I just realized that while the case fans on my PC are correctly oriented, moving air from the right to the left and top, the fan stuck to the heat sink on the CPU has been pushing air downwards it's been like this for like three years FML
holy fuck there was a lot of dust under that fan i need a can of compressed air anyway i was dusting the PC on my balcony and i removed the rear panel and then one of the fasteners, you guessed it, fell off and rolled off the balcony
yeah my supervisor is pretty much obsessed with me and she doesn't want to be my boss anymore so she decided i should become a program manager so in may or june i'm getting a promotion and then i get to build a program and hire therapists for it and stuff comes with a $15k raise so i can't really say no even though it seems like a lot of work
i'll probably just save some money i wanna save up 10k so i can help my dad move back to florida and i want to get lasik eye surgery after that maybe i'll save up for a japan trip
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that seems like a good use of the cash nice where's your dad right now?
It was activated about an hour ago 15 minutes I got a message that my balance was at 0 so I can't call or anything anymore
...this isn't a pay-as-you-go plan, it's 240 per month, nobody does payasyougo anymore So I go to the website, figuring this is just some holdover "you gotta pay the first bill" message there is no first bill
if someone calls me and can offer me the same plan I'm switching on principle this is fucking stupid I'm not an hour into the service and they fuck up like this?
It's cool and good when you can't contact customer support about your locked sim card because they haven't created a hole for their own support to be contacted that's great and makes me feel like a valued customer
I'm reduced to using a fucking live chat function which means I'm going to be spending the next like 30 minutes waiting for some nerd who types with one finger like my mom does to go through an enormous fucking list of possibilities until finally going "Oh, it was our mistake all along" like yes motherfucker, it was disabled at 5:45, 45 minutes after my subscription began in the first place, of fucking course it's your bad What other possibility is there
Also the mere fact they chose to begin the subscription at 5 in the damn morning when their customer support isn't open is heinous
well, that was surprisingly painless actually I'm still grumpy about it though
Man I've got the worst cold but I've already used up all my "no certificate" sick leave so if I want to get any time off work to rest I'd have to go get a doctors note. So I'd be going to the doctor with a cold, and then they would probably be like "the fuck you want me to do about it. just rest and drink fluids"
quite the pickle.
Well if you need to rest and drink fluids, that's a good reason to get time off work You could probably still get a doctor's note for that
Like nobody can question it If your doctor writes you a sick note, they gotta let you stay home, nobody can go against it That's power about as severe as the courts
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1081018 Lol Maybe in countries with good labor laws.
yeah, I just had to contact customer support once more and tell them to actually unblock it this time hopefully there will be no more issues going forward
lots of blood that was once inside me is now outside of me but i have no broken bones and it appears i am without a concussion so i consider it a victory
You can lose a surprising amount of blood and still stay operational, even if woozy or lights-out There's a lotta blood in the human body
Though the amount you can lose before your lights go out vary a lot depending on a lot of stuff I blacked out just taking a vial of blood at the doc's office once, for like 5-10 seconds or something, probably cause I hadn't eaten that morning Usually I'm just fine though, and I've bled way more than that in the past without any issues
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have a lot of blood i can donate blood like in 30 seconds but no one wants it anyway since it's A+
but i mean like what happened to remove all that blood?
Cuts and stuff from the crash I imagine
ayo I'm a+ too I think
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
high fiveee
ill drink your blood for free
I'm not sure what my blood type is, but I think it's o-
what happened to Kirr i need closure on this anecdote
He's fine By the time he was posting here I think he'd gotten picked up and was back up Back home, even And if he's confident he doesn't have a concussion from the impact then honestly the biggest concern here is he's out of a car until he can get a new one
>>1081030 i didn't lose too much blood, i just bled more than i like to bleed the fire department wouldn't even really look at me because they didn't think it was that bad in fact they didn't even clean my cuts and scrapes for me they just wrapped them
wrap me in srmen and burn me alive cutvme in pieces and teach me to drive
aren't they very stressed like all the time though?
idk probably depends on how far gone you are and whether you have a disposition I s'pouse if you have some crack I could find out for you but I've only really known cokeheads and only done a line myself
work let me take a sick day which was pretty cool. cus they could have really insisted on the doctors note if they wanted to be a hardass about it.
but my supervisor was just like "rest up and get well soon :)
>>1081087 wow. are you really going to bully a sick man
more like sook day gottem >>1081086 you should do that though no Runescape escapades for you young man >>1081086 I do it out love
>>1081086 Really I think outside of toxic work environments, things like doctor's notes are really only "policy" so that if you're transparently just trying to take days off for whatever, you can't just claim sick days A responsible worker like you has probably demonstrated that you're trustworthy enough to not need them to ask for one
I think here they still need the documentation for like, record keeping purposes and stuff And I think once you're gone for an extended period, your sick pay is partially subsidized by big government 8 think. Not sure.
IT RESET THE STATS IN BLACKPLAYER now all of my music is marked as never played granted I was going to update the music library anyway and load it with so much, it hardly matters that the 150 songs on there were reset but still what the hell
A52s I mean I haven't had many issues with it before, but still
oh a sam sung
some of those can be a hit or miss but that's like any phone
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I have an A52 I love it.
I mean it's a nice phone mostly I'm just still kinda miffed about the damn moisture detector in the charging port combined with no easy way to fix it beyond "place it upright and wait"
There was an osrs streamer talking about old Age of Empire cheat codes and I said "big daddy" like the classic cheat in AoE that spawns the car but he didn't know that one, and he thought I was calling him big daddy
isn't the car howdoyouturnthison?
how do you not know big daddy >>1081123 that's also one but big daddy is one too granted it's been ten years since I played
I don't think big daddy is a cheatcode there's bigbertha
I'm not even sure my dad actually paid for many games other than half life and the expansions our AoM and AoE copies were just folders we dragged over LAN to the other computers in the house to play Oh wait he definitely bought Alone In The Dark, too, even still has the physical DRM playing cards
I was pretty much introduced to piracy before I had my own computer And we got ADSL like, super early too cause my dad's always been a fucking nerd I still remember the dialup KKRRRSSSHH GTHNG GHTNG EEEEEE sound though
dial up saved my fuckin ass once when the teacher was gonna call my parents and bitch about me drawing bad pictures that or the teacher forgot to call but I want to believe
>>1081137 tanks parachuting into a school iirc the friendgroup I was with at the time was obsessed with war and stuff like that well maybe just one friend was really into it and the others by proxy the teacher pulled me aside and was like >you know this happens in real life
>>1081142 me and some other bloke roasted your oshi the other day on the spit
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1081147 Ironic considering that she likes monster hunter.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1081146 I was discouraged from drawing mushrooms by a teacher who said it could get me in trouble because of the association of drugs.
my second guess was gonna be phallic imagery but I was right the first how dumb, you wouldn't have known otherwise >>1081151 oh highschool huh how did they feel about super mario >>1081148 we showed her our monsters alright
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1081150 ? I knew what magic mushrooms were. This was in a highschool art class.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1081150 Also you leaen a shit ton about drugs in school Like how they're bad, but actually only some of the stuff they teach you is true so then some people find that out and then think none of it is true and then they have a problem.
I really am going to have be visited by my good friend colin oscar middle initial P medical problems suuck
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh man are you ready to drink four liters of pink
I am going to drink the pink sauce yes
I actually haven't picked up the script yet so who knows the colour
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1081153 Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?
yo mr white think about it
your non-tired brain bitch
imagine though could there be a guy with a name that is basically colonoscopy what an unfortunate existence
And if they don't stop that's a crime and a potential malpractice suit
Looks like another major snowstorm is due to blow in tomorrow They always seem to start right around when I need to make the transit home, making it worse than I wish it would be
I restarted Qud, with the intention of completely breaking the game open in an efficient manner Part one is complete, I've located a legendary ichor merchant This man is very important, because while regular ichor merchants can have very rare liquids in stock, LEGENDARY ones have a 100% chance to stock at least one every restock One such liquid is the cloning draught, which can be used to uh, clone the legendary ichor merchant
Sure, it's all gonna be exceptionally expensive, but farming up money is relatively easy once you start rooting around deep in the caves... the caves of qud Gotta get real strong though, and I gotta get the force field bracelet asap so I can start harvesting weapons from turrets and stuff But once the money starts flowing, the stats will also start flowing to an incredible degree
The other great thing about it is that while he will be selling these liquids at 1 dram each, they CAN be put in waterskins to have 64 total And I believe metamorphic polygel can replicate any item, including the contents, which means I can use it to dupe a waterskin of a buttload of expensive liquid, and then I won't need to farm for more money
There remains the issue of getting the eater injector I need to pump my stats into the stratosphere, but that's a problem for much later in the ga- Wait I can literally just get one and dupe it forever I also gotta get Domination so I can do cloning memes, but that oughta be fairly doable even if I gotta waste all my damn mutation points to mill through garbage to get there Cause once I have it, there is effectively no limit to how many mutation points I can get by milling through clones to get a good roll on the Brain Juice It's basically a drinkable liquid that has a variety of effects, one of which is more mutation points, but you want to make sure you get the good rolls cause the bad rolls are bad
To achieve this, you merely use precognition to check what roll your character will be getting. If it's bad, you just clone yourself, dominate the clone, check its result from drinking the juice, and if it's good, you kill your original body to permanently reside in your new body That kill has to be instant, but there are items like a particular liquid that instakills when thrown at something, or at least does enough damage to effectively instakill anything
That and I mean, really, once I've got a clone or two, I could always just uuuh kill a cloned ichor merchant for money anyway
ok so would this work or not? I think it's a pretty cool plan you put your cock and balls in a phone case, right, and then you drive past one of those traffic camera's that supposedly takes a picture of you if you have your phone in your lap while driving. and then the police just get a picture of you with your dick out.
why are these dudes so angry and rotoscoped is it because the tech can't capture a nuanced expression yet so they've got to keep their features distorted or is it to replicate anime energy
It's really incredible how technically competent the machine is at stuff, but somehow it makes it look like trash as a complete product
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
still too much jank AIs arent good at temporally smooth stuff yet
They're also kind of somehow idiotically ignoring or deliberately flaunting copyright law to make that Like in the material explaining their process they talk about feeding the AI the whole of Vampire Hunter D because it's free on YouTube, as if that clears them of all the copyright and IP protection? Like this doesn't fall under fair use of material you dumbasses
That's not really a concern for anyone besides the developers for the games though, since as the article says, the concern is in the insecurity of the Live2D models The Live2D by the time it makes it to your device is just animation files or interactive animations I think
>look at artist, style seems decent >look at their other works, it's all dickpeople and other weird things tale as old as time
oh my god he wanted to do a stream where his girlfriend was going to learn to drive so he put her in a PSVR and she was doing okay for a while but then started complaining about nausea and then really seemed sick and he was just like 'keep going' and then finally she stopped and went while he strapped into the PSVR and zoned out into his own car driving world talking about subarus and what have you and then she was throwing up in the background wow and he was like "wow that really happened" the twitch chat was like "dude go help her!!!" and he put the headset back on and he's finishing the lap he's STILL DRIVING
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the fuck? I thought he was a cool guy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe im making it sound worse than it is he was like "you can stop if you want to" multiple times
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but not going to like console her when she was throwing up felt like an L
very stinky behavior yeah
or at least just taking a little pause to make sure she's good
then again, they know each other better than we do, so
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they do seem to be getting along fine now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she still seems real sick i know the feeling i tried to push through motion sickness before it suucks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1755029251 she throws up around 36 minutes in lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all i do during the week is think about the code that i want to write and then i actually write it during the weekend at least it feels that way
That's me with fiction I want to write Except by week it's more like ten years And I haven't hit the weekend yet
gonna spend like $1 per email sending out garbage mail that will land in the junk folder 99% of the time anyway, when I could get 5000 of them for the same price from some guy in Poland
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
$1 more like a fraction of a cent but not to send mail, to be my trauma dumpster
maybe that's why we're all hanging out on an anime message board.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
most of my old friends are married with children tbh kind of out of my life at this point and the rest are in america where i dare mot live again so i gotta build some new circles
Okay, well assuming you are or are younger than that. I find it weird that most of your friends would be married by that age. But maybe are demographics are just so different my experience is incomparable to yours.
>>1081333 If you're willing to compromise on headphone jacks, the 6a is the "budget" phone for its generation Google normally puts out a year or two after a generation release an A model which cuts back on some of the less phone-y features like cameras, to reduce the cost of the model If you can still find a 5a, I think you can get basically the same phone but with a marginally worse camera and maybe better battery life But generally with Pixel phones, unless you're really hankering for a top of the line phone camera or a phone with the absolute max in hardware you can get, the A models are usually cheaper and just as sufficient
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah there's a significant difference pricewise between the 6 and the 6a wow I thought it was gonna be a couple hundred max
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well it kind of is the trade up is wireless charging and some slight downgrades for the 6a
was dr pepper once a really sugary drink? I've got one here and it looks to be now a combo of sugar, aspartame and acesulfame potassium can't quite taste the difference I suppose
>>1081345 Dr. Pepper is somewhat famously an entirely chemically-engineered drink Like from the get go Pretty much nothing about it is "natural" as far as ingredients go
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1081349 that being said it's been around since the 1800s from a country famous for their sugary drinks while those sweeteners have only been around since the 1980s anyway according to the wiki >In August 2014, the UK version was reformulated, adding the artificial sweeteners Aspartame and Acesulfame K, which reduces the amount of sugar from 10.3 g per 100 ml to 7.2 g. In 2018, due to the Sugary drink tax implanted in the UK, the sugar was reduced to 4.9 g.
Lol. Holy shit Gura >Kiara: this bag looks like they took your sweater and made it into a handbag >Gura: that's not the worst thing they've made out of it
It's fun how unscripted they get to be in the entertainment segments
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1081378 Yeah. Very cheesy and a little bit of second-hand embarrassment with some of the improv But it's fun.
I also got a kick out of Ame zooming in for a close inspection of kiaras Dump Truck with the magnifying glass when she was presented with the opportunity
I also got a kick out of Ame getting kicked
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1081380 I'll bet you want Cali to stomp on you too you fuckin freak
tweeters really will be rting horny art of their favorite anime girls and then when someone they don't like says that the anime girl is attractive they immediately go "She's a child!" and that mf is about to be subjected to the single least self aware mob of dipshits since last time it happened
This video doesn't even make sense Once you finish the series, you necessarily know the solutions to all the puzzles, it's just about explicitly solved in its entirety by the end
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1081387 I know a huge Umineko fan who would probably disagree with you about that.
We're making an animated video for it, about Salome traveling. I'm in charge of photography. We're using real life images for backgrounds, so when we need a background, I go and take the photos.