarguably reckless speeds at quarter past one in the morning is a polite and worthwhile use of their time
I hope they as a whole wreck all their riced up cars into irredeemable heaps of scrap metal
i love myself
>>1084369 this season, so far i'm just watching konosuba but i think there was another one i was looking at
i love myself
oh there's the bunnygirl senpai movie but it's about the imouto
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I just read every chapter of Oshi no Ko, it's really good. about to watch the anime afyer I wordle/mathler
little bit of a backhanded compliment at the ol' yoga the instructor was like >oh you've made so much progress >you're even standing better >when you first walked in here you were all hunched over and awkward
I dunno man, they probably saw it as a genuine compliment And didn't see your anxiety at being and trying something new affecting your posture for what it was, and just thought you were always some hunch gremlin
>>1084379 trying to figure out what car on the market still has manual options but also digital lcd speedo/dash but if you're not in the US then i'm never gonna figure it out
>>1084405 If you're driving it, it becomes a dorklift.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
owned owned
me when a friend has a cute kettle: wow your kettle is so cute me when a random stranger on the internet has a cute kettle: this fetishization of equipment is the culimnation of late stage capitalism
>>1084411 Can't lift many lb's these day, I'll be lucky to make it, upstairs... ;)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
work has sponsored a openai subscription so i can use GPT-4
been thinking about the left-chirality of lifw life on Earth isn't that crazy that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
presumably a right handed copy of life as we know it could show up and outcompete life as we know it, like the cyanobacteria, and eat all the natural resources how coild we stop it and we would not be able to eat right handed life, as i understand it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The organic molecules found in the Murchison meteorite, particularly amino acids, exhibited an interesting pattern of chirality. Chirality refers to the "handedness" of molecules, with some molecules having a left-handed (L) or right-handed (D) configuration. In terrestrial life, amino acids are predominantly left-handed (L-enantiomers), while sugars are predominantly right-handed (D-enantiomers).
In the Murchison meteorite, several amino acids were found to have a slight enantiomeric excess of the L-enantiomers (left-handed), which is consistent with the chirality found in Earth's biochemistry. This excess is relatively small but significant, suggesting that there may be a connection between the meteorite's amino acids and those found in life on Earth.
It is important to note that the mechanisms responsible for the observed enantiomeric excess in the Murchison meteorite are still not completely understood. Some scientists propose that circularly polarized light (CPL) from a nearby star or cosmic rays could have preferentially destroyed one enantiomer over the other, leading to the observed excess. Others suggest that the excess could have arisen through chemical reactions in the early Solar System.
Regardless of the exact cause, the presence of a slight enantiomeric excess in the Murchison meteorite has fueled speculation about the possible role of meteorites and other extraterrestrial bodies in influencing the chirality of life on Earth.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Humans and other living organisms primarily use left-handed (L) amino acids and right-handed (D) sugars in their biochemistry. The enzymes and metabolic pathways in our cells have evolved to specifically recognize and process these preferred enantiomers.
While some organisms have enzymes that can metabolize D-amino acids or L-sugars, these instances are relatively rare, and the human body is not well-equipped to process these "unnatural" enantiomers efficiently.
If humans consume right-handed (D) amino acids, our digestive enzymes will not be able to break them down properly. D-amino acids are not readily incorporated into proteins, as our cells' protein synthesis machinery (ribosomes) and tRNA synthetases are designed to use L-amino acids. As a result, D-amino acids would likely pass through the digestive system without being absorbed and utilized by the body.
Similarly, if humans consume left-handed (L) sugars, our metabolic enzymes would not be able to break them down and convert them into energy as efficiently as they do with right-handed (D) sugars. L-sugars are less likely to be absorbed and metabolized by the human body, and their consumption would not provide the same nutritional benefits as D-sugars.
Overall, while the consumption of right-handed amino acids or left-handed sugars may not be directly harmful, they would not provide the same nutritional value as their naturally occurring counterparts, and the human body would not be able to efficiently metabolize and utilize these molecules.
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
had some erythritol 2day kinda sucked, but maybe cause it was old sugar substitute review still coming soon™
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>right-handed (D) amino acids are not completely alien. Although they are relatively rare in nature compared to left-handed (L) amino acids, D-amino acids can still be found in certain biological contexts on Earth.
For example, some bacteria and fungi are known to produce and utilize D-amino acids, particularly in the synthesis of their cell walls. In these organisms, D-amino acids help to provide structural stability and resistance to enzymes that would otherwise break down the cell walls.
D-amino acids have also been detected in aged proteins and certain tissues of higher organisms, including humans. The presence of D-amino acids in these cases is thought to result from racemization, a process in which L-amino acids gradually convert to their D-enantiomers over time due to chemical reactions or enzymatic activity.
Additionally, some D-amino acids function as signaling molecules in the human brain. For instance, D-serine and D-aspartate are involved in the modulation of neurotransmission in the central nervous system.
While the majority of amino acids utilized in the biochemistry of living organisms are L-enantiomers, D-amino acids do exist and serve specific roles in certain biological contexts. However, they are not as prevalent as L-amino acids and are not typically incorporated into proteins in higher organisms like humans.
>>1084435 Is vegemite some sort of holdover from like, when they had to just cook up something that lasted a long time to survive the winter, taste be damned, and then the Australian people collectively psyop'ed themselves into thinking they like it?
I have never looked into the history of vegemite but that seems like a very plausible explanation.
But I mean, even in Australia people would think you're a fuckin psycho if you're just eating scoops of vegemite from a spoon. You spread a thin layer on bread/crackers with butter. That's when it tastes alright. Like if you drank soy sauce out of the bottle directly that would probably taste like shit too.
I just mean cause like I don't think I've ever heard of anyone who isn't themselves Australian say they like it, or can even stand it Hell it's not even available outside of Australia, which you'd think it would be if it was really like, appealing >>1084438 That's true I guess, the particular use of it is important for a lot of foodstuffs, but even soy sauce is like, you can use it on a lot of stuff and it's overall really good I mean I wouldn't, but I could actually see someone drinking it outright and liking it, sorta like I sometimes do with that lemon juice stuff that comes in those lemon shaped squeeze bottles
Our like most Norwegian single-unit foodstuff is probably brown cheese, and I'm confident nobody would ever react poorly to that after putting it on a slice of bread, or maybe toast with some jam Goddamn it goes so well with jam but only really on toast, you need the crunch and warm on the bread
it's just a variation on the marmite recipe p sure whatever that is
I guess we also have prim, but I don't really... know what that is exactly Like I dunno what's in that As a kid I thought it was basically just melted brown cheese, and honestly I'm not entirely sure if I was wrong
>spread for sandwiches, toast, crumpets and cracker biscuits as well as a filling for pastries, Vegemite is similar to British Marmite, New Zealand Marmite, Australian Promite, MightyMite, AussieMite, OzEmite, German Vitam-R, and Swiss Cenovis >In 1919, following the disruption of British Marmite imports after World War I, the Australian company Fred Walker & Co. gave Cyril Callister the task of developing a spread from the used yeast being dumped by breweries. Callister had been hired by the chairman Fred Walker.[6]
Callister used autolysis to break down the yeast cells from waste obtained from the Carlton & United brewery. Concentrating the clear liquid extract and blending with salt, celery and onion extracts formed a sticky black paste.[7]
i went down to the garbage room and there were like 12 random books sitting in the paper pile thrillers, mysteries, random airport schlock took 4 of em anywya
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
garbage picker
that happened to me last summer, a good read.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
half the books were titled like "the guilty wife" or something i don't get why you would buy a book about a husband and wife who argue all the time but maybe i just haven't gotten to that stage of my life yet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but yea now i'm officially a trash sorter new career once my old career gets automated away
>>1084479 haven't seen that one in a decade. i'm ok...had some near misses in the miata today. lady in an SUV didn't see me and pulled out, locked up the wheels I braked so hard (no abs). job is going better but there's a ton I don't know yet... spending all weekend installing a new catted downpipe so my focus st will be driveable...I was getting lightheaded/headaches from previous owner putting a test pipe in. then after that I'll install OEM springs, might have to do that tomorrow.
>>1084477 do the sand people operate the compactor? or jawas?
that's pretty scary you were getting weird brain stuff from the exhaust man i've been obsessing about air quality as of late, i don't even wanna think about being in a fossil fuel car
I have this device called a bionare air butler, it's ionic air pufication unit. Works great for purifying mold, particals and even Graphene Oxide in a decent square foot environment
>>>/@flglmn/1647248263584657408 who wud win an apex predator animal evolved to have sophisticated pattern matching brains capable of long term planning or a pile of balls welded together
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
couldn't they have like fed a rope in from the top
I usually wake up in the middle of the night for a couple of minutes and go back to sleep but this time when I woke up at 3.am I saw it was just in time to watch the collab between Kiara and Neuro-sama. so I did that.
>>1084499 It was a good stream. Pretty amusing. Kiara was probably more unhinged than Neuro. And then I went back to bed and got a few more hours sleep so I'm nice and refreshed. Everything worked out.
bro I really was serious about creating a tinder profile with like, me eating spaghetti and watching anime in my underwear as like the profile pic. just as like... idk. see what happens. to amuse myself mostly. BUT THEN on Friday, my co-worker was talking at lunch about being on tinder. so.. probably bail on the plan. can't be having that one... get back to my workplace. don't want to be dealing with that.
And there aren't THAT THAT many people in the area I live and my co-worker is in about the same age bracket so I'd say there's a pretty high chance of matching.
we got the catted downpipe installed....car no longer kills my head while driving. I took it for a test drive and when I drove into Wawa the gutter/dip made the back right suspension clunk and it's even more broken...the tire is rubbing more on the quarter panel. I will install the OEM springs tomorrow and then after I'll give the tires a shake to see if anything is loose or broken. something sounded wrong when it clunked...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1084507 oh yea they'd see you eventually for sure
>Water Milk is the most refreshing drink there is.
>I'm not sure if there's a name other people call it but it's when you pour yourself a glass of milk, drink it, then immediately refill the cup with cold water without washing out the milk residue so it has all of those delicious milk particles floating around it. Tasty as a glass of milk and refreshing as a glass of water, the best drink there is.
oh I hate this
>>1084507 ill take the photos if you make the profile